Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 9,551 through 9,600 (of 16,657 total)

  • Good morning fellow-fasters everywhere:
    Emel, AO, RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Wee and CakeyWakey in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori, HealthCoachB and Sarah103 in USA
    DJ in Canada;
    Hello rest of the world you know who you are.

    RT, your beetroot relish sounds fantastic – will definitely give that a go. OH loves beetroot, as do I. Shameless scam of recipe? We all do it. Also love Coorong mullet but it has been a bit expensive of late at Cappos factory shop – I usually get the cheapest of Coorong mullet, silver (yellowfin) whiting or garfish. Also love Atlantic salmon but OH detests so occasionally stock up when on special and have in my Wednesday sandwich. Works out cheaper than canned fish, avoids any potential health issues associated with can linings and no rubbish to dispose of; win-win-win.

    Interesting calculations on weekly fasted hours – mine not as good because I only skip breakfast for 4 days/week, but still works out at 74 hours for repair.

    Hi comespring – good to hear from you. Agree, yesterday was just perfect. As you say, probably last hurrah of autumn; still warm today but cloudy with rain threatened.

    Jojo, too bad about the bowling bees. Glad to hear your walk went well, despite pain. Your dinner sounds yum. Funny about smells; I have no trouble fasting at work but have to avoid walking past the kitchen at lunch time – the smell of toast and coffee drives me wild.

    Haven’t heard from Lizzy for some time – hope everything OK.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xx

    Good morning all,
    Woke up at 5.30 am in pain, tossing and turning even with an electric blanket so eventually I gave up and decided to have breakfast of porridge and a cuppa. After a read and taking two anti-inflamatories I was able to get a little more sleep. I need at least 5 hours sleep if I am going to have an active day but admit I still feel drained this morning.

    I average three activities a day, 7 days per week, such as bowls, gym class and walking. Most of these are not ‘full on’ calorie burners due to health issues but they keep me on my feet for 5-6 hours per day. The exception is ballroom fitness which is very energetic for an hour on Mondays and Fridays. I don’t think any of this activity helps with weight loss but I enjoy both the social and ‘ toning’ physical benefits of exercise. Losing weight is only about cutting calories and eating healthily. I have always maintained that foods free from toxins and foods that promote healthy gut bacteria work more effectively that ‘eating convenience or processed foods’. Farmed salmon often has high toxin levels from clean water treatments so it is better to buy fish caught in the ocean such as sea bream, skate, cod. Sugar and carbs are now identified as the true health risk foods so these definitely need to be minimalised. Luckily for you chocoholics very dark chocolate(one square daily) is considered good for you.
    Fasting until dinner time now and saving weigh in for tomorrow but I don’t feel lighter and I can usually tell, very in tune with my body these days.
    Have a great day everyone, productive and healthy.
    Keep trying to do those 15,000 steps- 10,000 is just a maintaining level.

    Morning/evening all.

    Back into my routine this morning with the full gym workout. I’m taking the car so I can do some errands on the way home and stock up with fresh foods. It is a miserable morning with wet weather forecast which will mean an afternoon with a good book.
    Back to Tue, Thur, Sun fasting this week too. My clothes don’t feel any different so I can’t have gained much if anything, but I’m going to try to keep the calories down on non FDs to help me get back to 2lbs per week mode and get myself onto maintenance as soon as possible.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Great sentiments
    Personally I can’t wait for the day I can go on to maintenance.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey and Hello World (You know Who ARE) 😆
    Wow wow comespring step up to the stage and take a bow 24kg that is feeking awesome jojo nice to hear you have found the alexia of youth turned back the clock by 10 years you should bottle that and sell it a fortune awaits you I’m am very certain. I think everyone has a friend or college like your super woman forty looking sixty something year old who are really extra ordinary I have a few mates like that who after sheering sheep splitting wood fixing fences and of course playing in the B grade in the local footy after coaching the daughters netball in the morning servicing the car fixing the boat mowing Dads lawns cooking a weber building a pergola etc runs the auskick for junior football on Sundays still fit as a malley bull out the front running laps at footy training sort of George Clooney type of good looking rooster who did indeed end up with the hot looking chick what a coincidence I refer to these creatures as that guy who is just bloody good at being bloody good 😆
    Peace RT

    Evening/Morning all,

    Nicky you are so right about our sense of smell! I had a rolled leg of pork to roast yesterday(Sun) then postponed it til today after spending too much time yelling at the TV and watching my football team lose a nailbiter. This was not a wize decision as cooking it today on a Fast Day was torture! I managed to resist the crackling, the crispy baked spuds and the gravy and succeeded in just having a small serve of lean meat and lots of healthy veggies, but I am not sure it was worth it, having to smell it cooking for 2 hours prior! I feel like I have gained a kilo just by inhaling the smell! Hopefully another lesson learned….

    I hope your gym workout went well Amazon and there isnt too much stiffness tomorrow. And Jojo, I hope you sleep better tonight. The relief in my old knees has been incredible, now that I don’t carry a bag of cement around all the time.(husband’s description of my 17kg gone). And the biggest bonus is better sleep. I do hope you can get a definitive diagnosis soon.

    Weighing in the morning will tell if its possible to gain weight via our noses!
    Cheers xx

    Back from the gym. It was really enjoyable. For the first time ever, I burned 100 calories on the cross trainer which was very satisfying. Next time I’ll be raising the resistance, and doing an extra minute.
    I decided not to do any resistance work today as I’m planning to go to Pilates tomorrow, and I can do it afterwards.

    I had a nice swim followed by 10 minutes in the jacuzzi which always seems like a luxury to me!

    I then went to the supermarket and came home with lots of lovely fresh produce, English asparagus, English strawberries, peaches (alas not English) and lots of other green stuff. I found a bag of baby kale on the salad counter and am looking forward to trying it. I treated myself to some huge prawns which are on this evening’s dinner menu at chez Amazon 😛

    Morning all,

    Have all you Aussies stayed in bed in the cold? I am usually the LAST to post! I just wanted to share that a “healthy” roast does not interfere with a fast day and I did not gain calories by smelling them! 700g off from fast day yesterday and another PB. Inching down slowly. I know this weight will rebound after eating today but its still less than this time last week and will be lower again this time next week! Just need to be constantly alert as to what goes down the hatch!! I am afraid daily weighing is what keeps me honest. I know its not an accurate representation of actual weight, but its the closest thing there is for me.

    Have a great day/evening all xx

    Amazon I meant to say, the jacuzzi and the prawns both sound wonderful. Unfortunately no jacuzzi/spa where I swim. I have been thinking of trying a sauna – that would not involve much effort! I hate the heat, but if I followed it with a swim it could be pleasant? Any sauna fans around here?

    Good morning everyone

    Jojo, glad you could get a bit more sleep. I don’t know how you keep up the pace, just reading about all the things you do makes me want to lie down 🙂

    RT, what a great description of a million Aussie blokes who just keep on keeping on. Salt of the earth.

    Nama, it would have been nice to stay in bed. I was at work at 7am as usual but had to go to the horticultural staff meeting so this is the first chance to log in.

    Great news on the smell front 😉 , so encouraging to see such a dramatic loss. After yesterday’s fast the scales this morning down a similar amount and 500g off my pb. With another FD today and moderate eating tomorrow and Thursday. Also have hopes of another pb at weigh-in on Friday.

    Sadly, can’t comment on saunas, Jacuzzis or heated swimming pools as none within cooee of either work or home. All sound attractive for a winter activity.

    Amazon, glad no ill-effects from your gym visit. It’s lovely to have measurable evidence of our increasing fitness. Well done.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xx

    Nama wow racking up weekly PB’s is amazing i have no doubt the body shape and mirror image is reflecting positive energy very zen like congratulations to you yes AO i havnt seen her in 3 days i do hope all is well there ??

    Hi RT

    Our posts crossed. It must be time for smoko – I’m just going for mine.

    Hi Nicky spot on a bit of an inconvenience this work business can be hey 😉

    Thanks RT and well done back Nicky! Weekly loss just sounds a lot better to me phrased as ‘PB’! I have never been sporty, so never had the chance to use the expression. Most weeks I lose and if I don’t I usually know why! 5:2 works when you follow it!

    Well done, Nicky and Nama. PB each of you. 😆 champions today.

    I’m fasting and the weather is cold and grey. We had some welcome rain. Cleaning out my paperwork and the computing desk. Takes forever to dispose of paperwork, as it all gets read then filed or binned. Have eaten nothing all day. Am going to stop cleaning up and treat myself to a hot bowl of homemade vegetable soup.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    You’re right RT – work can be an inconvenience. Thank goodness for breaks.

    Agree Nama, 5:2 works and like you, when I don’t lose I well aware that it’s not 5:2’s shortcomings. Daily weighing keeps my honest 🙂

    Hot veg soup sounds yummy Bay. Am trying to hold off until 3pm for my boiled egg and orange. Stomach grumbling badly. Quiet at work today as I have done everything that was needed and some more besides. Maybe I’ll rearrange my desk … – needs a good cleanup.

    cheers, Nicky.

    Hi Everyone,
    Want to respond to everyones posts but I am off to bed. Comespring great job! where is Samm? Thinking about what works for me. I am still up 2 pounds and totally went over calories today. I need to go back to planning.. that seemed to work well. I big pot of veggie soup, like bay. is what I need.
    Night all.

    Enjoy your warming soup Bay! Best thing about cold weather is hot soup!

    Get onto it Sarah and make a huge pot so you can freeze a lot of it, then you will have a great back up plan. If you just use low calorie veg with lots of tomatoes and herbs for flavour it can be very filling for minimal outlay of calories. After mine is cooked and cooled, I blend about half of it smooth then add that back to the pot so there is a thick soup with chunks as well. No one believes its lo cal. If you add some corn and beans, its a meal in itself. I had a mug last night as roast was cooking and I am sure thats how I avoided baked spuds and gravy. The beans may be starchy but I think the fibre in them compensates for that!

    We are all missing you SAMM, hoping all ok with you and your family. Or have you gone away with Simco, he seems to have vanished lately too!

    Morning all,

    Well weekend away successfully navigated, although being ‘forced’ ( 🙂 ) to eat puddings has awoken my mostly dormant sweet tooth. There’s now a demon on my shoulder telling me to eat sugar today, but I’m not going back down that slippery slope. He can starve and wither away…until the weekend at least!

    Nama, good work on the weight and resolve! Pork crackling avoided! I bow down before you, respect!

    Nicky, congratulations also. You just keep chipping away at your weight, with no big song and dance! Quietly determined and committed. I hope you’re feeling the benefits and proud of what you’ve achieved so far, even though you aren’t yet at journey’s end.

    Well, time to start the day properly. No fasting today, just trying to ignore the sugar demon!

    Morning/evening all.

    Nama, I like the sauna and steam rooms, and I find sitting in the warmth after exercising very relaxing. It is usually the last thing I do before having my shower, but it would work well before a swim.
    When I was in the changing room yesterday after my workout, I got into a conversation about 5:2 as someone said she was doing it and she was struggling, and that the loss was slow. I said that it is slow but it works, and told them how much I have lost. One of the other women there said she would be worried about all the excess skin and then looked at me and said “but you don’t have any, you look good” and the others all agreed. I said that I believe that exercise is important for fitness and toning, but the fact that the weight comes off slowly helps the body to readjust IMO.
    When I walked through reception on my way out, the women doing 5:2 was talking to the staff and when she saw me said “here’s the lady who has lost all the weight” I have to reach goal and keep it off now as my secret is out!

    FD today, so I need to keep busy, and I have a long list of chores and errands so hopefully I’ll get most of them out of the way today.

    Isn’t AO away for a few days?

    Well done to those of you steadily losing, I aim to get back into that habit.

    Have a good day/ evening everyone.


    5:2 poster girl no less! People will be pointing you out in the street next 🙂

    And yep! No going back now!

    Good Morning All,
    Cloudy day here but woke up after 8 hours solid sleep( induced by pain killers) and feel great. I can’t remember the last time I got a full night sleep so I really appreciate the feeling. My energy levels have been shockingly low lately which ?I am sure is due to this fact. I am seeing a Doctor on Friday to get yet another referral. Trouble is I have no faith in the medical profession to diagnose and treat this long term problem which I believe is tendonitis. Surgery is probably the only solution.
    No weight loss today but not expected after pain killers, we will see if I can cope without them today.
    Bowls and Healthy a Heart Class at gym today. I frequently use both the steam bath and jacuzzi but not a fan of the sauna which gives me a sore throat. I sweat better with wet atmosphere than dry and that is the objective I guess.
    I have friends coming around tonight to play cards so I need to tidy and clean the flat today, I was hoping to spend some time in the garden but it is still a bit chilly especially as it is in the shade until lunchtime.
    I find it best to keep busy as I have a pretty low boredom threshold. Also having been a Nursery Teacher I am used to an active life, little ones don’t usually sit still for long. I have convinced two friends to join me at bowls so that will make it more enjoyable in the future. It’s nice to do things with friends rather than alone, especially sports.
    Nama – I too rely on home made spicy vegetable soup and process half of it, I make a vat weekly and freeze in bowls, but it is tough to eat without bread. I now use four bread sticks which seems to work well enough. I love to have some ‘crunch’ in my diet. I also eat some crackers with blue cheese on non fast days to improve my good bacteria in my gut. Fast days I have live natural yogurt. Here are very good arguments for good levels of good gut bacteria and effective weight loss.
    Amazon, you look great and I agree losing slow is better for skin. However my arms and apron will probably need surgery eventually. Luckily no stretch marks though, incredible isn’t it?

    Happynow- were you really ‘forced’ to eat puddings or ‘like me’ unable to resist. I indulged in bread pudding at bowls club yesterday and Sunday, it has always been my favourite, I hope they have run out of it by today.

    Sarah I am still 4 lbs up since my holiday, keep slogging away at it.

    Nicky F- for me no weighing means no fasting, I can convince myself of anything but the scales keep me focussed.
    Bay – my least favourite job is clearing out paperwork. If only we ditched it when it arrives throught the letterbox.
    RT – yes work is like a prison sentence, retirement is well worth the wait, I love it.
    Well done for ‘personal Bests’ , mine is at least a week away, hopefully before the end of May. Carrying on with ADF and 19/5.
    Good Luck everyone, keep moving.

    Good morning/evening all

    After crowing to everyone about how healthy I have been on 5:2, the lurgy has caught up with me. In bed feeling grim and achy with a nasty cough. Hey ho – it will pass, and at least the enforced rest means I can catch up on things here and dash off a few overdue emails.

    Amazon – what a tremendously fantastic ego boost! You have done brilliantly.

    Nama – what resolve you have! There is no way I could have resisted the crackling on the roast pork – fast day or non-fast day! I admire you tremendously. When you can say no to something you really love, it does give you such a virtuous feeling. I wish I could do it more often! I’m not feeling hungry with this bug, and I was going to have a fast day in any event.

    I postponed my usual Monday fast day as there were leftovers In the fridge from a dinner party on Sunday which just HAD to be eaten! There is still some rhubarb orange and ginger meringue pie left but OH is going to have to finish that up. Fortunately I just can’t face it. Like Happy, I don’t really have a sweet tooth and don’t crave sugary things, but once started……..enough said!

    RT – I think I’m going to emigrate……..!

    Have a good one all

    Smiffy x

    Hi jojo,

    I’d say in the first instance ‘forced’! As I have by and large lost my sweet tooth, and am pretty much added sugar free, and find it easy to refuse sweet treats when I’ve been abstaining from sugar.

    Dad had made the cheesecake though, so it would have been rude to not even try it!

    But then, having tried it, ‘unable to resist’ kicked in. It took a monumental effort not to have seconds (I was already very full!) and I was tempted several times the day after to eat it straight from the fridge. If I’d been at home I probably would have, but it was Dad’s house and Dad’s cheesecake, so I resisted until it came out for pudding the second night…

    Hi everyone, not been in here for a couple of days, so busy at work and so tired when I get home. Trying to keep up with posts but so many just can’t at the moment.

    Not feeling 100% again, just hope it’s nothing nasty and just from being tired.

    Hi all,

    Smiffy & AO – sorry to hear you are both under the weather. Smiffy: stay in bed and AO: Get to bed! Rest is the best cure when our bodies succumb to bugs. AO you may only be tired, but you will soon be sick if you don’t get some rest…I have a feeling you are one of those people who do too much for others. Also, have a handful of Vit C, the best boost your immune system can get. Sorry, once a nurse always a nurse…

    I am going bra shopping tomorrow (look away RT), first time for years I need SMALLER ones! A girl needs to look after what she has got, dont want boobs down to my knees when I am 80 thankyou!

    Happy I may have resisted the pork crackling and roast spuds, but if there was a cheesecake within these walls it would be gone – for breakfast if necessary. Your Dad must be a great cook! And how he must have loved having you for a weekend. Yes Smiffy I did feel virtuous, but some days our determination is stronger than others isnt it? I make up for it by being wicked plenty of times!!

    Jojo there is so much interesting stuff coming out about gut bacteria, obviously there is a whole world in there that needs to be explored. Just like our previous belief that bread was the ‘staff of life’, I think new research will result in a revolution of our ideas around ‘good’ vs ‘bad’ foods. I saw a documentary a few months back where people with nasty diseases like Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis were getting dramatic improvements with “Poo” transplants. I am not joking, they actually had donated matter in a blender and were giving patients an instant dose of healthier bacteria with amazing results. Not a field I would choose to work in!

    Amazon you have done it now! How lovely to impress all your fellow gym bunnies. I am sure you have unintentionally inspired some of them too, when they see the real life results you have achieved!

    Take care all, especially Smiffy & AO,
    Cheers xx

    Hi AO, sorry to hear that you are under the weather, you must be chronically tired as you have such a busy life. I hope you can find time to rest and feel better soon.
    Smiffy, sorry you’ve got the lurgy, get well soon.

    It is great when others make nice comments, especially when they’ve not seen you before and have nothing to compare with. It has cheered me up and made me more determined.

    Jojo, my upper arms are not so hot but I think they’ll tone up a bit as I continue to exercise and I’m not going to worry about how anything else looks until I’ve been on maintenance for a while as it is my understanding from those who are maintaining that the body continues to shrink for a while.

    I am trying to silence the hunger dragon so need water, coffee and something to do for a couple of hours. I suppose I’m going to have to give in and do some housework 🙁

    I make my own yoghurt and as a result eat much more of it than I used to and my digestive system is much healthier than it used to be. I suffered from IBS for several years and was always getting stomach bugs.

    I love cheese and any excuse to eat blue cheese is good enough for me 😛

    Hi All,
    Just back from bowls, terrific game with really fun bunch of guys. They think I am a bit of a force to be reckoned with because I am an offensive rather than defensive player. I am looking forward to being skip and even club president one day. There is no stopping this gal, watch out boys. Ha ha!
    The sun is shining for a short while so I am going to spend a couple of hours in the garden before the predicted hailstones arrive, cancelling gym, too nice to be indoors.
    Not fasting today but 19/5, soup for lunch and looking forward to prawn salad tonight.

    Keeping the steps down to 5,000 on non fast days now so I need less pain killers. Bowls and dog walking takes care of that number of steps. Surprising how few steps you take in bowls considering you are walking up and down each end played. Lucky if it reaches 2,500 steps.

    Get well Smiffy and AO – rest is the key plus Vitamin C. Nama you are spot on and remind me that I must eat an orange a day to keep the Doctor away. I am facinated by scientific research into diet and healthy foods, it is the way forward for sure. I wouldn’t be surprized if we all end up with one meal per day and one snack as national healthy eating approach. It will be goodbye to 3 square meals per day.

    Happynow- yes social eating is the bugger that led me to + 9 lbs. guess I need to become a hermit.
    I really think this thread would make a good film, who would you chose to play your part? I choose Emma Thompson. Now who could we have for RT and Samm?

    Jojo I think our Rouge Trader would like to be depicted by Leonardo Dicaprio as in the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” and SAMM might like to be Humphrey Bogart as in The African Queen. I would be happy to be Katharine Hepburn in the same movie! We need Hermaj back to write us a script…

    Ha ha – love the idea of a film based on the thread. I see RT played by Russell Crowe and SAMM by Harrison Ford. I see myself as an Emma Thompson type, Jojo being played by Jennifer Saunders and Amazon by Victoria Wood. You’re right, Nama, we definitely need Hermaj for the script and perhaps Purple as director as she is so organised!

    I’ve been out in the garden between showers planting some new perennials plus Busy Lizzies and Nemesias. I needed to replace a couple of shrubs in tubs at the front of the house that didn’t survive the winter. It was a dry winter and I didn’t give them enough water. It looks good out there now, I have a trough filled with grasses and dark red geranims and trailing verbena plus some pots with a selection of annuals, lavender and a huge cordyline which is a very dark plum rather than green. I must give them all plenty of water.
    I’ve also planted more annuals and a couple of flowering perennials in the nack garden to fill a few spaces, and it is looking good. The dwarf lilacs look and smell wonderful. Please can I have a warm and dry day soon so I can sit outside Smiley

    Smiffy, Victoria Wood is perfect, she’s lost lots of weight and kept it off 😉

    Gosh Amazon you are a braver gardener than me – or is it because you are further south? I spent most of Friday and yesterday in the greenhouse potting up loads of geraniums, petunias and lobelia for the patio pots and tubs. I bought them as plugs a few weeks ago and they were desperate to be moved on, but I wouldn’t dare put them out until the end of May. I’m glad I did it because of feeling so rough today and good though OH is, I’m not sure I could trust him to give them the amount of water they needed! Like you, I’m praying for a spell of nice warm weather, without this persistent wind.

    My garden is small and sheltered so planting stuff out now is fine. The front is not a garden just a small space between the front of the building and the boundary wall so it is also sheltered.
    I usually plant summer bedding out earlier but haven’t had time to think about it until now. It is looking good already as there are lots of plants in bloom, dwarf lilac, lavender, ceanothus and several other flowering shrubs and perennials, and one of my hardy fuschias is already covered in buds.

    Snap Amazon, I have been planting geraniums and busy Lizzies too, that it until I got pelted by hail stones the size of golf balls, yet the sun still shining, mad weather. Poor dogs squeeled and ran to the door. But I refuse to be beaten, still bright so I am heading out again after my cuppa and salad.

    Seriously Smiffy I am more of a Dawn French even now, I will post a photo on Facebook to prove it tomorrow. I actually dyed my hair black five years ago just to attend a fancy dress as the Vicar of Dibly. I had some interesting offers that night. Mostly people were after my chocolate stash though.

    How about we post some garden pictures when everything in bloom!

    I’ve finished gardening now and have just had my FD dinner of veg and chick pea curry.
    I’m pleased to have got through a FD. I know it’s only 4:30pm but once I get this far I know it’ll be fine.

    I have been in the garden all day. I never would have thought it possible to be able to do such hard physical work for 4 whole days. I have finished making the two raised beds. I have planted dahlias, gladioli and peonies in newly made flower beds. I have planted potatoes and strawberries. I have sown beans, peas, corn in eggshells for germination. Then I raked the 2000sq metre field for mulch.
    Sorry to hear you are unwell, Smiffy and AO.
    What are busy Lizzies?
    Yes I like Russell Crowe to play RT. I think Jo Brand could play me, maybe.
    Yes the news about stomach flora and fauna are interesting. I went out and bought some yoghurt and sauerkraut after reading some articles.
    I discovered after cooking a meal for friends on Sunday, that deviating from the usual tucker made me extra hungry the next day. It was a few too many empty carbs, I think. Or maybe because I am a labourer at present!
    xx Wiwi

    Hi Wiwi,
    the proper name is Impatiens.
    You have been busy, and you must be so pleased with your higher level of fitness, but don’t overdo it!

    Hello ‘dear friends’ as I have come to regard you as I have been reading your posts over the last 3 months; I decided I wouldn’t post until I had read EVERYTHING!
    What a lovely group of people, perhaps invidious to single any one person out, but Jojo, your integrity shines out.
    I have been doing this way of eating for 3 months now. I have taken a fairly relaxed approach as needing to lose about one and a half stones. Not that much compared to some, but my waist/hip ratio is poor. Very pleased to say I have lost 12 lbs in 3 months. Like many of you I never believed I could go without food for longer than 4 hours so it has been a revelation.
    I retired in January after 40 years in social work, a job that positively forces one at times into comfort eating!
    I am temporarily living in Surrey with my not exactly OH more NP ie New Partner. I was divorced 10 years ago and at the ripe age of 60 I met my soulmate. I met him online and can recommend the process, don’t believe all the negative hype about it.
    Will write more as and when but just wanted to say Hi.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey and Hello World (You know Who You) 😉
    Smiffy I fully understand we aussie fella’s are quite unique 😆 I have a number of 40-50 year old bachelors mates who depict the scenario and who are on the land and who are eligible. Russell Crowe alright things are definitely looking up for me now chucks thanks heaps 😉 AO glad your back on the line 😉 but you do seem to have just the gear engaged all of the time namely flat out no time at all to smell the roses at the moment 😥 Jojo I have another 18 years work sentence before the retirement unless something miraculous happens and I have raised that point about one meal a day before and I think over time that will simply unfold and present itself as a fast day being the norm. Nama thankyou so much Leonardo I don’t want to say it but as casting director you are the bomb 😉 do I comment on bra shopping hmmm of course you go girlfriend get a colour set that match is my recommendation.
    Our company is being audited by our overseas customers from importing countries on our process and production till Friday and it’s a routine procedure really and yet everyone seems to change while their team of representative’s are on site so I may be a little quieter than usual but the fast life will continue I can assure you all. I do like both Nama and Nicky’s comment that 5-2 works and if you don’t lose you usually know why that is a great “Affirmation” of this way of life right there fast trackers. Ok early start today y-fee did change the bed linen yesterday and the flannelette sheets and pillow cases are so soft and cuddly hard to get up and go.
    Peace RT

    “There is nothing else you can do to your body that is as powerful as fasting”

    I just happened to be passing – won’t take my coat off, I’m not stopping – and am flattered that some kind people think I could write a script for a 5:2 Forum movie, However, I should warn you that because of the type of projects I’ve been involved in recently my writing style has changed considerably and therefore the screenplay might well, as they tell you on the telly, “contain violence and strong language”.

    Also you couldn’t have a true to life movie of the forum without including some of the nutters and weirdos who at times have made life on here less than pleasant for some of us but have now happily disappeared into the ether.

    On the subject of upper arms, as the possessor of truly repellent bingo wings, my feeling is not to obsess about such things. Do as I do, cover the buggers up! Simples!

    Ha ha Hermaj – we would need a bit of spice and shock factor, so you sound just the person – as long as you wrote it in English! Lol! As for the nutters and weirdos – Helena Bonham-Carter springs to mind – she’s good at those parts – and I’m sure a few more names can be thrown into the mix by others here!

    Hi Folks,
    I am still around!
    It’s been nearly impossible for me to catch up with all my social networking and emails.

    After a handful of guests in Florida, driving back, opening and cleaning the house (didn’t finish yet) I couldn’t simply do my fasting. It’s is horrible when you see all you pounds back plus more. My life is like that… always lot’s of obstacles believe me.

    Yesterday I put my scale away, did my FD and cooked Dahl – rice and beans (Indian dish) roughly for my 500 calories. I will meet my scale again maybe once a week if not… will see.

    Here in Connecticut I know more people and I belong to a Gym! Yesterday I walked Sasha plus house chores, today I was 30 minutes at the elliptical machine followed by 55 minutes of Yoga. Tomorrow I will do the elliptical plus pilates. The next FD is schedule for Friday.
    The weather is beautiful up here right now and I see down under is getting cold just like Brazil… mother is complaining already about the cold nights.

    Wishing you all “happy losing” and sorry to have missed the interaction of the group.


    Sorry still not posting much . ……………………………………………………………………………..Just a wee update on Jims cataract op . Had to phone the hospital ophthalmology department this morning as Jims eye was quite bad . not sore but like looking through water and then a curtain coming down over the eyes and like spider floaters . they told us to come straight there . Takes about 30 minutes . The surgeon explained that the first lens they tries was split and the second one popped out so they had to make a new shelf or something then something else ..result is there is still a bit of a lens there that shouldn’t be , he was really lovely and explained everything . He said it was settling in OK though other wise and that he hoped the body would absorb it . It could take quite some time though . he said if it didn’t then they MIGHT have to operate again . We have to go back on Friday again so they can do more tests . I feel a bit less anxious now because we know now what to expect . Quite scary when you don’t know what’s happening xxxxxxxx.

    I have been doing a wee bit of comfort eating . Eating all the right things but a wee bit more than normal . Not getting upset about it as I now know what to do . Thanks for being there all you lovely people xxxxx

    We feel a lot better just knowing what is happening . We now know what to expect ,he said it could take months but our imaginations were running riot . It was far better to be able to understand what was going on . he is quiet and he never complains and he didn’t want to worry me xx.

    Hi Gowergirl,

    Congratulations on the weight loss and finding your soulmate!

    Are you originally from Wales or a cricket fan?!


    So sorry to hear OH’s op hasn’t gone entirely to plan. Fingers crossed it resolves without further surgery.

    When you say you’ve been doing a wee bit of comfort eating, is that ice cream by any chance…? Or is that only for celebrations… 🙂

    Hermaj/ Smiffy,

    Thinking of no one in particular, but a theoretical forum contributor who might cause disharmony… I’m not really ‘feeking’ Helena B-C I’m afraid. I am thinking more Kathy Bates (Misery) or Miriam Margolyes…?

    You’re right Happy – they would fit the bill perfectly!

    Good morning all

    Good to hear from you Wee, but sorry to hear Mr Wee’s eyes not recovering as expected. Hoping for a better result this time around.

    Welcome Gowergirl and well done on your loss. You’ve come to the right place, as you’ve probably already discovered, for support, encouragement and some rib-tickling – although many of us are still struggling to find those 😉

    Happy, thank you for your kind words. You’re right in that I have found that quiet resolve and persistence with 5:2 is what works for me. Hoping that my bingo wings especially (I hear you Hermaj) will eventually catch up if I do it gradually and also wanting to get some more wear out of the previously archived smaller sizes as my weight crept up over the years. Have my size 12 Levi 501s hanging in a prominent place to hopefully wear again before my 70th birthday next year, making it 20 years since I put them on last.

    Pleased to report net loss of 0.3kg this week, resulting in new PB BMI=29.5 and total for the month of 3.2kg (7lbs). My collarbones have now clearly emerged from the flab. Happy bilby indeed!

    Thank you all for making this thread such a supportive place to share our triumphs and lesser moments.

    Take care and keep up the good work. n xxx

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