how much over 500 cals can i go before wrecking my fast day?

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how much over 500 cals can i go before wrecking my fast day?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I read on here from Dr you can go a bit over but only a certain amount of cals before the day is spoiled. Can t find that again – please please could someone quote that figure? No disrespect but I don’t want to adopt an attitude of ‘a bit over won t hurt’ – I need to be as bang on the money as possible. so what did the doc say please?

    The is no magical amount. Basically Dr MM adopted and mixed and matched the work of Valter Luongo and Krista Varady. MM thought that most people could manage to do 1/4 of your TDEE. So use the “resources” section to calculate your TDEE and then eat 1/4 of that on your fast days. Please bear in mind that the figure of a 1/4 of TDEE is not some scientifically derived number, its just a number that MM thought was do-able by most people. I actually do a water only fast on my fast days as I find it easier to do rather than counting calories, which I attempted to do for the first two weeks and then just couldn’t be bothered any more. For me, not eating on my fast days was actually easier.

    thanks BB x I don’t want to be too reckless but also as you say, don’t want my life to be consumed by over stressing things. My TDEE is 1540 so I had planned to do 500 on a fast day and 1000 on a food day giving me 500 in my pocket on food days if I felt like having a bit more. Really appreciate you advice BB, thank you 🙂

    Hi, I stick to 500 cals on FDs using a calorie tracking App on my mobile – just as a reality check. I know it’s probably not 100% accurate but keeps me aware of high/low calorie foods/portion sizes. I just stop eating when I have no more calories to spend. I can also look back to see which foods made me feel better and which ones didn’t. I find this helps me to slowly change my overall diet. As I’m eating less I also choose as many organic foods as I can to maximise their nutritional impact. I do allow myself less healthy treats, they are just becoming more of a rarity now! Hope this helps xx

    Hi, ammette. I use 600 calories, even though I am a female. Been doing this for 4+ years with good results. you will lose weight faster with 5oo calories, but 600 is not a game-ender.

    Hi, ammette! I wasn’t sure what you meant by calories “to put in your pocket”. You have to be sure you are not deliberating making up for fewer calories on fast days with more calories on non fast days. We shouldn’t compensate or you will wind up treading water going nowhere! Good luck!

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