hi. looking for a buddy or buddies to do this with. females only please.

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hi. looking for a buddy or buddies to do this with. females only please.

This topic contains 556 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • @yazcat hunger comes in waves, don’t you find? so if you feel ravenous, have a glass of water or hot drink and think about something else, do something else, then… it will go… even when it comes back it will go. in the morning when you wake, you will feel so much better. i fond i don’t want to eat til hours after i get up the day after a fast x

    does anyone find this 5,2 malarky changes their bathroom habits? 🙂

    i just realized how the title of this thread could be misconstrued… 😉

    Hi I am willing to do it with you, I am 150 pounds overweight and I need a sensitive person that is understand to also help me get into this, I just went through hurricane matthew and finally trying to get myself pulled together to help myself. Please let me know .. Thank you.

    @minnygirl I am in TX and I’m right there with you. People here think I’m crazy if I tell them I’m doing 5:2, my husband included. However, after I made him watch the documentary and read the book, he changed his attitude. I actually just avoid telling people except my immediate family. I have come to realize when I socialize, it usually has to do with food and or drinks. I don’t know if I can convince my friends to hang out and share some celery with me- ugh.

    @whyamisoshy – I might written up at work if someone saw the title of this thread! haha

    Welcome Cathy46, hope all your family were safe through the hurricane

    Bathroom habits? Not after a fast day as I eat porridge, protein and veg so that keeps me regular but yes, twice on a non FD I’ve had a moderate sized bar of chocolate that has then gone right through me…

    Didn’t do so well on yesterday’s fast but hadn’t made a firm decision what to eat in the evening and then was a bit anxious over something so ended up adding sauce and grated cheese to my meal

    Hey ho, just keep swimming as Dory tells us….

    @annabar. I think I will let my success speak for itself. When I’m down 10-15 pounds and people notice, that’s when I’ll confess. Lol

    On that note….yippee!! I finally lost weight. After 1 1/2 weeks today I’m down 3 pounds. I feel pretty good! Thanx ladies, in order for me to do this, I need a check in spot. Somewhere to go daily to get new motivation. You are it for me !! 😊

    welcome @cathy46 🙂

    Welcome @cathy46
    Chin up @katab write it off and start again 😊 I’ve done the same thing too

    oh bum! it just erased my post. grrrrrr

    Yes, Monday is another day….

    I’ll do this with you! I just joined today and decided to make today the first fast day (no time like the present) I guess! Wondering if I’ll get to the end of the day on the calories I have remaining….hmm.

    welcome @diamonddazzle!

    i think i messed up another fast day. so i think i am going to eat half of what i normally eat tomorrow and sort of make it up like that, though i know its not the idea cos FASTING is not about calories only. but life isn’t perfect and i am in a very rough patch, so i am doing my best. happy with things so far.

    you know what my problem with this is? truthfully? it’s too easy. WHERE IS THE HARDSHIP, THE CATCH? there isn’t any.

    so i keep pushing back boundaries that need to be left alone for 100% success. x

    Welcome diamonddazzle and hopefully you stayed the course on your fast day. As he tells us in the book and I keep telling myself, it’s only one day, you can eat normally tomorrow.
    Having said that the other night on a FD I put bread in the toaster and then went to the loo while it was toasting and decided to ignore so it was still there the next morning. But I told myself, it’s only until the morning now, only until the morning, you won’t die of starvation, it’s only one day…and fortunately that kept me on track…that day. Every FD I need to stay on track

    Why…..just pick yourself up and start again your next FD…you’ll get there…

    hi @katab yeah i know, its all so… that word again…. weird!

    re toaster incident, i do that sort of thing then the next day…i find i dont actually want it, so either it was false hunger, or its false satiety!

    Good willpower @katab with the toast incident, I too really like the way 5:2 is keeping me on track. I’m on a winning streak and lost a few pounds this week and just hopes it last.
    To stop my bad habits i tried 16:8 – so far so good.
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend ❤

    @missj2002 what is a 16:8?

    i have found a fast day isnt a day at all. its moe like a day and a half!about 8pm til not 8 pm but in fact about 8 am. swizz!

    @whyamisoshy 16:8 is another type of intermittent fasting, 16 hours (including sleep) and eating for 8hrs during the day… you don’t count calories but it should go along with low carb/healthy eating.
    I may do most weekends for a bit but will most definitely find the low carbs a challenge…

    Yea 5:2 is approx 36hrs according to the book but a large portion of that is sleeping thankfully.

    Is it 36 hours? I have breakfast approx 0800 depending on my work, then eat about 6pm and try not to have anything until the next morning. I currently have an apple at lunch as suggested, I do a lot of driving so it helps me to feel I’m still concentrating because I’ve eaten something at lunchtime.
    16:8 sounds complicated (there was me thinking it was 8 fast days within a 16 day period!!!) but we all have different ways of making the fasting principle work for us…I can really overthink things so try and keep it simple for myself…my engineering friends would go into all sorts of ratios and hours and statistics because they love that sort of thing!!

    Yea it is approx 36hrs as you count from the last time you eat the night before your FD…. the great Dr Mosley probably explains it better than me –


    I like to keep things simple too and doing anything other than 5:2 on my working week will fuzzle my brain. For 16:8 I ate between 12pm and 8pm, I want it to be a weekend thing but we will see.

    Well ladies, I’m approaching the end of my first week. Technically it doesn’t end until tomorrow morning but I got weighed this morning and had lost 3lbs ( I’ll take that!!).
    It’s not a fasting day today but I haven’t eaten yet as one of my daughters and her family are coming over for a meal this afternoon. I had to buy a few little treats for the children ( well that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it ) so I might have to indulge just a little. I am also planning to have a glass or 2 of vino and I am not going to feel guilty at all.
    Have a good weekend all xx

    @cazzled. never feel guilt. it adds 1000 cals to every bit of whatever it is you’re having ie. glass of wine! fact. enjoy!!!!!!! i nearly got to anorexia thru guilt. let it go… its a crappy emotion, girl!

    so, i am fasting tomorrow. good. look forward to it. i am trying 5 fruit and veg and a fibre supplement and a stool softener. when i ‘go’ i always lose 2 pounds, just out of interest.

    so, 8 pounds in two weeks. unbelievable. i just cant believe it!
    even if its a pound a week from now i will be happy. a downward trend.

    ps. an unheard of phenomenon happened last night. i was so hungry cos i ate early (about 9pm) and it was about 2.30 am and i was rumbling away and so i had a few plain biscuits and i brought in a couple of 150g bars of choc… and didn’t eat them??? i thought about it. put them back in the fridge un opened.
    INCREDIBLE! i just said to my OH- “who could ever have believed this would happen?” i don’t think it can be this diet. it must be a change of meds i just am going thru. well, they did gain me 45 pounds ver fast when i went ON them. maybe its starting to come off now after 23 years and in fact i am losing a pound a week doing this 5,2. either way, good. and about time!

    love to all my troopers:-) proud of you all. x

    Amazing and inspiring, to see how the basic principles can be adapted to fit anyone, lifestyle and character, which I think is the real winner in this technique.
    Another FD tomorrow, ever onwards and upwards….

    @katab. i use you as an example to follow. just for the record x


    Actually, anyone have creative ideas for tomorrow’s tea…have tuna, cauliflower and carrot (& onion) as won’t get to shops until Tuesday.
    Any ideas?

    is tomorrow a FD x

    @missj 16:8 sounds great not sure if I’m disciplined enough to dare try it.

    @cazzled enjoy having your family over and don’t feel guilty this is the beauty of the 5:2.

    @why well done with the loss so far. Keep going! Good luck for tomorrow’s fast.

    @katab you could make this with the tuna and cauliflower
    If you improvise a bit. Good luck with your fast.

    Today was my fast day and I’ve done pretty well. I had a cup of tea in the morning then nothing until about 1.00pm when I had some low cal noodles
    Then a Rachel’s rice pudding at about 5.30 with a couple of cups of tea and coffee dotted around across the day.
    Over all I am within 500 cals and I’ve got a decent fast in at the beginning and end of my fast day. I find if I eat early I’m hungry during the day so I’m better waiting until at least 10 before eating then trying not to have anything else after 6pm.

    hey… lol… sometimes i think its better that i sleep more than anyone i know in the world!
    i went to bed really very hungry indeed and woke up 10 hours later hungry, but nothing like as hungry.

    Thank you yazcat… Actually I’ve got some soup makes up the 250 cals for my evening so I may have that instead.
    Yes, FD tomorrow… 🙂

    In the book he says you won’t be hungry at night but I don’t sleep,as well on FD…maybe it is hunger although my stomach isn’t rumbling… Hey ho, just one day….

    just one day… me too… tomorrow… right here with ya’ll x

    ok so… its 14 09… had 250 cals, rest of day is soup. but a really good multi veg one. hope you are all doing well. tell me how you are. any good news. any challenges… i care 🙂

    Hello from Canada. I just discovered the 5:2 diet last week. Doing my first FD today. Would love to join the group if still possible.
    I live in Toronto. I’m a mom of 2 young kids and want to get healthy on the inside and lose about 10kg.
    I’m very excited to embark on this new journey to better health!

    I did make it through the first day (Friday). I had saved enough calories to have a protein shake which was very filling. The hunger did seem to come and go like everyone said so thanks for all the great posts. Today is another FD and now that I’ve read more, I have a plan for dinner tonight which is so odd (that I have a plan…not that dinner is odd :o). Our lives are so busy I don’t even have to tell hubs and kids what I’m doing. They’ll never even notice. After the first FD, I was down 2 lbs. Probably water but scale has not budged in weeks. So whatever it is, its a nice change.

    welcome @skinbetty!

    Welcome to the newbies

    FD today but been really hard…usually I am on the road but working on my laptop from home and that has made the day very long and made the hunger seem more…shows you how much being busy helps me but how being at home increases my chances of snacking

    Just had my soup and actually do feel quite full…have some banana in hand as back up….

    Thanks @katab!

    Welcome newbies

    Been struggling today as I’ve been working from home and usually I’m out on the road and busy but I’ve also been peeing for Australia so that is keeping me motivated…I hope that means it’s working…

    It’s the fat melting away @katab 😉

    It’s my FD today, not too bad of a day but walking home from work did me in… roll on weigh day tomorrow…

    Yes, and the peeing reminds I’m doing ok and helps me resist temptation but still…..it’s like being menopausal all over again!!!

    Hi ladies, I’m right in the middle of a fast day and I gotta tell you…. I’m hungry! I’m stressed, which makes me want to eat. I’m cooking, which makes me want to eat. It’s gloomy out, which makes me want to eat. Do you get the picture? I just want to eat…..

    But I won’t! Dinner in a few hours and then nothing until tomorrow! That’s all!!!!

    Hey ladies, I’m new to 5:2. This seems like an awesome group. Actually, I am hoping to find a WhatsApp or texting buddy, someone to motivate me and vice versa, especially on those fast days. Just a friendly sympathetic text here and there would go a long way … anyone interested?

    welcome @bugabuy!
    this IS an awesome group… really great people on here. i guess i just attract em like a magnet ehehheheheeheh 😉

    well for me, fast day yesterday, no troubles, was nice to start the day with a hot chocolate made from real chocolate, really bitter, with a chocolate croissant, yumyum.

    i had the most gorgeous 12 veg soup yesterday, i cant tell you. then we added butter beans (or similar) so good. just soo good. he has it with half a loaf, i have it without. simple.

    today i have having bbq’d aubergine and zucchini and then broccoli, spinach on the side. at about 6pm. then at about 9pm i am having 2 or 3 slices of his 15 inch huge superb wafer thin italian pizza ( piizzeria is across the road from our door)- it will be margherita then he will add salami and chips on his bits ( that sounded rather rude) yes. that is how they love them. and actually, they are really nice that way. another really nice pizza i have only tried once but it was superb is nutella (which they have on everything. it is that delicious. ultra thin, bendy then thicker toward the outer crust and more doughy crispy pizza bread with warmed nutella on top. traditionally they cut a piece and bend it in half long ways and eat it with no cutlery. yum!

    anyhow, sorry… i went off on a fantasy. the point is… aren’t we all doing well. you are all stars. and i really look forward to see how we do long term. i don’t mean eight wise. i mean attitude wise and keeping our peckers up as we get close to goal.


    @minnygirl come on honey, you can do this. you know how strong you are… i am right there. with you.

    @katab i really am not noticing that at all. i wonder why. and if i sis at the start i certainly have not been for ages. … driving and weeing all the time… hon, not a good combo! feel for ya!

    @diamonddazzle 2lb! there ya GO then! wo hoo for yoo hoo! lovin it! x

    @yazcat don’t faint but this week i am doing a 4:3. you know, just to see if it kills me! haha

    well i must say, its not the fast days i have an issue with its the next days. i feel a bit weak, fragile, tearful… i think it should wear off…i know he says something about after 12 fasts it should get as if you don’t notice it, but on fast days i am fine but today i feel wobbly, not in a good way. thirsty too. x
    anyone get any of this, i think its referred to in the book… tired too!

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