Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,912 replies, has 831 voices, and was last updated by  Intesha 1 day, 8 hours ago.

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  • Happy dreams of pink and purple tulle fluttering by with some muscley calves held aloft by cute pale pink point shoes……gotta smile Tim!

    Hi Many101, Jaksee, Aitchbeee, Hennym Mumoffour and Kerpid. A warm welcome from the only male who seems to to be fool enough to post and is older enough to be your grandfather.
    As you will have already read if you stick with 5:2 I promise you, you will see the results your after.
    Do use the ” Tracker ” at the top of this page on the right its a record and great yardstick. Also remember 5:2 is WOL i.e. Way of Life or as I say it Whole of Life.


    Hi there! I’m a freshie, also in Canberra. Today was day one of fasting for me (I’m doing Tuesdays and Fridays) and so far I actually haven’t found it that difficult.
    There was perhaps 3 times where I was hungry enough to be consciously aware of it and that gnawing hunger dissipated pretty quickly.
    I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m a bit sick, having picked up a lurgy over the weekend. But if it’s going to make the first day easier I’m all over that haha.

    I’m a pretty active person really, I run anywhere between 12 and 20km a week (not all at once, do me a favor haha) and otherwise run around after two young brats and one older one. Hubby counts as a brat, right?
    I’ve had great success with dieting in the past using different methods. Shake diets worked well for me when my determination would fail, because I didn’t have to think about what I was going to eat or when. I had no choice in the matter.
    I then went to calorie counting which has kept me where I am for the last few years but unfortunately it seems that no matter what I do I can’t drop those last 5kg.
    So that’s pretty much me, trying the next new thing. 5:2 seems logical to me, especially as I eat fairly health conscious meals most of the time anyway. I want to lose those last 5kg… Which is actually currently 6-7kg as I gained a lot after eating silly things over the weekend. But I think with summer coming up, this is the perfect time for me to get my mojo back and hopefully feel good about myself by the time the warm weather rocks around.

    Hi, thanks for welcome and encouragement. We both made it thorough the day without too many dramas. Ended up having boiled eggs with spinach, grilled tomato and mushroom for dinner. It tasted amazing. Still a bit hungry now but I doubt I will have any probs going to sleep. Next challenge will be a run in the morning which I usually do before breakfast but after requisite coffee. Should be ok. Am surprised after using measurement tracker my waist measurement indicates I am n danger zone even though my bmi is normal – around 22-23 I think. Next challenge is Thursday when I have dinner catchup with friend so will need to try and go all day without food but looking forward to eating as normal tomorrow. Tnx again!!

    Hi IHAW

    I have a relative with IBS and was wondering if there was any other aspect (other than the actual fasting ) to how you approached 5:2 that may have had an impact on your IBS.

    For instance, did you change the type of food you ate? Did you change the time of day you ate? From your success, I have to assume you changed portion size and total amount eaten. Any help you can give would be much appreciated.

    Any other hints before I approach my relative to see if they want to try the 5:2. Thanks in advance.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi everyone. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and finally decided to write my own. I started the 5:2 in June. My scales are friendly but on them I have gone from 57.5kgs to 54kgs since I started. (I’m sure I am a lot more on anyone else’s scales)
    I fast on Mon and Thurs most weeks. Sometimes switch Thurs for Wed if I have a function. This is the first diet I’ve ever stayed on for over 2 months. I am actually really enjoying it.
    Thanks for the continued inspiration of your posts.

    Hi Bay,
    I think the only obvious thing I changed , apart from taking up 5:2 was to chew on the odd raw carrot when I got the mid afternoon cravings. The sudden cessation of my IBS was an unexpected but very pleasant side-effect of this way of life, (as well as not snoring anymore, after I’d lost about10 kilos)

    I looked at some of the other forums and found that IBS was often mentioned as reducing or stopping, maybe it’s something to do with the rest the g.i.tract gets when fasting, and it’s positive effect on reducing inflammation and repairing the cells that aren’t behaving normally? Maybe there’s more mentioned on other sites, I haven’t looked in a while.

    Whatever the reason, I’m so happy it stopped. 25 years of IBS without effective treatment, was too long and arduous. It may help your relative, and unless he or she is underage, pregnant or has an eating disorder, I’d definitely say give it a go….what is there to lose? And it just might help!

    Curing your IBS….now that has to be worth dancing for!
    Go ihaw. P 🙂

    Morning all, morning IHAW,

    just had to pop in with a little quote I found on a Dutch woman’s blog that I follow. It reminded me of you immediately.

    While I dance I cannot judge,
    I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself from life.
    I can only be joyful and whole.
    That is why I dance.
    Hans Bos.

    Joy to you as much as you give to us 🙂

    PS I’m so impressed with your relief from IBS. How fantastic!


    Good morning all SH fast(ing) friends!

    Such good news IHAW about your IBS. I developed Crohn’s Disease in my late 20s but undiagnosed for nearly a year, after which I was down to <40kg and was shot into hospital for total colectomy. Wish IF had been around then.

    After my 2 fast days, this morning’s weigh-in showed 0.8kg lower than previous best (BMI=30.3) so closing in on my first target of being ‘merely’ overweight 🙂

    Life be in it Corporate Cup currently running in Adelaide and I joined our team. Only doing the ‘mini’ of 2.2km because it’s almost that much again to walk to and from the start from my office. Anyway, lovely chilly morning for a walk along what we SA’s laughingly call a river and my Fitbit buzzed my daily target on my wrist on the way back.

    Welcome to all new starters. This WOL is worth it’s weight in box tops.

    Happy day all, Nicky.

    Good morning and welcome all the new fasters!
    Jaksee you asked if calorie counting is a pain. Yes it is! But for me it was a necessary pain. I’ve been on 5:2 since March and lost just over 10kg. For the first few weeks I just calorie counted on fast days, but then started counting everything I put in my mouth, using My Fitness Pal. There is good evidence that people who keep food diaries are more likely to lose weight. Also, I needed to educate myself with what my TDEE looks like on a daily basis. Let’s face it, the reason we become overweight is because we eat more than we need. Now I feel I have a pretty good handle on what my portion sizes and snacks should be, so I’ve decided to stop calorie counting on feed days and see how I go. If the weight loss stops, I’ll go back to counting again.
    Oh, and someone else asked about complexion changes – I’m sure my skin looks better on my face, and not just because there is evidence of cheek bones! I can’t see a noticeable difference on the rest of my skin, though.
    It is nice now that the kids are commenting on how good I look. 🙂

    HI Jaksee, There’s no need to go hungry. Just choose foods that are slow digesting and slow releasing energy.

    Hi Aitchbee, I’m just doing this to lose weight, if I get other benefits, that’s a bonus. I am sure there are health benefits but i am not sure they are going to be significantly greater than what you gain from just losing weight and eating better food.

    Hi Henny, many scientists now believe low fat diets are a cause of high cholesterol. I recommend some reading on low carb diets. Beans and lentils are said to suck cholesterol up out of the blood as well. The Art and Science of Low carb (by some scientists of course) which is a rather technical book targeted primarily to gps and their diabetic patients, should cure anyone’s fear of fat. Good Calorie Bad Calorie is another big slog by Gary Taubes a prize winning journalist, that goes over the tragic farce of low fat history, and worthwhile i’d say if you can get through it all. I’m not trying to persuade anyone to go low carb but i found it a worthwhile experiment for a couple of months and more importantly, i think its people should know how it works and the research and arguments for it and against low fat. And its all really very interesting.

    Hi mum of four, put some olive oil in with your vegies. Its much yummier and much more healthy. Honestly. I steam and then sauté mine in 3 tsp of olive oil and my lunch is only 300 calories. Honestly fat is not bad for you and it helps with satiety. There are lots of good fats to choose from. I’ve lost so much weight by eating more fat and i’ve found a way of eating that is much more satisfying than low fat. I now eat more along the lines of french people.

    Hi kerpid. see above. Gosh there’s so many new people since i last posted. Hi Kits. Hi Many. Hi awesome.

    Morning all,

    It’s the lone Sunday/Wednesday fasters here! Thanks for the support from PVE and NickyF. I’m so encouraged by all the anecdotal evidence of improved health issues. OH is interested in ihaveawaist’s IBS disappearing as he suffers from it whenever he is in Australia (works o/s a lot).

    This is just our second fasting day so take my advice with a pinch of sale (no, don’t do that!) but it’s helping that I have our first month’s worth (8 days) of fasting days’ food all planned out. There’s no temptation to ‘just grab an apple’ or whatever as we know that puts us over our 500/600 cals. If it’s not on the day’s list, it won’t get eaten.

    Like MM, my OH seems to want to eat a breakfast but, taking the advice from my new buddies on this forum, I’m going to try and work up to fasting all day and save my allocation for dinner as I didn’t like going to bed hungry. On the other hand, I’m getting no particular pleasure from this black tea first thing. It’s just not the same as waking up to a frothy coffee!

    I agree that counting calories is a pain but that’s the premise of the fast. I’m only using recipes where the calories are given, just divide the finished product by the stated number of serves and that’s your portion.

    I found a great book at the library yesterday entitled, ‘The Fasting Day Cookbook’. https://books.jbhifi.com.au/Book/the-fasting-day-cookbook-author-name-tbc/389441?gclid=CO3zqojKoMACFYeXvQod4yoAXA Apologies if it’s already been mentioned but there are SO many forum entries to work though.

    Today we’re having Prawn salad with pickled cucumber 100 cals & Chinese Vegetable Chow Mein 170 cals from the goodtoknow.co.uk website.

    Have a great day everyone. If there are any Sunday/Wednesday fasters out there, please show yourselves!

    Just started this week. Day 3 , going well so far. I need to lose 10 kgs and am wondering about how much calorific damage is done by eating hot chickens from Coles or Woolies. Skin free. of course.

    Hi Margaret, My tendency would be to try and avoid that pre-cooked type of food altogether even on feasting days – I’m sure it would be very high in salt apart from anything else. But I just looked it up – 164 calories in 100gms of Coles hot chicken.

    Hi thinatlast

    The original 5:2 plan did not ban any food type so long as total calories for fast days was not >500C for females.

    Others who are much more disciplined than I am restrict themselves to fewer calories and also eliminate starches and the like for various health reasons.

    If you are only going to eat at night, then why not have your frothy coffee in the morning? 150ml of full-cream milk is 90C so still plenty of wriggle room for dinner, especially if it makes this WOL more sustainable.

    Many 5:2ers also don’t eat breakfast, with a fasting window of abt 16hrs. I emulate Dr M with breakfast and dinner and he found the same health benefits accrued.

    Cheers, n.

    This forum is a bit addictive isn’t it?

    Thank you for your insights NickyF, I might try that since OH and I are going in different directions with this anyway. I do love my morning coffee but can’t handle it black. Just bought a range of different Twinings teas to try too.

    I answered Margaret in the context of general health and, specifically, her personal profile, but you’re right, in the scheme of 5:2, which is after all what we’re here for, I shouldn’t have maligned the Coles cooked chicken.

    Hi All – I am on my fifth fasting day …. but who’s counting! I have lost 2 kg already so am very impressed. Today is hard though as i have a headache and lots to do 🙁

    I have eating an egg and some salad at lunch and drinking lots of herbal tea.

    I dont really understand how the forums work? When I go in they go back to October 2013 – its all a mystery and then I get every email? I notice below it says unsubscribe from emails … anyhow I enjoy everyone posts and it’s nice and helpful to know others are on a similar eating journey!


    Alison in Brisbane

    Hi Alison, the first page of this forum starts last year, but there are now 43 pages for you to read, just click on the next page, or go the the most recent one, they can be found just above this box.
    Cheers and great work on the fasting!

    Hi again thinatlast

    Please don’t think I was implying criticism of your comment on Coles chooks – all perfectly valid. I was referring to your comment on early coffee and entirely overlooked the context wrt shop-cooked chooks.

    I only eat chook I’ve cooked myself bought from my butcher who stocks free-range. I’m a chook keeper from way back and don’t like to support the misery of factory farmed animals.

    Hope your fast is going well.

    Thanks NickyF. All is well. Fast is going fine today thanks. We’ve just had a labour-intensive, calorie-poor delicious prawn salad lunch – 5½ tiger prawns each but who’s counting, eh?. I can’t honestly say I’ve felt hungry yet but OH is complaining a bit. He’s doing really well for someone who normally eats three good meals a day and snacks non-stop. I’m sure neither of us have really known true hunger & the feelings of being hungry are something we can learn to ignore.

    Well done Alison in Brisbane, I can’t wait to be able to report some progress like you although I already like what I see on the scales after just a few days. I’m just so excited about all this. Which is your other fasting day Alison? Hope your headache goes away soon; I’m hoping migraine headaches might become a thing of the past for me.

    Hi ihaveawaist and thinatlast! Phew!

    Thanks for the support 🙂 I just had a wee nap so feel a little better. I had a fast day on Monday and have chosen today because tomorrow I need to cook a chocolate cake for my son as it’s his birthday on friday and I didn’t think I would be able to not lick the bowl! Also having a little family feast tomorrow night. So having just the one day in between is a bit harder. Normally I think I will fast on Monday’s and Thursdays.

    I get migraines around “that” time of the month so I fear mine wont go away however who knows! I am sure you will start seeing results. I heard about this diet about a year ago but seeing Michael Mosley on SBS the other night just confirmed that I needed to do it.

    I must say writing this response to you is making me feel better. I must use the forum more often.

    Thanks all!

    Good luck with your fasting too 🙂

    Oh Alison, I thought I’d found another Wednesday faster for a moment there! Well, we can always change our days as you say – you really made me laugh with the ‘licking the bowl’ comment – that’s me exactly – it’s already in my mouth before I’ve thought about it!

    We picked our days to minimise the impact on our teenage daughter who’s at first year uni. She needs all the calories I can get in her. Wednesday was the best day for that purpose and then I thought Sunday might be good as it would instil a habit of not over-indulging at the weekends.

    I was keen on trying this for a long time but, like you, the recent SBS re-airing of the MM documentary got my husband interested too and so we got started last week.

    Oh well done to you both then. I am a single mum so only have you guys out there to share my fasting – well I have friends too that are interested in my progress and support me 🙂 I cant tell my mum though because she will think I will fall over if I told her I was fasting hee hee. She is in her 80’s and gets very worried.

    I guess it’s okay to change days. I want to make it as easy as possible for myself, especially at the start. I have been wanting to lose this weight for about 3 years now and now is the time!!

    It’s great that you have your husband doing it too, I have two young kids so still need to feed them of course! They are very supportive too 🙂

    Alison, it would be funny if it turned out that someone on here was your Mum! (It’s not me I promise). 🙂

    “I shouldn’t have maligned the Coles cooked chicken.”

    I think they deserve maligning. I had one – maybe the only i’ve had in the last 10 years and it bought it rather horrid. And yes tons of salt.

    Yesterday i made a wonderful spanish fish stew, more interestingly called Zarzuela. Its for tomorrow’s fast day. Not so many. 331 calories. For that you get fish, 2 scallops, some mussels, 2 prawns, lots of tomato, onion and various other little bits of things that make the recipe delicious. I would probably feel satisfied with that for lunch and have some vegetable soup or vegies at night.

    Great idea to cook ahead Pattience. What type of fish did you use? Good luck with your fast day tomorrow.

    Nearing the end of our 2nd fast day now. Just had a satisfying Chinese Veg Chow Mein. And I still have my boiled egg & two cruskets from breakfast to eat before bedtime too (my husband’s had his so he’s out of luck).

    I only cooked ahead because i only cook for myself and so every time i cook i’ve got several serves there. And i have been eager to cook that dish for a while. I was going to fast today but realised that tomorrow would be better. As it is i’ve reduced this recipe by half and it will make me three meals but why would i complain its delicious seafood.

    Oh yes the fish is barramundi which i buy from woolworths. Ocean Chef is the brand. Its great. There’s nothing like it in the coles supermarket here. Its wild caught so not imported from a fish farm in vietnam. It’s good fish. Almost as good as fresh. It might even be too good for a fish stew but really in Australian supermarkets, most of what’s on offer is horrible or too expensive.

    If you know any good regular fish you can get in a supermarket please let me know. I find snapper ok but hoki,i poki and perch are revolting.

    Most of my time is my own so its not hard for me to cook right before my meal.

    Tonight i’ve got lentils and chickpeas soaking. I like to eat these often. I am not sure what dish i will cook with them this time. I’ve discovered some wonderful chickpea soups lately.

    You guys are all so lovely and supportive! It is so nice to see, and I know exactly where to come when I am struggling on a fast day (that could be tomorrow)

    Onto my second fast day! I’ve got a lovely pot of soup cooking on the stove at the moment, exactly the same as I had on Monday. It was so delicious I’ve added it to my recipe book. Today I actually have a meal plan beyond soup and I know today is going to be harder than Monday because I am going to stick to lunch and dinner and nothing in between except water. Blurgh I hate water. Making myself drink it really is going to be hard! I never eat breakfast as soon as I get up, it’s usually 2-3 hours later so I am making lunch and dinner my meal times for the fast.

    Hi everyone, I am on my second fast day today and it already feels like it’s going to be more of a challenge than the first. I didn’t eat anymore than usual yesterday after day 1 fast but did feel a bit sick after breakfast – maybe I ate too quickly. Has anyone else found their second day more difficult or does it get easier as you go on. I survived black coffee this morning after wasting 50 cals on milk on Tuesday and surprisingly it wasn’t too bad. Tonight I am meeting a gf for dinner so am going to try to hold off eating until then. Anyone has any good tips to keep me going it would be much appreciated! Have a great day.

    Good luck with your second fast day aitchbee and Many101. You can do it!

    Like you HB, I did lunch and dinner yesterday and found it OK; I saved my hard boiled egg from our planned breakfast until about an hour before bed time and I didn’t feel hungry at all when I went to bed.

    Many101, we also overdid our eating the day after our first fast but I’ve learned from that. Right now I’m savouring my cappuccino and then I’m going to walk the dog before eating anything. I do feel hungry but I’m so encouraged by what I see on the scales after just two fasting days, it makes it all worthwhile. How about treating yourself to a variety of quality Twinings teas that you haven’t tried before to keep you going through the day? About 5 cals if you make the teabag last for 2 cups.

    Pattience, thanks for the reply. The price of fish and all food really in Perth has gone nuts. Yesterday our tiger prawns were over $1 each. We regularly eat salmon (who knows where it comes from?) at $32.99/kg. What do you pay for these items in the east?

    Have a great day, you’ll have loads of support from all the Thursday fasters!

    Struggle town today!

    I have succumbed to a toasted sandwich and a soup for lunch as I could not concentrate at work. Having that makes me just under my calorie allocation for a fast day but have no room for anything later in the day if I get hungry again.

    I have no idea why this has happened. My first two fast days were pretty easy going compared to today. I can’t think of what I have done differently.

    Any tips??

    Selador, I am also struggling today. I’m blaming the weather! I’ve gone for a “lightly sparking water with a hint of lime” to get me through this hunger pang, then I’m going to do some exercise in my lunch break. Are you a fan of peppermint tea? That could help.

    Thinatlast i ‘m in north east coast and salmon is close on $40 per kilo here. I think it all comes from Tasmania. I am not sure about tiger prawns but the prawns i buy, probably endeavour prawns go between $17-$22 kg Seafood is expensive everywhere.

    I’m fasting today. I’ve cooked lots of things! but so far have only eaten what i’m supposed to though i’ve got no calories for the evening. It will be fine. I just have to keep remembering my commitment. For lunch i had a salad and then a spanish fish stew which was delicious. Mid afternoon i had a nescafe and i had one for breakfast too with only milk as usual. And also a miso soup. I’m not particularly hungry but i just want to eat because eating is a fun thing to do and its a habit.

    I think milk is one of the finest foods on the planet. I can’t consider milk a waste of calories. I love my nescafe with milk.

    Hi Selador and other fasters who were struggling a bit today, (glad yours went well Pattience),

    I’ve been reading ‘Fast Diets for Dummies’ from my library and I thought I’d share their on-line references:

    ‘Tips and Tricks to Boost Energy While Fasting’


    ’10 Sneaky Ways to Enhance Your Fast’

    Besides the tea, we need to have sex, meditate and play. Ah, now I have your attention!

    Dancing helps…..a bit of tap dancing went down a treat today! Completely stopped me from remembering my hunger and made me smile at the same time!
    Cheers dahhlings!

    Hi All,
    I have just started this week and am on my second day of fasting for the week. My first day I had a terrible headache and wasn’t sure if I was tired or by brain telling me it needed sugar.
    I live on the south coast in NSW.
    I am hoping to loose 5 to 8 kg. I am 55 next month and try to stay kind of fit by going to the gym three days a week and walking or a slow jog once or twice a week.
    The program was on sbs last Monday. A workmate told me about it.
    will se how it all goes.

    Hi all,
    I’m in Canberra, and just started today.I’m grumpy, have a slight headacht, my tummy’s rumbling and I probably went over my calorie allowance, but I’m not going to stress about it.

    I will fast again on Sunday when I work. It’s usually so busy I suspect it might be easier -i.e. I won’t have time to notice I’m hungry. We shall see.
    I find the calorie counting tedious and have never done it before.
    How have the reactions of people around you been?
    I was inspired by a friend to give it a go, and it was great to mail back and forth with her today, helped with my motivation.
    I told my sister about it last night and am glad she knows, but I think otherwise I’ll keep it to myself (my mum will only worry too).
    I’m really curious to see how I go. I am doing it mostly for weight loss, as like so many of you, I’m in my late forties and nothing else has worked (also I’m not very self-disciplined). Any positive health benefits will of course be welcome, and the arguments make sense to me…
    I’m glad I found this forum and will look forward to your posts.

    Thank you Nicky f, Melbourne Mum and Pattience for your replies and hellos. This is such a wonderful forum and I’m very happy to have found it.
    Day 2 of fast today and gotta say not as easy as the first but that yes the hunger does come and go.
    Re the calorie counting thing again I ended up only eating around 1200 on each of my 2 eat days which I know is way too low so I really have felt quite hungry all the time. Got to remember that this isn’t a diet.
    Feel like I have a hangover constantly but each day I’m learning a bit more through this group.
    Can’t wait for Friday night fish and chips and a wine though not my usual large portions.
    Thanks everyone and enjoy your eat days this weekend

    Hi dear fasters,
    I’ve just finishing watching the second episode of the Catalyst program ‘Gut Reaction’ which shows breaking incontrovertible research which could assist all of us to easily improve our health with a change in diet. Particularly with the incorporation of much more unprocessed, whole, high fibre foods and vinegar.

    It’s inspiring me so much after watching it, to add in a lot more of these types of foods to my normal everyday diet, not just on fast days, to see if I can continue to assist with the inflammatory issues I have, like my asthma, IBS, thyroid enlargement and of course with my weight loss.

    If you missed this, you can watch it on the ABC I view app for free. I’d be interested to see what you think, and if it has made you think about adding more fibre and vinegar to your diet like me.

    Cheers dears, make food medicine and thy medicine food!

    Hi newbies

    It’s been said before that the headaches are often from two causes. One is lack of water. The other is sugar withdrawal. If you are used to sugar every day, then each fast day the body goes through sugar withdrawal.

    Well done for trying 5:2 as a healthy way of life. Bay 🙂

    Good morning folks!
    Second fasting day for me today and it’s a tough one. I have family coming to visit for the weekend and they tend to like to eat, drink, and be fat and drunk (bwahaha) I mean merry.
    So I’m going to be politely declining offers of alcohol and roast dinners, knowing that I’ll be able to hit the yummies up tomorrow. Mind you I’m sick at the moment so the idea of any of that is a bit… Meh.
    Tally ho 🙂

    IHAW – that was indeed an inspiring episode. Inflammation in the gut seems central to so many of our ailments and even diseases like MS. Fibre, and apparently vinegar, are vital to good health.

    I’m a bit deflated this morning having gained 600gms since yesterday. I’d hoped for no change after the non-fast days. Serves me right for weighing daily as I suppose fluctuations are inevitable on the fastdiet. I’m sure all will be well at the end of the week.

    Great to see so many newbies starting at the same time as us. Welcome all, especially suetee, a Sunday faster. Yeah!

    Don’t be worried by life’s and your body’s fluctuations….it’s all normal, and will slowly move in the right direction if you keep doing the 5:2. Make a continual record of your measurements and look at it over time, you’ll definitely see results.

    Up to week 2, day 3 fast. I am fasting on Fridays and Sundays at this stage. Last week went well. Today I’m not so sure. I normally work Monday to Thursday but just got a call to go in and do a night shift tonight. Hmmmmm.

    Anyway, it’s great to read that so many people have the same feelings and questions about this process that I have.

    I have found it difficult to cut loose on the feast days. I feel I really need to keep it in check. Over all I am eating less across all the days not just fast days. However, normally I would sit around denying myself a treat and fixating on it. Now I have a small amount and move right on.

    I am resisting the urge jump on the scales more than once a week. At work we have scales that do a little body analysis print out. I did that on Monday and think I will stick to that. I accept daily fluctuations in weight occur due to hormone changes. Last week I saw a 600g drop but also this week my clothes are more comfortable.

    Anyway, off to get some shut eye and see if I can cope with fasting and working.

    I had my second fast day yesterday and am feeling really good about myself and this way of life in general. I don’t think I mentioned that I have cut gluten out of my diet. I’m not sure if I have coeliac disease but I certainly am affected by gluten and it seems to be cumulative. By cutting it out I am not feeling bloated any more and my skin is improving (it gives me a red, flaky, itchy rash, mostly on my face). The other thing I have done is switch to lactose free milk. Between those changes and the fast I have lost 1.4 kg since Sunday! I suspect after the initial flush of success the weight loss will slow down but I am feeling really positive. Yesterday was relatively easy. Skipped breakfast, had a couple of thin rice cakes and tuna for lunch and vegetable soup and fish for dinner. The hard part was after dinner when I was relaxing after the kids had gone to sleep – I really wanted something to nibble, so I gave myself a small treat and still came in under the 500 cal for the day – just.

    Thanks for the reassurance IHAW, I know you’re right. I have to adjust my interpretation of ‘eating normally’ on the feast days, ha ha. It’s interesting how I have always been able to intellectualise the reasons for my over-eating with such clarity, yet still do so little about it. That’s all about to change.

    Congratulations HB, if I may call you that, now that we’re getting to know each other better. Encouraging results. I found a boiled egg kept the evening desire to snack at bay and prevented going to bed hungry.

    And another Sunday faster, hello kerpid. That will be tricky working after fasting all day, hopefully you’ll be busy. Good luck, let us know how it goes. I suppose you could change the fast day if it happens again.

    Hi Kits and Kerpid. Welcome to the zoo, its great mob to be part of.

    This was sent to me and I just had to pass it on.

    A old woman was sipping on a glass of wine, while sitting on the patio with her husband and she says ” I love you so much . I don’t know how I could ever live without you ” …… Her husband asks
    ” is that you or the wine talking?’….She replies, ” It’s me… talking to the wine.”

    Enjoy your weekend.

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