Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,917 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 1 day, 14 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 20,001 through 20,050 (of 28,021 total)

  • The beers were definitely worth it thanks. I sank two of these babies and it was a great way to cap off the week.


    I usually drink a dark beer from the other major brewery in town, Emerson’s, but this will do until I get my weight down low enough that I don’t need to be on the fast 800. The Speights brewery is right in the middle of my city, I walk past it every day

    Ha ha, so my OH is in good company wolfing down his food. Yes, CalifD, I have to agree, Cinque showed another side of herself there, didn’t she!

    Lindsay, believe it or not, it does actually take TWO years to build a two storey house in Perth! I’ve watched these UK Grand Designs programmes where the Germans arrive on the ferry and complete their specific project within days, no fuss, they just get on with it. My friend down the street had the misfortune to experience a two year project on her north side and, within weeks, the house on her south side was demolished and the re-build took 2.5 years! She is well and truly over it. And now her cute little bungalow is completely overshadowed by homes towering over her. Progress.

    It’s rained steadily nearly all day. Absolutely loved it. Another neighbour popped in for a chat and stayed a few hours so it’s been a lazy old day.

    Calif it’s Lindsay, aka Betsy, here. No I had seen BR before, so could follow the dialogue even though it was muffled. Here’s something else. From what I could see, only one other woman (I’m guessing about my age) was tapping or moving to the music. The rest sat as still as mice, sucking on their beers. Odd.
    I liked it…but not 25 times.

    CalifD, how many times did you see, ‘A Hard Day’s Night’?

    Hi all. Decided on a NFD today rather than a CD. Starting again tomorrow – one thing I love about this WOL.

    CalifDreamer, it was LindsayL re the screening of Bohemian Rhapsody, not me. I’d take the holiday, but have to confess to not having ever seen the film. Horrors!!
    🙂 Like others on the thread, I’m not a big fan of television, but unlike others, also not a great film viewer.

    Yep, getting rid of clothes is so rewarding. I couldn’t just leave them in a bag for a while. Done that in the past, then needed them again. Not this time. I already have a lot of smaller-sized clothes bought in anticipation over the years. Now I just have to be the right shape for them once I’ve lost enough. My wardrobe is still bulging at the seams, so giving away some clothes is no loss.

    Keep well, everyone!

    Thin, I saw ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ 12 times back in my teens. I probably remembered half of the script. 😆 I watched all or part of it numerous times on TV over the years. I can remember speaking (or trying) with a Liverpool accent with my other Beatle fan friends. Everything British was cool. We drank tea and wore our hair long and straight. We wore heavy eye make up and pale lipstick like George’s girlfriend. We all wanted to move to England as soon as we got out of high school. 😁 We were serious Beatles fans for several years.

    Betsy and Lindsay, that’s what happens when replying to this thread late at night. Sorry I typed the wrong name. I do know that it’s Lindsay who is in Bali. Betsy, Horrors indeed that you haven’t seen BH! 😁 I probably would not have watched it, or at least not as early as I did, had it not been for the high recommendations of so many people on this thread. The media reviews were mixed at best. Come to think of it, I get a lot of good ideas from our little group here, beyond just the 5:2.

    Thin, does the length of time it takes to build a house in Perth have to do with permits and such or a shortage of builders and tradesmen? Or just that they have a lackadaisical attitude on finishing things on time? I thought building a house took a long time here, but it’s certainly under a year for a rebuild. Permits and inspections can take time. New housing developments go up seemingly overnight.

    Good morning, 7.45am Sunday. Warm and sunny in Sydney today – 30 degrees

    Just a quick pop in to say hello. I don’t post much on weekends as I’m conscious that my hubby gets cranky if I spend too much time on devices.

    We had a fantastic walk with Maxx, my BIL and SIL who is visiting from NZ. There is a walkway all around the cliffs and coast at Cronulla with spectacular views. It is about 45 minutes each way and we stopped for fish and chips at the far end and the boys had a swim in the surf. I didn’t feel like eating all that fat so I just had a few of hubby’s chips. Maxx was a nightmare at first as the new smells and the people and other dogs drove him into an excitement level that involved lunging and pulling but after 10 minutes or so he calmed down and walked pretty well. I was so proud – when the boys were swimming a little girl and her father came up and asked if they could pat him. Oh dear, he tends to mouth and jump around with new people but I asked them to wait while I settled him then she came and he sat there quietly while she patted him and giggled. I then demonstrated his skill in shaking paws and going ‘down’ on command. Honestly I thought someone had stolen Maxx and given me a well behaved dog in return! He is coming along for sure

    We came home and played Ping-Pong on our new table for a while so with Maxx’s normal morning walk, the big walk and the ping pong I hope I burnt up lots of calories! I did munch on quite a few cashews that I put out with the coffee. Dinner was marinated chicken thighs in Indian spices, pan fried and served with tzatziki and multigrain toasts with some garlic butter. Yum!

    Time to walk the fur-child, sorry for not doing individual replies but I have read all of your lovely posts and will reply soon. Have a great Sunday all

    CalifD, not sure of the reasons. Permits can take a long time because people are constantly pushing the boundaries and trying to build on every inch of their block. The new owners of the house just demolished have been trying to get plans approved since last May, so that’s three years if you count planning time. But I’m talking of actual building time. It’s a really inefficient method of building houses stemming back to providing work for returned soldiers after the war and ‘this is the way we’ve always done it’. I think also that the ‘subbies’ accept more work than they can handle, show up to start a job, then move on to another to keep a few projects on the boil. This leaves projects languishing for weeks because the next lot can’t come in until that job’s complete. They don’t build frame house like in California. The brick work seems to go up quite quickly and then it all comes to a standstill. There are also several weeks allowing concrete to set for a second storey and the months of Jan and Feb when builders/contractors don’t work at all.

    You were hard core Beatles fans! Did you ever see them perform live?

    I gained 100g on each of my three NFDs leaving me at 58.9kg for today’s FD.

    Good morning,
    Sunday, Melbourne, cool and grey. 11:20am

    There I was being so helpful, and you complain!

    I also spent months at a time completely away from the TV, and goodness me, ads seemed so bizarre when I saw them again.

    LJoyce, I remember the Amy Gillet tragedy, what a lovely memorial that track is.
    And ooh what good questions. I am firmly in the habit of preparing the next bite on my fork, now you make me think on it. I will add that extra awareness to my eating from now on.

    Lindsay I can’t help but cheer your fat aunt for living so long. It is awful how cruel people can be.

    My migraine was slight, but long lasting, the vestiges are still there, but fading. Hooray. Oh dear I feel so much for people who have them often.

    I had a lovely time last night and ate some wonderful Indian food. Nearly all vegetarian which was good. I didn’t manage to stay until the important cake and photo part, but I will see the photos later.

    I’ve never seen a palm cockatoo, Cali, how I would love to. Especially in the wild. Especially drumming!

    Neil, I’m glad you got your beers!

    Thin, I am envious of your rain. We should get some on Tuesday. I’ve pulled out the zucchini and tomatoes and have the pleasure of preparing my garden pots for the next crops. I’ll aim to get them in for Tuesday.
    I’m fasting today too and going fine.

    Anzac, isn’t Maxx coming on! He will be the best behaved dog by the time you get him and OH to the lessons!

    Thinking of Intesha having fun in Hong Kong, Minka working hard, and sending good wishes to Merry and Mr Merry. Cheers to everyone fasting, non fasting, and all.

    @Thin, I have a question, I know you did 5/2 to lose your weight and you are still doing 5/2 to maintain what do you differently now to prevent weight loss and just maintain?

    Rosy, it’s not so much that I’m doing anything to prevent further loss. More that, by doing two FDs I can accommodate the odd restaurant meal or other indulgence. For example, this week, we went for a frozen yoghurt round the corner, I alllowed myself a turkish bread roll to house the chicpea burgers I’d made AND I had a third of a glass of red wine one night.

    Cinque, commiserations with that migraine. I get them but they rarely last very long nowadays. I know that they can be very debilitating though. I hope you get the anticipated rain.

    Anzac, enjoy staying connected with your OH during the weekends! We’ll enjoy your back-to-work posts.

    Cinque, you’ve reminded me – I kept forgetting to mention that those vine tomatoes I planted from seed at the start of summer have only just finished fruiting and I pulled out the vine this week. What value they yielded! I dried and planted some more seeds from a crop a couple of weeks ago and they’re just shooting up now. We have some sweet potatoes going mad on our verge garden. The vine, which resembles ivy, is working its way around the property. OH thinks there will be potatoes very soon.

    Who else is fasting today?

    FD for me today, just heating up some zucchini soup from the freezer for dinner.

    I spent the whole afternoon on my feet.
    My best friend and I decided on a long walk to Brighton Jetty and back. https://southaustralia.com/products/adelaide/attraction/brighton-jetty
    Then we walked over to the shopping centre as she needed to shop for clothing, and we walked up and down the full length on both levels of the centre a couple of times before walking home again. We were out for over 4 hours and I feel really tired now.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Sounds like a good walk, LJ. Your Brighton Jetty is quite different to mine (Palace Pier, Brighton). OH and I had a good, long walk this morning in a different area from normal too. I found it quite humid. It was a good FD today and I’m looking forward to a frothy coffee or two in the morning and handing over the fasting baton to the weekend partyers and partakers!

    Nice to read your posts as I head off to bed.
    I’ve been ill with a virus that started with an awful headache on Nyepi day, and is still laying me low with aches and weariness. Never mind, tomorrow’s another day.
    I saw the Beatles live. I was a pre-teen and my dad extracted all sorts of promises from the older girls who took me. I remember all the screaming and just hearing some of the music.
    We caught a taxi down to Seminyak this afternoon and walked part of the way back, before I needed to call in quits. Beautiful on the beach.
    I have completely lost my appetite, which isn’t a bad thing. The beautiful waitress was so concerned when OH went down to dinner alone last night that she sent him up with 4 little bread rolls and butter. They were like rocks when we threw them out this morning. Then at breakfast today they became concerned I wasn’t eating, and sent over the oddest little treat of a small round of grainy bread with some sort of soft cheese and tomatoes and strawberries. Very odd, and very sweet of them but hideous. Actually the only thing I could manage was….yep, the chocolate milk. So won’t that teach me for mocking the fat man at the buffet. I think it was the combination of milk and sugar….neither of which I care for normally.
    Talking of advertising, if anyone is at the doctor’s, keep an eye out for an ad on the doctors’ tv channel. It’s to warn people to check their blood sugar, and features a vampire. It’s very funny …..and it’s my DS’s work. He’s Senior copy writer at one of the big ad agencies.
    Thin, reflecting, the renovations on our house took nearly 2 years. It was a big job, and the work was very well done and the workers conscientious, but it did drag on. We did a Reno on the holiday house last year, and had the same issue. It gets so close to finish, and then drags on and on and on.
    Cinque, my aunt was a beautiful, funny, kind woman and she did get teased about her weight. It wasn’t meant to be cruel, I don’t think, but it was, and I am sure it caused her hurt.

    Good morning all, hot and sunny in Sydney. Humid too. Ugh

    I hope you are feeling better today Lindsay; how awful that you are sick on your beautiful holiday

    Don’t get me started on reno’s; I’ve been living in or around a building site for about 8 years. The good thing (other than the result) is that OH is doing most of it himself. But when he does need a tradie we too find they are completely unreliable. If you find a good one keep him/her! I’m now quite used to stepping over power tools, boxes of tiles etc

    I didn’t think I ate badly on the weekend but the scales are telling a different story. So very controlled NFD’s and excellent FD’s are required. SIL is moving from BIL to our place on Wednesday for the second half of her stay and I was tempted to use that as an excuse to not fast for a week and a half. But I didn’t and OH is more than happy to cook for the two of them and I have FD dinners in the freezer.

    Cinque, has your migraine finally gone? I hope so

    It has been interesting reading about self-sabotage when people start noticing your weight loss. I will be careful to look out for that, thanks. Only one person has actually noticed and it was someone I hadn’t seen for a while. It’s not that noticeable yet but I think another 5 kilos and it should be. It better be!

    Boss has arrived and she was off last week so we have lots to discuss. Have a great day

    Good Morning everyone

    I hope you are feeling better Lindsay. That’s horrible to be sick while you are on holidays.

    I am on a FD today but I’m not sure how I am going to handle it. I have been feeling sick in the tummy all weekend and feeling really hungry at the same time. The problem is when I have eaten it has made me feel worse. We didn’t eat out at all (and we usually do at least once on a weekend) and only ate good fresh food but it still made me feel yukky. At this moment I am feeling very hungry and my tummy feels really empty but I am just going to keep drinking my water and see how I go.
    I’m not sure if its because of not eating out or because I was feeling sick but the scales are being really nice to me today. I am 66.1kg and usually I am at least 1kg heavier after a weekend.

    Well I best go drink some more water. Hope you all have a great day x

    Sorry to hear you are not well either Quacka and I hope you feel better soon. You may need some dry toast or crackers to settle your tummy.

    I had a laugh last night. My grandmother died recently at the age of 97 (that wasn’t what I was laughing about). Before she died my father recorded her recalling some of her childhood memories. She recalled that when she was a little child, a fruit seller that was a friend of her parents gave her and her brother an orange. She said that oranges were a real luxury then, She’d never had one before and she did know anyone that had had one. She thought it was too precious to eat so she just held it and smelled it and fondled it until it eventually fell to pieces.

    Good morning everyone,
    Sunny and sweet in my part of Melbourne. 10:30ish
    Moomba festival here, Labour Day, but I keep forgetting and had a whole list of things to do. Maybe I will get my desk tidy.

    My headache is gone. Big sympathy to those feeling crook. Lindsay, I do so hope you have woken up feeling a lot better.
    Quacka, I hope you feel better soon too. I know that feeling of being hungry and queasy at the same time.

    Thin, your garden is so productive! I’ve got some tomato seeds drying, but they will have to wait for next year. Your sweet potato vine sounds so happy.
    I have planted warrigal-green cuttings, but they didn’t have much in the way of roots, so I hope they survive. And I am sprinkling parsley, coriander and rocket seeds everywhere.

    LJoyce, your Brighton Pier looks just gorgeous.

    As well as Lindsay’s aunt, I love Neil’s grandmother.

    Lindsay, sorry to hear that you’re sick on your holiday. Get well soon. I never saw The Beatles. I liked their music OK in later years but wasn’t a mad fan. It would have been fun to attend a concert I bet.

    Neil, I love those stories. My OH recorded his mum telling tales before she died.

    Anzac and Quacka, this is why I have one FD over the weekend. Good for you for continuing your regime while your SIL stays, Anzac. Quacka, I hope your FD proceeds well.

    Have a great day all. It was still dark when I rose to meet my friend for a walk. Now having a frothy coffee, reading the posts before heading off to bridge.

    P.S. Cinque, I hope you have better luck with coriander than I. I shall look up those greens now. Glad the headache’s gone.

    Thanks all, for the good wishes. I have shaken off the lethargy but still have the razor throat and aches and pains. Easy day today.
    Neil a very sweet story about your grandmother. You paint a lovely picture.
    Good luck at bridge Thin.
    Glad you have shaken your migraine Cinque, and can enjoy the lovely Melbourne day. High 30s in Brisbane today, apparently. Unheard of, for mid-March.
    Quacka, hope your tummy settles. Very uncomfortable for you.
    Anzac, how proud you must have been of Maxx, and his good behaviour.
    Oh, on the subject of vegetables, just before we went away I planted a diabetes plant…a salad vege that is meant to reduce blood sugar. It tastes bland but ok, with just a few leaves added to a salad. …I also planted a climbing Asian red spinach….after just 5 days it was off and curling its way around the bamboo teepee I used to support it. Then one day up in Ubud, we were sitting having a coffee and admiring the building opposite…. And realised the lovely red-stemmed creeper covering the facade was my Asian red climbing spinach. I’m half expecting a Day of the Triffids moment when we get home.
    Ok, have a good day all.

    Hello everyone. I’ve only had time to quickly scan the posts, but it sounds like most are having a good day.

    Cinque, glad you are finally feeling better.
    Lindsay and Quacka, hope you feel better soon.

    NFD for me. Food was controlled because I got distracted. I had fun creating some superannuation and retirement options spreadsheets for my best friend. (I realise most people wouldn’t think of this as fun, but burying myself in numbers and formulas for an afternoon is fun for me – I really miss it since I retired.)
    This afternoon reminded me that one of the best ways to avoid food or hunger is to immerse yourself in something you enjoy.

    For dinner I am airfying 2 chicken thighs which were smothered in tandoori paste and yoghurt and I put slices of carrot and potato underneath to absorb the juices and flavours from the chicken. I’m also cooking corn on the cob and making air-fried zucchini chips. Looking forward to dinner.

    FD became a CD today, but that’s okay. Public holiday here – Moomba Festival too (not that it concerns me; great for families with kids) – so I relaxed a bit rather than having an FD.

    Stories of the “old times”. I remember my mother talking about the “Great Depression” era, when she was 19-20. She mentioned how people used to insert thick cardboard into their shoes because they’d worn holes in the soles, and also (those being the days when women wore stockings with seams) how she and her friends would draw black lines up the back of their legs to make it seem they were wearing stockings. Hard times.

    I had my blood tests last Friday, so now have to wait until Thursday to see the doc and get the results. Am really hoping for a reduction in my cholesterol readings.

    Enjoyed the posts, but tired and going to bed. Maybe more next time.

    Weigh day tomorrow. I’m expecting that I’ll have similar result to last week because I went to a talk about the trip to Israel my church minister went on earlier this year and he had a whole lot of middle eastern food and I found myself absentmindedly snacking on pita bread while he was talking. So I’ll probably still drop a bit of weight but not as much as I have in previous weeks

    Morning guys, Perth’s weather has improved and the high humidity (common in March) has dissipated a tad. Had a fun weekend, the movie we watched was the epic Pearl Harbour with Ben Affleck a tad schmaltzy in parts but plot was good based loosely on history. You forget how devastating that attack on Pearl Harbour was. The Japanese awoke a sleeping giant and from then the fresh input of a huge ally turned the tide of the war. I still can’t believe that the navy had all their ships exposed to an easy attack like sitting ducks. We had yummy south East Asian take away for dinner. On Sunday we were invited to the Ravenswood country pub for lunch with friends. I enjoyed my first steak in 2 months as my cast made cutting with a knife too hard.

    @ Thin, sorry to be obtuse, but I have another question. If your 2 fast days have continued as you did when you were losing weight, were your non fast days more stringent than now with no odd indulgence ?

    Good morning, very hot 33 in Sydney today

    FD today and it is needed. I had a major self-sabotage attack yesterday. Had a totally cr@p day at work, 3 weeks to go on my contract and no job remotely on the horizon. I won’t bore you with the details but suffice to say it wasn’t pretty. Then on the way home two phone calls – one to say I have an interview at my old project finally. After having lunch with 3 ex-colleagues I feel chewing my own arm off would be a better option but it is a long-term job and I know the work so if they will meet me half way with my rate I will have to take it. The second call was from a recruiter to say a raft of roles are about to be released at another top 4 bank and I am on the top of his list of candidates. So things are looking up.

    So interview at lunch time, wish me luck! They always seem to land on a really hot day and also a FD.

    Your weekend sounded like heaps of fun Rosy. I have steak once a week as I love it and I can tend to have low iron so going without one for 2 months would be very difficult for me. Glad you enjoyed it

    Sorry to hear about your grandmother Neil. Good luck with your weigh-in, you are doing so well and the odd indulgence is ok because it helps to keep us on track.

    My Dad was born in 1925 BetsyLee so has many amazing stories about growing up in Rural Australia back then. His father came back from WW1 and married and had 4 children but died in his 30’s from the effects of being gassed in the war. This left my Grandmother with 4 kids under 10 and they were on a farm that needed extremely hard work to keep it going. So they had to sell it for next to nothing and their life was hard. She eventually realised that she qualified for a war-widows pension but that was many many years later. There is longevity in the family as Dad is 93, the second youngest of the siblings, and they are all still alive! My Uncle is 97, My Aunt 95 and the ‘baby’ is 90! All are healthy and strong. Incredible. I was watching Dad last night as he walked up our internal stairs ahead of me and yes it is slow but he is fine.

    Yummy dinner LJ! I love tandoori chicken and sometimes have it on FD with a salad

    Glad you are feeling a bit better Lindsay but it still sounds pretty bad. There’s nothing worse than being sick on holidays because all you want is your own bed. The humidity must be making it harder too?
    Please take a picture of your ‘triffid’ spinach when you get home

    How are you feeling today Quacka?

    How did you go at bridge yesterday Thin?

    Ok work calls. I have a big jug of water with fresh lime wedges, a black coffee brewing and a determined mind-set for both FD success and completely blowing these people away with my brilliance and skill at the interview today. LOL

    Have a great day all, I will be lurking and posting if I can as always

    Argh, lets try for third time lucky. I just lost two posts in a row!!

    Good Morning everyone

    Thank you for the good wishes to feel better. I am still feeling a bit off but I am definitely on the mend.

    I had a successful FD yesterday despite feeling hungry and queasy all day. I had a chicken stir fry for dinner and a coffee that my boss shouted at about 11am. It made me feel really sick though even though it was supposed to be made with almond milk.

    Good luck with the interview, Anzac. Put yesterday’s blip behind you and look forward. Remember it is only one day and you CAN do this!!

    Rosy, you asked how my knees are handling the running. At the moment they are fine. They are such short bursts of running but I really enjoy pushing myself for those few seconds. Having just said that, I struggled with motivation this morning. I had to remind myself it is only 20 minutes, so I just got up and did it and now I feel really happy that I did.

    I best go and do some work and also I need to press submit before I lose this post too!!

    Have a great day all x

    Today’s positive quote

    “Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come”

    Yesterday’s positive quote

    “There is little difference in people
    But that little difference makes a big difference
    The little difference is attitude
    The big difference is whether it is positive or negative”

    Good morning, grey here in Melbourne, fingers crossed we get some rain to water the garden.

    Poor Klondi has has caught Lindsay’s bug and so we have cancelled our coffee today. hopefully next week. I do hope you are feeling okay today Klondi (and you too, Lindsay).

    Thin, I haven’t had much luck with coriander either, but I must have sprinkled a hundred seeds. If they all come up I’ll have micro herbs.

    Lindsay it was great fun reading about your climbing red spinach. What a wonderful plant, and with its soluble-fibre mucilage, your guts will love it too. I might try to grow some over summer, when summer comes around again.
    It will love that (horrible) hot, humid weather Brisbane has currently.

    Betsy, I hope you had a great sleep and are feeling good after your Moomba festival day. (I think I had an even more feasty day than you, not very controlled. Back to sensible eating today.)

    Ooh Neil, I can imagine that Middle Eastern food must have been so tempting. Hope today is easy and fasty fasty.

    Rosy, how nice to have your steak cutting hand back in action!

    Anzac, special good wishes to you today. I hope it is a great fast day and that knowing all those job possibilities are on the horizon calms your anxiety. This is the hardest time, when the deadline is close, but hopefully it will all fall into place soon.

    Klondi seems to have Lindsay’s razor throat, but I have a bit of what you have, I think Quacka. Feeling a bit queasy. Let’s hope we both spark up soon.

    Oh and my fermentation experiments are not going well. The kvass one got a layer of mould on top (so quickly: it was fine, then it wasn’t) I presume the compost is loving it. And the rejuvelac, so far, tastes just as boring as it did when we made it forty years ago. (The good old hippie days). I’ve added some lemon juice and giving it another day, otherwise the compost gets it too.
    On the bright side I added sprouted wheat to my last loaf of bread, and it was just SO delicious.

    LJoyce, I am thinking that getting my next forkful ready might just be part of my mindfulness. I love it so much, eating a mouthful and preparing the next one. I think I am a multitasker by nature! I am doing it all slowly and mindfully, I promise! 😉

    Cheers all, best wishes.

    Hi, in brief. Enjoying the cooler weather here in Melbourne at the moment. No rain yet, though. desperately needed (as it currently is, just about everywhere in Oz!).

    Didn’t go to Moomba, Cinque, just had a relaxing day. Caught up with a friend at Gloria Jeans, something we try to do once a week. Good that the mindfulness is going well. On the other forum I participate in, someone has been mentioning counting the number of bites of food you take – mindfulness, okay, but actually counting bite number??? No way! Wouldn’t have the patience.

    Good luck yet again, Anzac65, with interviews and job searches. So frustrating not to have something settled.

    LindsayL, hope you’re feeling better so you can enjoy your holiday.

    Love the two quotes, Quacka.

    Great the weight loss is continuing, Neilithicman, despite the pita bread indulgence and the couple of beers.

    Keep on keeping on the downward path everyone!

    Good morning SHs

    I’ve been struggling with lack of sleep over the past few weeks. Most mornings the neighbour’s puppy wakes me by 5:30am. As I’m someone who can take quite a while to get to sleep, often not until well after midnight, I rely on not waking until 8am to get enough sleep. At the moment I feel tired, grumpy and with a faint headache most days from tiredness. I think I’ll try moving my ipod and speaker into the bedroom and leaving a playlist going all night. Perhaps the background music will be enough to mask the puppy whining for attention as soon as she wakes.

    Anzac, wishing you the best of luck with the interviews. I hope an opportunity emerges that suits you and gives you a nice team to work with.
    A agree with Quacka on your bad food day. Put it behind you and start afresh today.

    Neil, absent minded snacking is just so easy to do. At least you noticed you were doing it.

    Cinque, commiserations on failed fermenting. I’m sure the compost is happy.

    Penguin, If what I’m seeing on the morning news is true it would appear that your PM finally has some agreed changes to the exit agreement that have a chance of getting through parliament. I hope after all the drama, the final act goes smoothly.

    Quacka, yesterday’s quote seems to apply perfectly tho those moaners you work with! Hope you feel better soon.

    Lindsay, I hope you are on the mend now and can enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    Betsy & Anzac, my parents were born in the early 1920s, so I too grew up with many stories about the depression. I always thought my parents focus on not wasting things came from those experiences.

    Hello to anyone else that I’ve missed, or who’s reading and not posting.

    We’ve had some very short but welcome periods of rain this morning – I was awake early enough to hear it! Still not cold though – more mild and humid.

    Another NFD for me. I have leftover veg from last night for tonight’s dinner. I think I’ll take some salmon patties out of the freezer to accompany them.
    I still haven’t decided whether I’m fasting tomorrow or Thursday. I think I need to plan my meals and cooking for the next few days to see which fits best.

    Morning from Legian, where I am pleased to say I am feeling better, though still with a sore throat and swollen glands. You are so right Anzac, I really do want my own bed… And pillow. I often pack an older one. Keeps the clothes from rattling around in a half full case, gives me good sleep when I am away, and can be left behind when shopping and gifts take up the space. I wish I had this time.
    Good luck on the job front Anzac…you’ve really been tested through all of this. Of course you will impress them with your brilliance today.
    Quacka glad to know you are feeling better today. Ditto Cinque. Hope you get over what you have soon, Klondi.
    Gosh Betsylee, I’m with you on counting mouthfuls…might work if you are eating alone, but how could you ever have a conversation. Betsy your story about painting seams really resonated with my OH, who grew up with his widowed mother in Glasgow. Well into the 50s nylons, as they used to call stockings, were hard to get (and too expensive) so my MIL would stand on a table and OH, with his young steady hand would draw seams with a black pen.
    Oohh LJ I understand your spreadsheet excitement. I’m not a statistician like you, but in another life was responsible for a revenue budget of some 200 million, and I loved working those figures, and the ‘what ifs’. Happy day, when you can immerse yourself… And how lucky your friend is to have you.
    Anzac weren’t times hard back in the day. And so little support for widows with families. And people seemed not to expect help, so didn’t ask for it. Wonderful you have that strong long life gene…combine that with this WOL, and almost certainly one day you’ll get that ‘century’ congratulatory letter from King William…. Or maybe even King George.
    Neil, pita bread surely can’t do much damage. Was the talk interesting?
    Housekeeping today… Which involves pre-departure waxing, manicure, pedicure, facial and a massage. My last massage was awful…it hurt, because I was hurting from the virus. Looking forward to going home spic and span, and ready for work next week.
    Happy day all

    Our posts crossed LJ. Sorry to hear about your disturbed sleep. Hard to have a productive day, when you are sleep deprived.

    LJ, I think you are I are the sleepless twins. I am usually up past midnight too and even if I don’t get out of bed, I’m usually half awake by 5:30. I never stopped to consider that the slight headache could be from lack of sleep. I figured it had more to do with the blood pressure meds. Soft music might be just the thing to cover up the sound of your neighbors puppy. We have a soundtrack called Ocean Waves and Seagulls that’s very relaxing. Alexa also has an Ocean Waves soundtrack that she will play and turn off after whatever amount of time you tell her. I like nature sounds because I sometimes tend to think about whatever song is playing.

    Monday FD for me today which went pretty well. I need to be more mindful for the next few NFD’s so I don’t gain back everything I’ve lost. Instead of 59 and 60 I seem to be edging to 60 and 61. Luckily I’m not noticing it in my clothes yet.

    I stopped at the op shop this morning and found a nice pair of black jeans and a thick fleece top. The top was a medium but seems bulky. But it’s perfect for layering on cold days. Another couple weeks and this cold weather should be going away. But right now it’s still below 15 during the day.

    Lindsay and Cinque, I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. Quacka and klond, I hope you start feeling better too. Anzac, hope your interview went well. Betsy, I looked up Momba Day because I hadn’t heard of it before. The parade looks colorful. I’ve always liked parades but crowds at related functions, not so much.

    Rosy, Pearl Harbor was something my parents talked about a lot over the years. They also could not understand why all those ships were docked there at once. They grew up during the depression and always wanted to make sure we never had to worry about food or clothes.

    Thin, I never got to see a Beatles concert because they were always some distance from where we lived and my mom was always worried that something would happen to us with such crowds. She was overprotective. Tickets were pretty expensive too as I recall.

    Hope everyone is having a good FD or NFD.

    Well if I don’t get the job I will eat my hat. Thanks for the good wishes/karma everyone 🙂 . Every skill/knowledge gap they have, I have lots of it – and most of it gained at that very bank! There were 4 interviewers including my friend who is gunning for me and by the end they were saying things like ‘so when can you start’ (as opposed to ‘when COULD you start’) and, to each other, ‘we will have to start the background checks now because they can take a couple of weeks’.

    Fingers crossed….but I am confident I have it. Happy dance!

    FD going well, I did have to have 4 vitaweats and a nectarine before I left to stop any embarrassing rumbles but that won’t do any harm.

    I hope it warms up soon Cali, you must be tired of the cold. Your op shop purchases sound amazing and perfect for the weather.

    There seem to be a few of us who have sleep issues and it really is the pits. I think it was Thin who said sleeps on FD’s are better than NFD’s and looking back I think I agree. I’m going to start charting it

    Lindsay, glad you are feeling a bit better; enjoy your pampering and happy travels for the trip home.

    LJ can you say something to your neighbour? Perhaps they don’t realise you can hear the puppy and maybe they could move him to another part of the house to sleep?

    Klondi and Cinque, sorry to hear you are both under the weather too. Get well soon

    Glad you are feeling a bit better Quacka and thanks for the quotes! Best yet

    I’m envying the cooler weather in Melbourne BetsyLee and Cinque. It’s a stinker here today and I had to walk to the interview in long sleeves and thick pants and it was horrible. Luckily it wasn’t a long walk. There is a cool change coming tonight apparently and I can’t wait. The forecast then is looking really wet which is a shame for my SIL who is still visiting from NZ. But she isn’t enjoying the heat either

    Ok, back to work. Thanks again for the good wishes and for listening to my moans 🙂

    Anzac, good luck with the interview (sorry a bit late as I’ve had this window open all day now). Thanks for asking; we came last at bridge! But we had fun and learned a lot. LJ, did you abandon the idea of learning it?

    Cinque and Klond, sorry your meeting was cancelled due to ill health.

    Rosy, when I was losing weight, I didn’t pay any particular attention to my NFDs and, until LJ kindly and generously worked out my typical NFD intake for me years later, I had no idea what I was consuming calorie-wise. I stuck to my 500 cals on FDs and lost a steady half kg every week (except that first Christmas when I maintained my loss to date). Then I reached a plateau where nothing was moving and, after ignoring all the advice on here about carbs for months thinking it didn’t apply to me, I finally decided to cut out bread. That made a huge difference to kick-starting my loss and, because by then I was eating a lot less, it was easy to assess the effect it had on me when I did eat it. i.e. no loss that week. I rarely eat bread now but this would be one of the ‘odd indulgences’ I’m talking about.

    The second time I reached a plateau, I ultimately decided to call it ‘maintenance’ and that was that. I hadn’t any particular goal weight in mind and my body probably just thought that was enough weight lost. I’m sorry I’ve had this window open so long that I’m not sure if I’ve answered your question. I’ve definitely forgotten everything else.

    We’ve been out all day at a brewery celebrating OH’s birthday with food & drink items I won’t even mention (all the ‘odd indulgence’ foods packed into one lunch!). No dinner required, (hurray!) but, unlike DD, OH did want a birthday cake so there’s a heavy mud cake awaiting us later.

    Quacka, pleased you’re feeling better and full of positive thoughts! Lindsay, you too.

    Anzac, update on your interview, that sounds great, well done. How long would the contract last?

    Neil, good luck on the scales. I think our bodies can absorb the odd digression. It’s when we do it over and over that we start to stack on weight like a runaway train. You probably needed that pita bread to soak up last Friday’s beers!

    Cinque, all the best with the coriander and other plantings.

    LJ, that must be so frustrating – the perils of life in suburbia. Much as I adore dogs, that would be very difficult because, if the dog isn’t trained, one behaviour will just be replaced by another later. I know you said they’d shown concern and were trying to do the right thing so perhaps it’s a good opportunity to be more honest about what’s really happening. I find it sad that people have dogs and then go off to work and leave them all day alone.

    Betsy, I’ve heard those stories of women painting their legs to look like stocking seams during/after the war. I love all WWII movies. My favourite TV thing about the war is ‘Foyle’s War’. Details perfectly researched down to the tins of food they had at the time and even specific expressions and turns of phrase used.

    The Killing: where’s everyone up to? Just finished Series 3 last night. Wow. That was heavy going subject matter and so well acted. I was churning it all over when I went to bed to last night and, first thing this morning, it was on my mind. I think we’ll take a break before embarking on Series 4.

    CalifD, what would an expensive Beatles ticket cost back in the day? Last weekend, there was a Kylie Minogue concert in our local park at the river. Not that I’d recognise one of her songs if I tripped over it. Anyway, tickets were up to $500. I was telling DD how I used to see so many bands in the 80s in California when a concert was $12 (not to be confused with my groupie days in NC when they were free). I remember dressing the part for a Willie nelson concert one night with all the C&W fans and the very next night, we went to a Billy Joel concert dressed as ‘Uptown Girls’. Loved those days!

    *Sorry, Willie Nelson with a capital N. I might pay in the low one hundreds to see Bryan Ferry but definitely not $500. Survey: how much would you pay/have you paid to see your favourite singer?

    Dropping in – never been to a pop concert ever, so would pay nothing. No favourites. Might have considered an Elvis concert, had he ever come to Oz (or did he ever come and I never heard?). Not really a big pop music fan.

    Fingers crossed for you, Anzac65. Sounds promising!

    Glad there’s some health improvement, LindsayL. So disappointing to be ill when away.

    Kept to a CD today, but oh…… calories okay, but content bad, bad bad!! 🙂

    Well the pita bread certainly didn’t slow me down much. I dropped another 2.2 kilograms for a total of 14.2 kilos in 7 weeks. It’s phenomenal that the weight loss just hasn’t slowed down with this WOL like it has with other diets I’ve tried over the years.

    Well done with weight loss Neil ! The most I ever lost in a week was 1.7kg and that was with 5 btb fast days !
    @ Betsy I couldn’t be bothered counting the bites either !
    The key for me is to forget about food and not to obsess about it .
    I also agree with LJ do something you enjoy when you fast. Wait half an hour and drink fluid and the hunger goes away.
    I just have a rule no solid food on fast days and keep to it.
    @ Cali I’ve been to Pearl Harbour twice. There is a floating memorial built on top of the sunken USS Arizona with viewing platforms which enabled vision of the ship below. I was with my 2 sons at the time and cried. There were signs asking for quiet and respect as there were the bodies of thousands of young men entombed below, very sad. There for the grace of god go I. I could not believe the behaviour of some Japanese tourists , laughing, chatting and taking photos. Don’t they know what happened there ? Do they have history lessons in their schools ?

    Good morning! Drizzly and cool in Sydney today. Top of 24 but there is a definite chill in the wind

    Awesome Neil, totally awesome. You are giving me more motivation to stop over-eating on my NFD’s.

    Thin, I would pay in the low hundreds to see the B52’s again – we’ve seen them twice at day-on-the-green concerts in the Hunter Valley in the last few years and they are incredible. I would – and did – also pay in the low hundreds to see Coldplay. I say ‘did’ with sadness. We booked to see them in New York on our 25th wedding anniversary trip in 2017 but our flight from Cuba was delayed and we missed our connection from Miami to New York. We always knew it was going to be tight so we took out ticket insurance and got our money back. But I’ve still never seen them and quite desperately want to!

    You couldn’t pay me enough to go and see Willie Nelson (sorry Thin) but I do love Billy Joel. Pretty much most rock/pop music from the 80’s. My favourite activity is going to the day-on-the-green concerts in the Hunter Valley and we go to at least one every year. My friend who went through breast cancer treatment last year loves John Farnham (rolls eyes) so our group of friends shouted her a weekend up there to see him. The concert included Darryl Braithwaite and if I never hear that ‘horses’ song again I will be happy!

    Anyway, back to topic. Had a great FD yesterday and now need very controlled NFD toady and another FD tomorrow to get the scales down for my Friday weigh-in

    I received a text from the girl who is trying to get me on board at the job and it is all looking very positive. They just need final approval from HR and it’s all go go go! Happy dance

    Have a great day all, happy fasting or non-fasting

    Oh! Just remembered something. There was an ad on this morning for a ‘new’ diet! I’m trying to remember exactly what they called it but it was fast-800 or something and based on intermittent fasting. All yours for the low price of….wait for it….$99 for 12 weeks! Seriously – just come on this forum people and do it for free!!

    Mine wasn’t quite free, I paid like $15 for the Fast800 e-book by Dr Mosley. It’s quite good with a whole lot of recipes in the back and of course all the research him and others have done over the years.

    Actually me too Neil – I paid $19 for the Fast Diet book but as you said the books are great and have recipes etc.

    Hi Rosy, our posts crossed. I can only imagine how sad and eerie Pearl Harbour must have felt. I felt the same when I visited the Genocide museum in Rwanda.

    Good Morning everyone

    Well done Neil on your weight loss! It’s great to see the results of the 800 calorie WOE.

    Anzac, I’m so happy for you about the job and also that your FD was a good one yesterday. I can’t wait to hear that it is all definitely going ahead.

    I love music of so many different kinds, there is now way I could pick a favourite, thin. If I really wanted to see a particular band or artist, I would pay whatever but I would want to be right in front of the stage. I see no point in hardly being able to see them and only being able to listen. I can do that at home.

    Today is a FD for me. I’m beginning to wonder if this tummy thing is actually just hunger. Last night we had a beautiful dinner of pineapple, cucumber and avocado salad with a piece of pork. I also made a bocconcini, tomato and capsicum salad to go with it. The salads were so yummy and fresh (it was hot here yesterday) with a lot of the produce from our garden and they complemented the pork perfectly (or vice versa – the pork complemented them!) After dinner, I was still hungry and so I ate some vita wheats and cheese (actually it ended up being 4). My tummy felt good but now it is empty again and I feel hungry and queasy. I wish it would just go away. I don’t usually wake up feeling like this and when I get that empty, hungry feeling later in the day normally, it comes and goes in waves. Argh!!
    I contemplated not doing a FD today but I am going to stick to it. I am at my lightest weight ever since starting 5:2 – 65.7kg and that’s only after one FD. Tomorrow I should be even lighter. Yay!!
    I have a tomato, cucumber salad ready for lunch and I have a can of tuna in my desk draw. If I still feel I need it, I will add the tuna to my salad.

    Oops that was all about me. Sorry for the whining about feeling yukky. I know there are people on here that have much worse.

    Hope you all have a great day x

    Today’s quote:

    “Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination;
    Never limit others because of your own limited imagination”

    Mae Jemison

    Good morning all. Back from Hong Kong very weary and sore. Weight this morning 69.4, 2.4 up from when I left but sure that is mostly fluid. FD tomorrow.

    Did well over 15,000 steps every day and more my poor feet 🦶 and 🦵are letting me know. Went on the tram ride to the Peak it has been in operation since 1888. Magnificent views of Hong Kong. Did a little cruise around the fishing village in Aberdeen where the families live on their boats and saw the largest floating restaurant. Went to Stanley Street markets but for a famous place wasn’t too impressed. Also went to other local markets which were like Sydney’s Paddy’s Haymarket on steroids, Sham Shui Po which is a working class neighbourhood with lots of cheap things in an open air market and plenty of food stalls. Wasn’t game enough to eat at any of them.

    Then there were the Ladies markets in Mong Kok. Street after street of stalls selling just about everything but most were knock-offs and bargaining was nearly mandatory. Most of the stuff can be bought here and unless you were tempted by something you couldn’t live without it was the atmosphere and experience that was the most exciting.

    Went to Lantau Island to see the Big Buddha which has 286 steps to reach it, fascinating place. The day we went was cold, rainy and extremely windy, nearly got blown off the mountain. Except for a morning tour we did on our first day all the other days we travelled on the local trains MTR. So efficient and easy to get around.

    Unfortunately the weather was not kind and every day was cold, showery and overcast. The day we went to Disneyland we got absolutely drenched but still enjoyed it. Went on the spaceship ride in Tomorrowland and a riverboat ride through It’s a Small World the inner child surfaced 😀.

    Did have some dumplings and other dishes but mainly had big breakfasts and small snacks during the day.

    Four and a half days was not really enough but we crammed in as much as we could and today I am taking it easy. Yesterday when I got home I did the washing and a little housework but today or at least this morning while Dad is visiting Mum I’m relaxing.

    I have read all the posts while I was away but way too many for me even to attempt replying but congratulations to all that have achieved loses and to all that just keep on knowing that this WOL does work, like me. My goal now is to get back to my lowest of 65 and then take it one day at a time. I don’t have anything else planned now until my daughter and grandchildren arrive in July so onwards and downwards.

    I did see the Beatles when they came to Australia. My Mum actually won tickets to see them. It was absolutely wonderful. Ticket prices are way too steep and I haven’t been to a live concert in decades.

    Well enough from me. Hope you all have a good day.

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