Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,917 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 2 days, 18 hours ago.

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  • Morning all

    Thanks for the good wishes etc re Courtney. We are very lucky she is an amazing young woman. We, as a family, will get through anything. 🙂

    Nancy Holland – Potato and Leek soup – 10 potatoes, peeled and cubed (roughly), 4 leeks, washed; halved lenthways and sliced, 1 tablespoon of light butter (I used light Devondale), 1.5l chicken stock (I used Campbells), 300ml pouring cream. Put butter and leeks in a decent sized pot on low and let the leeks cook down somewhat, stirring every now and again. Chuck the potatoes in and stir every now and again to just get the potatoes coated in butter and leeks. Add the stock and turn up stove to cook/boil so that the potatoes cook. Once cooked, blitz with a hand held blender, add cream, mix through. Season to taste. YUM. This gives me about 12 serves (small bowls) and is 246 cal. High I know, but very filling and thick.

    I love how supportive this group/forum is – not just for the 5:2 but for family etc also.

    I hope you al have an amazing day.

    PS not buying clothes – jewellery is my thing 🙂

    Cinque, wishing you an all-clear on your scan. How long does it take to get the results? I hate the scanxiety of waiting. But of course it’s a good thing to have frequent follow ups so that if any little thing pops up, it can be taken care of right away.

    LJ, your nurse probably thought she could make it until the last minute. But better she stays home if she isn’t well rather than passing a bug on to you.

    Thin, I’ve never visited the Anza Borrego Desert, but it looks beautiful in photos that I Googled. I love the desert, especially when there are wildflowers blooming in the Spring. Most of the camping we did was in Northern California, in the woods or on the ocean.

    Nancy, I know that feeling of thinking you might be hungry and then realizing you really aren’t. After a while you don’t even acknowledge that feeling as hunger. I guess that’s what makes fasting easier after a while. The feeling is often boredom, anxiety, or just being tempted by something specific. That’s why I try to keep tempting foods out of the house and just eat them away from home. But a TV commercial or even references to food in a novel can get me thinking about food. I try not to dwell on those things. Some FDs are just harder for whatever reason. But they seem to occur less often for me as time goes on. Having the support here on the forum is so helpful. Sometimes it’s just knowing we’re all in this together is what makes the difference.

    Fasting Mimicking Diet on the Diet Testers right now!

    Oh boy, that’s not to be missed Cinque – but miss it I must as we’re off to our Jazz night thingy. Can I find it later on SBS or ABC by chance? Who are the diet testers I wonder? Your twins? And how was your scan?

    CalifD – and feeling hungry from habit sometimes I think. You’re right, it’s great to have like-minded people to chat to especially for those of us whose OFMs aren’t practicing 5:2 or those who don’t have any FMs at home.

    Good morning everyone, hope your week has been going well.

    After a rough start on Monday morning (or not starting as it was) the week has pretty much continued along the same path. Work has been unusually stressful this week and it has been very draining. I have woken up every morning since Monday feeling tired even if I have slept. Luckily I have a day off today. Yay!

    I’m not on a FD today but at the moment I am trying to avoid eating as I’m not really hungry. Yet all morning I have wanted to eat only because the OH left some bread on the bench and it is my weakness lol
    It’s strange how ‘wanting’ food and actually being hungry are two different things. I could never differentiate between them before I started this way of eating. So anyway I’m having another cup of tea and planning my day ahead. I don’t feel like doing too much so I may just have an easy relaxing day.

    I hope you all have a lovely day and also a lovely weekend. 🙂

    OMG Gday, this post from you just showed up this morning! https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/hello-southern-hemispherites/page/306/#post-246884

    I am so sorry to read what you have been going through, and I really hope you haven’t been wondering why we all ignored you.

    It must be hard to do fast days when you are so exhausted.

    I had anaemia, it was on top of CFS so it just felt that my symptoms were particularly bad. But the follow up (investigation indicated it was because of a polyp in my uterus, but they also noticed stubborn cysts on my ovaries, one of which looked a bit wierd) led to my ovaries being removed and I was flung into menopause that way. So I have a lot of sympathy for you on both counts.

    I didn’t take HRT but menopause gave me such a chaotic ten years, I would probably go on it if I had my time again.

    I hope you can be as kind to your self as you can. Use all your experience and skills to put good things into place and figure out where those extra kilos are appearing from. It is so tempting to eat something when you are exhausted, and impossible to cook up a good meal when you haven’t got the energy to stand up. But keep planning.

    Fingers crossed the iron tablets work quickly.

    How are you today? Sending lots and lots of good wishes.

    GDay, your post must have appeared late because we all seem to have missed it. I didn’t see it until just now when Cinque posted the link. How awful to be feeling so tired. I don’t have any experience with anemia myself but I’ve known a few people who had it and took iron supplements for a while. I hope the iron pills work quickly for you and that it passes quickly, especially since you have your trip coming up soon.

    Sending good wishes your way.

    Good morning Quakka,
    Have fun waiting until you are hungry, and then have a bit of bread or whatever you want.
    I am a bit the same this morning, not hungry, but thinking of eating. I am having another cup of tea! 😉
    I hope you have a really lovely rest day after your stressful week.

    You are all so right about ‘wanting food’ vs ‘being hungry’. I remember when my old cat got fat the vet explained that she is programmed to hunt for food, and if miaowing piteously at me for something to eat was the best available technique, she would keep doing it, even though she wasn’t at all hungry. I am very like my old cat. Programmed to hunt for food. 😀

    Nancy, hooray for that stirfry, and thanks re the diverticulitis info. My sister has nursing training and had read a lot, but it is particularly the fasting that she is thinking about. (I wish she would try 5:2).

    Arelkade, did you manage a lovely Fast Day to get you back on track. I think it is the ‘reset’ capability of a Fast Day that I love most.

    Penguin good to see you post and hear about such energy. I used to be a morning person, but now I relate to the meme that has been going around facebook that says “I’m not an early bird, or a night owl, I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon” https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/44/9e/da449e66298f091ed93da6848b156eff.jpg Haha

    Thin, I hope it was another wonderful jazz night thingy.
    The program will be on SBS on demand and is called both ‘The Diet Testers’ and ‘How to Lose Weight Well’ (just to keep us on our toes). My TV has decided it can’t connect to the internet at the moment so I can’t check which one it is showing under.
    It was good to see someone using all the packets in the Prolon pack, and interestingly she had much more energy over the 5 days compared to her friend on the soup diet. They both lost an impressive amount of weight over 5 days, which was the point of the exercise.

    What an interesting internet history you have! I put up a website too, back in the days when I had to write it all myself in html (or whatever it was) (and very amateur) but now I just ask my daughter how to do everything! It is dreadful I know, but she is just so handy.
    Can’t keep up with computers!

    Hooray your coffee machine is working again!

    Paula, I hope you and your daughter found some scrumptious jewelry!

    My scan was quick and efficient, thanks everyone, and I will get the results next Thursday, which will probably involve 4 hours waiting for a five minute appt (public hospital). But if I get told there is no problem and they will see me in a year (or two?), I won’t complain.

    Lindsay, so glad you popped in. Sending good wishes and hope you are having a great time.

    Merry, missing you!
    Intesha, are you travelling yet?

    LJoyce I hope your nurse is better quick!

    Better go. Mammoth post!
    Cheers all!

    GDSA, sorry I missed your post too.
    I have had anaemia several times and I still have to take supplements to keep my iron levels up. When it was bad, it was mostly caused by heavy periods and it was much worse in the years I was vegetarian. I found I needed a combination of iron supplements and more red meat as my body seemed to be unable to absorb all the iron it needed from plant sources or supplements. It didn’t need to be a lot of meat just more regular than I was eating it. It was the persistent anaemia that led me to stop being vegetarian and start including small amounts of meat in my diet again.

    My GP said that iron supplements are absorbed better in conjunction with vitamin C – you can get the ferrous-gradument tablets plain or with vitamin C already added. I had to take them with food as they upset my stomach otherwise. I still need to take the supplements, although I only have to take one every 3rd day these days.
    I do know someone who also can’t absorb the iron they need from supplements and they have the infusions you describe – I think they have them about 4 times a year.

    I danced around menopause – going in and out of menopause for about 4 years, but finally went into full menopause 18 months ago. The night sweats made it so difficult to sleep that I did start HRT a year ago. I haven’t regretted it as it stopped the night sweats and I can actually sleep properly again. I haven’t noticed oedema that I can connect to menopause but I imagine HRT would have an impact on that too as it returns your hormones to roughly pre-menopause levels.

    For me, neither of these issues were solved quickly. Although haemoglobin rose with supplements and more red meat, it took my body many months to replenish my depleted iron reserves. Unless you can get your doctor to do the infusion I can’t see a way to solve the anaemia quickly.

    Try not to let the fluid weight get to you – it is not body fat that you’ve regained it’s fluid retention.

    Good morning SHs,

    Cinque, my nurse has rescheduled for next Tuesday, hopefully she’s well then.

    Thin, I’m pleased that frothy coffee is back the menu. That must make mornings a bit easier.

    Cali, are you still on the mend? Has that cough abated yet?

    Paula, I don’t think 246 is too many calories if a meal is filling and can be the main thing you eat on a FD. I make some legume stews and curries that have a similar amount of calories. But 1 cup of it is filling so the higher calories count is ok. “Spending” half of your FD calories on one food is only an issue if they are foods that don’t leave you satisfied.

    Quacka, I think recognising hunger and choosing not the eat unless you are sure you really are hungry is a really important step to take. That was quite a learning process for me. You start to realise how often you eat because it’s a meal time rather than because you are hungry. I came to realise I was rarely hungry at breakfast time and was only eating it from habit.

    Nancy & Quacka, as you are both looking at what is hunger and what isn’t I thought I’d repost this list and hunger exercise that my dietitian gave me:

    Recognising Genuine Hunger:
    • an empty or even a painful gnawing feeling in the stomach
    • a rumbling feeling in the stomach
    • a cramping feeling in the stomach
    • a hollow feeling in the stomach
    • a feeling of nausea
    • no feelings in the stomach at all, but a desire to eat
    • a feeling of weakness or lethargy
    • feelings of light-headedness or irritability
    • difficulty in concentrating
    • feeling a bit shaky
    • decrease in energy levels
    • headache

    Hunger Exercise:
    Take a couple of deep breaths. Focus your attention on your mouth area— your teeth, tongue, lips and throat. Are there any physical sensations there that tell you that you might be hungry? Is your mouth dry or moist? Are you feeling thirsty?
    Now focus on the upper area of your stomach— the area just below your rib cage. What sensations are you feeling? Are there any noises?
    Now focus on the lower area of your stomach— are there any sensations there? Do you notice any differences between the upper part of your stomach and the lower part? Does one feel more empty and the other more full? Repeat the exercise.
    Have any other physical sensations become apparent in your mouth or upper/ lower stomach?
    Now pay attention to your whole body.
    Do you feel high in energy or low in energy?
    Are you feeling tired? How is your concentration? Are you feeling comfortable or irritable?
    Have you got images of food in your mind – are you thinking about what would be nice to eat?
    Try to notice anything about your body generally, that might be telling you that you are physically hungry.
    If you were to rate yourself so that 0 was absolutely empty, 2 was getting empty, 5 was full, 8 was overfull and 10 was stuffed full, what would you score out of 10?

    Hi everyone, I’m still here lurking in the background. Thank you Cinque for thinking of me.

    I leave on the 25th and have been busy trying to get things set up for my Dad while I am away. He will stay in the house but will have weekly visits to clean, change his bed and do the shopping. I’m setting up everything so things are easily accessible for him.

    I am still doing 3 FD’s a week, Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday. Weight goes up and down but I have to confess I do stray, my weight this morning was 67.3, still a 20kg loss from when I started 3years ago. I’m happy with that until I come back then I want to make a concentrated effort to get closer to 60. Whether that is feasible for me without me looking gaunt we will see.

    I still avidly read all the posts and LJoyce your posts make me feel exhausted. What a wonderful job you have done.

    Hi Thin still an inspiration for us all.

    There are way too many posts but hello to all the newbies and the ones that just keep on keeping on.

    Cinque, I did immediately notice that the order of posts had changed this morning but wouldn’t have thought to go back and see whether additional posts had been slotted in late. You are very observant. Thanks, I shall look up the programme on SBS tonight. We have the same history of computing & hitch-hiking. I operate on a ‘need to know’ basis these days and, like you, I can ask DD if I need to know.

    Sending best wishes GDSA, I can’t offer any wise words about menopause because I barely noticed it. But at least you have the 5:2 skills already so I’m sure you’ll put the right methods into practice to keep the weight you lost from returning.

    Cinque, the jazz evening was even better than last week. Very high quality musicians. Last week, the organisers (a man in his nineties actually put it all together within 8 weeks) were overwhelmed by the response for the initial event and kept bringing in more chairs. Last night, there were a third of the people which made it very intimate and more like a concert. DD was keen to come with us and she enjoyed it very much too. We’re so lucky to have this within walking distance. BTW, the three of us drank pitchers of water all evening, not feeling any pressure to drink alcohol.

    That’s annoying about the nurse LJ but you seem to have handled it very calmly. I don’t quite get people who call after the appointment time has passed to cancel. Our lawnmower man called at 5pm yesterday to say he wasn’t coming – a fact I’d actually worked out for myself since he’s normally finished by 10am.

    It’s about four hours since I started this so there will be other posts to read now.

    P.S. Well hello Intesha! I was very pleased to see your post and to learn that you’re practicing 3 FDs a week – wow. Are there a lot of spoons being licked on the other four days? Not long until your trip so you must be excited by that. It sounds as though your dad is doing very well and maintaining his independence to be able to live alone while you’re away with some support. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you down around 60kgs in the months to come. I am one that loses weight in the face and I feel I do look older with less weight. But it’s worth it. I think. Yes, it is!

    After 8 hours of solid work my kitchen floor is finally sanded and finished and ready for the polyurethane. The constant vibration of the sander has made a bit of a mess of my hands and wrists. I just tried to pour out a cup of tea and nearly dropped the pot as my hands didn’t want to work. Never mind, it’s done now and I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow. The floor looks and feels pretty good, even if I do say so myself.

    Thin, glad you enjoyed the Jazz. I’m afraid it’s a type of music that just doesn’t appeal to me, but I have friends who love it.

    Intesha, I’ll stop exhausting everyone very soon – including myself. I assume you are going away for a holiday – if so I hope you have a fabulous time. It sounds as if you’ve put things in place at home.

    NFD for me today. So far I’ve had a banana and large bowl of home made muesli. I thawed an individual lentil veg pot pie today and it’s baking in the airfryer at the moment. I’m fasting tomorrow and then again on Monday. I don’t really want a one day gap between FDs but my infusion is now next Tuesday so fasting Monday is important. I have been keeping tabs on what I eat on NFD and I definitely eat more one the single day NFDs. I think it feels too much like a binge-punish pattern that I used to struggle with.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    Morning guys. I hope you have had a good Thursday, Friday or whever I last logged on. 🙂

    FD today. So trying not to eat yet. Getting hungry and my stomach is now rumbling so I might have to soon. I have been following the posts and I get it now, you wait until you are actually hungry – not when your clocks tells you it is breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. This now makes more sense to me.

    Hope your Saturday is awesome no matter what you are doing.


    Hi everyone, just checking in.

    Enjoy reading all your posts – unfortunately, no real time to answer each one. Need to slow down!

    All the best to those fasting today. I’m going to try a liquid fast just for a change – tea, herbal tea, coffee with small amount of milk and water. My weight has been up and down in the last 2 weeks eg Thursday 77.7kg, today 76.9kg (was 76.1kg earlier in the month) – I know this is normal,but I need to seriously get back on track again! Enjoying yoga but need to start walking again – our dogs would like it as well!

    Need to buy a new food weighing scale as mine gave up yesterday – don’t like guessing what an item weighs.

    LJoyce: so glad you have nearly completed your renos – the for sale sign must be so close to happening now. Thank you for sharing the hunger signals – I never get hungry feelings! Best wishes for Tuesday – will be thinking of you.

    Thin: I enjoy most jazz, especially traditional jazz music but not modern jazz. It’s good to listen to, dance to, and is so relaxing.

    Cinque: I agree with you – I think fast days can reset my good intentions to be more mindful and so keep on track to a healthier life overall. Hope you are feeling better now.

    Calif: hope you are also feeling a lot better and that cough has found somewhere else to be!

    GDay: take care of yourself as anaemia can be so debilitating – rest when you need to and please try not to push yourself.

    Penguin: hope you had an enjoyable holiday and can now enjoy nice Spring sunshine in Gloucester UK.

    Hi to all others – I hesitated to go back in pages in case this post was lost! Warm welcome to all the new SH’s – this forum has many very supportive and experienced fasters who happily share their knowledge with us new ones!

    It’s nearly 7.40am on Saturday morning, so off to an early start to the day.

    Hope you all enjoy St Patrick’s Day – not too much Guinness though! Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Arelkade. Thanks for the thought. We are still in foreign parts, don’t get back to UK until Monday. Looking at the weather forecast we are going to feel the difference! Enjoy the liquid fast – I have one of those scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. Depending on my post holiday weight it might well be another five day job.

    Good morning all, hope you have nice things planned for your weekend.

    I’m fasting today and planning on having a fairly slow day as my hands are still too inflamed to do much with.

    I’m about to head off to return the sander and pick up a birthday present for my cousin’s husband. Thankfully he doesn’t require originality – I always get him a nice red wine and he’s always happy with that.

    Hi everyone
    The liquid fast day lasted until 8 minutes ago. Been swapping bedside cupboards x 4, in 2 rooms, sorting lots of ‘bits’ from drawers, vacuuming behind and under beds, perspiring profusely – so had a chinese BBQ pork sandwich with high fibre bread for more energy, as still lots to sort out! Now it’s a FD! Hopefully no more food till tomorrow morning.

    Hope your sore hands feel a lot better real soon LJoyce.

    Enjoy the rest of your holiday Penguin – hope you and OH are feeling very relaxed and the weather is kind to you.

    Must go finish what I started.
    Bye for now!

    Hi Paulamac65 LJoyce – Thanks for all the info. Eating when I thought I was hungry when I actually wasn’t,I think that really sunk in for me last week, and I feel as though that is something I can easily work on, I feel I have control of it. Its quite liberating. Just not eating until I have to, gives me a freedom from the burden of food that I would never have thought possible.

    In saying that – I took a real day off on Friday – supped one too many wines – one too many almond chocs, one too many cracker & Brie – is this bad!!! I have NO intention of carrying on this indulgent behaviour during the week, just allow myself to be a little bit bad at the weekend – well Friday.

    Hi Intesha – Nice to meet you. 🙂

    I am registered with a weight/diet group called Noom, I keep posting stuff about Fasting – but the group coach doesn’t seem to like it much :(( Probably time for me to unsubscribe.

    I lost 1.6kg this week :)))

    All have a great weekend wherever you are. Cheers

    Hi all,
    Long time no read and no post.
    Hope all are well and thriving, reducing , maintaining, fasting 2x week.

    Welcome to any newbies. I will meet you all in when I’m back on the forum in April.

    Check in 64.5kg and holding steady through these last few weeks of my project.

    Bye for now,
    onwards and downwards,
    If you fall off the horse get back on.
    3 1/2 years on 5:2, maintaining for 1 1/2 yrs

    Merry, Intesha, lovely to hear from you!

    Intesha, I am so excited that you are heading off in a week! I do hope you are excited too. Please do enjoy every minute. I know you are doing everything you can to make sure your dad will be fine while you are gone, so when you wave good bye try and just think of yourself for a while. I hope you can be in the moment.
    (And hoping he manages wonderfully and you can feel that you can do more traveling!)

    Merry, good work and cheers that the end of your project is in sight (that means you are probably not responsible for the Trump – Kim Jong-Un talks?)

    Paula, congratulations on another fast day under your belt. Hope that belt is feeling a little loose!

    Arelkade, Good try at a liquid fast! I wonder if you will ever try again? Hope it ended up a good fast day anyway, and that you got everything done.

    LJoyce, I hope your hands are much better this morning. What a battering they must have taken.

    Thin, hooray for another excellent night of music. (Bluesy Jazz is my favourite jazz).

    Penguin, enjoy your last couple of holi-days!

    Nancy, Woohoo for that nice loss!
    I looked up Noom. Do you (and the forum group) find it useful? I would have thought 5:2 fits in well with it. The coach doesn’t think so?

    GDAY your post came up on Friday as the ‘latest post’ yet when I clicked on it I was taken back to days before. I hope you have read all the posts now.

    Horrible hot windy weather here, and bushfires in the west of the state. Hopefully it will settle down.

    Yesterday I was up early to babysit the granddarlings, and then made Kheema in the afternoon. I did some cooking on Friday too, so my freezer is pretty well stocked. Plan to make a big pot of minestrone today, and I will be right for the week.

    Best wishes

    Good morning SHs, hope you are all having a lovely Sunday.

    I was up early to put the final coat of polyurethane on the new floor boards in the lounge room. I also vacuumed and wiped down the sanded kitchen floor so it’s now ready for it’s first coat of polyurethane, that’s this afternoon’s task.

    I’m just heading off for a family brunch to celebrate my aunt’s birthday. It’s a NFD so I can let my hair down a little.

    Cinque, are you fasting today? Look after my DD while she’s on your side of the continent please. Studying platypodes in Tassie. I’ve never even seen one.

    Congratulations to all the losers, of which there are a few just lately. I’m joining you at 58.8kg today so expecting a possible personal best on the scales tomorrow after today’s FD. Not that I’m really trying to lose weight, I’m just not particularly interested in food at the moment, especially meat. If I get to 58kg, I shall have to revert to 6:1 for a while. Or get that birthday cake out of the freezer.

    That wx sounds horrible Cinque. It’s been cool here but we still have a 36C day forecast. Strange weather indeed.

    I hope you enjoyed your brunch LJ, you deserved every bite. Hi Merry, Arel, Nancy, CalifD, Paula, Penguin, Stay if you’re still with us. And everyone else.

    G’day everyone Hope your day is going well. St. Patrick’s Day is almost over here and I had a nice day full of cooking corned beef and cabbage and eating. ☘️☘️☘️☘️ We only have corned beef around this time of year but have enough leftovers to eat it for a few days now. It took around an hour and a half in the Instant Pot to get it falling apart tender, the way we like it. We had it with red potatoes and a green salad the avocado and vinegrette dressing. Cake for dessert. Needless to say, this wasn’t a FD and I’m afraid my eating wasn’t too mindful. I was 58.1 for the past 2 days, so hopefully today doesn’t add too much!

    We had a big hail storm this afternoon while we were eating, with a little thunder and lightning. It lasted long enough that we had a good layer of small hailstones on the ground that looked like snow and stayed there for a couple hours. It was around 7 C earlier and now is down to 3 C. Quite a contrast to the hot and windy weather around Melbourne that Cinque is having. Hot and windy is scary because of the possibility of fires in both of our countries. I’m always nervous until the winds calm down. Hope they are calmed by the time you read this.

    Merry, good to see you here for a few. Penguin, happy to hear you’re still on holiday. Thin, your jazz concerts sound like such a cool way to spend an evening! That the bands were good makes it even better. LJ, getting the polyurethane on the floorboards has to be so satisfying! Floors always look wonderful after a sanding and new finish is applied. Will they need more than one coat? Hope you can be out of the house for a while when both rooms are drying. The smells from that stuff are pretty strong as I recall. But with the warm weather you probably have open windows so it can air out. Your house must be looking pretty nice with all the work you have done. You have good reason to feel proud!

    Hi Cinque

    Yeh the NOOM is useful – you get to input all your achievements for the day, like, Walking, weight training, food intake – and its kinda good to see how that looks when reading back on it.

    Noom just has a specific diet, which is eating regularly through the day, the right foods, and snacking options. I put it to the coach Fasting – and she feared it would make me tiered and not be sustainable for the long run. I did say that the medical research suggests the opposite, and that the need for snacking is a bit of a myth. I haven’t mentioned skipping breakfast, this would not go down well I suspect. LOL I exaggerate – but you know what I mean :))

    St Patricks day is over – and I didn’t have a drink. I am down from 101.6 to 89.3 – so far so good.

    Have a great week all FD & NFD 🙂

    Good evening all,

    While I’m waiting for dinner to bake in the airfryer (a piece of moussaka that I thawed today), I thought I’d give a better post than my speedily written one this morning.

    I went to the family brunch and tried something none of us had ordered before – baked eggs with roasted vegetables and pita bread. An unusual combination in a breakfast menu. It was pleasant but not wonderful. I probably wouldn’t order it again. I got all of my planned reno tasks done today and also managed to get rid of a few unwanted pieces of furniture to a friend of a friend. I love finding new homes for things I don’t want anymore.

    Cali – Stay warm and out of that hail.
    Oh yes the wood floor needs more than one coat of polyurethane. On bare sanded floorboards you need three coats, and it has to be carefully sanded and cleaned of the sawdust between each coat – the polyurethane makes the wood fibres stand up and the floor can feel a little furry so you have to make smooth again between coats. As I don’t have the appropriate industrial finishing sander to do this, I’ll be on the floor with a cork block and strip of fine grit sandpaper doing it by hand! The floor polishing process is basically a 3 day event as it takes up to 24 hours to dry, depending on the temperature. Then another 7 days before you can put any furniture on it. Getting the next 2 coats of polyurethane on is all I’m attempting to do over the next 2 days. Most of tomorrow I’ll be shopping for soft furnishings and Tuesday I have the nurse coming to do my infusion in the morning.

    Nancy, congrats on the 2.3kg weight loss, that’s excellent and worth going without the St Pat’s drink. There will be more St Pat’s days and other opportunities to indulge, it’s ok to say no to some.

    Thin, good to hear you are still in the 58s before a FD. Good going. The idea of getting stuck into the frozen cake to stop losing too much weight made me smile. Hope your daughter has a fab time in Tassie, what an amazing opportunity.

    Arel, I feel for you with the yo-yoing weight, that’s always a frustration. I hope the scales start a proper downward trend for you again soon.

    Merry, hope you get your project completed on time. Glad to hear you’ve manage to maintain weight while so busy.

    Penguin, hope you and Mrs P had a fabulous holiday. Safe flight home.

    The airfryer just “dinged”, my dinner’s ready. Talk to you all again tomorrow.

    Good evening, it is lovely here now, the wind and temperature have dropped and the last of the sun is making for a beautiful evening.
    I have just had my big bowl of miso soup (with mushroom, radish, cauliflower and peashoots) and am feeling full. It has been a good fast day.
    I made my minestrone (sans pasta) and cooked pumpkin ready for the kibbeh I want to make on Tuesday for a family Middle Eastern picnic (my sister was in Israel last year and misses the food). Now my fridge only has enough veggies for a frittata and salads so my ‘fear of waste’ anxiety has settled.

    Thin, 36C again! I am glad it will settle down before it reaches Melbourne.

    I have also turned much more vegetarian. I think I have been influenced by all the Dr Longo talk. I was happily eating more meat, hearing it was good for older women, but when he spoke of ‘older’ as 80 years I thought I might be less enthusiastic about it, and I have been glad to up my vegetable intake.

    I’m happy to be SE agent if your daughter needs me! I hope she is enjoying the platypus in plural. They are wonderful creatures. I have mostly seen them at Healsville Sanctuary.

    Cali I am imagining how you decorated your home for St Patrick’s Day! Belated Happy St Patrick’s day to all of you with Irish blood!
    I love corned beef! Keep warm!

    Nancy, if you don’t get too irritated by the lack of support, it might be good to be the resident 5:2er on Noom, quietly showing that it can be done.
    And how nice it must feel to be under 90kg. Yay! You might never go over 90 again! https://media.giphy.com/media/peAFQfg7Ol6IE/giphy.gif

    Happy Birthday to your aunt LJoyce, hope it was a lovely brunch. Edit: Just saw your post!

    I’ve got a really busy week ahead, but a good one. Just hoping I sleep really well tonight.
    Hope you do too, all of you. Cheers.

    Wow, what a lot of Sunday posts!

    Cinque what is SE agent please? It’ll probably be obvious when you tell me. And thank you for offering to be that person! I’m glad you had a good FD. Your miso soup sounds a bit like mine. I’ve just eaten a quarter of a small Chinese cabbage with mine. That’s a lot of cabbage. And I forgot to soak my mushrooms early enough so they were a bit chewy. My red chilli slowed me down quite a bit too.

    LJ, that baked egg breakfast sounds good to me. I might not order it though. One of my FD meals is Spanish Fideos requiring an egg to be baked in the oven on top of the Angel Hair noodles & other ingredients. It takes forever (or so it seems on a FD)! I wouldn’t like to argue with the resident statistician but I’m pretty sure Nancy has lost a substantial 12.3kgs (did it twice in my head). Well done Nancy!

    I forgot all about St. Patrick’s Day – it was a big deal when we lived in San Diego, everyone claiming to be Irish, drinking green beer, etc. It’s probably an excuse for drinking here too but I just don’t notice. CalifD, like Cinque, I was also imagining the decorating at your house. It sounds like you celebrated in style and started with a nice, low weight which allows you to enjoy what you’re eating confidently.

    Cinque, it was you who got me off eating so much meat I think. Lots of legume recipes being mentioned. And Amazon at Christmas on the Silly Season Challenge got me thinking about how much meat we eat. OH has now said that I should have a pot of that mung bean soup cooked up ‘all the time’. What a turnaround.

    I think SE means south east.
    I stand corrected, it is indeed 12.3kg. I’m terribly sorry Nancy, I didn’t mean to put 10kg back on you – don’t panic they were imaginary kilos. Even I make arithmetical errors at times – Can I claim that the fumes from the polyurethane went to my head?

    I was planning an early night, but SBS is showing “That Sugar Film” again and although I’ve seen it several times I find myself absorbed in it again.

    Evening people. Had a great day fasting yesterday. Have lost a little since last weekend’s weigh in. Much happier munchkin this week. 🙂

    Husband working away from Tuesday early am to Thursday late pm. So fasting will be super easy this week (hoping not to jinx myself).

    I hope everyone has a great night and awesome day tomorrow. Another retail therapy day for Courtney and I as we didn’t finish everything on Thursday last week.

    Take care, and those fasting – good job and those not – good job.


    Hi Cali:

    I’m sorry, I missed your question about whether the Longevity Diet cures cancer when combined with chemo and other current treatments.

    There are at least five clinical trials underway exploring that question. My comments were based on rumor and the rumor mill is positive and excited, but until the trials are completed and published we won’t know for sure. Until then, an outline of the most recent study published in 2016 states:

    “Immune-based interventions are promising strategies to achieve long-term cancer-free survival. Fasting was previously shown to differentially sensitize tumors to chemotherapy while protecting normal cells, including hematopoietic stem and immune cells, from its toxic side effects. Here, we show that the combination of chemotherapy and a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) increases the levels of bone marrow common lymphoid progenitor cells and cytotoxic CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), leading to a major delay in breast cancer and melanoma progression.”

    There are also trials on Alzheimer’s, MS, Type 1 & 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, crohn’s and I think some others. Here is an interesting study on the FMD and Types 1 & 2 diabetes: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867417301307

    Longo has stated that he believes the positive impact on many diseases of the Longevity Diet with the FMD is being underestimated by the medical community.

    I’m pretty much results driven, and the final results are not yet in. But I tend to agree with him.

    Good morning,
    Morning after Fast Day. Oooh it is lovely. I slept quite well also 🙂

    Yes Thin, I am your DD’s South Eastern agent!
    I am laughing at myself, but I feel absurdly pleased that those legumes are making you feel healthier. I have been championing them (gently!) for over thirty years and it is only with the 5:2 forum that I have found fellow travelers.
    Enjoy your frothy coffee this morning.

    The Victorian fires have been the worst of the season. They are close to under control now, but there are even worse ones in Southern NSW. Plus a cyclone through Darwin. Poor old country, it is having a battering.

    LJoyce I watched Howard’s End last night, but I might try and catch That Sugar Film as I have never seen it. (now that the wifi is working on my telly again. (I turned it off, and then turned it on again 😉 )

    Paula, so glad your scales are going in the right direction now. Cheers for a great fasting week! Found a picture of you coming home after shopping for jewelry http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/27/article-2546671-1AFF1CB900000578-852_634x637.jpg

    Hi Simco

    Have a lovely day, people!

    Morning all

    Cinque – wow that is a lot of jewellery. 🙂 Made my day thanks.

    To all the rest of you – hope you have a good one today whether you are fasting or not. 🙂

    Keep the information and advice coming.


    Hi SHs,

    I’ve given the kitchen floor a light sand by hand with a cork block, I’ve swept it and hand washed it with a damp sponge to remove every speck of dust. Unfortunately I can’t put on the next coat of polyurethane until it’s bone dry, so I’ll have to be patient for a little while. I am planning to go to a few stores to look for soft furnishings so I might do that first.

    It’s been windy and wet here, I just hope the rain moves east quickly so the areas of NSW and Vic that were hit by bushfires yesterday get some needed rain. The news this morning was that 70 homes were lost in NSW and 18 in Victoria, but thankfully no loss of life, that’s such a blessing especially given how fast the NSW fire moved it could so easily have been deadly.

    Cinque, I also started using legumes about 30 years ago. As a child I didn’t like them, not even baked beans. In my 20s I was given Mollie Katzen’s “The Enchanted Broccoli Forest” and then I bought her “Moosewood” cookbook. I was married at the time and luckily when I started making lots of recipes from these books my husband liked them too. We happily settled into having several vegetarian dinners each week.

    Paula, glad to hear you’ve lost weight this week. I think it is easier to deal with a FD when you don’t have other family members wanting meals that you can’t eat, so hopefully this week will be easier. I also found that the more time I stuck with 5:2 the easier it got. It will become routine and will require less thought, planning and worry than it does at the beginning. I used to worry about being hungry and having food on hand that was within the 500 cals to snack on – having that planned made be feel safe and calm. I don’t think that way anymore, eventually I accepted that being hungry for a short period was ok, the sky wouldn’t fall in and I would get to eat something soon. But it takes time for thinking patterns to change so just do what you need to on a FD to make it comfortable and not stressful.

    Thin, I think the baked egg & veg breakfast would have made a better dinner. It was roasted red onion, zucchini, pumpkin and tomato with 2 baked eggs, and a pile of fresh rocket on top. As long as there wasn’t a lot of added fat it might even work as FD dinner. I’ve never actually baked whole eggs – just in things like quiche. I tend to use eggs as a fast evening meal – which means cooking on the stove as it’s ready quickly.
    My issue with the meal I ordered was the sameness of the flavour, there was nothing punchy or zingy in it, just all mild flavours. A spoonful of pesto or a little feta would have helped, even some garlic & herbs. I think the main reason I was disappointed was that the previous Sunday (safe cafe) I’d ordered the field mushroom stack which had pesto, feta and balsamic flavours with it and each mouthful was just wonderful.

    Well, I’ve finished my pot of tea and probably need to head to the shops now. Not really in the mood but it has to be done sometime.
    I’m fasting today so keeping busy is always a good plan as the day flies by without me thinking much of food.

    Good Afternoon everyone

    Thank you LJoyce for the post about the hunger signals – very interesting.

    I have been to see the doctor this morning and I am not happy. About six weeks ago my blood pressure reading was high and it was again today. She tested it twice and both times were high today. Now she has prescribed me medication. My mother has had high blood pressure since she was quite young too (younger than me. I just turned 40) so the doctor thinks it is genetic. I don’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life

    I have told her that I have lost weight and am doing the 5:2 diet. She was pleased and asked me what my goal weight is. When I told her 60kg, she did say that would make a huge difference to my blood pressure. When I get to 60kg she said we may try to stop the tablet and see what happens. I have lost 10kg on this “diet” and so have another 10kg to lose.

    The doctor also said that sodium intake is a factor. I think I do eat too much salt. I am always reading labels for calorie count and sugars, guess I have to look at sodium now as well. Luckily I don’t eat too many processed foods so cutting it down shouldn’t be too difficult.

    Has anyone else here had high blood pressure? Did the fasting and losing weight help?

    It has really got me down today. Monday is my usual FD and I am sticking with it regardless. I have even more reason now to stick to this way of life.

    Hope you are all doing well 🙂

    Hi all… But especially Quacka. I too suffer from a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure, and have taken half a tablet daily since my late 30s. When I had it tested just before I came overseas, my doctor was surprised to see it was 120 over 68…. Lower than usual. I told him I was following the 5:2 diet and had lost some kilos. His view was that we would test it more often now (it’s been routinely 130 over 75 or thereabouts (a little lower sometimes) for years. He said if I continued to lose weight, we could reassess whether I needed to stay on he medication at all. (btw when I say ‘half a tablet’ it’s because when I was working overseas, taking 12 packets of tablets for the year was not only bulky but aroused suspicions at China’s border control, so he prescribed a 150mg dose but gave me a script for 300mg, so I only had half as many packets to travel with. I can imagine you are reluctant to commit to a lifetime of tablets Quacka, but maybe this is only a temporary measure til those remaining 10 kilos drop off. Good luck.

    Quaka, my blood pressure went down during the time I was losing just under 13 kg. At one point it got too low with medication and I went off them for a while. But stress causes my BP to go up and my job can be stressful at times. So I’m on a low dose for the time being. For me, the weight made a difference. Getting more exercise would probably help to normalize mine too.

    Good evening,
    Nice work from the Perthians: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-19/perth-cycle-group-fight-club-creates-strava-map-numbat/9562696?smid=Page:%20ABC%20Melbourne-Facebook_Organic&WT.tsrc=Facebook_Organic&sf184895190=1

    🙂 Paula

    Quakka, do you have symptoms that go with high blood pressure? My sister is getting tested at the moment, she has a sfaggometer (No Cinque, that would be a sphygmomanometer) she uses at home. they said that so many people’s blood pressure is up when they are at the doctors that it isn’t reliable figures. (But hers is up at times, and she can tell by how she feels). Anyway, fingers crossed that yours goes down as you lose weight.

    My day has gone really well. I hope everyone else’s has too. Cheers.

    At the moment I hate shopping. If I never see another soft furnishings store it will be too soon! I lost count of how many shops I went to today and I still have no white bed sheets for the spare room. How hard can it be to find a pair of crisp white bed sheets. Everything was either the wrong shade of white, too expensive or that floppy sateen fabric (not the look I want). On a positive note I did manage to find curtains, towels, bed cushions, pillows, vases, an ottoman, a clock and a table runner. I came across some really helpful sales staff and some who made me want to scream. The things I didn’t find will have to wait until next week, because I can’t face doing that again anytime soon. I’d rather be renovating – didn’t think I’d be saying that today. That’s the end of my rant today, promise.

    Quacka, Don’t lose heart, I had a similar experience as Cali and Lindsay. I was on multiple BP medications and as I lost weight my BP kept dropping and my meds had to be adjusted. However, I found progress on this was incredibly slow initially but the closer I got to goal the more frequently my meds had be lowered (near the end it seemed every 2kg made a difference, but initially I lost 20kg before my BP dropped enough to reduce meds, it was a processes that seemed to take time to gain momentum). I also found that I wan’t taken off all BP meds until I had spent a few months at my goal weight. I now take no BP meds at all and the only time my BP regularly goes up is when I take anti-inflammatories, or sometimes antibiotics. The only other thing that also seemed to help in gentle cardio exercise like walking – my BP is a little lower when I’m regularly doing this. I had read that every 10kg should result in a reduction in BP meds but found it didn’t follow that pattern so please be patient a little longer, sometimes our bodies take a little time to change.

    I have just finished a pot of tea and an apple. I’ll heat up a small serve of vegetarian shepherds pie shortly. As I mentioned earlier, FDs fly by when you are busy and don’t have time to eat. Hope everyone else has had a good day.

    LJoyce, would it be worth trying the biggest OpShops? I’ve found gorgeous white cotton sheets, although mainly flat ones I must admit. But such good quality they are perfect even though second hand. Might you be able to ring a few to save legwork?

    Cinque, Thanks for the idea. I have looked for curtains and bedding in the larger op shops that stock homewares in addition to clothing. Unfortunately I found nothing suitable. Just one set of old quality white sheets but for a double bed. I remember my mother having lots of lovely crisp white sheets but they were all for single and double beds too – I think that style of bedding predates the advent of queen & king beds.
    If all else fails I’ll just buy something really cheap from a discount store and get something better for the spare room after I’ve moved.
    Thankfully my friend has offered to help me on Saturday to buy the queen bed I want from Ikea and get it home. It will hopefully be less frustrating with an extra pair of hands.

    Hi Lindsay, Cali, Cinque and LJoyce.

    Thank you for your responses and encouraging words.

    Cinque I have had no symptoms at all. Just a routine BP check at the docs last time found it was elevated. Recently I have been getting headaches which they say can be a symptom of high BP, but I attributed it to eyesight issues. Maybe it has been the BP all along, guess I will know when I start these tablets.

    I also have rosacea so everytime I I would visit a doctor previously they would be straight on to checking my BP. A red face is also a symptom but mine is definitely rosacea.

    I avoided going to the chemist today. I think I was being a bit of an ostrich, hoping I if I buried my head in the sand, the whole issue may just go away. I talked with my Mum also and she said that she started her medication at age 22! I knew she was young but didn’t realise just how young. The doctor said I am actually young for this to be happening but I guess if it runs in the family……
    Mum also told me that my father has been on BP medications for many years also. I didn’t know this.

    I am starting to accept that I have to take these tablets. I will continue losing weight and see what happens. Now that I know Dad is also on meds I think I will probably be stuck on them for life.

    Tomorrow I am off to the chemist. I’m going to buy a machine and test at home and I suppose I have to start on the meds too.

    It’s really great that you are all here. Its good to be able to hear of your own experiences and I love all the support you all give me and each other. I can’t tell you enough how much it means to me 🙂

    I’ve read that some doctors check BP at the end of an appointment, rather that at the beginning, to lessen “white coat syndrome” when people are generally more anxious prior to talking to the doctor. I think they should all do this. Quaka, taking BP meds is no big deal, (especially with National Healthcare where there is no sticker shock as the the cost, like in the US) and they can be started and stopped as the doctor thinks is needed. I can’t feel the difference when taking them unless my BP gets too low, at then I feel lightheaded when I stand up from a sitting position. I bet you’ll be off of them before you get to your weight goal, like many of us here. Do you have a BP monitor at home to check? That can be really helpful with changing numbers over time. I check mine at least weekly, and there were times I checked it several times a day when it was changing. I think it’s great to have one for piece of mind. They’re fairly inexpensive and seem to last for years if you don’t drop them.

    LJ, have you checked Amazon for sheets? I don’t know what size you’re looking for, but they have several sets there. I almost always buy sheets through them for the same reasons you describe when shopping at brick and mortar stores. I often run out of patience running from store to store hunting for something that should be a simple product to find.

    Cinque, love that link you posted for the Perth cyclcling group. That had to be fun to put together. Such imagination! (And what a long ride!)

    Good morning everyone

    Feeling more positive today. I’m at work now and we have a chemist across the road. I will go over and check out the BP monitors when it opens.

    I hope everyone has a great day. I’m on a non FD today and looking forward to tomorrow’s FD. All the best to you all 🙂

    Good morning,
    Quick note as today is busier than yesterday. Quakka, thinking of you, and my sister, I had a peruse of the info on BP and its variation. Not enough is known, but hooray that medication may save you from a stroke or heart attack, and hooray that helping your health might mean that you can gradually do without them.
    LJoyce, you have to be so lucky to find something at an op shop right when you need it. Good luck getting something nice and easily.

    I had such a good sensible eating day yesterday, and plan to do the same today!

    Its raining here. Cool and dark and the garden is very very happy. Will clear later for our picnic.

    Paulamac65 – Thanks for the recipe – FD today – but will cook it up tomorrow. YUMMMMMM

    CalfiDreamer – Thanks for the info – think my eating is definitely boredom. I did read somewhere that it can be better to confront the food your trying to avoid, look at it and build up an immunity – so to speak. I give this a test when I go to the cafe and order my coffee, make a point of staring at the muffins etc, and work on not being tempted. :)) It might be worth a try.

    Quacka – Same for me the recognition of wanting food 7 & being hungry, and if I wait a bit any feeling I have I hunger on FD fades away – I hang onto Tomorrow is not far away. :))

    Cinque – Noom is $79 NZD a month – will have to ditch it as my budget won’t be able to keep up. :((

    Thanks all for this Forum – really good to have a group of peeps to chat to and standby each other in this
    pursuit of a healthier life.

    LJoyce – No problem – not apology needed :))

    $79 a month is expensive! Nancy, the 5:2 way of eating is so easy, it can be explained in a couple of paragraphs. There aren’t a lot of rules or special diets. Even the eating schedule is pretty much up to you. I bought the book, but I think it was a couple of months into the diet before I ever read more than a few pages. I was too busy talking to people here about it. The support for 5:2 won’t cost you a thing. There always seems to be someone around on these forums, if not on this thread, then on another. It’s an international community. I do recommend getting at least one of MM’s books though, because they provide a lot of insight and tips on following the plan.

    It sounds like you have a good handle on it already.

    But Cali, I was thinking of charging Nancy $70 a month for being here

    Cinque – LOL :))) Flowers are nice though.

    CalifDreamer – Thanks for the boost :)) I have both MM’s books Fast & the healthy Gut. Feel the same that the fast is a bit of a no brainer. I am slightly anxious that my eating days are not gonna blow upset it all – weekends are the naughty time :((. Friday is weighing day – so hopefully all will come out in the wash and there will be a fall in those Kgs. I can be very impatient – need to practice not expecting too much too soon. The Forum is great – and I am really enjoying having fellow fasters to travel with.

    LJ – There is a manchester place in Bibra Lake called Texcess Located at 13 Tayet Link, Bibra Lake, 6163
    Call (08) 9418 9050 They seem to have a good range of manchester etc.

    Sorry guys haven’t read any other posts yet. 🙂

    Have a great day, Paula

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