Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,925 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 1 day, 16 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 14,651 through 14,700 (of 28,029 total)

  • Thin, you would be amused if you could watch. It’s pretty funny.🤪

    LJ, my DS has knee issues. Hers would probably go out if she tried getting up from the floor like that. She has to be careful not to twist it doing normal things. Several years ago it went out when she was walking in the hall at work, for no apparent reason. She spent a week in a wheelchair or with a walker. They didn’t recommend knee replacement, even after an MRI. She had pulled or torn something that starts with an “m”. I forget what it’s called.
    You’ll have more muscles after all this work on your house!

    Arel, hope you can get your post back. I often write my posts in the Note app on the iPad and then copy and paste it here.

    Hi all. Back at work this week after having 2 weeks off where i spent the majority if my time completing 2 assignments for my diploma study. Submitted them both with 2 hours of the deadline… that will teach me for slacking off over xmas and new year.

    Ive had a break the last week from drinking my milk kefir as an experiment. For the last few months ive felt bloated, odourless gas and feeling heavy in my legs like im retaining fluid. Since ive stopped consuming kefir the bloating and gas has gone away. Today i consumed a small amount of kefir to see what that does. I must admit i was drinking 2 large glasses in one hit most days so maybe it was too much at once. For the next few days i will consume small amounts throughout the day and monitor results.

    Life is still extremely busy so not posting much. A second heat wave is upon us…..45 deg plus for the next 3 days. Happy fasting everyone.

    Hi all,

    It’s break and cuppa time for me – and a handful of cherries. I seem to be working faster today. I think I might even get the woodwork painting finished today (not the whole house, just the 3 areas I’m working on). Some welcome news – I got the revised quote from the cabinetmaker and it’s well within the budget I’d set. It means I’ll get the high impact kitchen reno tasks done only. It’s a big relief that I don’t have to go searching for more quotes.

    Arelkade – don’t you just want to scream when that happens. It seems to happen to me with a really long post – probably because I’m taking too long to write it.

    Cali – I think the word you are looking for is meniscus. My right knee issue started with a simple meniscus tear which was repaired during an arthroscopy. That should have been the end of it, but the surgery seemed to trigger my rheumatoid in that knee after the surgery and within 3 months the inflammation had damaged the joint so much that I needed a replacement.

    Thin – yes I could do with a day off. I’ve promised myself Saturday off, once I finish this round of painting. I also have a number of things to organise that involve a lot of driving from place to place – that will give me a break from painting when I need it. Now that I know what pace I can work at I feel like I’m going to get things done in time.

    GDSA – congrats on getting the assignments in. I hope your good results continue.

    My cuppa is finished so back to work.

    Hi everyone
    My lost post was just recovered by JJ – page 293, 11.29pm 24 Jan 18 (got lost in a spam filter on the 5:2 website). Happy now 😃
    Catch up soon and bye for now!

    Arelkade, I’ve read your lost post. I think Penguin has some experience with water fasts so hopefully he has some advice to offer.

    Arelkade. I find water fasts easier than a reduced cal day, I don’t have to worry about what I have eaten. I take nothing but liquid – black coffee, green tea, water but I cheat- I permit myself a small amount of milk in black tea. No supplements of any kind. Because I am in maintenance mode I don’t do it as often as I did when losing. About once a month I will go from 7pm Sunday until noon Wednesday with no solids. With practice it gets easier. Typically I will feel a little hungry at some time on the Monday, but I ignore it and it passes. This is counter intuitive, but I find my energy levels are higher when fasting, on the Monday I go to the gym and on the Tuesday have a Pilates work out. That length of fast works for me – many of us do one day and are happy with the result.

    I now fast for health reasons rather that weight control – I just feel so good by Wednesday.

    Hi Everyone
    Wow Penguin, thats a long fast with no food at all. LJoyce, enjoy your Saturday off painting. Gday, good on you for doing those assignments in your holidays- sounds like they have been great. CaulifD, I tried to get up but had to use 1 hand to help myself. Looking forward to a cooler day today Cinque??- only 29 haha. Then a couple of stinkers again.
    Im pleased to say Im 58 kg -as I was on my DDs wedding day 🙂 My goal is now to be 58 on a Monday so Ill probs have to be about 57 on a Friday.
    Today some friends, who came to the wedding who love the Yarra Valley, are coming for breakfast at our local cafe and then we will hit some wineries. No real plans yet on which ones. We will no doubt have pizzas at Napoleons Cidery for lunch. And, if we are all choosing a winery, I’ll choose Chandon or maybe The Yarra Valley Dairy for cheeses. There are too many places to choose from as there are about 90 wineries!!

    Have a great one!! xx

    Good morning, I hope you all have nice plans for the long weekend.

    Stay, your weekend plans sound rather nice, and I agree they could be detrimental to the waistline. But have fun, a fasting day will take care of any damage.

    I’m planning to have an easy reno day today and a complete day off tomorrow. Today I’m looking forward to removing the dust sheets form the pile of furniture in the centre of the study and trying out a couple of layouts. Once I’m happy with it I can then turn that room into a storage area so that I can more easily paint other rooms. I have a lot of packed boxes in the spare bedroom that I’ll move to the study, I just wanted to have the plan for staging the study for sale clear in my mind before I started piling stuff into it. The other task for today is to get the ceilings ready for painting – this means scrubbing them with a mop (because I can’t easily reach them any other way) and patching any old stains with a primer that means they won’t show through the ceiling paint.

    My FD was fine yesterday I made a 2 egg omelette with zucchini, spinach and parmesan for dinner. NFD today and I plan to pull something out of the freezer for dinner. After weeks of trying to eat the food in the freezer rather than buying more I still have 22 prepared meals in the freezer. Although I have made a lot of headway in using the raw meat & poultry and the bags of vegetables that were in the freezer. I can actually see what in the freezer without having to pull half of it out now.

    Have a nice day.

    Hi everyone. Currently 78.2kg – only 5 days and 200gm to meet my mini target by the end of this month – fingers crossed and here’s hoping!
    Went to our local Australia Day Celebrations – was a good morning. Was sitting in front of aircon most of the day – so humid; now currently pouring rain outside with thunder this afternoon!
    Calif – thank you for your advice; I’m using my PC, not mobile; writing into Word, then will copy and paste – hope it works!!! Seems like it did – yaaa!!!
    GDSA – so glad you managed to get your assignments in on time, can be so stressful, best wishes for your impending results; and enjoy being back at work
    LJoyce – so happy your new quote is within budget, maybe now have a little extra to spend somewhere else. Enjoy your day off tomorrow – relax and revive: you deserve it as you’ve been working very hard lately
    Penguin – Thanks so much for your advice with water fasting: will give it a go probably Sunday FD…so, nothing for me except fluids from 7pm Saturday night until breakfast on Monday. I know I couldn’t last as long as you – nearly 3 days, with exercise, that’s amazing!
    Stay – No doubt your winery excursions sounds wonderful – pizza…cheese…wine…, just being in the Yarra Valley would be delightful
    Hi to Thin, Cinque, LindsayL, Minka, Merry and anyone I have missed (not intentionally)
    Enjoy whatever you are all doing, keep cool/warm depending on where you are.
    Bye for now!

    Hi all – I’ve been lurking for a bit but thought I’d wade in now. I’ve been on this diet for 3 weeks now (Monday and Wednesday fasting) and have lost 5 kgs.

    I needed to do something as I’m immobile at the moment with a severely torn knee cartlidge (been that way since November with no surgery date yet, woohoo to the public health system) and I’m finding the diet easy enough. I’m stuck at home though (can’t drive due to the injury) and it’s a bit tempting sometimes to go and find something to eat.

    However, that 5 kg start has got me motivated and fingers crossed the weight loss continues as well as it has. It’s a fairly satisfying loss as I’m unable to exercise at all at present and I’m looking forward to next week’s weigh in 🙂

    Cherry, welcome to the 5:2 forums and to this thread in particular. You’re already having great success with losing. 5 kg is a lot! That can only be good for your injured knee. Even if you’re not doing much walking now, after surgery you’ll probably be doing physical therapy and you’ll be happy to have less weight on that knee.

    How much are you trying to lose? Are you finding the fast days (FD) easy or difficult? They become easier over time until they’re just a normal part of your week. I have a few things that I like to eat that are low calorie and eat those almost every FD. Soup is always an easy and filling choice, as are steamed vegetables, which are great at providing lots of fiber and keeping you feel full..

    Thanks for the encouragement 🙂 I’m not finding the fasting days difficult at all and yes, soup and salad is the go. I’m not an evening eater so I can easily have my last meal of the day at 4.30pm.

    I’m not putting a figure on how much weight I want to lose as I tend to get a bit obsessive about weight loss (I’m a project person and put 100% into any new thing I start). Instead I’m focusing on losing some weight before my operation, especially as I haven’t been able to walk more than a few steps at a time for the past (nearly) 3 months.

    I did low carb dieting years ago with amazing success but it just wasn’t sustainable in the long term. I’m hoping that 5 2 will be more of a doable solution 🙂

    Hi Cherry, welcome. I’m glad you’ve found fasting in the first three weeks fairly easy and have had good weight loss. I agree that it’s tempting to snack when you are stuck at home – I find that difficult on NFDs too. The fact that you are immobile shouldn’t be a problem. There are a number of people on this forum with chronic health issues that force them to be sedentary. I too lost weight while waiting for a knee operation and unable to exercise.
    I think you will find that 5:2 is sustainable. For me, it’s the first time moving from weight loss to maintenance has felt seamless and because most days I am eating normally I don’t feel like I’m on a diet. I’ve been doing 5:2 for just over a year and I find it a comfortable way of life that keeps my weight stable, but there are others for whom this has been a way of life for several years.

    Good morning,
    I had the best time with my granddaughters, but came home so tired I had to rest all day. Hopefully I caught up on sleep last night.

    Welcome Cherry, it is nice that someone lurks and thinks ‘yes, I’ll join in!’
    Congratulations on that first 5kg. Impressive! I bet it will be as you hope, and that 5:2 will be a good sustainable way of losing weight and looking after your health.

    I do so hope you can get your operation soon, it must be SO frustrating! Fingers crossed.

    Speaking of things crossed, Cali I am so impressed you can get down and up from sitting, no matter what you might look like doing it. I am going to make that a goal for me. That’s how good a role model you are!

    I’m so glad that Nigerian red bean curry has been such a hit.
    Thin, I find it hard putting my recipes on the SH recipe thread as I only have my miso soup on fast days (and there is a good recipe there already). All my recipes could be eaten on a fast day with small enough portions, but that could be said for cheesecake too!

    Hi Arelkade, you are SO CLOSE to your target. I am glad there are 31 days this month, you should do it!
    How are your new glasses?

    I got intrigued by curry leaf through Sri Lankan food, and then saw a Sri Lankan chef saying he kept his pruned to bush size (Mozambican neighbours talked about roads lined with curry leaf trees in Maputo, the capital city.) I bought a plant at least ten years ago and keep it in the ‘tropical section’ by my back gate (concrete sink there, it never freezes). I use them for Southern Indian curries and the tender little ones mixed into dosa, but my neighbours from Hyderabad use them more often!
    They can smell a bit confronting at first, but then you get addicted to the savouriness they add to a curry. Watch out, you usually add them to the oil, with other spices, at the beginning of a dish, and they spit!

    Gday, congratulations on getting your assignments done, just in time! And I am glad you have worked out the kefir seems to be causing those uncomfortable symptoms. I hope it works to reintroduce it slowly and gradually and then be feeling ok.

    Best wishes for surviving the heat wave!

    I’m still struggling with the heat and humidity, but very, very, grateful that we are having forecasts revised slightly lower. Sunday and Monday will be hard, but they aren’t even into the 40’s.

    LJoyce, congratulations on very painting, cleaning and quotes. Enjoy your day off!

    Stay, enjoy the wineries, and cheeseries, and maybe give yourself a week to get back to 58?

    PS My seedlings are going really well. Doubled in size! Just like you said Cali. It even rained yesterday, just what they needed.

    Good morning, happy weekend everyone.

    Cinque, isn’t it amazing what some warmth and water can do to seedlings. It’s like magic.

    I had a welcome surprise this morning. I have an orchid that my dad used to have in his nursing home room. It sits on the window sill in my dining area. It’s well over a year since it last flowered and I was starting to wonder it it was going to flower again. My dad loved the orchids and every time a flower opens I think of it as dad popping in to say hello. This one has flowers in a dark crimson with very pale green stripes – really pretty. This orchid has had buds for many weeks that haven’t opened, so walking into the kitchen this morning and seeing the flower just brightened my day.

    I have decided to start my day off by washing clothing and bed sheets and baking bread. My painting clothes need washing badly – I have three sets of garments that have become painting clothes and they are all dirty and I really don’t want to turn any more normal clothes into painting clothes.

    I’m soaking some rolled barley, rye and spelt grains to add to the wholemeal and soy flours. I think I might make a small loaf and some rolls.

    Hope you all have nice plans for your weekend.

    Morning losers & maintainers, I’m a bit behind with posts again. I see there is a new feature to our thread of alternating shaded and non-shaded posts.

    Arel, I returned to the previous page and read your lost post. And was glad I did.

    LJ, the orchid would be a lovely surprise. We experience this with our magnolia tree. The flowers only last a day but the tree is so large now that blooms happen quite frequently in season.

    Cinque, I once had a curry tree in a tiny pot. I planted it in a raised garden bed and it grew so enormous (about 4-5ft tall) so quickly that I eventually had to remove it. The root had become so invasive that it was destroying the blocks of the raised bed. It took me several days to dig it all out.

    Welcome Cherry.

    To Whom It May Concern, I hope you enjoyed your Australia Day. I read that Perth puts on the best Oz day fireworks show in the country. Last year’s was cancelled due to an airshow fatality just prior. For our suburb, it’s more a case of bracing ourselves and defending property as tens of thousands of revellers descend on the area. Sadly, many are completely off their faces having sat in the hot sun boozing for a good 12 hours prior to the fireworks. Parking fines are now a whopping $300 but people still think it’s worth parking in the emergency vehicle throughways. The language as they discover their ticket is something to behold.

    I’m fasting today as I think you are, Cinque? I was to go to a luncheon tomorrow and had already embarked on the morning rituals of my FD before I found out it was cancelled. So I decided to carry on with it.

    Penguin, I’m just reading the first 32 pages of Valter Longo’s book, “The Longevity Diet” available on-line. I expect you’ve read the book – can you recommend it, if so?

    Hi CalifD, Stay, Lindsay, GDSA, et al. Hope to catch up with posts soon.

    Hi Thin, if they throw their parking ticket over your fence, does it become yours?
    My orchids are the exact opposite of a magnolia in flowering habit. It takes a year or more for a flower stem to form, but once the buds start opening I have flowers for months. They are both beautiful flowers though. The thing that always looks striking with magnolias is that they flower on a bare tree rather than when it’s in leaf – I can’t think of anything else that does that.

    My bread is out of the oven and I’ve had a very hot grainy roll for lunch, spread with a pile of hummus that I made this morning. I blended it for much longer than usual and the hummus is a light creamy texture – I’ll have to remember that for next time.

    I’ve just been rummaging in the fridge to see what veggies are left that need to be used before I shop next week. I need to search my recipe files and the internet for a recipe that uses some combination of red capsicum, pumpkin, onion, purple congo potatoes, carrots and celery. I’m thinking something with legumes and possibly coconut milk. If anyone had ideas let me know, I’m hoping to create one or two meals from what’s on hand. This is all a whole lot easier in winter when I can just throw it all in the soup pot.

    Stay cool everyone. The drawback of baking today is that the oven has heated my house and I’ve had to turn on the aircon.

    LJoyce, you orchid sounds beautiful! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one in those colors. You should take a photo of it or find a similar picture on the internet. The nice thing about orchids is that the blooms last so long.
    Regarding all those ingredients, I would cut them up for a stew. You could add the coconut milk like you mentioned, a tin of diced tomatoes, lentils, onion, garlic and you favorite Indian spices. I make similar concoctions and with a little tasting as you go, they usually turn out great. Even better for leftovers. Coconut milk seems to be the secret ingredient that makes any Indian dish taste more authentic. If you didn’t want to do stew in the summer you could add a little less liquid and use it as a topping over rice or other whole grain.

    Thin, I love magnolia trees. It’s too cold for them here in the winter, or I’d plant one. How nice to have a large one in your yard.

    Gday, glad you’ve finished up with everything you had to turn in. That must be a big relief!

    Stay, going to wineries is fun and the areas where they grow grapes are usually pretty. We live near lots of wineries yet we don’t visit them often enough. I looked up images of the Yarra Valley and most of them could easily be mistaken for Napa Valley wine country in California, with the hills and mountains and hot air balloons. The only thing that looked very different were a few kangaroos in some photos. 😄

    Cinque, what does a curry leaf taste like? Curries are usually a mix of spices. Do the leaves have their own distinct flavor? Did you plant the basil from seed too? I usually buy a pack with a few very small plants. They seem to love hot weather and truly grow like weed if you keep them watered. I wish they survived the cold weather. We do have a few oregano plants that are small but seem to be surviving the winter so far. I planted some spearmint a couple years ago and that seems to still be growing too. It makes great tea by just picking a small short branch and putting it in hot water. It’s good in a glass of ice water too.

    Arel, I went back to the previous page and read your post. I’m glad you were able to retrieve it. I’ve had that happen when I leave this page to go look something up to link, or try to check a post from a previous page. That’s why I started using the Notes” app to compose longer posts.I’m glad it’s working for you now too.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Cali, I’ve found a pic which is close to my orchid. Although I think mine has a hint more lime green in the background colour. https://imgur.com/GLO3XIB After looking for pics I’ve discovered this orchid is native to Mauritius.

    I’ve spent the afternoon cooking.
    I’ve made the Qorma-e-Maash that Cinque posted (mung beans with tomato, potato, capsicum & spinach) – it’s still bubbling away, almost cooked.
    I’ve made a huge pot of red lentil coconut dahl, which is very delicious. I’ve posted the recipe on the legume thread https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/beans-and-lentils-recipes-tips-and-information/page/3/
    I am also soaking some brown lentils which I will add to the cooked potato, pumpkin, onion & celery and turn into pasties. I have an oat and wholemeal pastry recipe (from WW2) that has a less fat than normal pastry which I’ll use. I’ll finish making these in a day or two, once the filling is cold. These will be useful in the freezer for those NFDs when I feel like a substantial lunch.

    So much for reducing the amount of food in the freezer, I think I’ll be adding quite a bit to it after today’s efforts. I’ve just added the wholemeal & barley rolls and also the mini loaf that I baked this morning. That should keep me going in bread for 2-3 weeks.

    For dinner I’m not having any of this. I had already taken a pouch of Nigerian bean stew out of the freezer for dinner. So I’m having that with 2 slices of the freshly baked bread.

    Thin. None of the links I have seen to the first pages has worked – if you have one please post it. OH subscribes to “Good Housekeeping” and she already has the March issue. In it there is a spread about FMD. It is glossy and pretty superficial and followed by a suggested diet. Very urban, trendy and yummy mummy. There are already a number of fancy FMD recipe books. The actual book isn’t available in this country until 8 Feb but it is clearly going to be this year’s magic diet and the spin-off industry is in full flow.

    Simcoeluv has read it and is very enthusiastic. Diverdog, who was on the silly season challenge and can be found on “Are there many guys on this diet” or “related science articles”, is already doing it and is a convert.

    Hello everyone we are back in Cairns!!!

    And a BIG Welcome to the newbies I saw have joined us while I was away!!

    Well, where do I start???

    I have been reading all the posts although I did not have time to comment while away. It is great to read what everyone has been up to. Especially Thin, your take on Australia Day celebrations in your area. It sounds as if it has been a nightmare for you in the past and hope this year was much better.

    I also saw the recipe for dahl that was posted on the other forum. I wondered what the calorie count would be for it? Does anyone know?
    I have not had a lot to do with lentils although I have started to experiment with chick peas and making my own hummus, and of course using a variety of bean types in the many soups I have made. It is just too hot in Cairns for soups now but I do make the odd freeze dried miso on fast days.

    FD’s while away consisted of only eating two meals a day. Our hotel had a lovely breakfast spread with heaps of fruit. I started the day with fruit and natural yoghurt and an omelette if it was available. I am not a big egg eater so I am really picky with eggs. I also tried turkey bacon for the first time!! This was available in the halal breakfast restaurant.

    I weighed myself on return and of course have put some on. I think some is due to bloating which I seem to get after flying long distances, then once home my body goes back to normal. I have only had miso today so far and will have a little chicken ans salad for dinner.

    I will be checking in more often now I am home.

    We have plans to be in Singapore again in March so I have a lot to loose before I return, then Japan in April!!

    Hi JJulie, welcome home.
    I don’t know the calories for the lentil coconut dahl but give me a few minutes and I’ll work our for you. I’ve just rescued the empty coconut milk tin from the bin so I can do it accurately!

    Ok I’m back with the calorie count.
    The Lentil Coconut dahl that I posted on the legume recipe thread is 235 calories (989kj)per cup. It might vary a little depending on the stock and coconut milk that you use. I counted a handful of shaved coconut as 15 grams because that’s how much fits into my hand. The only way to get the calorie count down would be to leave out the shaved coconut and use half a tin of coconut milk – use an extra cup of stock.

    Because I don’t count calories any more I normally don’t think so much about the calorie count of dishes. I just know that if it has high cal ingredients I need to eat a smaller portion. I’m glad I worked this one out, because a cup of this with either veg or a salad would actually fit into a fast day. Given that I’m about to have 6 x 1 cup serves of this stashed in the freezer that will be very useful.

    Thanks thin. Unfortunately that states “No preview”. Either I am missing something, it won’t open on Safari or it isn’t available here because the book isn’t out yet. I’m probably not seeing something.

    Thin. Ignore my last, I’m an idiot. Got it and about to read it.

    Good morning,
    it is already hot, and about to get hotter. The walls are hot, the floor is blood temperature I think! I don’t have air conditioning. Luckily I have water and a fan!
    Fasting today. And lots of listening to the radio or watching tv. I bought watermelon too, inspite of its sweetness, it is so cooling. Hoping its low GI means it won’t make me crook.

    What a stunning orchid LJoyce. Such a pleasure.
    And what a nice cooking day. Your freezer may be full, but full of such wonderful food! There must come a tipping point soon when it starts to empty!

    Wow, your curry tree grew Thin! I have read that they can be a terrible environmental weed too, as birds take their seeds all over. I prune off any flowering and prune it back each winter. I can’t think of any way to describe the leaves, Cali, apart from pungent and savoury. But it is a warm, light pungency and they give a wonderful background flavour to the southern Indian cuisine. It is a distinct flavour. Wonderful with coconut milk, they would work in LJoyce’s dal I think! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry_tree

    I planted seedlings. I just wanted to get something in, now I have finally got round to looking after the garden again (consists of a 1 x 1.5 metre raised bed and lots of pots). Most things had died because I couldn’t look after them for a couple of months there, so I have started with the little bed and a couple of pots next to it, and I will expand back out again once the heat of summer has passed.

    I don’t do much raising from seed, my aim is to get favourites self sowing, and I use seedlings for the rest. However, someone gave me some chive seeds a few years ago, and I have got them in seed raising mix in a container on my windowsill, just in case they are still viable.

    I do both those things with my spearmint!
    Good luck with your oregano!

    I just love magnolias too, all sorts.

    Welcome home JJulie, you jetsetter you. You have a nice couple of months to 5:2 happily before your next jaunt.

    Fingers crossed we get a (gentle) thunderstorm this afternoon, with (gentle) rain.

    Cinque and CalifD, I’ve never thought to grow spearmint. I associate it with chewing gum! I bet it has a refreshing flavour as a tea.

    The wx sounds awful Cinque, especially with no air-con. It is good to hear that you are feeling fit enough to resume your gardening pursuits. Have a great FD. It does feel odd when Sunday rolls around not to be fasting but I had an easy peasy FD yesterday. I believe LJ is keeping you company today.

    Good to hear from you JJulie. It sounds like you managed to find some tasty food. My OH is over in your territory, well sort of. He’s in Mt. Isa.

    It is a cool day here (29C) and the latest guests next door are leaving today. There is no-one scheduled on the on-line calendar for several days so I am looking forward to reclaiming the peace and tranquility of my garden.

    Good morning SHs,

    Cinque, it’s going to be 42C here today, but I am lucky enough to have a split system in the lounge room which cools part of the house. I hope you manage to stay cool – it might take a few cold showers.
    I actually feel the same about watermelon in hot weather. I bought a 1/4 watermelon a week ago and cut it into small “grab and go” triangular wedges that I stacked into a container in the fridge. I have just 2 left for today. I won’t be foolish enough to turn the stove or oven on today as it just makes the house hotter.
    Cinque, as you are the only other bread baker around here I had been meaning to tell you that I’ve started using kefir in my bread dough. I replace some water with up to a cup of kefir. I was hoping I could fake a sourdough without the work of a starter, but I don’t really notice much change in flavour to the bread. It does work well with the slow rise overnight method of prooving. I think it makes a slightly softer crust than an all water dough.

    Thin, glad to hear the cool weather has reached you, it’s due to arrive here tomorrow. Yes I will be fasting today.

    I normally have cups of tea and an evening meal on FDs, but I think it will probably be a snacking day today. I have hummus and carrot & celery sticks, plus watermelon and I might make a kefir & fruit smoothie too. No cooking and all cooling foods.

    Julie, welcome back! I enjoyed all of your photos on FB while you were traveling. I think it’s difficult to fast when traveling and a lot of different foods tthat could be missed, especially when traveling overseas. Mindful eating might be a better way to go.

    Penguin, that book is available on Amazon.uk but not as an ebook. I have the ebook here and have read about 1/3 of it. I don’t doubt the science but the diet itself looks pretty restrictive. Just my impression so far.

    LJoyce, that Lentil Coconut Dahl looks delicious! It has all ingredients that I love. I’ll try it as soon as I get some more red lentils. I only have a few here. Thank you for posting it.

    Hi everyone – have enjoyed reading all your posts – will check in again tomorrow.
    78.6kg yesterday and today – up from 78.2 on Friday. Trying my first water fast day today – bit of a headache, slight ‘tummy’ pain, feeling a bit ‘tired’ – probably need to drink more!
    Look forward to seeing how I go 😟 – wouldn’t like to do more than 36 hours! See how I feel tomorrow morning.
    Penguin – you must be a man of steel to last as long as you do – very impressive!
    Enjoy your day everyone and bye for now!

    Cinque/LJ. I am with you on the bread making. I used to make large loaves and I have done sourdough, but these days I make about 24 buns and freeze them. I take them out of the freezer as required, put them in a cold oven, turn it up to max and when it gets to max we are ready – defrosted and a crunchy crust.

    Arelkade. The longer fast really isn’t difficult. Its all in the mind. Ignore the brief period of hunger on day one and then the only problem is that periodically your mental clock, and everyone else’s physical activity, tells you that you normally eat about now, so you have to do something else.

    This lurgy, which in this part of the world is being called Aussie flu, is still with us. Because it suppresses the appetite it has been like 14 consecutive very low cal fast days. The resultant weight loss has slowed -down 9 pounds so far. I can think of more pleasant ways to do it

    Hi Minka, are you out there? I wanted to tell you that I’ve booked my body composition analysis with the mobile scanner that you suggested. I first confirmed that they’ll be using the Inbody 570 machine as you recommended. I can now appreciate that you felt nervous before attending, as do I. I wanted OH to come with me but he started quizzing me on how much radiation one would receive in the process – and anyway he’s flown away for a few weeks now.

    Cinque, I went to the Asian grocer to replenish my mung bean supply. While there, I saw tubs of dashi that you often write about. Under the label ‘dashi’, it read ‘soy bean paste’.

    I’m with Arel, Penguin, I think you deserve the ‘man of steel’ label. Wasn’t that Longo book sampler annoying ending mid-sentence? It’s one thing to whet your appetite but fancy ending with something like, “preventing one disease can cause a propensity to develop another, for example, most people don’t know that curing ……….”!

    Anyway Arel, good luck with the water fast! Please report back. Hope you had a good day too Cinque and LJ. Gosh, I used to be all alone fasting on Sundays, now there’s loads of company. I’ve had a fab day pottering in the garden peacefully. Other than breakfast, I only had a yellow nectarine. It’s Sunday after all!

    I’m trying to type with hands that feel like they are still vibrating – from using the electric sander all afternoon. By the end of it I was so covered in dust that I needed a good hose down – I settled for a shower.

    Because I’ve been busy all afternoon I haven’t eaten much this FD – although I have had more than Thin and her single nectarine. I made an iced coffee with some instant coffee, 1/4 cup skim milk powder and lots of chilled water and ice all blended up into a very large very thick drink. I’ve also had 2 small pieces of watermelon. Dinner was a small scoop of home made hummus with carrot and celery sticks. It’s still very hot here so it’s kept my appetite sedated.

    Penguin, I’m a bit shocked by how long that virus has lasted, please don’t send it back to this side of the world. At this rate you might need to skip a few FDs when are well again.

    Arel, good luck with the water fast. Brave choice – always a step too far for me. I suspect a water fast day will deal with that extra 0.4kg without any trouble.

    Cali, I hope you make and enjoy the coconut dahl. The creamy coconut flavour is quite delicious – very different from the tomatoey brown lentil dahls I usually make.

    Thin, I look forward to hearing how you find the body scan. I hope you learn interesting, but good things.

    I am looking forward to the weather change and rain that is meant to arrive through the night. A week of cooler weather will be most welcome.

    Good morning all. Early start for me today as the hot night kept me awake. I gave up trying to get to sleep at 5:30 and got up.
    The only trouble with a lack of sleep is my mind insists that it needs food instead. So at 6:30 I found myself eating poached eggs on toast. Not the way I normally break a fast.
    I think today will be a rather slow one, I just hope the need for food calms down or it might be a high cal one too.

    Cinque are you up and about? – your doctor favourite twins are being interviewed on ABC new breakfast at the moment.

    Oh no! I was listening to the radio. I’ve turned it on now since they are likely to repeat it every half hour 🙂 (You did mean tv?)

    I survived a hot, hot day and a hot hot night. I remembered my air cooler that I hadn’t been able to get out this summer due to op recovery. It worked well yesterday but it might get too humid today.

    A pretty dodgy fast day yesterday, I’ll do better next time.

    Penguin I had the Aussie flu last year, as we were inventing it! It was horrible (I”d had the flu injection and it didn’t work) (We blamed Europe). You will eventually recover. Keep taking it easy.

    LJoyce, I am glad you have stopped vibrating! I’m glad you survived the night too.

    Thin, that dashi is interesting, as in my experience it is the Japanese style stock I add my miso paste to. Maybe the tub has it all together?
    Enjoy your quiet days.

    Arelkade keep drinking that water! How are you feeling this morning?

    My breakfast is crispbreads and perfect avocado! My sister got me three from the farmers market (these ones: https://www.harrisfarm.com.au/blogs/pick-of-the-week/reed-avocados)

    Best wishes all

    Hi everyone
    Thank you all for your support with my water fast trial.
    Feeling good – Fri 78.2, Sat/Sun 78.6, today 78.1 after a WFD. My end of January challenge plan was to be 78.0, so keeping fingers crossed. My first ever WFD consisted of water of course, 40ml milk in one coffee, and morning and afternoon: 2 teaspoons ACV, 1tsp raw honey, 1tsp lemon juice in filtered water. Hopefully the milk and honey is allowable for first time attempt – lasted 36 hours. Bit of a headache, bit of tummy pain and tired feeling yesterday arvo, but no real hunger for food – I don’t usually get hungry so maybe this made it easier! 😃 Slept ok!
    Had a smoothie for breakfast – didn’t feel like solid food. Yes would do it again!
    Hope you all have a wonderful Monday – enjoy whatever you are doing and bye for now!

    Cinque, I found a decent avocado yesterday after a couple of weeks of an apparently bad crop (whereby part of them remains hard and inedible while the other side gets over-ripe) coupled with my initial resistance to their new high of $4 each. I couldn’t examine the dashi/soy bean paste ingredients as the print is too small and I didn’t have my glasses.

    Last night, DD had the leftover Nigerian Stew which I’d frozen and some mung bean soup that I made without soaking the beans, just poured the boiling water over as you suggested Cinque. It was so delicious, I could eat some now but will wait for dinner time! The aromas while cooking were tantalising.

    I also tried freekeh that some of you mention for the first time. But it came in a mix with beans and lentils and a suspiciously low cooking time of 15 minutes (which I hadn’t noticed in store, again due to having no glasses with me). It was OK but nothing special. I’ve just looked it up and learned that freekeh is the name of the production process of grains and not the name of a grain variety. So I don’t really know what I was eating.

    LJ, you’re working so hard. Your house must be looking fantastic. It’s a cool week for us. Around 30C, just about perfect.

    Arel, well done for making it through the water fast. What is ACV?

    One of the things I’ve noticed anecdotally is that, since embarking on this fasting way of life, I have not had a single cold. Even when OFMs got sick, I did not catch it. 😆

    Wish me luck; I’m off to start Bridge lessons this morning. Hoping it will keep my brain young and fit. But worried that my brain won’t be able to cope with so much new information all at once.

    Hi all, taking a few minutes to have a coffee before I pack yet another box. I am working around 23 boxes awaiting the removalist tomorrow and probably have another 3 or so to go – and that’s just the house – I haven’t even started in the garage! I just want to crawl into bed and pull the doona over my head. The darn heat here in Melb is so enervating but at least I haven’t lost power like some poor people.

    FD for me tomorrow which shouldn’t be a problem as I will be too busy. One benefit of moving preparation is you don’t have much time to eat plus packing the kitchen makes snacking virtually impossible.

    Penguin, I came down with that flu on the flight home from the UK in Sept and was in bed for five days after getting off the plane. I took another 2 weeks or so before I felt human again and my appetite returned. The only bonus was I lost any weight I had put on while holidaying. Hang in there you do get better!

    LJ, good luck with your labours. I hope the weather is kinder for you this week and the hunger dragon retreats to its den.

    Good luck to everyone else this week with FDs. I don’t know when I will post again as we all know what it’s like setting up wifi etc

    Wwall, I hope you get that finished in time. Make sure you label boxes so you know what can be unpacked later, when it’s cooler. I hope the move goes well and nothing gets damaged.

    Thin, I must be the only one who doesn’t care for avocado. I will sometimes use it as a spread with other toppings but I rarely eat it as a stand alone ingredient. I’m afraid I resent the high calorie count for a food with almost no flavour.
    Good luck with the bridge lesson, I hear it takes quite a while to learn how to play well. p.s. I think ACV is apple cider vinegar.

    Arel, glad the water fast was OK and that it removed the weekend gain. Sounds like you are likely to make your January goal, well done.

    Cinque, I expect your night was as hot and humid as mine. Did you lose power?
    I had power, but I only have a fan in the bedroom no a/c, and unless there’s a cool night breeze it’s pretty stifling.

    After a night of no sleep I decided I didn’t have the energy or coordination for renovation this morning, so I did a little grocery shopping and then came home and continued with the cooking I started Saturday. I had started to cook veg and lentils that I had an idea of turning into pasties. What I’ve come up with is two fillings:
    – moroccan spiced brown lentil, cashew, tomato, mushroom, onion & roast pumpkin pasties with a spelt and sesame seed pastry
    – potato, carrot, pumpkin, onion, celery, peas, thyme, pancetta and cheddar pasties in a wholemeal and oat pastry
    That has used up all the veg I had on hand from last week’s shopping and a few ingredients from the pantry and freezer too.
    I tried to make very small batches of the fillings but I think I have enough to make at least a dozen pasties – which will end up in the freezer!
    The fillings need to cool for a couple of hours before I do the pastry. I’ve remembered why I don’t do this very often – there’s too many steps.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Hi Everyone
    Good luck with your move, wwall, hang in there it will be cooler tomorrow- YAY!!
    Good on you, thin, trying something new like bridge! Im hoping to make the Nigerian stew on Tues or Wednesday 🙂 ACV= apple cider vinegar.
    Arelkade, well done on the Water Fast. Im away for a week with my friends next week so I might have to do that one when I come home! Its the same girls I went to Bali with last year and they dont cook, its all cafes, restaurants, or nights in with cheese, wine and chocolate. I am too tempted with them and dont have much WONT power!!
    Cinque, a cool change later today!! I love avocado too, and some for lunch yesterday- wasn’t the best tho.
    LJoyce, hopefully you are getting a cool change too. Its so hard to sleep at night when its hot. I came home from church yesterday very hungry too. I had a slice of bread with avocado, feta, salmon and a fried egg-very unlike me to do that for lunch.

    Im fasting today. I usually like to fast Tuesdays as Monday is a natural “eat less” day after the weekend, for me, so I like to use that for a CD but tomorrow is my daughters birthday and we are doing lunch with my mum and sister. Its special as after this my 5yo granddaughter will be missing out on our lunches as she will be in school 🙁 . I can’t believe I have a 33yo daughter!!

    The last of the wedding leftover food has been chucked to the chooks today. We had so much sliced cabbage and grated carrot, that we’ve had coleslaw all week, made a couple of bacon and cabbage fritattas -we are having one again tonight with salad- and chow mien. Ive also made a couple of batches of passata, with the tomatoes and i put in cucumber as well. Im actually hearing them make the clicking noise just now so I know at least 2 have sealed. There are 2 pieces of wedding chocolate mud cake left but Im not keen on that- too rich for me. The chhoks will be happy and hopefully start laying a few more eggs a day!!

    Tomorrow we are going to a Lotus flower garden which apparently has beautiful flowers and water lilies . Its only open Dec- April, I think- so close to home and Ive never been there.

    Have a good one everyone- stay cool if you’re in Oz x x

    Hi all. Kiefer update – spreading my kefir intake to small amounts throughout the day has quelled the issues i had from consuming 2 large glasses each morning.

    While quickly skimming through posts i noticed a discussion on water fasts although i did not read in full. I regularly do a 36 hour no food fast however i do drink black tea and coffee and miso in hot water over the fasting period. I cannot go without my 3 cups of coffee every morning and find the miso helps me get through any sluggish moments during the day. My OH thinks I’m a bit crazy doing this though !!

    Hi everyone
    Just catching up with all your posts.
    JustJulie – welcome home to Cairns after your trip to Borneo, what an adventure for you, will enjoy seeing your posts
    LJoyce – thanks for your encouragement for my 1st WFD. Your lentil coconut dahl sounds delicious, will have to give it a go! Your orchid looks gorgeous – would be a pleasure to view that each day and think of your Dad. Your pasties sound good as well – I can almost smell them cooking and would really enjoy a taste test!
    Cinque – thanks for your encouragement for my 1st WFD. Checked out your curry plant link – mine is the one with very small grey/blue leaves – still too small to try cooking with it, I think! So glad you have been able to do some gardening now you’re feeling better
    Penguin – really hoping that Aussie flu leaves you and your OH real soon, not nice being unwell, take it easy – the weight loss is a bonus!
    Thin – thank you for your encouragement for my 1st WFD – next FD is Wednesday. Best wishes for your body scan and your impending results. Gardening is so relaxing – so glad you enjoyed your pottering yesterday. ACV is apple cider vinegar. Hope you enjoyed your first Bridge lesson, I’m sure it will keep your brain young and fit, good on you!
    Wwall – have a very good day with your move tomorrow – I always like to set the bed up first so you can crash into it when you get very tired, and only unpack what is needed for the next couple of days – the rest will wait! Have fun with it all. Also enjoy setting up your wifi!
    Stay – enjoy your week away with friends – and good luck with the water fast if you need it after your break. Enjoy your FD today. Bet your chooks are happy with leftovers and will be more than happy to lay extra eggs!
    GDSA – I’ve had a break from my kefir lately – hope its ok in the fridge, didn’t freeze it this time. My 1st WFD went well – didn’t think to have my miso soup, will next time. My OH is also hoping that I don’t overdo it as well – I’ve reassured him that all is well!
    Hi to all those who are not currently posting.
    Have a great day everyone, and enjoy whatever it is that you are doing.
    Bye for now!

    Hello fellow Aussie’s! Straight up… I would LOVE A BUDDY!!!
    I’m Melbourne based – a total newbie here 🙂 on day 1 of this Way Of Eating and today is my first FD.
    A little background – I have struggled with eating my whole life. I have been 50 kgs and 80kgs. Now a more balanced 66 but my optimal is 60kgs. I was bulimic from the age of 16 to 35 – I put down the purging early 2016 – The binging however continued. Also, due to such trauma on my body my body has no idea of how to lose weight naturally anymore.
    So I am here to find some more balance. To kick start HEALTHY weight loss. To be in a supportive environment where I can learn from and support others as we all grow and strive to be the very best US’s we can be! 😀
    I have been drinking psyllium husk to stave off the hunger pangs – just at my first small meal of the day at 3:45pm – 260cals and will eat another small meal tonight before 7pm to make up my 500 for the day.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
    Would love to connect with a few of you here and it was so lovely to read the thread. 😀 Hello to each and everyone of you!
    Keep smashing it and look forward to hearing back. Deep gratitude.

    Just had a bit of a disaster with one of the pastry recipes. The wholemeal oat pastry was fine, I’ve made it before and know it handles well despite the grainy bits in it. I got 8 generous pasties from the dough and veggie mixture – they are cooling in the kitchen before freezing.
    I was intrigued by a spelt pastry recipe made with olive oil rather than butter and thought it would be nice with the spicy lentil filling. It was absolutely impossible to handle, nothing like normal pastry. I found I had to bring it to room temperature to be able to handle it at all. In the end it was so difficult making the first lentil pasty that I gave up and split the remaining mixture between 4 individual ramekins and then just put a disc of the pastry on top. I froze these without even baking – I can bake them one at a time as needed. I ended up throwing most of this pastry away. I won’t be making olive oil pastry again, unless someone has a reliable recipe that’s actually easy to handle.

    Hi Ella and welcome:

    Here is most of the information you need to be successful with 5:2: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Welcome Ella, you have a whole thread of buddies here!

    Best wishes on your first fast day.
    My tip: Keep saying “It’s just one day”.
    You can have a lovely breakfast when you wake up in the morning.
    You have a good plan, and tomorrow you can think about any changes you might want to make for your next fast day…. or not

    Can’t wait to hear how you feel when you do wake up tomorrow, morning after fast day is the best feeling ever.

    I do so hope you find 5:2 a perfect answer for your health and weight issues.

    LJoyce, sorry to hear of the olive oil pastry disaster. When I made some it didn’t fall apart. But I don’t feel like I have mastered olive oil pastry, and I do know there are a large number of recipes (with a huge difference in the amount of olive oil put in).

    I bet your little ramekins work gorgeously though!

    I wanted to say about pasties, that I never use a recipe where the veggies are cooked first. The whole point of pasties (for me) is that the veggies steam inside the pastry as it cooks.

    Thinking of you Wwall, horrible day to be doing anything active! But not the day to hide under a doona either! Good luck

    Arelkade, you have the curry herb or curry plant, as opposed to the curry tree or curry leaf. 😉 Here is the best info I have found about it. http://theherbgardener.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/how-to-grow-curry-plant.html
    We grew it once, but didn’t use it for anything except impress people with the smell as they walked through the garden!

    Gday, so glad you have the kefir in the right amounts now. I gather that having it regularly is more important for gut health than having lots of it.

    Everyone seems to do water fasts with some flavoured, and the occasional caloried, liquids with it. Makes sense. I wonder if I will ever do one? We’ll see if Stay does one after a week with her wild friends.

    Stay, the lotus flower garden sounds wonderful!

    And a 33 year old daughter…. I still think I’m that age! My daughter turns 26 this year. Isn’t it weird.

    Congratulations having all the wedding food sorted. Hooray for chooks!
    Yes, I’d just gone off avocados because of expense and finding they are too old (bruising or picked so young they never ripen). Such a treat to eat them all week this week!

    It is thinking about rain here. 30 degrees all last night, and twenty degrees all tomorrow daytime. Melbourne has crazy weather.
    But I didn’t lose power last night LJoyce. Thank goodness, I needed my fan. I’m glad you had yours and Wwall had hers. Did you get though without a power cut too Ella?

    Good luck with bridge Thin!
    I have never had freekah, but read about it lots. A bit like burgul, so that will be why it is quick, but green wheat and roasted on an open fire to cook it so it is meant to be deliciously smoky. It is traditionally wheat, but maybe they use other grains now for people who need to be gluten free.
    Touch wood and whistle about the colds, I caught 47 least year I think! Including the flu.

    It is trying hard to get to 100% humidity here. I’m going to lie down for a bit! Cheers all.

    G’day everyone! I managed to get a few things organized around here this weekend and did a little shopping today, mostly for food, but stopped at a thrift shop too. I bought another pair of skinny jeans and 2 jackets, work type ones. One was a beautiful black Pendleton classic wool jacket that had sleeves that were a bit too short. It was short on my DS too, even though she’s shorter than me. I have a friend who might be able to wear it. The other jacket is a short style, black and white tweedy sort of material and that fits fine.

    We had to replace our old garbage disposal because we couldn’t stop it from leaking. The new one is so much quieter! The old one sounded like a plane taking off every time we turned it on.

    Cinque, you’ve made me curious about that curry plant. I’ll have to see Ophir the nurseries here carry the.

    Wwall, good luck with your move. (And final things to pack.) You’ll soon be out of the old place and in to the new. That part always seems easier than packing up to move out.

    We watched a few more episodes of Outlander, Sat night and tonite. We’re up to the 8th episode of season 2 now. It keeps getting better and better.

    Penguin, I hope you and OH finally see the end of that Aussie flu this week. I thought I was catching something last week but it never came on. Thankful for that! Lots of people on this side of the country are sick with it. I hope I can continue to avoid it.

    LJoyce, I think for every frozen meal or dish you take out of that freezer, you add 3 more! 😁 Hope you finished with all the pasties.

    Thin, when do you go for your scan? It’ll be interesting to hear the results, especially because you’ve been fasting for a few years. Hope your first bridge lesson went well!

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