Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi Craftgirl,

    Yes, I so agree! Your experience concurs with mine that cutting out those foods you mentioned leads to reduced cravings and sometimes none at all. However, even when I haven’t consumed any of those for lengthy periods of time I can find myself insatiably hungry and craving. This may see me eating a giant bowl of kale salad meant for 6 people, several servings of a main dish I’ve cooked from scratch such as kangaroo chili, spoon after spoon of coconut or macadamia butter straight from the jar or half a kilogram of my own activated nuts all in one sitting because somehow in those instances I’m not aware of feeling an ‘I’m full’ sensation and only feel continued hunger which only comes to a halt when the sensation of pain arises. These hunger/insatiability flare ups, as I’ll call them can go on for days and so far I’ve only ever put a halt to them by commencing a FD. I’d like to eradicate them altogether. I’ve observed that they can be linked to poor or lack of sleep and that there is an emotional component to them as well. I’m currently working on those too. Since reading about how gut biome might also contribute and various studies involving inulin, thought to give that a whirl to see if it also makes a difference.

    I will admit that I find social situations tricky and challenging. One bite of anything sugary sets off cravings and I’ve yet to find the strength to pass on sweets in every single situation, such as at a wedding reception when desserts are served and everyone is enjoying while I sit there with a full plate feeling awkward. Even at Christmas lunch last year I’d ordered a fruit plate for dessert and after I’d reminded the waiter that I’d specially phoned ahead of time to arrange this, the wait person returned to let me know that they simply didn’t have any in the kitchen. Rather than sitting there watching everyone else eat their desserts, I opted for the least sweet on offer which was plain vanilla ice cream, which then started cravings and saw me eat another big dinner elsewhere and about a kilogram of stone fruit later on after that, before I felt a stomach pain from overload to make me stop.

    Hi all – my what a lot of posts to catch up on this morning, you have all been very busy bees.

    Joffy – yes I agree, the extra beans really do make the minestrone more filling. Yesterday’s FD was 3 pots of tea with milk, 1 banana and a large bowl of homemade minestrone without the pasta but with extra canelli beans. I felt really full after the soup.

    Craftgirl – the binge disorder forum you were looking for is: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/binge-eating-disorder-group/
    (If you ever can’t find a forum thread, I find the search function can help track it down.)
    Like you I’ve have IBS since my 20s, so for about 30 years. For me the symptoms were abdominal pain and diarrhoea and it was quite persistent for a long time. Losing weight helped but didn’t eliminate it, but the change that made the most difference and virtually eliminated my symptoms was a dietary one. I added more legumes to my diet – I try to eat them at least 4 days per week – it doesn’t have to be a lot, some days it will just be a scoop of hommus. I aim for a much higher than average fibre level – 40-50g per day. To do this I eat 7-10 serves of veg+fruit each day and I have also replaced all refined grain products from my regular diet with high fibre choices. I have not eliminated sugars from my diet, but my intake is low and mainly from fresh fruit and other wholefoods rather than added. I have also noticed that the diarrhoea returns if I have a high fat meal – I suspect this is because I had my gall bladder removed in my 20s so my body has a harder time digesting fats – because of this I usually stick to a moderate fat level in my diet. It took about 3 weeks for me to notice significant changes and I rarely get any IBS symptoms now. Initally I did experience more gas but after 3 weeks that stopped and I get no gas reaction from eating legumes now (although I do still have issues with some cruciferous vegetables like cabbage). I should point out that this is my personal experience and unfortunately there is no guarantee that it will apply directly to others. But it is worth looking at your diet as a contributor to the problem and perhaps testing some changes.

    Minka – to test a theory by keeping a diary to track symptoms, food etc it is important to have “before” data – preferably 3-4 weeks of tracking everything that you want to monitor without making any changes. Then make changes and continue tracking. If you are changing anything other than just the probiotics then I’d recommend making one change at a time so that you can align results to specific changes. This is a similar approach to an elimination diet that is sometimes used to test for allergies and intolerance. I notice in your post that you have already started adding probiotics so you may just be able to test the effect that different quantities have on your body.

    As to your question about the gut biome, I actually think our bodies are complex and that there are probably several things at play that can effect how we react to, digest and burn or store the food we eat. I suspect that the way our gut, genes, metabolism, immune system, hormones… work together is probably slightly different for everyone. I think part of the problem with diet theory is that it has too often tired to find the “one” answer that will solve everyone’s weight issues. I don’t think there is a single answer, I think it’s a very individual thing and it can take time to figure out what is a help or a hindrance for you personally. For example my reaction to food both mentally and physically is affected by: my genes which seem to have given me an overly efficient use of calories; IBS which indicates issues in my small and large intestine and probably gut flora; a lack of gall bladder which affects fat digestion; RA which indicates I have a faulty immune system and am susceptible to inflammation; long standing emotional issues which lead to a binge eating disorder. This “package” of issues will individually and in combination affect the way my body reacts to food and it is unique to me. I can’t fix my issues with food by trying to solve one of these issues, I have to try to deal with the whole picture. I think this is why it can be so difficult to accurately find causal links between things because isolating a single influence is impossible.

    As I mentioned above I changed my diet to eliminate most simple carbohydrates (except for fruit which I eat every day), and I concentrate on high fibre complex carbohydrates and I eat legumes regularly. A consequence of this is that my animal protein intake is fairly low because I get some of those needs met by legumes. While my goal was a reduction in IBS symptoms it is very likely that it changed my gut flora and it is possible that this affected the way my body digests and uses the food that I eat. It is this last consequence that it difficult to test.

    *The monthly weigh-in*
    As it’s the first of the month, it’s weigh-in day for me. I was actually a little worried this morning because I’ve eaten more chocolate than I’m happy about in the last 2 weeks and I took my measurements last week and they were higher. However this morning my measurement were back to their April level and I weighed the same as last month, so no loss and no gain. That I can live with. The thing that I find reassuring is that I have counted no kilojoules at all this month at all – this was the first month I’ve attempted this in many years. The only recording I’m doing is a very brief food diary which is part meal planner and part diary record. This means that long term I may be able to eat at a maintenance level without having to monitor kilojoules at all – it feels like a step in the right direction toward my goal of a “normal” relationship with food. So despite the lack of weight loss I feel remarkably happy about it.

    Hi everyone, a lot of reading today. My life continues to be very busy and once again I’m shifting my Monday FD to tomorrow – bit of a stressful day.

    Thin – I had to laugh at taking the travel scales camping, very funny. Conjuring up all sorts of visions.

    Wwwwwww waving to Cinque, Minka, Joffy, Bay, LJoyce, Craftgirl and everyone else.

    I’ll have to give the reading people are suggesting a miss. Just a wee bit too much for me right now. I do have a comment on the food “attraction” issue. I have a type of food “addiction” which is the way I think of it. This is a type food intolerance where eating the food causes a delayed reaction. Part of the reaction is a craving for that food. When eaten again the other nasty side effects abate, the delayed reaction happens again, craving, eat, reactions abate, delayed reaction ad infinitum. I’m allergic to 2 grains and all the other grains, and a couple of other things, cause negative delayed reactions, and cravings. Corn is the only grain I can eat with no reaction. I’ve done extensive testing for over a year under a dietician, and medical stuff like gut biopsy etc and I’m gluten intolerant(with the cravings) but not coeliac.The delayed reactions vary from food to food but include headaches, migraines, tremor in my hands so bad I can’t pick something like small up, depression, anger, confusion, foggy brain, inlammation that mimics arthritis in joints etc etc. Fun hey, not. Suffice to say, Food made without additives and grains suit me well. I do sometimes eat them but I put up with side effects for the 5days that it takes for the reactions and cravings to subside and go.

    Yep, we have some similarities but I agree we do have to work out our individual approaches. 5:2 is so good for that, as well as being fine for various religuous and cultural ways of eating. So adaptable, I love it. My TDEE is 1440 and I eat down the lower calorie end of each food group so I have a quantity I feel comfortable with. FDs are fantastic for helping keep my appetite under control and,for me, keeps my appetite feeling normal.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Hello all Southern Hemispherites!

    Cinque, I chuckled when I read that extra important detail about leptin supplementation that I’d forgotten. Of course I also didn’t remember why, so I looked that up. Apparently leptin is like insulin and we can develop a resistance to it, so supplementing with just contributed to leptin resistance unless it was supplemented to someone who wasn’t able to supply it themselves such as the small number of people born with that defect!

    LJ, thanks for those extra guidelines on how to track my data. It is true that the only change I’m making is the addition of the inulin powder and I have a record of my binge patterns from before I started taking it, via my daily weighing and associated mood diary notes. I do wish I would have undergone a body scan prior to starting 5:2, then again 8 months in, just prior to starting this experiment with inulin. That would definitely give me a picture of how visceral fat is affected by 5:2 and inulin separately. Though not very scientific, I’ve decided to go ahead and get the scans even though it won’t be 100% clear if a drop in visceral fat down the track is solely from inulin for from practicing 5:2 or a combination of the two.

    Good morning everyone, Tuesday already. My lovely lull day.
    I hope it is a good fast day for you Merry, and all the other Tuesday Fasters.

    Just as I wrote about healthy weight hunger and problems with satiety… I have had a couple of days of feeling fine. No LJ type data to go on!

    Cheers all!

    Hi all, another NFD for me, but no appetite has appeared yet, despite the cold day so lunch may be quite late today.

    Cinque – sometimes our bodies behave in a way that no amount of data can explain and it just leaves me scratching my head trying to figure it out.

    Hi Southern Hemispherites πŸ™‚

    My name is Karen and I am in Perth WA. I look forward to reading all the inspirational stories of healthy living that 5:2 gives those of us who have embarked on this way of eating.

    My story with 5:2 began on 4 Jan 2016. I was extremely overweight, crippled with a very nasty hip, which was replaced on 7 February this year. Even though I was literally housebound, I managed to lose 30 kgs in the last year and am now 11 weeks post surgery, up and about walking, pool walking and next week I can start back at my Yoga. I did take 8 weeks off 5:2 post surgery and was very happy to only have gained 2 kgs in that time, which have now been lost again!

    I am back to my 5:2 and looking forward to losing my remaining 25kgs this year. I have never found any ‘diet’ or food plan as sustainable as 5:2. It has been a gift for me and I am looking forward to continuing on this healthy path that I started 16 months ago.

    Best Wishes to everyone here on their 5:2 journey.


    Welcome Karen. I look forward to hearing about your journey. A cheery hello to Minka, LJoyce, Cinque, Bay, Merry, Thin and everyone else.

    Yesterday was a disaster. Had afternoon tea with some ladies I used to work with. Saw the cakes in the display case and thought they looked huge, but told myself half would be ok. Of course it never works that way and I ate the whole thing. A couple of hours later and I had nausea and vomiting and a killer headache. That’ll teach me to ignore my inner voices. After all these years I should know it doesn’t end well, but perhaps I just needed the reminder.

    On a positive note I did my first session of HIT during lunch today. I’m sure the onlookers thought I was crazy, but afterwards I felt amazing and I was back at work within 20 minutes. It was a great break from work so I think I’ll do that on Mon, Wed and Fri from now on. Tue, Thurs and Sat I’ll focus on strength.

    Thanks also for the book recommendations. I’m waiting for them to become available through the Council library and look forward to reading more about this area.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Wednesday, whether fasting or not. 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 (in honour of the lovely autumn leaves I’m starting to see)

    P. S. Thanks LJoyce. I only just worked out the search function existed, haha.

    Good evening everyone,

    Hello Lady Salsa! I thought your name sounded familiar so I looked back and remembered I saw your post of nearly a year ago, that Merry answered! So wonderful to find out what a brilliant result you have had with 5:2, and that your hip replacement has gone well. And you have exciting activity ahead of you!
    You are right to describe 5:2 as a gift. A gift that keeps giving! Welcome here!

    Oh dear what a cake disaster Craft Girl. I’m glad you have recovered now, and your HIT lunch break sounds excellent!
    There are beautiful Autumn leaves here too!

    LJoyce, it is certainly true I do a lot of head scratching in my life! I hope you have had a good NFday!
    I did. hooray.

    I found a nice red winter dress at the Op Shop, and ‘The African news Cookbook’ which I am so enjoying. African recipes are my interest at the moment and I had just searched the library for an African recipe book and there were none. This one is from 1985, and it is very good. Well worth the $2!
    And I have discovered you can eat sweet potato leaves! I have a plant in the garden and I am so keen to try them! They say they are like spinach, but no oxalic acid. (Choose the young ones though!) I’ll try some in with some braised cabbage I think.
    If anyone has experience with them please share!

    Minka, I hope you have had a good day. I’ve got my fingers crossed the inulin works brilliantly!

    Good wishes to Thin and Merry, Joffy, Gday and all the lurkers, and especially you Intesha! Hi Yvonne, Tori, Redmoonstar, Jenwren, KiwisGoFaster, and everyone else! I hope things are going well.

    It’s funny how we expect patterns to repeat and then they don’t, and we’re left puzzling why. Every day that’s been cold over the last couple of months I’ve had a really strong appetite that’s kicked in by mid-late morning. Not only didn’t it start early today, it barely started at all. I had no breakfast, just an apple at noon. I ate half the lunch I’d planned – at 2:30. I didn’t feel like afternoon tea but had a cocoa at 5pm, then finally had dinner at 7pm even though I still didn’t feel like it yet but I don’t like eating too late. Now I’m pleased it was an easy day to eat moderately, I just wish I understood why – it would be nice to pull one one these out of the bag at will.

    Craftgirl, thanks for the autumn oak leaves. There’s a small cluster of towns in the Adelaide hills that are full of European trees, so are renowned for their autumn colour – I’m lucky enough to live in one of them. It makes it worth braving the cold to go for a walk just to enjoy them – and yes I am a big kid who deliberately kicks up the piles of leaves on the footpath – it’s fun.
    I also do HIT – I use my front door step. I run up and down off the step as fast as I can manage – 30 times (a bit like fast step aerobics). Then I wander around the front yard until I stop panting and I do it again. I try to do it 5 times. The whole thing takes 15 minutes of less and like you I feel great once I’m done. I like the fact that I don’t have to leave home to do this – it removes one of my usual excuses.

    LadySalsa – great to hear about your results and I’m really impressed that you kept your weight close to stable over the 8 week break. I really hope your rehab continues to go well after the hip replacement and that the new hip allows to to do the things you want to. I had a knee replacement 2 years ago and it’s certainly expanded the range of things that I can do now. It made me realise just how much I’d restricted my activities before surgery through fear of falling over. Now I’m probably a bit too gung-ho about what I think it’s safe to tackle – like climbing the wood pile to get the right sized pieces and then wondering how I’m going to get down again without causing a log avalanche – I made it, but I think it was more good luck than good management. I got some dubious looks from the others who were at the wood yard filling up their car boots at the same time – probably because they would have been in the firing line if the heap had collapsed.

    Well hello everyone i have been reading every ones posts hoping to get back into it i completely fell of the wagon and gained 3 kilos lots of comfort eating so first FD for a while.

    Hello Fishing Gran! Oh dear I missed you from my list of names! So glad to see your post.
    Best wishes for your first fast day for a while! You’ll want to see the back of those three kilos.

    LJoyce, you are so right. Even my little 2 year old granddaughter… all the time she is looking for patterns! I’m loving the image of you kicking drifts of Autumn leaves! Glad you got off the woodpile all right! You must have good balance!

    It is day before fast day for me.

    Hello everyone and welcome to the new and the returning posters.

    Miss D and I had a lovely day out on Sunday. No water in our favourite creek which was surprising. Went to one of the gorges which has 300 steps down a steep slope to get to the bottom and I was really happy that I wasn’t too puffed climbing down and back up again. Was so busy being active that I didnt eat except for brekky and a small morning snack so ended up being an unplanned fast day.

    Scales the following morning read at 67.5….wow. Back to 68.4 today but that is still my lowest to date…..yay !

    Good morning everyone,
    FD completed this morning. I have been working a lot for my brother, starting early which means up at 4.45am so I don’t get to enjoy the breaking of the fast as you do when you can have brekky at 9.00am. I just have a coffee then take one with me for the drive to site and have some fruit at around 9ish but it isn’t the same.
    I am expecting new low numbers on the scales this week with my next FD planned for Thursday and having my meal tonight planned which is low cal by coincidence (souvlaki) it should be good for results. No more Friday FD’s as I was saying in my previous post that I was virtually adding an extra day of drinking beers to the week without realising it. It sounds silly but I understand it now and that is all that matters.
    I cooked my own minestrone soup last night, it came out alright not as good as the tinned stuff I enjoy but it was fun making it. It worked out to 8200kj or 1960cals for 5 big serves, the leftover meals each filled chinese takeaway tubs, I only had four tubs thus the big serves. When the tinned stuff is on special it is cheaper than making it but I put in lots of extra veggies as you do when they don’t add to the cals much. If I could control myself in front of a stove top and at the green grocer I could probably make it lighter and cheaper but that would take a few go’s and I reckon I will finish this lot off and go back to the tinned stuff.
    I will be doing the measurements for the coloured suit this weekend so I will have them numbers also. I didn’t measure before starting this but I know what size pants I was having to wear. The colours have changed to aqua pants with pleats and a salmon jacket. Awesome.
    Meals for the day:
    2 x white coffee’s 300kj, minestrone soup 1640kj Total 1940kj or 463cals.

    Hi all, went for a lovely walk in the brief sunshine this morning – into town for a haircut and some other errands – very pleasant.

    FD for me today – my usual piece of fruit and a legume & veg soup – sweet potato, cauli & red lentil today.

    Joffy – glad you finally got that suit ordered and I’m really pleased you went with the pleats, I definitely think they were the nicer 80s style in mens trousers.
    Glad you had a go at making your own FD soup. I always make my own soups but have found a few tricks to get great flavour into them. For minestrone I add either basil pesto or better still, sundried tomato pesto. I’ll add up to 1/4 cup per pot of soup and it does wonders for the flavour intensity of a minestrone. In fact if I have a bowl of soup that is a bit bland, stirring just one teaspoon of pesto though it can make all the difference – and it’s important to enjoy the little you get to eat on a FD.

    I bought some organic mung beans today, never had them before, any recipie suggestions anyone ?

    Hi GDSA – Mung beans are great because they cook so much quicker than other beans and you can cook them without a soak if necessary. I often make dahl using mung beans and they are also a favourite bean to add to vegetable soups because of their small size.

    For some recipie ideas, have a look at: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/beans-and-lentils-recipes-tips-and-information/
    Also any recipie using brown or green lentils can usually be successfully made with mung beans.

    I make a vegetarian burger recipie that I use either lentils or mung beans in:
    1 cup cooked sticky short grain rice (I sometimes use kasha or pearl barley instead)
    1 1/2 cups cooked mung beans or brown lentils
    2 grated carrots
    1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley
    1 1/2 cups fresh breadcrumbs (any type: rye, wholemeal, spelt, gluten free…)
    1/2 cup crunchy nut butter (I usually use a dark roasted almond or peanut butter – it needs to be firm not runny)
    1 tsp sesame oil
    2 tsp basil
    2 tsp oregano
    1 tsp sweet paprika
    1 tblsp dark thick soy sauce or kecap manis
    1/2-1 tsp salt
    butter or oil for pan frying

    Mix everything together. Taste the mixture and adjust the salt (how much you need depends on how salty the soy and nut paste are.) With wet hands, shape into 16 rissoles.
    Arrange them on a well oiled baking sheet and bake at 200C for 10-15 minutes until they dry out and start to darken. Allow to cool completely.
    At this stage they can either be refrigerated or frozen.
    Pan fry for 5-7 minutes on each side (I usually use half and half olive oil & butter.) Try to turn them once only or you risk them breaking up.
    You can serve them with veg or salad like rissoles, but I usually make them into burgers with a bun, salad, cooked onions and sometimes a slice of cheese.

    If I can’t find good nut butter I sometimes put roasted nuts into a small food processor with just enough drops of oil to make a firm paste. Although to get it crunchy I find I have to chop some nuts separately as the processor always makes a smooth paste.

    I just had a thought – did you just give up bread? If you want to leave out the breadcrumbs you could try replacing it with a bit more more sticky rice and some almond or coconut flour although I’d add the flour last and slowly until the mixture comes together like a burger mix.

    I’ve got a mung bean contribution. It is for whole mung beans (with the green skin on). I haven’t made it yet, but it is top of my list. I bought mung beans last week especially! It is from a book I borrowed called ‘Veggiestan’ and it is a casserole from Eastern Iran and Afghanistan called Qorma-e-Maash
    (I won’t put it in the legumes thread until I have tried it, but I am so sure it will be yummy!)

    1 tbsp ghee or oil
    1 tsp fenugreek seeds
    1 tsp cumin seeds
    3 garlic cloves minced
    2cm ginger, grated
    4 green chillies
    1 large onion, chopped
    2 capsicum, chopped
    2 potatoes in 2-3cm cubes
    1 tsp gr turmeric
    2 cups washed mung beans
    1 litre water or stock
    500g chopped spinach
    3 tomatoes, chopped
    juice of two limes
    salt to taste

    Heat the ghee
    Fry the fenugreek and cumin seeds gently for a minute
    Add the garlic, ginger, chillies, onion and capsicum and saute until the onion is translucent
    Add the potatoes and turmeric and cook, stirring for a couple of minutes
    Add the mung beans and stock and simmer for 45 minutes
    Add the spinach and tomatoes and simmer for another 10 minutes
    Season with the lime juice and salt
    Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve in deep bowls with onion wedges on the side.

    maybe take out the chillies at the end so you don’t accidentally eat them!

    I try to make a recipe exactly the first time I try it, so I am going to buy ingredients on Friday and make it Friday or Saturday.

    Hi had an easy FD yesterday. love soup so i will check out some of these recipes my neighbor gave me a stack of red chillies so i dehydrated them they seem to find there way into everything. I love anything made with legumes looks like a grocery day today.

    Good morning everyone, fast day for me today!

    Fishing Gran, I can’t help myself , here is another mung bean recipe I wrote out ready to try, but haven’t yet (one of my new African recipes!). It has less ingredients!

    Kenyan Mung Bean Stew

    1 1/4 cups mung beans, soaked overnight, cooked until soft and mashed with a fork.
    2 tbsp ghee or oil
    2 garlic cloves, crished
    1 chopped red onion,
    2 tbsp tomato puree
    1/2 green pepper, chopped small
    1/2 green pepper chopped small
    1 green chili, finely chopped
    300 ml water

    Heat the ghee and fry the garlic and onion until soft.
    Add the tomato and cook, stirring for a couple of minutes
    Add the peppers, the beans and 300ml water and simmer ten minutes and serve.

    I had thought of mung beans as being used more in Chinese and Japanese recipes!
    So interested to see your recipe too LJoyce.
    Hooray for having dried red peppers from the garden Fishing Gran!

    Your suit sounds gorgeous Joffy!
    Can’t believe your home made soup doesn’t taste as good as the can!

    Lovely to read about climbing down gorges and walks in the sun.
    Hope today is a good one peeps.

    Sailed through a FD yesterday and kept forgetting to eat. I was busy at the hairdresser for a couple of hours (smugly declined the delicious looking coffee that other customers were enjoying) and then decided to browse the nearby op shop. Cinque and others will be pleased to learn that I found a very unusual top with original tags for $4.25.

    Welcome Lady Salsa, Karen. I’m also in Perth. NOR or SOR? How are you getting on Elasticity, our other Perth newbie? Welcome back Fishing Gran.

    I didn’t know you could cook mung beans. I love them but have only ever eaten them raw. They and avocado give any salad a gourmet feel.

    GDSA, congratulations on your new low! Do you think cutting out bread for the week had some effect on kick-starting your loss? I hope your new PB is giving you a sense of increased power & confidence to overcome the crappy year you’ve been having.

    Joffy, your suit sounds outrageous. Shame we can’t see a photo of the final product but it will have to be left to our imagination.

    LJ, I’m preparing for recording a typical NFD intake for your kind computation. As you know, I have paid no regard to anything consumed on a NFD before so what I’ve been doing this week is taking a usual ‘helping’ of nuts, say, and then noting the weight. I did the same with a typical ‘snack size’ piece of feta. For my coffee, I measured 100mls of milk, frothed it and took the usual amount I would use for a coffee, then subtracted the remainder. I also poured myself a typical size glass of wine one evening and then poured it out of the glass into a measuring cup and was pleased to confirm that it was only 100mls. I’m hoping these steps will help me to provide an accurate sample of a day’s intake rather than weighing the food first which would skew the results and make me look better. When I weighed my muesli, I found that I was taking a greedy 100gms when the packet says a serving size is 45gms! So already, I can see that the very act of recording will have a positive effect on reducing intake. It seems rude to ask you to compute the cals for items that are clearly stated on a packet but I will appreciate your help with the other ingredients. When I accumulate enough ‘sample’ items, I will record a full NFD’s intake including a typical evening meal recipe. Thank you again for helping me with this.

    How would you have computed a NFD at the mercy of someone else’s cooking? For example, on Saturday I consumed one G&T, about 5 crisps (no idea what as I haven’t bought any for years) and then a curry which comprised a dessert spoonful of rice, two ‘helpings’ of chicken curry, two ‘helpings’ of egg and spinach curry (half a hard boiled egg in total), one ‘helping’ of dahl and a tsp each of a wide range of accompaniments including chopped banana, sultanas, red, yellow and green capsicum, coconut & chutney. For dessert I had a sizeable portion of home-made mango ice cream, lychees and apricots with cream. (I’m sort of disgusted as I write!) One coffee with milk. I also had a small glass of red wine which I now know would have been about 100mls. That day, I had two cups of coffee at home, no breakfast or dinner. I wonder how you would have tackled this in your recordings since you can’t measure a ‘helping’ and you can’t reasonably ask the host for the calorie count, not if you want to be invited back.

    Although this is not common eating behaviour for me, I feel like I’ve exposed a real glutton in posting this. Fortunately, I am a comfortable 60.2kg today so feeling good. But are these FDs simply counter-acting a poor eating pattern? In pressing ‘submit’, I feel like I really am ‘submitting’!

    Morning all – I have sunshine here today – very nice bonus.

    Mung Beans – GDSA-my recipie was also for whole green mung beans, I’ve never used the split ones. (The burger recipie is from an old Vegetarian cookbook I have – I was vego for a few years in my 30s.) Cinque-the main way I’ve come across mung beans in Asian cuisine is through bean thread noodles and a truly awful cold drink that they make from them. I prefer to use them in recipies that are more Indian in origin.

    Thin – I know it can be hard to work out just how many calories you’ve consumed when someone else has cooked or it’s a restaurant meal. If someone else cooked a meal then I estimate, because that’s the best you can do in that situation. Over time of weighing portions at home you get better at estimating the portion size that someone else has served (you start to know what a cup or 100g looks like). For example with the curries – some traditional curries I make myself so I already know what is in those recipies, for others I look up the recipie online and look at what’s in it and what is considered a normal portion – then I work backwards and find the nutritional data for every ingredient. If it looks like a unique creation then I take note of what’s in it – especially the higher calorie ingredients like ghee or coconut cream because they have the most impact on calories. Once I know roughly what is in a dish I can see if there is something similar in the nutritional database – otherwise I work backwards and look up the nutritional data for every ingredient.
    If you want to get an idea of just calories and macro-nutrients, rather than a full nutritional breakdown in meals eaten out, then I’d recommend you check http://www.calorieking.com.au/ as they have basic nutritional info for a huge number of prepared meals – especially restaurant meals and they offer you data based on various portion sizes. I find this can be a helpful planning tool before I go out to a restaurant so I know in advance what will probably be high in calories – it doesn’t mean I won’t choose a high cal item, but I’d rather do it knowingly.
    I wouldn’t stress too much about the meals out – they are feast occasions and you shouldn’t feel any guilt treating them that way. That’s why you have continued with 5:2 for maintenance so that you can enjoy these occasions without having to stress about what you eat when out enjoying yourself. The only time that meals out become something to monitor is where your social life has you eating out several times per week. If it’s occasional then I wouldn’t worry. Just focus on knowing roughly what you are consuming on a more normal NFD, as these happen much more often so will actually have more impact of the nutrition you are consuming.

    My dietitian has been quite firm with me about allowing the treats into my diet so that I learn the difference between everyday and occasional, and so that I avoid bingeing behaviour that denial seems to trigger. Having treats occasionally is normal. Having a little more than is good for us on occasion is also normal – not a source of guilt. This is particularly true for you Thin – you are in maintenance and are allowed to live a normal life which includes treats and indulgence sometimes.

    I think that getting to know just how much we are adding to our bowls and plates on a daily basis can be a useful exercise – again it’s not about changing habits just making our choices knowingly. It’s also not about continuing to measure everything, just getting a good idea what what a portion looks like in a bowl or glass. I have the same dilemma with the muesli (on the rare occasions when I eat it – which I actually did this morning as I had an early start and was hungry by 9:30) – I think of muesli in multiples of 30g because that’s a similar amount of calories to a slice of bread so it’s easy to calculate in my head. But you put just 30g of muesli in a bowl and you need a magnifying glass to find it!

    Well I must get going, I have back-to-back medical appointments today, then have to go shopping for the ingredients to make 100 cup cakes for a 4y.o. birthday party this weekend. I’m thinking strawberry cup cakes and banana cup cakes, both made with the actual fruit them as they are this particular 4y.old’s favourite fruits.

    That looks good Cinque another soup to try thanks. had a walk with the pups on the beach and spending time in the craft room making roses for my cards stops me thinking of food lol.

    Thank you for putting everything back into perspective LJ. You are absolutely right of course. And yes, I recall what 30g of oats looked like from when OH was doing 5:2 with me and we used to have that minuscule portion for FD breakfasts. Add water. Wait for it to swell. Add more water …. eat very slowly with a teaspoon. Have a great day all!

    Hi all, I know I have only been back on this for a week but just wondering how long it takes to get back into it without binging on NFD?? I am going OK with FD ( today is one) and having around 600cals but then I seem to eat everything in sight next day and I know I’m eating to much. I don’t eat breakfast as once I start I seem to get hungry quickly and just eat! My second NFD day is better and I can usually stick to 1500 cals without being hungry, although when I have a day out of routine I find it more difficult to do this. Any hints really appreciated! Thanks Monica

    LJoyce, you are right. Plus beanspouts ofcourse! Were you thinking beansprouts re eating them raw Thin?
    I do like beanthread noodles!
    I’ve mostly used moong dal (ie hulled, split mung beans) in Indian food. Hence the big deal of buying whole mung beans recently.

    Hi Monica, I have just ended a phase of being superhungry and overeating on non fast days! And I haven’t a clue what changed!
    Some ideas though: getting used to cold weather, drinking enough, concentrating on veggies in meals and have good big meals and no snacks between, just go on as best you can and wait for your brain, gutbiome, hormones, or whatever it is, to change!
    Sending good wishes!

    Ooh I just remembered an Indian recipe that I actually have made (!!!!) that uses whole mung beans that are just starting to sprout! It does contain asafoetida and amchur, so if you have those in your pantry FishingGran, and you run out of mung bean recipes, let me know!

    Hello all. Thanks for the mung bean recipies i will pick one and have a go on the weekend.

    LJoyce yes I did decide to give up bread, well cut down significantly is more like it. Ive had 2 slices of rye in the last week compared to having 2 slices each day before. So I don’t mind adding breadcrumbs to the recipie for a treat. Cutting down on bread also means cutting down on the butter than goes ontop too !

    Thinatlast yes I think cutting down on bread has had an impact but I also havent felt hungry for lunch since I started back at work on Tuesday after 2 weeks holiday so have only eaten brekky and tea the last few days.

    Have decided to totally give up alcohol too as the red wine is too tempting with the cool weather. I figure if I’m going to eat well, stick to my FD’s and exercise daily I might as well stop taking in the alcohol empty calories too.

    Redmoon Monica, I think when embarking on our new WOL many of us had a tendency to over-indulge on, not just the day after a fast but, the day before too. You’ll get over it. When you wake on the day after a FD, ask yourself if you’re actually hungry. I find I’m rarely hungry the next morning. But if you are, try eating half a banana or having a cup of tea/coffee and go as long as you can that next day before eating for added FD window benefits. I personally feel that the FDs ultimately shape our food behaviours on the other days without our realising it. (It might not sound like it if you read my earlier confessions, yet in the past, I’d have wolfed down the curry with lashings of rice, stuffed my face with nibbles & drunk a lot more alcohol at that lunch – and still had breakfast and dinner).

    Cinque, yes, I was thinking of mung bean sprouts, d’oh!

    GDSA, I totally support you in your decision to ditch the alcohol. Not only empty calories as you say but it can lead to inhibition regarding other food choices. These days, it’s much more of a treat when I do have a drink instead of mindlessly mixing a G&T at 5pm every day which was just embracing a habit. For those that want it though, this WOL certainly allows for it, guilt-free.

    *Sorry Redmoon, I just read that you don’t eat breakfast anyway. How about roughly planning what you’ll eat first the day after a fast to reduce snacking and feel satiated with something nutritious and worthwhile?

    Thanks thin & Cinque for the advice, I generally have a coffee (cappuccino) around 10am after a fd then have soup or protein shake ( is to cold now) around 12 – 1pm.I’m ok until evening most days once I sit down around 8 – 8 30pm that’s when my munchies start. I do try and plan my days but sometimes I end up having something different cause I don’t feel like what I’ve bought to work. My other addiction is lollies! My mind is also part of the problem I’m not actually hungry sometimes but my mind says” you need to eat” I try to ignore it but eventually give in then eat way more than I need.

    Finally home and $400 poorer from the medical appointments & scripts!!

    On the bright side I had a stunning lunch at a cafe in Hahndorf between appointments. It was essentially an organic vegan reinterpretation of “burger & chips”.
    The patty was the size of a cricket ball and made from quinoa & chickpeas and tasted like a really good felafel but with a much lighter juicier texture. It was topped with onion jam, micro salads & skordalia dressing. Instead of a bun, they served between 2 disks of roasted butternut – flavourwise this worked perfectly. The potatoes were unpeeled and cut into really chunky wedges then roasted in olive oil, garlic & rosemary and supposedly served with hommus. Although it didn’t taste like chickpeas to me – based on the flavours, texture and pale colour I think they made it from white beans and cashews (and lots of garlic) with a texture more like pesto than hommus. I ate every single bite on my plate and every one was delicious – my taste buds are still in seventh heaven. I can see I’m going to have to experiment with burger recipies again.
    I probably don’t need to add that this was a NFD.

    That sounds very delicious LJ. I hadn’t thought of using butternut as a ‘bun’ and will try that. I use portobello mushrooms. It doesn’t take much to make butternut tender, I wonder how long they roasted it.

    Just been out for coffee with a neighbour and stopped at the Asian grocer for some pond scum (brown speckled konyaku) and bought some whole mung beans so I’ll be scrolling up for those recipes later.

    Redmoon, do you have to buy lollies? It might be easier if they’re not in the house. I’m not sure if you’ve said whether you cater for OFMs or live alone. If I could offer a suggestion from reading your last post, it would be to try to get out of the habit of using protein shakes (sorry Intesha, I know you disagree and they probably have their place but I’m going to put forward an argument against them so please feel free to comment).

    Protein is vital for body-building and tissue repair but we’re better off getting our nutrients from real, whole foods such as poultry, meat, fish, eggs and milk. We need to learn to eat properly. Protein shakes tend to lack the prebiotic fibre that feed our gut microbiota, and can disrupt adult gut flora. Most protein supplements contain artificial ingredients that can promote sugar cravings, glucose intolerance, and fat gain. Perhaps now that you say it’s too cold for them and you’re moving towards soups, it would be a good time to wean yourself off shakes, smoothies and so on and concentrate on nutritious soups. You can add small amounts of protein (most adults eat four times the amount of required protein) and carry this soup-eating habit on through the winter and into next summer. What say you?

    Thanks Thin, I don’t live alone ( it would be lots easier if I did) and I try not to have the lollies in the house but sometimes I just crave them so buy them and then eat!
    The protein shakes are a left over from the previous diet I WAS doing and I don’t want to waste them. I would like to get to the point of eating food only when I feel hungry but being able to have treats without going overboard. I know that when I deprive myself I end up bingeing for weeks then gaining back all the lost weight and getting angry about it but then it takes me months to try again.I’m hoping that with this lifestyle I can eat treats occasionally which will stop me eating so much as I know I can have it and not be deprived.I’m not a meat eater, I do eat chicken breast, tuna and eggs. I’m making soup so I know how many calories are in it and will have a vegetable soup for FD’s and a different variety for NFD’s.I know I need to change my eating habits and am hoping this will also help with that as I get better with the lifestyle. Everyone on here is an inspiration as you have succeeded with this lifestyle and my aim is to be like you all.

    Good morning all,
    Finished a FD this morning. I felt pretty good yesterday even though I had a very physical job to do. During my FD on Tuesday I almost had cramps feeling hungry in the afternoon. I don’t know why, then I was fine and able to cook my homemade soup with no problems. Just one of them days I suppose.
    Redmoonstar66, I have to have things in the cupboard for the kids on weekends e.g lollies, chocolate, chips, etc. however I do make sure I only have one of each item. I do like all of these things but have learnt to say no when alone during the week.
    I had been having plums at night if i wanted something now it will be mandarins on NFD’s.
    Had leftover soup last night, it is pretty good and a small chilli finely chopped certainly gave it a zing. I saw Dr.Mosely’s show about food the other night explaining why chilli’s are hot to people but not macaw’s due to receptors on our tongue that the birds due not have. I tried to tell my brain my mouth was not on fire get over it to no avail.
    Meals for the day:
    2 x white coffee’s 300kj, minestrone soup 1650kj Total 1950kj or 466cals.

    I was driving yesterday to visit my sister who has had to have a couple of days in hospital. Thinking I would stop at an op shop on the way home I went Doh! I didn’t tell Thin how cool I thought your op shop find was! (I found nothing πŸ™ )

    I had an ordinary fast day yesterday. Ok but right at the highest limit of calories. I blame the cold weather. I prefer a ‘fastier’ day when I manage it!

    Thinking about your love for lollies Redmoonstar, it made a difference for me to really own the pleasure in eating something, and to really enjoy each step: deciding when I will have the treat (eg next Friday), so that I will make the most of it, deciding exactly what the treat will be (which lollies, how many), really loving the anticipation and then being really mindful to suck every bit of the enjoyment out of the experience.
    Often later I have to do a bit of analysis about how it made me feel and whether I would enjoy it more by doing something different… and then I start planning my next treat!
    This has been the main thing that has helped me deal with that childhood feeling of being deprived by not being able to live my own wishes.

    Joffy I love that chili zing! It is amazing how the amount you can tolerate creeps up! I guess you weren’t able to have a glass of milk alongside to put the fire out.

    LJoyce what a gorgeous cafe meal! Glad you have all your scrips and things and hoping it is a fair while before the next outlay!

    I’m off to have coffee with my friend and do my veggie shopping. Lovely.
    I wonder if I will make my mung bean stew today. Hmm 2yo coming for an overnight visit at 4pm, so maybe not!

    Cheers to any Friday Fasters!

    LJoyce Ive decided i will start with your mung bean recipie as the burger sounds very tempting. Do you think i could replace the rice with quinoa ?

    Ive been making nut butter for ages. Usually with almonds. Just pop in the blender with nothing else. Takes about 5 mins and lots of scraping the sides of the blender. I mainly use it for making cocoa balls but also love it as a general spread.

    Hahndorf what a beautiful place. Miss D and I based ourselves there for 3 days while we did the touristy thing in the hills – rocking horse, monarto zoo etc a couple of years ago. Just down the road from our accommodation was a cheese shop/coffee shop on the corner that i really wanted to visit but ran out of time. I do recall it being quite chilly for February though !

    GDSA – the stickiness of the shortgrain calrose rice is important to holding the burgers together, so you could use quinoa but it wouldn’t be sticky. You can get around this by increasing the amount of nut paste and also adding an egg if it’s not holding together properly. When I use pearl barley or kasha buckwheat instead of the rice I usually end up adding an egg. The other thing that can help bind a legume burger together is to mash a few of the cooked beans as they then become a sticky paste which helps bind the ingredients together. Leave most of them whole though as the texture of the cooked beans or lentils is one of the nice things about these burgers.
    When you put them into the oven to dry them off keep an eye on them. For some reason every batch is a little different. I usually start checking after 5 minutes. Just remember you aren’t cooking them, just drying them out enough that they hold together. If I’m in a hurry and don’t want to deal with the drying out and cooling process before I can fry them, I add extra breadcrumbs and an egg and I roll the formed burger patties in either cornmeal or flour or dry breadcrumbs and then I can panfry immediately.
    Depending on how large a burger you want to make you can also vary the size. I normally use fairly small bread rolls so I make smallish burger patties. If you want to use a traditional sized hamburger bun you may want to make just 8-10 patties from the mixture. A thicker burger pattie does hold together better.

    Hi lovely ladies of the Southern Hemisphere

    I am delighted to report that this week I lost 400 grams. Onwards and downwards I go! I am going to mix things up a bit this week and fast on Sunday instead of Monday, just to trick my body into wondering what on earth is going on!! I am experiencing a little bit of a plateau, but considering I am only 11 weeks post hip replacement, I think it’s pretty normal. I am loving getting back to normal with my exercise and on this coming Monday I am able to return to my Yoga sessions, will be interesting to see how all that pans out!.

    Thinatlast, I live SOR in Perth πŸ™‚ – enjoying our lovely WA weather right now, we are so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of Australia.

    I hope everyone has a healthy and happy weekend! By the way I am LOVING all the recipes that are posted, will try some of them out and report back on how yummy I know they are going to be!

    Hello all you fabulous people. I love how I have to take 10 mins to read everyone’s posts when I miss a couple of days. It’s great to see how we all have similar challenges and the different ways of dealing with them. I really liked your ideas on mindfully planning and eating lollies, Cinque. I’m definitely going to start using that idea.

    Redmoon I had similar urges to gorge when I first started this WOL but I’ve found that this week the tide has turned (4th week) and I’m able to keep my appetite in control. I’ve also had a few occasions when I really wanted to gorge on sweets and I’ve realised it was an emotional need rather than hunger. A quick walk (5 mins max) outside helped on those days. I’ve also got rid of my insomnia and am back to falling asleep quickly.

    Thank you everyone for the recipe ideas. I have a feeling this WOL will also make me a better cook – because of all your yummy recipe ideas!! I think your Almond Butter idea is a must try, GDSA. Even I can try that, haha.

    I also wanted to let you all know my OH has lost 4kgs in the past month so I’m very thankful for all your support. He’s very happy with the weight loss so far and says he’ll keep going, so I’m feeling excited for him and our family.

    Just a quick question – do you (any of you) limit yourself to 50gms of protein on your FDs? I watched the Horizon show “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” the other night and realised both me and OH have been eating much more than that on FDs and NFDs. I had a poached egg and 50gms smoked salmon with a huge salad for my FD meal yesterday but think I would struggle with just the smoked salmon. 50gms is almost nothing πŸ™

    Happy Friday everyone and hope your weekends are stupendous 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

    Hi CG, great news about your OH! Hopefully the 4kgs lost will inspire him to continue. I don’t limit myself to a specific amount of protein, however, one of my favourite FD meals comprises 50gm salmon, a microwaved poached egg, 80gm steamed asparagus with 1tbs FF yoghurt mixed with lime juice and fresh dill. I eat it very slowly and savour every bite – 195cals. That keeps me going until closer to bedtime when I will have a frozen banana 110cals or a small spoonful of cottage cheese 50cals.

    Lady Salsa, I’m SOR too! Yes, what about this amazing weather! It just keeps coming. Sunday is my regular FD, so we can keep each other company again then, along with Cinque.

    Cinque, I hope your sister is alright. I might try and send you a photo of my new op shop top for your appraisal. DD said, ‘that’s rather unusual’ – which is what attracted me to it. A sort of African inspired design and unusual material. Something I wouldn’t normally buy. At around $4, you can take that risk!

    Today, OH and I found ourselves in the city and I kitted him out with two colourful shirts (not by your standards, Joffy) and I needed some new bathers as my size 18s just weren’t working any more but didn’t want to spend nearly $200 on the ones I liked which is more like like a car payment to me (OK I’m exaggerating but it’s still a silly price). So, I found them on sale for $58 and OH said I look great. I also found a size 9 dress, woo hoo, the last time I was that size was about 40 years ago!

    I forgot to say that while at the Asian grocer yesterday I bought some ‘homemade style’ kimchi. Does anyone make their own? I think it’s really nice, quite spicy. LJ, how much of that should I eat as a useful portion? Speaking of fermenting, are you lurking PerthGirl? I read elsewhere that you have acquired some kefir grains and wondered if I could get in line to receive a small amount if/when you get a surplus and when we meet for coffee again? Sadly I killed mine by freezing when we went away last year. Your trip to Europe must be coming up soon?

    Craftgirl – I aim roughly aim to be in the 45-80g of protein per day range, although I have less than that on a FD. Most days I’m closer to the bottom of that range. This goal is based roughly on the AUS & NZ Dietary Guidelines for those with chronic disease (it advises that protein should be 15-25% of calories – this means the grams vary depending on your TDEE). This is not something I monitor anymore, but I used to, so I know how much protein I tend to regularly add to my meals.
    There is a big difference between grams of foods that are rich in protein and actual grams of protein. For example a large 60g egg contains 6 grams of protein and also 6 grams of fat. Most of the calories in an egg actually come from the fat, not the protein because a gram of fat has twice the calories of protein. From the smoked salmon you are getting more protein, 50g has 12g protein and 2g fat – and a whopping 633mg sodium. This means that on your FDs you are only having about 18g protein from the salmon & egg. You will get a little more protein from your other food choices as most foods contain at least trace amounts of protein (for example most fresh veg have anywhere from 1-12g protein per 100g, although most are in the 1-4g range).

    Thin – After trying sauerkraut long ago I decided I do not like fermented veg (some pickled veg I’ll tolerate but that’s where I draw the line) so I’ve never actually eaten kimchi, despite it’s supposed health virtues.
    Depending on which of the leafy vegetables it’s made from it has roughly 120kj (28cals) per 100g. The thing to watch with it is the sodium as it has about 430mg per 100g. I’ve just checked on a couple of sources I trust and they say a serve is 50-60g, which doesn’t sound like much. Although if you eat it as a condiment with other things 50g is probably about right. I don’t know anyone who is Korean so I’m not sure what they’d consider a normal daily amount to be, but I think it is something that is eaten daily in a traditional Korean diet.

    Hi Thin,
    Yes I have kefir grains which, following PVE’s advice I put in the feeezer this afternoon as we have enough kefir to last until we leave on 17th May. However, if you want some I will go and get some milk and rescue them and hibernate them in the fridge until we can meet, maybe next week. Then, if mine don’t rejuvenate when we return I know where I can get some replacements πŸ™‚


    Thanks LJ πŸ˜† yes, it would be as a condiment as it’s quite strong so 50gms sounds perfect.

    PerthGirl, thank you! I’m happy to wait until you get back as I know there’s a lot of preparation in getting ready for an o/seas trip and meeting me for coffee is an added burden! Unless you would like the insurance policy of having some spare on return (no guarantees though) in which case, it might be fun to see if Elasticity and Lady Salsa are up for coffee.


    We have done the overseas cycling thing so often that I can almost do my share of the prep in my sleep. Coffee and insurance are both appealing. DH is busy with final route planning and probably wont miss me for an hour or two.

    Off to buy milk and give ‘Missy’ the kiss of life.


    Thanks LJ. It sounds like I need more research into protein contained in food to ensure I get the 50gms. Perhaps something I could examine with myfitnesspal as it does the nutrient breakdown.

    Thanks PerthGirl, I named mine Charlie after CharliesMum, past poster who gave me my first grains. It threatened to take over the house, so prolific was it but, despite passing it on to various neighbours, we all managed to kill it in the end with dubious holiday hibernation plans.

    I’m free any day next week except Tuesday. You say where/when’s convenient and then we can see if any other Perth losers wish to join us. I’ll check whether VegieDownUnder is coming up from the country.

    Hi Perth ladies.. I am definitely up for a coffee and I also have LOTS of Kefir grains so if anyone needs some I am more than willing to share πŸ™‚ – let me know the day and time for coffee – would be lovely to meet people on the same journey!


    the only day I’m not free is Thursday – which I recall in Thin’s fast day. My only criteria is meeting place is accessible with Transperth.

    Well what do you know, another kefir source. I had to wait weeks for mine to migrate from Bridgetown πŸ™‚

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