Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,914 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  KellyClarkson 11 hours, 43 minutes ago.

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  • Hi Thin,

    I’m so sorry you woke feeling unmotivated to fast today. I’ve had days like that myself, though usually after a sleepless night, have completely over exerted myself in previous days, am ultra emotionally stressed or when I’m coming down with something like a cold. I’m glad your walk was invigorating and got you through feeling that way. …I completely agree about the discipline with regard to fasting days. For me they are an all or nothing prospect. Like you, I admit that I use 5:2 as a way of dealing with my food addiction and maybe those who haven’t ever been troubled by food addiction or haven’t struggled shedding extra weight wouldn’t quite understand?

    I chuckled when I read about you and OH’s visit to the market. As much as he doesn’t understand, the way you write about him sounds endearing!

    Here’s the link to the products Dr. M sells on his website…


    I suppose the items offered on the page can be a convenience for those who don’t know where else to buy them or who live remotely (if there is such a thing in the UK, my brother who lives in Ireland says that it is impossible to get completely lost there because where ever you go, you will always be within sight of a dwelling!).

    My guess about the fitness trackers on Dr. M’s website is that all his various projects including ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’, his BSD website and even this Fastdiet forum are run by others. From what I’ve observed, it appears to have been years since Dr. M peeked his head into any of these pages. Even threads he himself started have comments he hasn’t replied to in years! I’m guessing the various project teams don’t necessarily confer with each other. Dr. M is probably too busy to keep informed of all the finer details of each. Dr M writes that his GBP99 12 week program has been created by ‘specialists’ and there is no mention that he’s one of them! The best that I’m assuming is that he hand picked the team!?

    Minka & Thin, I completely agree about FDs. I’m at risk on any day where I break a meal plan but for FD’s it’s a real no no. That “one spoonful” quickly becomes the “thin edge of the wedge”. The only minor changes I can tolerate are substitutions, eg I had planned to have strawberries but felt more like the plum sitting in the fruit bowl that would be OK. The other thing I dare not change is the time of day I start eating. If I have anything other than a cup of soup/broth and cups of tea any earlier than late afternoon I struggle to get through the FD. I think the only way I could also eat lunch is if I moved to the 800 cal option and I’m not willing to experiment with that until I’m in maintenance.

    Thin hope things look brighter tomorrow.

    I think the reason Dr M wouldn’t have listed himself as a specialist is because although he studied medicine I don’t believe he ever actually practiced medicine. He discussed this in one of his earlier documentaries – if I remember correctly, he decided patient care wasn’t for him and he went into medical/science journalism instead. I’ve noticed that during interviews he never gives evidence or medical advice as his own – he refers to the experts he’s relying on. When he did the SBS Insight program on diabetes last year, he had an endochrinologist there as well to provide all of the medical advice and when the interviewer kept asking him medical questions he didn’t answer them, just passed the question over to the expert.

    Thanks so much Minka, I appreciate what you said a lot. And just the fact that you ‘get it’ makes it so good to be able to lean on contributors here. I’m feeling great now and mentally back on the wagon!

    The link reveals an interesting mix of endorsed products. I understand that Amazon warehousing is coming to Australia. How funny that your brother ended up in a place where you can’t get lost because it’s so densely built-up and you’ve ended up in a place where one can drive for four days before seeing a sign reading, ‘Darwin 1400kms’. Are there any other siblings?

    Thanks LJ, I appreciate that I’m not alone in this thinking. I agree about the rigid timing of meals too – I’m happy to stretch it beyond 2pm to have the first intake if busy or not feeling hungry but I wouldn’t like to cave in to hunger earlier. Of course this rigid style isn’t for everyone, I understand that, neither does it have to be. I believe you and Minka have more to deal with than I do; I’m in awe of both of you for your sensitive handling and critical thinking of your respective food glitches. It’s no small feat.

    You’re right, Dr M. is more of a medical journalist/TV presenter than a practicing doctor. Being trained in medicine gives him more credibility. And he’s a very likeable, bloke who’s willing to put himself though the paces.

    Back again🙂

    Ah travel. We’ve learnt on the forum that 5:2 is really good at helping us understanding our individual responses to food physically, emotionally and psychologically. We’ve also learnt there can be groups that have very different responses to another group of people.

    Here’s my experience of travelling several times now:

    1. I’m a member of The Hunger Dragon Club. The minute food passes my lips for the first time in a day the Hunger Dragon comes roaring to life. There is no way I could eat at a breakfast buffet ‘because I’ve paid for it’. I would come home looking like a tank. I’ve only once had breakfast that way and went to the loungue area of a boat where a light breakfast was served. I felt yuck and went on to eat too much that day. There’s no way I could eat breakfast and not eat again for the day.At home I never eat before 12noon anyway and eat 2 meals a day not 3, on nonFDs. On FDs I eat 1 meal only after 6pm. My husband goes to breakfast but I sleep in a bit longer. I don’t miss it at all, and , yes, we’ve paid for it, but ces la vie. I don’t regret it at all.

    Part of travelling for me is to try foods from different cultures and I do. I try everything I want to, but I just eat smaller amounts instead if a large amount or eating the same thing over and over.

    My OH and I have several strategies. No brekkie for me is the first.

    I take little travel scales like Thin does and weigh first thing every morning. It let’s me know if I’m overeating.

    I do my 2 FDs as usual though I may change FDs to a different day of the week. Keeping the routine going is important for me.

    I continue not eating till 12 noon on the 5 days.

    I set a goal to come home the same weight I left. I’m usually pretty close.

    OH and I often share a dish instead of 1. We might share a sweet or piece of cake or biscuit.

    Having 2 starters instead of a starter and a main.

    I get the chips left off a meal and may have a couple of my husband’s if he has some, or none.

    Especially in USA I get sauces/salad dressings on the side in a bowl or jug. If I had ribs OH and I would get a small serve and share it.

    Drinks.If having coffee, I ask for black with milk on the side, or have very weak black tea/peppermint tea. I drink lots of water, bottled if necessary, and carry it with me so I’m not drinking calories. If the food ‘experience’ is a drink, again, we share. I’m not a drinker, but still go with OH to wine tastings but just have a smell or occasionally a tiny sip of something, very tiny.

    If there’s a soup choice I’ll choose a clear soup instead of a thicker soup, except for seafood bisque or chowder which I try everywhere, but only the smallest size, and I’m prepared to leave some if it’s too much.

    I don’t finish a dish if it’s more than I want. 5:2 has made me much more aware of when I need to stop. I have no problem now leaving things on a plate.

    We self cater where we can and shop in supermarkets rather than restaurants. Supermarkets and markets in other countries can be fascinating.

    Of all tips, my biggest is to plan what you want the outcome to be. Don’t just think you must give up 5:2 to travel. If you go off it and go silly onnfood on drink be aware you may or may not go back on 5:2 afterwards.

    If you’re staying with people let them know you are working on improving your health (rather than weight) and let them know you only eat a small amount on 2 days a week, and don’t be bullied into to having 2nds and thirds you don’t want.

    Gono matter what, enjoy your travelling.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Good morning everyone 🦆🦆🦆
    Interesting discussions. I think a big part of Dr Mosley’s success is that he has a good ear for the majority audience, and he walks the line between good science and pandering to consumerism. I’m not really comfortable with that line, but I can understand it and am resigned to it. I’m sorry this site is no longer updated with news and research, but on the other hand I am so glad it is still here, and even happier that there are no gadgets for sale here 😋

    I can relate to what people have been saying about lack of motivation, and not messing up fast days. While I was losing weight my emotions and thinking were aligned, fast days were almost religious: ritual, intent, concentration on doing them as well as I could, and that excitement about losing weight and life change dominated my life.

    Now I am working on making fast days a sustainable part of a healthy life, it is more mundane and sometimes my heart isn’t in it. I don’t have the trigger weight in place, but there are enough days where I overeat, that I know I need my fast days, and I can always talk myself back into it, but it is very different.
    I am finding that I need two small meals on fast days, one of which is my miso soup. 🍵

    The forum is important, and I keep thinking what would happen if I didn’t have my fast days, but it is a new stage with different emotions, and I neeed different strategies.

    So it was a good fast day yesterday, but I am having both fast days with around 600 calories I think, which is keeping 5:2 sustainable for me, keeping my weight stable, and just sort of keeping time.

    And now, breakfast!
    Cheers everyone, best wishes for a good day! 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

    Wow I’m overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting information on the Internet around body fat & muscle mass. I was curious of this subject due to my new flabby underarms from weight loss. So ive come to my own conclusion which is –

    – i probaby didnt have much upper arm muscle prior to weight loss but the flab wasn’t visable due to my excess weight

    – flab is not so visable elsewhere on my body because ive greatly increased my cardio fitness with fast paced walking and exercise bike

    – underarm flab not reducing because ive been doing the wrong type of weight training

    All the information I consumed around what burns first (muscle, fat, water etc) and what intake of food burns what (carbs, fats etc) just did my head in so I’m not even going to think about all of that.

    So I will simply follow the new weight training model that targets upper arm flab. Happy to hear the thoughts of others.

    Were about to take my D’s cat to the vet. Not sure what happened but she has a very nasty gash on her tail and not using one of her hind legs. D is very upset and worried for her little moggy so hope it all goes ok.

    Good luck Gday,
    My arm muscles are well inside the flab. It seems different people lose flab in different places first and last. I put fat on my arms and underarms first, and lose it there last. Still waiting patiently! 🙁

    Came back after the news has reminded me of those of you driving through flood ravages areas. Sending good wishes. So glad homes are safe. Is anyone in Rockhampton?

    So perfectly written Cinque (yours of 10:21 pm). I read it three times. Your transition from weight loss to maintenance is very much my experience too.

    Hi Merry, excellent travel tips. Funny you mention the ‘breakfast to breakfast plan’ awakening the hunger dragon as I definitely considered that as a potential challenge. But having decided a 24 hour fast is the best option for me for a short trip to Asia, I thought that breakfast might present the healthiest range of choices as dinner is often eaten while poking around night markets. I’m envisaging noodles, rice and a lot of deep fried things that I no longer want to eat. I only have to do it twice after the initial travel day. I think I’ll be strong for the remainder of the day but going to bed on an empty stomach might be tricky. As for the breakfast buffet, I won’t be eating the pale pink hotdog style sausages or any of the carby offerings, just eggs, fruit and yoghurt. I shall report back!

    GDSA, good luck at the vet. I was watching a new series of ‘Supervet’ last night in which Noel repaired the badly damaged jaw of a cat that had been hit by a car. At the vet hospital where my DD works, a lot of work on cats is to remove facial abscesses resulting from fights. Given up on underarm flab.

    Another perfect day here in Perth – 31C. Have a wonderful day everyone.

    Hi there, this is my first post and thinking of flab fat, I found to my delight the first place to show results was my spare tyre area under my bust. That was the last place to ‘get fat’ which made me start the 5-2 back in late Jan 17. Seems like last on first off. I was 76 kg in Jan and now 70.5 so feeling pretty happy.
    It is interesting reading fellow dieters posts to help with any doubts I have had along the way. Thank you all!!

    Morning everyone! First weigh in and measurement day after Week 1 of 5:2. The first details were taken last Monday morning first thing, then I started my first fast day, had another fast day on Thursday. Results for Week 1 (kg wise) were not awe-inspiring – a loss of 800g, but body fat % and cm a little better: -1.1% for the body fat and -3cm total (-2 from my waist, -1 from my bust). I have sort of decided (pending your responses!) to now start taking my weekly weight and measurements on TUESDAY mornings, ie after a FD, not on MONDAY mornings after a non-fast weekend. When do most of you take your weights and measurements? Would love your advice! Thanks! T.

    Good morning all,
    I’m not sure who was asking about the fitbits. I have a Samsung and checked the step counts this morning. The first time it was out 7 steps (under), second time 4 steps (under) and the final count was 2 steps (under) so all in all I think it’s fairly accurate. I wear mine everyday including at work. It’s quite normal for me to walk 10,000 steps in a shift (aged care). That’s it for now, I’m off to the lake to meet my fellow “dragon boaters”. 🙂

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome Mouldy, and congratulations on your loss so far. Getting rid of a spare tyre is wonderful!

    Hi Thin- I know what you mean about the night markets. Lots of unhealthy and grainy stuff. Hope you can find a healthy stirfry in their somewhere. I may have given the wrong impression in my post- the written word and all it’s vageries of interpretation. If the breakfast strategy works, it works. Heaps of people have a big breakfast and take boiled eggs, fruit and the odd pastry with them for lunch as well. There are plenty of no Hunger Dragon people on 5:2 who could work that with just a little before bed to help with sleep. For us in the Hunger Dragon Club it just wouldn’t work as a financial and FD strategy. One of my biggest challenges when travelling is wheat, wheat and wheat. So much stuff is made out of wheat, and cous cous is popular now and it’s wheat. Many lunches and national and local specialties are baked things and yep, theyre wheat of course. If you can’t eat wheat, ceoliac, or intolerant of of wheat, other grains and gluten, like me then it can be a challenge. I have little bits of carefully chosen specialties and put up with the side effects, but I have to be careful.

    Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, or is interested, but the rerun of “Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I’m a Doctor” 4 part doco starts tonight – 7:30pm SBS.

    Welcome Mouldy and well done on your weight loss so far.

    Tori67 i weight every morning when i first wake up. I have a set of Aria scales which automatically synch to my Fitbit app. This way i can get a rough idea of weight changes day by day but what I tend to focus on is tbe weekly average weight and body fat % that it gives me.

    Which leads me to Fitbits. I did mean to respond to an earlier post but it slipped my mind until Goldenheart just mentioned it.

    Mine is accurate to less than 5 steps per 100. I have all of my regular meals logged into the app so its extremely easy to track intake. I can track all forms of exercise and movement in general. As the day goes along I can see if i need to up my movement/exercise to ensure I use more than I consume. It has a wonderful array of charts and will tracks sleep patterns. It will show resting heart rate – mine has gone from an average of 77 when i first staryed FD to an average of 51 now.

    Mine is a Fitbit Charge 2. I bought it second hand for $140 and I absolutely love it – wear it 24/7.

    Happy Monday – plenty of personal challenges of one sort and another for all of us over the weekend and some great resolutions!

    Merry – Thanks for your travel comments. As a Hungry Dragon member I will need to try and manage the beast while we’re away. I do find that a low carb brunch is a bit less dangerous so will need to choose my poisons carefully if we do end up at the hotel breakfast buffet. Some things will be easy to ignore – I love almost all ethnic foods – but just not for breakfast! Two starters is a great idea too. Holland will be tricky with my weakness for liquorice!

    Thin – thanks for the miso recipe link. I bought some more – but in a tub this time and also some Konjac noodles in the weekend. And glad you got your fasting mojo back! Even though I’m new to this – I can see the huge focus and willpower that’s going in every single day – and it’s a big ask of ourselves to never question if we have the strength to pull it off. It seems to me you are doing an amazing job.

    LJ I really want to think about your comment on time of day eating. I think this one may be crucial for me. I have a body clock that screams for food at 4pm. And I remember my mother telling me that even as a baby I’d yell at 4pm. I can get through a FD till then – but there’s a real risk the floodgates will open at that point. And it’s almost as if my brain plays tricks on me in terms of what I could eat and why. It’s very, very difficult to stay in control. I’m thinking I may push my FD eating till 6pm to get over that challenge and just stay on liquids till then as you do during the day.

    Minka – I need to find my fitbit and test it! I saw the news this am about Murwillumbah. There is some amazing spirit in that town. Stay safe.

    Tori – thanks for the heads up on Michael Mosely’s programme.

    I am feeling a bit despondent as I’ve been bouncing around in the low 84s for the last two weeks after my liquorice blowout. I had so wanted to get down to the 83s before we left – which would have made it 5kgs off. I have been doing 2 hours of Pilates and out and about walking – but couldn’t get to dance last week. I was reading about dairy – and maybe I need to cut back on that. Sigh. It is what it is. FD today and can fit in 3 more before we go next week so will just keep trying!

    Mouldy – Great loss, glad to see 5:2 is working well for you. I have also been doing 5:2 since January and have lost a similar amount.

    Tori – Well done on your week 1 results. I think using a range of measurements, not just weight is a really good idea as I’ve found that they don’t always move at the same time. How often you weight/measure depends on you. Some people weigh daily, some weekly and some (like me) weigh monthly and there is every variation in between. I believe weighing should be motivating not depressing, so the advice I usually give is that you weight often enough to help keep you motivated but not so often that it creates frustration. The frequency that achieves that balance will be different for everyone. When I was much heavier and losing weight every week, weighing often was fine but once the weight slowed I found frequent weighing caused me more frustration than anything else so I need to change it to monthly.

    Cinque – Like the ducks in a row! I am also uncomfortable when the line between medicine/science and consumerism/popularism gets blurred. It’s one of the reasons so many untested claims flourish. However I have an analytical mind and I take nothing at face value without searching for the proof myself. I figure that the claims & beliefs that make it into society through media or internet can’t fool me if I don’t let it – just because something is said often doesn’t make it the truth. I may be kidding myself that I can remain unaffected but I try.
    I think the distinction between the approach taken to FDs when dieting and when maintaining weight is a helpful one. In then end it has to be sustainable.

    Merry – that hunger dragon is my nemesis as well. I can’t seem to find a way to eat early in the day and not overeat by the end of that day, so starting at lunchtime is my solution as well. I think we just need a range of strategies so we can find the one that suits us. If not eating breakfast works then that’s the approach I’m going with. I don’t envy you having to avoid wheat – hard enough when you are home and in control and I imagine it’s impossible when travelling.

    GDSA – there is some pretty confusing information out there. I’m happy to share what I personally experienced with flabby upper arms and weight training. With my hourglass body shape I always seem to carry excess weight on my thighs and upper arms. With the 50gk I lost 3 years ago I still have very flabby upper arms. No exercise I’ve done has made much difference, but I am in my mid-50s and I have lost and regained so much weight over the decades than my skin has no elasticity left. I am also limited in working with weights due to the arthritis – just holding a small dumbell hurts my hands. However when I was in my mid-20s I lost 50kg and did a lot of weight training at the gym – my flabby upper arms became firm and the skin did tighten up – to the point I was very comfortable in sleeveless tops. While losing weight back then I did mainly aerobic exercise but once I got to a few kgs from goal I added the weight training – I think the reason it worked is because I did it 5 days per week and I was young enough to still have skin with elasticity. The only caution I’d give is that it can do odd things to your weight – I did a program for toning and building muscles over the whole body and it worked, but as my measurements got smaller my weight went up. So you may need to concentrate on body measurements and body fat percentage as your measures of success. I found it dispiriting to have my weight increasing (mainly because it was taking me further away from the goal weight I’d been aiming for), even though I dropped a full dress size during my months of weight training.
    Hope the cat is OK.

    Yesterday’s FD went well, despite the extra hour of fasting. This week I started my new approach of not counting calories. I’m hoping that I’ve learned enough to know what the right volume of food is for both FDs and NFDs. I am still briefly recording what food I’ve eaten, so that if this experiment all goes wrong I can backtrack and workout where I’m overeating. I’m willing to give this approach 2 months to see if I can trust my appetite and my knowledge of serving sizes and nutrition to get my food intake right without monitoring every calorie. If I can manage this I think it will be a better long term approach to food for me.

    Merry, I didn’t get the wrong impression from your post on holiday tips – I welcome all discussion on everything. Who’d have thought that going without food could be so complicated and require so much advance thought! But, as you say, it’s a minefield of pastries, breads and chips wherever in the world we venture. I’m now considering one week of airbnb accommodation just to have more control. I won’t be doing any cooking but it’s nice to have a large fridge that isn’t stocked with annoying minibar items in which to store fruit and eggs, etc. This is our first time to Asia since I embarked on 5:2 so it’s all new territory for me.

    Slim, thanks for the encouraging words. I’m right back on track & feeling positive again. Later realised I’d had a sweet, carby treat on Saturday night and wonder if that could have affected my enthusiasm for Sunday’s fast? I think Minka’s right, in that people who have never had weight issues don’t completely understand. That’s why the forum is so valuable because you don’t have to question or justify why you’re fasting when you’re here. I’d love to be able to share a meal like Merry and Mr Merry but it’s totally out of the question for us. DD will happily share a big breakfast with me. OH is completely obsessed with food and where the next meal’s coming from. I have my own theories on the origins of this but I won’t bore you with that here. He has a lot of good points too. Anyway, have a wonderful holiday Slim and just do whatever feels best for you. As Merry always says, we’re all so different.

    Tori, 800gm lost in one week is well above the average. I’d be very happy with that.

    LJ, good luck as you embark on the next stage of the new you – not counting calories. I still think you’re amazing not taking a sneak peek at those scales now and then. You too Cinque. I’ve been on mine twice this morning.

    Welcome Mouldy. Great job so far.

    Thin – believe me I am tempted to jump on the scales every now and then. Especially when I have had a binge, or some really low cal days, or been forced to weigh at hospitals and it’s different to my scales – the problem is I know how distressed and obsessed I get when I weight often – I had gotten to the point of weighing multiple times per day until I finally put a stop to it. Initially I had to put the scales in the spare room where I wouldn’t see them every day. As I’ve adapted to monthly weigh-ins I have managed to put my scales back into my bedroom without jumping on them all the time – although there are plenty of times I’m tempted. My resolution to this is the tape measure. If I need reassurance that I’m on track, I take my measurements and this usually settles me down.

    I mentioned in an earlier post that I was sleeping unusually well on the nights after I’d been gardening. Well yesterday my finger joints were too sore to tackle any more bales of straw so I decided to have a day off – didn’t get to sleep until 4am this morning. So this afternoon I spent an hour spreading straw and fertilizer. I have now finished mulching and fertilizing the largest flower bed, I just need to water it all in. I’m hoping for a better night’s sleep tonight.

    I have to do another FD tomorrow, which means I’m only getting a single NFD break today – something I didn’t want to do again. However, I need to be on NFDs on Easter Sun & Mon, so before then I need to do a bit of realigning to make sure that happens. I figured it was better to do this now than around easter when there would be too much access to easter buns and chocolate – too much bingeing potential on the NFDs.

    Those nights of insomnia are just awful. I hope you get a decent night’s sleep before tomorrow’s FD. I keep thinking Easter must be getting close, three months of displaying hot x buns at Coles’ entrance, more recently the chocolate eggs, endless mailbox advertising and this week the push for fish. I’m determined not to buy or eat any Easter related items. And I’m sticking to my Sunday FD. Just looked it up, two more weeks yet.

    Good morning everyone 🐝🐝🐝
    Bees today as I am busy!

    G’day, was the cat ok?
    My naughty Miso didn’t come in last night. She has an alternative home, it seems. I need to put a note on her collar. I worry.

    Thin, I am glad our experiences are similar. I keep thinking of Dr Mosley mentioning in the documentary about two light eating days being the traditional culture in some places, and thinking how nice that would be.

    No scales in my house, and I can’t exercise more than a few yoga stretches, so not much use for a Fitbit type thing. Talk about low cost 5:2!

    Welcome Mouldy, congratulations!

    Slim, I do hope you have a really good week and head off for your holiday feeling great.

    I am going on a big expedition today, celebrating my sisters birthday with a ride on the Melbourne Star observation wheel at sunset.

    LJoyce, I hope you slept well. I am similar with checking things, especially science claims!
    I did a little bit of gardening yesterday, what beautiful weather we are having!

    Off to be busy. Best wishes all, especially those who are fasting! 🌷🌷🌷

    Good morning fellow fasters, (even though I am not one today)
    No, I am not fasting today nor yesterday. I have my kids for a couple of days for the school holidays as their cousins are coming to visit next weekend and will be skipping seeing me.
    I plan to do two FD’s in a row on Wednesday and Thursday which will be interesting. I am not fasting due to my weakness, the thought of missing out. Whilst I have the kids I am cooking different meals three times a day and don’t want to miss out on sharing it with them so with the ability to move days I will.
    The scales haven’t moved today which is pretty awesome, maybe my body is into a meant be a FD mode so I am looking forward to new numbers on Friday.

    I do have an upcoming goal, as I am going to the Winery walkabout in Rutherglen in June and have to order a coloured suit online with my measurements by the end of April to receive it in time. My brother and his wife have theirs but I am holding out as late as possible to get the measurements right. I am now going under a size 38 waist in pants as I was wearing some old ones on the weekend that required a belt to restrain them from falling and the room in the legs my goodness.

    Welcome to new posters, old posters keep your chin up as your comments of your experiences is invaluable to us heading towards our goals.

    See you

    Hello all.

    LJoyce thanks for your info re flabby underarms. My skin elasticity is pretty good due to weight never being higher than 74kg I’m just trying to nip the flab in the bud before it becomes too hard to manage.

    Not good news for my D’s moggy. Large gash on tail will heal ok but she has broken some of the smaller bones in her hind leg. Unfortunately the bones cannot be pinned and there is no guarantee that bone fushion treatment will work. The treatment costs many thousand dollars and cannot be done locally. So sadly she will have her leg amputated today.

    Miss D is distraught.

    Moggy is only 12 months old and of slim built so is expected to make a full recovery and live a normal active life.

    Feeling very sad about it all. Coping ok with FD today but have craving for junk food.

    Ooh – so sorry to hear that G’day. Yes she will have a full and active life on 3 legs but worrisome -especially if she is in pain – until she is all healed. Feel for you and your daughter. Nothing like a left fielder to keep us on our toes eh – of course you have a craving for junk food and everyone would totally understand if today slipped. But hang on in there and if it doesn’t work today – just let that one go!


    I’m fasting again with you today LJ. Hope you got a good night’s sleep! What flowers are you growing? I’m envisioning quite a large flower bed springing with a riot of color.

    Joffy, what good progress with the continually shrinking waistline and decreasing pant size! The winery walkabout and colored suit sound interesting! By colored suit do you mean bright yellow or red as in fancy type dress? I’m intrigued! And do you all visit various wineries in these costumes?

    Cinque, your sunset ride on the Melbourne Star sounds like great fun and what a special way to celebrate your sister’s birthday!

    GDSA and Goldenheart, thank you for reporting about the accuracy of your fitness devices. It is good to know that each respective device tracks your steps so closely! I’ll keep those in mind, though admittedly at the moment I’m in the middle of an energy crash and so all I can imagine doing is lying down for a nap, which I’ll do shortly!

    I think the flurry of activity, exertion of the past week coupled with a late night or two and one of those being sleepless, has caught up with me.

    Thin, I often use my aversion to gluten as a way of shielding me from traditional festive fare displayed enticingly by the supermarkets. However, Mr. M was advised by a dietician to go gluten free so gluten free versions of all those goodies are now in our kitchen and much more tempting, including the Coles gluten free hot cross buns. I keep reminding myself that someone in this forum reported that they tasted awful and that Mr M and I often have opposite taste preferences and that I’d probably agree with the person on this forum! Remembering how yucky I feel after I eat bread and pastry helps too!

    Here’s to you seeing numbers in the 83 appear on the scale, Slimmerella!

    Merry and LJ I wish my hunger dragon would act so predictably and remain asleep until I take my first bite of food for the day. My hunger dragon is so sporadic in its behavior that out of the blue it will sometimes roar hunger pangs early in the morning and if I don’t eat a meal, my energy levels plummet and I end up sinking into brain dead mode. I plan my FDs accordingly so that if this happens, I can simply retreat and take a nap. However, on NFDs I’m often at TAFE or work and just have to keep going and have to keep my wits about me. Maybe as I continue with 5:2 and the healing process one day my Hunger Dragon will tame just a bit more. …Would make planning so much easier!

    GDSA, So sorry to read about the ordeal the kitty has to undergo and of the trauma of the original injury. …On the weekend I met a beautiful 3 legged cat which looked strong healthy and happy, though even still, Moggy will have to go through healing and rehabilitation and what a big adjustment for you and your daughter too. I’d feel cravings like you are feeling too, were I in your shoes. Sending you strength.

    Still no movement out of 84’s even after a close to perfect FD yesterday. But I noticed something you all may have some knowledge of. My scales also do Total Water Weight (TWW). Over the last week my TWW has gone from 38% to over 40%. Excel tells me that 2% of 84 kgs is over 1.5 kgs. Is it possible that is why I am not showing body weight loss? I am still doing 2 hours Reformer Pilates a week – maybe even though its quite gentle I am still building a little bit of muscle?

    A My Fitness Pal forum post quoted from a scale manufacturer’s booklet that said

    Age Body fat Body water
    18-29 20-30% 50%
    30-39 22-32% 50%
    40- 49 24-34% 47%
    50- 59 26- 36% 47%
    60- 69 28- 38% 45%

    Body water measurement results are influenced by the proportion of body fat and muscle. If the proportion of body fat is high, or the proportion of muscle is low then the body water results will tend to be low.”

    I’m conscious of not taking this as fact given it came from product literature.

    Any thoughts? Or maybe I just reached an old fashioned plateau early (after just 4.5kgs lost)

    Youngest S has man-flu (his words) and has asked to come over for a home cooked meal tonight. Then this popped up on my facebook. Enjoy!


    Hi all. Yes I did get a better night’s sleep, although I had to take some painkillers at 11:30pm, but asleep by 12:30 which is good for me. I managed to walk into the town this morning and get some postal, banking and prescription errands accomplished. Felt pretty tired on the way home – probably because of the empty stomach, so I had my piece of fruit early for lunch with a cup of tea. That should tide me over until dinner – I already have leftovers from Sunday of cashew chicken veg and konjac noodle stir fry.

    Slim – I think water content in our bodies is probably the most frustrating element of weight loss as it seems to have a more volatile effect on the scales than body fat changes do. For women I think this is exacerbated as fluid is easily affected by hormone fluctuations. Before menopause my weight went up for 1 week every month regardless of how careful I was with food – it came off just as quickly the next week but if I was on a diet it was pretty frustrating. The only thing you can do is wait a few days and weigh again.
    Very funny article. I grew up with no brothers and a very stoic father who never admitted to being ill, so it was a bit of a shock to me when I married. How can a big strong grown man be felled by a sniffle? Where I worked, we could use our sick leave as carers leave when necessary and my husband always wanted me to stay home and take care of him (sometimes I obliged) – it would never have occurred to him to do the same for me. Not that I actually would have wanted him fussing around me anyway, that just would have been irritating. Frankly a day in bed with a cup of tea, a book and some peace and quiet is much more inviting than having someone hovering around me. Although that said, when I’m ill I always seem to want the foods my mother made me as child when I was sick – tomato soup, scrambled egg or tuna mornay (I often had tonsilitis so soft foods were the only thing on the menu).

    GDSA – really sorry to heat about the cat. Hope the surgery goes well. Like Minka, I also know of a 3 legged cat who has done very well. If they are fit and young they usually adapt quickly – give it a few extra cuddles from the crew here.
    Given that you have never been obese and I’m sure you are a good deal younger than me I think you have an excellent chance of having nicely toned upper arms. It has amazed me how differently my body has behaved with regard to exercise as I’ve aged – I definitely saw results more quickly and easily when younger.

    Joffy – Hope the new suit looks fabulous. I think pants that stay up might be important. On the issue of losing your trousers, you might find the following post amusing https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/really-no-weight-loss/
    Enjoy the time with the kids. Good luck doing 2 back-to-back FDs. I only ever tried that once and I won’t be trying it again any time soon – too intense for me.

    Minka – I have three garden beds that I’ve created from areas that were originally either clay, rocks or grass & ivy. Last autumn I spent many weeks digging, mulching and fertilising so that I’d have decent soil to plant into. I dug up enough rocks to build an entire dry stone wall for one garden bed.
    The planting in the back yard is lots of fruit & nut trees – so plenty of shade in summer and I have lots of blue agapanthus, hydrangeas and ferns. I also have some mass plantings of snowdrop and daffodil bulbs that magically appear in spring.
    The second large flower bed is in full sun is full of scented bright pinks and purples (salvias, roses, daisies, lavender, rosemary, thyme, arum lilies, agapanthus, ranunculi and a back screen of varigated pittosporum shrubs).
    The largest flower bed in the front garden is a tricky one, as when I created it there was total shade from the neighbour’s trees. However some of them either came down or were damaged during the storms last year and now a total of 4 trees have been removed. What was once a full shade bed is now barely part shade, so I’ve had to change the planting a bit. The theme for this bed is a lot of greenery with pale pinks and whites and has camelias along the fence, fronted by arum lilies, shasta daisies, Japanese anemones, pink salvias, butterfly bush, native violets, pale pink bluebells, white hippiastrums, white starflower bulbs and white agapanthus.
    I had originally planned to put my house on the market this spring but I’m not confident that I’ll ready, so I’ve adjusted the garden planting to include summer & autumn flowering plants so that I have more options for marketing the house while the garden looks nice.
    Luckily, in the Adelaide hills where I live, many of the towns hold regular markets where it’s easy to buy cheap plants. I also have relatives who live nearby who’ve been willing to share plants from their own gardens and I’ve been able to divide plants I already had a lot of, such as agapanthus and arum liles. So it’s been a lot of work but not a huge cost. I enjoy gardening when the weather is good and my health allows, but there are times it’s more of a burden than I can cope with.

    Fast day going OK, although I’ve been battling an irritating headache all day. Better drink some water I think. Hope everyone’s having a good day.

    Hi all, well hopefully life will slow down a little for me for awhile. The cake decorating has finished for the term but I do have a few more classes booked in over the next few weeks. Easter Saturday I am doing a death by chocolate cake which will be just in time for my Dads 90th on the Sunday.

    I met my young adult that I will be coaching for the next 22 weeks today, so that’s another hurdle over.

    I have to agree with Thin and Cinque that now we have lost so much weight, and I’m not even in maintenance like they are, it becomes harder to maintain the momentum. But also like them it has become a habit and I still try to stick to my two FD’s every week, sometimes three if I can squeeze it in. My weight has stabilised and even though I would like to lose another 5kg, I’m not beating myself up about it. I am eating way too much on NFD’s but I also am a stress eater and need to limit my bad food intake.

    Everyone is doing so well and it’s great to read your posts. Joffy thank you for updates on your progress, you must be feeling very pleased with your efforts so far. Enjoy the time with your children it’s very precious.

    LJoyce I loved the description of your garden, how wonderful to have such a variety. The colours and smells but gorgeous.

    On the travel front. I went to the UK for Xmas the year before last for 7 weeks. I didn’t do specific fast days but I tried to leave a 16 hour window between my meals. I was staying with my daughter so it was a bit hard at times but I came back only 700grams heavier. Unheard of previously when it was usually anything from 5kg +++++++++. I even went to Brugge and stuffed myself with chocolate, waffles and ice cream. I think it’s just about being mindful but make sure you have fun and enjoy everything otherwise what’s the point in going to different countries only to be miserable and denying yourself.

    Good morning all, those losing and maintaining, and those checking 5:2 out, checking this thread out, and other 5:2 era from around the forum – yes we know you’re all there – hello to you all. If you’re thinking about 5:2 and if itwill work for you, you’ve come to the right place. 5:2 works for most people if they give it a chance to. It takes being consistent and giving it some time and sometimes a bit of tweaking, but if you need to get healthier and/or you need to normalise your weight 5:2 is, in my humble opinion, the safest and easiest way to do it. Add in exercise for health, HIIT if you can, and you’re giving yourself a good chance of a happier and healthier future.

    On this thread some of our posters are unable to exercise due to chronic health conditions, but who’ve still been able to improve their health and happiness using 5:2. There are 3 of us who have reached our goal weight under those conditions and are now working on adapting 5:2 to maintenance. I’m one of those people, and I’ve decided to stay on 5:2 for life, as I think my body is a bit healthier on it than off it. Previous to the onset of my health challenge I was very fit and strong and I miss being able to be physical and fit, but hey, I’d rather have to cope with my challenges at my normal weight, as I am now, than dragging around that 21kgs I got off using 5:2. It’s awesome to feel my body moving easier, with better balance, with an increased range of movement, and it’s fun to catch sight of my reflection in things now my head’s done a catch up and I realise that normal person I’m looking at is me.

    Onwards and downwards,


    Hello all. Thanks for your kind words regarding my D’s moggy. Operation went well yesterday but she has yet to attempt to stand up. She will remain at the vets until she can regain her balance and walk. We can finally go and see her tonight after school. D has been very distressed so hoping tonight she will start to feel a bit better about it all once she can give her moggy a pat and hopefully a cuddle.

    Yeaterdays FD lasted until tea time when we decided to go to the local pub for a meal – including 2 glasses of red for me. Wish i didnt have the red as i had an awful nights sleep and feel terrible again today. I only have alcohol when we go out for a meal and i always seem to suffer from it lately. Will have to find something interesting but non alcoholic to have from now on. Im not into softdrinks as they are too sweet for me….any suggestions ?

    Hi GDSA, so glad your cat came through the surgery OK.
    As to the “what to drink question” – I had to give up alcohol because of the impact my medications have on my liver, so I’ve had to find some solutions and I’ve never really liked soft drinks or fruit juice very much. If I want no calories in my drinks I usually get either soda water with slices of lemon or plain water. If I’m prepared to have a little sugar (but less than a standard soft drink) I get a bitters lime & soda. The only element of this drink that contains sugar is the lime cordial (usually bickfords lime). The drink is much less sweet than standard soft drinks as this mixture is normally teamed with lemonade not soda water. Another option is to ask for less syrup – many bars have mixer taps that contain the syrups for all of the soft drinks with the soda on a separate line and they blend them directly into the glass – you could ask for half or a quarter of the syrup and more soda. You can also do the same thing with fruit juice – ask for a 1/4 glass of juice topped up with soda water. Once you get used to low sugar foods these reduced sugar drinks actually taste right.

    Hello everyone,
    Best wishes to your poor moggy Gday, and to your D. I hope the dear cat bounces back quickly, ready for its new and interesting life.

    I’ve been so busy. Appt at the hospital to tell me that the thyroid biopsy result was indeterminate, but to take that as good news and they will check it again in a year.

    A ride in the Melbourne Star with my sister for her birthday, and a lovely assortment of family and friends. It was good fun. Here is a pic. I have a red top and am holding my granddaughter with my daughter beside me with the baby
    Chinese restaurant for a meal, but that means sugar in all the sauces, I find, so I am having a hungry day today!

    With another busy social day I decided I couldn’t do my fast day. My daughters family is moving from the big house to the small apartment on Monday so I am on baby minding duty. It is all so hectic and I am trying to provide them with lunches. I’ll think now whether to do my fast day tomorrow, or just have one on Sunday this week.

    They had a big hospital strength pair of scales in the entrance when I went to my appt yesterday. And they were asking everyone for their weight, maybe doing some research. I didn’t notice it going in, but I stood on it (clothes, bag and a full bladder!) on the way out and clocked 52.4. Now, I feel I am pretty much the same weight as when my doctors scales showed 48 (just bathroom scales in her consulting room) so I will continue to think of myself as around 50kg!

    Intesha, lovely to see your post and hear your news!
    Merry, cheers for that extra lightness and easiness!
    LJoyce, I hope the day got easier and the headache has gone!
    Slim, do you know the original man-cold skit? If not, here it is for your enjoyment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbmbMSrsZVQ
    Joffy, have a great time with the kids, you have your priorities right! Sensible idea to leave the suit measurements to the last minute. If you are losing at a fairly steady rate, I wonder if they can can key that in to predict a suit that will fit at the time?
    Minka so good to read your post soon. I hope that hunger dragon sleeps for a time. And shrinks!
    Hello Thin, I’m sorry not to be fasting with you today. I am with you in resisting the hot cross buns, although I find it easy because I so prefer home made ones… and I am not going to make any. And most of the chocolate things are made with cheap nasty stuff. (But Oh dear, really good chocolate is hard to resist).

    Sending good wishes to everyone!

    Great suggestions for Gday, LJoyce.
    I wondered if asking for a mocktail, that isn’t very sweet, might lead to something fun and special!

    Thanks for the suggestion LJoyce. I do like bitters lime and soda and am also equally happy to forego the lime cordial as I have done so in the past and still enjoy the drink without it. I wont drink anything that comes out of those horrible mixer taps that most places use these days – even D doesn’t like it and always prefers a bottle or can of lemonade. Yucky syrupy sickly stuff. I ask prior to ordering if they sell the small bottles of soda or mineral water. So yes will go with that or a watered down fruit juice.

    Visited the moggy this arvo. Looking very sore and sorry for herself indeed but was happy to see us and receive pats. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to give her a cuddle.

    Hello all!

    LJ – your garden sounds absolutely beautiful (I could picture it in my mind’s eye) and very much what I loved in the past with roses, perennials etc in Christchurch and Canberra which have proper 4 seasons. Just left a big garden when we sold the house and that is it now for us. When we get into our next place it has just a courtyard. Don’t know how I am going to feel about that. At least there is a park over the road if I get desperate and if I ever get any grandchildren.

    Gday – same same re alcohol and sleep etc. Its crept up on my over the last couple of years and I hate it as I’ve always enjoyed a wine or 3 – especially a nice heavy red. On the weekend we were at a pub watching a game and my S got me a bourbon in a long glass of diet coke. I never would have got that myself but I quite enjoyed it. Just had the one and half the calories of a wine plus it didn’t affect my sleep. Love the mocktail idea – and you’ll feel special! Plus soda, lime and bitters is a great go – to as LJ said.

    Cinque so lovely to see your photo and with all your family!!

    Intesha – we have 5 days in Belgium and chocolate and waffles are definitely on the horizon – I’m encouraged that you were able to hold it together so well – only 800gms up was outstanding!

    FD today – even though I’m up and down on the scales with no real loss for the last 2 weeks I’m just going to keep hanging in there….

    Nearing the end of another great FD, well and truly focussed at least wrt to FDs. NFDs are still in a work in progress. And might always be so. We saw four dolphins on our walk this morning. You can’t get a better start to a FD than that.

    Slim, good for you for sticking with it despite the annoying plateau. Perhaps when you get back from hols, you can take a closer look at NFDs and see what’s going on. Are you saying that you sold a house, will take an o/seas holiday and then move into another place on return? If so, you must have some stamina! Cracked up over your man ‘flu article especially the caption of the doc in the inset box. Cinque, thanks for sharing the original version which came to mind and I hadn’t seen for years! Pleased your test is sort of negative and that you had a great day out with the rellies. At 50kgs, you are just floating somewhere above the scales …..

    I lost my taste for alcohol on a previous weight loss effort (16kgs through starvation basically). Probably a good thing in hindsight as I was in my 40s and our group of primary school parents were all drinking too much and too often. Not very good role modelling for the children. Of course I gained all the weight back and more, but alcohol didn’t taste the same again. I recently had a couple of G&Ts at a friends’ long lunch and felt awful that night just like you describe GDSA. I’m so grateful that our DD doesn’t drink like I did at her age. No one would blame you for having a couple of tipples under the stress of the kitty situation coupled with feeling the pain your DD was experiencing. It will only get better from here.

    I’ve never drunk soft drinks (except to help some gin go down) and only ever order water in restaurants. That’s what we drink at home so I see no reason to do any differently when out. I love the clever concept of BYO practiced in NZ and Oz restaurants and we take advantage of that for special occasions requiring a bit of wine. I’m sort of grateful that wine doesn’t hold the appeal that it once did. Too many calories and I usually drop my guard wrt nibbling. Not to mention that a tipsy 60 y/o isn’t really a pretty sight.

    Joffy, I’m imagining all sorts of things about this colourful suit. Do reveal. Enjoy your children’s company – how many do you have?

    Glad you’re still practicing 5:2 Intesha even if you’re too busy to post often. It was good how you put it as being a ‘habit’. Indeed it is. I hope your dad enjoys his 90th b/d cake and all goes well with your young mentee.

    Merry, how lovely to see that normal person in the reflection. I had a similar experience when a slim person approached me at an airport. It was some seconds before I realised it was me. Speaking of airports, where’s Pintlin?

    Minka, do you have a couple of steady FDs planned for your weeks off TAFE or are you just doing what takes your fancy?

    LJ, that’s a lovely garden. We’re enjoying perfect days in Perth, 30C, but some of my natives are getting crispy from the prolonged warm weather. Hope the ‘every other day’ fasting went alright and you resisted trying to compensate in between.

    Cinque, I made it through a FD without you! Please come back on Sunday.

    All the best everyone, we’re all doing so well!

    Hello all. I have been 5 weeks on 4:3, I am 160cm and 68.5 kg…I have an underactive thyroid and have elevated cholesterol. I thought that by doing 4:3, and making sure I stay under my TDEE I would shift weight. Gained 2.2lbs this week. Feeling angry…if I have been diligent in my 3:4, and watching my non-fasting behaviour, I expect better results than this. I may as well go back to non-stop dieting…all I am doing now is counting calories, there is no sense of eating ‘normally’ on non-fast days, and even when keeping to 4:3 and my TDEE, it isn’t enough, and, yes, I walk everyday. The 4:3 was supposed to give you a greater buffer against weight gain. It doesn’t work, and I’m thinking I may as well give up and go back to a normal life.

    Hello Merry, just starting out on fasting. Was interested to hear about the term “hunger dragon” – so apt for my experience this week.

    My TDEE is laughable – 1517cals. My BMR is 1320 – I have so little to work with it makes me angry and depressed at the same time. SO tired of having to struggle with weight, my whole life.

    I was doing ok for the past 5 weeks, fasting 3 days instead of 2, as I also have an underactive thyroid. Was getting used to toughing it out on fast days…but today, I crumbled for the first time. It wasn’t in my head..I was so hungry my whole stomach was painful and cramping, and I felt so sick. Eventually, at 6pm I was so distressed and upset I had some rice, but then for the rest of the night, no matter what I ate, my stomach was still like I hadn’t eaten anything. I waited to see whether it was in my head, but, no, it was this intense physical ache that didn’t go away, even after eating. So upsetting.

    I was supposed to fast today as well (normally Mon/Wed/Thu), but it’s 4am, and I had to get up and have something to eat. I think I will ‘recover’ today, and see if I can do at least the second fast day on the weekend.

    Anyone who gets fooled by thinking this way of eating is easy will quickly realise this is as tough as a traditional diet!

    Just seen your post and hope that you don’t mind me butting in. Before you ditch it can I suggest that you have a read of Jason Fung The Obesity Code? A really interesting read but his premise is that all diets work in the short term but sooner or later the plateau will happen simply because bodies have a ‘set weight’ which is determined by the brain. He suggests that enough sleep, less stress, reducing refined carbs and sugar are all important and that what is more important will be different for each of us. However, whether we eat low calorie or low carb or vegan that is only half of the solution, the other half is to fast for 24-36 hours which will help to reset the bodies set weight.
    I lost weight and inches in the first 8 months of the 5:2 and although my body shape continued to change and slim, I struggled to shrink my waist, until I started 24 hour fasts. I eat dinner in the evening and simply miss breakfast and lunch, then eat dinner again the following evening. I have no idea what the impact of your thyroid might have, but wonder if you would give it a go for a few weeks and see what happens?

    Hello poppylocks. Sorry to hear things arent going according to plan for you. Im unsure how much weight you’ve gained as youve noted your weight in kgs and weight gain in lbs.
    Perhaps 3 FD instead of 2 is a bit too challenging to begin with? Especially since your doing wed and thurs in a row it seems pretty hard going to me, perhaps drop wed and just stick to mon and thurs.
    Walking everday is great but perhaps you may need to do some short but intense exercise to really get the heart rate up and burn calories. Have you read MM’s Fast Exercise book?
    I look at the FD process as a lifestyle change rather than a quick weight loss solution – hence why i dislike the tern Fast Diet. No its not necessarily easy to begin with but it is achievable once you find the right balance and it becomes your new ‘normal’ way of eating.
    I sincerely hope you can relieve your stresses and move into a happier headspace.

    Hi Poppylocks,
    No wonder you feel frustrated!
    Welcome here. 🌼
    Putting on weight like that! Might your scales be faulty?
    I do know some medications make it extremely difficult to lose weight.

    My suggestion would be to go to 5:2 instead of 4:3 because you need to make it as easy as possible to fit into your life. Then you can keep it rolling along and think of the long term health benefits, and hopefully as you keep going you will start to see the excess weight disappear.
    If what you are doing is as tough as a traditional diet, then you will probably keep breaking out as people do with traditional diets. So make it easier and more sustainable for yourself.

    I am someone with a low TDEE ( lower than yours even!) but because I hate counting calories I have just concentrated on having normal, satisfying meals on non fast days. This has worked well for me (although it is a work in progress!) . Well enough that I am now at the lower range of my healthy weight range.

    Remember the whole point of 5:2 is to make eating for long term health easy, and doable, so that you can fit it into your normal life.

    Fingers crossed that the medication isn’t mucking your metabolism, or whatever, up, and that the next time you stand on the scales they give a better number!

    Good morning everyone,
    Good to see your reply to Poppylocks too Gday. ( glad I didn’t give opposite advice to yours! 😉)

    I’m going to fast today. Looking forward to my miso soup already!
    4 dolphins Thin! Wonderful! 🦈🦈🦈🦈

    Best wishes to everyone, I hope it is a beautiful Autumn day where you are.
    Special wishes to the three legged cat!

    Good morning all,

    HI poppylocks and annette52, and welcome to you both🙂

    You’re doing it tough poppylocks, and you must really want to get your situation under your control to go at this so hard and fast at the beginning. I’m presuming that part of your reason for posting offer you some suggestions as well as a bit more information about the Hunger Dragon. You’re not alone with a low TDEE. Mine is 1430 and I’m 169cm, 5’6″, so I’m not short.

    The Hunger Dragon – 1st of all, not everyone has the Hunger Dragon, that’s why I call it “being a member of the Hunger Dragon Club”, then I have no way to feel guilty about being having a Hunger Dragon. It’s not anything we’ve done wrong. It just is. Like having blue eyes or brown eyes, tall or short, brown hair or red etc. . Some have the Hunger Dragon, and some don’t. Then there are the variations day to day. Sometimes the Hunger Dragon, once woken, is happy with a normal days food. Other times, once woken the Hunger Dragon seems insatiable where I get the urge to eat everything in sight. Thin calls that hoovering food. I get both those types Hunger Dragon days. Being on the forum, and particularly this thread, has helped me work out what was going on, and to learn how to work with it to make 5:2 doable for me. Here’s how I approach this challenge:

    1. Accept I’m a member of the Hunger Dragon club. Of course I’d rather not be but hoping it will go away is futile.

    2. Accept it is me, my behaviour that wakes the Hunger Dragon up. The Hunger Dragon wakes up on a daily basis. When I go to sleep the Hunger Dragon does too. So it’s only 1 day at a time. Concentrate only on 1 day, today.

    3. On a Fasting Day I control the Hunger Dragon by not eating at all till later in the day. I chose 6pm, then eat all my calories in 1 meal. I make my meal as big in quantity as I can by choosing foods down lower end of calories, and always include some protein, e.g. Skinless chicken breast, skinless hoki or bass fish, calamari, prawns, kangaroo are all low calorie, though the chicken would be the highest of those.

    4. On nonFDs I can easily overeat for the day if I eat breakfast. If I don’t eat breakfast I don’t. I am not very hungry in the mornings anyway, so I just stretch this natural tendency out till 12 noon, and eat 2 meals a day. If I have a snack at anytime in my eating period it will be something like a small apple, or a few raw nuts – walnuts or almonds, not too many though, maybe a small piece of cheese.

    5. My Hunger Dragon becomes ravenous and eats obsessively if I eat grain foods or sugar. For me that’s any grain food except corn. It’s been tested over and over again. It takes me 5 days to get rid of that side effect of eating these. There are times of stress or just plain old weak will when I give in and have them, because darn it, I really like some of them. So, if I eat them and get myself in that cycle, I have to get through those 5 days. I give myself permission to eat more quantity of my other foods to get me through those 5 days, then I go back to my normal way of eating using 5:2.

    I’m going to split these posts,

    Have a great fast today Cinque and thanks for the dolphins. Merry, I had a particularly low cal fast yesterday and woke up hungry in the night. I’m now questioning my holiday breakfast to breakfast strategy! Good results on the scales though so it’s a great day.

    Darn it – just lost posts twice! Using someone else’s computer and it just stopped and did something, sigh, even had to log in again. So really can’t redo this right now.

    Hi Thin – result good, sleep not so. Maybe a boiled egg before going to bed? You could save one of those from breakfast.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi Merry, good idea but is a boiled egg halfway through a 24 hr fast cheating? I suppose it’s still better than doing nothing. Sorry about your post disappearing into cyberspace – so annoying.

    Welcome Poppylocks, …what a cute name! I imagine you sporting beautiful strawberry blond tresses! Maybe toward the color of California Poppies?

    I too struggle with the Hunger Dragon and I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis so also have struggled with remaining hypo. Just know, as others, such as Merry and GDSA have pointed out, that feeling the roar of the hunger dragon it isn’t your fault and can have many underlying causes and that probably everyone has to contend with it in their lives, though some of us more than others. …Remaining hypo can also lead to unstable adrenal hormone output which can cause us to suddenly feel voraciously hungry. I was left in a hypo state for years before properly treated and that lead to the development of adrenal fatigue, which in turn affected blood sugar which made for a crotchety hunger dragon who sneaks up on me at times! Anyway, I hope you are able to be gentle with yourself. Being kind and understanding, to myself, like being a good mum to me, has been my only way forward. Along those lines, I very much agree with Cinque in that a first step forward in that direction would be to consider 5:2 rather than 4:3. I know it is enticing to add in the extra fasting day, though many who practice 4:3 find that they don’t actually lose much more weight than on 5:2 and sometimes they gain more, simply because they are hungrier and so end up eating more on non-fast days. There’s an interesting story about that on another thread that I’ll try to locate which is kind of a case in point. If I can find it, I’ll post it below in a separate entry. All the best and we’re here to continue to support you.

    On another note…

    Merry, I understand how frustrating it is to lose a well thought out post. This has happened to me many times too and wouldn’t be helped by writing on an unfamiliar computer.

    What a good suggestion, Merry! …Of saving of some calories for the taking away of a hard boiled egg from a breakfast buffet and for an evening snack. This sounds like it could be a helpful strategy for the success of breakfast to breakfast buffet 24 hour fast that you, Thin are considering. …Of course staying at Airbnb and self-catering sounds as good or even better, or at least from my experience of traveling! We stayed in an Airbnb over Christmas and I very much appreciated use of the guest kitchen. Being able to refrigerate and then heat foods of my particular choice really did help me stay on track and over that holiday travel I wasn’t even able to fit all my FDs. It was the ability to prepare the simple fare that made all the difference. I’m pretty sure I returned home weighing less since I did so much more walking on those travels than I do at home!

    I do have to chuckle though about my own experience with eggs offered at one particular breakfast buffet! My partner and a group of friends of ours were staying at a hotel here in Australia which devoted a large section of their buffet to Asian preferences. After selecting some plain yogurt and sprinkled some tasty looking nut and seed mixture on top, I headed over to the Asian section to have a look and saw a basket of eggs. I really like hard boiled eggs and so selected one to take back to the table with me to eat. Once seated, I proceeded to crack the egg on the edge of my yogurt bowl and was taken aback when raw egg from the shell slid down into my yogurt bowl! I was perplexed seeing raw egg infused through my yogurt, which might have been healthy, but it didn’t look too appetizing to me! My other friends knew of my fondness for hard boiled eggs and giggled at my mistake. So I headed back for a fresh bowl of yogurt and instead selected the western style scrambled eggs, which were actually quite tasty!

    I’m happy to report that my hunger dragon has been taking a nap that past few days and I’m even woke up within my goal weight envelope and it is a NFD. Remaining in that envelope has been a challenge over the past few weeks.

    Hi poppy,

    I keep saying this and I’ll say it again. 5:2 does not ban any foods but some foods make it VERY difficult to be successful. The concept of a calorie is a calorie is at best misguided and probably closer to just plain wrong. Your brain responds to hormones. Ghrelin is produced by your stomach when it is in an un-stretched state. When it is expanded production ceases. Ghrelin tells you, you’re hungry. CCK is produced by your small intestines and tells you that you are satiated. Leptin is produced by adipose cells (fat cells) and tells your brain not to panic if food isn’t available, you have lots of stored fat to live off.

    The types of foods you eat and NOT the calories they contain influence the production of these hormones. CCK is produced in large quantities when you eat fats, to a lesser extent protein and is actually supressed by sugar and other simple carbs. Fructose inhibits the hormone CCK from being registered by the brain. It also inhibits leptin from being received by the brain. So your brain is saying Im not satiated and is also in a state of panic as it doesn’t think you have enough stored fat. It then “commands” you to eat based on this information. Get the book by Robert Lustig. Jason Fung is also good.

    So choose you foods wisely. Avoid sugar and all simple grain based carbs. No bread, cereal pasta, cakes etc. If flour was used to make it, don’t have it. Personally I eat rice VERY sparingly as well. I try and get the majority of my carbs from veggies, legumes, nuts. I eat fruit sparingly, perhaps an apple or a plum each day. I eat lots of cheese and high fat yogurt. Do not have smoothies or desiccated fruits. The sugar hit is enormous. No fruit juice, same thing. If you want fruit make sure it is whole fruit and go for your tart fruits or berry fruits. Limited alcohol, no soft drinks.

    Most people say how can you do that, aren’t you missing out? I actually don’t miss those crappy foods any more, so I don’t feel like Im missing out on anything.

    Good luck with it.

    THANK YOU!! Good loss overnight for the first time in 2 weeks and now officially lost the 5kgs I wanted before going on holiday. Yay!!! The total mountain is much bigger to chip away at – but I am really chuffed. I just want to say “thanks” for all your support in getting to this first milestone.

    Hey Poppy – I feel for you – it is so demoralizing when you are putting the effort in and nothing happening. And then the additional challenge with thyroid. I am a newbie too – just 4 weeks and even though I’ve had a great loss overall – for 2 weeks I bounced around within a few hundred grams and no loss. I’m sure that’s going to happen many more times. I’m no expert on this clearly – but what I can say is that the experience on this thread is fantastic.

    These are some of the things I’ve learned that may help – or may not depending on what’s best for you medically and mentally.
    – the Hunger Dragon is very real for me. I need to contain my eating or its “all over red rover”
    – I need to tough it out past my ‘low-point’ of 4pm – if I can get through to 6pm I can stay in control
    – Even the smallest amount of sugar can set me off. A taste of sauce on my H’s corn fritters and I subsequently consumed half my (substantial) body weight in sugar for the rest of the day.
    – Bread, rice, pasta etc don’t give me the same binge response but I will be shockingly hungry for at least the next 3 days and not lose anything
    – I absolutely need to stay low carb and keep some fat in my diet. Avocadoes are my friend.
    – Keeping my fluids up is essential so I avoid headache and sleepiness. I felt faint a couple of times and took a fizzy electrolyte which sorted it out. Now I use a bit more salt. And drink more miso.
    – My TDEE is way too high for me.
    – I don’t need breakfast so I just don’t eat it anymore.

    Thin, Gday, Minka, Merry, Cinque , Annette52 & Bigbooty – fantastic posts and a great reminder of a number of things for me too – thanks.

    Thin – we sold in November and moved into a rental for 6 months till our Apt is finished. Plus I’m not working atm so no stamina required! Will need to seriously find a new contract when we’re back – not enough people to play with during the day.

    Feel better Poppy!

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