Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,912 replies, has 831 voices, and was last updated by  Intesha 1 day, 7 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 10,001 through 10,050 (of 28,016 total)

  • Hello again everyone! I am tidying up my house in increments. Currently I am in the space between them!

    GL502, so great to see your post! So glad the rain didn’t drown your garden again! Great advice, and good luck with the yardwork!

    Elsa, so nice to be getting into the mindset! It is great that you can just keep adjusting how you do your fast days until you get the balance that is sustainable in your life. Nice to start with a rigorous week or two and then you can settle down to 5:2 if 4:3 is getting a bit unsustainable.

    Happy new year Pintinlin. So nice to look forward to 2017 with 5:2. I hope your son might join in too! We’ll see!

    Welcome Lily! Always nice to have another Southern Hemispherite here!

    Cheers Merry. Isn’t it nice to ave the silly season done and dusted, and a fresh new year ahead!

    Off to do the next increment! 😉

    LOL, Yes, I know Thin, but I wasn’t kidding about visiting Perth. I just may do it! Maybe in the New Year when we’re a bit more rested we can look at who, what, where, when of having a get together, or dare I say it, a (small) convention somewhere. (Did I say that out loud?)

    Hi every one Happy New Year Thank you for all the inspirational posts and information looking forward to a good year of 5.2.

    Merry, did you get the ‘large potions’ while at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? He he! (your post 4:38). Wow, you’re brave going to a NYE party on a FD! After midnight, will you be free to indulge? I’m only kidding of course. You are a tough one!

    Ha, ha, didn’t see that one….not a single potion, but very much enjoyed the hot version of butterbeer, and the sip or 2 of OH’s slushy butterbeer! Way too sweet, of course, but how often do you get to have a fictitious drink, and have it in the fictitious inn! Oh, and the ride in Hogwarts castle was pretty spectacular too! Lot’s of fun, and something I wouldn’t have been able to do at my pre 5:2 weight. The energy I used carrying around that extra 21kgs would have meant I didn’t have enough energy to walk through Hogwarts and cope with the excitement of the visual, noisy 3D awesomeness of that ride! Hooray for 5:2!!!

    Never thought of the post midnight thing, probably just a sip of champagne, but I’ll probably have lovely brunch after my weigh in.

    When the going gets tough the tough get going Thin! You too!

    Hi All,

    Welcome newbies! All the best for Newbies starting 5:2 in the New Year! Admittedly I haven’t read through all the recent posts… anyone starting 5:2 on 1 January 2017?

    I’m fasting today and even worked in the health food shop and am doing much better than expected. …Just shows how much adequate rest and good sleep counts for with regard to this WOL. The last time I worked in the shop and fasted, I was a wreck, though it had been in the aftermath of weeks of late nights due to the studies. I’m now going to start viewing late nights as the equivalent of eating sugar!

    We’ll be having an early night tonight (or at least I will, Mr. L. is a bit of a night owl)! I’ve got a bottle of San Pelegrino chilling in the fridge for celebrating, zero calorie!

    Merry, how wonderful to be attending a party with hosts who appreciate this WOL and are happy to support your efforts especially on a FD! I envision you being an inspiration to many at the party.

    Good to hear from you Lael and that your fast went so well. Merry, did you realise that your last post was the 10,000th to this thread? See you on the other side!

    Good evening,
    So nice to be starting the new year with a (comparatively) tidy home. And all ready for a fast tomorrow. Shiitake mushrooms soaking!
    Wow congratulations Merry on a milestone post! I did notice we had got to page 200!
    I’m watching the ABC NYE shows and very much enjoying the kids bit!

    Lael, so glad it has been good to work and fast at the same time. I do so agree re good sleep. Hoping for some tonight!

    Hi Fishing Gran, looking forward to sharing 5:2 fasting with you in 2017 and with the rest of the wonderful diverse gang here, all working out how to make life work a bit better!

    Cheers all!

    I’m enjoying celebrating New Year’s Eve with my 5:2 fasting friends by reading everyone’s posts! Happy New Year Merry, Cinque, Thin, Intesha, Joffy, Fishing Gran and all the other regulars I may have overlooked! I feel in good company with all of you as I fast my way into 2017!

    Let me know if it’s safe to come across Lael. If I knew how to add little depictions, I’d send you a cup of herbal tea. All I can do is this 😆 Chat tomorrow Cinque. I have my standard fare ready too.

    Good morning to all you party people i hope you had a good night. I decided i need a FD today so up bright and early and had a lovely walk on the beach.Hi Cinque it’s good to be able to share this journey with like minded people helps to keep us on the right track.

    Good morning,
    Oh Fishing Gran, how lovely to start the year with a walk on the beach!

    I checked my zucchini plants and there was a boy flower and a girl flower so, with a little help of a paintbrush to make sure, a new little zucchini will be growing!

    First fast day of 2017 for me!

    I’ve had my morning coffee. Time to put last year’s planner away and start writing on this year’s one!

    Best wishes all.

    Welcome to a new year and a clean slate.

    Cinque I’m with you. Have spent the last few days going from room to room. Cleaning, throwing and sorting.

    Reflecting on last year and I probably should have lost more weight but I am still 5kg lighter and maintaining FDs after a few hiccups.

    FD today as an extra, 67.9 this morning. I would like to get back to 65 which I saw very fleetingly at the beginning of December. I have not made any resolutions or set any goals but will continue this WOL and see where it takes me.

    Have a few things happening this month. A high tea (yes another one), going to Canberra to visit friends for a few days and then my cousin is coming for a visit, so a little bit social but we all know how forgiving this WOL can be.

    Tomorrow will be my 100th week on 5:2 what a journey and what a wonderful supportive group you have all been. Thank you all.

    I’m catching up on a number of posts, too, Thin. Shows how motivated you folks are to post during the silly season. Well done, all!

    Lael, thanks for your words of encouragement. Your analogy made me think: Indeed, if you hold 8lb of butter in your hands, that’s a lot of fat!!!

    Cinque, thanks to you, also.

    Thin, thanks for your comprehensive response to my question. Reading it gave me added motivation. You started at 10kg above my heaviest weight, and are now down to what would be a good weight for me. Amazing that you did this in around 12 months, and, what is even better is that you’ve maintained that weight for 17 months. Congratulations! You must be so proud of your efforts and the result.

    Happy New Year to all.

    Note to Thin: I didn’t realise that you don’t know (at least I now assume you don’t), but I’m in WA, too.

    Thanks Chat! Yes, I’m very happy with all this given me, just sorry we didn’t know about it 20-30 years ago. Like you, I was impressed that people were posting on this thread a couple of years after having started 5:2 and thought therefore it must be sustainable. (Thanks again Bay, Purple, etc). This gave me so much motivation to get on with it.

    And no, I didn’t realise that you were also from WA or you’d have received an even bigger welcome. I have met three people from this forum for coffee so let me know if you ever feel like doing that (assuming you’re in the city). Same goes for the WA country newbies if you’re ever in the big smoke.

    Great start to the year FishingGran, I had a lovely walk on the beach on Boxing Day. I’d rather walk at the beach but I live near the river so that’s where I walk. I’ve had a tough FD today. I think it’s because I went to bed hungry last night but didn’t actually go to sleep until after 1am. By then, I knew it was too late to start eating so I ignored it. Woke hungry and have felt hungry most of the day. I’m dreaming of tomorrow’s coffee. Two stinking hot days coming up so I’ll be up early for my walk. How did your fast day go Cinque?

    Oh dear

    I went so well until I came back from visiting my daughter and suddenly things went wrong. First (after all my pride that I was ready for my fast day) I forgot to take my piece of chicken out of the freezer this morning. Then, when I was buying milk, they had some nearly expired milk 50c for 2 litres. So I bought it to make paneer. But it was Physical and it didn’t work and I had to throw it all out and then clean a big yucky saucepan. And I was tired.
    And I thought I would just have a bite while my chicken thawed, and then thought I would have something else instead of my miso soup, and then all of a sudden I realised that what I had eaten made for quite a big meal.

    I don’t think I have ever sabotaged a fast day before! Not like this anyway.

    Tomorrow the chicken will be thawed, and I want my miso soup! I’ve got my salad in a jar to have for a light lunch, so I will have light eating day.
    A young friend is coming to stay from Wednesday to Friday (I used to look after him when he was quite a troubled child, and he has turned into such an impressive teenager! He is fourteen now. We will do all our old favourite things, which include meals I used to make for him, and playing Diablo computer game!). So tomorrow is my chance to have a nearly Fast day.

    But I don’t like this feeling, I am still a bit off kilter I think! So much for my lovely start to the year. Oh well, hooray for a new day tomorrow!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year fellow fasting forumers,
    I am holidaying with the kids and family and my biggest holiday is from the phone and electronics. I tell the time by the lifeguards quad bike going to and from the beach at 9.00am and 5.00pm.
    I have missed the forum with all your support and friendliness and I hope my well wishes to all of you make up for my absense from posting.
    Happily (with myself) I am able to post I am completing my 2nd fast day this week today on New Years Day. I completed a FD last Wednesday with family and friends indulging around me, as they should, and felt great about it. Wearing a shirt that I bought in September that didn’t fit properly and now does out to dinner gives you that boost to throw a little more effort into sticking to this WOL throughout my holiday.
    I am also pleased to report my doubting sister in law has decided to undertake this WOE with her 1st day tomorrow. She loves that I am able to do this whilst carrying on with my somewhat carefree lifestyle and still achieve results.
    Another achievement is that I am doing this on my phone. I am an in front the screen at my desk kind of person for internetting but I thought I could make an exception for the Southern Hemispherites.
    Merryme check my profile, I will leave a contact for a day and then take it down. Let me know if you get it.
    Hi newbies, I hope you are able to keep this WOL going as patience does pay off, I am 9.5kg lighter than I was at the start of October and feeling great
    Meals for my FD’s:
    1 x white coffee 150kj, 500g minestrone soup 800kj, 100g drained kidney beans in the soup 400kj Total 1350kj or 322cals (a guess going by memory)

    @cinque – That sounds like a bit of unneeded drama for new years day, I’m sure you’ll be fine, these things help give us more resolve (at least it would for me I think, still a bit new to this 5:2 thing)… you can always skip breakfast the next day if you’re just worried about the extra calories. Oh, and I’m sure I’ll probably play a bit of Diablo today with my 13yo son too 😉

    @joffy – those lifeguards get a sleep in where you are? 9am, day is half over by then 😉

    …anyway – pleased with my weigh-in this morning 118.0kg, 5 weeks ago I was 121.2, and this time last week (after a Christmas week binge split over multiple days with both sides of the family, I bounced back up to 119.4, from 118.2 the week before, so good to see that has settled back down!)

    Fast day today, and I still have some mulching to spread in the garden… got a bit left to do before some rain comes tonight and makes it wet and even heavier to move for tomorrow, lol.

    It Must be my turn to clean a few things from my house and fridge, I have lost all track of time and days, will start this weeks FD tomorrow did one yesterday for last week.

    Happy NY to all

    For myself, I found December very trying and didn’t fast from 15 Dec. It was too difficult with the various functions/catch ups so I decided to begin again 1 Jan. Weighed myself today and am 1.5 kgs up on my previous weigh-in (15 Dec). Not too discouraged as I intend to fast Tues & Thurs as normal this week which would make 3 FDs for the week and I believe I can quickly regain lost ground. Another lesson learned on this journey which I began in October and have lost around 7 kgs – no other diet/WOL has done this for me.

    My goals for 2017 are pretty simple – continue this WOL, continue with aqua fitness, walk the dogs, watch my food intake on NFDs – all aimed at a better, healthier me

    Merry, I would be in for a Melb reunion sometime during the year and it would be very special to put faces to names.

    Happy fasting everyone

    Hi everyone,

    I’m in North Queensland. Just wondering what you eat on fast days. I was having porridge with water for breakfast but now finding it very hard to eat. Trying poached egg and spinach now and salad with fish or tuna for dinner. 5 kgs so far and more to go. Just looking for a bit of variety.

    Happy new year to all.

    Hi Ladyfish

    I began 5:2 three years ago, and my fast day breakfasts were nearly always an egg with wilted spinach. For variety I would have some smoked salmon or tuna with the spinach. I don’t eat cereals any more. I trained myself off latte and on to black coffee. I have found that a little protein makes fast days easier.

    My food is all whole food, no low fat products ever. And no artificial sweeteners. I try to minimise intake of sweet foods, and eat what is in season. Good luck! Only eat what your grandma would recognise as real food.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🍓🍓🌸🌸

    I forgot to ask if you have read the Fast Diet book? It has a section devoted to recipes that will give you variety. Bay 🍒🍒

    Good morning everyone,

    Today is going very well (so far 😉 ) I’ve even cleaned out the kitchen drawers. You know, the ones where you put all the odds and ends! I’ve been here 12 years so there were a few deteriorating rubber bands and other things to chuck out, and a lot to give a nice fresh wash as well.

    Ha Vaderz, failed paneer is about as much drama as I can stand!
    Nice weigh in! And glad someone else knows Diablo 🙂

    Best wishes for your fast day today.
    And yours Fishing Gran. Hope you get a bit of satisfying cleaning done!

    Joffy, so good to get your post in the middle of your wonderful internet free holiday. Full of good news and achievements!

    Wwall, welcome back to the 5:2 groove after the silly season chaos! What lovely 2017 goals!

    I’d love a Melbourne get together, and if it manages to be in Perth instead, I’ll skype!

    Hi Ladyfish,
    I started by having porridge on a fast day morning (with a bit of milk but no sugar) but then decided just to ride out the day with cuppas and have a big bowl of soup in the evening. Soup on a fast day evening has been my thing right from the start and it has been 18 months and I haven’t got sick of it!

    There are some good recipes here that might inspire you!: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/southern-hemispherites-fd-recipes/

    Hi everyone I am 37 and in Australia. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 with a 10 month old. I still had 10kg from my pregnancy to lose plus gained another 10 during chemo. This duet was recommended by a dietician as good for those who have had a long period on steroids.

    I was losing weight well but gained 2kg over Christmas so starting again.

    Good luck everyone.

    Got it Joffy! Thanks

    Hi everyone, and Happy New Fasting Year! May 2017 be a year we all make a difference, to ourselves, our loved ones and as an example to the community in general, as we take our individual steps to overcome the perils of an abundance of food and an abundance of manufactured ‘food’ in our whacky world. How do you beat an obesity epidemic. Start with yourself and when we reach the ‘100th monkey’ the world will gegin to change.

    Big day yesterday and still resting still. Back later.
    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi Readytolose, I too was on steroids for 3 years and weaned off in April 2016. I’ve been practicing 5:2 since late June 2016 and am continuing it as a WOL. It has been fabulous!

    I have to chuckle! A customer came into the health food shop where I work and we got talking. I explained I was doing 5:2. He’d seen the SBS series and knew of Dr. M. He asked me how long I would be continuing with it. When I said, ‘The rest of my life.’ His eyes got wide, he looked incredulous and I thought he was going to fall over before he finally said, ‘Really!?!? When I saw the series I didn’t think anyone would be going and doing that at all, let alone for the rest of your life!?!?’

    So annoying when you find a typo and it’s too late to edit. Sorry, I know it makes for hard reading.

    Anyway, what a lot of posts today! Joffy, I really enjoyed reading yours as always. And Vaderz pointing out about the 9-5 hours kept by the lifeguards made me chuckle.

    Cinque, I’m glad you’re having a better day. Your usually buoyant and positive self seems to have been dragged under somewhat by all the effort you have put into starting up the community cafe project these past few months. I worry about you. You already have all the extra demands of caring for your little grandchild. I do hope you are not allowing others to pull you in all directions. I look forward to hearing from the old sync’d Cinque. Please take good care of yourself. Hey! Skype is a great idea regardless of the grand meeting. Maybe those of us who are in touch outside this forum could try a conference call sometime. No-one would get a word in!

    Welcome RTL. All the best with this WOL.

    Fasty New Year to all.

    Hi all! So good to read that so many have kept this WOE up over the Christmas/New Year period. Having only started beginning Dec, I was getting into the groove quite quickly, but had last week off 5:2 (but kept exercising). Back on track this week, with next FD tomorrow.

    I also got a new FitBit on Saturday, so this is adding extra incentive to get moving. I log my food etc in the app, and it also monitors your sleep.

    Awesome that there are so many ‘newbies’ asking all the questions I want answers to as well – thank you to all the more experienced 5:2’ers for sharing your experiences so that we may be more successful.

    As I know most of you are Aussies (I’m in NZ) – my husband and I took our boys (10 and 11) to see ‘Red Dog -True Blue’ today. It’s a beautiful story, quite funny in places – but I highly recommend it.

    Good morning everyone from cool Melbourne (not complaining!)

    I had a good almost fast day yesterday.
    Thin thankyou so much for your kind caring words. I think this whole maintenance thing is confusing me. My latest thinking is that I was losing weight quickly when I was so busy with my project, and realising I needed to start maintenance coincided with my project being put on hold, as well as the silly season stuff and my doctor advising me not to lose any more weight. And although I haven’t got scales, and my clothes all still fit fine, I am sure I put on weight, and felt the worse for not eating so well. Lesson learned (she says hopefully!)

    Ha re skype! I am imagining a screen full of faces like the introduction to the Brady Bunch, and everyone talking and laughing!

    Bay, my last post crossed yours, what a good response to Ladyfish’s question.

    Hi Readytolose! Great username!
    What a rotten few years you have had! So glad to have you here, and we will cheer you on. Had you been doing 5:2 when you were losing weight before Christmas came along?

    Hi Merry, hope you are getting good rest.

    Hmm, I haven’t gathered any monkeys yet. My sisters showed a bit of interest but none are doing 5:2 yet.
    I laughed so much at what your customer said Lael!
    I tend to get looks of horror that people could go without eating for any time at all! And given that 5:2 is such gentle fasting, that does seem odd.

    Your fitbit sounds good fun Marinermum! I’m glad of the movie recommendation too. I’ll see if the 14 yo, coming tomorrow, would like to see it.

    Best wishes to everyone for a good day today.

    Hi Cinque,
    I was losing about a kg a week, got to a loss of 4.5kg, fingers crossed it drops off easily now that Chrudynas is over.

    Good luck

    Nice work Readytolose!

    Marinermum, I was wondering whether to see, ‘Red Dog True Blue’ as often the sequels leave you wishing you’d just left it at one. I can also heartily recommend, ‘Allied’ which we saw yesterday. Do not watch the trailer as I feel it’s a spoiler alert however, if you’ve already seen the trailer, this movie has so many twists, you still won’t figure it out until the last minute. Also, having been to Botswana this year and learned a bit of their history, I am keen to see, ‘A United Kingdom’. These stinking hot days make it perfect for movie going.

    On the subject of movie going though, I find it rather objectionable to have to stand in a sticky sea of people’s spilled super-sized drinks while purchasing a ticket. I know they’re selling tickets at the concession stand to make you buy junk but it’s just filthy. And then you walk through a sea of crushed, spilled popcorn to your allotted theatre because people couldn’t actually carry the absurd oversized buckets they’ve purchased as far as their seat. And while you’re watching a very loud ad telling you that you could win $10,000 just by purchasing one of these sticky drinks, the guy next to you, who’s taking up more than his fair share of the theatre, is unwrapping his chocolate bar and proceeds to chew and slurp loudly with his mouth open throughout the movie. Yuk.

    Isn’t it great to be a self-righteous 5:2er?

    Hi Thin

    I can totally recommend Red Dog True Blue as a lovely story. It made both of us want to see the original film again. We seem to be lucky in that our cinema is cleaned between films, even up to four shows in each of six cinemas a day.

    We also liked LaLaLand very much. We are seeing films on days when it’s too hot to garden or golf.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺

    Hi Lael

    Yes, my friends think it’s odd that I’m still fasting one or two days a week. They seem to think that once you’ve lost weight, why would you continue? When I mention the health benefits, their eyes glaze over.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺💐💐

    Cinque, Merry, Lael

    I am in awe of your achievements in fasting and weight loss while still having to deal with complex health issues. Well done, all of you. 💐💐💐🌺🌺🌺

    Cheers, Bay

    I have found that i am starting to look forward to FD’s it seems to give my body a rest, sometimes people do seem to look at you sideways if you mention 5.2 my family just go with the flow even the grand kids ask if i am eating before offering food. my Christmas present is a fitness watch it keeps beeping at me to move after 14,000 steps i think i have done enough today.

    FishingGran that’s a lot of steps – my walking buddy who wears a FitBit thing says that our 5km walk doesn’t amount to 10,000 steps.

    Isn’t it funny how we used to think that we could reach our goal weight and then return to all the bad habits we had before the deprivation and not gain the weight back? I didn’t understand about the ‘monkeys’ before but, if I have it right, I believe I have 14 monkeys.

    Thanks Bay, that’s two recommendations for Red Dog. Wow, it is hot here. I feel a bit guilty going to the movies when OH is working though.

    Hi all – FD today, after having last week off. Having only started first week Dec, I pretty much put on everything I lost over Christmas. That’s ok – was really looking forward to today, and am surprised at how well it is going. A couple of black coffees and a One Square Meal bite, and water. Now 1730, will have an omelette and salad for dinner, and that will be me. Actually, tummy just grumbled, but I’ve grown to like that feeling. Also walked for an hour with a girlfriend this morning; have 11,693 steps to my name today. Not quite as much as you, Fishing Gran!

    I’ve joined the Jan Challenge thread too, start today. Hope you’re all having a great day. It’s hot and humid here in Auckland, but we have fans going.

    Good morning,
    It is beautiful here, but I expect I will be complaining about the heat by the end of the day, and for the rest of the week.

    Marinermum, I am the same, loving that tummy rumbling hungry feeling, and knowing how much I will enjoy the next thing I eat.

    Bay, Thankyou! Lovely flowers!

    Thin, I am kind of looking forward to seeing how much dropped popcorn I will have to wade through if we go to the movies, I’ll be chuckling to myself thinking of your description.
    Don’t we live in a culture of excess.

    This week is 6:1 for me, because of my visitor. But I will be concentrating on doing the 6 very well! Mindfulness and no snacks.

    PS I am going through one of my ‘eat the freezer out’ out stages. Not all at once!!!!! But every meal involves using up something in the freezer until I get it clear and can start filling it up again! I love doing this, it feels nice and thrifty and has to be a bit creative too!

    Hey Thin, did you get a chance to see ‘United Kingdom’? We watched it when in Melbourne and loved it! I too wondered about the ‘Red Dog’ sequel, so it’s been great reading everyone’s reviews! I chuckled at your cinema descriptions! I’m often annoyed by the sound of candy wrappers being opened in my ear behind me and sometimes people carry on conversations with each other as if they are watching the film in their living room!

    Bay, thank you for the acknowledgement about those of us with health issues that do add another factor into the equation. I feel a heap of gratitude to Merry and Cinque for allowing me to see that it actually is possible to practice this WOL with energy health issues. Had I not found the ‘Chronic Fatigue’ thread I may have gone on listening to all the so called experts out there advising me not to fast with my particular health problem and concluded that this couldn’t work for me. I admit I feel a bit chuffed that I’ve proven them wrong! …I guess that’s my rebellious side accomplishing something positive!

    Fishing Gran, go girl with all those steps! The Fitbit sounds great, motivating you to move! I’ve been hearing on the ABC radio and such how bad it is to sit for prolonged periods and even simply standing up after 15 minutes is helpful. I’ve thought of getting one of those monitors since they also track quality of sleep and I’d like to see how I’m doing on that front from an objective standpoint!

    wwal, the aqua fitness especially sounds like great exercise on these hot days we’ve had! I also love dog walking! Though we can’t have dogs where we live, I’m going to walk a friend’s dog today! It’s a cute little Maltese x Shih Tzu.

    A mini-conference or Skype convention sounds like fun!

    P.S. I happened to be lurking around other threads and I found a thread started by Mimi Spencer in 2013 and the initial post she wrote made me chuckle so thought to share it:

    13 May 13


    Famous Faces take to the Fast Diet

    As time goes on and the Fast Diet message spreads, we hear news of all kinds of people reading the books, embarking on the diet and finding fantastic success with it. As I wrote recently in my You Magazine column, ‘thousands of people have tried the Fast Diet, including Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, the newsroom at the BBC, and, I’m told, Miranda Kerr. I’m also told that Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, Beyoncé and Christie Turlington are giving it a go, but I doubt it – chiefly because if I believed they were, I would explode with excitement and require resuscitation with abucket of cold water and a sharp slap to the face. Still. I have had triumphant messages from cardiovascular surgeons, parish priests, two headmistresses, one traffic cop, seven shop assistants, three staff nurses and a woman I bumped into at the chiropodist…’

    The latest additions to the roll call include both the food editor and the wine editor at The Guardian (‘a diet for foodies,’ as Felicity Cloake put it in her column), plus Benedict Cumerbatch who told The Times at the weekend: ‘I am on the 5:2 diet. You have to, for Sherlock.’ We hear on the grapevine that Sir Mervyn King is a fan too, while Phillip Schofield is on it and apparently grappling with his hunger, as we all do in the early stages. Even Kate Middleton’s uncle is giving it a go out in Spain: as the Telegraph reported, he recently said, ‘Managed a starvation day yesterday on sub 300 calories and I can feel it’s fallen off me, like my hair… Fat day today, 5-2 diet under way.’ Looks like the diet has truly broad appeal!

    More important than any newsworthy devotee is that the diet is making a real difference to the lives of so many. Thank you for all your stories and tips – keep them coming in. I was out at a friend’s house for supper on Saturday, and 7 of the 8 guests were on the Fast Diet. We discussed it at length while getting through tons of delicious French cheese, a fabulous dark chocolate cake and plenty of red wine (for them, not me!). Which just goes to show that Felicity is right: this really is a diet for foodies. You CAN have your cake and eat it. I had mine with a dollop of cream… But we’re all fasting today. It is Monday, after all.

    Here’s the link if you want to read the rest of that thread…


    Great post Lael, thanks for sharing. This is exactly how I approach 5:2. There are lots of variations shared on these pages which reflect its flexibility but for me, I practice it exactly as originally presented and it’s all worked so well. Mimi’s dinner party is a bit like a class I attend at the learning centre where 8 of the 16 of us now practice 5:2 and we usually discuss progress during morning tea!

    It’s spreading as more and more people enjoy the benefits and the WOL is being viewed as long-term, not a passing fad. I was pleased to read this article in our community paper this week. I thought it was well-presented in a gently persuasive way.
    http://epaper.communitynews.com.au/epaper/viewer.aspx# You have to type in the search box, ‘sugar is sin when it comes to slim’.

    Lael, we haven’t been back to the movies yet. I enjoyed an easy FD yesterday, keeping busy taking down the Christmas decs in the comfort of the air-con (it was 41C).

    Cinque, we had a lot of ‘freezer surprise’ meals before Christmas so I could make way for Xmas fare. I’m now re-stocking my cauliflower soup supplies.

    Marinermum, how did your fast go?

    Hi thinatlast – it was awesome, thank you. Yesterday was a NFD, and today is another FD. I know the weight is coming off, and my resting heart rate is lowering too. Hopefully my BP is going down as well! 41 degrees is pretty warm eh? Doesn’t get quite that hot here, but we have humidity, which makes it pretty sticky sometimes.

    I’ve been to the beach with the dog this morning, then to the park. Husband and I have rearranged the outdoor furniture on the deck, and this afternoon I’m taking my sons to a Nerf gun battle with some of their friends, and then they’re going swimming.

    I’m loving being on holiday – back to work on Monday, which means a weekly commute for me this year. Mon-Thu in Wellington, most Fridays back home in Auckland. The only good thing about commuting – fasting is easier away from my family.

    I’m jumping on this bandwagon now – thanks Thin.
    I laughed at your description of your cinema experiences Thin.
    It looks like there are a few good movies worth seeing – a good way to get me through FD.
    FD today starting with a peppermint tea and hopefully back into my exercise routine too. ☺☺

    Thin, that’s a great article that your community newspaper wrote and so good to help prompt more of the community to consider 5:2! I did have to giggle a bit reading that the WHO approves the consumption of 12 teaspoons of sugar a day! I guess they are meaning to include was in naturally in foods, but just that vision of the 12 teaspoons of sugar lined up in a row seems like a lot! I’m hoping I consume much less!

    This was also a good reminder: ‘The 5:2 fasting diet was back in the news after early human trials showed fasting had helped cancer patients avoid the side effects of chemotherapy and boosted their immune system to fight off cancer cells.’

    Lael, I’ve been challenging my OH to put 1 tsp of sugar in a glass every time he consumes one during the day. He read that article, noted the approved sugar allowance (seriously?) and is in complete denial about how much sugar he consumes on a daily basis. You only have to watch the OJ bottle level receding to be concerned, let alone the added sugar in his tea & coffee, honey added to cereals, mustard, mayo, salad dressings …… some slim people just don’t get it when it comes to the health risks associated with sugar.

    Merry, is all OK?

    Welcome over here Deb. I hope you find this thread helpful and supportive and we look forward to hearing how you’re getting on. For those that don’t know, Deb’s another loser from WA. Hurray!

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