Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,917 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 1 day, 13 hours ago.

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  • Hi All, As always interesting reading everyone’s posts! I was born C-section too and wasn’t breastfed! No wonder my immune system is so compromised!

    …Back to my assignments! Cheers!

    Good morning everyone.

    I have been reading a lot about the amazing gut biome too. I gather antibiotic use is generally more devastating to our gut flora than missing out on a vaginal birth!

    Michaela, so sorry to hear about that long painful bout. Has it settled now. I hope you managed to get through your work ok.

    Cool to see you here too Hilary!
    (And if Hilary is your real name I must say I love the names in your family!)

    Beth I love Farmer’s Markets too, so glad you found one!

    The eating window makes sense, and I always have more than 12 hours without anything over night…. but luckily we can still go well on 5:2 without it, because I drink cuppas with milk in all through the Fast Day morning, and sometimes through the afternoon too, but Fast Days still work really well for me.
    For me, it is definitely the smaller number of calories that works, and it doesn’t matter how I have them through the day.

    I took granddaughter to the doctor and they put on steri-strips and brown stuff and a bandage (she was not impressed) and said they hoped it would last til Monday. But yesterday the bandage needed changing (what do you expect from a two year old) and Rose found the steri-strips had come off too. I hope they gave us enough stuff to change it every day!
    At least it isn’t bothering her. She is pretty much using her hand as normal.

    Here is a nice link for the Rainbow Buddha Bowl, Thin 🙂 http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/06/13/amazing-pictures-of-buddha-bowls-plus-how-to-make-them/

    Intesha nice that the doctor knows you should be able to get that cholesterol lower with your healthy eating. Good luck.

    I like what you say about the body keeping on changing even when the scales aren’t showing weight loss. I have times when I feel like my body is refiguring (It does seem very hard work for it to slim down my upper arms!) and when I think of the fat that is tucked around the organs that it needs to work on…!

    Cheers Lael! Cheers everyone!

    I have had a couple of brutally busy days, so I am hoping today will be quiet for fasting and looking after myself.

    Best wishes for a lovely day all of you!

    Cinque – yes i was all good by 3pm. Thank you.

    Aww thank you. Hilary is her name & I’m Michaela & my little brother is Carl.
    Mum will love hearing that people love our names.

    Todays mission is to finish unpacking at my house.

    Lael, Hilary, I believe there’s something in what you’ve said. C-section of course has its place where a life is at risk. But I know that even 30 years ago, obstetricians in the USA were scheduling unnecessary procedures at alarming rates literally for their own convenience so the births wouldn’t interfere with their vacations, golf games or a good night’s sleep. I asked our GP couple neighbours if this was the case here and they say that in Australia, C-sections are on the rise, often initiated by patients for similar reasons (not the golf game but because they themselves have busy, executive careers to navigate).

    It’s mind-boggling to think that man’s form probably hadn’t changed that much in the 50,000 years up to the 1950s, and then to consider the changes over the past 60 years where 2 in 3 people in the western world are overweight, with half of those being obese, and where illnesses like IBS have become pandemic.

    Cheers to all of us for doing something to reverse the trend. Those rainbow bowls look so delicious Cinque. A bit calorific for a FD maybe but they are inspiring for nonFD ideas. I hope you have a smooth, peaceful FD today. I won’t be joining you as I went down slightly on the scales today following some mindful eating yesterday. Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Lol! …I’d gotten it completely wrong when I first read about the Rainbow Buddha bowls! So Rainbow Buddha Bowls don’t refer to rainbow patterns painted in the bowl but instead what you put in them that looks like a rainbow of food color from all the salad and fresh stuff? I love that idea!

    How exciting to have moved to your own home Michaela!!

    Thin, yes, I agree! Shame on those doctors and parents who schedule births to suit their whims! I was born in an emergency birth where both my mother and I nearly died due to detached placenta. I really wished I’d had a conventional birth and feel like I missed out!

    One of my last TAFE assignments is to plan a mock community development project to address a need. The community can be the whole world or one’s local community. The issue is up to each of us students to choose. I’ve chosen bingeing as the issue and my mock community project is a 5:2 online support group that I’ve named ‘Binge Buddies 5:2 Solutions’ …This is because I feel that the combination of 5:2 and the support such as what I find on this forum something that would have so helped me back in my twenties when my bingeing was at its worst and most damaging. Had this been around and if I’d known about it, I know my healing process would have been accelerated. I sometimes go into the binge thread and see the wonderful support members there give each other. There is such a wealth of wisdom and strength of heart in all the thread!

    …Same as I feel here! I feel such a wealth of wisdom from all 5:2 Southern Hemispherites!

    Wow so many posts and so hard to keep up. Those rainbow buddha bowls I eat often and sometimes I do make them part of my fast day, they are quite large,filling and I enjoy making and eating them. Its all a matter of what you put in them.

    Hugs to all those I’ve been reading posts from going through hard stuff past and present.

    From one who knows what its like.

    I am making breakfast after a lovely fast day yesterday. I had such a quiet day, what a treat. And a pretty quiet one today too, hopefully!!
    We aren’t doing the meal prep after all, so I could have done Sunday fast day after all! This week!
    Thin congrats on the lovely bit of mindful eating which kept you trim!

    Michaela I hope you are having a lovely weekend settling into your new home, and no more IBS pain!

    We would need to make little rainbow Buddha bowls for a fast day, wouldn’t we. they are exactly the sort of thing we want to make for the YamDaisy Cafe.
    But Oh I am one for a habit, and my fast day habit is miso soup! I had fresh mushrooms (2), brussel sprouts (2) and chicken (1 tenderloin) sliced into it yesterday. Lovely.

    Best wishes everyone for an excellent day!

    I wrote a whole post and lost it. Here I go again ……

    Cinque, good job, enjoy basking in the day after FD glow. Are you stable now or are your clothes continuing to fit more loosely? I’m also set in my FD ways as you know & the Buddha bowls would be too much cal counting for me but I think they’re very inspiring for ideas for summer family meals and picnics. Lots of prep and chopping but all you have to do is assemble them when ready. All that colour has to be good for you!

    I don’t deserve your kudos because I’m hovering dangerously close to my trigger weight. I had 5 weeks of no fasting while overseas, followed by about 8 weeks of 6:1 since being home. During that time, my weight has gone up and down between a too low of 59.2 and a too high of 60.8. (I want to be 59.9). So it’s not a sustainable solution and I know I’ll have to get back into the 5:2 rhythm PDQ. I have achieved two permanent changes though – I never blow a FD and I won’t ever ignore the trigger weight. It’s basically replacing a food addiction with a fasting addiction. Strangely, the scales tell me that my BMI is 16.9. This seems on the low side. Is it?

    Last night I made a carrot and roasted almond soup which was a big hit with the family. The recipe didn’t state the cals but I think I’ll prepare more nut recipes in an effort to eat less meat. When I was a vegetarian decades ago, I often made nut casseroles and rissoles. Yum.

    Lael, if we ever meet one day, I will give you a big hug for your sense of having missed out on a natural birth and being breast-fed. I’m glad you had that C-section or you might not have been here to give us all your insights. All the best with that assignment. Where do I find the binge threads? I’ve never had a diagnosis for my particular set of food glitches but they may have been akin to bingeing. Or maybe I was just an overeater.

    It’s 10.30am and I’m not even slightly hungry. I’ve made my soup for later and sold two items on gumtree this morning, hurray for getting rid of larger sizes. Now we must get out walking before the scheduled rain. It’s been a very long, cold winter in the west.

    Awww, Thin! I’d love to meet up some time and share a hug! Here is the most active and current binge thread:


    I had that same thing happen to me enough times, where my post disappears when I press submit that I now always highlight my post and press control/copy before hitting submit! I previously wasted hours due to that glitch!

    Your carrot almond soup sounds delish!! Congrats on selling the items on Gumtree!!

    Hey, I’m procrastinating about completing that difficult TAFE assignment and in doing so began researching inulin!

    This is because I realized that I’m happy at my weight in the 59 kilogram range and my size and shape everywhere but at the point of my belly, which to me looks out of proportion now with the rest of my body! As I keep with this WOL, I wonder if this will change and how low my weight would have to go before my belly were in better proportion? In any case, I’ve decided to test out inulin to find out if it helps with this since it is Angela Rippon’s method of addressing her visceral fat issue!

    Trouble is Angela didn’t explain in the documentary ‘How to Stay Young’ exactly how much would be required to do the trick, only that she didn’t think she could get enough from eating food. I recently ordered a jar of inulin from iHerb and so researched to find the best way to start taking it and what doses are most optimal for reducing the visceral fat. Here’s the link to that article if anyone would like to have a look…


    This time it was my own fault Lael, I’d copied my post because someone came to the door – then forgot and copied something else on my laptop which erased my post that was in its memory. In the past, I’ve hit submit and then it’s told me I’m not signed in.

    Thanks for the two links. After your third use of ‘inulin’, I looked it up. I’d originally thought you were mis-spelling insulin. After I lost the first 10kg with 5:2, I thought I’d keep going until the ‘fold’ at my belly disappeared and everything became flat. I didn’t have that fold the last time I was this weight but it’s not going away. It’s not as though I could lodge a pencil in there anymore but I know what you mean. Another change for me after losing so much weight is that I no longer have a rounded backside and it’s slipped somewhat. Ho hum! Time for a Madame Treats choc & orange tea.

    Hi Lael and Thin,
    That disappearing post trick is so annoying, I’ve had it happen a couple of times when I’ve been spat out of my log in in the middle of typing. There is no way you can see. I think I’ll save a copy of this, Murphy’s law says it will happen tonight if I don’t!

    I am still losing weight, Thin, but very small increments. I tried on some summer clothes yesterday and there is another skirt that is just too big to wear now.
    Even when I have a day I feel I have eaten too much, my clothes keep fitting fine or better! Such a wonderful thing!
    I still have a bit of tummy and extra on my arms and shoulders (and also a flat bum that is just sliding down!), but if I kept at this weight I would be happy! (Whatever the weight is!) Maybe a kilo more to lose? And then I wouldn’t want to get any thinner.
    What an interesting question you asked about your BMI. All the info that questions the BMI, that I read, seemed to be about being on the high side. Everything does say that 17 is underweight. But this chart says you would need to be six feet tall to be underweight at 59kg http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/BMI-chart.jpg

    Must get to bed! Sweet dreams!

    Hi everyone, hi helpme and Hilary!

    Sooooo many posts, wow! Lots happening and different topics of interest.

    Thin – when logged in go to the ‘Fast Diet Tracker in the top right corner. Scroll down and you’ll find a calculater. Fill in the details and it will tell you your BMI. It’s probably around 19 not 16 something, f you’re 5’6″ and 59kgs.

    Lael, and everyone else without the flat tummy at goal weight. I asked my exercise physiologist about this and he said that it’s probably stomach muscles not as fit as when we were younger, and it’s the last place any fat will go from.

    You know the other thing that happens as we get older is we stop standing as straight which instantly pushes the belly forward. If you stand side on to the mirror, stand relaxed, you’ll see your belly sticking out. Then stand straight pulling up the spine from the middle of the head, tuck you tail under i.e. And you’ll see you belly flatten much more. Especially if we’ve had children our tummy muscles have been very stretched and I know at mid 60’s, after nearly 2 decades of poor health, my tummy muscles have a long way to come back from. The good part is that I no longer have 20-30kgs of fat making my body posture distort and shifting my balance. My tummy muscle strength and core strength, back strength, and posture are works in progress. The other thing that happens is that oftenwe look down at our tummies. The act of looking down changes our posture enough to make our bellies protrude a little more making them appear bigger than they are. There’s nothing wrong with a pair of support undies or whatever they’re called to flatten our tummies in special clothing for special occasions.

    Checking in – Friday, day after FD I was down 200gms to 64.0kgs. This morning I was 64.6kgs, after dinner in an unknown Thai restaurant with rice. Probably the worst Thai meal I’ve had and the rice overcooked anyway, so not worth the little blowout in enjoyment value. I’m now away from home and the little yellow travel scales are with me while my scales at home sulk a bit. We’re away a few weeks. I would have liked to start tomorrow’s FD at 64.0 kgs, but I know that’s not going to happen. However, 2 yrs ago at the end of September I was 83 + kgs, so my world is now sooooo different.’

    When we get home we will be home for a few weeks then meeting our son in Hawaii for the week of Thanksgiving then going back with him to San Francisco and California. ………and Gumps, I remember is has an s on the end. So……I have to be 62 kgs to walk in the door of Gumps in SF. I don’t know what I’ll be able to afford, but even if I come home with some nice undies I’ll be happy. 62kgs will actually be 62.3 on my travel scales as they’re always 300gms over, but I intend to see that 62.0 on my home scales during the 5weeks we’re home between trips. That gives me the challenge of getting home in a bit over 3weeks at 64or less. My little yellow scales and I will be working hard.

    Saw the documentary on the gut flora the other night. Very interesting! No time to read any books though. 2016 is a very busy year, and I am very pleased to be going through it all at a reasonable and now normal weight. It’s wonderful!

    FIL is agitating, and the emotion is building a bit to get his mobility scooter back but he is a danger to other people on it now, although he thinks he’s normal. Several things will be going on with that issue this week including police if necessary. We cannot in all conscience allow him back on it. He not only is a challenge on the footpath but goes on the road, around blind corners etc. We don’t even know if he could operate it at all. He is not an easy man in any way. It sounds terrible but I am hoping he will pass softly away in his sleep. His quality of life is poor, and I doubt he would ever adapt to care. If he has to go into fulltime care it will not be easy for him or my OH. He has the highest level of in home care possible barr hiring private 24hr care, and he doesn’t like getting help. He’s now blaming getting help for him not being able to do things, rather than the opposite. He ‘s forgotten how it was before and nothing is ever his fault anyway (been that way all the decades I’ve known him). He’s a Jeckyll and Hyde. Everyone in the community thinks he’s the loveliest man with an unfailingly positive outlook on life. It’s a false front, and he’s the most negative person with never a good word to say about anyone. The Professionals managing his overview of his return home and services have finally said they no longer go by what he says but go by what he does, and say they can see why and how it’s been so difficult for the family. He is just willpower on legs now. There’s nothing else left. Still some dramas but we’re not on an emotional roller coaster like we were when we neverbknewvwhat would happen day by day.

    Venting, sorry, time to get some restorative sleep and enjoy this break away from him and with our little ones. They are so precious!

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Hiya Lael. Loving having my own home. I feel so grown up & love showing my parents the strong adult that they raised & helped me to become who I am.

    Cinque: No more pain which has been great! Still a bit of unpacking to do & to sort out my pantry so there is more of a flow to it.

    I had a lovely weekend. Spent Saturday with my partner & a very good friend of ours doing our garden & then had my Mum & brother over for dinner while my father was away. I made beef meatball stroganoff for the first time & my goodness it was very yummy.
    Then Sunday we all went to the movies when Dad got home to see the Secret Life of Pets.
    Wonderful kids movie.

    Have a blessed Monday

    Good news Michaela! I hope you have great fun setting your home up! Yum re that stroganoff!

    Merry best wishes for your travelling!
    I am glad to hear the workers understand your FIL now. It is true for everyone isn’t it: Judge them not by what they say, but what they do!

    I have things on this morning (too early) with granddaughter needing her gash checked at the doctor and then a meeting with a chef! That will be fun!

    This week I really think I do have 4 non fast days in a row so that will be interesting!

    Cheers all!

    Hi all, weigh in this morning and finally back under 77kgs, at 76.7!!!! Thank goodness for that, never thought I’d see 76 again! Measurements are down too so going the right way at last. I do think a lot of the weight loss is mental as well as physical, just kinda getting in the zone, however I have tried 16:8 this week for the first time, (Knowingly) and think this may have helped, eating much less because of it too. Feeling frustrated by not being able to walk up and down hills and run/jog until my knee improves heaps, but really empathize with all the posters on here who are so limited with their own mobility, it is not until we are not able to move that we realize how much we do normally, and to have it taken away is something I am certainly struggling with. I was rushed into hospital back in late April and operated on that same night, another op two weeks later after a 8 days in hospital and although I am recovered per se, I still get quite tired and it’s not until the day after my overdoing the exertion that I feel it, not actually during, so am tempted to keep going at whatever I’m doing only to pay for it the next day. Never been very good at pacing myself……all or nothing!!!!!

    Do hope you have a great trip Merry, you certainly sound as thought you need it!

    Welcome Michaela, I’m just up in Central, Spring has definitely Sprung, the blossoms look fantastic.

    Need to go now and do some work, enjoy your fast day today everyone and all the others on 5:2,


    Hi Turnabout,
    I will be in Alex & Clyde over the Summer break Camping.

    Thanks for the BMI chart Cinque. I had thought for some time that mine was around 21 which is exactly what your chart suggests. My scales must be on the blink. I laughed when I read your description of your body but it’s great to know that your clothes are being so compliant. Fingers crossed that the new baby arrives in a timely manner and that all is healing well with the little one’s hand. Did I miss the post about the YamDaisy location being approved?

    Merry, the last time I checked the tracker on this website, it showed 21.4. You have the same relationship with your yellow scales that I enjoy with mine. Travel buddies! I don’t leave home without them even though we are carry-on luggage only travellers. Have a wonderful trip wherever you are, away from the stress of the FIL. I watched a show on SBS on Demand about Alzheimers last night. Whilst it was very sad, it actually offered a lot of hope. Not in time for those of those of you going through the distress with OFMs but maybe for ourselves. For now, we can keep active, eat well, learn new skills and, importantly, sleep well.

    Well done the kiwis, both enjoying spring and getting back to a healthy lifestyle.

    Have a great Monday fasters and everyone else.

    I love the dynamism in this group! So much happening and it is a joy to read all about it! Hearing how we all work through our snags, difficulties and challenges and feeling all the support is wonderful.

    Cinque, that is exciting meeting with the chef! Does that mean that you’ve heard something more from the panel about the Yam Daisy proposal?

    Merry, I’ve had the same experience as you with regard to eating rice and after affects on the scale. I too find this frustrating since rice is often an only option for me when dining out since it is gluten free. A curry with no rice just isn’t the same, especially if it has any fire in it, I need the bland rice to balance! I still see you as on track to meet your 62 kg goal by the time you step on the plane, so you’ll be right when walking through the door at Gumps!

    I hope things ease with your FIL. The police can be very helpful and even sensitive at times and may be the perfect way to make your FIL understand about the risks of going out on the motorized scooter.

    You are also so right about posture Merry! I got out the tape measure just now and stood extra straight and tall and my belly measurement changed by a couple of cm! …Except that I felt like I was cheating because I never stand holding myself so upright! Hmmm! In any case, the stand tall measurement puts me at the edge of healthy for belly circumference which is an improvement, though when I subsequently tried on the Rodney Clark pants, they were still uncomfortable when I tried to sit down!

    Turn, Yay for moving into the 76’s, especially when measurements are verification!!

    Michaela, just reading about your stroganoff, my mouth started watering! I’ll have to check out that film ‘The Secret Life of Pet’s’! I love animal films especially anything about dogs!

    Thin, I watched that ‘Curing Alzheimer’s’ a few weeks ago when it was on SBS and I also found it fascinating that some researchers are actually saying it is preventable! I’d never heard any scientist utter those words previously, so very heartening!

    Ha! I grazed all day yesterday, stressing through my assignment which I finally completed at about 10 pm. Whew! I snacked on macadamia nuts, macadamia butter, coconut butter, my fudge mud, cottage cheese, sheep yogurt mixed with protein powder, etc. Because I was so anxious I just let myself have as much of those as I wanted even though I wasn’t hungry. So did a double take this morning when I stepped on the scales to find that my weight was at a new low of 59.0 kg. …Today is a fast day so will be interesting to see where it takes me.

    Good to see Cinque, Intesha, Merry, bayleaf and Thin still here from when I posted a little more regularly.

    I’ve slacked off a bit over the last 5 months, having just one fast day per week. So about 3 kgs has snuck back on, but I’m still 12.5 kgs down on where I started. But it is time to switch it up with the weather starting to warm a bit and return to my Monday/Thursday routine. As of this morning I have 4 kgs I want to ditch.
    Today has been a good FD, nice salad with plenty of raw cauliflower to make the teeth feel like they had something to do for lunch and two boiled eggs with a thin slice of Vogel’s toast for dinner. A couple more cups of tea and I should be under 420 for the day.
    Tomorrow will tell …

    End of a day. I feel like eating loads of raw cashews, so I am writing here instead and then going to bed. The cafe kiosk thing has dragged out. Announcement will be on Thursday. In the meantime the lovely chef who has been working with us is doing consultations with me about all our possible options!

    How about this one: http://hurrythefoodup.com/how-to-pack-a-salad-in-a-jar/

    Lovely posts today.

    It will be good in your family, Hilary and Michaela, to both be fasting and feeling and looking good too!
    Ha re the raw cauliflower teeth workout Hilary! It sounds like an excellent Fast Day.

    Hi Turnabout, congratulations on seeing 76 again!
    Enjoy it while it lasts and then you will be saying good bye to it forever!
    That will be so cool!
    Your knee is improving?
    I remember when I was really facing up to my illness and how constrained I would be, I would dream about running along the beach in the sun and breeze with my heart pumping and sweat running down my back. It was like my subconscious was going though the memories as a good bye.
    I’m glad you just have an hiatus, not a good bye.

    Lael congratulations on your new low. You’ll have to keep up that constant snacking 😉

    Thin, I hope your scales get it together!

    It is going to be a warm day tomorrow here, so I wonder what I will wear. Maybe something I have never worn before!

    Good night everyone!

    Yessss! 1.2 kg down! Now to hold most of it there till Thursday’s fast.

    Well done, Hilary. Great result.

    It really is the non fast days that are the long term answer to staying slim, isn’t it? So long as I stay away from all types of white foods, I am fine. Particularly, i need to be wheat free and have very low sugar.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺🌺

    Good morning everyone, have had a quick scan through all the posts and there’s always something to learn which is great.

    Hello Hilary, and well done on your 1.2kg loss – woo hoo!

    Down to 78.4 this morning. I was 81.4 the day before I started 3.5 weeks ago so am happy with that progress. Did 3 fast days last week as day 1 I had a bit of a lapse around dinnertime. Pulling out all stops with a beach holiday and family wedding looming…

    I agree with you Bay, what you can manage on the non-fast days is really crucial to long term success. I so wish I didn’t love pasta and rice, or more specifically, Thai food with rice. I’ve not cooked pasta for about a month or more and will limit myself to Thai (with less rice) only once a month or so. Not a huge bread consumer, thank goodness.

    Am finding 16:8 quite doable, and I’m surprised at that. In the first week I certainly didn’t think I could skip eating till midday or beyond. One day last week I got to 3.45pm before eating (some raw beans, carrot, snow peas) and then found I couldn’t finish my bowl of soup for dinner – what is going on??? This is not the appetite I know!!

    Best to everyone fasting today. My tummy is rumbling as we speak…

    Beth 🙂


    Hilary, that’s great, you’ve already shed half of that 3 kg! Fantastic! You’ll be back to maintenance in no time!

    Hey Beth, what a stellar result for you too! Your efforts of adding in the extra FD are working since I calculate that you’ve shed a whole kilogram of fat each week!!

    As far as rice goes, have you ever made ‘cauliflower rice’? Some of us on this thread are now cauliflower rice converts and prefer it to conventional rice! Admittedly, I didn’t think it could ever taste like real rice and was pleasantly surprised that it actually does! In fact I served it to my partner who said he couldn’t really taste the difference (this is a white bread only type of guy!). I’ve written out the recipe on the Southern Hemispherites recipe thread if you want to have a look. I’ll post the link to that below. With regard to pasta, I now only eat pastas made out of beans and I really like them. For example, I often cook up ‘Eco Organics’ Black Bean Spaghetti which I find delicious and light but hearty enough to feel like I’ve really eaten pasta! A 100 gram portion of the dried spaghetti (which cooks up to be quite a large serving – we usually only eat a fraction of that per serving!) contains 321 calories and 45 grams protein. The 100 gram dried spaghetti threads contain 30 grams of carbohydrate though 21 grams of that is fiber which means that it really only contains net 9 carbs, which is actually quite good for a pasta! There’s also a mung bean fettucini that is good. The recipe thread link:


    ‘The Morning After’ FD and reached another new low of 58.4 kg. Current BMI 20.2 which is still in the healthy, rather than underweight BMI range according to the chart Cinque posted. As I’ve mentioned, though I can completely zip up the sized 12 Rodney Clark slacks, I see horizontal stress lines in the fabric even when I make an extra effort to stand straight and tall! Sitting down, well, still feels too tight and stresses seams! I’m looking forward to starting inulin!

    Hi Hilary, I do hope your weather down in Dunedin is as good as ours up here in Central today, picture perfect, not a cloud in the sky and beautifully warm. Cycled into town today for a hair cut so felt I had earned my Philly cheese and crackers for lunch!! Salad for dinner tonight.

    Cinque – Thanks, yes the knee is improving but it is going to be a slow process according to the physio, cycling is fine but not walking, I have several exercises which I have to do everyday so getting there.

    Thin – I am sure that it was you that asked but I have been meaning to reply and have forgotten, about the snow a couple of weeks ago, we got lots on the hills but not down here, just copious quantities of torrential rain and bitterly cold winds!!!! At least it didn’t last long!!

    So pleased to be down to 76, this morning I was another whole kilo down at 75.6, but know that that won’t last!!

    Enjoy your day everyone, hopefully we’ll catch up some time Michaela??

    Cheers, Turn

    Good Morning Everyone.

    What an eventful morning I had. Up at 5.30am. Couldn’t find my new box of teabags as my partner had put them right on top of the pantry at the back & of course I can’t see that or reach that (I’m only 5 ft 3″). So I am pacing the kitchen looking for these teabags.
    Made my partners lunch & hung the washing out & cleaned the house a bit all before deciding it was finally time to get ready for work.
    Today is fast day in my household so all I am planning is lots of fuild & some heavy grain toast & chicken noddle soup – 150 cal. Then fresh pan fried fish with steamed veggies for dinner.
    Weigh in tomorrow so will keep you all updated.

    Tunrabout – I would love to catch up sometime when I am up your way.

    Cheers, Michaela

    Well done all the losers.

    Lael, thanks for posting the cauliflower rice recipe and all the options for cooking it. Just what I’ve been looking for. Cauliflower is my best friend on FDs. Which is your favourite method? Your bean spaghetti is interesting. I use my veggetti to make spaghetti from courgettes. It cost me about $4 from China including postage. I no longer eat pasta and, if I do have rice, it’s a spoonful not a plateful as I used to but I try and avoid it altogether. No bread. No pizza. I sometimes eat a starchy vegetable – a girl’s gotta have some fun.

    Beth you are experiencing portion control. Isn’t it great how 5:2 shapes our food desires and portions without us even realising it?

    Turn, it was me asking about the snow, you conjured up memories of when I lived in Queenstown. Bitterly cold winds…

    Who’s fasting with me today? I’ve decided to add one this week. I haven’t reached the trigger point but it’s annoying me being this close to it and we have our anniversary next week and you’ll remember that my OH warned me that he’s taking me to a nice restaurant and doesn’t want to hear any complaints.

    Good morning, it is cold here, the Australian crows have been calling to each other outside saying “I think we came south too early this year!”
    It is not quite NZ south island cold though!

    It is day before fast day for me, but I am sending you best wishes Thin, you’ll like to be set for that restaurant dinner!

    I dreamed last night about accidentally eating something sweet!

    Beth cheers on that lovely loss!

    And yes, I agree, to everyone saying that the non fast days are the real trick. It has been interesting having four of them in a row!

    Michaela, I am glad you found the tea bags eventually! Make sure they are at eye level at the front from now on! Pantry priorities!

    Note to self: I need to buy more chicken for my soup tomorrow, and put the mushrooms to soak. Ooh and I had better get some more miso, I am at the bottom of the jar!

    Best wishes to everyone!

    That’s a funny dream Cinque. I once had one that I was eating a full dinner on a fast day! My thinking exactly; it’s better to be all set-up with wiggle room for the restaurant meal than regretting it the next morning. Looking forward to getting your news about baby and Yam Daisy. The salad in a jar looks great.

    Hi all, I did a post this morning and pfttt lost in cyberspace.

    Still struggling with that nasty black dog and had a few more days of stuffing myself with whatever I could lay my hands on. I know I am doing it but just can’t stop.

    Did my FD yesterday, I don’t seem to have any trouble sticking to them, so go figure. Weight this morning 68.4. I keep trying to psyche myself up to being so close to 65 but I’ll get there.

    Lael I have been making cauliflower fried rice lately, it was one of the receipes in the new Women’s Weekly 2 day diet, only 189 cals, very filling and quite tasty. There is also another recipe for pork kebabs with Apple salad, 163 cals. I’ve made the kebabs and just had it with a normal salad, also very tasty. I can’t wait to get the book sometime this week to see what else there is and the best thing is that the recipes are for one. I had 500gms of pork mince already frozen so I just made up the whole batch and froze the rest.

    Thin you really are so focused on your food intake. I could never be that strict with myself.

    Merry hoping you are enjoying yourself and That we can catch up before you head off to the USA.

    Good to hear from you Intesha. You WILL get to 65kg. How’s the pilates coming along? I don’t suppose you have a digital copy of that fried cauliflower recipe that you could paste into our recipe page?

    I’m focussed only because I’m determined never to go back, Intesha. An extra fast here or some holiday planning ahead there seems a small price to pay compared to the alternative. Don’t worry though, I don’t go without. And I’m much further from perfection in my food choices than you think. There’s a long way to go yet. In the meantime, having a trigger weight is my weapon of choice.

    I’ve had my two coffees with coconut & almond milk (20 cals). Right there, I’m cheating on my fasting window every FD. I wonder how damaging that 20 cals actually is (in terms of cell repair) compared to strict adherence to no calories before 2pm. If it meant a tangible difference like not developing Alzheimer’s, would I give up coffee on a FD?

    So, hey! The spring you’ve all been talking about finally reached WA today. 22C. OH and I drove to the coast and had a great walk on the beach.

    Intesha, I too would love a copy of the Women’s Weekly cauliflower fried rice recipe and/or for the Hemispherites’ thread (if not copyright infringement). The Cauliflower rice methods I posted on the Hemispherites recipe thread are all to make basic plain rice. Your recipe sounds like it has a bit of pizazz and would be good to eat without need for curry etc. to go with it! The pork kebab and apple salad sounds yummy too!

    Cinque, I also forgot to say what a great idea those salads in jars are! …They look so easy to make and colorful and remind me of mosaics!

    Michaela! You are so lucky that your whole family share fasting days! That would be like a dream come true for me!

    Turn, I feel remiss for not remembering where you live on the South Island. I can’t remember if I said I have a good friend who lives at Lake Hawea? The two of us cycled north and south islands back in 1985 and he settled there and I settled in Australia. We’re both from California.

    P.S. Thin, I’ve seen those Vegetti kitchen tools at our local Australia Post and have thought of getting one and sounds like is a good idea to have on hand for FDs especially. …As far as the Cauliflower rice goes, I use a completely different method! I make mine in my Thermomix, but I didn’t post that recipe because it kind of looks like computer language unless you’ve got a Thermomix. …Was it you that drinks the Madame Flavour Teas? Our local Coles had the Mint Choc Rooibos variety on sale, so I bought a box. I just had my first cup and I’ve never felt like bingeing on tea until now. With less than 2 kilo-joules per cup, I guess that’s okay!

    It does make my days easier Lael.

    Well as of next week I am going back to the 5:2 instead of 6:1.

    Weighed in today & I have lost 4.2kgs in a week!!!

    Hope you all have a lovely day


    Hi Lael, yes I drink the Madame Flavour teas but have only tried the choc orange. I get three mugs from one bag on a FD. I’ll look out for the Mint Choc Rooibos variety, that sounds like a real treat too. I’m with you, the hardest part of a FD is planning for OFMs. We do have quite a few family FD favourites but I also serve them pastas, pizzas, tacos and other foods that I no longer eat but that they don’t want to give up. Hey, it’s their insulin! Treat yourself to a veggetti Lael.

    What’s your goal weight helpme? At this rate, you’ll be there in 5 weeks!

    Cinque, did you get your answer this morning?

    Hi thin,

    My goal weight is 60kgs – I am currently 74.5kgs.

    That’s amazing. It would have taken me 8 weeks on 5:2 to lose that much. How tall are you?

    That’s an impressive weight loss. I think it is mostly water though, unless your consuming about 5500 cal a day?

    Good heavens Michaela, I guess it is too much to hope that you will keep losing weight that quickly, but enjoy that number!

    Thin, WOOT! I can announce that YamDaisy will be opening a gorgeous, teeny tiny cafe in the Foyer Space at East Reservoir Community Health Service!
    I am currently drawing pictures of all the food we plan to sell (that will do until we have photos!) for an EATS page on the website. I might have to share the link when I have it done!
    It is so exciting!

    Turnabout, feel free to give me any advice! Do you run a B&B? Ours is going to start very small.

    Fasting today!

    Thin: I am 5 ft 3″ – the last time I did the 5:2 I lost it in big numbers for the first month then I slowed down & kept at keeping it off.

    Big Booty: Nope only eat up to 2000 calories a day & I am lucky if I even meet that. That is a normal weight loss for me when I first start off a diet. I can guarantee that I won’t put any of that back on if I weight myself again tomorrow morning & it wasn’t a FD today.

    Last time I did the 5:2 diet last year I lose 19ks in less than 6 months.

    Yippee Cinque, congratulations! When is it opening? No news on the baby front yet?

    Woohoo that Yam Daisy is going ahead in Reservoir! I have 2 friends who live in Reservoir and I’ll definitely be telling them about all the wonderful food that will be available at Yam Daisy!!

    Good morning everyone!

    Just having ‘morning after fast day’ breakfast. The best breakfast of all!

    It would be great to have your friends come to the cafe Lael! 🙂
    We want to open as quick as we can (we are hoping we can be ready by November) and it seems like the biggest hold up might be equipment. We are talking to Rotary and other places that may help us.
    We can’t open without a really good coffee machine (it is Melbourne!), and oh dear they are very expensive, even second hand. Not to mention fridges and cash registers and things. The better we are set up the easier it will be to run, and the fairer it will be on our staff. But the wonderful Yvonne is working on that side, and she is a powerhouse!

    Hello to everyone, especially those doing a Friday fast. I hope you have a great day!

    PS Baby still inside!

    Lael, I had fun playing with your cauliflower rice recipe yesterday. I pulsed one head and think I over-did it as it did resemble couscous more than rice. I chose the oven-baked method and it came out quite well. OH and I had it with swordfish and he thought it was pretty good too. There’s plenty left so tonight I’ll try a different cooking method. Do you think it would freeze in its raw, pulsed form or would it get water-logged? Intesha emailed her cauliflower ‘fried rice’ so I’ll try that on a FD soon.

    Good luck sourcing all the equipment Cinque. This is a not for profit venture, right?

    Hi Thin! I’m glad you and OH liked the cauliflower rice! I also have to be careful not to over process! Some vouch for a box grater as offering the best texture, but I can’t be bothered with that! Yes, you can freeze it in it’s raw state! Here’s a link which explains all about that…


    Is the Women’s Weekly recipe possible to copy here or on the Hemispherite’s recipe thread? It sounds like a tasty variation on the plain options I posted there!

    Cinque, I’m excited reading of all the Yam Daisy plans! I can’t wait to eat there myself! We travel to Melbourne twice a year to visit my partner’s relatives, so maybe on one of the days just prior to Christmas!?!? I know some businesses close early for the holidays. If not at Christmas, then for sure when we return next June!

    That’s so cool Lael, thanks! The little freezer baggies are perfect. The recipes that Intesha sent aren’t in digital form but she was good enough to scan and email them to me. You could put your email address in your profile and then remove it when I tell you I’ve copied it. Or if you’re more security-minded, you can contact JJ, the site admin person, and ask her to pass your details to me. That might take a few days.

    Hi everyone. I like cauliflower rice too, but I also like rice! When I tried it I managed to process it to rice size, didn’t take long! And it is so quick to cook!

    Just had an enormous vegetarian dinner because I felt like veggies. Salad (lettuce from my garden) with avocado at one end, braised mushrooms, carrots and brussel sprouts at the other, and mujuddara hamra (burgul and lentils) in the middle with yummy fried onion on top. So yummy and I am nicely full!

    Lael, when you come to visit we’ll meet there please! Hopefully we will be open right up to Christmas.

    Yes it is not-for-profit!

    Here is what we are thinking for the menu. http://www.yamdaisy.com/eat/ Sorry about the burritos, I couldn’t draw them properly! (I am thinking of adding chopped parsley and calling them ‘green eggs and ham burritos’. Do you think the Men’s Shed guys would accept that?). And we might add raisin toast as we hear the old ladies like it with their cup of tea. I will try to source really good raisin bread.

    That’s super Cinque! Did you draw the people at the top of the page too? I love your style. Your dinner sounded great. Next time, I will know that it takes only a short burst to pulse the cauliflower (I was warned in the recipe but you sort of have to feel for yourself). I love rice too but I’m learning to live without it.

    I used my veggetti (or vegetti depending on where you buy it) tonight and as it wasn’t a FD, I used a quick spray of oil to lightly sauté the courgetti.

    What was I saying about spring? The high was 16C in Perth today.

    Yum – Yam Daisy menu!!! After showing my partner the menu, he too is eager to eat there! I love all the drawings on the Yam Daisy website, especially the salad in a jar drawing! I love burritos and how wonderful to know there will be a gluten free option!!! Green eggs and ham sounds both fun and delicious! I think of Dr. Seuss!

    Thin, I posted my email address on my profile! Let me know when you’ve copied it and I’ll go and delete it. The sauteed zucchini sounds tasty! You accompanied it with a tomato type spaghetti sauce?

    Ok, got it thanks Lael. Yes, the OFMs were having spag bol, so I had a couple of spoonfuls of that and a nice crisp salad with toasted pine nuts. Despite the weather.

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