Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,925 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 3 days, 19 hours ago.

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  • Hi Thin, in relation to the article I was thinking of how Dr. M maintains in similar way as you do by utilizing both 6:1 and 5:2 as maintenance tools. This sounds healthy as it can be so easy for me to think that I’ve ‘arrived’ when I reach my goal weight/size/shape and could be so easy to leave the program and perhaps feel that I no longer need it. You and Dr. M. underscore the significance of viewing this truly as a WOL (way of life). Also, it is easy for me to put Dr. M on a pedestal! I love reading that he’s just like me! …Has cravings, needs to develop and follow strategies to help him maintain!

    I searched out the article because I just wanted to find something where Dr. M stated that he was still practicing a form of IF and hadn’t decided that it was no longer needed or relevant in the advent of the 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet! I guess I’d wondered since Dr. M. hadn’t made any reference to 5:2 or IF during the ‘Insight’ show with Jenny Brockie that aired earlier in the year.

    I was elated this morning to find myself weighing less than I did after my last FD and that I’ve broken into the 59 kg range! So fostering more awareness and care, consciousness with NFD eating is helping, making a difference.

    Lael, I think the appeal that Dr M holds for me is that he’s natural, unassuming, practical and prepared to put himself through the paces. I too wondered whether 5:2 had been left in the dust with the ‘Blood Sugar Diet’ which, for me, holds less appeal as there’s no clear instruction for what happens after the 8 weeks ends. Whereas we know that 5:2 is for life. It is comforting to think that he still embraces it.

    Hey, so you’re into the 50s! Great job. How are those pants fitting today? At 60.5kg, I’m edging up to my trigger weight and hoping that today’s fast will not only put me back under 60 but re-set a couple of bad habits I’ve noticed creeping in. You’re so right, it would so be easy to slip back. Constant vigilance, regular weighing and participation in this forum are my primary tools. I’m feeling a little hungry after an 8km walk but enjoying a Madame Flavour choc & orange herbal tea.

    Wow Thin, 8 km! I’m envious! A couple or few weeks ago I felt extra energetic so lashed out and did one of the 3 mile Leslie Sansone walking routines on Youtube and have barely exercised since! It is as if my my energy reserves were all used up in 45 minutes and has taken me a couple weeks or so to build them back up again!

    As far as having moved down into the 50s, I’m just into them at 59.8 kg this morning! I was thinking of trying on those pants again, though I’d tried them a couple of days ago. At that point I was pleasantly surprised to be able to actually zip them up half way, though decided I’d wait till tomorrow post FD to try them again! …So I’m getting there. I’m sure I was able to wear those when I weighed 59.8 kg last time, last decade! …But back then I had much more muscle mass and a lot less padding around the middle. I’m 3.5 cm narrower at the belly button since starting 5:2, so the padding has decreased though is still more than the 85 cm that Dr. M. cites as upper limit of healthy.

    The Madame Flavour choc and orange herbal tea sounds delicious! I’ve seen Madame Flavour varieties at Coles and will have to see if they have that one! Yum!

    That’s OK, 59.8kg is still in the fifties. Did you take a photo of your feet on the scales? And 3.5cm off the middle is great too. I hope the newbies have remembered to measure absolutely everything. I wish I had done so – especially my calves which must have been huge before.

    It felt great to walk that far today. I’m just getting over a nasty bug that’s been lingering for over two weeks and my energy reserves have been so low that some days I’ve had to sit on a park bench during part of my normal daily 5km walk. I got a tiny insight into what it must be like for some of you who can’t take boundless energy for granted.

    The choc flavoured tea makes me feel like I’m being just a little bit naughty on a FD (Fast Day). The others are tucking into FD (Fathers’ Day) Toblerone so that’s my answer.

    Hi Thin & Lael, I enjoyed that article on Dr M too and good to know he still relies on 5:2. I’ve not read anything extensive on the BSD but imagined it was mainly directed at those with a major blood sugar problem? I believe you can be overweight but not have a blood sugar problem (me) so perhaps the 2 issues require different approaches?

    It stands to reason that this WOE needs to be something you can sustain for life – if you went back to old habits, the weight would eventually find its way back. I’m so encouraged by all the success stories I read here and on the 5:2 and 16:8 Facebook groups. Thanks for letting me join in.

    Congratulations Lael on getting into the 50’s! That’s a great milestone getting in to the next ‘decade’.

    8km is a great walk Thin! How long does that take you?

    Gearing up for another FD tomorrow and actually looking forward to it. Have prepared my lunch and planned dinner so hopefully no slip ups.

    I’ve seen Andi S say something about don’t do (…) or you’ll down regulate your metabolism – is that don’t eat too few calories on NFD’s? I’ve definitely not eaten to my TDEE on any day since I’ve started this and hope I’m not doing something that will sabotage my weight loss.

    Sleep well everyone.

    Good Morning!

    Yay!!!!! 64.6kgs on graphing day and the start of another week with Monday and Thursday fasts. So, that’s another mini-goal done.

    Talk later,
    Onwards and downwards,

    Well done Merry 64.4 for me on my official weigh day so down 900. Fast day Monday and Thursday for me this week. Merry were we the same weight last week as well.

    Congratulations Lael!
    Congratulations Merry!
    Lovely to see those mini goals hurtling by.

    Sadly my daughter missed out on her drivers license. A pity, as it would have been such a relief, but it seems rare to get it first time these days. She will wait til after the baby now.

    Beth, there is something about eating low amounts on non fast days resetting the metabolism, and I have seen a couple of people who were stuck on a plateau start losing again by eating more on non fast days. I am not sure how good the science is though.

    Hoping everyone is having a good day, fasting, or not fasting!

    Well done Merry and Dianna.

    Metabolism is a complex thing. A few weeks ago, I mentioned a book I was reading called “10% Human” by Alanna Collen. Lael, Cinque, Merry, Nap, I think you’d be fascinated. Not only does it suggest that all diseases begin in the gut, it explains studies being undertaken that have the potential to turn ‘calories in/calories out’ on its head. It talks about how our gut microbiota enhance our ability to extract calories – and because our personal colonies of bacteria in the large intestine are highly individual, it challenges the long-held belief that a certain food yields a precise calorific value. Say a slice of bread has a standard conversion to yield 100 calories but, due to its microbiota, a human absorbs 102 calories from that slice of bread. This might not seem like much but using a specific example, a 2% extra calorie intake over ten years could potentially result in 19 kgs weight gain (in the case of a 5′ 4″ woman weighing 62kg with a healthy BMI consuming 2000 cals and who actually absorbs an extra 40 cals per day).

    Yipee Merry! Good to read your news about reaching the mini-goal!

    Wow Dianna, down 900 grams on weigh day! That’s awesome!

    Wishing you well Beth, Dianna and Merry on today for your FDs!

    Cinque, sorry your daughter missed out on earning her license this time around. Public transport seems so good in Melbourne compared to where we live. I can understand delaying attaining a license if living where there are numerous buses, trams and trains available. Still, it can be handy to drive to get places that are a distance from the stations and/or bus stops. …How exciting a new baby in the family! When is your grand baby due?

    Interesting reading about the efficacy of eating up to one’s TDEE on NFDs! I like the sound of that!

    The morning after… I weighed in this morning at, drum roll, 59.2!!! I forgot to take a photo of my feet on the scale, though I did whip out the pair of size 12 Rodney Clark slacks to try on and I was able to zip them up completely!! Though I’m chuckling because no way would I yet be able to sit down in them comfortably! So, even at 59.2 kg I still have a ways to go before the Rodney Clark’s are fully comfortable. That’s okay, I’m enjoying where I am now and in some ways this extra distance I’m going actually feels a little bit like ‘gravy’!

    Regarding my belly, I am a little confused about how to accurately measure using Dr. M’s waistline measuring guidelines: ‘Measure halfway between your lowest rib and the top of your hipbone, roughly in line with your belly button.’ I’m not very good at ‘roughly’. I started 5:2 attempting to find that same latitude each time I measured and the result was some pretty wonky readings! I then realized I’d need tattoo markings to accurately find the same radius each time I measured, so now I use my actual belly button as the marker, though that sits on my body a bit lower than my hip bones, so maybe the 88 cm is more a measurement of my hips rather than my belly? Or are they the same? I feel like I really need a professional to track this for me! Anyway, for anyone else tracking belly size, here are the guidelines for measuring risk of visceral fat composition…

    For women:

    risk is increased at ≥ 80 cm
    risk is high at ≥ 88 cm


    Lael, I measure round the belly button since it’s always in the same place. It’s not pretty.

    Great news about the Rodney Clark pants. Not sure about the gravy analogy though! I didn’t quite make it to under 60 this morning, in fact I’m right on 60kg. Still happy and ready for a week of mindful eating.

    Sorry about Rose’s driving test Cinque. My daughter passed on the 3rd go. She’s not used to failing things but the items she failed on taught her valid lessons and she will never repeat those mistakes. I consider her a very safe driver now. What’s the plan for the hospital dash? I have a feeling it will involve you!

    Beth, I think that 8km took about 90 mins, more of a stroll really. I didn’t incorporate any HIT while I was under the weather.


    You cant extract more than 100 calories out of a slice of bread that has 100 calories. I think it more feasible that you have 100 calories in a slice of bread and person one, with gut flora “A” extracts say 95 calories. Person two with a different gut flora “B” extracts 85 calories from the same slice of bread.

    I knew if I tried to explain it in my own words, someone would pounce to correct me. Peter Turnbaugh’s experiments challenge the long-held belief of a food item holding a fixed calorie value. He claims that an overweight person with different gut microbiota may absorb more calories than the standard calculation. I’m not claiming to have any answers, I’m just suggesting the book as interesting reading for posters like Beth asking about metabolism and for those living with chronic illness.

    Sorry I’ll de-pounce (is that a word?). Yes I think gut flora plays a part. I don’t think its the major contributor though. Could be wrong?

    Hi Thin

    I just wanted to write and support you. I always get into trouble when I try to use my own words. There are two books well worth reading. Gut by Giulia Enders gives a clear lay persons guide to the intestinal tract and all its functions. Wheat Belly is another book that details why certain foods have different impacts on us. I found them both very helpful, as is Jason Fung’s blog and The Obesity Code.

    All books by medicos and all very helpful.

    Cheers to you all, Bay🌺🌺

    Good evening, just sitting down now, and have been watching Zumbo while doing stuff. Still feels weird as this is the only cooking show eveeerrrr that I have wanted to watch every episode and each right through. Maybe it’s a bit perverse watching Zumbo and contestants work their way through the most incredible dishes, all with a gazillion calories – these are desserts, for any overseas readers, as Zumbo is Australia’s Willy Wonka.

    I have had a lovely FD. We thought we’d earnt a leisurely breakfast out in a favourite cafe with the newspaper by this morning, before heading back to a very full week, so we did. I enjoyed my weak tea black while OH enjoyed his breakfast. Putting FD off till tomorrow popped into my head for about a 10th of a second, and it was easy to just have my tea. Tonight my 1 meal of 2 courses plus a tiny mandarin, has come in at 340 cals, and I really think I’ve nailed the change in my eating to be happy and experienced now in what really works for me on a FD. With my new weighing day weight of 64.6kgs comes a new TDEE and a new calorie figure for FDs of 368cals. Only down from 375, so not hard to do at all. I like dropping it with each mini goal because it’s so easy to adapt this way over time, and my experienc and knowledge of myself and different foods and dishes keeps growing.

    Thin and Bigbooty, but epecially you Thin – if the premise of the book was that we may have not been measuring calories in food accurately, then maybe this whole question falls into that category of science where our knowledge gets updated periodically after much to-and fro-ing of scientific thought. Either way it’s really interesting concepts that the book is posing for us all to consider

    Dianna- you’re now 200gms ahead of me🙂 and well done! Last week we were the same and this week I’ve dropped 700gms which is really good for me. This week also included 2 days of having a little celebratory food and a small piece of birthday cake too, so yesterday my lunch and dinner were very low cal after a special morning tea, but not horrible because it included 200gms prawns, my favourite low cal salad, and strawberries. How great that strawberries and prawns are so low cal and healthy as well.

    Welldone also to everyone on this thread because you’re all still here and working on this awesome change we’ve been so fortunate to be able to put into our lives. I think that Dr M Horizons documentary Eat, Fast, Live Longer will end up one of the most influential things in health in the 21st Century. It brought IF to the attention of the world at large, and we don’t have perfect knowledge but we’re all part of a food revolution in the Western World.

    Onwards and Downwards everone,
    A very happy Merry, only 2.6kgs to go, yoohoo!

    Oh, well done Merry, you have come such a long way I am so happy for you. Not long to go now?!

    My weigh in this week was much the same so I revisited MFP (My Fitness Pal) and got out the weighing scales again and have switched back to 16:8, my gosh it is so easy and quick for those horrible old habits to creep back in!! Hadn’t realized how lax I had become, but feeling much better now, daily weigh in varies by a whole kilo most days, either up or down!! but never much less by the time I get to Monday morning!! Am certainly having difficulty focusing this time and don’t seem to be quite as actively busy but am sticking at it, determined to be down to 75kgs by the end of this month, then back on track for another mini goal by Xmas.

    Happy fast day to all out there, my next FD is Friday this week as out on a trip weds/Thurs.

    Cheers, Turn

    Good morning everyone from cold, wet, grey Melbourne.
    After feeling out the rhythm of Thursday Sunday one week and Wednesday Saturday fasting the next, I have just remembered that my daughter asked if we could cook again next Sunday and have lunch together as it will be the last Sunday before her due date. So there goes that plan!
    I’ll fast tomorrow now.

    Thanks for all the science info Thin and Big Booty, Bay and Merry. The gut flora stuff is just so fascinating!
    And a bit connected is the info that we don’t get all the calories out of nuts that they thought, because we just can’t chew them enough to extract all the calories.

    I haven’t watched the Zumbo show Merry, it sounds fascinating.

    Turnabout, at least you aren’t putting weight on!
    You are so right about those little habits sneaking back! I hope you have a nice line now and will see the excess drop off nicely!

    Off to make a cup of tea, best wishes everyone!

    Thanks Bay, it’s always good to see your posts here. Thanks too for the book recommendations (and I know you have recommended one of those before). How’s everything going for you? Are you back on track after your long holiday?

    Merry, you’re a star! What achievements you’ve made.

    Cinque, I hope you enjoy that (maybe) final cooking session on Sunday before the new person arrives.

    Turnabout, stick with us. You can do it. Where’s Intesha? And a few others have gone AWOL, Judy, Dan, Nap ….. I hope we will hear from you all again when you’ve time.

    C’mon you kiwis, we need you all on here!!!!

    It’s been a beautiful spring day here today, the sort that makes you feel glad to be alive, really warm and sunny, had a bike ride this afternoon, just beautiful,not eaten much either! Definitely sticking with you guys Thin!!

    Cheers, Turn

    Did you get the forecast snow last week?

    Hi everyone, hope the Tuesday fasters have had a good day, and staying in there for the end of the day. Stay strong in this last hour or 2.

    Day after FD check in and 64.0kgs, 400gms down from yesterday. Yay!!

    Tonight I am doing the blank memory thing on everyone’s post, sorry. Just remembering that Cinque’s new little grandbaby is due in the next couple of weeks.

    Thanks for the congrats and encouragement everyone, it is exciting getting close to goal weight. I have bought my favourite trousers in a size 10 (they are a little on the generous side) and the zip did up easier this morning and a little more comfortable. Still a bit too tight to wear out though. I started 5:2 with a size 16 being a bit on the neat side, have given away that pair, a size 14, and presently in a 12. I am about to take in the waist a little on that pair, though the rest of it is fine.

    Lots of stuff happening in our lives here atm with FIL, other stuff, and will be off to mind grandchildren again soon, so we’re in the middle of working out travel plans for that and for our trip overseas to see our son later in the year. Having to deal with all of the rest of the year all at once. A bit of a challenge because of things with FIL, but we’re getting there.

    My thoughts with all of you🙂
    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi all! I’m just checking in quickly! I haven’t had time to read everyone’s posts since I was out all day, though will catch up on them since I don’t want to miss anything!

    Turns out I’m fasting tomorrow since it is an easier and shorter day at TAFE!


    Fast day Wednesday here. Raining raining raining here. The cat keeps wanting to go outside and then comes straight back in again.
    Can we come and visit you Turnabout? I could just climb through the monitor.

    Merry, thinking of you managing all the different stuff and especially re your FIL. Cheers re the trousers! Woot!

    Lael best wishes for an easy short and FAST day at TAFE!

    Thin, I am missing the others too.

    Well done Merry, Dianna and everyone for continuing to lead the way and show newbies like me how it’s done!

    So exciting Merry to be so close to your goal, and the lure of the fave trousers fitting is a great motivator! I did the same thing recently with a favourite dress. I’m wearing a 16 now but bought it in a 12 for next winter! How’s that for positive thinking! It was on sale for $29 so that was good too.

    I’m glad to say my weight loss graph continues in a downward trend! 78.8kg this morning and it’s fast day today. That means I’ve lost the equivalent of 9 packs of butter!! I find those 250g packages of butter a very visual way to see results.

    79kg was my first goal so that’s done 😊 I’ll change my goal to 75kg in the tracker now.

    I’m sorry some of the people on this thread have been absent for a while, I hope it’s not because some newbies have joined?

    I keep hearing Jason Fung being mentioned so better read up on him!

    Happy fast day to anyone fasting today.

    Hello Everyone. I am in Dunedin, New Zealand. I am 24 years old. I did this diet last year & lost 19kgs, then life went downhill big time & I put it all back on. Got very angry. So here I am determined as ever to stick at it this time & lose the weight.

    Hi forum friends. I’m still here but have been fighting a few demons lately. Questioning the meaning of life….. Still did my FDs which two years ago would have been unheard of, once I went off the rails that was it. I did do a lot of mindless eating on the other days and watched the weight gradually creep back up into the 70kgs but just couldn’t get my mind sorted. I hate feeling like this but things just get on top of me at times.

    I think I’m now back on track and after my FD yesterday weighed in at 68.1 this morning. I’ve started my diet diary again and tracking everything I eat.

    Congratulations Merry, you too have dealt with some pretty awful stuff and come out the other side as an inspiration.

    For all the newbies, take heart that no matter how hard it seems at times that this way of life is so doable if you are determined to keep getting back on the horse. It is also very forgiving when we have our dummy spits.

    Intesha, so sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough time lately. Congratulations on still doing your fast days whilst working through the issues – very easy to give it away when you’re stressed (that would be me). But as you say, it is doable, and forgiving in that you can just get back on the horse when you’re ready and move forward.

    Hi helpmetohelpme, welcome to this forum, I’m only a newbie – 2.5 weeks in and 2.3kg down so feeling very positive. Hope you find the same success you’ve had previously with this way of eating/living.

    Beth 🙂


    Just poking my head in briefly as I work on my last TAFE assignment for my course, it’s quite a comprehensive task so I may not be around quite as much until it’s finished!

    Thin, I think the whole gut microbiome is fascinating and I do see the study of it as disruptive technology and fertile ground for turning established ideas on their heads. In my thyroid group, many like me found that their autoimmune condition improved when they improved gut flora, so I embrace the potential. I’ll check out those books!

    Welcome Michaela! Great to have another Kiwi! …Hey, Hagar are you still there?

    Intesha, I’m glad you’re back! I missed you!

    Merry, I’m excited reading of your zipping up those favorite ‘goal post’ slacks! Isn’t it exhilarating newly fitting into a best-loved garment!?!

    Turn, I love bicycle riding! Would be fun to join you!

    Cinque, that you and your daughter work together in the kitchen to prepare a whole week of nourishing meals sounds really good. How wonderful to share that time with your daughter and then also have a full week of meals ready and waiting so that they only need to be heated up! …On the news they showed that dense cloud swirl over the lower part of the continent and Tasmania, hope you are staying dry and warm. It must be quite wet for your kitty to only venture out for short periods!

    Beth, I love the analogy of the packages of butter, since it too is fat, like what we are shedding! You’re on a roll with the 2.3 kg loss in 2.5 weeks!

    Dianna, happy fasting for tomorrow!

    Hello Michaela, Welcome here!
    19kg is such a big loss, well done!
    (Doesn’t it slide back on so quickly!)
    I hope we can all be such a good support that you can get rid of it again, and then keep it off forever!
    I am glad life is on a more even keel now.

    Intesha, sending the very best wishes, I know you are worried for your daughter, as well as dealing with your elderly parents, and I do so hope that the burdens on you can lessen and give you a break.
    All power to you keeping the fast days. They provide a good scaffolding for the week, I find, and that makes going off the rails a little bit more supported.

    Beth, hooray for passing that mini goal, and haven’t you done it quickly! Haroo hooray!

    Lael, good luck with your assignment. We’ll be glad when you get it done and can be back chatting!

    It HAS been so rainy! Flooding in parts of the state.
    I have just been over to my daughter’s as poor little granddaughter fell over while carrying a glass and got a big gash across her little palm. They were thinking of going to casualty but I talked them out of it! It is a nasty gash but it had stopped bleeding and we cleaned it and bandaged it and will take it to the doctor in the morning (who will just re-bandage it, I think).
    I am very tired though now!

    So goodnight everyone! Fast day is over for me!

    Hi everyone
    Gosh its so hard to keep up with all the comments on here but thank you for all the encouragement.
    To the newbies I can so recommend FD its awesome changed my life. Just needing to keep track of that mindless eating that has come back with life stresses.
    Remember though its not just about the weight loss but also other health benefits which for me has meant the knee pain I had disappeared, my asthma is so much better and I rarely seem to get sick.
    I missed the post from Cinque about meal prep but its so worth doing stuff like that takes your mind off the food.
    FD tomorrow yay – loving eating my rainbow Buddha bowls on those days – lots of color and they fill me up.

    Thank you Cinque for the kind words> I am determined to stick at it this time around & lose the dreaded weight.

    I had my first fast day yesterday & I think I did so well.
    Food Diary for the day:
    6.30am – Cup of tea
    8.30am – Cup of tea
    9.15am – Cup of tea
    10.15am – Cup of tea & 9 x green grapes.
    11.45am – Cup of coffee
    1.30pm – Cup of tea
    2pm – Cup of chicken noddle soup & 4 green grapes
    3.30pm – 9 x green grapes
    6pm – Egg Omelette with grated courgette & mushroom
    6.30pm – Cup of tea
    7.45pm – Cup of tea
    8.30pm – Cup of tea
    9.30pm – Cup of tea

    Water Intake:
    1 x 600ml bottle of water (strawberry & rhubarb teabag added)
    1 x 600ml bottle of water (apple & elderflower teabag added)
    1 x 600ml bottle of water (apple & elderflower teabag added)

    Intesha, I know what it’s like to let your life control you so much that all the bad habits that you tried so hard to rid they all come flooding back. Please let us know if we can help you in anyway.

    I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was 18 years old & they think I had it way before that too. Every time something gets too hard I fall off the wagon. Last year I lost 19kgs with the help of this diet & my Mum but sadly life got too hard & I gave into everything. Thinking that I was ALWAYS hungry.
    I am now a home owner so I am very careful with my budget & what foods I buy for our meals. Yes we have treats but other than that it is good solid meal foundations. LOTS of veggies & little meat so its just for flavour these days. I know that this will be hard for me as I am very much a Mummy’s girl & don’t cope being away from her for too long (i secretly think she loves it that way) but whenever I am feeling down or sad all I have to do is pick up the phone & she knows what to do straight away. So I am hoping this is the best change for me & that I can truly stick at it this time around for the better.

    Beth and Lael thank you. Although there are times when I don’t feel like posting I continually read all your posts. I think by staying connected even if not contributing helps to keep you focused and realise that everyone is struggling in some way.

    Helpme, you too will find the strength to get through and find a determination you never knew you possessed. I don’t have clinical depression but I certainly get into a zone where I feel life is not worth living but this has been caused by massive changes in my life the past few years that I never saw coming. This way of life is not easy at times but if you read back on other posts there are people on here that have huge medical problems but have persevered and now reaping the benefits. So just stay plugged in and don’t hold back on your struggles.

    Today is an FD, weight this morning 68.9 a whole kg down from Tuesday’s weigh in. Probably all fluid, but who cares, it looks good.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Congratulations Intesha! A whole kilogram drop in a week is wonderful and I agree about the water! Shedding water weight is still related to the liver releasing fat.

    I was thinking this week what high respect I have for anyone who is practicing this WOL (way of life). I agree it isn’t easy and takes a lot of focus, commitment and faith. However, it has been so worth it for me!

    I got a heap of test results this week and did a happy dance in the doctor’s office when he reported the improvement in my blood sugar, HDL up, LDL and triglycerides down!

    Michaela, your FD menu plan sounds really good! Good to see your hydration schedule! I’ve had FDs (fast days) where I forget to drink enough fluids, so your schedule looks like a helpful reminder!

    Checking in, was FD today starting at 64.2kgs. 1/4 of TDEE is now 368 cals and I did 394 cals, a little over.

    Reading all the posts.

    Sending you a big hug Intesha xx Can you do a mid-October meetup for coffee?

    Aw awesome Lael. I am glad that it helped someone.

    Feeling pretty ick today. Have had a horrible bout of my IBS. Woke up in total agony. So didn’t go to the gym but I am determined to go tonight after work & stay in the routine.

    Morning after FD 68.3.

    Merry just give me a date, grandson who turns 3 on Sunday is having his tonsils out on the 18th and my daughter in law and granddaughter will be staying with me overnight to be closer to the hospital. apart from that I should be available.

    My TDEE is 375 and I have been having around 325 this week. Protein shake late afternoon 96cals, then a cauliflower fried rice for dinner and 125g of strawberries. The cauliflower recipe was one featured in the good health magazine as part of the Women’s Weekly 2 day super diet, it is quite tasty and very filling. I have now ordered the book from book depository, retail $35, from them with free postage $29.90. I am also trying to stick to 1500cals on non-FDs.

    Making cupcakes today for grandsons birthday. Tomorrow will be the challenge when I ice them!!!!!

    Did a Pilates class yesterday, first time back at the gym for several weeks. Need to get back into a routine.

    Hello everyone,

    Well done Intesha, you’ve had great results on the scale this week!

    Good fast day Wednesday but only dropped 100g. It’s amazing how much that scale can lift or deflate your mood! I reminded myself not to be discouraged and that I’ve read plenty of stories on forums of people whose weight loss plateaued or stalled, sometimes for a couple of months at a time. I fasted Mon & Wed and will probably do Saturday as well to hopefully boost the 3 week loss closer to 3kg.

    I read an interesting comment from one of the admins on the 16:8 diet Australia Facebook page – she said it’s less about the calories you consume on FD’s, and more about the length of your fasting window that makes the difference to your weight loss (and health benefits)

    This particular lady does 16:8 every day and a 23:1 once a week and lost 13kg in 14 weeks. She said she doesn’t really count calories anymore since she went low carb. It certainly made me think a little differently about the fast days, and the benefits of 16:8 every day if it can be done. It really goes against all the conventional diet recommendations we’ve been hearing for years doesn’t it? Especially the ‘eat 5 smaller meals spread throughout the day’ regime and the ‘breakfast like a king’ notion. No wonder we’ve all found it so hard using the ‘old’ methods.

    We came down to Sydney yesterday for some tests and stayed overnight. Had a lovely dinner last night with 5 of my school friends (+ husbands) who I’ve known for 39 years! Fun night with lots & lots of laughs. Did not overeat I’m happy to say and did not touch the pre-dinner cheese & crackers (amazing for me as that’s my weakness) or the pavlova or post dinner chocolates. This way of life is definitely making me make smarter choices on the nfd’s and truthfully, it’s not making me feel deprived (as most diets always have).

    However, am not completely virtuous as I shared a potato scallop yesterday at lunch when my OH had fish & chips. I had my fave sushi instead, the little inside out rolls with tuna & avocado ~ yummmmm. I love living in the country but I do miss the variety of food options I had in the city.

    We’re off to do one of my favourite things this morning (and something I really miss about living in the city) the FARMERS MARKET!!! Odd isn’t it that living in the country there’s a complete lack of farmers markets. (I actually think Coles & Woolies have some deal with the council that prevents farmers markets setting up in town 😡 )

    When I lived in the city I used to go the farmers market every week, I love them. All that fresh produce and gourmet bits & pieces and treats! So, breakfast & shopping there, a stop at the wholesale butcher, a couple more tests and than off home via a work colleagues wedding ceremony this afternoon!

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning everyone, day before fast day for me.

    Michaela, I hope that bout of IBS has settled down!
    It sounds like 5:2 will need to be an ongoing part of life, even after you have got down to your healthy weight. I know that is how it will be for me.
    Your food diary shows you are an old hand at this!

    Your mum sounds lovely!

    Intesha woot! Nice to have that kilo gone!
    Best wishes to your grandson, poor little lad. I hope all goes well and he recovers quickly!
    That Women’s Weekly book does look interesting. I must keep an eye out in case our library gets it in.
    Glad you are getting back into the pilates and gym routine, it will feel great.
    Good luck with the cupcakes!

    Lael, what lovely news at the doctors! It is a great endorsement of 5:2, and everything else you are doing for your health! https://bugburrypond.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/dance-of-joy1.jpg

    Dianna, so glad you could pop in. I think when you have been busy and come back to the page it is a bit daunting. It feels like jumping into a big skippy rope that is turning pretty fast and everyone else is jumping!
    But once you post something it kind of slows it down. (Hmm, not the best analogy. Blame my brain!)
    I hadn’t really come across rainbow Buddha bowls as a thing, so I went and looked them up. Lovely (and very familiar to me, I am pretty much an old hippie). I hope you had a lovely fast day!

    Merry, enjoy taking in those trousers!

    Sending best wishes to everyone!

    Cinque: Bout still going on unfortunately. I want to curl up under my desk at this stage. Yes my mum is an amazing woman & wouldn’t change her or our relationship for the world. She is actually ‘Hilary4’ on this forum.

    How is everyone getting on today?

    I have been having horrible pains with my IBS this morning & it looks like it will keep going during the day. Unfortunately I can not leave work so I have to suck it up.
    Really looking forward to my fast day on Wednesday.

    Weigh in day is tomorrow so wish me luck. I am hoping for a 1 or 2kg drop.

    What’s the weather like & where are you?
    I am in Dunedin & it is sunny but not very warm

    I enjoyed your post Beth. There are increasingly more challenges being made to our conventional thinking. Food manufacturers have a lot to answer for. Last night, there was a programme on SBS entitled, ‘Why Are We Getting So Fat?’. Quite interesting. Aussie viewers can watch it on SBS on demand. Interest in gut bacteria is gaining more momentum.

    I agree with your thinking on increasing the fasting window. This makes sense to me in terms of the less tangibles like cell repair. I will still be strictly adhering to quarter TDEE on FDs consumed within a 6 hour window. We’re all different so we have to find out what works for us as individuals. Two years on and I’m still a work in progress. 5:2 in maintenance sees me continuing to lose weight which I don’t want (I never thought I’d find myself saying that!). 6:1 sees my weight slowly creeping up towards the FD and today I’m only 100gm from my ‘trigger weight’. Trigger weight means an immediate fast day. The other problem with 6:1 for me is that there are too many days between FDs for it to be beneficial in re-setting portion control and to remember mindful eating.

    I’ve been reading all the posts but I’m very behind on commenting.

    Welcome helpme. I remember your mum Hilary posting on this thread last year. She mentioned you often. I’m sorry to read that you’ve gained the weight back. Think of this not as a diet but as a way of life. You have come to the right place for support. Have you read much about faecal transplants?

    Merry, you’re just about there! I can’t wait to hear how you handle maintenance. It would be lovely if you and Intesha can get together. I had fun with VDU last week. Intesha, it’s good that you’ve started classes again and that the weight is coming off. I hope your spirits are lifting.

    Hi Lael, I enjoyed your recent posts. Great news on your blood tests. I agree with you – although all of us on here ‘get it’, it’s obviously not easy for everyone as evidenced by the number of people who initially post with great enthusiasm, never to be heard from again. Pity.

    Cinque, how’s the little grand-daughter’s hand? Is she excited about her new sibling? Dianna, I wondered what is the Buddha rainbow bowl?

    Not sure if I’ll be fasting on Saturday or Sunday yet, it depends on tomorrow’s weigh-in. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Hi Thin
    helpme mentioned she had signed on here and found this thread – said I should check in again. I’ve just checked out the faecal transplants – I had never heard of them. First reaction is “ick” but it makes some sense. She was a Caesarean birth and the current research is showing that these babies miss out on exposure to Mum’s gut flora by not passing through the birth canal. With the rise in C-sections in the Western world, it goes some way to explain the rise in auto-immune-type gut problems.

    Exactly Hilary. I’ve been fascinated by it all ever since my neighbour, who’s a doctor and practices 5:2, dropped off her book, “10% Human” by Alana Collen (not Alana Colon!). I hope you and your daughter can find some answers. Have a look at this blurb and see if you think it would be worth your while buying: http://www.bookdepository.com/10-Human-Alanna-Collen/9780007584055?redirected=true&utm_medium=Google&utm_campaign=Base1&utm_source=AU&utm_content=10-Human&selectCurrency=AUD&w=AF45AU998CHM18A8ZTCC&pdg=kwd-104397864819:cmp-168747699:adg-9591243219:crv-39378132939:pid-9780007584055&gclid=CObevJT-ks8CFUGTvQodf44G1Q
    I promise I don’t have any affiliation to the author – nor any associated personal health issues. I just think it’s really interesting. Bay has also listed a couple of related books if you scroll back to her last post. ‘Wheat Belly’ is one of them. Mind’s gone blank on the title of the other, something Gut.

    P.S. The other one is simply ‘Gut’ by Giulia Enders.

    Hi Thin,

    I am determined more than ever this time & I am now a home owner so sadly I don’t have Mum’s support under the same roof anymore. But she gets a lot of phone calls which I am sure she gets sick of hearing about me haha.
    Thank you for the reference but usually I only have a flare up if I have eaten too much dairy or white bread.

    Hilary4 – I do not need to know that information about my birth!!!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Thin – the book looks fascinating – I popped over to Amazon where I could read the prologue and a good bit of the introduction. Most intriguing – I have reserved it at our library.

    I have read Wheat Belly – it is amazing the effects of genetically modifying the wheat, our grandmothers wouldn’t recognise what we call wheat. Half the protein and twice the gluten.

    Beth I found your post very interesting. What we all have to remember is that we didn’t put the weight on overnight so we can’t expect to lose it overnight. It’s a slow process getting rid of it and 5:2, 16:8, or whatever we follow is for the rest of our lives so it has to fit into our lives without us feeling deprived of anything.

    I have had several plateaus over the 18 months and even though I know my body is adjusting on the inside it is still hard when you don’t see any loss on the scales. I weigh myself morning and night and now realise what a difference even 8 hours can make so I try to be kind to myself now and don’t sweat the small stuff.

    When I was at my heaviest 18 years ago I weighed 105kg, over the years it went down but I found it hard to get under 80, now at 68 I can’t believe it’s me or that I shed that amount of weight. I’m horrified when I see photos of me back then. I was going through a marriage breakup and I ate and drank to compensate. I think,Dr M should be knighted for his contribution to IF. It is so forgiving if followed 99% of the time.

    Yes Thin I am feeling much better and now looking forward to that 65kg which seems very close now. Your journey is inspiring and keeps me on track.

    My cholesterol has gone sky high again but the Dr knows it was because of my binge eating. She hasn’t put me on any tablets this time but has told me to watch what I eat and come back in 6 months. So it just goes to show how quickly things can happen otherwise I am very healthy.

    GUT by Giulia Enders. She is a doctor, born by csection, and had a compromised immune system. Great book. Easy to read. Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

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