Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,925 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 2 days, 23 hours ago.

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  • Hi All

    Had a good FD yesterday. Weight goes up, weight goes down, like taking three steps forward & two steps backward, so still going down overall so I’m sticking with it & feel like I want to continue this indefinitely. Feeling great this morning, love the day after a FD.

    Lael, that’s another thing we have in common! I completed the same course about 15 yrs ago, and worked in disability support roles for a few years after that before gradually merging into more of the admin side of things, then gradually merging into an accounts role in a hospital. Not at all where I thought I would end up, but here I am. Funny how things go. I gained so much from doing that course though, I was a young mum & it really helped open my mind & met some amazing friends through that time. I hope you are enjoying it.

    A happy, healthy day to everyone 🤓

    Morning, all. I hope everyone is having a great day. Do we have any Tuesday fasters?

    Welcome, Dianna. Like Lael, I would be interested to hear how your maintenance looked with fasting. Good on you for getting on top of things, and getting back on the wagon before things are too bad – 4kg won’t take long to lose.

    Merry, not much more to go! The end is definitely in sight, isn’t it? What is maintenance going to look like for you, do you know? Are you thinking 6:1, or continue 5:2 initially?

    Lael, I was studying dual diplomas in community studies and counselling. I did manage to secure a job before I finished, but my health decided it didn’t like that idea, and I had to take some time off before I started my practical work. I had a couple of months off, then was told that the course was being superseded and I would have to start again. So, I didn’t graduate from the community studies component of the course, and I didn’t start work.

    Good luck in finding a job. Are you thinking of support work? Do you have a practical component in the certificate IV?

    Had a good fast day yesterday, although it was quite a challenge. OH came home from night shift with Maccas brekky this morning…

    Good morning Everyone,
    So glad you got here Dianna!

    Grr I hate the post when I have to go back and forward between two pages!
    Oh well, f that is the worst problem of the day, I’m laughing!

    Hi Jazmac! Happy Day After Fasting! It is such a nice day!

    I think Bay and you and Lael’s friend are likely to be right for me: ie just keep up 5:2.
    After making some good adjustments at the start, I eat pretty much the same on non fast days – which means that as I get smaller, and my TDEE must be getting smaller, what I am eating stays the same = stay on 5:2!
    I can live very happily with that!

    It is always good to have more Kiwis here!
    And has there ever been someone from Chile? Or someone working in Antarctica? A South African? Uruguayan! Wouldn’t that be fun!

    Merry I hope life settles down and you can have some good control over food for a bit! It is always so tricky to be dealing with things out of your control. But you handle it all very well!

    Good luck with your job hunting Lael. Hopefully there will be plenty of good jobs as the NDIS gets rolled out. And I so hope you find one that suits you well and is with some wonderful people!

    I’m being supervising driver for my daughter today, as we make a treacherous car trip across town (she is very close to getting her license, so she is up for it!) From the North East suburbs where we live, around the edge of town to South Melbourne to a charity called ‘Wear for Success’ that has clothes for women getting back into work. I’m donating a pile of gorgeous boots I bought with heels just a bit too big so they make my hips hurt! Hopefully there will be people who can use them! (They are not that tall but I have learnt not to go over an inch!)
    I’ll still have to decide whether to fast tomorrow or Thursday. I think if we are cooking on Sunday I’ll fast on Saturday and also tomorrow. But it depends! I’ll talk with Rose.

    (Tuesday isn’t my Lull Day any more! I am so confused!!!!)

    Thin, they had a lovely segment on the news about what a good year it is for Western Australian wildflowers! Lucky you to be able to enjoy them! One year (long ago) my sister’s family was living in Newman and I was visiting. We drove down to Perth through vistas of wildflowers in every direction. It was just glorious.

    Best wishes everyone! I hope it is a good day!

    Nap your post came through while I was writing mine!
    Congratulations on a good Fast Day!
    What an OH you have!
    Melanie Safka wrote a song after breaking a (long) fast with Maccas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCTMTflcuug
    May you be so productive!

    How frustrating re your study! That is just cruel. Bad health just causes chaos in our lives! Life is a weird ride isn’t it!
    I hope today is a good one. Don’t let the Maccas rule the whole day! (unless you are writing a brilliant pop song!)

    Not a good fast day yesterday 🙁 I caved in the late afternoon and went over my calories. I’m finding mid to late afternoon is the hardest time for me on FD’s. Back up to 80.1kg this morning. Trying not to talk negatively to myself but rather use it as a learning experience and know that in time it will get easier. My one achievement yesterday was getting to midday before eating anything, plus a 45 min hilly walk.

    I will do it again Wed and Fri and will do better.

    Hello and welcome to the newbies – I’m a newbie too, just one week in so far.

    Have a good day everyone! 😊

    Cinque, I’m also a bit challenged when it comes to switching back and forth between two pages of posts! I highlight & copy what I’ve written so far, then switch back to read a bit and return to paste it back in the box and continue…. I love boots. I’ve collected several pairs of gorgeous leather boots over the years but hadn’t realised how big my calves had become until this winter when they’re all fitting like wellies. So sad. I hate to get rid of them especially as they’re so expensive. I saw a pair on sale for $450 the other day – are they serious? That’s more like a mortgage payment.

    Beth, what was the food that caused you to cave in? Do you plan your FD foods ahead of time so you know what to expect as the day wears on? I’m wondering if, along with our recipe page, we should start a page naming and shaming ‘junk’ foods and for every one of those, list an alternative nutrient rich, healthy snacking suggestion to stock a virtual pantry of healthy foods.

    Good evening! A highlight of my day (or night in this case!) is reading through everyone’s posts!

    Jaz and Nap, good to know you’ve both taken the course I’m enrolled in! Nap, they’ve cut the funding for the practical for the Cert IV, so there isn’t one unless I go ahead and enroll in the diploma. I’ve already begun volunteering for the local youth service organization and also an acquaintance of mine is a disability support worker and she mentioned me to her employer who has since requested that I send in my resume. I’m both honored and jittery about this prospect, as I’ve said, though a lot calmer than on the weekend (thank goodness)! I’m planning to make an appointment with the TAFE counselor who specializes in helping students with their resumes. Jaz, I think it is great that you were able to start out working in one capacity and transfer over to something you enjoy more! I’m not sure where this will end up taking me either!

    I spent most of the day with a friend who I consider one who has high emotional needs. I was invited to a coffee get together which turned into lunch and afternoon tea as well! After the second hour I really felt like I’d reached the bottom of my petrol tank and observed that I didn’t honor this by saying ‘I really have to go now.’ Instead I remained with the friend for the other hour and a half, in the cafe, as she continued to express her chagrin and travails. I was very careful in my choices at the cafe with a choice of a gluten free fritata and salad. By the time I arrived home I felt beyond spent and was extra hungry. I over snacked! I had a couple of servings of my activated macadamia nuts before dinner and then later after dinner, some of my home made instant fudge that might be considered pretty bland and tasteless to most!(My partner goes ‘yuck’ when he sees it and asks me if I really do want to eat that!?!). The fudge consists of equal spoonfuls of black sesame tahini, raw carob powder, mesquite and black sesame seeds all stirred together. I guess if I’m going to overeat, at least it is on whole foods! The fudge hit the spot and I haven’t wanted to have anything more to eat since! …Also, keeping in mind this new awareness of repercussions of emotional energy over expenditure.

    Just about to head off to bed. We had a good trip to South Melbourne this morning and those beautiful boots have gone to their new home.
    Thin isn’t it had to say goodbye to beautiful things! (Especially when replacements cost $450!) But I hope you have fun searching for new lovely boots, at a manageable price, that show off your lovely calves!

    We’ve decided to have lunch together while cooking on Sunday, so I will fast tomorrow and Saturday. But next week I will do Thursday and Sunday! Oo I will have two lull days!

    Beth, good on you for calling it learning experience! Those afternoon hours are definitely the hardest times for me!
    Here are some of the things I have heard people suggest, or have found that work for me:

    *Don’t eat anything until the end of the day, as once you start you ‘unleash the hunger dragon’. The later you leave eating, the more you can tell yourself, after the food, to just go to bed and eat in the morning.

    *Be mindful and tell yourself that those hunger waves are your body doing the work to lose that excess weight.

    *Go somewhere or do something (a long walk) so you are out of the house for those crucial hours.

    *Pamper yourself. Dye your hair, paint your nails, shave your legs! Whatever you are into!

    *Eat protein and low GI foods, they keep you full longer.

    *Get to know the hunger waves. Rate how strong they are and see how long they last.

    *Cook something wonderful to eat the next day (I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works for me!)

    *Drink lots of water.

    *Get out the clothes that you don’t fit in anymore and try them all on!

    *My friend who inspired me to start 5:2 says “You can put up with anything for one day” and that is something I hold to myself when I am having a rough fast day.

    They are the ones I can think of at the moment. I hope you think of some that will work for you.

    Lael, I have friends like yours! I bet you will have an opportunity another time to pull out the “I really have to go now” line. In fact, this might be the last time ever that you don’t say it!
    And what a healthy way of bingeing you have! Top marks!

    Bed is calling. Goodnight everyone!

    Good tips Cinque. If it’s hunger, know that it comes and goes and waves and can be distracted by all of the above and more. If it’s something tempting put in front of you, it will still be there tomorrow (when you probably won’t want it!).

    Cinque, such good reminders for easier fasting days. I especially like the pampering ideas! I’m sometimes cold on a FD and after reading your post, I realize a hot bath could be good!

    Lol! Cinque, I clicked your song link above and then did a bit of research to discover that not only did Melanie Safka fast for 27 days on water, but was a vegetarian until she stopped into that McDonalds on the fateful day when she downed the burger, fries and shake which lead her to discover ‘Brand New Key’ in her consciousness!

    I’ll be fasting with you tomorrow!

    Hi all, I do enjoy my fasting days but enjoy the following day more so!!! Not sure why, maybe a feeling of accomplishment!! Down this week, but not by much but the measurements are down so that is all good.

    It is so lovely reading all the posts and listening to the words of encouragement from everyone, newbies alike. Unfortunately we didn’t get to the movies or dinner out the other night as we had some unexpected special visitors arrive, so great to see them and catch up on all their news, so we stayed in for dinner ad chatted away until the early hours! Least we had a late start before fasting, and everyone enjoyed boiled eggs for brekky, OH was a little peeved and watching them enjoy roast pumpkin soup for their late lunch but made do with a cup of tea!!

    Another fast day tomorrow, won’t be an easy one as a lot of snow is forecast here tonight after a whole day of torrential rain and more to follow, so will miss my morning walk, and getting out of the house which I find easier on a fast day!

    Good luck with fasters today and with you tomorrow Merry,


    Hi all,

    Thin, I gave in to a cup of soup about 4.30pm on my Monday fast day 🙁 Then I realised I only had 60 cals left for dinner and I’d be hungry during the night so I then ate 3 crackers with cheese, and about 10 pecan nuts. Who knew they were so high in calories?? Better stay away from those, along with the blueberries.

    I do plan my fast day meals and this will get better in time – Monday was all about giving in to hunger. I’m so used to feeding my hunger that I never feel hungry so I have to learn to get used to that. Thanks Cinque for the tips on what to do when hungry.

    The good news is that I had a much better fast day today – it seems to be easier for me to fast at work. It’s 6.20pm and so far have only had 290 cals and dinner will take me up to the late 400’s.

    I also managed to get to 12noon again today before eating anything so am happy with that. I found a nice, fresh soup from Woolworths – only 138 cals for Quinoa Minestrone. They had about 8 varieties in little tubs in the deli section – this was one of the lower cal flavours.

    Thanks for the encouragement and support everyone – much appreciated.

    Looking forward to my dinner of fish and salad!

    Good evening! It was a lovely day here. I had a good fast. Very hungry feeling, but there you go. I’ve just had my lovely big bowl of miso soup with broccoli, mushroom and chicken.

    Turnabout, the morning after a fast day is my very favourite time! I agree that it is the feeling of success, but it is also how light and empty my body feels. Sometimes I just feel good, sometimes I am so hungry for breakfast, but it is the best hunger.

    Hmm, only 12 hours to go!

    Snow! Wow!
    The food sounds wonderful at your place!

    Lael, when I read your post I had just had a big bath. I also get cold on fast days (actually I get cold easily full stop).
    Ha yes, re Melanie. Fancy a 22 day fast and then hamburger! I am old enough to be have been listening to her in the early 70’s (My big sisters had her albums).

    Beth I am so glad you have had a better fast day! It sounds like you are nicely set up today!

    Cheers to all of us who fasted today, best wishes of those doing one tomorrow. Here’s the baton!

    Well done fasters. Ah, that Melanie, Cinque. “What have they done to my song, ____?” I’ve forgotten the last word.

    I was just going to suggest miso soup to Beth when your post said you’d had it for your FD Cinque. The sachets won’t break your calorie bank at 22 cals each & you could have them at work. But you can also make delicious FD soups using them as a base. Mine has Chinese cabbage, mushrooms, chicken, etc and it’s so filling.

    Turnabout, I agree, there’s nothing like the morning after a FD. Today, I did an unplanned mini fast if there is such a thing. I had my normal coffee and breakfast; I don’t eat lunch anyway but had a few almonds; and then I really felt like Spanish Fideos for dinner which is only 142 cals. I’ve no idea what my non-FD dinners come to as I don’t calorie-count except on FDs but I suspect tonight’s family dinner (pork chops & 6 veg) would be well north of 142. I think it’s the first time I’ve had a ‘FD meal’ on a non-FD and it was so warming and d’lish.

    So, Cinque, I might fast on Saturday with you so I can use the other portion of the Fideos before it gets too old.

    P.S. And the last word was “Ma” I remembered after pressing submit.

    Hi Thin & Cinque, how do you make your miso soup? The only miso soup I’ve seen is Pandaroo cup a soup miso which is ok but it would be nice to make a pot. Thanks 😊

    Hi Beth
    I make mine by cooking my greens in a little pot of water (or dashi stock if I have managed to make some) and add finely chopped (soaked) shiitake mushrooms. Once they are cooked I turn it off and add one chicken tenderloin in bite size pieces. It cooks in the residual heat. Then I puddle a spoon of miso paste in some hot water so it is smooth, and pour the veggies and chicken in, and then season to taste. Sometimes I add other veggies, but I keep it very simple. I love it so much I have it EVERY fast day! I am a creature of habit!

    I use traditional miso full of microbes so it has to be kept in the fridge and not boiled. The little sachets that are so convenient do not have the microbes, but they are lovely flavouring sachets.

    Here is a nice intro to miso soup if you haven’t made it before.

    How do you buy the traditional miso with microbes Cinque? How long does it last in the fridge?

    Hi All,

    Still a bit time poor atm, so will wish you all a good FD for your FDs for the next few days🙂
    FD for me today, thank you Cinque, and weighing in at the start of it at 64.9kgs. Hoping my next graphing day on Mon will go under 65kg. That would be cool

    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi Everyone another fast day for me. Please forgive me not used to forums and replying to everyone.
    Merryme I think you asked how tall I was I’m 5 foot 1 and a half – every half inch counts and weighed 65.3 on Monday. I have got done to 59.5 Kilos but my goal was always healthy BMI so 61 kilos is good for me.
    Someone else asked about maintenance. Yes I did 6:1 and it was great, the problems started with life stresses this year and actually not being in the head space to do anything and then all those terrible habits sneak back.
    I’ve been so much more focused this week and have had some amusing food conversations with myself this week.
    This morning I was 64.1 but always aware that the weight climbs during the week and before the next weight in.
    Hope everyone else does well.

    Attention Perth lurkers! You’re invited to join me and VDU for coffee at Sprolo Cafe, South Perth tomorrow, Friday 9 Sept @ 11.30am. Don’t be shy. We’d love to see you there!

    Hi Dianna, just pop in and catch us up when you can!
    It is good to see your post.
    There are times when you just have to concentrate on the crisis at hand, even though it happens that your healthy new habits go out the window, and the old bad habits fill the void!
    Hooray that you now have a bit of space to put the good habits in front again!

    Hi Merry, best wishes and hoping you get some more time in your life soon!

    I hope it is a particularly nice fast day for you both!

    Thin, I read up on miso and the stuff with the microbes still in will be found in the refrigerated sections of shops. I am lucky to get mine from Friends of The Earth here in Melbourne. They have a few different types in big buckets and I have to fill up my own jars. I am not a member of the co-op and it seems very expensive, but I just worked it out that it is 50 cents per (huge) bowl so that is not too bad.

    You can get it in big supermarkets, I think, where they keep packets of tempeh and vegetarian sausages! I can’t remember the brand, maybe Spiral?
    It keeps pretty indefinitely in the fridge, although it gradually becomes drier and harder. Pre 5:2 when I bought I had it so irregularly I would realise it was two years old, and even though it seemed ok I would throw it out.
    So I was very glad to discover the sachets…. but then looked at the ingredients and checked up online. And then headed down to Friends of the Earth where I fill up two jars (old nutella jars). $26! gasp but it lasts me about 52 fast days!

    I wish I could fly over to join in that coffee date!

    Must run! Granddaughter needs ‘more water, more water’


    The morning after and day after FD is also my favorite for same reasons as others expressed!

    I too wish I could join the coffee date in Perth!

    FD went pretty well. I only really felt hungry in the afternoon and those waves have passed(thankfully!).

    Great that you had a good FD too Beth!

    That’s a really good result Dianna, over a kg. since Monday! Yes, I too see my weight go up between FDs and am now wondering if part of it has to do with that extra residual food in my stomach or internal plumbing and not necessarily that I’ve gained fat (I eat a lot of fiber), so now only record weight on day after FDs.

    End of the day. Waiting for grandtot to get tired enough to go to sleep!

    I found a good article that explains those weight fluctuations… exactly as you said Lael!


    Good points made in the article Cinque! …Especially about weighing post exercise looking temporarily good until next drink of water consumed!

    Good article Cinque, scanned it briefly though. Post FD check-in: 64.4 kg.
    Happy Friday fasting,

    Dianna, it’s not imperative you answer everyone all the time. I’m not able to but contribute and answer when I can, but I do read posts and wish everyone well.

    Hi everyone. Thin & Cinque, thank you for the miso soup recipes – I’ll have to see if I can find miso sachets here in the country.

    Congrats on your results this week Dianna, well done. It’s encouraging to see the number decreasing.

    Fasted again on Wednesday and today (after blowing Monday’s fast). Down to 79.6 on Wed and hopefully a good result tomorrow. I weighed myself this morning after a Thai meal out last night (stir fried chicken & veg, limited rice and no alcohol with dinner) and the scales jumped back up to 80.3! Good idea Lael to only weigh after fast days or once a week.

    I’m feeling a little disappointed. I’ve come to realise, for me, it’s not fast for 2 days and ‘eat normally’ the other 5 days. I think I definitely have to eat healthily and low cal every day to see results on the scales. Pre-40 I could lose weight fairly easily. Not so post-40… I certainly think the 2 fasting days makes you naturally more mindful of what you eat the other 5 but I’m feeling like I’m dieting every day and that’s not much fun. Anyway, it must be done to see results!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Beth62 I’m with you on agree you have to be mindful on your normal days. Pre 5:2 I would eat all the options but after fasting I seemed to be a lot more selective about what I ate. Hence weight loss and maintenance going well.
    I’ve had a good week, 63.8 this morning after a fast I know it will be up by official weigh day on Monday but in in order to get back on track I will weight ever day.
    Should add not a great night little bit of wine, choc and ice cream but overall making better choices.
    Hope everyone else does well this weekend.

    That’s great Dianna being down again from 64.1 after your FD (and 65.3 from Monday! – Yay!).

    Beth, I can understand your feelings of disappointment. I don’t always see a decrease in my weight each time I fast or even after the two FDs in a week. For example, I still weigh the 60.0 kg I first reached on 29 August. I’m learning that my weight moves downward like a staircase. I’d be happy were it to head downwards like a ski slope or even the steady but almost level slope of the rain gutters adjacent our roof! …But not me! For me it’s a staircase! I’ve come to be at peace with the pattern because I trust that if I keep doing what I’m doing eventually I’ll get there.

    I’ve looked into my staircase pattern and realize that it could be related to a few things!

    For one, as is often pointed out, muscle weighs more than fat. 5:2 is known to support an increase of muscle mass at the same time as the body sheds fat. If this is really true, then much of my fat loss might not be picked up by the number on the scales because some of it at least is being replaced by healthy lean muscle.

    Another reason my body might be in staircase mode is because I’ve been found to have high levels of mercury, lead, cadmium etc. My understanding is that these heavy metals are stored in fat and as we release fat, these toxins are released into the blood stream and subsequently need to be filtered out and processed by the liver. Maybe this is a bit simplistic and perhaps unscientific but I sense that my liver has to ‘catch up’ with each pound of fat I shed. It’s like it has to filter out all that extra mercury, lead and cadmium before it signals a readiness for further fat loss and heavy metal processing! A side note; the whole time I’ve been practicing 5:2 I’ve been under the care of a naturopath who has me on Hg Met and Chlorella to assist with the mercury detox side of things.

    Lastly, the staircase may be related to the fact that at this point I can’t bring myself to count calories on NFDs. I make a lot of my own foods, meals from scratch and I’d find it too time consuming counting the calories for every ingredient and portion. Also, I’m just not very good at daily long term calorie restriction. I have a history of being a rebel at heart and therefore making up for lost time, so to speak (a.k.a. bingeing). The reason I feel able to continue with 5:2 indefinitely is because I will always allow myself to eat as much healthy food as I desire on my NFDs. I can live with that. At the same time I’ve found that while on 5:2 I’ve naturally begun eating with more awareness and care which has naturally has helped me naturally make healthier choices.

    Thanks Lael, good information.

    My diet pre 5:2 was 3 mostly healthy meals – it was the snacking I ate in between that got me to 81kg. Not doughnuts, cookies, cakes, ice cream etc but rather crackers, cheese, occasional chips & lollies, perhaps too much fruit (2-3 pieces per day). I had pizza once every couple of months, pasta about once a week, same with rice. It was also using food to relieve stress or boredom – this is the hard habit to break.

    I realise this does have to be a 7 day diet for me if I want to see results. I’ve been doing this 2 weeks now, 4 fast days and am only down 1.4kg. A downward movement, but not quite the results I’d hoped for after being mindful and eating well for 2 weeks.

    A question. My TDEE is 1772 – should I be eating 500 cals or 25% of my TDEE on fast days (which is about 443)?

    Also, I’ve been doing 16:8 this past week and am finding it doable. Should you try to do this every day?

    Merry, I also want to also acknowledge the success of the strategy you set in place in August! With the progress you are making I see you easily reaching your goal before you head off to California!

    Hi Beth, Fair enough! It’s great that 5:2 is flexible and and there are options to tweak so that we can each find the way that works best. I too eat to relieve stress so understand. Since I’m still a relative newbie, I’ll leave your questions for those who’ve had experience with adjusting FD calories according to TDEE and 16:8.

    Hi Beth, I think you’re being too hard on yourself. I consider a 1.4kg loss over 2 weeks an excellent result. My rate of loss was usually 500gms per week and I was thrilled with that. You should be eating no more than one quarter of your TDEE on FDs. Preferably a quarter of the TDEE for the weight you want to be, not the weight you are now. 500 cals was just a guide given by MM to keep things simple.

    Calorie counting is a real pain and if you find yourself doing that 7 days a week, it’s going to be like any other ‘diet’ and my guess is that it won’t be sustainable. But it is vital that you are very strict on FDs. This includes counting all milk in coffee, herbal teas and absolutely everything that passes your lips. (I don’t think you’re a coffee drinker but I’m just saying for anyone reading). On the other days, you will find over time that your portion control gets shaped naturally as does the type of food you want to eat. Have anything you want for now but don’t go over your TDEE. This might mean a rough calorie count on random non-FDs just so you can see what’s going on. Again, the TDEE calculation should be for the weight you want to be, not the weight you are now. We must learn to eat for the weight we want to be, otherwise we simply return to the starting weight when we reach our goal.

    For now though, celebrate the 1.4kg loss, enjoy your nonFDs and cut yourself a bit of slack. You’re under the 80kg mark, that’s a great milestone. Who cares how long it takes to reach the next one?

    Good morning everyone. I’m feeling very creaky after a couple of days minding little miss 2 year old. Might as well be a fast day! I am going to lie on the couch watching TV in between tidying up!

    Beth I think my take on Non Fast Days ‘Normal Eating’ is that I have had to re educate myself about normal eating. Ads especially, (with their piled up plates and all day snacks) but lots of things make us forget about normal portion sizes, that snacks are not normal, that a feast is only meant to happen once a month or so.
    It is a work in progress for me, but I do it without counting calories.

    Congrats to everyone on their success!
    Special cheers to everyone who hasn’t posted for a while. Sending good wishes.

    Good morning again!
    Thank you for listening to my vent and answering my questions. Re the 25% of my TDEE on nfd’s, is that in MM’s book? I don’t remember reading that, or on this website. If I eat according to my goal weight of approx 65kg, I think I’ll really be starving!!

    Interesting thing this morning. After visiting the bathroom, I weighed in at 79.7kg. I saw a book mentioned on another thread – ‘IF Diet’ by Robert Skinner. With the wonders of technology, I downloaded the book and spent the last 4 hours reading it from cover to cover. Consequently, no food yet, only water. Just weighed myself again and am 72.4kg. The day before I started this, I weighed 81.4kg so at this moment in time, 2 weeks later, I’m 2kg down!!! I know that won’t last as I go and have something to eat now but it’s encouraging nonetheless.

    Feel like I could get used to doing 16:8 most days. I struggled with the idea of skipping breakfast (long term doctrine about never skip breakfast, most important meal of the day, you have to get your metabolism going etc..) but after reading this book this morning, he says scientists and researchers are now accepting that it’s not necessary to have breakfast. I’ve shown that I can manage it for the last 3 days without too much hunger so will endeavour to continue.

    I found the book very interesting. He offers 3 options of IF.

    Thirder: eating only during an 8 hour period, so 16:8 every day.

    Switcher: IF on alternate days keeping between 500-600 calories

    Weekender: any 2 consecutive days fasting on 500-600 cals each day.

    Very interesting and food for thought. Some methods may be slower than others but in the end, all involve IF and calorie restriction and provide the additional long term health benefits.

    I thought the book was very interesting and easy to read, a good addition to the IF knowledge base.

    Sorry, that should have read 25% of my TDEE on fast days, not nfd’s

    Thin, how do I work out my TDEE for the weight I want to be? Do I change my current weight to goal weight in my profile?

    Hi Beth, there is a simple calculator here: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/how-many-calories-on-a-non-fast-day/

    And the good thing about breakfast is that it is ‘break fast’ and so whenever you first eat in the day you are breaking your overnight fast.
    yes, ok I can be a bit literal! 😉

    I’ve been coffee free so far today! Amazing! Lots of cups of tea though. I’ll leave my coffee til tomorrow now. I won’t I enjoy it then!

    Thanks Cinque and well done on having no coffee! I’m not a coffee drinker but I know that’s hard when you love it!

    Thanks for the direction to the calculator. I put in 65kg and it came up with 1553 tdee which only gives me 388 cals on fast days 🙁 I think I’ll have to work up (down) to that amount.

    Thin, you’re right, I am being too hard on myself and not remembering that it took years to put on, it’s not going to come off overnight. Slow and steady wins the race – patience is just not my virtue.

    Anyway, 2 weeks in is about 12 days longer than I’ve managed to stick to any other eating plan so I’m feeling good, and determined. If I have to watch calories 7 days a week then so be it. Accept that decades long habits will take time to change.

    I value the support, information, tips and encouragement you all provide – thank you.

    Beth, I totally empathise – 388 cals seems bleak indeed especially when you’re just learning what 500 cals looks like and now getting used to the idea of 443. I would work up to it (or down to it rather) over time. Try and keep in mind that ‘maintenance’ looks very much like the weight loss phase of 5:2 so take your time getting here.

    I didn’t answer your question about 16:8 because I’m not always practicing it myself except on FDs. But I believe the longer your fasting window, the more benefits you’ll derive from cell repair. Along with the more practical benefits of not awakening the hunger dragon.

    I believe that getting the FDs right is vital to this way of life and, if you’re going to go off the rails, and of course we all have and still do, make sure it’s done on a non-FD. However, I think you are already on the right track with your non-FD choices of enjoying that Thai meal, but limiting the rice and alcohol. We all have decades of bad food habits to overcome, we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have food issues of one kind or another. We’re all learning and we’re all different.

    Just think, if you continue your 700gm p/w weight loss, you will be weighing in the 60s by Christmas Eve! We’ll all be here celebrating with you.

    Hi Cinque, how’s that FD coming along? Are you enjoying some quiet time? Why no coffee? We celebrated Fathers’ Day yesterday and DD wanted to treat dad to fish and chips at the river. Oh no. I sucked it up and went along with it, trying to limit the chip intake. Not much damage on the scales this morning – 100gms – I think our bodies can absorb these departures once in a while when we reach a new stable weight. Anyway, I’m really only telling you this to make excuses for not joining you with a fast today. It’s because what I’d planned for dinner last night needs eating tonight. Hoping the Spanish Fideos will still be alright tomorrow (4 days old). While working out Beth’s potential weight loss, I’ve realised that Christmas Day is a Sunday. I wonder how cauliflower soup would go down with my 7 guests.

    **Just re-read my post from 4.07am and it says my second in weigh in at 1pm today was 72.4kg – I WISH! It was 79.4kg, meaning 2kg lost from the day before I started this 2 weeks ago.

    I don’t weigh myself twice a day (trying to only do twice a week) but decided to today because I’d not eaten since 7pm last night and it was 1pm today and I still hadn’t eaten and felt very empty so I thought I’d see what the scale said. Is it possible for 300g to vanish whilst lying around reading a book? I should do more of that!

    Don’t worry, I realised it was a typo Beth.

    Hi everyone,

    Celebrated a couple of birthdays today and new-ish baby (again, but other family members). Shared a meal of barramundi chips and salad with FIL,(father in law) where we knew the portion sizes were going to be big, so I suggested we have half the fish each, he had the chips and I had the salad. FILs eating and nutrition is a challenge, so made sure he had the best portiion of the fish, and I had a little of OHs caeser salad – it was huge too. Sparkling water and Earl Grey tea to drink.

    Re 16:8, I do 5 days wth 16:8 not eating before midday. FDs are 1 meal at 6pm. I started with 2 meals and a nibble or 2, but quickly shifted to dinner only as I’m not as hungry that way. Spreading the food over the day meant I woke the hunger dragon early . With 1 I’m not even thinking about food till at least 4.30pm, the it’s just more water, then hot drink, keep busy away from kitchen, and it’s easy. I shifted to 16:8 on nonFDs at some point a few months into 5:2. I find it quite pleasant and mostly enjoy FDs and the non eating period before first meal on nonFDs. I like both situations.

    Beth, your weight loss is fine.

    Re cals on FDs : I started with 500 cals on FDs. Can’t remember when, but at some point I shifted to 1/4 of my TDEE, whatever it is at the time. So my FD calorie target goes down as my weight goes down. At the moment it’s 375. I was well practised at doing 500calorie FDs before I shifted to 1/4 of my TDEE. TDEE goes down over time as your weight goes down. I have a lust written out where I had all my mini goals written down and the corresponding TDEE and 1/4 TDEE calories for FDs. Every time I reach a mini goal I alter my FD calories down a little to match. I’ve had a lot of practise now with what foods I like to use while on 5:2, what foods work for me, and how to maximise quantity for number of calories. I’m much happier maximising quantity by using very low calorie foods on FDs. Other people like fats and starchy carbs, but I prefer lean low cal protein, and quantity low cal soups/salads/veg. Strawberries and grape tomatoes are great as a small snack if I want one.

    Good FD to Sunday Fasters,
    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi Merry, thanks for sharing your experience with 16:8 and FD’s. Good to hear your feedback on the different options. I’ll keep to 16:8 and 500 cals for now and see how I go. I agree if you start eating early in the day you seem to get hungrier.

    Sounds like you had a lovely day and a good, healthy way to split a large meal!

    Thanks again for sharing.

    So well managed Merry! And a very Happy Birthday to you whenever yours is/was.

    End of Fast Day
    I didn’t plan to go coffee free today, but I know I am best with a couple of coffee free days a week – just haven’t been able to do it for a couple of years. Yes I love my coffee, and I get dreadful caffeine withdrawal headaches, except I had so much tea I must have got enough caffeine to spare me today!

    Granddaughter number two is due in two weeks, but our family is famous for going overdue, so make it three weeks!

    Congratulations Merry. Great work! and cheers for all the birthdays in your life.

    Wouldn’t it be lovely if each book we read took 300g off. I’d be skinny as a rake!

    We are all so similar in some things (eg we all make typos 😉 ) and so different in other things, especially regarding how we make 5:2 work.

    Thin, I’ll wish you happy fast day for tomorrow.
    And hmm, I might do a Boxing Day fast!

    Off to bed for an early night!

    Here’s to making 5:2 easy and sustainable!

    Hi Thin, I’m again fasting with you tomorrow! Not sure when I’ll get back to Monday fasting. For now Sundays are working better!

    For those who haven’t already seen this, here’s a fun interview with Dr. M. from the Sydney Morning Herald. I really chuckled as I read, realizing he is as human as we are and manages in a similar sounding fashion as you do Thin!


    Thanks Lael, I enjoyed the article. Yes, it does sound like my life. ‘Mostly’ in control of food! Pleased to know that I have a fasting buddy again today. What’s on the menu?

    That’s exciting for you Cinque. Did Rose manage to get her driving licence?

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