Fish allergy

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SongBirdMe 1 year, 10 months ago.

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  • I am about to embark on the 5:2 diet, have read the book and believe this will work for me.
    The key issue is that I have an allergic reaction to all things “fish” including shellfish so much so that if chips are cooked in the same oil as fish – I get a reaction (throwing up).

    So on my two Fast Days will this be an issue?
    David – UK

    Hi David,
    I doubt your allergy will really make much difference at all. Your two FD’s are likely going to include a salad with some protein (chicken, etc. does not have to be fish at all). At least when I do a FD that’s how I get my 500 calories. Some fats are good, so a little oil and vinegar on the salad is great.

    Enjoy the journey! Feel free to join in our monthly challenges – November will be posted soon. We are a great group of supportive individuals!

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