Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning all

    I didnt manage a walk yesterday the back is still bad.

    I am sticking to ADF but not lost much weight as yet… I am wrapped up with heat pad on trying to ease the muscle spasm so not moving much….

    Jean I too will be glad to get back on my tablet …. sorry for any typos …

    Have a great day fast or non fast….


    Morning all. Well, we survived the party. Although the neighbours had a lot of noise to put up with…it was so beautiful that pretty much all the challenges were done outside, and then planes they all found proved a big hit…8 screaming little boys running around flinging planes for 45 minutes – chaos!
    So today I need to not eat all the left over sweeties, and I need to move around a bit to work off my own sugar/carb overload. The weather up here is pretty chilly, so I may just shiver off the calories!
    Good luck all – you’re doing amazing work. The phrase that struck me when I first started this is – a year from now, you’ll wish you had started today. Well, a year from now, you’ll be glad you stuck with it today!

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    A cloudy start hoping for some sun later. Out in my garden. Lol

    Weight going well so far .. FD today. Now 7lbs off my original goal weight but will go another 7lbs…will see.

    Hope everyone enjoys a good day whatever your plans.

    Brit lovelies…

    Its not the winning that really counts .. but the trying. Xx

    Hubbys got a bag of frozen peas in his back..10 mins every hour. Covered with tea cloth.

    Clicker man told him it would bring down inflammation quickly.

    Maybe that would help you instead of heat??

    Only a thought

    Hi Celtic

    Poor Stu, the problems seem never ending. It is also disheartening that he is putting on weight. I hope things settle and change. I am sure you are fed up with doctors as well.

    Hi Jean

    I am glad that hubby is on the mend, yes a nice quiet day is just what you need. Enjoy lunch out and I hope you make the 2lbs this week. I was hoping to join you but I shall weigh tomorrow to give myself an idea. I also have my health trainer next week so would like to show him a loss. Seeing someone certainly makes me watch what I am eating more, the FBD also does this but he will keep me on track. I like my appointments to be 6 weeks inbetween, I am not sure how many appointments there are but I shall find out next week.

    I can see the posts have gone over the page. I shall post a quick link to an article on the sugar in children’s lunch boxes, these are pre-school aged children, I am sure parents just put what the children will eat in there. You can see that some of them are giving them wholemeal bread so maybe aren’t aware how much sugar is in there.


    Hi Audrey

    Sorry that back is still bad. It us much harder to see posts on a phone I agree. Pam has the Internet free for a year, I think my son will pay for it afterwards as he often uses it there.

    Maybe you will be like Jean and I and join the 1lb club. I am hoping for more this week. 800 day for me today, seems like luxury from the 500 ones that I used to do. May keep this up afterwards.

    Hi Mino

    Glad the party went well, got a bit chilly overnight due to the wind coming in from the back windows, I had to shut two of them before going to bed. It was just over 20 indoors before bed but over 22 now and the sun is not fully in here. Feels a bit cooler though.

    Yes too true, I’m sure people will feel glad if they are sticking to it despite having a few rough patches. It is too easy to give up then. Hope you don’t shiver too much. I phoned a friend in led he said that earlier this week it had been 29 degrees and the week before it was snowing. Crazy weather …..

    Hi Hemmy

    You are steaming towards your goal, perseverance has done this. Well done.

    Hi Audrey

    I have heard both used depending on the injury, it is always worth a try. I hope both husbands will be ok for a drive back home when the time comes.

    There is a program on next Wednesday on BBC1 about couples who were separated in an experiment and how they lost more weight. I shall post a link below to the article.

    Here is the link.


    Coffee I hope you are OK and KT missing you as well. How are you both doing?

    Sym .. Aud

    Yes, frozen peas for inflammation is brilliant in some instances. I had an inflamed knee and treated it with heat to no avail .. someone suggested the peas and it did wonders.

    Hope both are feeling better soon. Sym enjoy the crab. Xx

    hemmy, must be the day for it. I have a ziploc bag filled with ice (from the office caf) on my hip right now.

    Hi all

    Sorry no ice for me … the cold sends me into spasm which is what is wrong with me!

    I have rested up but no change still in pain every time I move…

    Off now got very hit n miss wifi today! Don’t know why?


    K-Lo Hope you feel better soon .. take care. Xx

    Oh Aud bless you .. you were just getting well again. Take care. Xx

    Anyone tried Aldi Soy..Chilli..and Ginger dressing.

    If you like spicy its absolutely fab on salad leaves… not bothered about the cals as you only need a trickle. Love it. Xx

    Well I’ve weighed early as there is the chance of a 24 hour break – lost 1lb. I know it’s not huge, but this is about change as much as loss, so I’m hoping for 1lb a week. now lost 6lb altogether (although I don’t like to count the first couple as they were ‘immediate’ pounds, the ones that were the last straw and got me motivated, and as they had only just arrived on my hips, I like to think that they hadn’t taken up full residence and so were easy to kick out!)
    Hope everyone whose back is problematic would have a weekend when it all eases/stretches and gently improves.

    Morning all

    Lovely and sunny here but a bit chilly….

    Back no better another day day in resting for me…. beginning to panic about getting home now… the pain is quite bad at times….

    Hope you are all doing ok .

    Have a good weekend enjoy yourselves fast or non fast. ..


    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    A sunny start but chilly … ideal walking and gardening weather. Lol

    A nice easy week-end Kristy in Brighton. So just catering for myself. So much easier.

    Well done Mino .. another pound bits the dust Yay … keep it going. Enjoy a nice week-end after a busy week. Xx

    Hope All the back problems are improving. Xx

    CC and Stu … hope things are better for you this week-end… you do have a lot to contend with.

    Healing prayers and thoughts to you all. Xx

    Gine have a lovely week-end being Ginette to yourself.Doing something nice just for you. You are so kind to everyone else. Xx

    Aud and Sym enjoy your break hope its sunny for you. Xx

    Lynda hope your Mum arrived safely home with her treats. Xx

    Coffee hope your Ok and KT and Mel.. Xx And All. Xx

    Brit lovelies…

    β€œChoice, not chance, determines destiny Xx

    Afternoon All,

    Back safe and sound.

    Missed you all its strange not popping in like we do the phone is a nightmare to tap in posts but kept up to date with e mails..wifi quite good.

    Hoping you soon feel better and the heat works for you, it all depends on what’s wrong I think..heat or cold.

    You are both a pair together, hubby spasms and nearly drops to the fall, it’s the worse he has been in ages. The back man has helped but said his back is in a bad way, so cold for him and excerise, resting…he may have to go back to a local man but is seeing how he goes. Strangely the driving position was OK thank goodness…take care and hugs xx

    You will really be proud of me..a BOTTLE of merlot brought back unopened and a half bar of Aldi chocolate also!! Whatever is the matter with me lol. Lol

    Hope the hair is much better. Good luck with the health trainer next week.

    Well done on the pound off….slowly slowly we will all get there…glad the party went well..

    All quiet now mums gone home..

    We didn’t get about so much so didn’t see the otters…so it will be next time. Hubby couldn’t walk much at all, a shame really as we love the area…I did get my crab..lovely as ever.

    Hope things aren’t too bad for you and Stu….you have a lot on your plate at the moment.

    Getting things unpacked then washing to be done….looks like I am shopping on my own hubbys resting up.

    Jean x

    Hi K-Lo

    I hope you improve soon, I wonder whether this nice weather has anything to do with it, people are busy working in the garden etc and doing things that they have done for a long time, may be overdoing things.

    Hi Audrey

    Do you need to drive or is it just the sitting in a car that is a problem? Lovely weather here sunny and about 21. Just right for me. I hope the sun is out where you are and the day has improved. Funnily I asked a neighbour to get me a wrist support for my son a couple of days ago, he got a waist support. Thankfully only from poundland so not a lot to waste. I wonder if something like this would be helpful.

    It must be really miserable to be in pain, have you got pain killers that at least help a bit? I really hope it gets better soon.

    Hi Hemmy

    No I have never used this but saw yesterday on food detectives that chilli helps us burn more calories. So maybe that dressing is good for us.

    Have a lovely weekend enjoying the garden and the walks. I ended up with steak egg and chips, only a small piece of steak but just right, unfortunately Pam put the oven chips in and did too many. What a surprise…. She got out cheesecake for afterwards managed to avoid this and had an orange but I think I shall probably have some tomorrow as she will end up throwing it away. That will be my first dessert in 4 weeks that isn’t fruit.

    Weight looks about the same as last week lost that 3lbs I put on overnight. I am hoping for a pound again. Before weighing today I was hoping for 2 lbs.

    Hemmy, I really don’t think I am any kinder than other people would be if they were not working. Free time is what dies it. If I was out to work everyday then I wouldn’t be able to do the things I do now. I hope that I am able to get back to work part time soon, the problem is that suffering from stress this can be a stressful thing in itself.

    Hi Mino

    Well done, especially as you must have had lots of treats around you this week after the party. Are you going anywhere nice?

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, we have a few more days of this to come before any change, nest weekend isn’t forcast to ve very nice so those jobs need doing this weekend or the early part of next week.

    Ginette…my whole skeletal system is quirky. I broke my foot in November and body is still out of alignment…on top of the usual stuff. Plus I live with costochondritis, a chronic inflammation of connective tissue of the rib cage. But I manage. Thanks.

    Hi All,

    All settled back and jobs done just another load of washing tomorrow…that’s the pain of going away.

    Lovely ribeye steak this evening, I have tried Aldi and Lidl both spot on and so tender I can recommend them. We had them with potato wedges but not a lot and 2 glasses of merlot ( sorry Hemmy) came in under 1300 calories for the day so ok…..a very low day 800 cal tomorrow leading into FD.

    Welcome are you new or a oldie, I have not seen you before…you are in the ice pack brigade..hope you are feeling a bit better. You seem to have a few issues. Hubby having a few spasms tonight he’s got out of the washing up ..lol..lol

    Just adding up my losses..19 pound off very pleased so 9 lbs to go to goal….I will be going lower to get into a better bmi….I will have a rethink when there….

    Have a good evening

    Jean x

    Hi Brit Friends. Xx

    Well it turned out a grand day … not too warm and just lovely in my tucked away garden.
    Had a wonderful day … just pottering. Looking good so early in the year.

    Love geraniums and took loads of cuttings so will have numerous pots of colour. My passion.

    Well Sym sorry to say not a drop of wine for me this week. Lolol Xx

    Aud I do hope you feel better soon. I hate to think of you in pain. Xx

    K-lo That all sounds a lot to live with. Hope you are not in too much pain. Xx

    Coffee Is all ok. We miss you. Xx

    Gine … sometimes people don’t realise they have a special way about them. You have for sure. Xx

    Don’t hurry back to work unless you absolutely need too. Stress is very tiring and Is a hard one to conquer.

    Its the very caring people like yourself that it hits so badly. The best thing is rest … When things get too much sometimes the simple …. Stop .. Stop .. Stop really helps you. It helps to refocus. Take care dear friend. Xx

    Hi K-lo

    I feel for you. I know we learn to live with our ailments but some have it worse than others. I must say that when I fractured a knee I eventually had to go and see an osteopath for another thing and he said that I was out of alignment through putting too much weight on one side. He “adjusted” this and I really felt the difference. I am not saying this would be right for you, but I thought this might be worth sharing with you in case it helped.

    Hi Jean

    Nice that you are home, hubby can now rest up…..sounds as if he had already started πŸ™‚

    Hi Jean

    That is a nice target to aim for. Let us hope we lose at least a pound this week.

    Hi Hemmy

    Thanks, I truly wasn’t fishing for compliments. Yes I have a few things to endure before the stress eases up. Just a matter of waiting which is stressful in itself.

    I’m glad your day went well, it is still far too hot for me. It wasn’t much cooler than yesterday here. If you are south of Oxford then you may be the nearest to me. It’s a shame we couldn’t meet in the middle.

    Audrey, I hope you are taking life easy.

    Hi Coffee and KT, haven’t seen you in a while.

    ….. That didn’t work then it was meant to be a present.

    Here is another πŸ˜‰

    Ahh got it to wink….

    Ok I’m off to bed now. (S)

    hi, thank you to those who asked after me
    I am now back down to lowest fd weight – having lost 3 1/2 pounds this week

    I am not fasting as still having too many reflux/throat issues
    so now doing blood sugar ‘eating’ (blood sugar diet) and no fasting

    ginette I am probably closest to you as live in sussex
    but I am also sometimes up near oxford visiting family
    I originate from that area

    well done you are all doing really well
    take care xx

    Morning Brits,

    A lovely dry day and sun shining…maybe a cold.

    Grass needs cutting today looks like I will be doing it…..hubby still resting up…not good at all.

    A good weight loss …getting back to your lowest…if the sugar diet works for you stay with it…we are all different.

    Hemmy is right you do come over as a lovely helpful person…always there when people are in need. From hospital appointments to IT problems, storing friends things and looking in on Pam and keeping an eye on her. Looking after us all also…πŸ˜€

    A busy day in the garden doing all your pots..geraniums always look nice. Getting set for the summer. You are very good keeping off the wine…I am drinking a lot less, the steak just shouted for wine last night it was so nice…my last bottle lasted 3 weeks!

    It’s trying to keep the happy medium with hubby as he says it’s a WOL, he will go so far with fasting but he has to have treats and he likes me to join him, I don’t always like to say no..so I try and balance it…

    Tuesday and Friday ( normally) are our eating days after fasting, so a few extras…he seems happy with that…then very thoughtful and he’s happy to fall in with me then, it seems to be working.

    Hoping you can get back home today and you are improving…it can take so long with backs as they are all different…hubby is still in spasms as he says he’s ok if he doesn’t move!

    Hoping your hips improving..

    Having a 800 day leading into our FD

    Have a good day whatever you are doing

    Will pop by later

    Jean x

    Symba…thanks. Better

    Hi KT

    Just carry on the coast road to meet me. Of course I always take Sussex to be Brighton. If you ever want to happy to meet in the middle maybe Chichester.

    Well done on the blood sugar diet, as long as you are losing and keep on losing that is what counts. I am trying to make a real effort to get back to losing, these six weeks for me are to kickstart me. It seems to be working. Is your blood sugar diet worked out to your blood type?

    As Jean says it is whatever works for you. Good to see you back on track and sounding more positive. Keep looking in. Xx

    Hi Jean

    Rain is forcast later in the week. So a good time to get it cut. I like 800 days, half way house πŸ™‚ I must say I think I went over especially with the chips that Pam did. I was there an extra day this week. She had lemon cheesecake I might have a piece tonight. Yesterday I saw that a trifle appeared and today my son has just stopped her making a sponge pudding. What a minefield of foods that I can’t eat. Now you see how I got so big, Pam’s cooking and my lack of willpower.

    I have bid on a jacket that is almost the same as a jacket I really like. I have just had that taken in as it got far to big. That was a 24 it is now possibly 20-22. This one is 18. So a long way to go for it to fit me. I think the bigger sizes take longer to go between that the smaller ones. About 2 stone between sizes for me at the moment. I am hoping it will eventually fit me. A bit of wishful thinking though, maybe over optimistic.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

    H All

    For anyone who is interested, here is a link to the blood sugar diet. Strange I picked the 800 calories as a random number more than a fast day but not as much as a normal day. I think Mr Mosley must have taken the hint from me. πŸ™‚



    Lemon cheesecake…ooh lovely one of my favourites.

    Pam sounds a nightmare with all her cooking…must admit I really miss my baking I find it really hard not to do any…I bought stork yesterday..why..I can’t bake!!

    I am quite into the 800 days, they work quite well..as I have them before a fast day. A double whammy!

    Happy bidding hope you get your jacket…nice to have a goal….like Lynda’s wedding outfit πŸ˜€

    I got the two lawns cut and edged..so that was good…otherwise being lazy..

    All quiet on here today…everybody must know I’m back…are they hiding..lol..lol


    hi ginette
    actually brighton is not far
    Chichester is sadly
    and I am not very good at travelling as cant get on trains/coaches
    oh what a …………
    otherwise it could have been nice to meet up

    you are right about the 800cal thing on bsd – although I am not doing calories at all – just higher fats and lower – healthier – carbs

    Hi Jean

    Yes I like it as well. Fruit and good meaty burger in I slice of Granary bread for lunch. I know that Hemmy often gives Sunday a miss on the forum. Yes Pams treats are difficult to avoid. I changed pie to a small steak yesterday we had half a steak each so quite good an egg and far too many oven chips.

    Off to Pam’s now, I’ll look in later x

    KT what a shame, Brighton is a bit far for me. Never mind it was just a thought. I know Hemmy was about 30 miles outside of Oxford, but that depends which way as well.


    How far is Southampton from you?

    Hi all

    Lovely day here on Anglesey. …

    My back is a little easier today we are coming home on Tuesday or Wednesday not decided yet. .

    The scales seem to have stuck hehe nothing moving up or down! …

    Bbq for tea after football ends…. hope you are all enjoying your Sunday. .

    Nice to hear from you KT. ..


    Glad on the improvement ..hope it keeps going..I thought you was back today..it gives your back a little more grace Tuesday or Wednesday. Enjoy your BBQ…Take Care..X

    Enjoy Pams..watch that lemon cheese cake πŸ˜€


    Morning all

    Lovely say here again…. think we are coming home tomorrow as rain is on its way!.

    Fast day for me today. Will weigh on twice tomorrow once here then again at home…. not expecting great losses was hoping to get to 10.5 stone but don’t think I am going to lose anything…

    Last time I was here I put 3 5lb on so if I just maintain I am doing ok…

    Have a good day everyone


    Morning All,

    A beautiful day today at the moment.

    Scales not looking good for tomorrow maybe hope to stay the same, looked better earlier in the week πŸ™

    Hubby still not doing any housework. Lol. Lol. He says he feels a bit better but doesn’t look it to me.

    Safe journey back, hope you have had some improvement from your pain and can manage the car.

    FD for us. A bit of fruit shopping.

    I have got my daughter on the morning fruit…she’s swimming and having salads…lost 8 lbs in two weeks. She is healthy eating with the 15 year old grandson…he’s lost 3 lbs….( she doesn’t want him on 5.2) they both need a couple of stones off!

    Hope everybody has had a good weekend…good day to the fasters..

    Jean x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    A lovely week-end with the weather . Did loads of outside work.

    KT.. lovely to see you are still here and doing well .Xx

    GIne .. I think I’m about 2hrs from Southampton. That would be to far out of my comfort zone to drive. Lol But I am sure Kristy would drive me anywhere. She should have some time available when the festivals are over. Would be lovely to met up.

    Hope there were no surprises at Pams yesterday. Lol Xx

    Aud You are doing so well … even with your pain you keep on track. Good luck tomorrow… and safe journey back. Xx

    Sym Hope hubby is feeling better today. .. FD for me today. Xx

    Hope everyone else is doing okay. Xx

    Brit lovelies.

    Whatever has to be done, it’s always our choice.Xx

    Fast day going well but feeling a bit hungry now another hour before dinner.

    Cooked a joint of ham..so a ham salad as usual.

    With the scales not moving much..panic..gone to the baths and did 30 lengths …hubby read paper, no swimming until he’s feeling better.

    Hope everyone else fasting today are doing ok…all very quiet on here…all busy in the sun.


    Hi all

    I am having a good day today. Fast day going ok so far…

    Met up with some old friends and spent a nice couple of hours reminiscing. …

    Off home tomorrow we think as weather is turning wet and we like to pack up the van dry whenever possible. .

    Will be in touch later tomorrow once we are home.

    Good luck for the weigh in. .. it’s not looking too great here but last time I was away I put 3lb on so if I maintain this time it’s a win for me.. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰


    Hi all, just getting through a FD – had my fish cake (!) at 2.30 and practically a vegetable patch of carrots to fill my plate. Yum! The boys can have Asdas ribs and I’ll head back to work as soon as they are on the table, with enough calories in hand for a biscuit at tonight’s meeting.
    I know a lot of you weigh in tomorrow – my all flabby bits float above the scales, and you all have a good result!

    Hi Audrey

    The weight (if you have stayed the same) will start to go when you are home. I hope you have a good journey back and back is up to it. The weather is nice here this week but it is due to change midweek as well and then rain for a few days. The gardens and farmers need it so we can’t really complain.

    I put on 4lbs between yesterday and today, it was looking quite good. I have started drinking more water today and hoping that gain (not a true gain) will be gone. I really yo yo this time of the year.

    I had a good day with food and had a quarter of the cheesecake but nothing else bad, cottage pie and kale for dinner and some strawberries later in the evening. It is so frustrating as well, I may start to take vitamin pills as I know that these help, I really don’t feel I need them them though although probably lacking in some vitamins.

    Hi Jean

    I didn’t go too mad and it was shop bought so not a big one. It wa really delicious and I enjoyed every mouthful. Luckily it was the last of it so I couldn’t have been tempted to have more.

    Fast day today so a nice piece of barbeque chicken and vegetables tonight.

    I’ve been busy looking up paint as I want to paint my kitchen. Just looking at the contract magnolia prices. They cover in one coat and although my kitchen isn’t big I can use this up somewhere else.

    I know that being on pain for a few days Dora’s take its toll, I am pain free at the moment, so it must be as I read the withdrawal effects from sugar, I never imagined it would do that.

    Well done on the swimming. You may be having water retention as well, I am sure that if we are being good then they will move, maybe all at once……I hope so. Enjoy the ham. Ham asked sounds lovely but salad doesn’t fill me up.

    Hi Hemmy

    Yes that would be really nice, there is a nice Toby restaurant just outside of Southampton, might be a plan if you would enjoy that. Mostly vegetables and meat is what I normally have but I have been with someone who had a delicious salmon salad, an enormous plate of mixed salad as well. There are other options as well. It is relatively inexpensive just under Β£7 for a carvery.

    Let me know if Kristy would like to. Saturday would be a good day for me as I know Kristy can only really do weekends.

    Here is the link to restaurant address. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari&um=1&ie=UTF-8&fb=1&gl=uk&entry=s&sa=X&ftid=0x487472f143ca8d67:0x5ca87b5d95fb02d2&gmm=CgIgAQ%3D%3D

    Pain all gone now thank you.

    Good luck tomorrow to everybody on weigh in day. Jean I am with you not looking forward to it.

    Eaten the ham salad, the ham was lovely, I can’t say I enjoy salads I just feel it’s non negotiable! Still it’s filled a corner not hungry now.
    Magnolia it’s a good colour, I always buy big then it goes in other rooms..if you use the same colour then it’s one coat..easy..

    Enjoy your meeting and a biscuit..

    Looks like a few of us will stay the same…I have been reasonably good but the scales say different..the floor maybe different on the caravan floor, maybe the same for you but maybe better for you at home πŸ˜€ Safe journey.

    Hope some peoples scales move….

    Jean x

    Hi Jean

    Glad you enjoyed dinner, mine is about 8.30. Hopefully the scales will move down……

    Hi dear friends.

    What a wonderful day again. Had a painting pot day again. I have loads of terracotta flower pots. They have lost their eye appeal… have discovered that the good fencing panel paint … I have wild thyme covers them a treat with one coat. Really makes a difference so pretty. Was going to get some more.

    Had a good FD being occupied in the sun. Lol Feel like I am carrying water in my legs though they ache.

    Aud safe journey back tomorrow .. hope the back behaves. Xx

    Sym I think this warm weather does hinder our weight.. for some reason. A neighbour did actually say to me today … you have lost weight. I just replied probably the walking. Lol

    Gine … Kristy will hopefully get some holidays after her events. I think she would rather be on the road then rather than her week-ends as at the moment tired when she arrives…wants to chill out. Looking after to well known celebrity’s for Glastonbury.. so lots of planning… plus other stuff.

    A toby is always good value too.

    Magnolia is a good colour … you can introduce any other colours to it. I find painting very therapeutic. Xx

    Good luck to us all tomorrow Xx

    Hi Hemmy

    Whenever suits you and Kristy.

    Ah…..the water retention problem, I have drank a lot more hoping to move it, I shall probably be up all night now running to the loo.

    I didn’t get my jacket and I am so disappointed. I was outbid by 50p!! I didn’t even relieve any notification after this morning which told me I was the only bidder.


    Have things calmed down for you?

    Morning all

    Took mum back on Friday with her treats packed with her decided to stay the weekend big mistake ended up with meals out,take awaysi and a bbq for nephew birthday but all in all had lovely catch ups with the grandkids and family.

    Weigh in and stayed the same “PHEW”

    Spent the day in the garden yesterday so think maybe work some off.Good luck to everyone weighing in today. X

    Morning All,

    A lovely bright morning.

    Weigh in for me…I have stayed the same..although I thought I was very good except the 2 wines, steak and crab with bread..the scales maybe different on the caravan floor giving me good promises which didn’t follow through.

    No excuses..push on with a very tight week…but I am fine…nearing my first goal things I know slow down with plateaus. One good thing 2″ off my waist since the start of the FBD..πŸ˜€

    Hubby had a sneaky weigh in today, his weigh in, Friday…shocked he has put a few pounds on..not moving, a few beers and sneaky chocolate biscuits…it doesn’t help not being well!! But I didn’t join him!

    Cleaning the car today before the rain arrives…hubby seems better with the spasms not so many, looks better in his self, walking still slow and sore but improving.

    You had a lovely weekend and enjoyed all the company, these things happen.

    No worries at least we are the same..we will move next week…

    Hope everybody losses are better than Lynda and myself..

    Have a good day…

    We will all get to where we are going…..better to try than not try at all.

    Jean x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    Another beautiful day … garden for me. Lol Hands covered in paint again.

    Well just weighed and only lost a few ounces this week .. so join Lynda and Sym in a stable weeks weigh in. All good we are not going back there just onwards and downwards while having a rest. Xx

    Think water is my problem at the moment… silly but forget to drink it when I get carried away doing a project.

    Gine what a shame about the jacket … its always the same when you have your eye on something. Better luck next time. Xx

    Good luck to those stepping on the scales this morning. Xx

    Brit lovelies…

    Do not sit still; start moving now. In the beginning, you may not go in the direction you want, but as long as you are moving all is well. Xx

    Have a lovely day finishing your pots..I bet they look really nice…sounds like you have a really big garden.

    I never really drink just water just in tea and decaf coffee…naughty really.

    Sorry …..I forgot to say back luck with the jacket, so close, you will have to keep your eye out for another. It may be listed again.

    Hope everybody who is missing are ok…pop in again…maybe enjoying the weather πŸ˜€


    Hi all

    Very quick post today, just got home lots to do.

    1lb loss for me that’s 15.5 lbs since I restarted in January. ..

    Love to all


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