Fast Day Support 800

This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today is my first official fast day. I thought would make this post to give myself some accountability and for anyone else.

    The hardest parts for me will be.

    1. My own desire to eat and enjoy food

    2. Physical hunger

    3. Saying ‘No’ to family or friends when they offer food or ask me to eat with them

    4. Social plans ( I tend to use being social as an excuse to go off track)

    5. Feeling tired and weak

    Today I can already feel myself struggle with resisting the desire to eat food and hunger. I am hoping to post here at the end of the day and use this as a little motivation to get through.

    Delighted to inform I got through my fast day. What helped me the most.

    – having a positive outlook on fasting
    – being aware of my potential weaknesses
    – 2ltr of sparkling water by my side
    – looking at YouTube videos on the diet to give me motivation
    – coming onto the forums

    Hardest part

    – not able to focus much in the afternoon
    – saying No when offered foods

    So pleased 🙂

    Congrats on your first successful fast day! I also find sparkling water is super helpful and reading this forum and other articles on the benefits of fasting when it gets tough.

    It should get easier to focus in the afternoons when you get a bit more used to fasting.

    I grew to love my fast days. It is a journey and an adventure!

    Thank you @165gw really appreciate the encouragement. I never thought I would ‘enjoy’ a fast day because of dieting in the past unsuccessfully has just made me dread these days but I actually felt quite good. Definitely hoping the afternoons get easier! I found once I had my main meal at 5.30 pm I felt much better.

    I’m checking in again because I know that I 110% need this accountability. I am doing Fast Day 2 today.

    Good news: scale is down 0.7 kg

    I know that using the scale can be your best friend or worst enemy. So I am using with caution I hope.

    Potential weaknesses today

    – My own desire for the feeling/smell/taste of food in my hands and mouth! ( although much less so than yesterday)

    – Not having a plan for today eg what and when I will eat

    – potentially eating out for lunch not knowing calorie content of foods etc might lead me to eat too much

    – giving up later today because motivation might be low or just forgetting I am fasting.

    Okay breath… here is to day 2!

    Congrats on the scale being down! Any encouragement is helpful. But you are so right–it is just one indicator and if it is not indicating what we want we should focus on the other positives.

    I never thought I’d be enjoying fast days, but I am. It is not that they are always easy. And I do get a bit peckish at times. But when the day comes to an end I feel so great both physically and emotionally. I feel accomplished and that I am doing something very positive about myself. I feel empowered.

    Good luck today. You can do it!!!

    @greenpink, how is your Day 2 going?

    @165gw thanks for the messages!! 😊

    Day 2 went well for the most part.

    I ended up over by 220 calories which is small but I guess I took the risk to be social and I *know* this is my downfall when it comes to staying on track. I was able to avoid lunch out but went for coffee and biscuits instead.

    Will I still consider this a successful fast day … yes
    Does it follow the rules… no

    I know that I need to also be able to live a normal life and unless I want to be a hermit then *mistakes* will happen. I will check in tomorrow as I am hoping for another loss in the scale despite not hitting that magic number today calorie wise.

    If I loose weight again I will be really happy about it but then I also know my mind will /might use it as an excuse to continuously eat 225 calls more every fast day. I hope I’m not boring anyone with my thoughts. It just really helps to vent them out here!

    Also thanks for the little encouragement. I read it earlier in the day and it was really motivating. 🙌 @165gw

    I agree–it was a success! Good for you. I think we have time difference. Are you on your day 3 or 4? Keep it up!!!

    I vent in my thread a lot lol. I am not sure if anyone reads it but it helps me and I am pretty sure no one is bothered!

    We just do what we must to keep ourselves healthy and motivated.

    @165gw yes I think there is a time difference! I’m in Europe! Well so I don’t have an exact plan but I am sort of going with what I think will work for me long term and sustainable. So I am doing my Day 3 today! 100% agree you have to do what motivates you. I actually find it helpful to read how other people manage day to day makes me feel a little less alone.

    My plan or so I have worked out will be 4.3

    I think this will be sustainable untill the end of the month.

    Basically fasting approximately 12 days of the month and eat tdee for the remaining days.

    Since I began this mid March 2019 I have another 7 fasting days to bring me to the 31st of the month if I fast on the 31st that is. I feel that this will be an easy way for me to track my fasting progress. Currently I am on Month 1 day 3 if that makes sense rather than starting each week with day 1 day 2 etc.

    Today’s observations

    – I had 2 ‘normal’ eating days at the weekend and it was so so good. I could feel myself enjoying food much more.
    – I noticed my mood has improved but that could also be homonal so will have to check back in with that

    – I know that I can’t fast again untill Thursday or Wednesday do I feel a little guilt… not sure why I guess it is fear of me not sticking to the plan and forgetting all about this ‘diet’ for the remainder of the week.

    – it was easy to eat my tdee on Saturday

    – I went slightly over on Sunday and I think that might be to do with knowing Monday was a fasting day.

    – The scale went down 0.4 kg when I checked Saturday after my first two fasting days

    – Total of 1.1 kg. Althought I will find out tomorrow if I was able to sustain it after the weekend

    **** After two days of fasting my body was very hungry and found it hard to sleep Friday night. I woke up at 6am had an early breakfast. At this point I knew I would not sustain fasting everyday. ****

    – I am so happy with the weightloss. If every week I lost 1kg that would defenitly bring me to my goal in no time.

    Will hopefully do a really quick check in to night as I can sense the evening might be tricky with temptations!

    As predicted I will have to restart Day 3 on Thursday.
    I was so close to ended the day well but I slipped up at 11.30pm. 😭

    I ended the day at 1518 calories. My tdee for today would be 1714 calories so a little under making me feel slightly okay for messing up.

    Non fasting day.

    Feeling a little discouraged seeing my weight up 0.6 kg from my weight loss from but I guess that is what is suppose to happen if you weigh after non fasting days.

    I have about 450 calories left for dinner today. Looking forward to fasting again just wish I could do it sooner but I must have patience.

    Don’t give up, you can do it!!

    Weigh-ins at different stages of fasting will yield different results. Try to ignore, and onwards!

    @165gw thanks so much. Truely appreciate your comment. I have read that some people only weigh after a fasting day and I am thinking it might be a good idea to do this.

    Little update. Fasting day Wed 20th March.

    So I able to fast yeaterday! So pleased. I went a little over but I know that if you *need* to eat you have to eat I’m not here to torcher myself either.

    Weight is down 0.4 today but up 0.2 from my low weight last week… does that even make sense I’m not sure how I can update weight loss here. Perhaps a little table like below.

    Week 1 weight loss 1.1kg
    Week 2 weight loss …

    Currently I am on Day 4 Fasting Thursday 21st March 2019

    @greenpink, you are doing awesome!

    How did the March 21 fasting day go?

    I think as long as you are consistent–either always after a fast day, or always after an eating day. Then your baseline remains the same. I wasn’t able to follow this myself due to me only having access to the scale on Monday evenings and my fasting days shifted, and that was annoying as I felt my “results” were tainted some.

    Greenpink, welcome to the Fasting journey. Your weight will take ups and downs, so don’t let that blow you off course. I weigh daily, just to know if I need to eat less on a Slow Day or really double down on a Fast Day. Did you take measurements at the start and write them down? That’s another good way to mark your progress. We re-measure every 6 months. If you have an app to track your weight [I enter mine on the most basic FitBit], then you will see if your average weight it going in the right direction.
    Good luck.

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