Fast day and gone slightly over

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Fast day and gone slightly over

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Emlovesaz 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi I am on my 3rd fast day and I have gone slightly over. I drank too much tea today

    How much tea did you drink did you have milk?

    I had 4 plastic cups with skimmed milk.

    That’s not that bad. I’ve only just started I’ll probably drink way more than that I’m a bit scared but excited to lose the weight. Is it hard not eating so much?

    I am not finding that hard. Honestly I am not a big eater wine is more my problem. I just keep myself busy and drink loads of water. When did you start?

    Hi sjharrit2 wine is my problem too. I haven’t found it too bad not drinking as much so far. How are you getting on without it. Ive found I sleep better when I don’t drink!

    Hi I only started at the beginning of the week eating less and healthier today is my first fast day funding it a bit hard but I have lost four lbs in 2 days! I gave up drinking six months ago I drank lager didn’t lose weight but felt less bloated and can sleep better. How are you two finding it?

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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