December 2017 Challenge

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December 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,190 replies, has 97 voices, and was last updated by  Maayyaa 6 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 1,192 total)

  • Last November post –

    Thank you @jessyoursize for hosting!

    My final weight is 196.4 – down 2.6 lbs for the month from 199.

    Need to catch up on all the wonderful results.

    See you in December.

    Day 1 USA (Illinois home/Utah visiting) – NFD

    Hi all regulars and welcome to all the Newbies! I am still maintaining for a year now, mostly thanks to the wonderful peeps on this Forum. I began 5:2 in mid-March 2016 at 193 pounds. I lost 35 and have my BMI right at the top of normal at 25. I am 69.5 years old, so really don’t want to be much thinner to avoid too many wrinkles! I’ve been able to meet several of our “challenge” members in person — great folks!

    Thanks @bert1802 for being our host!

    I’m a retired school music teacher, still direct a community choir and teach some private piano lessons. I am also active in my church music, so Christmastime is a wonderful season for musicians. We get crazy busy but also enjoy doing the songs.

    If anyone comes up with a quick and easy way to get rid of excess skin after losing (my belly looks like a walrus!) shorty of surgery, I am game to know it.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 1, Norway, CD

    Thank you Bert1802 for hosting 😊 I would like to joing.

    Fasted really hard this past week to reach my november goal, and i made it. Today i couldf finally eat … but strangely ive had one meal (a late lunch) and since we are one a ski resort cabin for the weekend, OH bought tons of snacks… none of which i crave.. so thats good. Ate a clementine and it felt gooood.

    Goal for this month would be to see 82kg

    Day 1 California NFD
    Starting weight is 59.3 kg – 130.7 pounds
    December goal: 58 kg – 128 pounds

    I’m ready for this new month. December can be a tough one with the holidays and gettogethers and just more food than normal everywhere, especially the sweets. I started this WOL on May 10th of this year at 70.7 kg – 155.7 lb. I haven’t missed a single FD and eat about 500 calories on 2 days per week. I’ve lost about a pound per week on average. This way of losing weight suits me well, so I intend to continue even after I meet my goal. I love all the support in these forums and am looking forward to the month. Good luck everyone!

    Thanks @bert1802 for hosting this month.

    2nd post

    Just updated the December spreadsheet with all my FD and NFD’s. This makes me feel good. Is it just me, but does anybody else get such pleasure plotting the whole month ahead like this? I was in Planning in a previous career, guess it is showing here with the monthly challenges ☺️

    @flourbaby many thanks for your EFS acronym (Epic Face Stuffing) as I have already plotted it in for Christmas Day and New Years Eve 😆🍷🍾💃💃

    Doing well on my FD today and soooo looking forward to wine and good food tomorrow. I will be working a 6 day week from now until Christmas so Saturday will definitely be my party night 💃

    Day 1 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    A fresh start is required. If I keep doing the same thing I’ve been doing, I’m not going to eradicate this weight. I need to get my head in the game. This is such a mental thing for me. My goal is to control my eating on NFD, otherwise I just undo all the good work from fasting.

    Welcome back @coda

    Day 1, London, UK, FD,

    Well, I’m here, joining the December challenge (my 14th month of 5:2 & -38lbs) in this THE MOST challenging of months!!!! DO NOT ask about the Baileys fueled Xmas of 2016!!!

    Starting weight – 156.8lbs
    December goal – eradicate 6lbs+ of fat by Dec 24th
    Stay dry until Dec 21st
    Maintain Dec 24th weight, or banish a bit more fat, for the remainder of the challenge.

    I’m aiming to bank as many FDs as possible during the 1st 3 weeks, (probably 4:3 or ADF), hopefully losing 2lb/week.
    I’m aiming high because I don’t want to ‘feel’ deprived over the holidays!!!

    Welcome back @coda, you were missed!!! Your presence on these challenges is enough of an offering. As you know; some of us feel the NEED to comment on EVERYTHING simply because we can’t help ourselves!!!!!!!! Just remember, WE’VE GOT YOU!!!!

    Thanks for herding us this month @bert1802.

    Newbies & Oldies alike………….. stay strong and keep the faith!!!!!

    Day 1- Colorado USA – NFD (only 2 meals)
    2nd post:

    Welcome back @coda
    Good to “see” you again! Can’t thank you enough for starting these challenges oh so long ago. You’ve always been so welcoming & kind…be sure to extend those courtesies to yourself too!

    For December, I’m employing a @coda tip from way back: marking all my important 5:2 & exercise info on a big paper wall calendar in my kitchen. It’s fun to see the progress at a glance. And seeing the numbers in black & white have stopped me from opening the pantry a couple times already!
    Thank you for that valuable suggestion!

    My main goal to practice in December:
    Commit to the FD. Don’t switch to NFD halfway thru.
    Stay strong! Work to develop that will-power muscle!

    Day1 UK NFD
    Thanks @bert1802 for shepherding us through this month. My goal will be to maintain current weight as I know there’s too much temptation in the way for me to do anything else.
    @bigviking, good news on getting to maintenance. Enjoy your well deserved glass of wine tonight.

    Female…I use the calories recommended by My Fitness Pal for weight loss on NFD…Excited to say I jumped on the scale this morning and I am down almost 2 pounds this week. Woo Hoo!

    Day 1 UK FD

    My first day and my first post! I’ve been inspired by reading peoples’ stories over the past couple of weeks and here I go.

    I’m 53 and have put on 3 stone over the last 15 years – a combination of longterm illness, stopping smoking and menopause. I’ve been tackling one thing at a time to improve my health and have finally got around to weight. I’m hoping to use the same combination that worked with smoking – planning, willpower and a lovely supportive forum.

    I’ve been vegetarian for 25 years, mostly low carb since stopping smoking – otherwise I’d be much bigger! – & gluten-free for the last 2 years which has helped with energy and concentration. Restricted mobility, low energy and chronic pain limit my excercise but I practice adapted yoga 3-7 times a week, and meditation most days.

    I’m going to do Mon & Thurs as FD – Didn’t realise today is Friday til 7pm and only had 200 calories so sticking it out!

    Please could you add me to the December challenge? Here goes…

    My Start weight – 81kg/178lb
    End goal – 64 kg / 140 lb
    December goal – lose 6lb

    Thank you!

    2nd Post

    @tsubaki, thank you for making up and posting the spreadsheet. I added my name.

    Day 1, Gozo Malta, nfd

    I’m 65.5 kilos and seem to be maintaining my weight though I’d like to lose about 1 to 2 kilos more then maintain. Ive started 5:2 or 4:3 early June 2016 and reached my goal weight end of October 2016 shedding 16 kilos. I gained about three kilos on a cruise this summer and lost them but I’d like to lose a couple of kilos hopefully before Christmas. I have a holiday scheduled from 6 to 12 December then from 28 December to 5 January 2018.

    Today was a nfd and I made a new recipe of a carrot cake which came out so moist and good I had to have two slices. I when over tdee today by about 300 calories as I also ate a small portion of pasta carbonara.

    I need to be more mindful of what to eat.

    Good night everyone onwards and downwards, keep strong.

    How do I find the spreadsheet?

    Day 1 – 🇬🇧- NFD

    2nd post
    Was just filling in my spreadsheet and decided that I will more try to go on a 4:3 way until Christmas. From the 20th on the whole family will be home every day which will make it much harder! Since my first LFD went so well yesterday, this is what I am going to try on my FDs from now on.
    Looking forward to reading all your posts! Welcome to all newbies, I am also only on my second challenge here. It really helped me a lot in November! Thanks again to all my fellow fasters in November!
    Let’s go for it together in this hard time of the year! Together we can do it!

    Day 1, Belfast NFD 🍷🐉🐢

    Good to see so many familiar faces, a few who have been missing in action and lots of newbies. I couldn’t have done this WOL without you 💕
    Month 11 on this forum and a few before that. I’ve lost nearly 28lbs and 6” from my waist – definitely a tortoise but the graph is down slow and steady. This WOL works for me and I still enjoy life in between!
    I follow a 16:8 regime. I fast on Monday’s and Thursdays, with an extra one thrown in now and then.

    Today’s weight : 149.5lbs (under that 150… just). Yay!
    BMI 24.1
    Waist to height: is 0.5 (which is the issue). My ‘dream’ measurement (thank you @happymargo) is is a 31” waist or less.

    My goal this month is another 1/2” at least from the waist.
    Keep up the regular swimming/Pilates/walking
    Keep the sugar at bay
    Limit the alcohol intake to Christmas outings and of course Christmas Day

    My dragons? 🐉🐉 are 🍷🍷🍷🍰🍰🍰

    I allowed myself to step off the sugar slayer podium tonight – a big slice of raspberry roulade and ☹️ it was too sweet. So my taste buds are finally changing 👍

    @Philippians 4-13 I love your name!
    @pashaw. Hope DH is well
    @Strawberriesandcream – no wine on Christmas Day?!!?
    Good to see you back @coda. You were missed.

    Back on that wagon tomorrow!

    I didn’t come this far only to come this far.

    Remember: You only get one body in this life – love it and look after it.

    Day 2 – Perth, Western Australia – FD
    Yesterday was a big one. Especially on calories. Particularly of the cocktail kind. Christmas party number 1. Feeling it today. Not sure how I ended up having so many drinks. My credit card isn’t feeling too healthy but I don’t think that my food intake was all that unhealthy. And I now seem to have a date with someone called Cliff (?!?). Day 1 was a very strange day.
    Considering the state of my belly this morning, I predict a very low calorie fast day for day 2 and lots of self-pity whilst worshiping at the porcelain god.

    Day 1 – USA – NFD

    Well, my planned FD turned into a NFD around 4pm. I could have eaten a less caloric salad, but my OH made one for me and it was mountainous, with hard boiled eggs, lots of cheese, dressing, olives, etc. It was delicious and a treat to see him eat salad, lol. So not the greatest way to start a month, but I will simply continue with Wed./Fri. FDs each week.

    Welcome to all the newbies (and hello again, virtual familiar buds!) I am a 63 year old semi-retiree, former city girl living in the boonies since 2012, raising chickens (Welcome back, Coda, fellow chicken raiser!), loving my simple country life. I started 5:2 in earnest in Feb. 2017 and have lost 26 lbs. I do 5:2 twice a week, eat low-carb, healthy fat, moderate protein food (LCHF) on a 16:8 timetable. I usually lose about 3/4 of a pound a week, but I realize that I could get to my goal faster if I abstained from alcohol. Not the best month to do it, and of course I’m not officially signing up for a dry December, but all of you who did abstain were such role models for me that I want to at least attempt it. My OH is on board for it too, as he has just found out he is diabetic, so I will have much less temptation of it being in the house.

    Day 2 NZ FD so far so good. Been at work today. Sitting down now with a cuppa. ☺☺

    Day 1 San Antonio, Texas, NFD

    Happy December everyone ! I’ve been doing alternate day fasting since after Thanksgiving to get me in the swing of things for December. I weighed myself on the 26 of November my second fast day of 500 calories since I think I needed to eat a little less the day after Thanksgiving anyways! But I weighed at 131.6 lbs. and today as my start weight for December I weighed at 129.6 (water weight I’m thinking) My ultimate goal is to maintain around 110 since I have a small frame (my wrists are less then 6inches around) but for my December goal I’ll be happy to lose 6lbs. I don’t want to weigh myself daily yet for I don’t want to get discouraged with the flip flopping of the weight since weight loss never is an easy decline but maybe once I hit maintain mode I will weigh myself daily so I can understand my body more. I’ve had to clean up my diet to help with some symptoms with insulin resistance and pcos so I’m staying far away from added sugar and fruit for the time being and from dairy and gluten and any processed foods. So just whole foods for this lady ! My macro nutrient split is 60% fats and 20% proteins and carbs but all my carbs come from vegetables so if you were looking at Net carbs it’s around 64 grams of carbs out of the 117 total carbs. Was thinking of doing keto along with the fasting to speed up the fat loss but I need my veggies so low carb high fat is good enough and it guards against fatty liver. It really isn’t all too bad I feel like perhaps this is how people should eat to be healthy we just get sidetracked with all the yummy things but I enjoy the way I’ve been eating so I find it easy to say no to the bread pudding french toast my brother tried to sway me with this morning! I look forward to us all crushing our goals together!
    And thanks ! @debster251 I was inspired by my Pastor whose been going over Philippians these past three sundays and it hit well 🙂 keeping strong, keeping faith 🙂

    Day 1 Sarasota, Florida NFD Plan a CD for tomorrow and 2nd FD for Sunday. Went shopping tonight and bought pants that would never have fit me this time last year! Welcome all December folks and best wishes to you!

    December 1 Day 1 San Antonio, Texas, NFD

    Happy December everyone ! I’ve been doing alternate day fasting since after Thanksgiving to get me in the swing of things for December. I weighed myself on the 26 of November my second fast day of 500 calories since I think I needed to eat a little less the day after Thanksgiving anyways! But I weighed at 131.6 lbs. and today as my start weight for December I weighed at 129.6 (water weight I’m thinking) My ultimate goal is to maintain around 110 since I have a small frame (my wrists are less then 6inches around) but for my December goal I’ll be happy to lose 6lbs. I don’t want to weigh myself daily yet for I don’t want to get discouraged with the flip flopping of the weight since weight loss never is an easy decline but maybe once I hit maintain mode I will weigh myself daily so I can understand my body more. I’ve had to clean up my diet to help with some symptoms with insulin resistance and pcos so I’m staying far away from added sugar and fruit for the time being and from dairy and gluten and any processed foods. So just whole foods for this lady ! My macro nutrient split is 60% fats and 20% proteins and carbs but all my carbs come from vegetables so if you were looking at Net carbs it’s around 64 grams of carbs out of the 117 total carbs. Was thinking of doing keto along with the fasting to speed up the fat loss but I need my veggies so low carb high fat is good enough and it guards against fatty liver. It really isn’t all too bad I feel like perhaps this is how people should eat to be healthy we just get sidetracked with all the yummy things but I enjoy the way I’ve been eating so I find it easy to say no to the bread pudding french toast my brother tried to sway me with this morning! I look forward to us all crushing our goals together!
    And thanks ! @debster251 I was inspired by my Pastor whose been going over Philippians these past three sundays and it hit well 🙂 keeping strong, keeping faith 🙂

    Day 1, Québec, NFD

    I will be fasting on Mondays and Thursdays and sometimes on Saturdays.

    My big challenge will be to stop eating in the evening while watching TV. I found two tricks to help me : brush my teeth right after supper and go to bed when a fake hunger comes by ( I now know that it means that I am tired and that it’s time for me to go to sleep ).

    So happy to see you back @coda !

    Day 1 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Starting the month at 196.4 lbs. I started at 245 at my highest weight. I lost most of the weight the late fall of 2016 but stalled at 197.2 Apr.1st. I’ve been bouncing for 7 months. Finally in November, nudged a little lower, making it almost 50 lbs down. With the encouragement of this group of 5:2ers, I haven’t given up.

    Goal for December – at least maintain & hopefully get down to 195 lbs.

    I’m an ELL teacher teaching children by day and adults a couple of evenings a week. Planning to change to part=time in Eastern WA at the end of this school year. As someone mentioned last month, this WOE is good in retirement seeing we eat less on this plan.

    Have a great month folks!

    Day 2 (I’ve just discovered the Challenge now)

    500 cal fasting on Monday and Thursday
    Rest of the week 1500


    Followed the 5:2 diet one year ago for several months. I lost the final 2 kilos and it improved my blood analytics results. But… I reverted to “normal” eating with some frequent extra calories and I’m back to square one.

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Oh dear, a very bad start to the month:( What on Earth possessed me to buy chocolate to go in the boys’ xmas stockings? Especially with so much time left? Extra especially as they are men not boys now and don’t need it any more than I do! I really need to keep things like that out of the house, but old habits die hard… Maybe I will ask someone to take the rest home and return it just before xmas… One blip won’t have done much damage but if I eat the lot over the month and resurrect bad habits it will.

    Day 2 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Nudges herself slightly more into 9 stone land ☺️
    So this morning it’s 138.7lbs, just into 9 stone 12 and 3/4 lbs and psychologically that matters to get away from the very brink of 10 stone. No matter, I predict I will be up by Monday, it’s the 2 steps forward and 1 step back routine, it’s just life. I will be back in the saddle on Monday and hopefully the November plateau will become a distant memory.

    Have to work today. Doing 16:8, having a boiled egg with oat bran bread at break, then I have made some pea shoot soup for my lunch. It will be a busy afternoon after work as we have tons of food shopping to do. Might even put up the Christmas Tree!!! I know it’s early but now it’s December……bring it on!!!

    @michelinme well done on stopping smoking. I too was a smoker (from the age of 12 😱😱😱), and finally stopped 15 years ago. That’s when the weight came on me. I still reckon that stopping smoking is the single most important thing that I have done for my health. Now it’s the weight. 👍

    @tsubaki oh you made me laugh out loud with your description of your night of cocktails culminating with a date with the mysterious Cliff and appointments with the porcelain God 😆 Hope you feel better 🤗

    Day 2 – Japan – NFD 81.5kg

    Day 1 Falkland Islands – FD 79.7kg
    My first time to try this diet. I’ve tried countless others. I hope this one works! Good luck everyone. Great inspirational forum.

    Day 2 France – NFD

    I do 16:8 and use my fitness pal to count calories. I swim 3 times a week, and try to walk /cycle when possible. Lost 8.1 kg so far, down to 74.9 kg! Last night was homemade pizza, wine and film night and it was divine!

    Today one of the meals will involve a large portion of mixed salad and I will keep under 1400 cal and will go swimming.

    December challenge for me will be to try and lose 2kg.

    Yes I’m one of the ex smokers finally getting around to the weight issues!

    Good luck everyone

    Day 2 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 FD.

    Day 2, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Long ramble coming up.

    Did anyone spot my deliberate mistake yesterday (rhetorical question). It was not an FD. it was not meant to be an FD, but it was an alright NFD – and my third night alcohol free. My reward was seeing a 1lb drop on the scale this morning. 136.8lbs. So it’s taken me 10 months to lose only 10lbs! The result of messing around. I did lose more, then I found it again – in bottles of wine. So to answer your question @debster251 – No Wine Christmas Day. No Wine this month. Maybe no wine ever again. I googled the effect of alcohol on my ‘happy pills’ and got a huge shock. So my choice is ditch the happy pills or ditch the wine. Now I’m not saying I will never have an occasional drink – but I have GOT to stick to 14 units a week or less. So my beer on a weekend (not in the house) will be allowed – but that’s it. I can control beer. I can’t control wine.

    @metatauta – I did see your question re the scale but was confused because you talked about a body fat reading. Now, my scales also show a body fat reading but I never found anything on this site that did that. On reading your second request – I think you are talking about BMI not body fat. Am I right? If that’s the case, I find both my scale and this site are pretty spot on on my BMI reading. However, if I calculate BMI based on what I want my final goal to be – then this site will give me a different reading to my scale which is giving me current BMI. Hope all that makes sense???

    I am absolutely determined that I do not put on weight this month. Every year for at least the last 6 years I have ended up pushing 150lbs by January and I just refuse to let that happen again. We have a rule in this house that we get one bottle of sherry, one bottle of sloe gin, one or two bottles of whisky, one bottle of port and one bottle of Baileys. Well I can tell you the sloe gin, the sherry and whisky have gone. The bottle of Baileys is not going to be purchased and the bottle of port will be purchased and taken to our friends for dinner on New Year’s Eve where I might have a glass or two with cheese. But no wine (I’ll take Eisberg alcohol free Cabernet Sauvignon – it’s actually pretty good). Additionally, there will be no cake, pudding or mince pies – or any of that kind of Christmassy stuff crossing our doorstep. This year there will just be the two of us on Christmas Day – happy with that – Dad going to other relatives for once. So right now I may even have a Christmas Day FD – given it falls on a Monday. We have lots of family arriving Boxing Day for curry – again – there is no reason why I can’t do an FD.

    Today I have my first Christmas lunch with girlfriends. I am driving. I am looking forward to using those empty alcohol calories on some yummy food.

    I wouldn’t even have got this far without this fabulous international forum and if I have any chance of achieving my December goals, I will be participating fully in this month’s challenge.

    All my best to you lovely people – you are truly inspirational.

    I had intended to join the challenge again this month, but unfortunately I have to bow out.

    Some of you may remember that my husband has been unwell for some time, having originally been diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2012.

    Sadly on Wednesday he passed away from a bleed from an undiagnosed stomach ulcer. Consequently I wont be fasting for a while, and am in full on organisation mode. Unfortunately the funeral is not going to be until the 20th at the earliest, so many days to fill, hopefully not with food.

    I’m going to try and keep up with posts to get reacquainted with you all and hope to join you all again in a future challenge.

    Good luck everyone in achieving your goals.

    Day 2, UK, NFD
    Dry Winovember over, alcohol was consumed last night. Feeling a bit fragile this morning. Weight up one kg to 75.8kg, which is still below Thursday’s weight.

    Had a take-away curry last night. Managed two papadums, a sheek kebab starter and then ran out of steam half way through my main course. Lunch for today, I suppose.

    @pashaw I am so sorry to read you sad news.

    Day 2 Ireland FD
    @pashaw I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s death. Such an unexpected loss must be very hard. Hugs to you.

    @strawberriesandcream Your plans are pretty staggering! A Christmas Day FD you are really breaking the mould!

    Planning a large stir fry this evening to break my fast. X

    Pasha 💛 thinking of you.

    Day 2, London, UK, NFD

    So, I’ve planned my entire week’s meals on both FDs and NFDs, just to get this month off to a flying start. I’ve made no allowances for snacking or ………. Gulp!!! …… wine!!! I managed Dry Winovember well enough after the 1st weekends’ craziness, even managing a very mindful company Xmas do last week…………….. who needs booze anyway???? @bigviking, did you find yourself forcing the cork back into the bottle after 1 glass or just ½ a glass!!!!

    @philippians4-13 – I’m feeling the urge to invite your brother over to prepare my breakfast!!!!!

    @tsubaki – looking forward to the update on ‘Cliff’……….. Clearly he made a great & memorable impression!!!!

    @strawberriesandcream – I’m cheering you brave souls on from the side-lines, I’ve been ‘Dry’ since the September challenge, not always by choice!!! I had every intention of being careful in Oct & Nov, then after the 1st weekend of booze fuelled madness I hopped back in with the other Dry-Winos each month – still some brain retraining required!!!

    @pashaw, so sorry to hear about your husband, my thoughts, prayers and condolences to you and your girls. xxxx

    Welcome back @quebecoise, glad to have you join us back on the wagon!!

    To the newbies………………. JUST STICK WITH IT……………… and I mean both 5:2 & this forum. I sometimes think I’ve ‘got’ 5:2, no problem, then I have a blip/binge/wobble and hurl myself off of the wagon, but this group is the only thing dragging me back on!!! I actually thought I might give Dec a miss, have myself a little 5:2 monthly challenge holiday………….. LOL!!!!……………. Stupid I know, because I would only fill that particular void with biscuits, cake, chocolate, crackers & cheese…………………. And the wine to wash it all down!!!!!

    The success stories on here should be enough to make you aware that you CAN & you WILL win this battle!!!!!

    Day2 UK NFD

    @pashaw. So sorry for your loss. We’re all thinking of you.
    @Strawberriesandcream, you’re r definitely on a mission this month. My task for today is to blow the nectar points and buy the Xmas treats – wine/beer/snacks etc. My trolley would be empty if I was as dedicated as you. I know what you mean re the wine, I also need to cut down now, holiday over, family celebrations over. Until Xmas I’m determined to only have a drink on a Saturday night.
    @annemarilyn, we’re definitely on parallel journeys. After my hols I was 5lbs up, taking me back to within 2lbs of the dreaded 200 again. We’ve both lost similar amounts and I’m determined, as you are, never to break that barrier again.
    @tsubaki, my oh my, you’ve started December with a bang! That post was so funny- hope the hangover has passed and the mysterious Cliff has turned out to be a James Bond lookalike.
    @ penguinFLK, welcome to the group and wow , the Falkland Islands, I think you must be the most far flung member of the forum!

    I’ve been following 5:2 now for 10 months and before I went off the rails in late October and November I’d lost about 50 lbs. I usually do the “standard” 5:2. I might chuck in a 3rd FD if I’ve been excessive and I’ve even been known to do the odd b2b ( usually unplanned), I find that by sticking to Dr Ms s WOL is really sustainable as, there’s always tomorrow.

    Happy December everyone, onwards.🎄

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Just edited a post and lost it *******.

    @pashaw – so sorry for your loss, we’re all thinking of you and have you in our prayers.
    @strawberriesandcream, you’re definitely on a mission this month. I really need to get wine consumption under control now, all my excuses have gone. Holiday is over, no more family celebrations etc. I just can’t quite get to dry December but I’m determined that the wine bottle will be opened one day a week maximum.
    @tsubaki, my oh my, day 1 and the Christmas celebrations are underway. That post was so funny. I hope your hangover is gone and that the mysterious Cliff, turns out to be a James Bond look a like.
    @penguinFKD, welcome to the group, you must be the most far flung person on the forum.
    @annemarilyn, we’re definitely on parallel journeys. We’ve lost similar amounts of weight and are around the same now. After my holiday I was 5lbs up, within a whisker of the dreaded 200. I’m determined not to go back there and I know you are as well.

    I’ve now been s WOL for 10 months. Until life intervened and I lost the plot in mid-October I’d lost about 50 lbs. but 5:2is so forgiving, I know I can jump back on the wagon and start again any time I want. I usually do the standard 5:2. I’ll throw and extra FD if I feel I’ve been really excessive and I have been known to do a b2b (usually unplanned), but for newbies – stick to the basics while you figure out what works. By doing this you’ll lose weight and get healthier. It’s that simple.

    Happy December everyone. 🎄

    Day 2 UK NFD
    Concentrating on eating mindfully today. Out for dinner with friends tonight.
    Feeling festive.

    @pashaw – I’m so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. Condolences to you & your family. Do what you need to take care of yourself. We will be here whenever you need verbal support, laughs or ((Hugs)) across the miles.

    Day 2…..Florida…… FD

    I’m truly sorry, it’s the 2nd day of Dec., I feel like I’m being a terrible host but in my defense, this illness is kicking my butt. I stayed in bed for the most part all day, running a heck of a fever and sleeping. My fever broke sometime in the middle of the night, so I’m feeling a bit better this morning, not by much.
    Today, is pretty much going to be the same as yesterday.
    Once I’m feeling better, I’ll give an update and be more of a host!

    Wanna know why Santa’s so jolly?

    That’s because he knows where all the bad girls live!

    DAY 2 UK NFD

    Welcome to all the newbies…. I’m only just out of nappies (diapers) myself but loving it! Only 2.5 weeks for me but lost 6lbs so a huge encouragement – even on NFDs.

    @fatrabbit…. exactly why I am resisting the piles of tins of Celebrations at the moment….

    @pashaw – your sad loss reminds us to put all this into perspective – thinking of you.

    @flourbaby Although I struggled with the amount of food, I didn’t have the same trouble with the wine. Paid for it this morning though. My (smaller) body just couldn’t cope with what would previously have been an average Friday night.

    I want to try this way of eating to see if it helps with my stall. I have been doing keto and one meal a day and lost 60 now i am at a stall. What are you eating on your non fd days? And do you have alot to lose? I have a lot more to lose. I dont see alot of people on here having more then maybe 50 to lose.

    Day 2 – Colorado USA – NFD

    @navymom – regarding what I eat on NFD, I follow a modestly LCHF low carb high fat Mediterranean food plan.

    Very similar to @philippians4-13 – staying far away from sugar and most fruits for the time being. Avoiding all wheat/ gluten and any processed foods as they cause my autoimmune disease to flare up. Luckily, I’m good with dairy. I’d probably DIE without cheese! 🧀🥛🧀

    So just whole foods. Trying to stick with the fresh “farmers market” items around perimeter of the store. Avoiding boxed & packaged goods in center aisles. My carbs come from vegetables. I’m trying out so many new low carb & keto recipes.

    With this entertaining forum, plus the new cooking skills, this 5:2 WOL is starting to become a really fun project!

    Day 2 – Massachusetts – NFD

    @pashw – I am so sorry for your loss. There is nothing worse than losing a loved one. From your post you sound very strong, and that is amazing. Do what you have to do to get through this. Don’t forget to care of yourself.

    @bert1802 – feel better! I also love your quote about Santa. Actually a lot of you have really good mantras and I want to think of a good one to add to my posts!

    @tsubaki – looking forward to hearing an update about Cliff! You’ve got us all intrigued. Give my regards to the porcelain god.

    @Philippians – good on you for resisting bread pudding French toast! Sounds like you have made a huge effort to eat more cleanly. I am still working on that transition, as I love sweets.

    @happymargo – I also avoid wheat and gluten, as they make my IBS act up something awful.

    Yesterday ended up being more of a CD than a Fast – for dinner I had a huge Greek salad. No carbs (other than vegetables) but much cheese, probably putting me over 500. Mmm, cheese. Had some friends over, but refused the wine. There were many snacks but I didn’t want them, and usually I can’t keep myself away!

    Day 2 Sarasota, Florida FD @saffy420 I’m doing an “unplanned” b2b this weekend- otherwise I’d fail at my 6000 calorie/week goal, which has been working well for me. I’m a small person (5’1″) and relatively sedentary from MS so this WOL is necessary for me. Off to the Sat. Farmer’s Market to stock up on vegetables!

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