Wow Bali! Good on ya! Its such a nice feeling to wear clothes a size smaller š OH gifted me a size 12 shirt on Sunday (ok so it was cut loose, and I am size 14 in other tops, but still… Its such a good feeling…) I am sure you will be in great bikini shape for your holidays.
BD – I am sure you will get to the size 12 dress soon. I have these size 12 skinnies in my closet that I was gong to throw out last year, as never thought I would loose that kind of weight, but hoping to fit into it someday. After discovering 5:2, there is hope!
Had a good fast day yesterday. I hope everyone had a great fast day too, and had fun doing it. I do enjoy the “empty” (light?) feeling I get end of the Fast Day. So, another benefit of fasting, and I do find that thinking of other bennies of fasting, not just weight loss/ dress size, helps each time I hit a plateau and still need to be disciplined to fast and watch non-FD cals when “nothing feels like it has moved” (every month or so in my case, lol).
11:04 pm
16 Mar 15