No-Nonsense November

This topic contains 291 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Arghya77 3 weeks, 2 days ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 292 total)

  • Welcome to the ‘No-Nonsense November’ Challenge I’m David, aka funshipfreddie, & I’m taking over the baton from @excelsior12309 who guided us through ‘Outstanding October’. November is seen as a time to start finalising any plans or projects that we had for the year. The End (of the year) is Nigh! And there are only around 55 days before Christmas 😳

    I searched for things that are special about the month of November, & I found:- National Cinnamon Day, National Doughnut Day, National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day, National Gingerbread Cookie Day and National Homemade Bread Day 😱 Not quite what I was looking for.

    So No-Nonsense November is about finally fulfilling the wellness promises we made to ourselves at the beginning of the year. Time to stop telling ourselves those little fibs, e.g. when we chuck those naughty items into the shopping basket – ‘they’re for in case we have visitors’, or, ‘the double cheeseburger is okay if I have it with the side salad’. And let’s not forget, ‘wine is just brimming with antioxidants!’ We all know what we need to do, so if we want to be looking & feeling our best by New Year’s Eve, let’s roll up our sleeves & get stuck in! 💪

    These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. Goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces (monthly challenges), we are able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish our goals one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges.

    There are no rules, but as a general guide, here are some tips for any new people:

    1. Posting – Please start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. Look at the various posts, and you’ll soon see the pattern, and will learn how useful it is for reading.

    2. In your first post, please introduce yourself to the group – this helps us to get to know each other, which is especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    3. Spreadsheet – we will have a spreadsheet available and we will post the link on a separate post when we have it. It will be in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post e.g. Day 1 – 2nd Post. Past history shows that posting every day truly does help with motivation for staying on track with your goals, so please don’t feel shy about suddenly posting daily; we love new members!

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for a FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    9. The “rule”. The F word (fail) is prohibited!! We all stumble in our journey – it happens. But acknowledge it, think about what you can do next time, and continue. We’re all here to help!

    We tend to use a LOT of abbreviations in these posts. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:

    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days FD

    16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)

    AF – Alcohol-free

    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)

    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate

    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)

    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son

    DTF – Dry ’til Fri (no wine, beer, etc.)

    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)

    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)

    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)

    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories

    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce had an inner warthog!)

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones

    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!

    LC – Low Carb way of eating

    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating

    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)

    LOL – Laughing Out Loud

    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)

    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new
    Fast800, it’s a FD

    MFP – MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.

    NFD – Non Fast Day

    OH – Other Half (e.g. spouse/partner)

    OMAD – One Meal A Day

    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of moi!)
Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day

    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)

    TRE – Time Restricted Eating

    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)

    WFH – Working From Home

    WOL – Way of Life

    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age
WW – Weekend Warrior (c/- @jaifaim)
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast

    Finally, most of the regular Challengers are not crazy about terms like ‘trying/hoping for a FD’. Or wishing others ‘luck’ for a good FD. Because luck has nothing to do with accomplishing a successful fast day. Remember – it’s no-nonsense November, & we’re getting the job done this month. To quote Jim Rohn, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Let’s do this 💪🎯

    Hi @funshipfreddie thanks for setting up the No-Nonsense November Challenge – here’s the link for the spreadsheet

    Day <3>

    Is that right? Or should it be <2>? 🤔🤣Whatever number, I’ll be here, and I love the name, David, and love your emphasis on not making excuses and not relying on luck.

    My continued goal for November is to learn to eat on NFDs the way I’ll need to eat to maintain, so you’ll seldom see me eating minimally on those days, but instead I’ll be eating “reasonably” in a way that will work for the rest of my life.

    On the other hand, should I end up with an EFS day, or have too much social stuff show up, I’ll likely add in a day of restraint.

    No nonsense, right?

    Thanks for getting us started!

    Thank you @funshipfreddie for setting up this month’s challenge. I will be returning to join you all. It will be three weeks after my operation and I will be able to start fasting again. See you all on Saturday.

    Day -2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – CD

    @at – thanks so much for the spreadsheet 🙏

    Welcome to the November Challenge @at, @stitchincarol & @molij!

    @stitchincarol – I think -2 was right, in my time-zone anyway 😜

    @molij – good to know you’re up & about & will be joining us in November 🤗

    Day 0 – GA/USA

    Count me in. I want to get back into the 220s for November, despite Thanksgiving lurking at the end of the month.

    Day -1, NE England

    I’m in too, would like to drop 5 pounds again in November.

    Day 1 NZ NFD No Nonsense!! 68.9kg

    I was pleased with myself regarding y’day’s FD & dinner. I went to a Japanese ‘tapas’ style restaurant. Beforehand I had 2 glasses of bubbles and 1 cracker. There is nothing like chopsticks in the wrong hand to slow down eating!!😅 And being out with three hungry males!!
    👋@molij Delighted you’re through surgery and are back with us!! You will still be in recovery mode so be gentle with yourself!! Great that you can focus on the future and get back to your sewing!!😘
    @stitchincarol That is a smart plan to consider the NFDs as ‘maintenance’ days alongside the two fasting days!! I need to think this way too!!
    @iona72 That’s a big loss for the month!! Well done!!
    I would also like to downsize in part because I have a big garden- well forest, but all the town houses and apartments seem to be multi level because it is cheaper for developers to divide buildings up vertically not horizontally… l would consider moving from my one level family home to a one level townhouse with enough garden for a dog, like my friends, but there is very little on the market that fits this description…
    I’m not quite ready for a resthome apartment 🤣🤣🤣
    @funshipfreddie Your introduction is hilarious. Who knew that November’s special days are all about baking… We have Movember 🥸 for fundraising for men’s health…
    Your trip sounds lovely even with your chat bot 🤖 companion!!
    Intro – me, 66, reg nurse with a FA degree. I look after my DH’s art archive / estate. My Westie went off to heaven earlier in the year🥹. I bike and walk for exercise, I’ve lost 24kg so far, my BP is 70/46, P=60, need to recheck my cholesterol which was up for both LDL and HDL, and I feel the cold now!! 5:2 has been a lifesaver for me and this wee community ☺️. I’m nearly at maintenance which will present me with a new set of problems to resolve!! I am committed to NEVER putting that excess weight back on💪😀
    Welcome back everyone for yet another opportunity for a reset, refocus and reform😅 in the run up to the Christmas month…

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @northgeorgia, @iona72 & @merryapple = Welcome to ‘No-Nonsense November’.

    About me:- David, 62, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014. I joined the Challenges in 2018. I do basic 5:2, having around 600 – 700 cals on FDs – one evening meal – and I have an eating window of around 12 noon to 8 pm on NFDs. I recently started following LCHF too, which really works for keeping hunger at bay most of the time, even on FDs.

    It’s a gorgeous, sunny spring day here, & we’re just about to take the three mutts down to the river/beach.

    Wishing everyone a successful November Challenge! 🎯💪

    “Life is like photography – we use the negatives to develop” ~ Unknown

    Day 1-No. VA USA- FD 800

    Hello to all. I am ready to start No-nonense November with you all. I am a pediatrician, in practice still, though would like to retire eventually, (age 74). Work 4 1/2 days per week in my office. Started IF in 2016-17 and lost 23#, but due to failure of maintenance, regained that and more over the next few years. Re-started in March 2024 and have lost 22# and have another 7 or so I would like to lose.
    I think our group is supportive, educational, and amusing! I will add to @funshipfreddie‘s quotes, one from a psychology professor in college who began each lecture on human behavior with: “We do what is most important (to us)first”. If watching our intake and weight is more important than eating a tempting snack, we will do that first, in other words.

    Day 1 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Should have a few good days next week for fasting.

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Thanks for guiding us @funshipfreddie

    Me – 63F living on south coast of England with DH Been on these challenges since the beginning, and had varying degrees of success, currently around 10-15 lbs higher than I’d like to be . Determined to get to my goal soon but reminding myself weight is not the only measure,starting to feel stronger and more flexible thanks to my daily yoga so as we say onwards and downward – off out for Lunch today with DS30 and his GF so just looking to make sensible choices

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    After a successful FD600 yesterday I weighed in at 64kg for the start of this challenge, 0.2kg below where I was for the start of the October Challenge – can’t complain about that as October was not a good 5:2 month for me

    Thanks @funshipfreddie for taking up the baton to lead this No Nonsense November Challenge

    A little bit about me – 66 and retired to the Lake District in 2013 and loving life here – Been 5:2-ing since 2016 – lost 22kg and found the lifestyle so easy until the last 2 years, since when I have struggled and have slowly been gaining some of that weight back…… Currently not happy at 64kgs and desperately wanting to get below 60kg once more!
    Must not forget that my personal motto is “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Had a lovely 5.5mile walk with my walking group this morning and only had tea afterwards giving the biscuits a big miss……Today is our 44th Wedding Anniversary – we are out tonight for a celebratory meal, so aiming to fast until then……

    Day 1 North Wales NFD

    Thank you for hosting @funshipfreddie I joined this forum quite a few years ago and had considerable success. My name is Gail and I am 68, a mother of 2 daughters, a stepson and I have 6 grandchildren. I live in North Wales. My youngest daughter is getting married in 13 months and I want to lose some weight for that and to improve my general health and fitness.
    I am very disappointed in myself for allowing the weight to creep up again. I used to tell myself that the 5.2 was a way of life and I believe it is, but I fell off the wagon. I am feeling strong and determined and I know that I can do this 💪. I rejoined the forum in June and lost weight but I had to bow out in September and October after a scan diagnosed a mass on my right ovary. After a very stressful couple of months I finally had my operation three weeks ago. The surgery went very well and although I haven’t had the histology results yet the specialist has said he could see no sign of cancer. To say I am relieved would be an understatement. I told you all some months ago that I wanted to move closer to my children and grandchildren. After this scare it has made me want that even more. Once I have fully recovered from the surgery in about 3 months we are going to put the house on the market. 
Thanking you all in advance for your support this month and your support over the last two months❤️

    Day 1, London, UK, NFD

    I’ve snuck under the radar & I’m here for Day 1 ………………….. just!! Thank you @funshipfreddie for hosting us challengers, I’m pulling my finger out this month, there WILL be NO-NONSENSE!!

    I was MIA for the last few days of October, I felt a bit despondent about my -4lbs when I swerved those tasty antioxidants @funshipfreddie mentioned!!!🤤🤤 Well, 87% swerved, there were 4 days of excuse after excuse after excuse!!! The results did not match the effort I put in, so I’ve reassessed, been honest about my choices and re-jigged my plan.

    This month WILL be 100% dry, and from Day 3 it will be FD800’s with limited dairy, I think the full fat Greek yoghurt last month was excessive and despite the vino banishment, the Gruyere, Comte & Cheddar consumption was too high……………who knew you didn’t HAVE to have crackers & wine to enjoy cheese??!

    Anyway, this month’s aims
    • 2-3L water per day
    • Dairy max 2x/week
    • Min 7k steps daily – this will be tricky in the bleak, cold, dark evenings in London!
    • FD800 with focus on low carb satiating choices.
    • AF ……………. Even for my 2 brothers and partners B’days at the end of the month!!😰😰
    • Shed 8lbs this month. As I have a BIG number😩 to lose, there’s no reason not to be successful if I JUST ….. FOLLOW ….. THE …… PLAN!!!💪🏼💪🏼

    I wont promise to post over the weekend as I often don’t even turn the laptop on!! So, more power to the weekend fasters, we’ve got this!!!

    “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” -Napoleon Hill

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 155.6

    I made it through Halloween with nary a slip-up…and, truly, found it simple. As I was sitting on the sofa when the day was over, and the bowl of Halloween candy was a mere 11 feet away from me, I kept trying to figure out how it wasn’t the least tempting, while in past years I felt incapable of not having piece after piece. It’s all mind-set, right?

    I bought sushi at Sam’s yesterday (do you all know that big-box store?), so that will be lunch, then it’s out to dinner at a lovely restaurant tonight. I’ve been reviewing all the possible resolutions I could make for No Nonsense November–and it’s the no nonsense part of the name that’s holding me back, because it feels like nonsense to say “I won’t ever, not once, snack between lunch and supper.” Uh-huh. So what CAN I resolve to do–or, better, refrain from doing?

    In that vein, I read an interesting article the other day. I have no link to share, but the point was, if your goal is to burn the maximum number of calories while gaining the benefits of walking, it’s better to take an hour to walk 5K steps than to do so in 30 minutes, because, if you take longer to walk those steps, that means you’re starting and stopping, and it’s in the starting again that you burn the most calories. Why? Because once you have started walking, your body settles into an efficient burning of calories and you burn fewer. So I took that to mean it’s better to take, for example, three 10-minute walks than one 30-minute walk…right? And 10-minute walks feel doable.

    But. The whole time I’ve been typing that and editing it for clarity, I’ve been arguing with myself whether or not I can, should, and want to commit to that. And I’ve concluded I can, should, and want to. So, for November–no nonsense, you know–I commit to 15 10-minute walks per week. That’s 3 on each of 5 days. I’d rather make it 12 total, but I keep remembering “no nonsense,” so I’m sticking to 15. And, if I choose, I can do 6 on one day and reduce the total on other days. That feels like a huge goal as I consider the icy streets and cold weather that’s approaching, but I’m reminding myself not to be such a gloomy wuss, so that’s the commitment I’m making. And if I want, I can walk in place indoors, a la Leslie Sansone.

    So for November, I commit to WF on T/Th and 15 10-minute walks per week. My goal is to severely limit snacking, but I’m not making it specific part of my November goals because I don’t want too large a list of goals: I want this to be achievable and feel good. And to get the ball rolling, I stopped typing for ten minutes to do the first of my walks. 👍

    I started October at a slightly inflated 162.0 even though at the beginning of September, I was 160.4. So with today’s 155.4, I’m down 5lbs in two months; not impressive, but to indulge in a coloquialism, better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, LOL! And it’s DOWN, and for that, I’m thrilled.

    @lona72 I laughed when I read your post. Yeah, I TOO would like to lose 5 pounds in November, although there’s no “again” to it, LOL! I’m impressed that you’ve managed to do so; that’s some serious determination.

    @merryapple Well done on having a grand time but not going overboard at the Japanese restaurant, but I really laughed at the image of “chopsticks in the wrong hand”…yeah, that would slow down anyone!

    @funshipfreddie What a fun image to think of walking three dogs at the beach/river on a lovely spring day!

    @excelsior12309 Excellent quote, and proves the truth of so many of us struggling to find mojo at different points…with no mojo, losing weight and controlling our eating simply doesn’t matter as much as whatever behavior is tempting us. Yup.

    @northgeorgia How’d you do on Halloween?

    @at You will always be the person who most represents this forum to me, as you were the most “like me” (age, height, weight) when I first joined back in…2016? 2017?…and it’s lovely to hear from you. Happy anniversary!

    @molij Wow, what a journey it’s been for you since summer! I’m so glad the operation appears to have been totally successful. ❤️ I too am a 5-2er for life, because it simply fits with how I’ve always preferred to eat…but, yup, there are times when enthusiasm for food and drink outweighs good judgment. So here we are, and down we go, eh?

    @flourbaby I love reading your posts–just sayin’. Could you do my thing of walking for ten minutes at a time, even in your office building? I’ll bet it would be fairly easy to reach your 7K goal that way, and then you could avoid the bleak, cold dark evenings in London–which, you are right, do NOT sound pleasant! And the rest of your plan sounds daunting, but you can do ANYTHING for 30 days, right?

    Okay, time to get at it. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 1 Pocket List 🍁
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @at OMAD until lovely anniversary dinner

    Day 1 – NE England IF 16:8

    I managed Halloween without any treats even thought we have quite a lot left over. Not sure what I will do with that? I don’t really want my girls to eat it either.

    I have been posting on this site for a number of years but I’m new to the monthly challenges.
    62F, retired for 3 years, thought I was fit and healthy until June when I was advised I am Pre-diabetic. It was such a shock to me as I thought I ate sensibly and I have always been active. However – closer examination of my diet identified far too many carbs. Since then I’ve lost 17 pounds, and I too, am determined never to put them back on again. My plan is Intermittent Fasting, usually 16:8 but some days a little longer, LCHF, lots of water and 4 alcohol free days per week and then sticking to the Govt. guidelines of 14 units or less per week. My goal is to lose 5 pounds again this month.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all and seeing how we all smash it in November!!💪

    Day 1 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hello everyone! I’m here for No Nonsense November – thank you @funshipfreddie and also thanks to @at for the spreadsheet and happy anniversary! I’m sure it will be a delectable dinner date!! Cannot wait to hear all about it.

    See you all tomorrow! Still hoping to read back over your posts as I have missed lots of news.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 2, NFD, Aus

    Hello everyone! Great to be back for another month.

    I live in Canberra, with DH and two dogs. I’m on leave from work for a year and am seriously considering early retirement. I am enjoying it far too much! My FDs are usually Mondays and Thursdays.

    Day 2 NZ NFD 69.6kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I made one handed treacle scones for afternoon tea for the dog walking gang then we walked down to our local dog friendly burger place. Had a burger with truffle mayo, beer and shared chips then came home and ate another scone as you do… I missed breakfast and for lunch made cauliflower, cheese, mustard, Worcestershire sauce soup and sourdough. Thanks for the prompt @flourbaby!! -4lbs is a Ab Fab drop🥇Please pat yourself on your back!! Could you consider walking the building stairs so you don’t have to be outside???
    Happy wedding anniversary @at. I’m looking forward to your menu debrief!!!
    @jaifaim Your catch up will be rather more last month’s news of the world rather than BBC news😂 and hopefully more enjoyable if not a little Seinfeld…
    @iona72 How much alcohol is 14 units? I’m curious esp with the silly season coming up!!
    @stitchincarol I guess you don’t have hills to walk up and down where you live?? I started with walking streets until I got my fitness up for the big hill. It’s a great feeling not paying gymn fees!!
    @excelsior12309 We have Guy Fawkes coming up and people are starting to let off crackers… I remember laughing with amusement at your comment about Virginians letting of guns for July 4th!! They probably would if they could here…
    @molij That’s fantastic to hear!! And you have time to sew your dress!!
    @brightonbelle Great to hear yoga is working for you!!
    @funshipfreddie You sound like you’re about to find out about the joys of walking dogs🤣 Boo Boo will incensed when you get back. Prepare yourself!!
    Have a good day!!

    Be a Weekend Warrior 💪

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Great to see so many posts already! Welcome to the November Challenge – @excelsior12309, @at, @brightonbelle, @flourbaby, @jaifaim & @penz.

    @flourbaby – your November resolutions are a tall order?! Sending you oodles of resolve 💪

    @stitchincarol – interesting info re walking – stopping & starting as opposed to a longer stretch. I’ve also heard that just standing as opposed to sitting burns more calories, but I don’t think it’s a significant amount.

    @merryapple – my friends here in Gonubie have always had at least 3 dogs. And they love their walkies 🐶 But the new addition/miniature donkey is more than a handful. He’s obsessed with food & just wants to play all the time. But he’s scared of water. When we’re out with him, he won’t even walk through the little streams of water that form when the tide’s coming in. We don’t know what he experienced during the first year of his life. I think he’s going to need some proper training or he’ll drive everyone nuts. Lots of animals have been abandoned here during the last few years, for financial reasons I imagine. Many people can’t afford to feed themselves here, let alone pets. I read up on Travis Scott. What a piece of work?! America say you can keep him right there 😅

    Going home in a couple of hours 🏡 I haven’t been too badly behaved, apart from eating my weight in cottage pie last night 🐷 And I clocked up close to 14,000 steps yesterday. First November FD for me tomorrow, so I’ll weigh myself on Monday morning. Ignorance is bliss 😊

    How long can you stand on one leg?

    Noteworthy November Fact:-
    November’s name has remained unchanged since the ancient Roman calendar, which was in use until 45 BC. This first Roman calendar was only made up of ten months, with November being the ninth month. November actually translates rather appropriately into “ninth month” in Latin. When the Julian calendar was adopted in 45 BC, two new months were added, which pushed November back to the 11th month. Despite its change in position, November was never renamed.

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 2 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Just a check in… have a great Saturday everyone. Will check in later 🤞.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 2 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. Ugh, I feel the sneezing and chest congestion returning. What in the world??

    Day 2 – UK – NFD OMAD

    We had a wonderful meal out yesterday evening to celebrate our 44th – The food at the restaurant was all about subtlety and understatement but absolutely sublime on the tastebuds – It was a taster menu and small course after small course never failed to excite…..Thank you for your good wishes 🤗

    Today I am fasting until this evening and having a OMAD, like yesterday, as it’s a friend’s 70th birthday and she is having a party at her house…..36 friends invited and we are all bringing a plate of either savoury or dessert ….

    I am making a Roasted Butternut squash & barley salad with balsamic vinaigrette – it also has tenderstem broccoli, red onion, sun-dried tomatoes, capers, olives, pumpkin seeds and basil in it….

    @stitchincarol – thank you for your lovely words…we can have a successful No Nonsense November
    @flourbaby – your November resolutions are definitely possible – you have encouraged me to see that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and have strong resolve – together we can do this!

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 157.4

    I did NOT drop a pound this week, which makes me sad. On the other hand, I ate far, far, FAR too many Halloween candies last Sunday (and am proud to say I haven’t had a single one since, and now they’re gone, whew!💪) and my dinner last night was possibly salty enough to lead to some water retention, so who knows. The good news is that my stomach is significantly flatter than it was when I was hovering around 163-165, and I have a pair of jeans to wear that are comfortable, and I’m not poured into them, so I’m enjoying the journey, not simply waiting with impatience to arrive at my goal weight.

    When we got to Lincoln yesterday afternoon, we drove past three houses that we found on Zillow and despite the lovely sunny day, they were all three far too dark with shade trees everywhere. Then we drove around another area and think it has potential. It’s a daunting search. Dinner was lovely, and DH and I both ignored the call of an appetizer and even a soup or salad, and simply enjoyed our plated dinner. My duck confit was beyond glorious, but I only managed to eat half of it, if that, so I’ll have a lovely leftover dinner tonight, or perhaps share it with DH for lulnch. My resolve is to make this day very minimal, to help nudge that scale down a pound.

    @lona72 17 pounds since June??? Wow. Just wow. I have no doubt you’ll manage to lose another five in November! How many more pounds total are you aiming to lose?

    @merryapple Nope, no significant hills where I live. Well, four blocks from me there is indeed a bit of an incline…🤣 And the problem is that if you want to walk “out in the country” (away from the village), it only takes three or four blocks to get there, but thenn you’re off of a pavement and on gravel roads, and I really dislike walking on gravel. I’ve done it in the past, but truly disliked it then and still do. I’m hoping the house we move to next year for retirement is close to a walking trail or a park. I’ve been so impressed at your commitment and consistency in walking; you’re doing great, and perhaps I’ll soon be doing great. (OH! And fun trivia about our gym fees: the high school has a great weight gym for the kids, and the school board opened it up to the community, the only caveat being that, if you’re there during school hours and the kids are, too, you have to let the kids have what they need. And our gym fee? $30. For both of us. For the YEAR! 😁🤣🥰 But DH is the only one who actually goes there…)

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, when I’m standing all day cooking (like for Thanksgiving, when it’s pretty literally all day), my Fitbit doesn’t record any significant acknowledgement of how exhausting it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll bet you’ll be very glad to get home to Boo Boo.

    Oh, and for my age group, I’m supposed to be able to get to 30 seconds in the “Flamingo Challenge” and got to 40 seconds. How about the rest of you?

    @at Your butternut and barley salad sounds absolutely lovely.

    I made a sweater for me, starting in July 2023, that I knit back and forth with DH’s Fair Isle, but didn’t bother to finish it last May when I realized I wouldn’t be able to wear it anyway in the heat of the summer. So I’ve pulled that out and am going to finish it now that cold weather is upon us. Then, having received the additional Jamieson yarn I ordered, I’ll pick up stitches for the second sleeve on DH’s Fair Isle. Some day, that will be finished. Truly. Although it often feels like an impossible dream, LOL! So after some organ practicing at church this morning, today will be all about football and knitting…sounds like a perfect November Saturday afternoon!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 2 – NE England

    Had a bit of a lazy weekend day. Although step count is 19,000+ it doesn’t feel like I’ve done so many.

    @merryapple you asked about alcohol units, I just put what I drank into a tracking App and it calculates units. Yesterday a pint of 4% beer was 2.3 units. Today a large glass of 13% red wine was 3.2 units.

    @stitchincarol I can’t believe I’ve lost 17 pounds either!! At first it was shock, I was worried about eating anything. I don’t know how much more I will aim for other than 5 pounds this month, then I’ll reassess.

    @at that salad sounds like my kinda thing 😋

    @penz I can recommend early retirement, I have never looked back, or missed work one bit, having a great time. It’s the one thing to thank Covid for, as I was furloughed from my job I realised I just didn’t want to go back and worked out a plan to leave asap!!

    @northgeorgia also sneezing and sniffing here, hope we can shake it off quickly.

    Day 3, NFD, Aus

    Thankyou @iona72, that’s exactly the kind of encouragement I need!

    Had brunch with a GF today. She’s lost 20kg and is looking amazing. Really good to get my mojo firing again. But we’re off on a mini-vacay tomorrow wh I know will be three days of overindulgence!

    Interesting article re the single leg stand. Whenever I’m waiting in a queue, I stand on one leg. I’ve always done it as a way to cure boredom so nice to know it’s also doing me some good!

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Yesterday was a bust. I was invited in for scones & coffee when I picked up my chatty neighbour. But what a lovely location? His cousin’s house is overlooking the mouth of Bushman’s River, about 135 km from here
    Then after dinner I opened a box of cherry liqueur chocolates someone gave me, intending to have just one. Or maybe two. And I scoffed all nine of them🤦‍♂️ Big reset today 🎯

    @at – 44 years? Congratulations! 🥂 🎉

    @merryapple – funny but gross! 😂🤢

    @stitchincarol – I managed 80 seconds. I think I could’ve gone longer, but I was getting bored 😅 But a couple of my yoga postures involve standing on one leg, so I’m used to it 🧘‍♂️

    @northgeorgia, @iona72 – I’m also feeling a bit sniffly with a scratchy throat & didn’t have the best sleep. Hoping it’s just a 24 thing 🤞

    @penz – enjoy your mini-break 🚙

    Happy S🌞nday y’all

    Pocket List – Day 3 🥚

    Day 3 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. It’s been a while since I had a fasting Sunday. It should be easier today than normal since I am putting up the Christmas tree, lights, and decorations!!! Don’t worry. I have emergency fall decor I can bring out should I need to host an emergency Thanksgiving Haha!!

    Plus, I have a feeling Tuesday is going to be a nerve wracking election day, so I may have to prepare myself in advance to avoid mindless emotional snacking. Maybe a nice soup at dinner…

    Sniffling and sneezing not making an appearance this morning, although we think we picked up a 12 – 24 hr bug after eating at a restaurant and visiting my uncle yesterday. I told my mom I didn’t think it was food poisoning, as that is much more violent — I suspected we swiped something gross while cleaning up a little at my uncle’s room in the morning. I’ll check on her later this morning — so nice to get an extra hour of sleep over here last night after DST ended 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 3 🥚

    Day 4 NZ FD 70kg👀 🏃🏼‍♀️

    @funshipfreddie That lovely view of the river must be worth at least a couple of scones!!🤣
    Liqueur chocolates👀 Really??!!
    I’m just racing off to stand on one leg!!
    I did L and R legs for 3 1/2 mins each. I stopped because the jug had boiled… so I guess that’s a pass too.
    Lucky my balance is OK because I had to go up a ladder and rescue the neighbour’s cat with one hand in the weekend… He jumped from the cabbage tree onto the roof and was well and truly stuck. He’s male… all brawn and no brains 🤣
    @northgeorgia A Christmas tree already??!!! I guess you need somewhere to put all those presents😂
    @penz Have a lovely long relaxing weekend.
    Great to have someone to inspire you!! I went to an exhibition at an institution and a guy 20 years my junior than me told me I looked so much younger!! Yeah!! So how come my weight went up🤔???? See below…
    @iona72. …14 units / wk, 3.2 units per 🍷 or 🍺 = 4 glasses per week… REALLY 😩 I don’t drink on my own but that’s 2 glasses per Friday and Saturday nights. If I’m driving I wouldn’t have more than two but if I’m not…🥳😱
    Have good clean fun everyone!!!

    Pocket List 🍫👀

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.3 kg 👀

    It’s ‘National Candy Day’ today. So I don’t feel too badly about my Chocolate Cherry Liqueur binge on Saturday night; I was just getting a head start 😜 Sunday’s FD was a doddle, despite being surrounded by food again at the afternoon card game. Including Chocolate Mint Thins?! They really know how to torment me 😳 My weight is slightly over my target; no surprise there. I was expecting it to be at least 72. I’m definitely battling a cold, but nothing life-threatening, & I feel better after a good night’s sleep.

    @merryapple – 3 & a half minutes?! You’re going to live forever if you’re not careful 😅 Cute picture of the cat in the tree. I imagine he’s thinking, “put down the 🤬 phone & come and rescue me!” 🙀

    Tips from an 80 year old for staying active & healthy:-

    Wishing everyone a sensible, restrained & no-nonsense week! 🎯💪

    Pocket List 🍫👀 Day 4

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Back from holiday and the scales reveal a truly horrible figure 😱
    I will knuckle down and resolve to repair the damage by the end of the month.

    Pocket List 🍫👀 Day 4

    Day 4 UK FD

    Oh dear , I’m in the same boat @missybear and that just after a slightly indulgent weekend , fasting today and aiming for a great week as we head off on holiday Saturday

    My November goal is to drop 3lb so I really can’t afford to be adding lbs at this stage

    Thanks to my regular yoga my balance is pretty good and I can manage several minutes in tree pose – so nice to have some good news

    Pocket List 🍫👀 Day 4

    Day 4 – UK – FD500
    Day 3 – NFD

    Sorry I missed posting yesterday

    The 70th birthday party was great fun and my salad bowl went down well @iona72

    @merryapple – I stand on one leg to brush my teeth changing legs morning and evening…..Am I a bit strange 🤣 but I have always felt that having good balance was important to help recover if tripping whilst out on my hikes and I suppose my yoga/pilates practice helps in this as stated by @brightonbelle
    @funshipfreddie – a whole box of Chocolate Cherry Liqueur…….😳

    10 of us went to see a film of the 25th anniversary of The Phantom of the Opera – filmed at The Royal Albert Hall in 2011 – somehow I had not seen it this previously despite being a great fan – I saw Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman in the role in London a long time ago……..
    Following the bows, Andrew Lloyd Webber delivers a speech to the audience before bringing out both the Royal Albert Hall and the original creative team, the original leads from the London and Broadway productions, and the original London cast, including Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman. Brightman then sings “The Phantom of the Opera” with Colm Wilkinson, Anthony Warlow, Peter Jöback, and John Owen-Jones. Karimloo joins the four Phantoms in singing “The Music of the Night,” along with both casts and creative teams…….Brilliant!!

    I feel in need of good FD so going for an old fashioned FD500 to RESET and joining the pocket list

    Pocket List 🍫👀 Day 4

    Day 4-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Busy weekend around the house, with lovely weather, but we really need some rain here; none since the first week in October.
    @at, when my son (who is 41) was about 4 years old, we somehow got a tape of the old Lon Chaney Phantom of the Opera, and he would watch it over and over, waiting for the part where the Phantom first revealed his mask/face, and he would scream in delight. It was silent, of course, but very creepy.
    @merryapple, you are very brave to climb a tree one-handed to rescue the cat. We called the fire department many years ago, when we lived in a little town in NC, to rescue a cat in a tree. They didn’t have equipment to go up as high as the cat was, and the fireman told us “We have never found a cat skeleton in a tree.” So maybe they find a way down, eventually?
    Sending determination to the fasters today!

    Day 4 – USA/GA – ?

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. Still might be a FD, but my mom wants me to pick up something from a restaurant tonight. Haven’t made up my mind, but I’m going to treat it as a FD in any case. Yesterday went well; Thursday is a definite FD.

    2nd Post – Day 4

    Pocket List 🍫👀 Day 4
    @northgeorgia maybe..? 🤔
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 4 North Wales FD

    Weigh in 73kg I had got down to 70kg before I stopped due to my medical problems. It just shows how quickly the weight can go back on when you stop this way of life. I know I can continue to Fast twice a week but I will struggle to post every day. I am dreadful at letter writing too and I much prefer short texts. I am always in awe of how some of you manage to post such long posts.

    @excelsior12309 I love the musical of the Phantom of the Opera.
    We had a cat that fell out of a first floor window and it was ok. I read that In one study of 132 cats who fell from the windows of high-rise buildings, 90% survived although 37% of them needed veterinary treatment.

    @brightonbelle hope you have a lovely holiday.

    @missybear we meet again on here. It’s nice to see the same names popping up.

    @funshipfreddie. I can resist candy but I do struggle when it’s chocolate covered nuts. I am very partial to Cadbury’s whole nut.

    @merryapple, I like @at stand on one leg whilst cleaning my teeth. I cannot wait to start doing my Jo Wicks routine in the morning when my post opp regime allows me too. He too advocates standing on one leg.

    @northgeorgia I am fascinated by your election and have been reading about it a lot over the last 6 months. I do hope it’s a peaceful election and the American people can live with the result after.

    @iona72 I drink my wine in small glasses I think it helps me to drink less. I do love a glass of wine with a meal.

    @stitchincarol I love Fair Isle sweaters. I am still sewing the toile for my daughter’s wedding in August. I found it difficult to concentrate on it after I had the results of my scan. I have only got one sleeve to insert and attach the bodice to the skirt and it will be finished. I have made a couple of outfits for my 6 month old granddaughter. A Halloween outfit and a first Christmas outfit consisting of a jumper and leggings.

    Have a brilliant fast day everyone. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress is remember you are trying.

    Pocket List 🍫👀 Day 4
    @northgeorgia maybe..? 🤔
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    DH and I were out the door before 8 this morning in order to take his car in for an oil change; I also drove in so I could drive us to a lovely coffee shop we rarely have opportunity/inclination to frequent; we had a lovely time visiting and reading (I had a skinny late, so was virtuous), but it’s completely thrown off my usual morning routine, so I’m going to give up on any sort of a normal post today.

    Talk tomorrow!

    Day 5 NZ NFD 69.3kg

    One thing about using the sheet is that you realise if you have a wee bit of excess then reign yourself in, down you come. This can be more to do with what’s going on in my head – having the confidence to jump back on the wagon without chastising myself and letting my mood plummet which is when I keep up eating when I’m not hungry… Like I’ve said before the sheet keeps me honest but it also demonstrates that I can go up and come down. Who ever had the idea of setting it up, it works for me and for that I am very grateful.♥️
    @stitchincarol A morning coffee date 😘
    @molij That’s a lovely long post!! You’ll get into the swing of things as you get back to feeling your usual self. And just do a wee post if that’s all you can manage!! Enough to keep in touch and support yourself 😊
    I too love fair isle knitting. I have just started working on a border for a shawl because it is very light with short rows and wee needles – 72 border peaks x 10 rows. When I have finished these I pick up 359 stitches… It’s a bottom up knit!!
    @excelsior12309 I used a ladder! Hmmm!! Interesting remark from the fireman!! That’s what my brother said too but listening to the cat 🐈 miaowing was going to drive me poco loco…
    @northgeorgia Good choices = good numbers!!
    @at Michael Crawford – Some Mother’s Do ‘Ave ‘Em Michael Crawford ???🤣🤣🤣
    After reading @funshipfreddie’s article about walking, I completely agree with you. Balance and walking well go hand in hand… (a grim metaphor for me in my current state☹️🤣)
    @brightonbelle and @missybear I’m joining you on recouping from a disorderly start to the month!!
    @missybear I’m assuming you had such fun in those country houses and pubs!!
    @funshipfreddie I used to love chewy caramel chocolates but now I think I’m going to lose a filling… A butterscotch sweetie is a favourite.😋
    @jaifaim Are you lurking?! Hope you had a good weekend 😘

    Onward and Downward!!

    Day 4 NE England IF 16’8

    I put on a pound at the weekend so now my target is 6 this month…..eek!
    Standing on one leg to clean ones teeth is one of Michael Mosleys “Just One Thing” series, I try to remember each day but can’t get on board with the cold showers!

    DH is having a procedure tomorrow for skin cancer so I’m feeling apprehensive. Hopefully straight forward and a speedy recovery.

    @merryapple your reaction to 14 units is very much mine too! I’ve taken to sparkling mineral water in a fancy wine glass to fool myself.

    Day 5 🎇🧨️ – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    It looks like it’s been pouring the whole night, it’s still raining & I have to go out in about an hour. I hate driving in the rain 😟

    @at – 9 cherry chocolate liqueurs. ‘A whole box’ sounds positively gluttonous 😅 The 25th anniversary Phantom of The Opera film sounds like a treat! I saw Michael Crawford in ‘Barnum’ at the Manchester Opera House around ’84. It’s hard to believe he’s in his ’80’s now!

    @merryapple – so true, the spreadsheet keeps us on our toes. And it takes just seconds to fill it in. I’m surprised more people don’t use it.

    @iona72 – praying you & DH receive only good news today 🙏

    @molij – that wasn’t a brief post yesterday! Ditto what @merryapple said – your posts can be as brief or as long as you wish. I think for some people it helps to get their thoughts down in a post, & some prefer to keep their posts succinct. I love chocolate & nuts too, but I’m not crazy about having them at the same time. Cadbury’s Rum & Raisin is more to my liking.

    @merryapple – yes, THAT Michael Crawford, i.e. “I’m ‘avin’ a bit o’ trouble..” 🤣 I heard he did all his own stunts too! What a talent. I wonder if that’s ever been aired in the USA? Losing a filling is a small price to pay for a chewy caramel chocolate 😋

    It’s ‘Bonfire Night’?! It was an exciting night when I was a kid in England. Is it still observed? Halloween seems to have replaced it here.

    Sending positive vibes to our American friends today, for a peaceful & drama-free Election Day 🇺🇸 🗳

    Day 5-No. VA USA-NFD
    Well, something I ate yesterday made me soooo thirsty that I was drinking water all night, so I dodged the scale this morning. “A pint is a pound, the world round” one of my teachers used to say, so I imagine I am about three pounds heavier this morning than yesterday from water alone!
    Thanks, @funshipfreddie, for the positive vibes regarding the election. We will survive as a republic, I imagine, but it feels very tumultuous. But I am not sure how much is the information overload we get from constant news and online stories, etc, which were not possible 50 years ago. I feel bombarded all the time, though I dodge most of it, to be honest. Not good for our mental health, I feel.
    @merryapple, I like your description of “a disorganized start to the month”. That is it exactly!

    Day 5 UK CD

    Yes it’s still celebrated 🔥@funshipfreddie but as you say Halloween seems to be a big thing now , I guess Guy Fawkes etc is one of the few things just us brits celebrate, a small town near me – Lewes do an absolutely brilliant procession each year

    Give yourself time @molij – it’s my anniversary of finishing chemo and it’s only now I can fully appreciate some of the stuff that was happening last year

    Ha ha @merry🍎Always made me smile to think of Frank Spencer making it big in America

    Thinking of you and DH @iona72 my DH has had I think 14 procedures now some big some small and they’ve all gone well so 🤞

    Right must get on , see you on tomorrows list

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Bonfire night 😱. Very much observed in our village @funshipfreddie. I dread it because a huge bonfire is built in the playing fields next to our house. The first year we moved here embers from the fire were carried by the breeze and landed on our roof, since then I spend every bonfire night fearing the house will catch fire. They really go over the top with fireworks too which terrify pets living nearby. So I always look forward to 6th November!

    Yesterday’s FD was unremarkable. Hoping a couple of decent FDs a week will shift the excess holiday baggage. The jeans are no longer comfortably loose.

    Day 5 North Wales NFD

    Very good fast day yesterday. Managed by eating soup to stay below 500 calories.

    @brightonbelle you are right about giving myself time. I have always wanted to run before I could walk. My husband is very good at keeping me in check.

    @funshipfreddie. We are very lucky where we live regarding Bonfire Night. It is still celebrated here and in built up areas it can be incredibly noisy. Our dog hates fireworks and luckily it’s quite quiet here. We still have to turn up the volume on the TV though.

    @iona72 hope your husband makes a good recovery, a worrying time for you both and your family.

    Have a good day everyone

    Day 5 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hello all, hanging on by my fingernails 🫣
    FD yesterday went well and was travelling and working so that’s good… I often snack or make excuses to pull in for nice coffees.
    My weekend took a busy turn so didn’t get through all that I had planned.. this week will be quieter.
    Hope you are all well!

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 5 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Yesterday was a bust, but it was an OMAD, so not terrible. As I thought more about it, today is too nerve-wracking to eat anything other than a good FD500, so here we go 🙂

    Pocket list – day 5

    Day 5, London, UK, FD800

    Feeling positive about this No Nonsense month!!💪🏼💪🏼

    As usual I was MIA for the weekend, I did some major batch cooking to ensure FD800’s remain as 800cals! There are major changes afoot at work with a management takeover as the MD steps back a little bit, I hope it doesn’t change things …………………. At least until I can retire!!! I need to spend some time this weekend reassessing, a lottery win would really, really help with that!!🤣🤣🤣

    @funshipfreddie, what a view!!! I can imagine sipping a lovely bold SA red whilst enjoying that view & watching the world slowly drift by!!! Thankfully, that view is a few 1000 miles away………… as is the SA red!!🤣🤣 Are you still AF despite the cherry LIQUERS????😳😲 National Candy Day??? ………………………..I despair, the battle to stay healthy is difficult enough without that madness!!! 🍬🍭🍡

    What a cutie @merryapple, I’ve given up cat rescue duty having clambered over a fence into next doors blackberry bramble jungle last summer, where I got shredded and covered in blackberry juice, only to have Bo-Bo SAUNTER out unaided whilst I was entangled!!!! He literally walked by me with a haughty look of disdain on his face!!😡😡😡

    Very true @excelsior12309 & @molij, cats very, very rarely actually get ‘stuck’ up a tree, they’re just attention seeking little devils!!!😻😻 That meowing was the ‘come look at me’ call thay have mastered @merryapple ……………………… cats ONLY meow at humans, clearly summoning their servants!! I understand there’s a robot designed for space exploration out there that’s based on cats, so it always lands the right way up!

    Sending some healing vibes your hubby’s way @iona72, I hope all went well🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Happy fasting folks, I’m slightly regretting my salad for lunch as it’s bloomin’ freezing here!!!🥶🥶 Bo-Bo and I will curl up on the sofa with soup (for me!) this evening so I can soothe him through the scary fireworks!!🙉

    Onwards & downwards folks!!

    “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” – Rosa Parks

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