Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,251 through 3,300 (of 14,786 total)

  • My goodness FB! Hitting the sixes in six months! That’s a great loss!! Big congratulations and bigger drum rolls in order now 🙂

    How did you do it? I started in Jan 2015 at 82.5 kgs,current weight 77.5 ( hah – lost the pesky 500 gms from last week !)- I am not sure how to “speed the process”, if that is possible at all. I am not rushing per se but do want to get to least 70 kgs by July as that is when I get to see the endocronologist. hopefully the rate of loss stays as it now…

    I hope your side effects stop soon. If this doctor doesn’t return your call, are you able to call another or go to a hospital? Check with your GP, as it may be tough to fly if you are unwell? I am very anaemic too and have been for many years, but take extra iron tabs daily plus during periods, I take transexanimic (sp?) tabs, to reduce bleeding (sorry, TMI!). This has really helped with the blood count in the last six months.

    CG: Your winter treats sound so yummy… Have a good fast day.
    Good luck to all fasters today!

    Fit: Enjoy the time with you friends, and don’t stress about lunch choices, though CG is right, I checked cals once for a chicken ceasar no dressing and less bacon with one egg (and yes, I did order it that way and confused the poor waiter lol), and it came to about 250-300 cals. Even lighter – one of those Thai salads, (beef /chicken). Or Tom Yum Soup with tofu and veggies is only 200 cals.

    Hey Foxy
    The presentation went very well, better than I exoected from myself…. Lol
    I am sure that you are one strong person and whateve it is, we are all at your back supporting you. Hope things sort out for asap for you.
    Lotus, thanks so much for your genuine concern. Just got a call from hematologist around half an hour bk and she reckons that I will start to get better in 24 hrs. Fingers crossed.
    Lotus, i have lost 15 kilos in approx 5 ish months (had to say that. Lol ) but really all that I have been doing is similar to everyone else here. Just that all this way, i have done 4:3 most of the weeks. I could not exercise, so uppedmy walking and always take stairs at work and not escalators. Its only 2 flights of stairs, but if I go up and down 3 times in a day, it helps.
    When I first joined this thread, i was very skeptical about this. My target was to loose 14.5 kilos and get to 70 kgs. I got the bonus of another 500 grams n now lost 15 kilos. Sounded impossible 5 months back, but I think, its important to stick to this and have faith in yourself. At that time it felt unrealistic target, however the support here made it realistic.
    I am still 7 kilos away from my ultimate target. And I know that its going to come off slow. The plateaus are going to be regular now, but sticking to the plan is the plan.
    I just want to add, if I can do it, then anyone can as I am one of those people who give in to temptation really quick.
    All the best team, n keep the support coming… Flowing…… FB

    Hey FB – that’s phenomenal weight loss! You’re certainly living up to your name. How brilliant to be in the 6’s, you must be so proud of yourself. Hope you are able to go on your trip and that you are feeling better soon.
    CG and Lotus – thank you for sound advice. You are both right of course – I’m in this for the long haul and making it work for me is the only way to make sure I keep to this WOL. So I’ll see if the menu allows for low cal choice and if not, I’ll fast the following day instead. No sweat!
    And Lotus – that’s a fantastic loss for you too, you will definitely reach your goal by July.
    All the best to my AD pals 🙂

    Thanks FB, Fit.
    FB, that sounds sort of like what I am doing at the moment, and yes, right now I too feel my target is not achievable. But thanks for the inspiring post, maybe I can do it too…

    Gedday all, Gad there has been a lot going on in my absence! still haven’t ploughed through. That or the unpacking etc. but I’m getting that you’ve had a low episode CG, and surgery looming. I know how chronic, niggling back pain and uncertainty can get you down. You are amazing to do what you do in spite of it. Just remember that WE know how much guts and determination it takes to even try to turn one’s life (and flab!) around. You are a winner. one step at a time, and maybe your plateau is from trying tooo hard? Remember the metabolism adjusts to keep the status quo, whatever that may be (it actually works in reverse for skinny people trying to gain, and has very much to do with the nervous system) I recommend you have a week long blow out and gobble all your favourites! (certainly worked for me!)

    And FB, Jeezus! You should not be sick as a dog FROM an iron infusion. It is normal to feel almost instantly better! given that you must have been feeling tired and out of whack to require it. And you’re A HEART SURGURY CANDIDATE? don’t get on that plane in that condition without medical clearance! Sue your bloody GP for not making the phone call to your specialist himself! Don’t be a lamb awaiting their convenience and get to an emergency room ASAP! you are definitely not fit to fast, or fly. Trust me, determination can be misdirected and you are so obviously a bloody minded stoic! Complain! long and hard! til you get attention. The squeaky hinge gets the oil and it’s stoics that worry me (from a nursing point of view). I really admire your weight loss success, but I want to hear that you are well and thriving along with it. Please take care.

    Hi team, very busy here, I’ve been out working in my fish pond which like everything in my garden, went overboard with, it’s 4mts. X 5 mts. Full of fantail gold fish and waterlilies, looking an absolute picture with dragons on the side squirting water and shower fountains in amongst the lilies
    FB you have worked so hard with an incredible weight loss in such a short time to impress your Mother and Sister to let this get you down. Please rest up, i know that’s not easy with a young child but I pray today is your “bottom out” day with tomorrow being your total pick up day feeling 100% you so deserve it Tat, think positive and HEAR what the doctor told you.
    Lotus please don’t stress, this weight will move, you can’t go by others, we are individuals, once your body get’s used to being refuelled at a regular time but with smaller amounts, it will stop storing excess fat, it will surprise you, stick with your 5:2 or even try 4:3 to get it moving again.
    Foxy I hope everything works out for you, outside influences do hinder any eating regime and you for one know how forgiving our 5:2 is so please hang in there, wait till your problems resolve and get back on hoard. Our thoughts are with you, no one likes difficult times.
    As with the plateau, well, I’m on my second week of 4:3, wasn’t going to weight till the end of next week but after sitting around 80k for the last couple of months, other than one week at 79k but back up, I weighted this morning at 78.4k, so know it will go up today, as I’m not fasting but will do a third tomorrow so hope Sat, it gives me a steady reading….bit frightened to get excited until Sat so I know the plateau is gone, but will do another 4:3 next week just to be sure, so how flexible is our 5:2? Woohoo!
    Take care team and be kind to yourself, stay in contact FB and let us know how you are feeling… CG 🙂 xxxx Foxy, I’m only a phone call or email away if you need a shoulder or an ear, a trouble shared is a trouble halved…xxxx

    OK, so now I’ve calmed down and am wiping the egg off my face. I see our posts crossed FB and you have got perfect control of your own destiny without my interference! Thank God. And well done girl. It can’t have been wondrous making a sparkling presentation whilst feeling ill. (does prove my point about you Stoic nature tho! and don’t believe for a minute that you ‘give into temptation easily’).

    Hmm, think I’m light headed from trying too hard to fast myself! LET US DISREGUARD ME for the moment…. but….I’ll be back. now…. what are you being strong about foxy…..mmm… better get off and go
    read up before I put my foot innit more than usual….

    You are soooo cute Gypsy 🙂
    CG – you are right. taking my own advice (so freely handed to others lol) – will not stress about it and learn to live a life apart from my weightloss goals. Weight will shift – when the body learns it doesn’t have to store so much reserve fuel.

    Gypsy… matey there is no egg on your face… for you are on the right route. Not long spoke to our FB. She is a brighter… the stomach aches have stopped , Fever of 38 , rigors, still does not feel like eating but she is trying. FB will not fly until she is 100% !that much all have agreed upon.her OH will ph airline tomorrow to postpone if she is still weak.
    Most unusual for a reaction such as this to occur and continue for 72hrs post Fe infusion, happens rarely.

    FOXY-Hope you are ok….. As CG said we are both but a phone call away if you need to debrief…. Am thinking of you… Hugsxxxxxx.

    Team be kind to yourselves….. Sometimes it serves to be selfish Do things that will get you out of the fog and into the sunlight. We are all rocks. As women we all multi task & forget about us.(sorry to the boys… you all do the same too) ….Love …….GO GAL

    Gypsy, your a treasure, your right in hitting the roof, so did I when I first read the post from FB but by the time I sat to reply the second post came through. Even so, why would she feel so bad, doesn’t seem right, she should be firing on all sixes, the other thing I would add, have a check up with your “GP” before you head to the airport. Your health is more important FB. If you need to delay your holiday for a week, do so, but get the all clear first and make sure you feel “all clear” there could be something underlying that hasn’t shown and your better here with your own specialist than overseas….sorry FB if that sound hard but it’s concern sweet one, I understand the excitement and planning prior to travel but think of yourself first.
    I’m back to feeling alive again Gypsy, got past the blues, which seem to be like a flu virus at the moment, we all had a dose, glad your home, any storm damage, did you rid yourself of “house guests”? …CG xxxx

    Gypsy, there is no egg on your face at all. I hear ya. Thanks for being soooooo considerate. I am feeling much better now and thanks GG for clearing it on my behalf, yes not going to travel if I feel sick.
    Gypsy, rest assured, i loved the way you expressed yourself. Love ya! 🙂
    Lotus, as everyone said, you are on right track already. If my post can give you some relief n belief that you can do it, then its all worth it.
    CG, i will have to stay in contact. Cant remain away from you guys, so looking forward to meet you soon too 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Blessings Lotus flower! You are right to distress over our inevitably successful journey, all it takes is to ‘stick to the plan’ as FB sez. And lest we forget, WE WILL REMIND US! so I never see any of our mob’s comments as less than good advice, it sparks alternative ideas and often saves my bacon. Onya!

    CG you are right about making the body just get used to being co-operative, too. You are my Oracle! love the sound of your fish pond.

    …um… that was meant to be ‘de-stress’ Lotus….. just ignore me, I’m raving. It’s the lemon, ginger and hibiscus tea…helluva buzz on an empty stomach….

    Gypsy, can you feel me cuddling you, you sound like you need one 🙂 be kind to yourself, it’s been full on for you since you got back, we love you as you are xxxxx

    And Gypsy, thank you for such a beautiful comment. Xx

    {{{hugs}}} Gypsy

    Awww, you lot are just gorgeous! Thankyou for accepting my idiotsinkrosees!

    GG, ta, love, I am presently putting the egg in rumbling tum! no shortage of inspiration to succeed on here! I’m behind my goal from the holiday, but it could have been much worse. And I did have such a good time. I’ll opt for staying lucid and just follow due process.
    FB, glad you’re taking every care. and really hope you get to enjoy your trip. be well xx

    CG, No, we haven’t had any damage here. I had lots of progress texts about the cyclones while away. from folk and family in the danger zones. thank god no one died this time. We are all very aware of our neighbours needs in cyclone season up this way, and I knew they would watch my place (Its Called “The Healer’s Hut” and a bit of an icon in the district built in 1887). After cyclone Yasi we all hold our breath til we see who cops it this time, then go help if we can. It’s killer hot, but we got off lightly, so far. Thank you all for caring. xx gyps

    Oh, and the pythons slither off when I bang on the walls and play REALLY loud rock. They hate noise vibrations! xx

    Gypsy, 1887, it would have such beautiful character, you lucky girl, I’m sure I lived in something like that in a past life (which I totally believe in) I knew I was home when I first set eyes on my property which was only a cow paddock, but I have paintings of “shacks” and old homesteads around my home and KNOW they are part of my roots.
    Take care in the heat my friend, you know to keep the fluids up, it’s the humidity that is so hard to live with, at least clear heat can provide coolness in the shade… 🙂 CG xx
    Glad you feel loved xx

    Hi all

    Love reading all the posts I feel like you ladies Are terrific. it’s like reading a novel you never know what is going to happen next.

    FB take care, keep well see the 6’s yeeks. I could never get they low I am 178cm tall. I am sure you will be sensible and only fly if you are well.

    Struggling a little today with my fast not worried will see it through.

    CG hope your weigh in is fantastic you deserve it.

    Take care

    FB, maybe it is nothing to do with the iron. Maybe you have picked up a virus.
    Either way, good luck and I hope you are able to go as planned and have a great time.
    And a big congrats for hitting the 6. I know the excitement of that!

    Hi all! It’s so lovely and inspiring to see the way you all look out for and support each other. I have never posted on any kind of forum before and was a bit shy/concerned about joining; but I am so glad I did. I know that everyone here has their ups and downs, which can affect their weight-loss journey, but with the caring, thoughtful advice flowing on this thread they are soon back on track.
    Lotus – you know you can do it. It will be in your own way and your own time – but you WILL do it!
    Gypsy – never apologize or feel bad for being so caring, the world is a better place for having you in it <3 Your home sounds so beautiful, don’t think I could handle the wildlife – biggest pest we get here is field mice!!
    CG – you sure paint a pretty picture of your pond and garden, you must have really green fingers. Congrats on weight loss, I’m sure it will be gone for good!
    Foxy, FB – wishing you both the very best and hoping life takes a better turn for you both soon.
    Best of luck to anyone fasting today/tomorrow/ – keep with the programme!! 🙂

    going to bed before I get the munchies. Managed to get through FD under 400cal. Phew! now I know I’m really back! lovely day girls, thanks for all the support. You distract me from hunger pangs. Hope you’re feeling better FB.
    Fit, my place is not so much beautiful as historical. It has survived as a poor man’s shanty, because it has sheltered those needy and hardy enough not to be too proud to reside there. It has been patched and repaired by loving hands over more than a century. Originally made of mangrove logs and ripple iron, it’s joinery was done by an adz and tho I have had to renew the roof and a few walls (over the last 30 yrs) I try to keep what I can of the old, intact. I have had it ceiled against the visitors in the ceiling. as along as they dine ‘upstairs’ we do fine (no rats). And it’s lined and insulated in the section I added. so I can have aircon when I’m desperate.

    It has good vibes, CG, I also have the sense of belonging in such rustic setting. Maybe because I was raised in mining camps waaaaay outback. It would have been a luxury dwelling out there! anyway. I did have a good holiday, but I’m glad I’m home. Nite all. happy weigh in !

    Gypsy – beauty comes in many forms. History, tradition and people’s stories are what makes a place beautiful to the following generation. I live next door to the house I grew up in and just across the road from where my grandparents and great grandparents lived. Half a mile away is the cemetery where four generations of my family are buried. Your house has ‘soul’ – much more important than superficial beauty. Xx

    Hi everybody, just dropping in for my weekly read and catchup. Seems you have all been very busy in more ways than one. Weigh day again and I am happy to report that I am now 90.3kg. That is a loss of 5.1kg in six weeks. Slow and steady!

    I love reading all your entries but when I get to them they are always ‘old’ so commenting doesnt seem appropriate when all you lovely ladies have already said what I would have written.

    Off to Dubbo tomorrow for a few days and then to Sydney to see the EAGLES in concert. Looove the music.

    Thats all from me – signing off for now … Ruxton24

    Good morning everyone

    Happy weigh in day down 500 grams again happy. I put on 400 grams last week. 100 grams lost two weeks. Oh well drop off is drop off. Nearly 17kg.

    Off to cairns for a week mid next week for a few days visiting sister and brother in law for brother in laws 50th birthday. Should be fun. Will take it easy on the food get some exercise ie pool and walking. Light food because it will be hot.

    Hope everyone has a great weigh in.

    Will be reading later today

    Take care everyone

    Harleylooooyeah!!!! (clashing cybols, great roaaaarrr!) great day in the morning! Ladies, I have seen it! 85.4 kgs flashed beneath my naked feet! Yesss! and I still had my knickers on. Gad! And the view was almost blocked again by boobs sagging straight! (you know, without swinging offside to the great divide! the belly bulge) Ooo! dangleooo! I have not seen such straight symmetry since they plastered me leg ‘n’ it shrunk!

    Yes I know it will fluctuate for ages, but it is moving! Not much difference in the body measurements, they just seem to hang different. and it is my arms and legs (plus the double chin) that’s noticeably trimmed. Oh, I hope you are all having a great weigh in too! Just don’t give up if not. It WILL happen.

    Fit, you are right about my little hut, It has a homey soul. Yours sounds just like that too. We are a kindred lot on this page I reckon.

    Ruxton, nice to hear from you. You belong. we are all CG and GG desciples. I have never seen or read anthing of the ‘creator’ you are all 5:2 for me. bloody well done! have a good day. think I need

    Good morning all, I’m down 1.5kg from the last weigh in which was mid week and probably more like 1kg down since last week. Was feeling very bloated last week and didn’t lose much (like maybe 400gm) but I think it was related to hormonal changed if ya know what I mean…? Feeling very optimistic about it at the moment as the scaled today told me I was very close to my goal weight.

    I’m very interested to see how things go when I get to goal weight and then switch to 6:1 maintenance mode. – Secretly I’m doubting whether I can even get down to 60kg as I don’t remember ever weighing that little in my adult life. Always sat around 65. Now I’m at 64…we’ll see.

    Hope everyone has a good weigh in and a great weekend.

    Greetings ADs. I didn’t get round to posting yesterday as it was ” one of those days “. Early start with Pepper and then a busy day. It was my FD but I got too tired to bother to count the calories. I don’t think I went over the 500 though as it was mostly salads etc. it is my weigh and measurement day today. There is only a modicum of weight loss and a feeble cm with the tape measure but at least it’s down and not up.
    Gyspy I’m so pleased that you enjoyed your holiday in Tassie. A lot of people from the mainland think it’s always cold. This is not the case. We love in here but unfortunately our kids and grandkids are in Melbourne so we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like. We have made so many friends since we moved here.
    Congratulations to all those who have lost weight. It is a huge achievement. Chin up those stuck in a plateau, it is NOT going to be forever. The longer I’m on this 5:2 the more I like the psychology behind it. After my ordinary day yesterday I was itching for a glass or two of wine. I kept saying to myself ” you can have one tomorrow”. This worked and I went to bed feeling very chuffed with myself. I’ve just finished vacuuming the house and staircase. I must have burned up a heap of calories.
    Cheers all and WE CAN DO THIS.

    Hello ladies,

    I am thinking that this would be a good “thread” to join, to give me some good ideas and be my inspiration, keep me on track as I begin my 5;2 journey!!!
    I am from Tassie so yes still “Aussie” 😉
    I have had a hell of a few years and need to get rid of this extra weight that somehow attached itself to my middle when I wasn’t looking as well as the now very important need for me to get my fitness levels back to where they should be!
    I am looking forward to gaining strength and knowledge from you all and would appreciate any important tips you feel I should be aware of to get off to a good solid start!!

    Hey, doggy, you live in a beautiful place! I would recommend Tassie to anyone. And I totally agree with you re the psychology of being able to resist ‘just until tomorrow’. It makes all the difference. Your puppy is taking you back to the days of bubs and disturbed rest, huh? Just think, ‘it won’t be long’. They don’t take as long as babies to grow! And I would certainly recommend you have some of that great Tassie wine ASAP!

    Morning fastina, I know how you feel about unchartered waters re losing more than your ‘normal’ best adult wt. I haven’t been below 86kg for many years, So I was really excited to see the 85’s flash up. I was being facetious when I set a goal for 70, but now I’m beginning to hope I can e reach the ideal for my height (5ft2ins) and that’s low 60’s, I think. Woohoo! I’ll be watching your progress and really hope you make it. Don’t give up and stick to the plan. I’m a believer!

    Hi Bali, enjoy your brother’s birthday party. yes, Cairns is hot, but I think the heat wave is going and the breeze is back so it shouldn’t be such a stinker. Cheers all! Gyps

    Hey Ruxton, well done on the weight loss. Enjoy the Eagles…brings back happy memories of my college days.
    Bali, have a great time in Cairns with your family. I’m sure you will make healthy choices and still enjoy yourself.
    Gypsy, you sure made me laugh with your very descriptive observations about your body changes. You’re amazing!
    Fastina, congrats on your fab weight loss, you’re well on track to maintenance. Keep up the good work!
    Hi Doggy, sorry your furry friend still not settled but at least you’re putting all those extra hours to good use and burning calories at the same time! My weigh in this week was very similar to yours but I feel my body is changing and I certainly have a decreased appetite on non fast days, which is all good.
    Leo – welcome to this thread. You will certainly benefit from alot of wise heads here who can give you great advice to keep you on track. If you haven’t done so already, I’d suggest you go to the How It Works tab above and work out your TDEE (this is explained on the page). Then try to keep at or below that figure on non-fast days as well as eating only 600 calories (I’m guessing you are male, Leo!) on your fast days. You will feel hungry from time to time, but this passes and you don’t actually die from being hungry!! Some weeks you will lose weight, some times you will gain and some times you will stay the same for no particular reason, but stick at it and you will gradually lose overall. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Best of luck.

    Hellooo Leo The Lion! Welcome! You have come to the right place for all your hoping for in support and humane pep talks. So don’t even think about giving up now you’ve made the wisest choice you’ll ever make. there will be many on here who can and will help you whatever the hitches you may come to, It’s a very tailorable program. I am relatively new , sjust over 6 weeks and I have lost 8ish Kilos, that’s taking 2 weeks off for a recent holiday in Tassie. lovely place. and I indulged in all it had to offer in wondrous food and DRINK! BUT IT AMAZED ME HOW THIS PROGRAM JUST RE PROGRAMMED MY TASTES. I can taste every morsal and just choose what my body craves. it makes dead processed food taste like the sh**t it is! and you’ can’t NOT GET HEALTHIER, THUS TRIMMER IN THE PROCESS.

    Anyway, with this mob, it’s also fun, and we get to know each other pretty well. so firstly you need to get a bit of terminology sorted so you get the shorthand we resort to. TDEE = ‘total daily energy expenditure’ it’s individual and tells you what to aim for once you start wanting to keep an eye on your normal eating days, (you will, but just take one goal at a time and choose two days a week to stick to 500 cals (female or 600cals(male. You’ll get endless tips once the girls get on your case (more coherent than mine) but to start you off just go to the ‘home’ page (above) and follow the links to work out your TDEE, BODY INDEX AND PROGRESS TRACKER. You will need to download a calorie counter. Most of us use MYFITNESS PAL (MFP) . Other shorthand you will see is FD (fast day) WD (weigh day) . ie, many of us choose Monday and Thursday as FD’s and WD is Friday. We post our progress and either skite or commiserate with members. Country Girl (CG) is our founding motivator and Go Gal (GG) is her sidekick , worth a mention that a good percentage of us are nurses in another life, and ALL of us are the mould they made DETERMINATION out of. You will not fail if you follow the plan and stick with this mob. Cheers, Mate! (other will fill in my blanks) Gypsy

    HI Team I’m back posting. I have been keeping an eye on you all (well, someone has to!) but haven’t had time to post. I’ve missed the interaction I must say.
    Arrived back yesterday from our trip to Adelaide. Funeral was a small affair (to be expected once you’re 93) & had a lovely catch-up with OH’s family members, especially my SIL who is 15 years younger than her 3 brothers & has always been special to me.
    So now I’m back & facing the music.

    I’m 1.5kg’s up but fasting today and Sunday & then we’ll see. If weight isn’t back down I may do a 4:3 next week. Made some good choices & some not-so-good. But it was interesting because my OH and me both complained on the days when we’d eaten more ie the way we used to eat, that we were so uncomfortable and bloated and didn’t enjoy it at all! So obviously our tastes have changed, and our desire for so much food, and our stomachs have shrunk a bit. All good!!
    I’m not even going to try and comment on what everyone’s been up to – will go mad! Will just try and keep up with you all from today….that’s enough of a challenge hehe. Mm didn’t realise that a lot of you were nurses. Me a teacher but sister and mum were nurses.
    So onto my FD and hoping it goes well. My headaches had disappeared so here’s hoping that they don’t come back with the break I had. I wasn’t going to weigh this morning but gave in. Just wanted to see where I was at and plan my FD’s accordingly. I also notice that I’ve changed in that regard. I find I can look at the number (without the negative emotion that used to be attached to it…and maybe throw in the towel) and say “Well I enjoyed the foods I had and I got through a rough time. But now I’m back and we’ll deal with it. I know what to do, and I have the tools to deal with it. End of story.” So much healthier than before – endless guilt and self recrimination. NO MORE OF THAT FOR ME WITH 5:2.
    Have a great day everyone. Official weigh-in will be next week. Being kind to myself.

    Golly team, you all need congrats, great posts one and all. Leo you have been officially welcomed by our resident comedian/poet all round great person with a heart of gold..our Gypsy. All I can add is DITTO, she explained everything so well, I will not confuse you any further other than say, any questions, please ask, as you go on, more will arise, and being male, you will find your weight loss will ge quicker than ours, you guys get all the breaks, but that’s the stats…so WELCOME, it would do you good to read back the last few pages to get to know us or the first 2-3 pages of our thread to see how we started, most of us are still here, others left for their own reasons. If you get peckish on fast day, fill up on fluids, water, tea or coffee, a hard boiled egg mid arvo helps as does Zero coke or alike (must be the gassy bubbles but no cals) you will work it out and it is a fun journey.
    Not weighing till tomorrow, thinking today will be a semi fast, having a well deserved wine at the moment, but suschi for lunch and dinner, great work out at water aerobics, keeping up now, so enjoy it totally. Manditory cappucino after with a chat and laugh and a bit of shopping including my suschi. My “baby” is 41 today, which is strange as I only feel 31, until I try to life calf mix or dog food etc, sheep pellets, then I know reality, buggar the body not keeping up with the mind!
    Have a healthy day team, live your life to the fullest, and “don’t follow the path, leave tracks!” 🙂 CG xxxxx

    Up a bit this week, nearly a kilo with only one fast, lots of celebrating and I still have a wedding to go to tonight. Oh well, there is always next week!

    Ruxton welcome back, maybe try to log on and post more often, your loss is fantastic and we like to read your post as much as you do ours.
    Uptight, perfect attitude 10/10 to you, now that’s AUSSIE DETERMINATION
    suejen lovely to hear from you, it’s a shame when most extended families only catch up at funerals. My Dad was one of 8 but with only two very elderly sisters left of that generation, cousins never see each other now and wouldn’t even know their children, as our contact and geography hinders all catch ups. Yet my Dad’s family was extremely close as was that generation, but they scattered through Vic and Aus so we never see or hear from anyone. Immediate families are close but even that gets caught up with distance and family to me is the most important love ( other than animals) we will ever have.
    Golly, listen to me rant, sorry, off the soap box now, enjoy your evening team no matter what you do, be good to yourself, take the reins off and enjoy, 🙂 CG xxx

    Hi All. Having a shocker of a week family wise so no big weight loss this week. Just got back down to 59.3 after last week’s gain but hoping to shift off the spot with added exercise next week.

    Welcome home Gypsy and Suejen! Been keeping tabs on everyone but had computer troubles too so that anytime I went to do anything my computer crashed. Just needed a clean-up and is working (so far anyway).

    Such a good attitude from everyone whether in losing or gaining a bit. Really helps along the way to share. So glad to be part of this friendly group 🙂

    Evening AD’s….. I am very relieved and happy to tell you that our FB is 100% well all her nasty side effects have gone. Spoke to our girl this morning , she went to work and is flying out tonight at the airport now as I am typing.
    Ruxton – you lucky girl !. Have a huge rock and roll time at the EAGLES CONCERT… I saw them back in 2001 in Sydney…it was a concert I will never forget. I have all their albums. ONE OF THESE NIGHTS .. is my fav.
    BALI- have a G8t time in Cains and relax..
    GYPSY_ You are such a HOOT! YAHOO 85.4kgs so well down . I almost peed myself LOL at your humorous description of your bod.
    FASTINA well down on your loss and reaching 64kgs.
    SUEJEN– Glad your back and under the sad passing of your MIL were able to be there with your family. Yes SUEJEN there are quite a few of us Nurses on the thread. We are all here with care , advise and encouragement. I think most of us are old school … meaning Hospital trained.
    UP_ I am sure you will be stunning at the Wedding tonight . Have a happy time.
    LEO THE LOIN_ WELCOME TO AUSSIE DETERMINATION….. Hope you enjoy our super supportive team…. You will be entertained as well as having all of us encourage you on your 52:2 journey.
    CG – will weigh in with you tomorrow.
    DOGSABIE – Enjoy that glass of wine or 2 tomorrow.
    Fit – What an incredible family history you have. To live where you grow up and remember so many happy innocent childhood times and the now changes that have occurred to your surrounds over the years.
    Have a wonderful evening all……..GO GALxxxx

    Hello Suejen! And welcome to this wonderful gang Leo! Nice handle. My zodiac sign is cancer – may not make such a nice handle ( Internet name) lol
    Doing another fast day today to make it 4:3 as I had overindulged a bit yesterday … All good so far. Hopefully weighin tomorrow shows a decent result.
    Gypsy! What a fun poster you are my girl!! Let’s hope all our bits get that trim too…;)
    Hello and happy Friday eve to all rest of team… You are such an amazing place to be.

    Just posted a 37 Calorie brownie recipe on our ‘other thread’. Haven’t actually made it for myself yet but am assured this is it. Been thinking chocolate this week (unusual for me) so this recipe will be for Those Times.
    Hope it hits a spot for you all too YY xx

    Yumyum, that sound the winner for me, will make them tomorrow, perfect with coffee before bed or arvo , good one thank you…And 59.3k, WOW TO YOU WELL DONE!…CG xxx

    Morning everyone and welcome to all the new people and those watching. Well done to all everyone, I appreciate reading your posts and this keeps me going each week.

    I been reading and it seems that we have some flat times this week. I thought the same midweek with myself and wondered what type of moon was about. Weighed myself on Wednesday morning after a game of squash the previous night and wow went below 80kg but then Wednesday was a blow out big time. My mind game was playing as a reward/sabbotage thing – went way over the top with the food into my mouth – cream horns, party pies, chocolate, bread rolls, everything except the kitchen sink, was not hunger but desire. I have a saying, “my taste buds love it but my bum doesn’t”. So was back on the wagon Thursday for a fast day but didn’t quite manage, so did one yesterday and may have gone over slightly but nothing major. So the scale have been kind to me 80.1kg down 0.7kg this week but put that down to exercise. So my journey continues and hopefully no more of those pit stops that are now really meaningless. Have a good week.

    Good morning all

    Jenmac I think a lot of us are in the same boat so.

    I have decided to put my scales in the shed, and weigh myself every two weeks. Mind games started yesterday I lost 500 grams I can have that mud cake lollies at work birthday party once I started it took all my strength to walk away from table. I was rewarding myself, GRRR I am am the lowest weight I have been for about 10 years . But a weight where I get to and struggle then have put on before mind games.

    So I figure once I drop below this weight I can continue to move on.
    Scales mind games

    Will check in later

    Good morning team, jenmac and Bali, what is happening to us all? I’m putting my scales away again for a couple of weeks, they are obsessive and depressive. I’m on this journey for life as most of us are and feel we are all eating with our consciences which in fact is great, we are living a normal life, we ARE fasting but being a bit more relaxed and kinder too. My fast days go well but as times rolls on, get the” buggar its” and have that couple of pieces of licorice, grrr, then feel guily WRONG! And WHY? It has taken our lifetime to get to where we are with weight, habits, tastes etc and in three to four months we are expecting all that to be wiped out. NO. Our 5:2 and AUSSIE DETERMINATION IS working, our overall food choices are better than ever before, we are fasting, even if we go over a tad, we are NOT gaining weight, just that usual little zigzag which is food in transit so don’t dispare, don’t set goals and make life hard. I’m looking at a 12 month anniversary of starting this WOL as my goal, and even if it takes two years of this WOE to get me to a reasonable maintenence weight so be it! That is not a life time, and it is an enjoyable journey. I feel if you get too hard on yourself you will give up, but Aussies NEVER say die, so on we go, slow and steady, one day at a time with personal motivation YOU CAN DO IT we have each other for support and remember how far YOU have come, this is so much to be proud of, so smile… life and the major part that 5:2 is playing
    79.0 this morning, but last weighin for a couple of weeks, don’t need the pressure, just want to enjoy especially the compliments which keep coming…have a lovely day team, Don’t sweat the small stuff, you are doing better than you think.. 🙂 CG xxxx

    Morning all…. I am going to join you all and put the scales away. I am in my 3rd week of this plateau. I am more than content, in that, in 4mths I have lost 9.5 kgs. I am more than pleased as I have also lost 2 dress sizes and am comfortable in size 12. What more could I want?. I have 7 weeks before I go to Melbourne to meet up with CG &FB ,so anything can happen.
    Have a wonderful weekend team… Enjoy your wine and other treats. We have proven that 5:2 is a positive WOL and this WOE is working for us . Your AUSSIE DETERMINATION is keeping us winners!……..GO GALxxx

    Thanks, Countrygal and GoGal!
    I did feel pretty good about myself at the wedding because I was able to wear a dress that once was unwearable. I ended up making a spur of the moment decision to lash out and have my hair washed and blow dried while out shopping. The photographer took many informal party photos so I am looking forward to seeing them and didn’t try to hide. It feels so good!

    I still want to lose quite a few more kilos but I have realised how many pretty clothes I won’t be able to wear any more either. I wonder if having dresses altered is too expensive to be worth it, or even doable to go down a whole size? Such a task would probably be beyond me doing it myself.
    But don’t worry, I am happy to buy new ones too! Not yet though! I thought the wedding was the last blow out for a while but got up this morning and my german visitor who leaves today has made a beautiful german cake!

    Maybe 4/3 next week after all! I agree about the scales. I have stopped weighing daily at the moment, I couldn’t help myself before! This week I wasn’t going to weigh in as I knew the news would be disappointing but decided to be brave. Definitely not getting on them until next Friday. I don’t think I could leave it any longer.

    However, I do understand where you girls are coming from. Being obsessive isn’t healthy and then being disappointed as well is worse.We can feel guilty and upset with ourselves when actually we are walking success stories!!
    We just have to stick to the plan as best we can and go with the flow. And keep talking to each other on here!
    Have a great day everyone.

    G’day ADs. Welcome Leo the Lion. I’m also from Tassie. NE coast. As all the previous lovely folk have told you, we are very supportive of each other here. I’ve learned so much from them.
    I’ve just got home after taking Pepper to his first puppy training class. I don’t know which of us is the most exhausted! He’s the smallest pup in the group but like a pocket rocket and did not feel one bit intimated by the older pups. All the people are very nice as are their pups. I’m sure we are both going to learn a lot.
    I just got home and remembered that I was going to buy myself a pizza as a treat for dinner. No pizza delivery where I live. Hubby is OS so cooking isn’t high on my list of priorities. I guess it’s just as well though as they are no doubr OTT with nasty calories. So it will be lovely Tassie smoked salmon and a big healthy salad.
    Right well now that I’ve burned up all those calories I’m going to make like a couch potato and watch the cricket from Auckland.
    Cheers and have a good weekend and be kind to yourselves. Doggy.

    Doggy as much as I love my OH being around, when he was working away from home for 7 mths of last year ,I had a relaxing time in that I did not cook meals . I had eggs ,salads , salmon, soup .Had my music up a few extra decibiles and my candles for that personal touch of ambiance, was in bed at 7pm reading with my faithful Oscar beside enjoy.
    OH UP! do not give up on wearing pretty dresses… I know how you feel…. BUT I am back wearing them as often as I can. You can look stunning in a tunic with leggings & ballet flats…. simple jewellery , red lips and your signature scent. As COCO CHANEL was famous for saying ….”NEVER LEAVE THE HOME WITHOUT FRAGRANCE & LIPSTICK” I have gone to wearing grey ,black and white. These colours can make you feel a million dollars and don’t forget the lacey under garments which will also make you feel that bit more special.Gal be daring… it is really good for you….. LOVE GO GAL

    Hey girls, Leo is definitely a girl! (check profile) and definitely in need of support. Hope we haven’t scared her off. Come out, Leo! we don’t bite!

    Mate, when ya’ wobble is a wiggle
    ‘N’ it feels just right
    You’ll remember once upon
    When ya’ hid it outa’ sight!
    Yeah, when ya’ bits hang straight
    ‘N’ ya’ lookin’ real nice
    Then you’ll know our WOE
    Ain’t sugar ‘n’ spice!
    Hell, we got a WOL
    ‘N’ we know about strife
    Us ‘n’ MFP
    Gunna get a NEWWW life!
    Don’t sweat the small stuff!
    Aussies all know
    About true git ‘n’ grub
    Just give it a go
    So, Honey, suck it up
    ‘Cos I’m tellin’ you
    Your wobble won’t wiggle
    Til Ya’ get 5:2 !!! ..MCB (the gypsy)

    Havagoodweekend ladies!

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