Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 14,786 total)

  • Gee quiet today

    Everyone must be focused on their fast days.

    Had 200cal in a boiled egg breakfast home made pumpkin soup lunch.

    Will have banana, as it’s circuit workout day. Use a heart monitor burn between 550 and 700 calories. Need banana for quick energy so I can push muscles hard.

    Roast lamb and veg small serving approx 300 calories.

    Should take calorie load to about 590. So a negative calorie day

    Hope everyone is having a great day

    Hi Bali2015, it is very quiet today for some reason, I agree. Your day sounds full and your food choices really good enjoy….CG

    Hello to all……what a great lot of posts to catch up on! Welcome to our new members and well done everyone on your weight losses…won’t comment on each and everyone as when I go back a page I lose my post πŸ™

    Flemish! Wow 20 kgs! I will be so happy when I say that πŸ™‚

    Had major blow out weekend….BUT I am not going to worry about it. Am back into fasting today, just seem to be able to slot right back into it. Am just going to do a 5:2 this week, even though I have to try and make amends for weekend…..I’m happy with what I’ve lost so far and want to keep it slower now.

    Am going to try out the cauliflower rice tonight with a stir fry and bit of chicken…

    Good evening all
    Yes, it is quite slow here. I am sooooo bored today that i jumped on scales to kill boredom and hallelujah………. 0.5 kgs lost since saturday.
    Current weight 77.5 kgs , with total loss of 7 kgs in 6 weeks.
    What, what , what…… AM I HAPPY????? No I am SUPPPPPPER HAPPY.
    Almost dinner time now and I can bet you that mushroom soup is gonna taste better than ever before.
    Still dancing…….. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Hi all
    Hope your fast day is going well.

    I have had broccoli,kale and spinach soup at lunchtime, looking forward to stirfry veg and egg for dinner. Lots of green tea and water.I think I have become addicted to green tea….is that a good thing?

    Fatbuster YIPPEE !!Well done!!What a fantastic loss! Super happy for you.

    Thanks lindanaf!I definitely love the yeehaa dance.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!Enjoy your day/night everyone!

    Well done FB and everyone. Easy fast day for me today – just my standard fast day menu so I don’t have to even think about it. Also worked hard in a 4 km power walk that (according to the Runkeeper app) burned 320 calories. So it sort of means my 551 calorie day is really a 231 calorie day – or something like that πŸ™‚

    I especially like to do the hard walks on fast days. I think the theory is that I won’t be just burning glucose in my bloodstream on a fast day – maybe glycogen from my liver and/or fat is being burned. Not sure if that is accurate but it is a nice thought.

    FB! Well done you……you deserve to be happy! 7 kg in six weeks is awesome!

    Vegie…..I will line up with you on your green tea addiction….I love it too….my favourite is Dilmah with jasmine petals …

    I’m a bit like you, AndrewC….I tend to eat pretty much the same on fast days, so I don’t have work everything out….I too like to get some exercise in…..just a walk with dog today, but might go to gym on Thursday again…

    Just after 5pm here, so really looking forward to organising my dinner and eating it πŸ™‚


    Lucky there is tomorrow! Must get head back into right space! Not a good fast day. πŸ™ tomorrow…

    Hi all!

    Aw Marelda, what happened? The best thing to do is not beat yourself up about it.

    I had the most decadent weekend. Did nothing but cook and bake with friends and family. I made double layered coffee and baileys flavoured flan on Saturday. And yersterday we made oatmeal cookies from a vintage cookbook Γ‘nd I baked a pie. The filling was only date paste and fresh cheese so not too much added sugar. I did manage to catch a bug as well so fasting won’t be too hard today. Silver lining, right?

    I’m making some fish and lentil soup tonight.

    Hope everyone gets through FD okay!

    Thanks for the welcome Country Girl and FatBlaster.
    Well I’ve completed my first fast day! Yay I feel great. I ate 2 eggs, a cup of miso, soup lots of water then for dinner a piece of salmon with a tomato and coriander salad with no dressing. And a cup of tea for breakfast. I like this feeling of being a little empty and hungry. I also took the advice and went for a walk with my poodle Peppa. My sis in law said our mil had called today and mentioned she’d been on the 5:2 and has already lost 3kgs. Mil Carmel doesn’t have much to lose so I guess it shows that even when you don’t have much to lose it still works.
    I’m looking forward to tomorrow although I already know that I’m not going to pigout and I’m really looking forward to Wednesday too. Maybe it’s crazy firstday talk but i feel good. FB did you get to the gym???

    Morning all,MY family weekend caused a blowout as well. So I’m doing my famous B2B again.
    Work was busy yesterday, I was totally exhusted so had an egg & chicken omlette for dinner then bed at 7.30pm.Am working the next 3 days with the same busy client mix.

    Welcome to our new members !!!!! You will enjoy Aussie Determination, G8T team with loads of support and encouragement!

    FB- You are doing sooooo well , catching up to Mumma!!! I had better put my skates on.
    Have a fabulous day team enjoy …….GO GAL

    Morning all seems few have had blowouts in the last couple of weeks. This is why this WOL works because instead of thinking this diet doesn’t work and keep blowing it. We roll up our sleeves and go back to basics of fast days.

    I blew it the week before last going over on the weekend and melbourne cup day. Back to fasts and eating well.

    Drumroll lost 1kg since last Friday. The past two weeks were even and 200g. I guess the fat decided to drop off.

    So now 9.8kg since mid September. Hope to drop the other 200g by Friday to make the 10kg.

    So for those who blow it get back in start today, no matter where you are at.

    Good morning team, how strange is it that our fasting life seems to run parallel with each and every one of us. We all had a tough fasting day a few weeks back, we all got the chills on a fasting day we all seem to have a pigout weekend at the same time, BUT above all, we all seem to have a loss at the same time or stableise at the same time, is it the 5:2 or our bodies reacting at this change of life at the same time as each other. No matter, we know how forgiving our 5:2 is, we know our AUSSIE DETERMINATION gets us through, we know WE CAN DO IT, so laugh off any fears and enjoy life as we should, the term NORMAL covers so many issues and feasting days, so we are all NORMAL, and we are succeeding, look back and see how far we have come. It’s all great news team, our kinship is holding us all together on this journey……have a great day and be proud of yourselves, the pigout weekends would have been the norm in the past with no guilt trip, now we know!…….CG xxx

    Hello everyone! Nice to know I wasn’t the only piggy on the weekend. Just out of interest I thought I’d share my weight after the weekend pig out, before my fast 78.1…so put on 2.3 kg :0…..then this morning after fast 76.5….so still 700g up from Friday, but I expect this to go by Friday… really is only temporary from wine (usually for me) and bad food choices…’s not actually FAT….because my clothes are the same… it’s encouraging to know that blowouts are only temporary, as long as you get back into it, you can counteract them…..I’m not saying this should become the norm, but it’s nice know that you don’t have to throw it out the window….like I’ve done many a time before if I’ve slipped up….so not expecting to lose weight this week, but hopefully just consolidate last weeks loss

    Bali that is sooo great that you have broken through your plateau with 1kg loss!

    Well done Tikipink on your first fast day…..YOU CAN DO IT! You are on your way now….some days may still get tough, that’s what it’s been like for all of us, but in the end it’s only one day..

    Marelda….don’t beat yourself up, just re-focus, slip your AUSSIE DETERMINATION into gear and remember there is always tomorrow….or just do your next planned fast day

    CG you are so right. What is normal?….what I consider my normal eating habits are a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner with lots of vegetables and balanced carbs and protein…..I don’t always achieve this except for the vegetables…if I don’t have enough veg I start to get a panicky feeling…..sometimes I’ll just make up a quick salad and eat it as a snack

    A pig out for me usually consists of FAR too much wine….potato crisps/chips, cheese and too much bread…

    Have a great B2B go girl…..hope you get some time to yourself in the next three days!

    FC…..I am drooling over your flan….sounds so yummy..


    Good Morning One and All
    Hope that everyone had a good fast day yesterday!!!
    Mine was easy peasy and I finished at 385 cals. I noticed chills again last night, but as we know its normal, just had to layer up πŸ™‚
    AndrewofC, you are so good at calculations. i sometimes feel the need of paper and pen to write down everything to get final result…lol

    Meralda, don’t worry at all, there is always next fast day lined up, I guess the most important part is to move on and as G says 5:2 is very forgiving. We all have pig out days and I think that occasional cheat days help the metabolism too.

    Foxy, you are getting there again and 75 kgs is calling you already. We are in it together πŸ™‚

    GG, so good to hear from you, please take care of yourself during your busy schedule, hugs…

    Bali2015…. Yahooooooo, so 5:2 does work and you DID IT!!! I can imagine how happy you must be to lose 10 kgs (or 9.8kgs). Wow you are a true inspiration!!!

    TikiPink ( still love this name πŸ™‚ ), you are already on the roll as you squeezed in walk during the first fast day. You are brave, Well done.. claps claps , claps (You deserve them)
    And I need to slap myself as I did not go to the gym last night as something important came up. But no excuses, I need to buckle up… Thanks for reminding me and a wake up call…

    Well, I have a lunch and movie date with my workmates today, so will try to eat something healthy. Note to myself: No wine with lunch.
    Well, looks like the movie will be interesting. Going to watch Interstellar. So excited about it and I am definitely walking high with confidence after bashing those not wanted 7 kilos.
    Another 7.5 kgs to lose before holidays. i really hope that I can hit 70 kilos by 25 Feb. Well, At least I am trying.

    Hi Foxy, my chocolate pigout took me up to 86.9 but this morning after yesterdays fast I’ 86.1 so the over indulging does seem to go quickly, I also had a bottle of Chardy” so….. But enjoyed every sip too. Have a great day…CG

    Hi to all, my friend put me onto the app pacer to calculate steps and its has an annoying little ping every hour to say get up and get moving you’ve been inactive for an hour, so thought Id share as at work and have a little walk to keep the steps up.

    Hi team, our thread is getting too quiet, where are you all, we need the AUSSIE DETERMINATION influence to keep us all going, give us some news, how’s it going for you all, I know it’s the day to day grind but YOUR NOT ALONE, share your thoughts, get your worries off your chest, your non fast days are just as important as your fast days. Sound like an add doesn’t it, I guess in some ways it is but the journey is better shared than travelling alone……CG xx

    You are awesome CG! Better day today. Mind more in right gear!

    Thanks Meralda, definitely a mind set way of life, easy to stray, but no place like home, the mind set and AUSSIE DETERMINATION keeps you on track….CG xx

    Hello Aussie Determinators
    Just came out of a movie. Too long and what a waste of 3 hours …. Ha ha ha
    Also, lunch before movies, ended up having a glass of wine (oops) caremalised onion n feta polenta tart with salad and Burnt Lemon chhesecake for dessert πŸ™
    I enjoyed my cheesecake but I think went overboard with cals for today so no dinner for me. Will have just cucumber n tomato salad with clear soup.
    May be a stupid question, but is this lunch going to ruin all my efforts??? Is it going to slow down my progress??? I dont know but I am getting worried now.
    I know that i keep on advising others that its ok, but it is so hard to tell the same thing to myself.
    Well, so looking forward to fast tomorrow.

    FB you’ve had a yummy day, and no I don’t think it does any harm what so ever, if you don’t have peaks on non fast days how would you fast day work? You would be eating the same low cals every day, you’d lose but I still think the idea of “normal” eating then fasting gives you the highs and lows to reduce cals on the fast days making the big difference on the scales on weigh in days!….CG xxx ( my pigout over the week end disappeared + after one fast day Monday)

    Just had to eat at …. had green peppermint tea & crustike with salmon slice 75cals & apple sooooooo good. ITS very hot here today so I was happy that I froze my litre bottle of water, it was so satisfying to drink throughout the day Would you believe some of my clients still had their heaters on!!!!Came home to the smell of hubby slaving over a hot fry pan making his famous spag bol sauce….. YAY ….. I don’t have to cook tonight!!!!!!.
    Two more days to work.. I am so over it now.. have a lovely evening one and all…GO GAL

    Thanks CG, I really needed that re assurance. I know if I cant even enjoy my meals here n tgere, then this way of life is not wirth any effort, so I shud not worry. However, i guess I am not used to this “feeling full” feeling πŸ™‚
    Another thing that I need to change is my obsession with weighing myself. Because, i was worried, i came back hime and stepped on scales to see how many grams of food is still floating in my stomach. But to my surprise, i weighed even 100 grams less than yesterday, even when all that food is still inside me.
    But the bad part is, if that figure was any higher, i would have started to stress out.
    I know, I know, i need to stop doin that.
    And yes, it will be fast day for me tomorrow again, so hoping for a good detox πŸ˜‰

    GG, i have another three days of work πŸ™ i am so ocer it already, even when today was a movie n lunch day, i am still not looking forward to work tomorrow.

    FB, I think we all go through that stage. In the beginning (once I actually plucked up the courage to weigh myself) I started weighing myself 3 times a day. Giddy if I was down, stressed if I was up a few 100g. Don’t worry too much about that. Once your brain realises that no matter what the little fluctuations are, you’re always still on a downward trend, you will relax automatically. You may actively know that small fluctuations are normal and natural, subconsciously you panic when you see the weight go up and then you get obsessed. It’s a temporary thing. It just means you care enough to want to do it right. I was up 1,5kg since Friday, didn’t sweat it one bit. That wouldn’t have been the case a year ago. I would’ve been worried.

    BTW, I think it’s important to splurge once in a while. What we do is kind of extreme, mentally. It’s important to keep eating all the food groups (even a tiny bit of the bad ones) to make sure we don’t start seeing certain foods (or food in general by extension) as the enemy. We should feel comfortable treating ourselves without feeling guilty. I truly believe this WOE takes away the guilt of treats so we don’t crave them as much. That’s how it works for me. Eat well, be healthy, do your fasts as strictly as you can. Then you have anough deficit to treat yourself to a lavish meal every once in a while without feeling guilty or feeling like you took steps back in your weight loss journey. I’ve never gained fat from one day of splurging. Only water weight. I even lost weight all throughout the holiday season last year, with my normal fasting behaviour.

    Just make sure that as you lose weight, you recalculate you TDEE so you know about how much food you should be aiming for.


    FLEMISHCURVES-GREAT POST!! I totally agree with you.

    Team, all of you are doing so well. Our AUSSIE DETERMINATION is very strong.
    I have said this before… The bonus of 5:2 is that we lose weight by making better food choices.The more important thing is that we are more incharge of our health.We have heard how some of the team have had improvements with their blood pressure that they no longer need their meds to control it.Have your treats, they are your reward.
    Enjoy the day….Plan your fast day well …. tomorrow is not far away….GO GAL

    Good morning team, well, did I go over yesterday or what? Finished my day with crumbed chicken schnitzel, mash spuds with sour cream peas and baby carrots. Mushroom soup for lunch but 4 dry bikkies with butter and cheese, my addiction, love dairy. As much as I enjoyed ” normal” eating, golly I was bloated last night! That’ll teach me! Off to the chiro today, my back is still giving me billio I’m having another nerve block next Tuesday, can’t be any worse than living on pain killers and the associated constipation so eating a lot of fruit to counteract that, but, life goes on. I’m such a goer by nature and hate being slowed by pain, I get do damn frustrated! That’s my personal rant for the day, another fast day is coming up, I really look forward to the detox cleansing of our fast days. Weather warming up so hopefully no chills to contend with. This weather just beckons you to come outside and enjoy. My garden is an absolut picture now and a lot of my orchids still holding their flowers so hope to ” potter” later on. Have a great day team, stay in contact, YOU CAN DO IT your AUSSIE DETERMINATION needs YOU as much as you need it…..CG xxxx

    Good Morning One and All

    Thanks heaps FC for you oh so comforting words, really makes me feel better.
    GG, I promise that I will try not to weighing myself more than twice a week. πŸ™‚

    CG, you are such a brave gal. Really hope that you start to feel better soon. Love your Go getter attitude. I am so impressed with the verbal picture of your garden. I am sure it looks much more beautiful in person.

    I am a kind of person, who can go without food all day, but I need to have dinner. Even if I have had enough food during day, I would still eat dinner or else I could not sleep.

    Now effect of 5:2:- As I pigged out at lunch yesterday, i decided to have just salad for dinner, but guess what???? I did not even eat salad because I was so NOT hungry. This has happened for the first time in years…… I thought that I will not sleep well coz I did not eat, however I slept really well too. I see this as a big positive change in myself as I used to get annoyed with this habit myself.

    And Fast day for me today again, I am having my skinny cappuccino without sugar while writing this post. The rest of the day will be green teas, sparkling water and dinner will be salad and either clear soup with konjac noodles or mushroom soup. If all goes by plan, i should be able to finish the fast day at 380 to 400 cals and that may help the damage done yesterday…lol

    And I promise that I will get to the gym tonight for some HIIT. Will keep you guys posted.
    Until then… Goooooooo Aussie……

    Hi all!

    I am logging all (!) my calories this week, which is a right bother but sometimes needs to be done (for me at least). I was logging my home-made quiche and learnt something new: apparently 1/4 of quiche lorraine is a whopping 880kcal! Luckily I had a beautifully modest day with banana omelette for breakfast (shared with someone so that’s only half a banana) and yesterday’s FD soup with 1 slice of bread with some Philadelphia. Even had an small oatmeal cookie for dessert, still ended up under 1500 kcal πŸ™‚

    Also, I ordered some corset tops today and the sizing chart advised me to get size 36/S, which is still mind-boggling to me. I went from child sizes directly into M as a teenager.

    FB, I know what you mean. I often have lavish lunches when I’m on holiday (citytriping in France or Spain). I used to always still eat dinner, now I usually have an orange or sth instead.

    CG, hope you’ll be alright. I feel bad about chuckling but in Belgium, Chiro is something like boyscouts, only by the time you hit 15/16 you’re mainly learning how to drink and smoke pot. It took me a while to reset my brain in English so I realised what you meant. My mother is starting to suffer from arthritis and she’s really struggling with not being able to do everything as easily as she used to. But she told me over the weekend that it seems to have gotten a bit better since being on 5:2. We don’t know if that’s a coincidence or not. I can’t believe you live in a country where orchids grow outside πŸ™‚ I have some orchids but they’re on my window sill and very hard to keep alive. It’s the first time I’ve managed to keep some alive to bloom a second time.

    GG, thanks. And ou are so right, the weight loss is just a symptom of our health and relationship with food improving. I used to habve terribly low blod pressure and my body regulates my blood sugar levels much better now. I’m not as often dizzy as I used to be. My body had to learn how to survive with no food until dinner time on FDs and now carried that ability out on regular days as well. I think lots of other diets don’t make you change your view on eating and food as much as 5:2 does.

    Keep it going everyone!

    Hi FC, you made me laugh, our languages are a mixed message of comedy! I feel so good after sering my chiropractor, he really has magic hands( wishing I had a husband with the same!) going back each week for 6 weeks, big money but so worth it, he said my back is in bad shape, gave me some rules as in what NOT to do, but when your on your own on a couple of acres your both husband, wife, worker and housekeeper, gardener also neuturer to the animals, but just love it all. FC love the sound of the banana omelette, will you pls post the recipe? Your positive attitude is contagious, we all need a lift when we question ourselves. By the way I have two green houses for my orchids and quite a lot of double fuschias, because I worked in aged care for so many years and went into home where people seemed to be in ” Gods little waiting room” I decided very early on, I would keep busy with hobbies and doing what I love, never to give into age or pain, try not to winge but above all to keep smiling, my sence of humour has gotten me out of a lot of tough situations fortunately.
    Have a great day team, please keep up with your posts, us poor lonely old people need something to read……lol……..CG xxxx

    Hello to all Aussie Determinators πŸ™‚
    This is my very first posting although I have been on the 5:2 for some time now.
    A little about myself. I am female in 50s and no surprise started packing on the weight. I tried different diets but couldnt stick to any. Diets that use to work for me were not working. I even joined weight watchers which I liked but got tired of counting pro points.
    My job is office based and the only excersise I was getting was waling up and down the aisle of Woolworths. I suffered from two frozen shoulders which limited my ability to excersise. I was unhealthy, my clothes no longer fitted. I became depressed and felt I should just succumb to this change and embrace my new body..except I did not feel healthy.
    I kept hearing my husband talk about how a number of his friends were on the 5:2. I laughed at yet another fad diet. I did some reading on it, read Michael and Mimi’s book and thought what the heck.
    24 weeks later and 10 kilos lighter I am truly a new person. I have not joined a discussion group before but have always wanted to. Whilst I am having huge success on the diet its been a lonely trip and its good to hear what other people are doing to get through the fast days.
    My best tip for others is to treat yourself on the fast days. Spoil yourself with eating food that you dont normally eat. I have varieties of tea that I dont have on any other day, I have lo cal Jelly and popcorn. So I look forward to my special treats. I think I have bored you enough now with me. I look forward to chatting with you all!

    Today I had a Magnum Almond…..after I’d eaten it , I checked the packet and I think it said 331 cals (didn’t have my glasses on) and I thought….who cares! If I cant enjoy a magnum ice cream every now and then I’d feel VERY DEPRIVED….. I made a mental note of my breakfast…..about 350 cals, lunch around 200, morning tea small banana….70? so with the magnum so far I’ve had 951, or there about calories…..I still think I can have dinner and be around 1500 for the day, which is 3/4 of my TDEE….hubby and i did four gardens today and I was on the go all day…..probably why I’m ranting right now πŸ˜‰

    We need to get a grip everyone…..having a slice of caramelised onion tart (my fav btw) plus a piece of cheesecake and a wine is hardly an over the top dinner….I wish it was me FB….yummmo

    This is about us being like the lions…..some days they don’t eat at all, some days it’s a whole zebra…..we need to embrace this and put this WOE to the test…..some weeks we will be so disciplined and it will be easy, other times we will slip up, eat too much, what we consider wrong…..whatever…we all have lives and I am not going to restrict my calories and count them every day…..I’d go mad….I think it’s valuable to know how many we DO EAT once in a while….I cost out many of meals and am sometimes surprised at the result…

    Anyway… you all and LOVE AUSSIE DETERMINATION…..hope I haven’t offended anyone….it’s so important as CG said to keep sharing this journey together…

    Welcome 5 2 luvinlife! What a great testimonial to the 5:2 WOE and life. You have done so well! I too am in my 50s….a few of us are I think. So glad your joined our thread and conversation, especially as you have done it alone so far. We will love to hear more from you and your journey!

    Thanks Foxycoxy
    I am just finishing my 2nd fast day for the week with a hot chai and a good book away from the time. Its how I end every fast day. I love magnums! I love chocolate, wine..all the yummy things. Thats what is so great about 5:2. You dont have to deprive yourself. Its weigh in day tomorrow..a bit worried after spending last weekend in the Hunter Valley with all the Vineyards.

    Hi just hoping to join in for some support. Starting with my first fast day tomorrow. I have 5kg to lose before Feb, hoping that is achievable.

    hi 5 2 luvinlife and breezaw, you are both more than welcome to join our thread. We have a lot of support and lot of fun but all importantly a lot of shared advice. We are all here for each other. You will find AUSSIE DETERMINATION will give you confidence and show you YOU CAN DO IT.
    Luvinlife you got it right that our 5:2 lets you live your life you can still have your treats and wine, you never feel deprived and we actually look forward to our fasting days.
    We all weigh in Friday mornings, it is good to share and it somehow keeps you honest with yourself and makes your goal achievable I’m sure that 5k’s will be long gone by Feb breezaw too. Take Care CG..

    I’m so weird… Or maybe I’m not….. But I genuinely- two weeks in- love the disciplined feeling I have with my food on fast days. There’s temptations but the voice in my head reminding me of how great I felt seeing a two digit weight on the scale yells louder than the temptation. Walking to and from work has been great too. Not only has it saved money, it’s between 2-3kms (depending on which way I go!) each way. hoping the doc clears me to jog soon… But till then, this walk is my saving grace.

    Good morning team, happy fast day to those doing it. Getting pretty hot now so keep up with your fluids, having any doubts on 5:2, come on YOU CAN DO IT, you are all showing results, life continues as does normal life style and eating, your AUSSIE DETERMINATION will pull you through, don’t berate yourself with slip ups, the 5:2 is very forgiving, look how far you have come. See you all for our Friday weigh in and no matter the results you are still very conscious of what and how much you eat……..CG xx

    Good Morning One and All
    Another day and I know a fast day for most of you. Enjoy your fast and make sure to drink up a lot as that really helps to keep those hunger pangs at bay.

    Welcome 5 2 luvinlife and Breezeaw…. as CG said lots of support here, so hopefully you will settle into the routine just fine.

    Sezzie, you are doing so so well, you are starting with a lot of conviction which is amazing. I am waiting to get into that jog routine too. Don’t know when will I be able to do that again πŸ™‚

    Foxy, SERIOUSLY, I was reading your post and thinking OMG, someone else had the same lunch as me and suddenly I realized that you were talking about me. ha hah ah a. A big thanks everyone to re assure me that I did not go over the top that day and thanks heaps to help me come out of that not necessary guilt.

    CG…. I am so with you when you wish that your husband was as good as Chiro πŸ™‚ My OH doesn’t like to be touched and feels if I go for a massage there is something wrong with me … Men πŸ™‚

    My fast day yesterday went well and I finished at 420 cals, this also included two squares of dark chocolate worth 70 cals. I am happy as still finished it within the goal. Feast day for me today and lunch is sorted. Brown rice with tomatoes and capsicum and low fat Greek yogurt. topped with some Indian Chaat masala… yum yum yum.

    Tomorrow will be fast day again for me, so looking forward to that. I think next week I will convince myself to do only two fasts as I want to see if 5:2 works for me as good as 4:3. I have been doing 4:3 since I started, so maybe time to make some tweaks.

    Just a question and hoping that someone can help me. I have started to notice that I am getting constipated now. (Sorry TMI) I make sure to eat my fiber but its not helping. Last thing that I want to do is take any meds to get me going. Any suggestions or advise to get this sorted? TIA.

    Good morning all, welcome Sezzie 5 2 luvin life and Breezaw. Well I’ve only done 1 fast day on Monday and today is my second. I had planned for yesterday but lunch plans put that on hold as I prepared quiche and then a blueberry friand slice for a visiting friend, so today is my day to fast. Yay!
    I weighed 82 on Sunday and Monday morning but by Tuesday was already 80kg. Hoping to reinforce the loss with today’s fast. Over the last 2 days of non fasting I found myself naturally cutting back which really surprised me as on Monday all I was dreaming of was a packet of Woolworths macro gluten free cheezels..come Tuesday I only had 50g of a 100g packet when truth be told I usually like a pkt and a half. Very naughty.
    Today I’m at work Opsm from 9 to 5 and have a feeling good will be a bit easier than my Monday where I had to keep busy autonomously. I took the advice of fellow poster and went and had my hair colored by my sons girlfriend which killed a few hours and ordered a skinny flat white with half and half and that was great. I’ll only order my coffee like that from now on.
    Foxy Coxy magnum almond is my favn glad you enjoyed it. I bought a pkt of the mini ones and I’m very happy hubby ate the last one last night but oops that reminds me I ate 2 on tuesday night and yesterday he said did I had you go to the freezer twice last night. Men! Excellent hearing for the fridge opening but not so much for “can you paint that wall”!haha
    oh well he’s pretty cute so I’m keeping him.
    Fatbuster what did you eat yesterday that left you at 420 cals?? I’m very interested in what everyone is eating on fast days.
    Have a great day everyone, weigh in tomorrow nervous, excited feelings.

    Hello TikiPink
    Good to hear about your 2 kilos loss. Awesome work and congratulations!!!
    I am sure that getting your hair done would have been very satisfying. I did it to reward myself for the weight loss. Normally, I would reward myself with a nice dinner but I think this is better option and long lasting too πŸ˜‰

    I start my fast day with a medium skinny cappuccino (no sugar- 2 tabs stevia). this takes up approx 130 cals. The rest of the day I drink heaps of iced tea (self made- no sugar), herbal teas, green teas and sparkling water. I do count calories for these as well as flavored teas come at an expense of 8 cals per tea bag. So, for cold teas I keep on refilling water and it works very good for me. So until dinner, I consume only around 160 cals. Sometimes, if I get hungry I get a can of coke zero and that helps a lot.

    At dinner time I prefer lots of soup(mushroom soup, veggie clear soup or even homemade pumpkin soup). Last night I made clear veggie soup (lots of low cal veggies capsicum, spinach, carrot, mushroom, spring onion, and only around 20 grams of corn as it is high in carbs) with 40 grams of hard organic tofu to get some protein as I am a vegetarian. I do not add any oil or butter, but do add a tsp of vegeta with some soy sauce and chilli sauce. I make sure to count calories for sauces as well. Last night I had two bowls of this soup with a lebanese cucumber and 100 grams of strawberries and I was so fulllllllllll….
    All this was only 350 cals.

    I like to treat myself with something sweet for doing well all day, so I either eat 150 grams of Soleil diet yoghurt @ 68 cals or Nestle diet chocolate mousse @ 68 cals. but last night had 2 squares/pcs of dark chocolate for 70 cals as I was stuffed and could not fit in youghurt or mousse. So, even after chocolate, i finished at 420 cals.

    Hope this will give you some ideas for fast days.

    Hi all! I’m going to catch up on everything tomorrow (when it’s fasting time) but I’ll talk about the banana omelette real quick. I think I read about it on these boards a while back. I just blitz a banana, 2 eggs and 10g of buckwheat flour (only add flour because I find it hard flipping them without something to make everything stick together, you can totally leave it out). On a naughty day, I’ll add a bit of dark cooking chocolate (I’m may be losing weight, I’m also still Belgian) but they taste perfectly lavish without. Cinammon in the mix works great too. They taste like a lovely sweet mix between an omelette and a banana pancake. The whole thing will make 4 or 5 small cakes. My calorie logger tells me it’s 270kcal but I often eat 2 for breakfast, 3 for lunch or split them with someone else so it’s only half the cal. When you want something fresher, adding a bit of fresh cheese and apple is great too.

    Anyway, good luck everyone, I’ll try to catch up tomorrow!

    Oh, and CG, your life sounds practically magical. Apart from the neutering, it sounds like you live in Rivendell or something πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the full run down FB, I think I’m going to make soup my friend. I have a natural aversion to it as I prefer crunch and bite but that addiction has got me to where I am today. My cupboard is full of herbal teas so again I’m going to take some to work today and hopefully keep myself going until a bit later on. I’ve boiled 2 eggs to take also and I’ll snack on them until dinner where I’m hoping to have a small piece of salmon with a tomato snd onion salad. The diet choc mousse is a good treat and I have one left from Monday so If I’m ok with cals I’ll have that too. If you are allowed 500 csls what are the benefits of using less. And I’m not sure why everyone is still counting cals on their normal days? Are the losses far greater when doing that? I can’t see it would be as the best loss is around 1kgaweek either way. Anyway I better put my skates on and get to work. Catch you all tonight

    Just quickly. Flemish I am so making those pancakes. Yummmm they sound delicious. I’m heading to Belgium next year. I’m really looking forward to CHOCOLATE!!!!!! bye

    Good morning everyone! Have a great day all that are fasting and also all that are not! πŸ™‚

    FB….I love the sound of your lunches, they always seem so healthy! I have toyed with being a vegetarian several times throughout my life, but just have to admit to being a carnivore…..but I do love vegetarian food and cook it often.

    FC…..thanks for the recipe, I will be putting that one to the test as well, sound delicious!

    Tiki…..sounds like you are all organised, and trying the soup will be a good idea. Many of us experiment with trying new food on fast days and it can make you look forward to them. I myself usually eat a heap of salad vegies with some protein as I find that this makes me feel most satisfied. BUT I just found out how low prawns are in cals, so I am planning a large prawn cocktail with fat free thousand island dressing for dinner….and lunch will be 2 corn thins with light cream cheese & smoked salmon yum!! Can’t wait for that one….I will have a small side salad with it as well..

    Thanks CG for your continued support and encouragement of us all, you are our band leader and give us heaps of motivation… hope you have a great one too! Weigh in tomorrow, not expecting much…..I’m still a bit over from last week, will have to see what tomorrow brings πŸ™‚

    Waving at you go girl! Hope you are not worked to death yet! We miss hearing from you xx

    FC the omelettes sound so yum, definately on the week end menu, thank you for sharing. FB, I had the same trouble but make sure I eat a lot of fruit or sprinkle phillium husks on my salad ( I think I spelt it right…it’s from the health food store also it’s what Metamucil is made of) or a bit of oat bran on my yoghurt they all seem to “get things moving” and help with the bloating. Your food menu for fast days sounds great
    But I find around 2.00-2.30 I need sonething so will have a small tuna salad or heaps of watermelon/ cantalope and it really kerbs the hungers, then chicken or prawns salad if hot or soup if the weather is cold, for dinner. Even if the scales don’t always move, I KNOW I’ve had a healthy low cal day, my AUSSIE DETERMINATION wont let me break that enjoyment and I psych myselff up beleiving I don’t need any more. I’ve gone back to good old fashion tea, black of course and just love it. My iced tea is all the “new” flavoured stuff, but, hay, water is water, no matter how you drink it…..CG xx

    Sorry Foxy, didn’t see your post till I put mine in, thankyou so much for your support, I often feel people are dropping of or blasΓ© and don’t bother to post which means they don’t get the personal support, your a treasure, you never miss as with GG, FB, FC, TP of late and Andrew when he gets time, if I missed anyone, forgive me, but we so all appreciate your input…..CG xx

    Hello everyone

    I am so looking forward to todays fast!

    Yesterday was my daughters birthday. Needless to say the food was plentiful and can I say way too much fat and carbs for me.I am a bit slow moving this morning!

    Welcome to Sezzie, your not weird your totally normal.It is great seeing food in a whole new light. WE HAVE THE CONTROL!

    Breezaw your goal is totally achievable. A nice and steady loss of 500 -1kg a week is the way to go.Measure yourself now and then again once a week.Even if the scales don’t move, you will find the measurements do. Training our brain to this new way of life is where time is well spent in the long run.

    5.2 luvinlife welcome and thankyou for your inspiration!I look forward to hearing how you are going.The support here is great!

    Have a great fast day everyone, see you tomorrow for weigh in!


    Hi All,

    Getting my head back in the right place. Re-joined the local ladies only gym yesterday. It’s sort of like Curves but a little better (for me) plus they will allow my 8 year old to ‘hang out’ over the holidays which is great.

    Last night I took myself to a ‘Hunger Games’ movie marathon. The first movie started at 6.15 and the second finished at 11.30pm. I packed my healthy snacks: almonds, strawberries and some blueberries so that I wouldn’t have anything naughty at the cinema. Weeelll, I don’t think I psyched myself up enough. I started off with a Choc Bomb and then at intermission I had a milk shake and a biscuit (you know the large cafΓ© size biscuit)!

    So, my challenge to myself today is the following: I am going to see the latest release of the ‘Hunger Games’ franchise –

    Oh my goodness! I just put the name of the films and the Five Two fasting idea together! How hilarious!

    – at 12.30pm today. I am NOT going to eat a thing except my steamed and slightly fried spinach with garlic and chilli after the film. I will NOT have any sugar in carbonated drinks and I may have a black coffee or tea.

    Right. Challenge down. Time to get on with some chores, then look forward to my reward of seeing the film in Gold Class!

    If any one is interested the idea of ‘preparing for food triggers’ comes from a book written by David A. Kessler, MD “The end of overeating”. Great book and I need to read it again. I was writing some notes on the book so that I can post reminders up on the wall about not letting triggers ‘get me’ before I have had time to think about whether I am hungry or not!

    Hope I haven’t rambled on too much, but hopefully my lesson can help someone else. AUSSIE DETERMINATION Love to all, Reldz

    Hello A D’s ! and welcome to the new kids on the block πŸ™‚
    I’m doing a 4:3 this week to try and “fix” the little over indulgence in Vic. Everyone sounds so positive here, I love reading all of your posts, though I don’t write enough of my own.
    I always have a drink of half Metamucil and half psyllium husks on fast day mornings, now, as I had a little problem ,too. The Metamucil just adds a bit of flavour as the husks are quite bland.
    I like the FD treat idea, too. A slice of smoked salmon is mine…usually. Forgot to buy it ! So will have tinned salmon instead today with my salad.
    Fingers crossed for a little loss tomorrow, good luck everyone, and happy fasting!

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