Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,951 through 6,000 (of 14,786 total)

  • Yes Lotus, go for it. The jeans are sure to be loose when its time for summer here. get ’em Get ’em if you like ’em…LOl, now the shopaholic in me is talking
    CG, our posts just crossed. Good idea about noodles. I have slim past (10 cals per 100 gms) sitting at home and i havent used it for a while. Looks like I will be having easy Hot n sour soup with grated tofu and slim pasta tonite… 🙂

    Ladies where do you buy the slim pastas or noodles….can’t find in supermarket? ?? Sj

    Lotus – I agree, go for the jeans; it will be a great incentive for you feel them comfortably loose by the time summer comes. Hope you enjoy the other new clothes you bought too!
    FD for me tomorrow. OH got some lovely fresh tuna which we had with potato (half a new one for me) and veg today. I’ve kept a small piece of the tuna for tomorrow to have with lots of salad, so I think it will work well for FD dinner.
    FB – terrific loss, glad the scales are on the move again for you 🙂

    Good morning all, thank you for all the get well wishes. I have finally been able to take today off! I have been on antibiotics since Monday but I’m not getting better 🙁 my sinuses are still sore and I have a cough etc -I will go to the dr again if I’m not feeling better by tomorrow- I am scared of tearing my intercostal muscles again. I hope resting today and staying warm will help me get well. Hi Fit – I’m sorry to hear about your sadness 🙁 life isn’t always fair 🙁 I used to have dreams like that too- now my mum is in my normal dreams and she is no longer sad or I’ll, she is young and strong like she was just before her illness. CG – I am not surprised that you get compliments on your weight loss, I have seen your pictures and you look amazing 🙂 also, thank you for all the tips and motivation. Milena, sorry to hear about your mum 🙁 your poor cat, they get old and need so much care- I love animals 🙂 it’s is nice to hear that she wants cuddles :)Doit- 600 grams since Monday is great news, congratulations, Sujen- a whole kilo? That’s fantastic! Lotus you look great! Oh my, I looked at your pants, you are right ! They are baggy! Wow! I have pants that don’t fit, I can only get my leg into the knee. Lol, perhaps one day they will be baggy too as they were my ‘big pants’ . Doggy I love scones with lots of cream and jam. I think I’ll make some for next Saturday. We have banana muffins for tomorrow- well everyone has them for today- I’ll have my ones tomorrow 🙂 Wow! FB 69.3 kg is fantastic! Congratulations 🙂 CG – I like the sound of your soup. I will try to make some tomorrow- eggs and tea for me today Lol.

    Hello team. Lotus you look great. I agree, buy the jeans. I like to buy clothes overseas if I see something I like. Recently a bought a very smart red cardigan. It’s quite tailored so looks more like a jacket. I like wearing red in winter to liven things up.
    I had a sneak peak at the scales after my shower a while ago and seem to be stuck on 67 – 67.5 Ks for the past few weeks. It’s annoying but when I look back I’m 10 kilos less than I was in January so I’m still feeling positive. For some reason I have a swollen knee so have not been able to get our and walk yesterday or today. A tad annoying and I should be sitting here with a ice pack on it but it’s too cold. Anyhow I’m going to rest it today and hopefully will be OK again tomorrow.
    Yes this is the time of year for soups. Re the coconut milk, I have a Thai Green curry recipe that I make quite often that also uses coconut milk. It’s not low calorie though. Lotus I had some of your red lentil Dahl for brekkie, plan to have your Saffron and Mushroom for lunch and have Miso soup for dinner.
    Have a good day team and as .CG so often says. We can do it.
    XX Doggy

    Golly team, all these losses. I am going to have a stearn talking to my scales. They are stuck on 75-75.5k and refuse to move. I beginning to think it is painted on 🙁 I ended on 600 cals yesterday and will have another soup day today I think. Perfect weather for it and I love soup 5:2 or not 🙂
    Taco take care what a miserable virus you have. Rest and warm fluids are about all you can do as well as staying warm. Don’t be too concerned about fasting when you’re sick, if something takes your fancy have it!
    Even a brake for a week will not hurt any of us, being too rigid spoils the whole idea of 5:2 and as it IS our way of life we need to enjoy it without pressure 🙂 We are all so used to portion control and would struggle to over eat if we tried! So if you are sick, or just sick of following rules, give yourself a breather, your conscience will not let you go too overboard 🙂 and maybe kick start the metabolism 🙂
    Happy day team xxxxx

    Taco – so glad you’ve finally got a day off to take care of yourself. Sinus trouble is horrible. Follow CG’s advice and concentrate on getting better; nothing else matters for now )(
    Doggy – the red cardigan sounds lovely, I love a touch of red, especially if I’m feeling a bit down. Hence my love of red lipstick too!
    Sorry the scales are stuck for some….but remember the good that’s going on inside, the measurements changing outside and the new control in your attitude to food and portions. You can do this!
    Hi to everyone else. Hope you are doing ok…Gypsy? Raven? Love to hear from ye.

    Exactly, where are our MIA members?? Andrew? xxxx

    Taco, please rest up. It’s very important as your body is refreshed to fight with infections. Snuggle up in the bed with a hot soup or coffe and maybe watch your favorite movie or just listen to music. The more you rest, better you will feel.
    Doggy, CG you both are right. I can understand your frustration as I have been going through the same in terms of plateau. But, hey, you know you are doing everything possible from your end and it will eventually move…
    SJ, wow, how did I miss your loss of whole kilo, congratulations!!

    SJ, slim pasta is called “Slendier” . It is in Health section at woolies and comes in variations like Fettucine, angel hair, noodles, & rice. But honestly, they all taste the same, just different textures (as names) The company has recently changed packaging and this is how it looks like:-

    Thanks FB we do have a Woolies just hadn’t tried there and can’t wait to try them. Unbelievably low in cals. I LOVE pasta.
    Morning team how are we all? Just back from Pilates. Yesterday I didn’t do a B2B but kept my cals down below my TDEE & lost another 700g of my weekend weight! Must have mostly been fluid to come off that quick. So now sitting at 71.5….let’s see if another FD today can see me just squeeze into the 70’s.
    Taco yes so glad that you’re now able to rest up as you need to. So the most important thing on your agenda today is ME time to heal your body & rest up.
    Doggy I love red in the winter too – brightens up the otherwise dull, dreary weather & sometimes your mood too.
    Fit I’ll be having a small piece of smoked salmon for tea also. Haven’t quite worked out the cals yet or what I’ll have with it. Hey maybe I can have my salmon on a bed of slendier pasta?! I’ve so missed my pasta. I don’t even usually go there on a NFD as I have no portion control when it comes to pasta!
    FB fantastic that the scales are moving again for you. Well done for hanging in there with the plateau!!! Frustrating but seems to be a part of the journey for us all. CG you too. I still find it amazing that you can be so encouraging with us all when you’re stuck on a plateau yourself.

    Had a glass of Nougaretto last night with dinner – it’s a Margaret River coffee nougat liqueur and it’s OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! You can buy it online if anyone’s interested from I had it instead of a glass of wine….just 30mls but yummo!
    Have a good FD all. Have my eggs boiled & my salmon in the fridge waiting & will get some Slendier this afternoon. All sorted. suejen XXX

    Well my wonderful mum will be proud of me! I just received my first speening fine ever 🙁 doing 105 in a 100k zone on the open highway! I phoned them and they said to write in for a warning instead which I will, he said I’d get of as its so low and a first offence….. $185 is a hell of a lot for 5k….I asked him if I could keep it to frame, he said I could as he laughed 🙂 xxxxx That was last week on my way to the hospital, oh well not bad after all these years of driving especially on open country roads ( buggars were hiding behind a tree, easy to do out here…..speed camera) my bit of exciting news team xxx 🙂

    Golly, so excited can’t even spell it correctly Speeding 🙂 xxxx

    CG you really are a chip off the old block eh?! But seeing it’s your first ever not really so. Can’t believe it’s your first in your life??? Didn’t think they would even book you for 5kms over – our speedo is regularly out by at least that much or more when we go through those speed check readers.
    Hope you’ve settled down after your bit of excitement LOL. XX
    Darn just got home & realised that I hadn’t dropped into Woolies & got those noodles for dinner. Back out again I go! Hope they taste good after all that.
    Having a real down day today after being pretty good for quite a while – just woke up like it. And can’t be bothered with anything but making myself do some knitting for grandchild no 7 (whoops accidentally typed 77!!! Oh my…). Never mind a good sleep will cure it & off to my counsellor tomorrow. sj

    Evening team.. I’m not getting alerts for the thread so am presuming something is amiss!
    Hope your FD went well for most of you .I did a B2B fast , which for me, always works… BUT I will not weigh until tomorrow.
    LOTUS -buy the jeans… you look fabulous! so just buy them!.
    CG – 1st fine ! you legend, Since moving from Sydney I have had several, of course driving back to Sydney!.
    Interesting topic a few posts back about dreams and the spirit world…. I believe it exists… over the years have had some amazing things happen that cannot be explained…. MY Nana Who I believe is the one who helped. When the dreams give you comfort or you experience the feeling of a presence our loved and departed ones are with us.
    The long weekend is around the corner… I wonder if those southerners will leave and visit my cold paradise.It really is cold here.
    See you all at tomorrows weigh in .
    Be warm and snuggle…..GO GALxxx

    You are a legend CG. Wow, first speeding fine. Agree with SJ, hope you are settled on excitement front.. LOL
    Sj, slim pasta is really not tasty. Its just bland and takes flavor of whatever you top up with it. Sorry forgot to mention it before… Oops

    Hi Gang. Sorry to be offline for so long, got visitors from NSW, including the latest great grandson (15 months) up and running! what a live wire! thank goodness I’m only a third wheel! Got a giggle out of watching the daughter play grandma tho.
    Anyway, I am multi tasking at present. just thought I better check in. Haw! just in time to catch the boss speeding! Sorry no time to read all the posts, but I skimmed and saw some swish fotos! Lookin’ good girls!

    On ‘the topic’ front, I am still stuck on the 84’s, but am happy to maintain as long as it takes. Still feeling good about a 10 kg loss, clothes look better and the kids really noticed. Plus I have more energy and it’s a nice feeling to have 5:2 and all of you in my corner!

    On the Leprechaun front , after a 3 week cliff hanger, we were informed today that the decision is ‘watch and wait’ for a further 3 months and another MRI, so it’s really good news (that the new spots are still considered borderline) but hard on him that there’s no cut and dried course of action. He has been teetotal (after an initial blow out)and doing all the right things, with the resolve to be in best shape for fairly immediate interventions (as we were led to expect) but now it’s dragged out to ‘forever’ sober or else… so the Poor love has gone to the pub for a coldie with mates he can swear with. My job is to stick to the plan. He can only stick to it if it’s his own idea. No judgement. It’s a hell of a thing for anyone to come to terms with when it comes down to the day to day nitty gritty.

    So once again my post is all about me and I haven’t had time to catch up with what’s happening to all of you. But I’ll be back! Meanwhile the kids have gone and I’m hanging out to get back into my regular FD pattern. Today is the first FD I’ve got through without a foul up for this week.

    And the moon went into WANING MODE today. So the next fortnight is optimal for losing lard!( or plucking eyebrows, shaving legs etc.) Especially losing fluid retention. but don’t plant your garden, it won’t germinate/grow That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Check out the moon calendar (google ‘Today’s Moon’) for your time zone and see if you don’t lose more over the waning lunar phase. Just another aspect to explore. Nite, xxx Gyps.

    Great to have you back Gyps, worried about your whereabouts! Odd situation to be in for you both, it’s like waiting for the other boot to fall. Good on him doing his own thing, pointless wasting away with worry. How great the family noticed the weigh loss, probably lost more with such a busy time 🙂 give yourself time to catch your breath before you get back to the swing of posting/reading up/ and poems 🙂
    Have a lovely relaxing evening Gyps xxxxx

    Evening everyone

    FD nearly over, B2B for me. Have not read all messages since yesterday as yet but just had to say that I just said NO, to a small chocolate!! Proud 🙂

    Chat soon xx

    Hope u r all well!!

    Hi All!
    SJ – your enthusiasm and positivity are’s great to hear you in such good form and having this 5:2 wol totally sussed! 77 grandkids!!! Now that would be something 😉
    CG – you’re officially a legend now, like you dear mum! When my brother was a young tearaway, he was always getting speeding fines and the local newspaper used to print a list of offenders every week. My father used to go mad because my brother is called after him and has the same name, so my dad said everyone would think he was the one doing all the speeding!! As the local school principal, this didn’t look so good!
    GG – best of luck with the weigh-in, can’t believe how you seem to do B2B so easily…I did it only once and it nearly killed me! 🙁
    Gypsy – so good to hear from you. Wow! Great grandchild! There can’t be too many motor-bike riding, outback exploring great grandmas on the planet -what an inspiration you are to the next generation. Hope all goes as well as possible for your OH in the months ahead…’wait and see’ is very frustrating. I’m glad he has buddies to let off steam with. Take care of yourself too xx
    FD for me today, went to hairdresser like CG to put in some time and off on walking tour of the capital in the afternoon – won’t even notice I’m not eating!! At least, that’s the plan!! 😉

    Good luck Fit, try not to walk past bakeries or the like, those smells rip into the tummy 🙂 but YOU can be strong, you CAN do it and you CAN have it tomorrow 🙂 nighty nite team xxx

    Hi all, good to see you back Gypsy. Amazed that you are a great grandmother. I have 4 adult kids and have to settle for a puppy! And great that your loss was noted!

    CG, great that they gave you that advice. Someone told me that one time and it did work, but you can only get away with it once. Sounds like that is all that you will need though.

    Back from my few days in NY with my son. I ate well but yesterday was outrageously bad by my standards so not going near the scales for a couple of days! After arriving back here on a bus, having eaten constantly to stave off boredom, we went to our local cafe for dinner. They know that we are leaving the U.S in a couple of days so gave us complimentary desserts!

    We have a farewell meal out tonight on what should have been a fast day and packing up and cleaning out the fridge tomorrow to catch a plane to Montreal. I am glad I posted those pics when I did because I may not look like that by next week!

    Re coconut milk, could you substitute the coconut flavoured skinny tinny Carnation milk?

    Morning Upt, enjoy all the celebrations, it’s lovely people are being so kind to you 🙂 and how wonderful to have that special time with your son. I have one question regarding New York. Is it all just high rise or do they have suberbs as we know them?
    What an adventure you are having, do you realise how lucky you are? Your 5:2 will look after you, don’t stress, just enjoy the whole experience. Once back in Australia, reality hits and back to normal, it will happen soon enough. Thanks for the tip with the milk too xx
    Morning team, freezing cold again this morning. How’d you all go with fasting? Relax a bit more today, unless doing 4:3 our weekend is starting 🙂 so you can have the few things you craved and didn’t give in to 🙂 If the scales don’t give the right answer, know you are still doing the right thing by your health 🙂 the benefits out weigh numbers on a bathroom gadget, but oh how it controls our thinking!
    I’ll weigh in later, having my first coffee and watching the news, happy day team to you make each decision count and follow through on your convictions 🙂 xxxxx

    Well, I think I’ll have to call that more of a semi-fast than a proper fast. I was very good on the walking tour, no bakeries!!! It was very interesting and the weather was very pleasant for a change. 🙂 But after three hours on my feet and another hour and a half before I got home, I was ravenous. I managed to keep to 660 cals so not a complete disaster and maybe I walked off a few of those calories before I ate them…..if that makes sense!!!!
    Up – I had a disaster just like yours a week or so ago – or so it felt at the time. But a couple of fasts later and I’m nearly back where I was. I agree with CG, you have been very lucky to visit some amazing places and there’s no room for regrets now. All will be well! Keep the faith!

    Morning Determinators! Another cold wet day and my last day of work for several days. Will go to Sydney next week to spend time with my family for a huge catchup,
    This morning me weigh in was no big surprise 71kgs a loss of 500grms despite B2B still happy .I have been having Jarra hot chocolate at night made on soy … that may be a reason for the small loss.
    UP- good to hear that you had such a wonderful time with your son and enjoyed being a “New Yorker” !
    FIT – have a great time on your walking tour
    GYPSY- so good to hear from you…. thinking of you often. Another lovely story of family being together.
    DOINIT- congrats on the B2B…. you will be famous for them as well . Once you have the right perspective about doing them its easy.
    Have a wonderful day. Hope the scales say good numbers….Work is calling….GO GALxxxxx

    Good Morning Gang
    Welcome back Gypsy.
    Well done GG, congrats on the loss! Are you drinking hot choc on Soy!, I just have it straight on water, saves on calories from soy as well.
    A quick check in on Friday morning before I head into the boring meeting for few hours.
    Weigh in news:- Couldn’t be happier, lost another 500 grams after B2B fast wed, Thursday.
    So total loss this week is a kilo.

    Weight last week Friday: 69.8 kgs
    Weight today: 68.8 kgs (My lowest in last 9 years)
    Total loss so far : 15.7 kgs now.

    Will look out for weigh in news after I come out off that boring meeting room where people discuss strategies in air..LOL

    FB wooohooo girl well done 🙂
    GG great weigh in congrats to you too xxxxx

    Well, if it wasn’t for the expense, my scales would be out the window! I have gained 900grams! Been extremely good this week so grrrrrrr. It won’t control my day or mood but noticed as I was getting in the shower, I seem to have a layer of fat covering my body, as do my pets in winter? Possibly but cross anyway. So will soldier on in typical Aussie Determination 🙂 off to do a bit of shopping soon, will weigh again tomorrow morning to see if anything has moved. Golly, you have blow outs and still lose but sticking with and under the rules, you gain, buggar! 🙂 I hope your news is better than mine and either way, we are healthier and feeling great…right??? Xxxx 🙁

    Well CG I think blowouts have got a lot going for them in that they shock the system I reckon. I have lost all my weekend gain & I’m now down 600g from last weigh-in to 70.6kg. Total loss of 11.8kg. I’ll take it. My advice CG would be to stop counting your TDEE for a while & see what happens, just stick to your FD’s. I don’t do my TDEE all the time it becomes too restrictive. Whatever you decide just hang in there fearless leader….you’re always encouraging us to do the same, now the encouragement needs to come your way!
    FB congrats on your kilo loss and total loss of 15.7kg Woohoo!!
    GG take every 500gr loss you get and celebrate. My losses vary from .1 to .8 I think so it’s all good. It all adds up to the fabulous total and is another milestone in your journey.
    Fit a semifast on such a day and 660 cals is absolutely fine I’d say well done really.
    UT enjoy your last few days there. Does that mean home or onto other places??
    DiiP a no to chocolate…very proud. I even gave in to a square on a FD last night – just put me over but I really needed something.
    Gyps so good to have you back. Glad that you’re hanging in there with such a wait-and-see verdict – very hard. But maintaining through it all is pretty special methinks.
    Well off to my counsellor now – some days afterwards it’s positive & uplifting but other days are tough. Who knows what today will be.
    Have a great day one and all and enjoy those foods you’ve been hanging out for…..just not all of them!! Make it some today, some tomorrow & then you still have Sunday for some more choices. what a WOL suejen XXX
    And PS have a great day all whether you lost or not. You’re still looking & feeling way better than before, aren’t you?! XXXX

    Hi team and happy TGIF. I just love Fridays since starting the 5:2. It’s a feeling of accomplishment having successfully completed another week on the Fast Diet. I’d be interested to know if anyone in out team has done the diet in the winter months. I know we have an honary Aussie in Ireland. I apologise that I can’t remember who is who. Some time ago now we all added to a list with our real names and where we lived. It might be interesting to do it again. I ask about winter dieting as I’m sure most of us are tempted to eat more during the cold months. I don’t know about you but salads do not appeal to me when the temperature is in the low teens. Mind you I’ve managed to loose another 500 gms – or the scales are playing silly buggers which is also possible. Measurements down ever so slightly so I’m happy with that.
    Oh CG What is it with cops who hide in the bushes or behind trees. Mind you I have a bit of a heavy foot on the accelerator at times but ONLY when it’s safe to do so.
    Gypsy is nice to see you back again.

    Thanks, guys.

    Re New York and suburbs. There may be some but I think they must be pretty far away. I have been to many of the different areas of NY since my son has lived there and my impression is that everyone lives in apartments even if they are fabulously wealthy. Brooklyn has some townhouses but they don’t have back yards and I have yet to see a front yard either. Maybe out on Long Island or somewhere but I think that anybody who wants what we consider suburban living actually commutes from places like Connecticut. Families live in apartments and that is considered normal.

    Doggy it is Fit in Ireland 🙂 xx

    Thanks Up, I couldn’t think of anything worse, no greenery apart from their park. Concrete jungles just don’t appeal especially when looking across 100’s of acres of beautiful green grazing land, but we are all different, others would find this isolating and lonely, I feel so in touch with nature and never lonely with animals…I have some great conversations with them! 🙂
    I tend to agree about ignoring my TDEE as I rarely eat up to it but that is conscious choice. This week, as of today I’m turning over a new leaf. I just had a ham salad sandwich on fresh soy linseed bread,oh so yum, can’t remember that last time I had bread, Tonight is fresh fish with (frozen) chips and peas (to be healthy 🙂 ) might even be rebellious and crumb the fish as in the past. I will try the “eat normally” as preached by Michael for all of this week and fast only the two days and see what happens as I’m not getting anywhere like this. I’m certainly not giving up, just resetting my metabolism (I hope) so the joys of having the forbidden as I like. Bet I don’t…to brain washed now 🙂
    Have a great Friday, have that scone and cream if you want, it’s your day so enjoy it and thank you for the support. By the way, I’m no Angel behind the wheel, the ticket was so long over due 🙂 open country roads…what do they expect? Xxxxx of course safety is first but going a bit quicker isn’t felt on these roads there are paddocks either side of you, not buildings flying past xxxxxxxx

    Thanks everyone. I’m off again today for the long week end. Hope you all have a good one! Weigh in is unspectacular, 84.05 kgs. So still just in the 84’s. My grand kids are scattered around Oz and varying ages. I must point out that I adopted two girls in their early teens, plus had my first Son at the age of 17, so it follows that everything came a little early to me in the granny dept! So I have a couple to see in Townsville before they move further south (to Adelaide). Hopefully will get time to catch up on everyone’s progress next week, but winter in the North is my getting out and about time. I hibernate in the summer. thinking of taking the man on a walkabout to get out of the rut. and try changing lifestyle and mindsets. Whatever works. Cheers, for now. xxx gyps

    Thanks CG for reminding me that its Fit in Ireland. I too like the countryside type of living. We are currently living in a very small village. It started off as a holiday place at the beach by people building shacks for their summer holidays. We now have about 200 permanent residents but it’s all pretty spread out. We love it here as everyone is very friendly and a safe place to live. I often go out walking alone with my dog early in the morning and sometimes don’t see another soul. The downside is that to get to the airport or specialist, decent shops etc is a couple of hours drive to Launceston, which is our closest “big” city. The only things I really miss, apart from our children and grandkids who live in Melbourne are cricket at the MCG, Tennis at Melbourne Park, the theatre etc.
    CG I think rebooting one’s metabolism is a good idea. I keep thinking I should try Michale’s recommendation of fasting between breakfast and dinner. About 12 hours I think , but I don’t know if I could stick it out. Well that’s the wrong attitude for starters isn’t it! I may try it next week and see how I go.

    Yes theres pros and cons with everything Doggy. I miss watching my grandkids growing, yet they are only 1.5 hrs away but at the age where social/sports life is busy and of course my daughter needs weekends to catch up and back to work Mondays. It’s time WE live our lives but very easy to miss family I agree. My sporting days are now in my family room on the telly 🙂 the crowds don’t excite me now and finding a loo in a hurry is a worry:)… Bloody age! Don’t quite understand why you need to change things, you seem to lose each week. I think my metabolism has got in a rut and I do tend to eat the same cals most days which is not normal or good. Mixing it up this week and still doing the two fasts might help me. I have already had too much today already, half a bag of fresh liquorice just so so yum, than a fresh bread sandwich, tested chocolate biscuits before putting them in their container as well as the new sweet biscuits! Not hunger, just insatiable gutsiness. Seem to have the same outbreak every Friday, like a kid wagging school, don’t know what to get into first! Anyway could be being off the smokes too, not losing weight, pulse rate might be slower who knows? Three week to go today so sticking with it.
    Enjoy your evening Doggy, looking forward to our chats with the cricket again 🙂 xxxx

    Hi All!
    GG – I never have more than 500g loss, so I think you have done really well. I really enjoyed the walking tour; the weather was fine and the sun shone (miraculous!). The guide was interesting and funny. I saw some places in a completely new light and learned lots of new facts about Dublin. So, exercise for the body and brain….what’s not to love?!
    FB – woohoo!!! Brilliant loss and your lowest in 9 years….you must be singing and dancing 😆 Who cares about boring meetings when you are smiling away on the inside, knowing how far you have come and how good you look!
    Oh CG – I feel your frustration, it’s not fair, when you have been so supportive and encouraging to others. However, I think it could be good to let go a little on non FDs and see what happens; it could jump start your system again into fat burning. I know you have strength, resolve and determination in bucketfuls and staying off the cigs is a huge achievement in itself – so be proud. Once your op is over, you can regroup – just hang in there, we’re all behind you xxxx
    SJ – hope all went well with the counsellor. You have been so much more positive here in the last while that I hope you keep going from strength to strength. The friend you spoke of before, a therapist I think, also seemed to do you good, so surround yourself with people who make you feel better and know that you are doing the best you can.
    Doggy – yes, it’s me in chilly Ireland where our winter has hung on and hung on 🙁 We’ve just had the worst May in 120 years!! I did find it hard to get going on 5:2 after big blowout over Christmas and the cold certainly didn’t help. However, after a while, I just had to accept that the weather couldn’t be an excuse any longer and I had to look at food choices more carefully and get myself some borrowed aussie determination if I wanted anything to change…so thanks to all you wonderful people, that’s what I did. 🙂 Overall, I know I haven’t lost a huge amount (about 6kg) but I suppose I wasn’t hugely overweight to begin with…just unhappy with not being as slim as I used to be. I’m basically at goal now, just trying to keep my wriggle room and not get complacent, because that’s where I fell down before. So, instead of salads, it’s soups, lots of roast veg and huge stir-fries which are filling and warming.
    Gypsy – you sure live up to your name and have the wanderlust. Enjoy your long weekend and if you take off on your travels again, please keep in touch because it’s wonderful for us to experience life through your gypsy coloured lens!!
    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. I’m off to shop and clean for one sister and after that I’m hoping to catch up with the other sister who is just home from visiting her new grandson in Sydney…can’t wait to see the photos.

    Just a really quick one from me, I have to pack up and catch a plane!

    Firstly, no, I don’t get home until the end of June. I have a weekend in Montreal and then Europe which is conferences for my husband with a little bit of holiday thrown in.

    CG, I am with you. NY is great to visit but I could never live there yet as you say, some people would never dream of living anywhwere else. It is great for my son because he is young and single, but he is not a city boy at heart either.

    OK, I stupidly just got on the scales even though I knew better. Up by almost 3 kg’s after just a few days and I know it is mainly water weight but it is also wine and cheesecake and I have to catch planes and stay in hotels and eat out for the next 3 weeks. WAH!Or is that WAA? I don’t know how to spell me feeling sorry for myself. I need to get a grip!Yes, I will enjoy the ride but I will try to stay on track if possible. My husband has just packed the scales! Cheers, all.

    Up – I bet most of that gain is just water and food ‘in transit’, as they say! You will have a fantastic time on your travels and while reliving great memories, you can get back to serious 5:2ing! What parts of Europe will you be in…not Ireland, I suppose? Wherever you are, you will feel alot closer to me than the other lovely gals in Oz, so even if just for a while I won’t feel so far removed from all the action.

    Thanks,Fit, sadly not coming to Ireland but it is definitely on my to do list someday!
    I will be in Helsinki, St Petersburg and then southern Italy before home. A bit colder then a blast of heat before coming back to our winter!

    Sounds so exotic and exciting, Up, I’m very jealous….have a brilliant time!

    Hi fellow ADs. Fitto thanks for the info re what your diet is in a cold climate. I’ve never been to Ireland but having a hubby who was in the Merchant Navy have been lucky enough to visit lots of countries. I had two Irish uncles, both with lovely brogues.
    CG my sporting days are over too. Bloody age as you say but then I’ve never met anyone who has got any younger. I too enjoy watching sport on the TV. I’m still able to get out and walk though and I find that is good exercise. It’s a long weekend here. Queens birthday or someosuch – I’m not into royalty. Everyman, women and their dogs are here and Pepper has been barking at the dogs and visa versa since sparrows! He’s going to be banished to the laundry any time soon. CG again , I had a laugh at your liquorice story plus a few other eats. I just love licorice. We are having a neighbour round for dinner and I bought some cooking chocolate to make a dessert. Well guess what, last night I eat half of it. As you say, not hungry just being a greedy hog. But that’s the beauty of this diet. We can have a blowout and then start again tomorrow or the next day. I’m still determined not to turn this into a diet I resent and feel deprived.
    Enjoy your day team.

    Doggy can so relate to the chocolate 🙂 I often wonder if our system seems to yearn or know what it is needing better than us. Not that 5:2 needs to be bland by any means but certain things we do stay away from. They are also things we have had most of our lives so the craving is still there. Anyway no harm done, 5:2 is forgiving and allows treats as long as we do the two fasts 🙂 Long weekend here too, all of Aust. I think, so expecting tourists in my neck of the woods too. Oh well, money into the area and not needing to go out so there road “rudeness” wont be a problem for me.
    Have a great weekend team, enjoy and relax your resolves, get out and live. 5:2 is NOT restrictive on life so take advantage of being YOU 🙂 xxxxxx

    Afternoon all late posting today. Had a bit of a pigout Friday yesterday like a few others I gather. Haven’t had 2 large glasses of wine for quite a while & I was wiped out….ready for bed at about 9pm. Along with other stuff that I won’t go into!
    Planning a more moderate day today with HM tomato soup for lunch. Haven’t quite thought as far as dinner yet. Had breakfast out as son skyped from the USA & we kept talking till at 10.40am we said OK have to go as we haven’t had brekky yet. But I selected fruit toast rather than pancakes/fry-ups so pretty good. And my favourite Chai Latte.
    Going to be a lazy day as have a movie to watch that’s due back tonight & then a footy match on. Anyone else into football? Being in WA of course we follow the Eagles, but have a foot in 2 camps a bit as we also like to watch the Dockers & like to see them win – just NOT when they play the Eagles.
    Have a great weekend all & stay warm and dry hopefully. CG we stick to the usual “we like to be different rule over here in WA”, & we had our long weekend last week. So no public holiday this Monday though 2 in a row would be nice! suejen XXX
    Oh Doggy I so agree with you. I don’t do salads in the winter….at all. It has to be hot for me, so soups, toasted sandwiches, wraps, frittatas, etc and casseroles are a favourite for dinner or one-pot dishes. I’m not much of a grill girl mainly because I grill badly ie cook the life out of most stuff especially steak of any kind.

    Hi All!
    Very quiet here since my last visit….you must all be letting your hair down for the weekend!
    Doggy – glad to hear of your Irish connection; for a small country, we sure have spread ourselves across the globe! I’m with you on the lure of chocolate…definitely my big weakness! I spoke to a good friend yesterday, who has just decided to open an artisan chocolate shop!!!!! Thank goodness, she lives at the other end of the country or I could be in serious trouble. I wish I could keep chocolate out of the house, but that’s not fair on my daughter so I just try to ignore it as much as possible and I succeed most of the time! I tell myself it’s character building to resist temptation even when it’s staring you in the face! 🙂
    CG – hope the peace and quiet of your lovely corner of Oz is not too disturbed by tourists….but maybe they’ll be the ones caught for speeding and the police will leave you alone! 😉
    SJ – I know what you’re saying about the effects of wine; since I’ve begun 5:2, I’ve learned the hard way that I just can’t drink much anymore so one large glass is probably enough or two small peach schnapps mmmmm 🙂
    Hope everyone else is well and enjoying the weekend, long or not (we had a bank holiday last Monday but the weather was horrible). I know I’m not exactly selling Ireland to anyone with all this talk of terrible weather, but it’s not usually this bad in May and June. If I make it to Oz next year, I’ll be looking for some sunshine and warmth…but it’ll be your winter then, won’t it? Oh dear! 🙁

    Hi Fit, I’m still here, lazy day, nanny nap late arvo so late sweet and sour pork for dinner 🙂 I made enough I could have invited the whole team. I still have trouble making small meals 🙂 Anyway, in the freezer for my girlfriend when she’s down with me for an easy meal 🙂 Speaking of chocolate, we have one here called Terry’s orange, oh so yummy…orange flavour milk chocolate in the shape of an orange cut into segments. I shouldn’t have opened it…SHOULDN’T HAVE BOUGHT IT, I adore it, my daughter usually adds one under the Xmas tree for me 🙂 oh well no such thing as 5:2 this week end 🙁
    And with weather Fit, if we let weather be a deterrent, none of us would go anywhere. We just dress for the weather hot or cold, we have such extremes. Have a happy day Fit what ever you do, the thread has been quiet all week but I guess people get tied up in life issues and will post when they get the chance. All the best xxxx

    Good on ya, CG! Sounds like a perfect day. Absolutely love Terry’s orange and we always put one in the girls’ stockings at Christmas, too; it has become our tradition instead of the real orange that use to be put in years ago when fruit was a luxury. I have to steer clear because I can eat a whole orange in one sitting!
    Dressing for the weather has become an art form over here! 😉 We can get four seasons in one day…at the moment it is rainy, windy and the sun is shining! I was just hoping to feel some Oz sun on my old bones!!! Never mind, the warmth of the ADers friendship will have to do instead xxxx

    HI CG and Fit I’m around too but…..CG you might be in bed by now and Fit….not sure what time you have over there. Google tells me that it’s about 1pm in the afternoon. Funny I’ve never been inclined to buy one of those Terry’s oranges. But plenty of other chocs I love. Many of us seem to adore choc licorice logs or bullets and licorice itself is pretty nice too. My mum always used to say I was so sneaky with lollies mainly. We had 4 kids in a combi van & I had to sit in front with mum on holidays. And I could empty a whole packet of lollies out of the glovebox without her or dad even noticing LOL! So still have a sweet tooth.
    Fit would be fabulous if we could see you next year! Are you really thinking of coming over??
    CG boy you must have made a lot of sweet and sour pork. Are you getting nervous or excited about your op (or both) and the prospect of no pain? You have such a great positive attitude that I’m sure the outcome will be a huge success.
    Fit I can only keep certain types of chocolate in the house – well OH does actually. He only likes the dark Lindt stuff & I can have one square of that & be satisfied and stop. But if I buy any milk choc or the licorice logs etc then I’m done for. I tell myself that I’ll ration it out and I do initially…I’ll have say a row of milk choc, then 1/2 an hour later another row…and on and on it goes. I would be horrified if I kept track of how much I had in a day.
    Well enough for now. Going to track down where everyone’s from and post again for you all as per someone’s request (was it Doggie?). May take some time!! suejen XX

    Have arrived in Montreal. Had to have a quick bite last night at Philadelphia airport between flights and had a hamburger. Ate potato chips and cheese as well as 2 G and T’s earlier at a different airport lounge. We had 2 flights yesterday but neither gave us food.
    How am I doing so far? 😉
    Don’t answer, I already know!

    Funnily enough, while there is truly very little food that I don’t like, I loathe liquorice and can’t abide jaffas or any orange flavoured chocolate.
    The only other food that I can think of that I don’t like is turnips and swede.
    Weird that those 2 foods came up in this thread!

    My husband has gone off to a car race today. I will occupy myself and try to make up for yesterday etc.
    Cheers all.

    Hi SJ – yes, it’s early afternoon here, almost 2pm now. Really love orange flavoured choc but lots of people don’t, so my favourites are always left in the box when one is passed around….lucky me! 🙂 I know my OH would love to go back to Oz again, but is more interested in Melbourne and summer visit because last time we went to Sydney in your winter; but I will work on him and see what I can do! After all, we Irish are blessed with the ‘gift of the gab’ and I have also kissed the Blarney stone!
    Up – I hate airports and airport food, it’s always terrible; but you will be able to make better choices now so don’t worry.

    Hi Team an updated list for you of where we’re all from. I’ve gone back 10 pages & just included our recent posters so to speak. If you’d like to add any missing details (or people) please do, add first names only if you feel comfortable to do so.

    CG COUNTRYGAL – Gayle, Sth Gippsland, VIC

    SJ SUEJEN – Sue, Margaret River, WA
    YY YUM YUM – Perth, WA

    GYPS GYPSYBELL – Zelda, Halifax, QLD

    GG GO GAL -Janeen, Forster, NSW
    LOTUS LOTUS123 – Harini, Sydney, NSW
    TACO TACOFOX – Sydney, NSW

    Doggy DOGSABIE – Margaret , Binalong Bay, TAS

    FIT FITTORETIRE – near Dublin, Ireland (Honarary Aussie! family in Sydney)
    MILENA – Edinburgh, Scotland
    RAVEN3 – Oregon, USA

    That’s it folks until I hear from you. Have I missed anyone?? Madam Secretary.

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