Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 1 month ago.

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    I concur with all of the above, you look like a different person, AMAZING.

    Morning team, again suejen you look fabulous I don’t think of it as vanity but isn’t it lovely when you see your reflection in a shop window and this “new” image smiles back at you 🙂
    Another fast day today, so doing a B2B if I fizzle out later in the day I will not sweat the small stuff, just finish with healthy choices 🙂
    It took ages to fall asleep last night after my fast, I think I was doing surgery on myself in my minds eye hehe, never been a surgical nurse but 4 major ops so get to see the ceiling more than anything! Just a big excitememt level, my girlfriend and her husband are already packed to come and babysit me after hospital 🙂 he may go home after a couple of days to do his own chores then return later so it will be a girly “rehab” 🙂 so lots of giggles, D.A.M. Chats heaps of scrabble which we both love. And yes FB I am thinking of the after rather than the during or before.
    Happy day to you all team, be good to yourself, the path you walk leaves footprints so when you look back do so with pride when you see how far you have come 🙂 xxxxx

    I’ve been working my way through the posts I missed.
    Here’s a fun fact-

    Marilyn Monroe wore size 12.
    FB, lookie there-You’re Marilyn Monroe!

    No one needs to let media-driven popular culture, dictate our personal views of what looks and feels good and/or healthy. I’d be beyond thrilled to settle into a size 12.

    Hi team. Up. I’m more than interested in anti vaxxers. I worked in a fever hospital in Johanesburg when I was doing my nursing training. I nursed small children in iron lungs also kids with Diptheria, Whooping Cough and other nasties. Many of them died. Now these awful diseases are preventable yet there are morons out there who refuse to have their kids vaccinated. I also have a grandson with Autism. My daughter has told me that if she were to have any more kids she would still have them vaccinated.
    Today I’m suffering from ” the morning after the night before”. I’ve a friend who was recently widowed. She was feeling very low so came over here. I helped her drown her sorrows with the aid of the odd bottle of wine. Then today while out shopping a packet of chilli and cream chips somehow ended up in my grocery trolley. The chances of me resisting them are not good. Just as well we have another FD tomorrow.
    Back to Mark Twain. He was so very witty and clever. He didn’t have a very high opinnion of politicians either. I wonder what comments he would have made of our Aussie ones. Nothing flattering I’m sure.
    XX Doggy

    It’s better to keep your mouth closed and have people think you are a fool then to open it and remove all doubt. – Mark Twain.

    Thanks for all the kind words team. It was a struggle to put up the before photo as it’s not a complimentary one but that’s the reality. Well NO that WAS the reality!!
    CG you’re right it’s great now to look in mirrors/windows and be pretty content with what we see. I still have a way to go as there’s a fair tummy/back roll hidden under those clothes that I want gone. But what I like is that I now look more normal shall I say. The only mirrors that I STILL don’t like are the wrap-around ones in clothing stores – they pick up everything inc the back view LOL! Not pretty.
    FB we might have to change your forum name to MM what say you??!
    CG so glad you’ve got your girlfriend already organised to come and look after you – scrabble sounds just perfect too. What a girly rehab! Luvit.
    GG I think you’re going to inspire me to get started on my sourdough bread. I love the sound of home-made bread with a hot soup. though like you I’d need to watch my portion control! Nothing nicer than soup & fresh bread to dip. And no never ever blame the sav.
    DebO do hope your FD continued to be a good one right to the end of the day. I follow CG now & reserve 47 cals for a Jarrah hot choc after dinner while I’m vegging out. Really saves the day & that craving for something sweet.
    Raven how wonderful that you found your friends, especially your bestie by the sound of it. Very precious!
    Lotus your so-called culinary hacks are what I so appreciate, being a total recipe-based person myself. Just not creative in my cooking at all. Love cooking & do gourmet stuff at times but always to a recipe. I read with disbelief the comments under recipes where people say Well didn’t have a b c and d so I used e f g and h and it was even better! That is soo not me!! Gonna try the dressing too.
    Well that’s it from me sorry if I’ve missed someone’s post. Tis getting harder as everyone says…unless you check in 3 or 4 times a day! Stay strong in your aussie determination everyone. Do it for the team….but mostly for yourself. suejen xx

    Welcome back Lacie, and thanks for the fact about MM, that really makes me feel better. And SJ, I think now there are quite a lot of MM’s here already…5:2 has got us to this stage. Love it!

    CG, good on ya friend to come n spend time with you post op. You sure have a good bunch of friends there and yes girly rehab sounds very promising already 😉

    Doggy, you have done a kind act by sharing that bottle of wine with your friend. Two positives:- 1) You made a friend feel better.
    2) You did not end up drinking the whole bottle by yourself.
    So, no damage done…

    Fasting today and I can hear my tummy while everyone is having lunch. But I am strong and will resist the temptation.
    I am really determined to do 4:3 this week old style (the way I used to before my vacation in March) to move this weight.
    This plateau gives me grief every Saturday at weigh in time and I come and whinge here.
    This Saturday, I am determined to report a LOSS…
    So dear tummy, stop gurgling as you are not going to get anything until dinner time. …
    FB in a fasting state 😉

    Morning all. Bah! It’s afternoon! now! and I just did great long post and lost it when I forgot and followed the Mark Twain house link! Good one, UP!

    Suejen, so good to meet you! looking great. doesn’t the 10k’s make a difference! I was just saying how we are all so diverse, but here we are, ALL ON THE SAME PAGE! In more ways than one. I have trouble with the photo ap too, think I confuse the HTML with the htpp thingy, and am at sea with the site itself. is it like facebook ? and you have to choose privacy settings? can people see all the pics I put on there when they follow the link I posted? (can anyone tell me) I didn’t see any of SJ’s ‘eye candy OH’ ???

    Raven I did express my thanks in the last post (lost!) to you and everyone for the support in my recent melt down, so good to know you are all there and such a tolerant bunch. I’m sticking to our common goal as one positive To have out of what’s shaping up to be another marathon year. Also turning the agro into a clean house, (was that Fit’s focus too,) can’t go beck to last page, where I was now. Just know I tried! thinking it’s a bad day to give up the sav! Carry on troops! must go FIND my halo, then apply polish! xx gyps

    And so I waddle in, with a full tummy after yum cha. Ouch! well, all for a good cause (friends farewell, he is going off to take an early retirement as he’s made pots of money!)
    FB -another few hours, stay strong my dear. Show your tummy who’s the BOSS!

    CG, I coud not sleep on my FD this week either. I slept in the spare room as I was tossing and turning ony to find that my husband and my sons who is temporarily staying with us all slept badly. Maybe the stars were hanging funny?
    Well, I did get through my FD, but it was one of the harder days I’ve had. Today finished at 1000 cals and woud early appreciate any suggestions for sleep. I should disclose that I am not eating much by way of carbs. Did eat a tangelo this evening i hopes that the carbs woud be good for my brain. I have also heard suggested among other things a teaspoon of local raw honey before bedtime.
    Enjoyed reading all the posts but I am in the bath with the IPad and not able to make good notes. Thanks to everyone.

    Mark twain quote.: “The coldest winter I ever spent, was the summer I spent in San Francisco. ”
    Ha! I lived in SF for twenty years. So true. We would watch with amusement the tourists with their shorts and flowered Hawaiian shirts. . 🙂 hopefully you are all warm today.

    PS I just found my grin and it’s ‘a must share’ – Was grumping around banging open drawers etc, and OH sez “So how many do you need?”

    I sez “Need? What?….” (scowling distractedly at the chockers clothes cupboard I HAVE to finally sort)

    “Well you’re looking pretty crabby, so….lunch? One or two?” …..

    So, this is a bloke who knows what side his bread is buttered on. He doesn’t eat mudcrab, but knows I’d kill (or stop killing) for it and just how to defuse my ‘I detest housework’ mode. Plus, the following foto (or link)is also in support, Suejen! I also found it too hard to put up a foto thea REALLY shows my old self. What I now call my ‘Two crab days’. (When I could easily comfort eat 2 of these yummy blighters in one sitting, and it shows!

     photo 10152423_771792802851257_1807157853219715483_n.jpg

    And the dear ratbag is away to the fish shop For ONE crab, for me and mackerel and chips for himself. Yes, I feel better now. Have a nice day all. xxxgyps

    I am so glad Lotus, atleast someone’s tummy is full. I am sure that Yum Cha was yum yum yummo… I am sipping on Peppermint tea now.

    Gypsy, click on SJ’s photobucket links and then scroll to third picture, there you will spot ‘Eye Candy’ 😉

    Ha OH is an innocent! First he wanted to know how others here were looking at his picture, so had to explain that the pics hadn’t quite worked for me etc etc. And that there was only ONE there of him. Initially he was a bit put out so then had to explain what you all meant by the comment and he sort of grumped (with a grin at the same time) and said Oh that’s alright then. LOL suejen

    I love the pic Gyps, enjoy your muddy 🙂
    Team just some info, I found a new app which takes in 5:2 yippy, its Lifesum…free to download but I also paid a years subscription for the extras $50 didn’t think that too bad. Check it out and see what you think 🙂 xxx

    FB feelin’ for you, but YOU CAN DO IT, I’m sort of semi fasting, two ricepaper rolls with lettuce, carrot sticks and a bit of tuna for lunch, (hooked on this ricepaper) and chicken breast with a few stir fry veg for dinner (487cal so far) but that could alter tonight 🙂 xxxx

    Aaaahhhh CG, now I so much want the rice paper rolls….LOL
    You are still eating healthy, so don’t worry about it being altered at dinner time. Just make healthy low cal choices and you know that you will be fine. No damage done!

    SJ, ha ha ha love the grumpy look with a grin. My OH reacts the same way… very

    HI everyone, been awol for a while. let myself slip back into old habits but am determined this week to get back into good habits. didn’t fast last week but everyone in the house was sick.

    hope everyone is well.


    MoM-you’re not alone. I am just back after doing the same. I’m again determined to get back on track. It’s hard (and hubby is out of town on business).

    You can do it!

    FB, if it helps, in sympathy with you all (also I am now used to eating less on Wednesdays, odd huh?) – I am skipping dinner tonight and fasting with rest of the gang tomorrow 🙂

    Another blog post from Dr. Fung

    MoM, Lacie,feeling for you guys, but hang in there… you CAN do it… You HAVE done it before…

    Raven, loved the stars haning wrong 🙂 ….I’m getting cluster migranes at the moment so not too lucid when they hit, awful trouble reading as the “halo” blocks my vision, horrible things, but they pass. I mean to reply or coment on posts but memory plays havoc when I’m like this, although it aint the best at any time these days 🙁 so forgive if it comes across as rudeness. Just a thought, wonder if it’s being off the smokes? The ecigs are doing the trick for me as I have tried everything in the past, meds, hypnosis, patches etc etc etc, but these are the “claytons” smoke if any of you are old enough to remember the claytons add, the drink you have when not having a drink! 🙂
    I’m still hanging in on my B2B might have a whiskey later but even if over by 100cals WILL NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF 🙂 Happy evening to you all team…oh, just to mention too, I rang the hotel GG and I stayed at in Melbourne to ask about group bookings and discount, they said definately and to phone once numbers are known and closer to the time we wish to go 🙂 so start saving team for a rip roaring time together with lots of laughs and hugs xxxxxxxx

    Thanks Lotus.
    I did some smart things this time-chose a WOL over a fad diet, found a safe place to be myself, and decided to forgive myself my oh-so-human frailties.

    Keep up the good work everyone. You all inspire me and I thank God for you every day.

    Ta ta for now


    Lacie you will get there, it is a way of life as well as a way of eating and very easy to get back on the horse if we fall off. You can do it and you are…well done xxxx

    Hi Raven

    When I started 5:2 I found I couldn’t sleep at all on FDs, Im normally a 5 or 6 hours at best person, but down to a couple of dozes. I got something called Melissa Dream from Holland and Barrett dunno if you have this shop but try any healtth food shop or onlne.

    It seems to have helped change my habits, getting 7 hours now some nights, evdn FDs.

    Thanks CG. Those little pats on the back make all the difference.

    Milena and Raven-I sleep like oh-he** on FD nights too. Lots of over the counter stuff you can take. Some of it is herbal. I think valerian root (spelling could be wrong) is good. Me? I prefer the strong stuff. Phenergan works for me. Benadryl is also good.

    PS I just showered and couldn’t resist the urge to jump on the scale and see the damage. Since it’s night time, and a non-fast day…maybe I didn’t do as bad as I thought. Up 2 pounds, but again, it’s evening, etc…

    Tomorrow I fast and do still more exercise.

    Good luck to all.

    lacie xx

    Hi All!
    Just loving the positivity, humour and support on this thread…never fails to give me a pick-me-up in the mornings!
    CG – I’m sure that part of your sleep issues have to do with your pending op and once that’s over, you’ll be more relaxed and hopefully sleep better. Make the most of the time with your friends too as that will be an added aid to your recovery. Sounds like you will have a blast! I seem to have found a new rhythm to my sleeping, I go to bed later and get up later and it is working better than when I tried to keep more conventional hours. I must be a night owl!
    Lacie/ MoM – sorry to hear you are both having a few bumps along the road, but keep going and you will get to the smoother parts in no time. If it was too easy, we’d all take our eyes off the road and crash and burn; so these little blips are just sent to keep us focussed and awake! So, keep on trucking – you are still on the right path and will reach your destination in your own time.
    Doggy – loving the quotes..think it was Twain who said that ‘golf is a good walk spoiled’! You are such a good friend to your bereaved mate and FB is right about halving the damage! Xx
    Gypsy – you’re a howl with your ‘crabby’ photo and how nice of your OH to go out and get you one……absolutely love crab!! Mmmmm 🙂
    FB – you are so strong, well done on sticking to your guns; MM was a beauty alright but a bit manufactured, you are the real deal!
    Lotus – glad you enjoyed your yum cha….never heard of it but sounds lovely.
    Raven – sorry you’re not sleeping so well; you have alot of stress in your job so it must be hard to switch off from it. Have you tried magnesium which others have said seems to help? Twain should have tried the summers in Ireland…struggling to get into double figures here and it’s nearly the end of May! 🙁
    SJ – hope your OH knows we’re only jealous of your fine figure of a hubby!!
    Weigh-in for me this morning and down half kg, so repaired the damage from my ‘tapeworm’ weekend! Fasting again today because I’ll be away for the next few days. Will check in again tonight before I set off.

    Fit I’m sure your right regarding my sleep or lack of. I think I’m a bit over tired from having family up even though my Son left yesterday it takes a while to come down, I used to fall flat once they left, now it more like phew!
    Have a lovely time away, but don’t stay long, we would miss you too much 🙂
    My rhythm is much the same as yours too, up later and up later again 🙂 it seems to work, don’t ya just love retirement? 🙂 I’ve always been an early riser and felt guilty laying in…but not any more 🙂
    Down another half K is wonderful and doing a B2B, you are keen, don’t forget the extra cals you burnt cleaning too, well done
    Have a lovely day..I’m just about to put my jammies on, how funny, your starting the day we just finished…xxxxxx

    Hi all, my son arrived from new York last night and we had a bit of a blow out meal at the local and then my husband decided to buy a box of warm cookies from the Insomnia Cookie place I have mentioned. I went to bed feeling really annoyed with myself as I had planned a pretty good meal which was healthy. We will have it tonight instead.

    Meanwhile, this morning my son is mooching around grizzling that there is nothing to eat.

    Doggie, I am with you in both the morning after and the vaxxing and I work with kids with autism too when I am in OZ. I have just been reading about the paramedic in Qld who has unknowingly been passing around the measles.

    Anyway, briefly back on to Mark Twain, I heard that he and his wife used to have dinner parties 4 or 5 nights a week! He was a great storyteller and used to practise on his guests before going on speaking tours which were a large part of his income. Sounds highly fattening and totally exhausting to me, even with servants, I presume!

    Good morning team, Upt, don’t beat yourself up, it doesn’t happen very often with you and the odd blow out will not damage much. Family time is precious so put it in fond memory file 🙂
    Fast day team for most of you 🙂 stick with it, if it gets tough, remember the benefits, check your image in the mirror, and remember why you started on this path. Weather is going back to winter so keep up with the warm fluids and foods.
    Have a happy day team, treat yourself with respect and don’t sweat the small stuff 🙂 xxx

    So, just a little check in before I go to bed early for a change – have to be up at 6am….totally not me!! I’m going to England to visit my daughter for a few days because she can’t come home before the end of term.
    CG – I didn’t do b2b fasts just Monday and today (Wed for me). Today’s fast went a bit over but I don’t mind; it will all help to keep the damage to a minimum.
    Up – don’t worry about your meal out and a few goodies; you will undo that in no time and you will have more lovely memories to put in your mind’s treasure box.
    Have a great week/weekend, everybody, and I will catch up with you all sometime on Sunday.

    Fit, with us being on the other side of the world, and so far from everything, do you realise how awesome “going to England” sounds to us? Have a lovely time with your daughter, we are all very family conscious on AD, and a great bunch of Mums 🙂 xxxxx

    Good morning team! I am joining the B2B fast team this week – fasting today and tomorrow. As a tip, if it helps others, when I do this, I spread my calories over three meals ( all meals are veggie or salad base with some protein ) – the calories are still within 500, but fools the body (mind?) into thinking it’s eating as “normal”… Also more water than normal on day 2, as obviously the body is stressed out and dehydrated by then. So B2B is less uphill 🙂

    Have a safe trip Fit! Yes, England seems really like the trip of a lifetime for us – perhaps line trip the Antipodes for you eh?

    Hi to all our global team. Raven, quite a number of people have mentioned insomnia following a FD. It’s possibly many, many pages back. I don’t have an answer for you. I’ve been an insomniac for many years. I’ve resorted to taking prescription sleeping tablets. I know it’s not ideal but constant sleep deprivation is the pits.
    Well I took to the scales this morning feeling light and optimistic. It’s apparent that my SIndays have caught up with me as I’m almost a kilo heavier. Grrr . I’ll continue with my usual FD today and have decided to be stricter with myself next week. I will probably try to do the 4:3. Also will be more disciplined and sticking to my TDEE. I’m not beating myself up about it though.
    CG thanks for the tip about the App. I’m going to have a squizz at it shortly. Yes I remember Claytons well. As an ex smoker I can empathise wiht you. I’m also going to have a look at the uTube ecigs you mentioned. When we were in Europe last year we saw lots of people smoking them. What a addiction nicotine is. AND it’s still legal. Do stay strong it’s so worth getting those lovely healthy pink lungs.
    Xx Doggy

    Doggy, they say on Michaels u tube clip that nicotine is no more harmful than our addiction to coffee! It’s the poison cigarettes have when burning tobacco that causes the problems. As ecigs are just vapour/steam, no damage is done nor second hand smoke either. So I’m sticking with them, it’s the best I’ve done with all my tries and if it keeps me off tobacco all the better. They are in flavours as Upt says but if that’s what it takes to keep me cigarette free, and healthy, I’m all for it…again a Claytons smoke 🙂
    I wouldn’t worry about the extra k either, todays fast will get rid of it, and you are close to goal aren’t you? Plus walking Peppar is added exercise 🙂
    Hang in there team if you are struggling, hot drinks or a zero coke, all help xxxxx 🙂

    Just remembered too, this new app is better than MFP, you can still add your own recipes or food if it’s not on their data, I’m really impressed with it, plus it recognises 5:2 on it, have a fiddle, learn to drive it and see what you think team…Lifesum..xxxx 🙂
    p.s good luck with it yumyum xxx

    Good Day Gang
    Late post from me as I have been super busy at work.
    Fit enjoy your time in England, it does sound very fancy…

    Doggy, we all get that extra kilo here n there. As CG mentioned, it is bound to go away quickly.

    Lotus, take care my friend, b2b is tough. You already have a strategy in place, looks like, you are all sorted.

    And thanks CG, Lotus and others for supporting me through my difficult fast day yesterday. It was one of the tough ones for sure. I successfully finished it at 480 calories.. Wooo hoooo!!!
    It felt so nice to have done it finally.

    Today is turning out to be a good day as well. Its 4.15 pm here, and so far, I have only had 380 calories. Now, this will give me some decent dinner time meal…. so, looking forward to it.

    My friend’s little one is turning one on Saturday. So, lunch is planned.
    I have to be sensible as I promised healthy eating all this week.
    Really need to see the scales change, so no alcohol and no naughty foods this week. Well, that’s the plan so far!


    Well done FB and with that mind set your a winner already 🙂 WHERE IS EVERYONE today? Xxxxx

    Reporting in now CG 🙂
    FB – thanks for your kind thoughts, holding fast (pun!) till now, hoepfully will caost along at about 475 cals by end of today. Well done on the great FD yesterday and non-FD today! 480 cals is so good… And 380 till 4 in the evening… OK, now you have motivated me to stick to decent eating on non-FDs too 🙂
    Scales have been zig-zagging on 73-74 Ks for me for the past three weeks too, so I hear your frustration. I mean, we know its a long-term thing and not a fad etc, but some days, you just want to see some b***dy results!! 🙂

    I have to go look up Lifesum tonight. One way to deal with insomnia 🙂

    Hi all, back to my reception desk where I can read the posts and addd one.

    Well CG, my 4:3 has gone out the window as have had my uncle arrive for a few days visit. Never mind, I have done the 5:2 which has gone just fine. I will still try to watch what I eat for the next few days though. I am craving something sweet at the moment but will have another mouthful of water instead.

    Everyone seems to be doing well this week which is great to hear.

    Fitt, have a great time in England (jealous)

    Bye for now

    I have lost all my posts from today……WHats going on!!!!!….go gal

    Hi GG, doubt you lost them, no one has posted…till now 🙂
    DiiP, try the Jarrah hot chocolate, great for sweet tooth and low cal and warming 🙂
    Lotus, you ARE doing well, it’s a good weight to be stuck on, yes frustrating I know but hang in there 🙂 the Lifesum is good, I like it….enjoy your dinner team 🙂 xxxx

    Gedday all! Having an ordinary day here, been stuck in a dentist’s chair for repairs (lost crown) this am and the usual grocery shop after, then a twenty k drive home to the disarray I’m causing with the spring clean. Think I’m being a little nuts, but it suddenly seems imperative to “get my things in order’. I suspect its the control freak in me compensating for the issues I can’t control. Ah, well, a clean house will be helpful in the end, I’m sure….

    CG, if you have given up nicotine than it’s common to get a surge in appetite (as you described recently) sticking to 5:2 will save your bacon there. just keep the discipline pretty strict for the 2 days and your body will adjust to the hunger pangs you used to quieten with a smoke. It’s the rock I perished
    on after giving up the smokes. Taste and appreciation of food is sooo much improved you want to chomp all day. And I did. I really believed there was no way back from it (and ‘everybody’ said so!) but I am now proof that there is! Hang in there, cluster headaches are usually triggered by something, awful things, sorry for you.
    Lotus, thanks for the link to Dr Fung’s latest rave, he’s an interesting speaker, good myth buster.
    Lacy and Mayhem, hope your kids are on the mend, no fun at all! don’t begrudge yourselves a little spoiling to recuperate,…. the woe will go and the wol will wait …. just keep the goal on the horizon. hugs.

    I don’t know what my year will hold at this point, but am starting a 2 dollar money bottle. ( a small glass coke bottle holds 2 thousand dollars according to a post I saw somewhere ,on face book I think) It’s cool to see through the glass and watch your holiday grow . I’ve never actually filled one up to count it, but a few hundred is very helpful and you don’t miss it saving that way. Other saving methods are not so easy on the aged pension.

    Fit, I blame you for inspiring me to clean house! Now I have to come to terms with the snake skins I found while cobwebbing the external deck’s rafters, The pythons are heading into the ceiling to hibernate for winter. (upside is they’ll keep the scrub rats and possums out) I tend to lay awake at night listening for the slither, against whatever they shed their skins on up above my bed, to judge the length. . the ceiling is only of plywood so I call a wildlife relocater person when a ssssslide is looong or the skin I find is on the big side. (24 ft is the biggest we’ve had) Life in scrub country has it’s moments.

    Doggie, UP, Milena and FB, I look forward to knowing you’re all out there and on my side. I never realized how much I missed sharing my ups and downs with the sisterhood. thanks to all for being there. To the broooom….cough…splutter….mumble….wish I had an automatic…. byeeee…gyps

    Go gal, that happened to me yesterday! xxx

    Hello everyone!

    FD today, started with me in the dentists chair for a crown too.

    Had a banana and a little yoghurt before. Then came home and had 120g lean chicken breast and half a pear. Read somewhere about having good protein on fast days -so its chicken for dinner again tonight too.

    Have bought the book and find it inspiring – keeping me on track.

    Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow.

    love to everyone,
    RE xx

    Hello everyone,

    Where do I find the recipe posts please

    and can someone give me that beetroot sauce one again.

    Many thanks
    RE x

    PS and the savings bottle is for Our reunion in Melb if the gods be willing!

    Can’t remember if we had a time frame, CG. was it proposed for this year or 2016? which end of the year. Do we want cool to wear dress up? or hot to show off our bikinis? Maybe we should try for half way and DOIT IN PARADISE! I can see me getting lost in a city the size of Melbourne!

    The mind boggles! thoughts please…. I like September… to bloom in the spring! (Plus I will be seventy in September 2016)….sigh…when is a woman ‘too old’ for housework, really? (you all know I’m just rambling to avoid it, don’tcha’?)

    Bah! better get on with it, FD nearly done and dusted, but I’ll be up half the night trying to find the bed under all those clothes I dumped out of the cupboard. (one way to ensure I don’t put it off yet again).

    CG I have been posting 3 times today….. I do not like being MIA!
    Had a busy day doing ironing and making the BEETROOT dressing… I used fresh beeties ,had crimson fliud all over the kitchen … the outcome of the dip and the dressing was soooo good.THANK YOU SO MUCH LOTUS! Dressing on the salad with whiting fillets for dinner . The dip used to have with my celery and carrots during todays’ fast.
    FB- good on you for hanging in there. The JARRA chocolate certainly helped to cure the sugar craving the past 2 days. thanks for the tip xxxxx
    FIT- have a great time in London. My MUM recommends the LIBERTY tea house for high tea says it is the best……enjoy.
    UP- have a great visit with your son….Never mind about not having “HIS” food in the house. He will survive.
    I hope the needle will move down for me tomorrow after doing a B2B Momday and Tuesday FD today SOMETHING HAD TO HAVE HAPPENED!!!!
    GYPSY- You are a hellva women! I could not live with snakes inside my roof slithering around I would have to do a quick course in POTHOLTONGUE to keep them controlled… HARRY POTTER COULD SPEAK TO SNAKES.MY Mum had possums in her roof . They would spend the night making this awful gutteril noise and chase each other up and down the length of the rafters. It was horrid.
    See you tomorrow team wishing you all goos results for the weigh in… have a comfortable night……. GO GAL XXXXXXX<3

    RE-LOTUS posted on page 108… Can of beetroot slices, salt & pepper mustard to taste add oil OR water till you have the consistancy you like . I used greek youhurt in mine today to make it creamy The recipe thread is AUSSIE DETERMINATION RECIPE THREAD in Active topics……GO GAL

    Sounds yummy GG, beetroot chases me all over the kitchen, I get it everywhere! But do love it so must try the dressing 🙂 have a lovely evening and don’t worry about the scales, you look lovely as you are xxxx

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