33 and feeling ready for scrap heap

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33 and feeling ready for scrap heap

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mummybear12 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Im 33 a week today and my health isnt great firstly i was diagnosed with pcos in 2008 and the associated problems then in 2013 my under active thyroid problem was discovered after not bouncing back after having my baby. And since that point i feel life has been beyond hard i find it hard to accept the life long need for medication when im told my thyroid is well controlled yet i never feel 100% well and am always feeling tired and low in mood. I feel emotional Every two weeks before my menstrual cycle like i have pms on steroids and add in that im now infertile again after a miracle where i did ovulate and managed too fall pregnant. A pregnancy that ended my thyroid working.
    So now im having investigations into fetility again and the Doctor i saw said my cholesterol was extremely high but didnt give me numbers. And today i feel so rubbish its one thing after another all these things have taken there toll on my life and my marriage my little one also has some health issue and its all so stressful.
    My problem is when i feel sad and emotional i eat and eat and eat and seem too have no control over managing my feelings.
    I started fasting and found fasting fine but struggled on n8rmal days and now im back too square not fasting and eating too much i need too find the determination from somewhere sorry for ramble

    Hi mummybear, I also have pco’s, I was diagnosed with it 36 years ago. I also struggled to conceive but I did and I have a wonderful teenage son, who is not without his own issues. I am also diabetic. When I was having my menstruation I would suffer big time with pms, I felt so angry with it. Thankfully I don’t have that problem anymore. I know where you are coming from with eating. It sounds to me like you are suffering some kind of depression, maybe talking to your Dr might help. If you find your Dr is not helping you, it might be time to change that Dr. When you go grocery shopping make sure you are not hungry, and try to buy healthy foods. I have a sweet tooth but don’t eat chocolate. The way I found to take the edge away from the sweet tooth was to have a fruit desert after my main meal. I would chop up strawberries, an apple, a banana and have a few grapes and pour over a small amount of yoghurt. Tastes great and then I don’t feel the need for any sweet foods. Don’t feel like you are ready for the scrap heap, you need to talk. No one is ready for the scrap heap. I don’t count calories on non fast days, because I have a rough idea of what to eat and how much. I also think, when you start to lose weight, you will start to feel better within yourself.

    Thank you molly you are right i do feel depressed about everything at the moment we moved too a new area two months ago and apart from a few mums ive met at baby groups i Dont know anyone so feel quite lonely too. I want too be upbeat but it just seems like its such a big hill too conquer right now

    mummy bear, moving is a very stressful thing to go through at the best of times, but having a young one to look after is even more stressful. Do you have any parks nearby that you could take your little one to? I understand what you are saying and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Do you have a FB page? maybe I could add you as a friend and have a chat. I don’t really know anyone where I am, and I live on my own with my son.

    Hi molly i keep the baby busy so we attend groups five days a week so in that respect im out most days. And thank you for asking but i dont have facebook or twitter. Im sorry you dont know anyone where you are it gets harder as we get older too make friends doesnt it?
    Im feeling a bit better this afternoon after a chat with my hubby. Im going too start again with 5:2 next week and take it slowly

    Hi mummybear,
    Hope you feel better soon. I’m also 33 and struggled with getting pregnant. I had to take fertility meds and luckily got pregnant. My baby is now 18 months. My cycle returned after a year but hopelessly irregular. I too, moved to a new town after having my little one. It is minus 30 with snow all the time so i cant go out and feel very alone most days. I spent the last year eating my emotions and i just got tired of feeling tired and overweight. In october i cleaned up my diet and i suspect it is helping my cycle too. I am not sure if i will need help getting pregnant again but i dont have the time to go chase doctors while watching my kid. So, i just wanted to say to you that i know how you feel and that there is hope when you are ready. I am losing a pound a week on this fast diet but lost weight faster with just making small changes, cutting carbs etc. Please take your time and do not blame yourself, life is tough somtimes! I can be your weight loss buddy if you need one or just share tips with you. Good luck!

    I am so pleased to read you have spoken to your husband. That is the first step to getting and feeling better within yourself. I am glad you are going to start this 5:2 next week.

    Go slowly and make gradual changes if you find that better for you. Keep up with the baby groups you will eventually find you have a circle of friends to support each other. Even the mums who look really organised and together probably aren’t underneath, and will need help too. Perhaps when the weather gets better organise for a small group of you to go for a walk together, fresh air is always a help. Good luck and take one day at a time and don’t give up if you have a bad day draw a line under it and start again the next day or even in the afternoon if you had a bad morning.

    Hello thank you all for your lovely replies sorry for late reply. I feel much better today and im thinking that maybe 16-8 right now maybe easier foR me than 5-2 going too post for advice on that one.

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