30 Days Limited Carbs Challenge // October 2016

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30 Days Limited Carbs Challenge // October 2016

This topic contains 102 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Annach 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Similar with my October 2016 // Daily Fasting Challenge (Google Sheet embedded in blog post, updated in real time), in the same period I will run a 30 Days Limited Carbs Challenge, because I think that this approach will help controlling my binge eating episodes and improve my intermittent fasting windows.

    Info about the challenge:
    – starts on Saturday, 1 October, when you need to post your Starting weight, in kg.
    – ends on Tuesday, 1 November, when you need to post your Final weight, also kg.
    – the reporting system is kg only.
    – minimum number of participants: 3
    – maximum number of participants: 10+1 (me)
    – intervals for carbs monitoring and reporting: 0 – 50, 50 – 100, 100 – 150, 150 – 200 – …
    – starting Sunday, 2 October, daily, you need to post the upper limit of the carb interval for your previous (ended) day. Ex: on Sunday, 2 October, if on previous day (1 October) you had 30 grams of carbs, you need to post: Day 1 = 50. On Monday, 3 October, if on previous day (2 October) you had 130 grams of carbs, you need to post: Day 2 = 150. And so on.
    – the sheet makes totals for every carb interval.
    – the daily reports will be posted on this thread on 5:2 Diet Forum.
    – at 3 consecutive or 5 non-consecutive missing reports the name is removed from the list.
    – the order in the list will be alphabetical (sort field “name”).

    If anyone wishes more details, I’m happy to respond.

    The Demo Template is here: http://dailyfastingweightloss.blogspot.com/2016/09/limited-carbs-challenge-oct-2016.html

    If anyone wishes to join, please tell me, so I can add your name to the list. And on Saturday, 1 October, you will update with the Starting-weight (kg).

    Good Luck!

    Olรก Adaline, eu quero fazer parte!

    Welcome Anaide, and good luck!


    Added keto option (0-25 g carbs) to template.

    I’ll try this one too. Carbs are not my friend. Thank you Adaline.

    Welcome Annach and good luck!


    PS: Demo template removed, we’re good to go. Tomorrow’s post: Start weight (kg) and what is your objective for this challenge. Mine is: keep the carbs daily between 50-100 grams, 80% unprocessed sources (including fruits and resistant starch), max 20% junk.

    Me: Start weight: 71.7 kg.

    I’ve change my mind about my objective. For the first 2 weeks I will limit carbs at 150 grams / day and if I will not lose weight or have many binge episodes, I will lower it at 100.


    I think that’s quite sensible. I haven’t weighed this morning so will go with Friday’s weight of 65.7. It will probably go up.
    My plan is 50-100. I am quite used to low carb for health reasons so should be ok…
    Unfortunately I have a dinner out tonight so my stats for tomorrow will be terrible


    I hope I can still sign up for this challenge! It is October 1st am here in Canada. So glad to see this encouragement- just when I really needed it. I know low carb living is right for me and will take me towards my health and weight loss goals. Please sign me up for this challenge.

    Start weight: 93kg
    Goal for end of October: 90kg
    My low carb eating goals are to commit to plans and track carbs first and foremost, working towards 50-100grams most days.

    Also here, welcome Monabee and good luck!


    Me: Day 1 = 150

    I’m in the middle of “Brain over Binge” book and hope to be a solution. FAQ: http://brainoverbinge.com/?page_id=14


    Joining as of today. Start weight 71. Goal for October 65

    I’m a little new here so not sure what the rules on submitting “reports” are. Do I just post in the thread here the daily carb intake or do we use any other channel for updates? Thanks

    Day 1 =100 grams

    Thanks for fitting me into thi challenge! Actual carb count was 68 grams & rounded up. Hope I am doing this right! The binge book sounds very interesting Adaline! Can’t wait to hear a review. We post here Why Not… and Adaline manages the spreadsheet.

    Welcome why_not and good luck! Yes, as Monabee said, daily you have to post on this thread you carbs intake (grams) from your previous day. And I update every 24 hours the sheet here: http://dailyfastingweightloss.blogspot.com/2016/09/limited-carbs-challenge-oct-2016.html
    At the end of the month you can see how many days you had on each carbs interval: keto, 25 โ€“ 50, 50 โ€“ 100, 100 โ€“ 150, 150 โ€“ 200 โ€“ โ€ฆ

    Perfect, Monabee.

    I will write a feed-back about the method, if it will cure my binge eating disorder. I’m optimistic, because we have similar stories.

    Thank you for your reply to Why. ๐ŸŒท

    I have read that book and read the transcripts of his podcasts. Interesting approach. I will be interested to hear what you think.
    Due to eating out and drinking I wouldn’t want to place a number on my carb intake yesterday… Given how I feel today Monday will no doubt be my proper start.
    I would conservatively estimate 200..๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    If your total caloric intake is around your TDEE, no harm done. If is over, hope you’ve enjoyed it. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐ŸŒท

    Day 2= 100 grams

    Calculated 65 grams carb for today. Did not feel deprived with carbs or with fasting- feel satisfied and ate well. I know higher cal and carb days will come this week- but that is OK- I’m trying to plan for them and not feel guilty about them…My husband and I like to eat out so I want fit them into my week so this can be a way of life for me. I really appreciated the tip about TDEE- that is very reassuring ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great week everybody!

    For me, cheat days are mandatory to keep my binge eating under control. I gain more weight and feel more sick when I try to be “perfect” and not have cheat days. Because after a few weeks of “perfection” and frustration, I binge with at least 3 times more junk than what I initially craved.
    So I see cheat days as a preventive measure for not binging.

    Day 2 = 150

    Day 2- 200. Weekend indulging. That should be the end of it now for the rest of the month.
    My TDEE was surpassed I suspect by quite a lot but it was an exception

    Day 3 closed for me. 150.

    Day 3= 100 grams of carb

    Actual total was 54 grams. Increased fasting time from 16/8 to 18/6 and I think this helped with overall calorie and carb intake today. I felt fine, and did not miss eating earlier. I just needed lots & lots of tea and water today. I also did Fast exercise- Hitt training and some weights- in 25 minutes I had them both done and had a great sweaty workout! I know that getting the exercise in does “something” very good for me- chemically. I don’t have the weird anxious feelings I can get when I do not exercise- which then are followed by overeating. There is a fine line though- if I overdo exercise…I get tired and stressed, but if I do not exercise- I get those feelings also. There is a “just right” somewhere in between. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope everybody has a good week!

    Exactly. Balance the stressors.

    So: I see you constantly are in the lower 50-100 interval, so I’ve modified your data: 100, 50, 50, to be close of your real carbs intake. So if you constantly eating around 60 grams of carbs, you can report 3 days x 50 and 1 day x 100, to compensate.

    FD today so definitely keto.
    As well as the exercise I think there is something to be said for keeping busy. Rushing around helps me. I can’t sleep without both exercise and busyness

    Busy works great for me too.

    Here too: optional: if you want, you can post your current weight on every Fri / Sat and I will update it to the file as “intermediary”.

    Day 4 closed. 150.

    Day 4= 50 grams

    I actually ate 22 grams of carb today- I can hardly believe it because I ate well and enjoyed my food so much. Again a robust salad for lunch, and spaghetti squash and spicy chicken for dinner. I agree with the keeping busy along with exercise ๐Ÿ™‚ It keeps us as active calorie burning machines and keeps from eating out of boredom also! It is very interesting to me how my energy levels have improved dramatically by just a few days of fasting and low carb eating, and moderate exercise. Really great to feel on a path to better health. Hope you all are feeling well too!

    I also wanted to say Thank You again to Adaline for customizing my plan – once again! Thank you!

    I’m sorry Adaline- I posted incorrectly; I’m actually

    Day 4= Keto

    I just realized that because I had 22 grams carb today, and after looking at the chart I realized I posted wrong.

    You’re welcome! Happy that you find it useful! ๐ŸŒท

    PS: no problem. It’s good that you post also your exact intake and details.

    Day 4- keto

    Day 1,2,3 – 150 ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 5 – 200

    Day 5= Keto

    Had one large meal today instead of 2, 18 grams of carb and more fat than usual. It’s amazing how much easier it is to keep your carbs low when you reduce meals. I am travelling for work and usually this would be a time to binge- so I thought I would follow Adaline’s routine and plan for one large meal. It worked! And I believe because I am in keto- I felt really good- good energy levels and it was relatively easy to fast longer today. I kept myself busy tonight and that worked too.

    Congratulation! I LOVE to read your progress!

    Day 5- keto. Keto helps me manage my appetite better too.

    Day 6 – 150


    Removed due to more than 3 consecutive missing reports: Anaide.

    Day 6= 150

    Today was a feast day. More calls and more carbs. 117 carbs total today. Planned, so I don’t feel guilty about it. My concern is only to get back on track tomorrow again with fasting and low carbs. they say that feast days can result in a slide downward which I really do not want to do. It will be interesting to see how they weight loss does overall this week, by sticking to the plan. I felt great in keto with lower carbs- so it will be interesting to evaluate how I feel tomorrow.

    Day 6- keto FD

    Day 7 = 150

    Weight: 71.3

    Also here: Rule update: it is not mandatory posting in weekend days, but please update on Monday with all the previous days. Thanks!

    Have a great weekend!

    Day 7= Keto

    So much easier to be in Keto with 22/2 fasting. 20 grams of carb today. Feeling really well, even though I had my “splurge” night the day before. I was able to fast this morning again without any serious cravings or problems. I think easing into the fast times, by also eating low carb by starting with a 16/8 and gradually working towards longer fast times has really worked well. I tried 24 hour fasts before and felt terrible. The combo of careful carbs and gradually increasing fast times I think is a winner for me! My hubby wants to go out for breakfast in the morning which we both enjoy a lot. I have not had breakfast for a few weeks. I may shoot for 800 cals- and a 16/8 day tomorrow- that should work. I want a plan I can “live” with….so need to find ways to make it work.

    I had the same thoughts about “transition” on the fasting challenge. ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulation again for your progress! ๐ŸŒท

    I had successful fast days with only one large meal before noon. Not often, but it’s not impossible, if you want to try. If it goes, it goes, if not, not.


    PS: my eating window is between 10-14. 3 studies on meal timing here, first post: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/daily-20-23-hours-fasting-window/

    The transition approach is very well thought out. I tend to be an ‘all or nothing’ dieter. Overeating is very bad for me so when I have a bad day I suffer for about 3 days afterwards. It’s crazy. I will be more moderate this weekend hopefully. Fasting days are he only time I feel truly well but that isn’t very sustainable………
    Day 7-keto (just)

    Annach, we talked a little bit here about transition, if you are interested: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/october-challenge-adalines-ver/page/2/#post-169845

    Thanks for the links Adaline- I enjoyed reading it very much. I have also read Dr. Fung’s book and information. I think he has some very important points, and I have thought for some time now that insulin is my problem, and insulin resistance. I’m pleased with my week. What I am considering now is that I had one higher calorie day on Thursday, and it may be best for my metabolism to have another, but maintain a fasting window-of 4 hours say between 0900-1300; then return to my 800 calorie plan. The problem is- I lose so well with 800 calories, I feel good, and I can maintain somewhat of a consistent plan. I think habit helps us….For me eating is a bit of a social event also. My husband and I both work- so it is important to us to share a meal together in the early evening. If a moderate meal, followed by light exercise also- I seem to have success. Anyhow- I am seeing success for the first time in a very long time. I’m very pleased and pleased also to have folks reading the same information to bounce ideas off….

    Day 8= 100

    54 grams of carb today, and a different eating window between 0800 and 1600. Felt just fine with it thankfully and enjoyed 2 really nice meals today.

    Day 8 – keto. Didn’t plan that so can relax today….
    I had a look at that Adaline, food for thought (pardon the pun)

    Day 8 = 200
    Day 9 = 200

    Removed due to more than 3 consecutive missing reports: why_not.

    @monabee: marked day 8 at 50.


    Day 9= 50 g carb

    Thanks again for the customized approach Adaline ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s fun to see the charts fill up….

    Day 9- 200 I think. Not worth it for me unfortunately…

    Day 10= 50 grams

    48 grams of carb today.

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