30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

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30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

This topic contains 3,401 replies, has 151 voices, and was last updated by  LindaSue 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,601 through 2,650 (of 3,410 total)

  • Day 8 Brisbane, Australia NFD

    Hmmmm so what had been a successful FD ended up turning into a low calorie NFD. Got to 7.00 pm & a friend handed me a beer when I walked into the room. Haven’t had alcohol for weeks but for some reason, decided I had to drink it as she had it for me especially. Damn – bit annoyed with myself!

    Day 8 (30+8) Sunshine Coast Qld Aus: NFD. Just checking in. Thunder rumbling but a fair way off. It has been so strong last couple of days that the house has shaken. Picking OH up tomorrow. Haven’t seen him for 2 months. Will head straight down to see his mother in the residential aged care facility. It will be tough, I think. Talk tomorrow.

    US SC Day 8 NFD. Fighting a sore throat and cough and feeling generally tired and ugg although better than yesterday. Hoping to do a FD tomorrow. Have a good day all.

    Day 8 USA (Illinois)

    NFD – all is going very well. Maintaining and even losing a pound from my trip. My own scale read 158.8 this morning so happy about that! I go for my annual physical next week, so I expect my doctor will be pleased.

    Tummy rumbles can certainly abound on FD’s indeed. And cold hands, although overall coldness also a pain. And we’ve got the cold weather here in northern Illinois. And not sleeping well after a FD also is a side-effect.

    BUT the overall benefit of losing 30 pounds for me is very much worth any discomfort.

    Coda – hadn’t thought about the actual $$ benefit of not being in paying groups like WW or others. That is truly a tangible benefit of blogging with us. THANK YOU for starting these challenges back in May and for your continued support. I love the quotes too!

    Whoever suggested MFP also – thank you! It’s been a life saver for this one who hates to count calories.

    Onward and downward!

    Georgia/USA/Day 8/FD:

    Looking forward to the weekend!!

    Saw this and thought it may help some

    According to Drs. Lisa Young and Marion Nestle, portion sizes at restaurants took a sharp increase in the US during the 1970s and have continued to expand. Multiple well-controlled studies have shown that, when offered larger portion sizes, people tend to consume more. For example, one study gave participants four different portion sizes of macaroni and cheese on different days (small, medium, large and extra-large portions). They found a 30% increase in calorie consumption when participants were offered the extra-large portion versus the small portion. The take-home message is this: The portion sizes at restaurants are more food than we need, and, when we are served huge portions, we tend to overeat.
    Combat the large portions by trying a few things:
    Share an entree with a friend.
    Order the “kid” size.
    Opt for a vegetable side dish rather than fries or chips when given the option.
    Use the plate method. Visualize how that restaurant meal would look like on your plate at home. Try to eat the equivalent of about a quarter of your plate of protein, quarter of starch and half your plate of vegetables.
    Look up the nutrition information on MyFitnessPal, and decide what you have room for in your day before you get to the restaurant. Already there? Try the app’s restaurant logging feature.
    Ask for a doggie bag, and pack up half of your food before you start eating.

    One of the joys of eating out is knowing you’re eating food that’s delicious, and you don’t even have to do any dishes! Everything on the menu can make you salivate. Many of us get stuck in the trap of feeling a sense of scarcity with eating out and think, “When will I eat this again?” or, “I never get this food, I have to get it all in now!” Rather than falling victim to the temptations around you, remind yourself that you can come back another time, or you can take home the leftovers so there’s no need to go overboard in this moment. It takes practice, but it’s worth it!

    Because eating out is a treat, we can sometimes fall into the trap of the “cheating” mentality. Labels of “bad” foods or “unhealthy” foods can cause you to feel guilty about your choices. Often, what results is throwing in the towel for the time-being only to be followed by a deep sense of guilt and regret. This becomes an unhealthy cycle of falling off the bandwagon and recommitting. Instead, enjoy the food before you without guilt, and know that healthy eating is not perfect eating. It’s about making healthy choices most of the time and allowing yourself to enjoy all foods.The cheating mentality does not help you in the long run; it leads to unhealthy cycles and a damaged relationship with food.

    While some aspects of eating out are stacked against us, it’s still possible to make healthful foods choices. If you can reduce how often you eat outside of the home, do it! If you can work on tuning in to your body, recognizing and becoming aware of the common pitfalls, you will be more likely to be able to enjoy the occasional fun night out free of guilt or shame.

    Sometimes when we eat out, we feel the pressure to order a drink. A small 12-ounce soft drink contains about 140 calories. Cocktails can range from 100 to as many as 500 calories per drink. Don’t be afraid to order water — it can save you calories and money to boot! If you choose to have a drink, make it occasional and intentional. Enjoy it as a treat!

    Day 8– Colorado, USA– FD

    Coda– thank you for posting that article on restaurants. Felt like it was speaking directly to me on several points! I tend to “throw caution to the wind” & go overboard with drinks/ food when eating out (too often!) Will re-visit it to really absorb all the helpful info there. Thanks!

    Today is first day post-op I “feel like myself.” I have my energy back & feel well-rested.
    Got some cleaning & laundry done already this morning. Taking a break now & later will do some upper-body weight lifting (while seated.) When DH gets home from work, we’ll go grocery shopping. I’ll get to ride in a motorized buggy around the store. That should be fun!

    Hope you lovely people also have a great day!

    Day 8|FD|Toronto
    First visible snow flakes this morning.

    Day 8 WA USA NFD

    Glad to complete the 3-day B2BF Coda headed up. This morning, the scale showed 2.4 lbs lost this 1st week of December. That’s a lovely gift to myself.

    Interesting that at yesterday’s 3 hour training there were lots of snacks. I had 1 dark chocolate covered nut & put 2 chocolate balls in my bag for another day. This morning I had one of the balls and found it way too sweet and decided to throw the other ball in the trash.

    Home on a snow day today. Hope to catch up on Christmas decorating and more.

    HappyMargo, I’m glad you’re feeling better post surgery. Your positive, “can do” attitude, I’m sure is part of your healing process.

    Day 8 Italy – NFD
    Lovely first day to the bank holiday. Went to the farmers market where the nursery had a stand with cakes and crafts the mums had made. It was lovely, I think we made a lot of money, half of which is going to a school struck by the earthquakes.

    Day 8 – Los Angeles – NFD
    Yesterday fast went exceptionally well. Really happy. NFD today.


    Day 8: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD.
    Fast-day went ok yesterday, much to my relief….back in the zone weightwise.
    Coda….your pep-talk is still ringing in my ears….I feel ok today!
    Patti67: How’s things?
    HappyMargo: I know two pounds is nothing….it’s the fear of losing control, I suppose. Anyway, after yesterday’s fast…they’ve gone for now, thank goodness.

    Day 7 : Cheshire, UK : NFD
    Day 8 : Cheshire, UK : FD

    On Day 6 I broke my fast at 8pm because I ate with my partner and his daughter. We had cross-wires about when we would eat the curry I had previously made. They both were looking forward to it so I ate with them.

    On Day 7, I probably ate more calories than I would have liked because I had breakfast with my partner and I had a Chinese Christmas lunch though I still was mindful.

    So today I’m fasting. The b2b fast (although not quite a full fast) has helped me to find my willpower to stay liquid only today. Well, that’s my hope, the day isn’t over yet 🙂

    When I weighed myself this morning I was a couple of pounds heavier than when I started in September, so I want to fast as many days as I can this festive season.

    Will catch up on posts later.


    Ciren– So glad you’re feeling good and in control again. Two pounds is an excellent point to catch yourself before the slippery slope. I’m not even to my maintenance number yet, but I’m hoping that just like you, I’ll be able to catch any back-sliding early! You successful peeps are showing us the way!

    I just wanted to reach thru the web and give you a big ((hug)). It’s got to be such a busy time of year, especially with your job. Know that you can always come here to vent and get support!

    Aw…Thanks xx

    Day 8, Gozo Malta, NFD

    I was doing ok until this evening when my daughter brought me some cupcakes she made with butter icing on top. Then I just grabbed one and ate it butter icing and all. This evening I had baked fish with vegetables but I think I have gone over my TDEE as I had two handful of roasted almonds also during the afternoon. I must be more careful what to eat as I ate without thinking and now I’m full and feel a little bloated.

    Good evening/ night to everyone.

    Day 8: wintery Pacific NW USA, NFD

    Ended my 70 hour fast last night with some over-the-top restaurant appetizers and small plates that were shared. It wasn’t the quantity it was the unctuousness. So far today it’s just past noon and I haven’t eaten since last night. At least this WOL has taught me to recognize when my body doesn’t yet need any more food. Today will be an omelette topped with fresh homemade chili.

    WellMe – this is the site for December, we will probably be starting a new forum for January. We post daily, starting with the day of the month that you are writing, where you are from and whether it’s a FD or NFD for you. I log everyone’s entries everyday to keep us accountable. Welcome!

    Manura – I mentioned “elimination diet” very clumsily in my last post. What I was referring to was something my doctor had me do a few years ago because I had a weird set of undiagnosable symptoms that she thought might be due to food sensitivities. She had me take out or “eliminate” many, many foods for 2 weeks. Then she gave me a list of the foods I would add back in, one at a time, over several days to see if I had any reoccurrence or flair up of the symptoms. As an example I was very sensitive to wheat, low fat dairy, corn, potatoes and of all things, cucumber. So that’s why when you mentioned you were having some discomforts I said maybe when we fast we sort of eliminate everything all at once and when we eat again on a NFD perhaps we feel our body’s signal that it’s having an issue with something we ate. BTW – once I eliminated some culprits from my diet now I very rarely have digestive probs and bloating, all over body itchiness, periodontal issues, migraines or rosacea.

    Day 8 Sussex. u.K.
    FD around 600 calls today..
    Ciren – glad you are ok.

    Grrrrr. I meant 600 calories!

    Day 8 | NFD | Bucks UK

    November 8th Day 3 on 5:2…NF Day #2 in Pacific NW, watching for our dreaded dusting of snow.
    Rookie question: What is B2B? I don’t feel like reading through all other posts to find it.
    2:23pm, feeling pretty good, lost 2# with first NF day Tuesday. HIT workouts 3 days a week helping me feel strong and push off hot flashes…:(
    Down 11# total since October 1, looking to lose another 10ish.
    Did not get on scale today, do people get on the scale daily?

    I’m claiming this as FD as it’s been 18 hours with only coffee so I’m fairly sure I will be at or under 500 calories for 24 hours. Or at worst, it’ll turn into another 18:6 LCHF day which won’t be the end of the world.

    Day 8 Portugal NFD

    Today didn’t go so well. But will try again tomorrow. We have had company for dinner almost every night this week so it has not been easy. I really want to try hard over the weekend and into next week. A big push before Christmas.

    Day 8…. Florida….FD

    Wow…. what long week. It’s only Thursday, I’ve got two more days to go; I’m so tired today. My legs, well my whole body I’d sore. So, looking forward to my days off!

    Besides being tired, I had a really good day. Co workers had Wendy’s to day for lunch…. Smelled so good but I ate my 2 cups of salad with 2tbsp of dressing and went on my merry little way. Tomorrow’s a NFD, but hoping that no one brings in pizza!

    Coda…. enjoyed reading your posts about restaurants. We as a family, normally don’t visit them unless it’s a special occasion. I try recreating them at home instead. A couple years ago, I tried recreating a side dish of broccoli from a national restaurant, pretty easy you would think… I just couldn’t get the taste right….. Then a friend of mine became a cook there, so, I inquire about this side of broccoli and why I could get it to taste them same…. Well, I found out and was shocked! The boil them, then place them in a hot vat of lard/bacon grease mixture! Lard and bacon grease can you believe it. Then just before the serve them, drops into boiling water again, drains them and puts them on to the plate. No wonder I could get the taste right! Well, the point of this is…. Although, I agree with the author, I have come to believe that one should choose a raw veggie, such as a salad over the cooked veggies, to starve off any unwanted or unknown calories.
    Just wanted you know the experience I had with restaurant veggies.
    Well, tonight is my turn to cook so, I must be off. Turkey breast and veggies for me…. and fries and gravy for my heathens!
    Well me…. I weigh myself daily…. same time and outfit…. I’m addicted to it… But, do what you feel is best for you. There is no one way to do it!

    Day 8 -Cumbria UK – NFD

    Lovely day catching up with old friends and work colleagues – managed to do a 16:8 day – don’t think I went over my TDEE this evening, as chose wisely for an Indian takeaway meal with BF………….fingers crossed.

    Planning another 16:8 day tomorrow as out for dinner with friends but I’m driving so at least no empty calories from alcohol!!!!!!!

    Not able to fast until Tuesday next week……….

    Day 8 Minnesota, USA ( a very cold Minnesota, I might add), NFD
    A great FD yesterday and so far a good NFD. I am in process of reading posts from this past couple weeks, but also reading posts from the November challenge.

    Fuvvie, I am glad to hear that your MIL has gone to a care facility. I just can’t imagine you taking care of her over the last three years, or more? Especially with your husband not around at all!
    You must have put all of your own hopes and dreams on a back burner. And then, with your husband gone a month or two at a time, I wonder: When do you think about yourself? And when do your children think about you and what you need?? I hope you take very good care of yourself, sweet lady!

    London | day 8 | NFD

    Not the best of NFDs, I must say…
    Skipped breakfast
    Lunch was home-made butternut squash and apple soup, packet of Kettles vegie crisps and a small Braeburn apple.
    Work colleague had brought in a Christmas cake – had to have a small piece as its was absolutely divine! AND was vegan and gluten free!
    After the hot yoga class, met with a friend for a Wagamama seafood ramen followed by a bowl of coconut ice cream.
    I know I was way over tdee! Oh heck it’s not everyday I eat like that.

    Can get some advise please? This is a bit unpleasant – sorry!
    I’m suffering from really bad constipation!!! Haven’t had constipation at all in the last 6 months since I’ve started fasting. I’m generally good with keeping hydrated and taking in fibre – nothing to shout home about, but normal levels I reckon.
    Anyone able to relate to this?
    I don’t have prune juice or tinned prunes to handy right now. So taking a glass of water with chia seeds. I know they have a lot more fibre compared to prunes. Hope that helps tomorrow :-s

    @sarah57 thanks for the tip about mineral water. I’ll try that. I’ve had sparkling water (must say I completely forgot about that!) before and it did help with the hunger growls.

    @coda thanks for your motivational posts. The restaurant one most definitely applies to me!

    @ciren you’re amazing! You do your job (this time of the year!) and keep focused on fasting and maintaining your weight etc. I totally get what you mean about losing control.
    I have so much respect for our postmen/women – they do a tremendous job, specially this time of the year. Sending you a hug 🙂

    Tomorrow (oops today even!) will also be an NFD – want to fix the bowel issue first before I do another long fast.

    Keep strong everyone.

    Day 9 (30+9) Sunshine Coast Qld Aus: FD: Waiting at the cafe near the airport for my husbands’ flight to arrive, reading everyone’s posts and drinking sparkling water. Thanks for your concern, NorthernDawn. My children were very concerned and started the ball rolling by contacting my sister-in-law and voicing their concern. Sister in law holds EPOA so holds ultimate responsibility for her Mother’s personal and financial affairs. She consulted other family members and Lo and behold it all happened without my having to make decisions. One can’t help but worry about her welfare. I got the impression from the facility when I rang this morning that she never goes out. She enjoys occasional car trips and enjoyed her days at respite. I hope she’s not just vegetating in her room. I am enjoying my freedom though. 10 more minutes till the flight is due to land. It’s usually early but they have changed flight times and arrival just after midday.

    You must do a lot of reading, Coda. I’m impressed.

    You sounding as though you are in a better place, Ciren2.

    Hope your innards are returning to normal, Pissupoosa.

    Well done Holly. Those earthquakes seem to be increasing present and causing so much destruction. The last one in Arche has been devastating.

    Day 8 – Canada – NFD

    Today was supposed to be day 2 of a b2b fast. It was going great until dinner time. I exceeded my 500 calorie goal by 200 calories so I will have to take it as a NFD. 😂

    I will have to be very careful to stay within my TDEE tomorrow. Saturday is my birthday and we have guests coming to stay overnight until Sunday afternoon. Perhaps I will try to squeeze in 16:8 day on Saturday. And so life goes on and we do the best we can.

    second post:
    just go with that low calorie day and keep with it when you can. The fact is that even if it is over 500 calories, it can still contribute to the overall weekly or biweekly reduction in calories that causes a weight loss. Not to mention that it will decrease insulin levels and you will be less inclined to overeat the next day, and the next day. You are doing fine! Stay strong and committed!
    On the other hand, enjoy your birthday! This way of life has given us the tools to make up for excesses. Personally, I don’t think anyone can be perfect everyday with eating. we just need to know when to reduce intake to balance out our over indulgences, once we get to goal.
    Enjoy your birthday! Eat what you really desire but not another morsel. It might be less than you think. Stay reasonable. Or, sort of. 😉Have a great birthday!

    Day 9 FD Hopefully Country West Australia
    Yesterday’s FD turned into a 16:8 which seems to be the way I eat at the moment. I really enjoy the feeling of not having so much food in my stomach and I think my body blesses me by feeling so good. Apart from a few ferocious headaches ( due to low BSLs) I have felt really well since started 5:2.
    It is helping me to not be so constantly food focussed. And I like that it its making me so disciplined, generally , in food choices. Better to have a little of quality food than a lot of very average food.
    I tend to try to operate on the 80:20 principle – if I eat really well and healthily 80 % of the time then 20 % of the time eating not so well need not be a disaster. Having said that, with the 20% I currently AM very mindful of what I eat, or try to be.
    I just read a statistic that said it takes 50 minutes moderate paced jogging to get rid of the calories in a small can of soft drink. ( Does that mean I will have to jog to the USA to get rid of Christmas lunch ??)

    Enjoying reading all the posts even when it takes a while. The support and everyone’s journey are so interesting. Love all the different tips.
    Wellme mentioned daily weighing – I do as it keeps me accountable and able to make changes before anything too dramatic happens. I didn’t use to however some years ago I lost 7 kgs but I must have left a trail as those 7 kgs found me and brought some friends along too !! Hence my being on this forum. I’m determined those pesky kgs will NEVER find me again – once I have lost them!
    We’re lucky in Australia that the weather is warm ( 37C here today) so it is easier to have cold meals and salads. I always want warm hearty food when it’s cold so I feel for those in colder climes.
    Have a great day.😀

    Day 9 / Tweed Coast Australia / FD

    Fasting today. Has felt good. Unfortunately the fatigue continues. Resting today.

    FD, day 8, Canada

    Lael, hope your rest day is restorative and you get your energy back soon.

    Pissupoosa for constipation I take mgcitrate. Works like a charm to get things moving again. If taken in the evening can also aid sleep as it is a smooth muscle relaxer.
    Lael have you tried MG as a sleep aid?

    Wow Bert how shocking/disgusting to read about the larded brocoli! Choosing raw salads from now on.

    So nice to hear of all the positive example here ie throwing away a chocolate ball. I am inspired by your example anneMarilyn.

    Day 8 UK NFD
    Day 9 UK FD

    Hi all, sorry didn’t check in yesterday been really busy with work but also ill with sore throat and cough, always the way, when I get Ill it’s the least convenient time so can’t just stay at home and relax. 😷

    Yesterday NFD although not much food consumed had lovely ice cream as a treat to sooth my sore throat, don’t think it helped but neither did the medicines so a least had relief for a little while.

    Today gonna do a FD, busy day today but lots of warm water and lemon will get me through. I just cough when I eat anyway.


    Day 9 | Derbyshire UK | NFD | Weigh in 1lb shed

    Not sure if I logged in yesterday but it was a NFD too.

    Day9 – Staffordshire UK – NFD

    Suffering with a ear & throat infection so have put fasting on hold. At least I’ll get it out of the way before Christmas, just hope I don’t share it with the rest of the family.

    Day 9 – London – NFD

    Not a fast day but planning to eat lightly. Out to supper later at a vegetarian restaurant.
    Get well soon, MissyMay.

    Day 9 UK FD

    Just checking in. FDs seems like hard work at the moment. Just need to keep at it.Have a good day all.

    Day 9, NFD, New Zealand.

    Day 9 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Completed a total liquid fast yesterday – I’m so pleased. I even went indoor climbing last night and still didn’t feel like eating when I got home.

    Today I will continue to fast until I have a meal with my partner tonight, around 7.30 pm.

    @coda would love to join you for the b2b pocketeers fast again if you are doing it after the last meal this Sunday? Also my dear Coda, I echo what others have said, you have a natural talent in saying the perfect thing to encourage and reassure people on here. I enjoyed your restaurant post….well I enjoy all your posts :).

    Have a good day everyone and take good care of yourself to all those who are not too well.


    Day 9 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Enjoying my visit down south to see old friends and ex work colleagues – going out for the day then having a meal out this evening – I will try very hard to keep the calories down but will most likely exceed TDEE today but so be it.

    Will try to do a liquid only fast from after dinner tonight until I’m out again tomorrow night so roughly a 20hr period

    Hi all UK day 9 fd (11.7)

    Change of plan my poor dad who was so looking forward to the concert tonight to see Andre Rieu has developed a chest infection and has had to cancel on me. He must be feeling really poorly as he usually just gets on with things. I’ll still fast as planned but maybe won’t be as easily distracted as I may have been. Sold the tickets at discounted rate so someone else can use them.

    @wellme – I have only started to weigh every day as before I couldn’t handle the fluctuations but a change of mindset has changed that. Do what suits you. Also this is December lol and the day of the month is the day of the challenge no matter when you started. So for today the 9th December is day 9. B2B = back to back – some people like to get their 2 fasting days done one after the other but again what works for you and what fits in with your life. You can change it around which is what I am doing at present for December, as that is what suits.

    @reid Happy birthday for tomorrow – hope you have a lovely time.

    @Pissup (lol) if I feel backed up a little I take some Psyllium capsules to get things moving.

    @goldensun and others, thanks sometimes the words just come but at times I need to listen to my own advice lol. I hope they help but I do worry in case I would offend, as that would not be my intention. I also just come across things that resonate with me so I share hoping they may also do so with others. My fittness Pal has a blog that at times has really good features. Any one else read them?
    Ok lets start the names for the pocketeers. If you want to join, copy the names below and paste in your post adding your name to the bottom. No pressure at all if you think its not for you, no worries but even if you wish to just join us on day 1 that is fine too


    Day 9, London, NFD

    Yesterday’s attempt at FD ended with a NF-evening, but that’s fine, it was still a decent effort. Today will be a bit on the feast side, I’m afraid.

    Have a great Friday, everyone.

    Day 9, Australia NFD

    Reid, you and I have the same birthday! I hope you have a great day on Saturday! Well it’s Friday night here still but I’m off to bed so it’ll soon be Saturday. I’m not restricting myself for the day, nor for a Christmas party the next day, but I really find that I don’t really want or need as much as I used to have. I was given a couple of food gifts this week, forrero rochers, and chocolate mint balls and I honestly have no desire to eat any. I think that’s one of the big benefits of fasting, I don’t need to just eat things because they are there or because I can. I don’t like to feel that I am really restricted on nfd’s, because then it messes with my mind, I don’t want to feel deprived. But after fd’s I really don’t want to wreck my progress, and I just don’t feel like a much food. I think it teaches us to listen to our body more.
    Amateur good luck everyone and keep it up! 😆😉

    Ha! Not amateur, I think it was supposed to be anyway. Got to love auto correct! It certainly keeps my husband entertained when I haven’t checked before I send him messages from my phone! You never know what it can turn into and sometimes can’t work out what you were trying to say!

    second post.
    Forget about learning from failure… learn from success instead
    “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” –…
    Just saw this on one of my work sites – a nice positive way to look at things.🙂

    @lou Belles happy birthday for tomorrow – hope you have a lovely day/night – enjoy!

    Like the quote Lilymartin – Ciren take note lol!

    Day 9…. Florida…..NFD

    Reid and Lou Belles……. wishing you both the happiest birthday! May your day be filled with joy and love.

    Another NFD for me, I’m not sure if it’s because I’m on a 6 day stretch at work but I am not at all interested in food. Yesterday during my FD, I told myself I could have my favorite chocolate pastry, today; however, as I walked by it to get my morning coffee instead of saying your mine today, you gorgeous thing you, I was like Nah, not in the mood for you today.
    Plus, normally on Fridays, they get pizza at work and just the thought of it is turning my stomach.
    I think food and I have developed a new relationship with each other. It still loves me, however, I’m not so sure about my feelings for it…..
    Just reread that last sentence……Wow! Throw back to my first high school relationship. Where I’ve grown and my partner hasn’t….. Damn, I think I’m a little old for that type of relationship with anything.
    Well, I must be off because I feel like I’m going to start listing all the reasons food and I should no longer be together…… It’s not you baby…. it’s me! Lol

    UK day 9 NFD Had a good catch up on the posts – so much great advice and so much going on in everyone’s lives !

    HappyMargo I am so impressed you can even think about fasting my husband had 2 total knee replacements this time last year and the first few weeks post op were hard.

    Reid and Loubelles 🎉 Hope you both have great days

    I’ll join the pocketeers for the first day


    Day 9– Colorado, USA– NFD

    Had an excellent Fast Day yesterday. Ended up eating 580 cals, but I’m still counting it as FD since they were all healthy (veggies, protein, calcium) calories. My weight is actually down a bit from the start of December…which is great since I expected to mostly just maintain!

    This morning, DH will drive me to Physical Therapy session, then afterwards we’ll enjoy a breakfast together. He’s planning on ordering the “Saddle Bags.” They’re a local specialty of pancakes loaded up with everything, just like the Old West cowboys would’ve loaded their saddle bags. The pancakes have bacon & sausage cooked right inside them & then topped with eggs. Yum!! But I’ll be sticking to a lower carb option of omelette loaded with veggies (spinach, mushrooms, tomato, and of course, bacon!)

    I’ll only be eating 2 meals (breakfast & dinner today.) And sticking closely to LCHF (low-carb, high-fat)
    My treat tomorrow night will be a glass or 2 of dry red wine!

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