30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

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30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

This topic contains 3,401 replies, has 151 voices, and was last updated by  LindaSue 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Day 4: Pacific NW USA, 16:8 NFD, 2 meals today, eggs with salad at lunch and halibut and leftover veg for dinner as last meal before liquid only 60 hour pocket FD’s!!

    My goal to have our largest weekend meals at lunch (Anna6 seems to do that with no sweat!) has already gone astray with these errand filled busy days. OH and I are not together on weekdays until evening and that’s happening this weekend too. ๐Ÿ™„ Still under TDEE, maybe someday we will be able to try out Dr Fung’s suggestion from the research he cited.

    NorrieB – I did not take you as patronizing, just helpful. Also I know the feeling of invisibility as I am also the mother of 4 successful adult children with their own families. I especially feel invisible after being called on to help big time (birth of a child, tending the g’children while parents take a much deserved vacation, holiday prep) and then I have a big let down when it feels like I am no longer necessary in their lives. I decided several years ago that it was my problem not theirs and I try to set up little rewards for myself when I can predict I will feel let down just to remind myself that my happiness comes from inside me not from being validated by others.

    Happy – yes, I also find fasting around others difficult, it can feel “haughty” or “attention seeking” to not eat when others are. Even OH is still alarmed by my b2b’s because he worries based on the picture he has in his mind about eating disorders and because he’s never missed a meal in his life and has never been over weight. So for him I just say I’m having a “low calorie day” and he likes the results! When out with a few friends I’ve been able to say “I had a big meal earlier so I’ll just have a taste”. For most other occasions I try to schedule my FD around big events like our son’s wedding this summer. No one even noticed that I didn’t eat the potatoes or cake or finish the champagne after the toast to stay under TDEE. That was after a very successful downturn in my weight and I was bound to keep the progress going so others be darned, I was sticking to my plan! At Thanksgiving my Mom and brother just shook their heads but they had already acknowledged the huge difference in my weight!

    Bert – keep the faith this Tues AM that many of us have found that the second day of a b2b is easier than the first because somewhere around 24 hours of a fast the body switches from glucose burning to fat burning and that flip does not seem to come with hunger pangs – yah!

    Mikeb – good luck!

    Aug24 – even that dragon Smaug ๐Ÿ‰ with it’s red scales, enormous wings, and gleaming yellow eyes could be brought down by an iron arrow aimed at just the right spot! Find the spot where your dragon is weak! Could you eat a low cal snack before hand, fill up with water (at least having to go to the bathroom is an excuse to get away from the food platters for a moment), eat only the vegetables, tell yourself you’ll have better later, think thoughts about how much better your longevity, heart, liver, blood veins and nerves will be without those temptations (truly, it helped after I read about blindness and nerve damage caused by diabetes!) Good strength to you!

    Day 4 Portugal NFD
    I think I missed yesterday – also NFD. Very emotionally draining weekend with v little sleep. Our dear friends and work colleagues return to Australia this week. We will miss them so much. Over ate this weekend, feeling rotten but getting myself ready for the b2b challenge. Last meal was at 7pm and really looking forward to next few NFDs. Wishing all pocket fasters a great couple or 3 days.

    London | Day 4 | NFD

    Weekends are never good NFDs. Friend’s leaving and birthday party on Saturday night – so lots of lovely food including cake.
    So definitely ready for a long fast tomorrow – already started at 8pm.
    Bone broth simmering on the hob. Should be ready for tomorrow
    Got the list of pocket fasters on my phone – it’ll help me keep strong ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck all

    Day 4 – New Zealand – NFD

    Day 5 – New Zealand – Fast Day
    It seems a long time since my last fast (did last Wednesday), and yes those Christmas functions have started. Busy week ahead, so aiming to maintain more than stressing about reducing this month.

    day 5 Melbourne – FD

    Go for it Pocket Fasters – Yay! I somehow don’t feel up to joining in this time but you are all in my thoughts.

    Love the Hobbit theme that has developed… slay that dragon!

    @happy Margo quite agree about the shared enjoyable times with OH. We both love cooking for others and seeing others enjoy our food, so it’s got an edge of miserableness not to share that with each other. But it’s not every day! thankfully! And I do certainly agree with b2f that “it can feel โ€œhaughtyโ€ or โ€œattention seekingโ€ to not eat when others are.” I find those strategies of just saying ‘I ate earlier’ or ‘my tummy is a bit weird today’ easily the best way out for me.

    Quick question….. on these b2bf….. is it only liquids or can I do it as planned only doing 500 calories…. I thought I read in one post doing 500 calories is acceptable….
    oh, hell…… I think I’m just making more complicated that I need to…. Welcome to my world!
    Regardless of the answer, I going to stick with 500 calories for three days….. Please don’t kick me out of your pockets, I finding it quite warm and comfortable in here…..

    Well, my fast starts in 1hour and 6 min., so with that in mind, I have 1 hour to make, bake and eat the pumpkins muffins in the pantry….. So, I’m off…..

    Until we meet again…..

    US SC Day 4 NFD. Company gone. Time to get serious for the next couple of days. Good luck fellow pocket fasters.

    Second post
    Bert1802 – I dont think there is a hard and fast rule about doing liquid only or taking 500 cals.

    Iโ€™m quoting from Codaโ€™s post on page 48:
    โ€œHi pocket fasters it starts after last meal on Sunday and it is up to you as to when you stop. If you only fast to Tuesday breakfast that is fine, you can have your quarter tdee in small meal or liquid only. See how you feel and if you wish carry on. Last week when I noted how I felt on Tuesday and Wednesday morning I felt fine to continue. Go by how you feel and what is right for you.โ€

    Hope that helps ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 4 WA USA NFD

    Bert – yes, regular FDs with 500 cal. are what many of are doing on the B2B fasts. Some chose to do a more liquid fast. Its’ a personal choice but we’re all in the pocket together ๐Ÿ™‚

    I need help with some more vocabulary (I love this language enrichment) – what is a “hob” and what is “damper”? I’m an ELL specialist – helping students of other language backgrounds learn English. On this forum I’m getting my English vocabulary extended. Love it!

    One more meal and then on to the B2B – for 2 days for me and maybe 3. As someone mentioned, the 2nd day was actually easier than the 1st for me as well.

    @annemarilyn – the hob is the top part/surface of the cooker, where the pans are heated – according to Oxford and Cambridge English dictionaries. I think the US term is the stove or stovetop?

    Day 3 & 4, Minnesota, USA NFD
    Planning to fast tomorrow. Good luck everyone!

    Thanks, Ciren2! I think I vaguely remember you saying you were going to keep the list in your pocket. Duh, I do get forgetful! ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Day 4 | NFD | Bucks UK

    Day 5 country West Australia FD
    As I have never met a calorie I didn’t like ( which has got me into this state in the first place!!) I agree with those who say it is miserable not to enjoy food with family and friends. When I am out with people I always order something from the menu and since November 1st have tried to make a healthy choice . But if I feel like something less healthy or I have cooked something calorific when eating at home ( I do so LOVE to cook ) .. so be it.
    With brunch yesterday scrambled eggs was appropriate as it was nothing out of the ordinary for a brunch. Even if my son did have the most amazing looking and smelling fried chicken. I told him I was going to have that next time!
    With some functions where food is involved I have found that going around with 2 plates/ trays of food to offer others is good on 2 counts. Firstly it means I can’t eat as my hands are full and second it means that I get to chat with more people as I circulate more when offering food. Sometimes it is a tray in one hand and a drink in the other – still means I can’t eat!
    After my doughnut and pizza on the weekend I wasn’t sure if I was brave enough to get on the scales this morning. Obviously the doughnut was calorie free ( so will be consuming more of them ) because the scales went in a downward direction !!!??? ( lightest I have been in many years – but almost definitely due to general much lower food intake over past 5 weeks.)
    I have found cooking with recipes from a Diabetic cookbook very helpful as the recipes are generally very healthy and have all the data – calories, gms of fat etc at the top of each one.
    Tomorrow is the first of about 5 days with lunches or morning teas for various work functions so will see how it goes one meal at a time.
    Good luck to all the pocket fasters, will be thinking of you.๐Ÿค”
    Annemarilyn, damper is a traditional food cooked by Aborigines. It is basically flour and water ( similar to scones/ US biscuits?) and usually cooked in hot coals of a fire in the ground. Absolutely delicious and ssoooo good with butter dripping off the damper and running down one’s chin….

    Day 4 – London, UK – NFD

    Struggling a bit with shoulder problem but not turning to food, just feeling like I have so much to do and not being able to get on with it because I can’t risk damaging my shoulder any further!! Wanted to have the tree and decs all done before my trip to Rome on Wednesday but couldn’t risk getting it all down from the attic in case I damaged the shoulder further, anyway just have to calm down and get ready for my trip, really looking forward to it!! Hopefully being sensible will pay dividends in the end.

    Hoping to get on with the pocket b2b fast but meeting with an ex colleague for catch up tomorrow evening so will need to see how that goes, will def do liquid only til then and take it from there. Good luck everyone I will have you all with me for moral support!!

    Australia Day 5 NFD; first a big THANK YOU to all the wonderful people on this forum. @back2thefuture, @Bert1082, @coda, @diggly, @fuvvie, @norrieb and I’m sure there was one more but I just can’t find you – thank you so much for your support and your insights. they help alot. Today was supposed to be a FD but I was feeling nauseous by lunchtime so have had some fresh spring rolls (smoked salmon) and sweet potato noodle salad for lunch.At least its healthy and I will try to have only miso soup tonight so may even qualify as a FD afterall! Have a great day all!

    @lilymartin: damper sounds a lot like bannock,made of wheat flour, water and sometimes fat that Scottish fur traders brought to North America and was adopted by the indigenous nations. http://fooddaycanada.ca/articles/bannock-canadas-first-peoples/

    Day 5 (30+5) Sunshine Coast Qld Aus: Had some bone broth for lunch. Had a Vienna coffee at morning tea when the boys had milk shakes. We’ve bought a new reed for the clarinet and a tin whistle for the youngest to play while we all learn some Christmas carols to play on Christmas day when we all get together. Should be fun. Have been teaching youngest to knit so he can make his mother a book mark for Christmas present.

    I have my list and it is helping me to stay true. Popped a single grape into my mouth before but resisted copious other things that have presented themselves for consumption. Good luck to all resisting the hunger dragons.

    Day 4 E. Canada NFD

    Went to a party today. The food was healthy, i.e. no chips (crisps) or other such snacks. I had a light lunch beforehand and so enjoyed it, I think, without overeating.

    Someone mentioned the worry of fasting seeming attention-getting or haughty. I am reminded of a saying, “Dress to please others, eat to please yourself.” Surely this is true. We are a social species, but surely we own our own digestive tracts.

    best of luck everyone.

    Day 4,NFD,CANADA
    Too much food this weekend,looking forward to fasting tomorrow!

    Lots of action here

    Day 5 | Derbyshire UK | FD

    Day 5 – Staffordshire UK- FD?

    Day 5 / Tweed Coast Australia / NFD

    Doing okay. Fuuvie, love reading of your Christmas preparations, especially of the musical practice and knitting! I felt the festivity in your words.

    lilymartin, I’ll have to scroll back through to read more about those calorie free doughnuts!

    Go… pocket fasters!!!

    Day 5, FD, New Zealand. Had to pat my pocket a few times today when the tummy started rumbling, and that certainly reminded me that while on this side of the world I may be one of the first across the finish line, that doesn’t mean you all aren’t running to catch me up! Just had 500-calorie dinner, having walked 16,000 steps today, so feeling good. Very ready to have Tuesday as a FD as well.

    Day 5. Sussex U.K.
    Off we go. Have all the fasters in my pocket today.
    Bert- I am still here and I can hear you. Lol
    Ciren – thinking of you.

    Day 5 – London – NFD
    Nine stone ten. Down a pound this morning after fasting yesterday. Not too difficult but I felt cold in the evening and really could not get warm despite hot herb teas, a fire etc. Aiming for another fast day on Wednesday before a week-long round of Christmas meals and events begins. Good luck all.

    Day 5, Australia FD

    Really struggled today and have eaten right up to my tdee which I don’t normally do. Have been thinking of all my pocket fasters though and know we can get through this together. Hoping tomorrow will be a lot easier, which it normally is. Haven’t been feeling well either so that probably hadn’t helped, but going to keep going and smash this b2b!
    Good luck everyone. โ˜บ

    Day 5 Italy – FD
    Yesterday went out for a lovely aperitivo with friends…it went on quite a while and after 4 glasses of wine and various nibbles, I felt terrible during the night. I think I drank about 2 liters of water and was convinced I’d be sick but wasn’t. I wasn’t drunk, I think it might have been the deep fried dough balls that caused it…tummy wasn’t happy at all.
    All of which has me reallly ready to succeed at this b2b fast. I don’t think I would eat anything even if I wanted to!

    Day 5 FD, London

    Have woken up feeling urgghhh! But Monday is generally my better fast day – so fingers crossed!

    Good luck to everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good morning, lovely people.

    Day 5, London, NFD.

    I normally try a FD on Monday, but I’m going to an event tonight, so tomorrow will be the better day to fast.

    By the end of last month, I figured out my biggest downfall- weekend eating, so my modest goal this month is not to gain weight over the weekend (or any other time off). This Saturday did not go so well, but on Sun I fasted during the day and then ate normally at dinner with friends, so this morning the scales show no gain (which is a good result for me).

    UK day 5 FD going for the B2b have just worked out my day- some soup at lunch and fish and veggies for dinner, well under 500. Was doing pretty well at the weekend until yesterday afternoon when I started to think I’d best eat all the things I’d be missing over the next few days …old habits die hard ,anyway buckling down for a good week as have parties etc looming

    Day 4 | Pune India | NFD

    Day 5 | Pune India | NFD

    @happymargo – I too find it hard to fast around my dear ones, and also if I am at home, the food just keeps calling to me. ๐Ÿ™‚ I know I could eliminate the food, but then the others need it. So a hard thing.

    I was planning to fast today, but a dear friend from US was visiting and we decided to meet after 6 years. So took him out for lunch. I have not fasted a single day since start of December challenge and have used up all my 5 out of 5:2 ๐Ÿ™ So surely doing fast b2b on Tues and Wednesday.

    Day 5 – Cumbria UK – FD

    Good morning all from a beautiful frosty day in Cumbria.

    After a bad Saturday evening (only food and wine wise!) – Sunday went well, managed to stay well below my TDEE.

    I find it easier on my FDs to stay on (calorie free or minimal calorie) fluids only during the day and save most of my 500cals for my evening meal and even on my NFDs wherever possible I follow the same mantra – I am lucky in that I have never been a breakfast person but grazing in the evening is my downfall and where I have to be vigilant.
    My treat on a couple of my NFDs is to go out for a coffee or brunch once a week with the OH or friends – I find having something to look forward to helps a lot but not always…….

    Woke up after a great night’s sleep feeling refreshed and ready to tackle this B2B FDs challenge! Sunday food intake stopped at 1930hrs and aiming to stay in this mode until Wednesday evening meal time – Pocket Fasters tucked into my pocket for the day just in case…….

    I have a busy afternoon and evening including my usual evening Yoga class so should be OK today.

    @manura – the trick is when at home is to distract yourself if food is calling to you – drink a cup of water with lemon in it – start a task in the house that you have been putting off – start reading that book you kept meaning to make time for……..you get the idea – whatever works for you – IT DOES GET EASIER
    @fattymessi – you have this – stay positive and strong
    @lew – I always look out for your posts to inspire me and keep me going as you start and finish the B2B challenge ahead of us

    A strong and positive mindset to all whatever you are doing today FD or NFD

    2nd post.
    Whoops, I meant I ate my whole 1/4 tdee today, not whole tdee. Still kept to my fd.

    Day 5, USA, Missouri Ozarks – Fasting

    First of my three day fasts, happy to be back fasting.

    Ate quite a bit over the weekend, didn’t sleep well (probably due to my body having to digest all the food although I wasn’t sick or anything).

    Glad to be back on track. Fasting, exercising, drinking lots of water.

    Enjoy your day all.

    Day 5 Brisbane Australia FD

    Day 5 Portugal FD

    First of 2 or 3 b2b FDs. Feeling positive today after a difficult weekend. Did a 10k walk this morning, about to have a cup of herbal tea and need to remember to drink lots of water. Soup prepared for my low calorie dinner this evening.

    Have a great day!

    Day 5….. Florida……..FD

    Today is the start of my first b2b and the beginning of my six day stretch at work. Looks like I’m in for a wild, wild week.
    Yesterday, I kind of over did it food wise, I didn’t count and I know I was well over mt TDEE…. I only drank one glass of water and the rest was soda and coffee. I can definitely feel the lack of water this morning. Woke up to undeniably thirst.
    I have learned something and as awake this morning the lesson becomes even more apparent. When I have two feast day back to back, the second day always is an over eat day.
    So , my plan is to do a little soul searching and discover plans to rectify this. I may have to start doing the alternating day fasts or limit Sundays to a reasonable menu preplanned with no snacks or exceptions.
    Also, I plan without fail to fast this week, M, T, W and F.
    Well….. here’s to well laid out plans, wishful thinking and hard work!

    US SC Day 5 FD
    Beginning of b2b fasts and am looking forward to it. My two SILs were here this weekend. Both ladies have struggled with weight for years. They know that I fast and don’t really have issues with it although one (who is a retired nurse) is a little disapproving and is also the one who arrives at the house with bags of candy and pound cake. She had been doing quite well with weight loss last year but got derailed, gained back most of it and seems determined to have us all join her.

    Even after all this time I just can’t have stuff like that in the house. I eat it and feel terrible afterwards, both mentally and physically, but can’t seem to ignore it. I know that she deliberately brings my favorites to sabotage me. I love her dearly but am thankful that this year she has decided to spend Christmas in Florida so it’s not likely I will be seeing her again before the new year.

    Have a good day pocket fasters and everyone fasting or not today.

    Hi all UK day 5 fd (11.8 1/4)

    B2tf – thank you for your words of wisdom I will tuck them away and call on if I feel undervalued.

    Loubelles – lol glad you clarified that – I was going to ask.

    I have 19 names in my pocket (bra) lol – we can do this!

    second post.
    Hi Lael, perhaps the doughnuts had 0 calories because they are in the shape of a ‘0’ ?!! ( Oh how I wish that were the case!!) I am doing some more experiments with doughnuts and will let you know the result.
    Just had half a chocolate doughnut with 2 strawberries. Yummiferous.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ But the FD went well from about 5pm Sunday til 7pm tonight (Monday) – had a ham cheese and tomato sandwich this evening to break the fast , and then the doughnut …

    Day 5 – Canada – FD

    Yesterday was a FD and I am having another FD today. Hopefully this will repair any damage I did over the weekend. This is the first time I have tried b2b fasting. I had an asparagus and mushroom omlette for dinner last night with a glass of wine (under 500 cal) and will have steamed vegetables and a small piece of fish for dinner tonight (also under 500 cal).

    I’ve just spent the last hour reading through the posts from the past two days. I am so impressed at the amount of support we all have for each other. So many times we do feel invisible and undervalued by our families. They don’t seem to understand that a little bit of encouragement from them now and again would be wonderful. Of course we never stop loving them and wanting the best for them and we are always ready to step up to the plate to help out with the grandchildren whenever we can. It’s not that I want to be their best friend – I don’t , and I’m not sad because we’re empty nesters…….. I am the mother, not the lady who runs a bed-and-breakfast, and looks after the children when you come home for the weekend and then go off with your friends. Even when I go to your house to look after the children so you can go to a party in the evening, I bring the meals and I get to clean up afterwards as well. OK, enough. Stop it.

    Have a great week everyone.

    Day 5: Pacific NW USA, FD, beginning of b2b and maybe another 2b ( Hamlet, notwithstanding). We have a celebratory dinner Wed PM for my OH and his partner but it’s preceded by a big presentation that I have to give at work that day. I would like to make this fast b2b2b, maybe if I get better sleep the next two nights (last night was a loss) I still can.

    Last night my Smaug got a little restless (Christmas card designing, etc.). After eating way more and way too late (directly ignoring one of my goals) I had a little debriefing with myself. What is it about my dragon? My earlier comments about Smaug reminds me of some similarities with my dragon. He was a bit of a hoarder, he was drawn to excess. After he was able to gather all the goodies to himself he was content to hibernate. He wasn’t too evil once he had all that he wanted and then he let everyone else (in Lake Town) go about their business. That is until someone or something threatened to take some of his hoard away (TDEE)! Then that dragon woke up and could smell every little thief stealing his food, er, gold. So there are some similarities I can’t overlook. Think I need to know a more about hoarding because maybe my dragon has a little too much emotional attachment to food the way Smaug does to gold. Better I develop some similarities with Bilbo who found something in the tunnels – his courage!

    Day 5– Colorado, USA — NFD(?)

    Not sure what’s going on, but today I feel like I’m starving…. I’m craving ALL the FOODS!!
    I especially want something SWEET. So badly. Stomach is growling & rumbling quite loudly.

    Luckily, we do not keep any sugary or sweet things in the house (I gave away the left-over Halloween candy immediately.) But if I had a Pumpkin Pie or Ice Cream on hand, I’d be diving face first into it right now.

    With both feet in casts, I cannot drive (or do much of anything actually.) And DH is at work.
    So I simply have no choice but to ride out this wave of cravings. Hopefully it will pass soon!

    In the meantime, I will continue reading this forum for mental encouragement & support.

    Day 5: Gloucestershire, UK: Fast-day…
    Nothing since my porridge at 6.30 this morning.
    Patti67: Today’s fasting partner. We can do this together xx

    Day 5 WA USA FD

    Coda – I don’t have 19 names. Some how I missed 1 or 2. Can you repost the full pocket faster list?

    As I calculated, I kept below my TDEE both Saturday and Sunday but I saw a marked weight gain this morning. I was not weighing as often but decided to weigh and saw gain on both NFDs this weekend. Is this common?
    I’m hoping the 2 or 3 B2Bs this week will help get back to the loss after last week’s 3 B2B FDs.

    We have a 2 1/2 weather related delay for the schools today but heading over soon anyway.

    Have a great day everyone!

    London | Day 5 | NFD to FD

    Last week, I was asked to take a colleague for lunch today and COMPLETELY FORGOT about it DOh! I was merrily carrying on with my long fast until she came and knocked on my door at 1pm. She’s new and I couldn’t talk my self out of it.

    So my fellow pocket fasters, I’ve had to put today’s FD on hold to have this ‘working lunch’.
    But my plan is to carry on fasting (after lunch) until wednesday morning (or at least Tuesday dinner time – making it a 36h fast). I don’t know what to call it – still a b2b?

    Hope others are having smooth FD/NFDs. Stay strong. All the best!

    2nd post

    HappyMargo – bummer about the casts… One idea for a sweet fix that I’ve tried, is starting with a cup of mint tea then add a tsp of cocoa (baking) powder and a little stevia. Stir and sip. Or if you have flavored stevia, you could just add that to the mint tea.

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