Will fasting be detrimental to recovering from my road crash?

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Will fasting be detrimental to recovering from my road crash?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SP13 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I am in doubt and looking for advice. Last week I was knocked off my bicycle by a car. Thankfully no bones broken and my head was saved by my helmet but I did hit my pelvis and left hip hard and am black and blue on one side. A week later, I’m still stiff and bruised but otherwise almost pain free.

    My question is, should I keep fasting while recovering? Will it help or hinder my recovery time – or make no difference at all? My husband thinks that it would be better to eat every day and start fasting again when I am completely recovered. I am in doubt.

    No reason whatsoever to stop fasting while you recover especially as fasting puts the body into “repair” mode.
    If I were you I would continue to fast and ensure that I made very healthy choices on non fast days.

    I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Thanks Amazon. I will keep on going – it’s a fasting day today and it’s nice to know that I am helping by putting my body into repair mode.

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