This topic contains 44 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  patsykona 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I find it interesting to know which country the members of the forums are from. Is it possible to have that information included under the name of the poster in the forums? (If the member permits of course) For instance, over there<<< it could say Jaybee68 and underneath say Australia. It also helps when trying to figure out who is who and recognising them later.

    Good idea, Jaybee68. It would be very helpful. To start the ball rolling I’m from North London – UK that is.

    Hi herma, thanks for replying. I guess it is pretty cold where you are. I was hoping for a change in the forum set up so that it could display under each persons name where they came from so that no matter how many posts are in any one thread, each time a person posts, their location shows under their name above the date, time and permalink thingy (whatever THAT is :))

    A good idea to display the location of post participants….we are in Sylvania, Sydney and also have a country home in Mittagong, NSW..we spend equal time in both homes.

    Hi everyone,

    Happy new year to you all from Ayrshire here in Scotland.

    I’m about to start 5:2 from today …. I’m wee bit apprehensive that I’ll be not be able to stick to it, but reading everyone’s comments, I should be more confident as most peeps are finding it not too difficult. So, here we go !!!

    I wish Good luck to everyone xxxx

    No input from the site admin???

    Hi everyone!

    Great thread idea byt he way, i am in East Kent, in Deal in the south east… Its blowing a gale here yet again grrrr… Roll on spring!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    good idea Jaybee 68. I’m in the county of Angus in Scotland – very close to the birthplace of J M Barrie (of Peter Pan fame)

    Hii Everyone! I am from Baltimore, Maryland, USA! And it is about to become VERY cold here! I think the high Tuesday is 14 degrees Fahrenheit! Brrrrrrr!

    I live near Swindon in Wiltshire. This truly is an international community.

    Hi! If you’d like, you can add it to your profile information (you can edit yours here).

    We also had the idea that on the posts, it might be nice to display your profile if you hover over the poster’s name (right now on mine it says “View fastdiet’s profile”). You can always click on someone’s name to see their profile, too. What do you think?

    @fastdiet, me being a lazy sod would like to see the location displayed under each poster’s name so I don’t have to go searching or clicking on links:D. Next best idea is to have the locations easily viewable in the way you suggest:)

    I’d like to see profiles with a few more detail. So many posters say nothing at all in theirs.
    Of course, no one needs to know your age, weight, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, inside leg measurement:) or any other details you might prefer to keep to yourself. On the other hand, if you’re happy to share all or any of these, just go for it.
    Things like which part of the world you live in, what you do or used to do workwise, your hobbies and interests (even if these include simply staring into space, which I find is sometimes just what is needed) as well as things that you really, really love as well as those that get right up your nose – all of these are interesting. I know from the relatively short time I’ve been posting, how great it can be when you discover that one of your cyber buddies has also “been there and done that”.

    Ok so now in an individual topic like this one, you can hover over the poster’s name and see their profile – so you don’t have to click the name to get to it anymore. If someone doesn’t have a profile, you’ll just see “View so-and-so’s profile”.

    It might take a few refreshes to clear your computer’s cache, but let me know if it’s not working or, if in the future it *stops* working.


    Excellent, fastdiet, thank you. Now we only need everyone to complete their profiles and include their locations.

    Details added as instucted.xx

    Hi Everyone. I’m from the Yorkshire in the UK *waves* ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’m new to the forum so bare with me!

    This is my second day on the 5:2 . I did my fast day yesterday (which went ok and I managed to stick within the 500 calories although I was pretty hungry again by bedtime!) Today has gone very well. I have decided to calorie count on my non fast days just to make sure i’m not overeating.

    = done, sylvestra & jaybee x

    Added hobbies, hermaj, no staring into space *as yet*, lol.

    Good luck, msjoolz, many of us calorie count on feed days to ensure we don’t go crazy (although, too late for me in that respect, ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aud x

    *grin* Having started this topic, I had better go and fill out a profile then, hey??? thank you Fast diet, this new function will suffice admirably:)

    great idea fastdiet

    hover over name

    every1 please add a profile


    take care

    *grin* Done, usa :D:D

    oh, just checked it out…it works:D (I love new toys!!)


    it is neat isn’t it?

    Very neat indeed (wish I had a thumbs up smiley to insert here):)

    edit: Oh,I just thought…… maybe that can be my NEXT suggestion :D:D

    unfortunately the way of entering a thumbs up doesn’t work here…even if the smile does ๐Ÿ˜€

    (y) ….edited…no it doesn’t ๐Ÿ™

    (I didnt know I had become so dependent on emoticons :rolleyes:)

    Testing: So I can get a smile by doing ๐Ÿ˜€ (I think) or is it :). How does one do a frown? :(.

    OK got them down, what others can I do???

    you can wink ๐Ÿ˜‰ that’s a ; followed by a )

    others are undergoing tests!!!

    hmmmm…the others don’t work ๐Ÿ™

    @sylvestra: ๐Ÿ˜‰ bad luck about the others ๐Ÿ™‚

    That’s great JJ
    Will the hovering over the name work on all the posts

    It works on all the posts, @vicki

    list of emoticon

    Icon Meaning
    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :ใฃ) Smiley or happy face.[1][2][3]

    ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8-D 8D x-D xD X-D XD =-D =D =-3 =3 B^D Laughing,[1] big grin,[2][3] laugh with glasses[4]

    :-)) Very happy or double chin[4]

    >:[ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ :-c :c :-< :ใฃC :< :-[ :[ :{ Frown,[1][2][3] sad[5]

    ;( Winky frowny, used to signify sadness, with a bit or sarcasm. It is easily misunderstood.[6]

    :-|| :@ >:( Angry[4]

    :’-( :'( Crying[5]

    :’-) :’) Tears of happiness[5]

    D:< D: D8 D; D= DX v.v D-‘: Horror, disgust, sadness, great dismay[2][3]

    >:O :-O :O 8-0 Surprise, shock,[1][7] yawn[8]

    :* :^* ( ‘}{‘ ) Kiss, couple kissing[4]

    ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ *-) *) ;-] ;] ;D ;^) :-, Wink,[1][2][3] smirk[7][8]

    >:P ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜› X-P x-p xp XP :-p :p =p :-รž :รž :รพ :-รพ :-b :b Tongue sticking out, cheeky/playful,[1] blowing a raspberry

    >:\ >:/ :-/ :-. :/ :\ =/ =\ :L =L :S >.< Skeptical, annoyed, undecided, uneasy, hesitant[1]

    ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ Straight face[2] no expression, indecision[5]

    :$ Embarrassed,[3] blushing[4]

    :-X :X :-# :# Sealed lips or wearing braces[1]

    O:-) 0:-3 0:3 0:-) 0:) 0;^) Angel,[1][2][7] saint,[5] innocent

    >:) >;) >:-) Evil[2]

    }:-) }:) 3:-) 3:) Devilish[5]

    o/\o ^5 >_>^ ^<_< High five[8]

    |;-) |-O Cool,[5] bored/yawning[7]

    :-& :& Tongue-tied[5]

    #-) Partied all night[5]

    %-) %) Drunk,[5] confused

    :-###.. :###.. Being sick[5]

    <:-| Dumb, dunce-like[7]

    เฒ _เฒ  Look of disapproval[9] The Unicode character เฒ  is from the Kannada alphabet and can be called differently in HTML notation: ಠ and ಠ(for Unicode)
    <*)))-{ ><(((*> ><> Fish, something’s fishy,[7] Christian fish[4]

    \o/ Cheer “Yay, yay.”[4]

    */* Cheerleader[4]

    @}-;-‘— @>–>– Rose[1][7]

    ~(_8^(I) Homer Simpson[7]

    5:-) ~:-\ Elvis Presley[7][8]

    //0-0\\ John Lennon[7]

    *<|:-) Santa Claus[10]

    =:o] Bill Clinton[10]

    ,:-) 7:^] Ronald Reagan[10]

    <3 </3 Heart and broken-heart (reverse-rotation)[11]

    Thanks @usa … I knew all those but most of them don’t actually come up as graphics ….hey ho – well we can’t have everything!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi everyone,

    Im from the Faroe Islands, i wonder if any one else is as well ?

    Yes!go 4 it! Everybody fill out ur stuff ๐Ÿ™‚
    In Santa Monica, CA
    Do I have any neighbors here yet?

    I would love to see an avatar under the name.

    NAME Way2Go
    (+) avatar
    Australia or even OZ?

    basically we are all a bit lazy and so if that was displayed then we might like to look at someone/s profile.

    Just a thought from a newbie.

    Hello from India!! Seen the documentary, read the book and lurked around this forum-all set to start my first fast day on Monday ๐Ÿ™‚ Loving the vibes here!

    Hi from South Africa ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love this site, very helpful and motivating!

    Blessings to all on their 5:2 journey!

    Hey, from scotland here, its a lovely sunny day, schools off for summer so just having a pottering day.

    We are onto our second week of fast 5;2 plan, so far so good, although DH hasn’t lost any weight yet, (I have a bit tho!!).

    I do have a suspicion that me doing the HIT and the strength exercises may just have something to do with it!

    So far I am loving it, and even on the non fast days I am not wanting to eat rubbish much nor am I terrifically hungry which I thought I would be. Its also good the not having that odd glass of wine in the evening, I am not stopping completely , just on the fast days though, but funny even on the non fast days I am not often fancying a glass of wine. Now thats a good bonus

    Lets hope this continues!

    Hey everyone, representing south of Sweden over here.

    I’m actually on my first fast day, a bit hungry, but totally manageable. I’m looking forward to this experience, and I’m so glad I found this forum to give me inspiration and guidance. It’s always more fun and more rewarding when you can share your progress with others ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am an avid avoider of scales, so my own progress will be measured in centimeters!

    Nice to meet you all ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi, north east of england for me.

    Hi, the south of the South Island of New Zealand

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