Today I fasted and did lots of exercise!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 11 years ago.

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  • Only my second fast day, but I approached it rather differently to my first awful one. I just had a cup of tea for breakfast, and didn’t eat anything until I had been for a late morning run and walk in the woods. I came back and had a nectarine and a banana for ‘lunch’. Later, I had a pear as a snack. I’ve now been for a second run (just a short one) and am ready for my dinner. I was a bit nauseous first thing, but it didn’t last. I haven’t felt lacking in energy and my run this evening produced a personal best time! I hope this is not just a one off and I can also expect great results when I weigh in. I will enjoy my food tomorrow!

    Well done Legion!!

    Sounds like you had a great day, not many fast on a sunday so i pull my hat off to you 🙂

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