@debbieq and Coda
If in the next 2 weeks there is no one that could run the October Challenge in the current version, as a back-up (for October only) I could run my own version. I’ve made today a template here (5 persons for the first 7 days): http://dailyfastingweightloss.blogspot.de/2016/09/fasting-challenge-oct-2016.html
What is different: reports always are about the previous day, so I can mark the correct type of fast (different colored): fast day / water fast (over 36 hours) / non-fast day.
The sheet makes totals for every type of fast, and with the help of the colors, you can easily see the pattern.
Other notes:
– limited number of participants (30)
– at 3 consecutive or 5 non-consecutive missing reports the name is removed from the list.
– weight unit: kg only.
So if you decide to go with this version on October, please tell me on this separate thread, because I do not want to be off topic on this challenge, and make harder for Debbie to keep the stats for September.
12:54 pm
13 Sep 16