November 2017 Challenge

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November 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,403 replies, has 122 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 1,404 total)

  • Day 15 – 🇬🇧- NFD

    First fast day this week is tomorrow – again looking forward to it surprisingly 😀

    @bigviking – an achievement worth celebrating hitting 70s for first time since 1990 – wow!!!

    @maayaa – definitely worth treating yourself post weight loss to clothing, accessories- people will soon notice how happy you are, you deserve it!!

    @stevetoontaxidriver- i’m sure each course served on your cruise was yummy – it won’t take long to get back to your slimline self!

    Keep strong everyone 😊

    2nd post

    Coda it’s good to have you back with us. Keep on keeping on. Good night

    Day 14, 2nd post
    Just another quick check in… My NFD was good, except that I had a snack an hour before dinner, which is against my bottom lines… (my self made fresh bread just looked too good and it tasted delicious with just some butter on it. Plus there were 2 slices of pizza left from my son’s lunch, which I just “had to” finish!!! …)
    Well, I don’t beat myself up for it but decided to skip breakfast tomorrow and only have vegetable soup for lunch. Tomorrow night I’ll meet a friend for dinner and we’ll for sure have some beer or wine… So I will have “half an FD” before that date 😉

    Feeling like sabotaging my FD so o logged I. For moral support, and it worked. I made myself a cup of tea instead.
    @Strawberriesandcream – enjoy every moment of your time with your friends. They’re what makes the world go round!
    @CornishJane – I’ve been on many weight loss journeys and always lost a bit here and there, but never really achieved the body I wanted. And I always put it back on. I’m 63 on Saturday and have lost 2stone over the last 18 months. Definitely the tortoise group. However, this WOL very manageable, the only hardship is 2days per week, and I can fit in holidays and other indulgences and still get there. I reckon I’ve about 10lbs to go but the body I see in the mirror is more like the one I used to be. The only reason I’m not stopping now is that my waist is too big still. My motivation is this: my health was suffering even though I am quite fit -I swim, do yoga, Pilates and walk – and I look at the last 20 years and wish that I had had the tenacity to sort my weight when I was 40, not 60 something. You only have to look at all the maintainers here, SongBirdMe, Onahealthyhigh and many others to know this WOL works. Check out @fatrabbit’s posts – she is an amazing example of grit and determination and her weight loss journey has been awesome. Your own start has been amazing so far and your mindset is right for a long timer too! You can do it!
    @steffies – so sorry to hear of your dear friend’s loss. It’s all the more reason to look after ourselves.
    @songbirdme – if it’s anything like the alcohol free wine, it’s awful! Just back from the Orient Express – a truly elegant and delightful movie!

    Onwards and downwards!

    Day 13 – Iceland – NFD
    Day 14 – Iceland – FD (my 1st official FD)

    Thank you all for the warm welcome!
    The plan was to do FD yesterday but I gave in around 2pm, woke up extremely hungry, which is very unusual (not a big breakfast person), so I skipped fasting till today. Which was a good decision, today went very well and I feel great despite having only one 400kcal meal today. 
I have not been consuming any sugar for two weeks now (except for Saturdays). In the first week I lost 2,7kgs which is more than expected, but although I was very careful and had mostly vegetable soups for dinner last week the weight started to creep up again (this is a typical pattern, happens every time I try to change my WOL), so I decided to take the next step, 5:2 or possibly 4:3. That written, I am not only here for weight reduction, I hope to improve my immune system and reduce inflammation as well. Reading all your posts has made me quite optimistic 🙂

    Congratulations on all the success stories and have a great Wednesday everyone!

    Okay @songbirdme – just like you give us movie reviews, I’ll let you try that low-cal WW wine first & report back here. 😆

    Day 15 FD country West Australia
    Yesterday’s NFD was quite well controlled. Hoping for a good FD today as I am hoping to get in shape for Christmas.

    @happymargo – happy to be the resident Wine Critic! I will just have to see if I can buy it here. Oh might find it online? Who knows!

    Day 14, Copenhagen, FD

    @songbirdme – Thanks!! ☺️

    Today turned into a fast day even though it wasn’t planned. Woke up feeling a bit ill, so skipped breakfast and met up with a friend at a cafe where I had some hot chocolate based on oat milk (delicious). Later I ended up with a delicious kale salad with a bit of tofu for dinner! So yay! One FD down, one to go 😁

    Happy fasting everyone x

    Day 14 – ABQ – FD

    So yesterday’s FD became an 800 day rather than a 500. I seem to be catching a trend, where at least one of my B2B2B’s is an 800 day rather than 500 (let’s ignore last week where all of them were). I feel that for now this is working for me, if I’d like to see greater weight loss I may try 500 for all three again.

    This weekend we got rid of ALL the junk in the house. GONE 💨 And I feel so relieved! We are now on the Mediterranean diet Dr. Mosley suggested as part of the BSD, and so far we are really loving it. I’ve found that I’m not as hungry later when i’m not filling up on junk and a ton of carbs. Let’s hope this all goes well for the next few weeks!

    Weigh in over the weekend showed me some good loss – 158.4 lbs and a whole INCH off my waist. I lost a few cm all over, but that inch off my waist felt SOOO good 😊

    I’m still playing catch up on posts so sorry if I haven’t gotten to you yet!

    @marsupial – it is never too late to start over! I’ve done it several times over my journey, and I know there are several here who have as well! Keep it up!

    @mylast10 – You have been added to the sheet! Feel free to use it as much or as little as you’d like and welcome back to the WOL! We are so glad you are here!
    Google Sheet Link:

    @daffodil2010 – Glad you are back safe from your trip to Valencia! I’ve enjoyed reading your updates on goings-on while on holiday!

    @leggit – The first few days/weeks the pounds just seem to melt off right?! I’d like to think of it as a motivator to keep going when you’re trying something new. yet another plus for the 5:2 WOL! For some people B2B are easier for our schedules (or even B2B2B) since for me the beginning of the weeks are PACKED, and I like to get a little more freedom as the weekend gets closer, that’s what works for me. I personally like doing 4:3, but that’s also because 1-I’m very close to my goal weight and 2- I’m only going to be able to do 5:2/4:3 for a little while longer until I get a + on a stick (preggos) where I plan on doing 16:8 (fast for 16 hours -sleep+no breakfast, and eat in an 8 hour window- usually lunch and dinner) since that’s what most women do for the first trimester anyway (hello morning sickness). I’ve seen that most people just do what works for them. For the first few months, there was no way I could do a B2B, but now it just fits my lifestyle. You do what works for you and your body.

    ***DAY 14 – POCKET LIST**
***If you’d like to join just copy, paste and add your name***
    @maayyaa (maybe a FD?!)

    @at (2nd of B2B)

@flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)


@tsubaki (2nd of B2B2B)

    @aprilsunshine(1stof B2B)
    @jessyoursize (2nd of B2B2B)

    Day 14 – SW WA USA – NFD

    No chance to post until now. It has been a fairly controlled day. About ready to head out to the evening class I teach. I love my adult language learners. They want to learn! I’m always glad once I get there.

    Still catching up on posts.

    @steve toon taxi driver – sorry you’re not feeling well. Get better & then when you’re up to it, let us know about your cruise.

    Day15 Fiji. NFD

    Sitting on a boat in the middle of the South Pacific is heavenly. This holiday is more than I could have dreamed, it’s not 5:2 friendly in any way but I keep popping back to this forum to get encouragement to turn down the yummy cakes they keep providing us with.

    @coda, glad to see you’re with us still. I’ve been skimming posts but nor seen anything from @okeydokey for ages.

    For anyone wavering, for the first time in years I’ve let my OH post pictures of me on Facebook etc. Usually it looks like he holidays alone! I’ve kept to this WOL since February and the boost to self esteem can’t be underestimated. It might be slow loss, it might be frustrating sometimes but it works. Personally I couldn’t have done it without this forum.

    Bula and Vinaka to everyone taking the time to post here, I’m a grateful Saffy420

    Day 14 Sarasota, Florida CD
    Day 15 NFD

    I haven’t looked at this site for a month or more. I joined the challenge in Aug/Sept
    but received quite a negative comment at the time from one of the members, suffice to say it put me off participating. I should have been stronger and let it go but now however I am chomping at the bit to get back. I know its well into November but am I too late to join? If so I’ll wait for a Dec challenge. I do find this forum really encouraging and motivating. Thankyou for hosting it.

    Day 14 NFD Oregon USA

    2nd post…

    Well I totally dove off the CD and way past the TDEE I’m sure too. Went to a movie with my husband, which we haven’t done in ages, and it is a theater that serves alcohol and food…I walked 5 miles today and I don’t know if that triggered subconscious thinking…”it’s ok” but I just totally went AWOL.

    Came home and hopped into the forum for some inspiration and saw this quote from

    *- I never feel like “I’ve blown my diet. May as well stuff my face now” like I have on other diets.
    Instead with 5:2, I simply dust off, hit the re-set button & carry on”

    So re-set tomorrow here I come.

    Really ridiculous thing is that as I sit here and type, I feel so full that I really feel almost sick to my stomach. What in the heck is it that compels me to eat that much?? So I feel sick? UGH!
    And this after such kind words on my FD success @awilson.

    OK–done whining. I’m just frustrated that I fell off the wagon so hard.

    Tomorrow’s a new day.

    Good evening everyone. ❤️️

    Day 15, FD

    Another interesting evening with work colleagues yesterday. They ate chinese and drank beer. I nursed my Coke Zeros… 😇. Mind you, with 27kg+ gone they can see that it works for me, and of course they are used to this behaviour every other day by now!

    Onwards and downwards everybody!

    @pamie NEVER too late to join! Half the month to go, so welcome 👍

    Day 15, Norway – trying again today with a CD that might turn in to a FD.

    @at yes you are right, I read it on the box actually: “People suffering from hypertension should avoid excessive consumption.” I don’t suffer from high blood pressure, but I agree, I should overdue it, like I did yesterday….  I think I had 4 tea bags…But licorice and mint tea are the only one that taste good 

    @mari84 – please don’t give up. One thing that helps me is the saying that goes something like this: “Remember that where you are now, is where you dreamed to be, a few months ago…” something like that, and that helps. My weight loss went very fast the first 4-6 weeks, after that very slowly, but if I quit now, I’ll be back to July 31 in no time. Enjoy your vacation, and push the reset button when you get home. You can do it.

    Yesterday wasn’t quite the FD it easily could have been. Ended up just above 1000kcal…. Darn hot dogs I didn’t even want to eat. We bought them for Halloween, and the expiration date was coming closer, so for the sake of not throwing away food, we had hot dogs yesterday. I only ate the hot dogs though, skipped bread or mashed potatoes or whatever I could have served with it. Ended up eating 4 wiener hot dogs, 260grams with 224kcals pr. 100…. THAT ended up too much, and didn’t even “give” me anything. Healthier choices for FD and CD days from now on. Lunch and late “snack” was self-made “tuna salad”. Boxed tuna with chili, spring onion and coriander. 135kcals pr. 100…Healthy kcals I hope, since its fish…?

    @tlc2 – thanks, I will need to by some slimmer jeans I think. Actually on my birthday I wore a jeans skirt and a ocher top, with wool pantyhose, and Adidas sneakers (to not be “overdressed”). I never wear skirt, the closes thing to skirt or dress I have ever wore to work is tunica with black tights underneath. NOBODY said anything… lol… I know it sound like I really care, but I don’t, cause in real life I get embarrassed if anyone comments on how I dress, or “congratulations with that new shirt” etc.… I just want to blend in  …but my “constant nagging colleague” who comments EVERYTHING, especially whenever I don’t eat, didn’t even say anything. I will definitely get myself some new jeans, to please myself. By old black ones are too baggy now, wore them yesterday, didn’t feel good.

    @stevetoontaxidriver – get well soon, we all know you men gets it worse than us woman lol 

    @pamie – welcome back!! Never too late to join. Happy to have you back. Sorry you experienced a negative comment.

    @bigviking – wow 27kg+ gone. For how long have you been doing this WOL? I’m looking forward to spring/summer 2018….there SHOULD be some difference in me by then.

    Onwards & downwards everyone. Have a good FD, CD or NFD 

    Thankyou so much for the warm welcome back. I shall make tomorrow my first fast day☺☺☺

    Day 15 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Ha, my FD was great until I got home from a looooong day in work, drew a bath, drank wine, you get the picture. Is it possible to suffer jet leg from a 2.5 hour flight ha ha? I was so tired from all the travelling that although I fasted well in work, I slumped when I got home.

    Still, down just over a pound this morning. It’s my 2nd day of a B2B2B..hoping to keep it real this time. I have to get my inoculations and boosters for my Peru trip after work today so no time to sit around grazing today 😄

    @debster251 I meant to say earlier that I experienced the same as you in Athens while I was in Valencia…ie, us Northern Europeans dashing around in short sleeves and t-shirts, while the locals were muffled up in coats and scarves. At 20c in the evening!! A good dose of damp, chilly, Irish weather would show them 😆

    @jessyoursize. With you for the B2B2B

    Day 15/CD/Melbourne Australia

    Sorry I haven’t time to respond to everyone.

    Welcome back @pamie you’ll find lots of support. I remember the comment. It took me by surprise. It’s the only negative comment I can recall and saddly you were the recipient. This really is the friendliest forum I have participated in.

    Day 14 UK FD

    Oh dear, I really can be such a pig 🙁 I started eating early yesterday and then continued right into the evening, I ended up with the jar of peanut butter and a spoon:(( It started off with a piece of fruit calling my name – persimmons are my new favourite. And before I knew it I had inhaled two of them and three apples… I really need the fast day today to get rid of the nasty heavy feeling. I have so much to do not eating should be easy. I have to bath eight of the guinea pigs because it doesn’t look likely to be warm enough again for ages and they are overdue already and they get horribly itchy if you don’t do it regularly. And I have to let the rabbits out, do the medicine round, clean and fill the water bowls, make my mum a chili and cups of tea, make my son multiple cups of coffee to try and stop him sleeping all day as he was up in the night with an earache, wash up, deal with the Tesco delivery, feed and shut in the rabbits, feed the piggies, then walk to the station to get the train to the University for my Russian course, leaving at 4pm and getting back at 9:30pm. I had better get going.

    Day 15 UK
    Day 3 on plan for me…. things have changed yet again so a second FD for me….
    Had a good CD yesterday and managed another 10000 steps.

    Do we record weight loss only at the end of the month? There’s positive for you!!

    Day 15, Belgium, NFD

    Hello all 🙂

    @ Fatrabbit, how did it go with the guinea pigs? did they all get their bath?? Sounds like you had a very active day 🙂

    @pamie, wb back, best to try to ignore negative comments, and fair does coming back here to continue with your diet!

    @bigviking, 27kg! that’s great! maybe your friends should make more of an effort not to put temptation in front of you lol 😉

    @borealis, well done on your 1st fast day!

    So yesterday’s FD was too high at 641, the highest FD so far, but as I’m doing AFD for the moment I’m not too worried about it, I was surprised to realise that I’ve already logged in 6 FD this month and I’ll probably be doing a total of 12-13 by the end of the month. Today is a NFD, I’ll try and keep it healthy but not promising anything lol

    Have a good day !

    Have a good day !

    Day 15 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 FD.
    So far so good this week feeling like I’m back in control of my food consumption. Less than 6 weeks to Christmas so hopefully I can lose a few pounds before I put them all back on again lol.
    For those interested in My holiday.
    The ship was P&O Britannia. Me and the wife have been doing cruise ships on and off for about the last 13 years you get to see so much of the world on just one holiday. I have to say it was probably the best onboard ship experience I’ve had. We set sail from Southampton to Madeira which took 3 days, thankfully on board entertainment was marvelous I would really pay extra money to watch some of the acts Who performed on that ship. After a full day of seeing the sights in Madeira we went transatlantic for 5 days to St Lucia. everyday we had to adjust our clocks due to the time zones which gave us an extra hour in bed everyday on the way to the Caribbean, that was fantastic an extra hour in bed everyday 🤣 lol. So we arrived in St Lucia then overnight to Antigua then over night to St Vincent another overnight sailing to Grenada another overnight sailing to Barbados. We had two days in Barbados before we flew back to Manchester and then train home to Newcastle. We packed so much into the holiday that I need another one just a rest from this one lol, we had trips right into the mountains to the tropical rainforests and lay around on sandy beaches swimming in the Caribbean Sea and visited a lot of Botanical Gardens and orchid gardens. There was a lot of poverty on some of the smaller Islands which didn’t sit well when I was having such a good time. The food on the ship was excellent. The main restaurant for evening meals was as good as any restaurant that I have ate in. Every night there was a choice of a Marco Pierre White signature dish which I tried most of them. There was a specialist Indian restaurant the menus were by Atul kochhar best Indian food ever. After that 7 course meal I had to go and have a lie down lol. I really would find it hard to find some negatives about the cruise I think if you look hard enough you could probably find something but not for me great holiday a lovely time spent with my wife after a very difficult year. Would recommend P&O Britannia to anyone although it is a very British ship. I’ve been lucky enough to sail on Royal Caribbean ships been with Princess Cruises and Thomson cruises. It’s truly was a lovely holiday.

    Day 15, Gozo Malta, fd

    Fasting at 750 calories today. Hopefully I won’t go above that. I’ve planned what to eat. My husband had a cereal bar this morning by mistake so his fd should come up with more calories.

    I made blueberry muffins for my children especially my son who likes to eat them coming out of the oven. I haven’t touched them.

    Tomorrow will be a nfd for my husband and I.

    It’s great to be in this forum. Onwards and downwards. Have a great Wednesday everyone.

    Day 15 Belfast NFD

    I must be more careful with my typing. The typos in my last post were awful!
    @saffy420 it sounds glorious. Enjoy every moment.
    Welcome back @pamie. I’m sorry you had a negative experience last time but it’s never too late to start again. Every day’s a new day!
    @mjrbcd44 – we’ve all been there. Press that RESET button firmly!
    @bigviking – you’re doing so well 😇!
    @maayyaa – a new pair of jeans gives you a huge boost. Go for it!

    Off to paint the windows. I’ve a new wooden floor going down on Thursday and two new sofas coming on Friday. My OH is not a fan of change, but as our present sofa and carpet are 24 years old, I don’t thing I can be called rash! Looking forward to sitting in comfort watching the TV!

    Remember: slow progress is better than no progress!

    Have a good day!

    second post…just to confess… my FD went out the window…by mistake kind of… i had prepared my delish self-made tuna salad…forgot it in my office when i all of the sudden was in the work cantine… i only had turkey stacklet, jalapenos and tomatoes….but probably way over 3-400kcals dont you think…. well…it will be a CD then.

    Day 15, London, UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    Managed yesterdays’ FD well, still fighting the snacking dragon in the evenings, but I managed to settle him with a couple of cherry tomatoes and 1 dried apricot!!!! It makes a change from 3 packs of crisps and an entire pack of biscuits!!!!!

    As someone who chose red wine as an appropriate method of making liver-pickling a lifestyle choice 🙂 I’ll leave it in your capable hands @songbirdme to taste test and report back, once you have your gag reflex under control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @steve toon taxi driver, I’m soooo jealous as I’ve never been on a cruise, it’s firmly on my bucket list though!!! Your holiday sounds fabulous, I hear you about that 7 course meal, I went to Atul Kochhars ‘Benaris’ for my birthday in Feb and I swear I was about to POP and managed to have the worst night’s sleep in about 4 months………………. But the food was (literally) to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it wrong to want to go on a cruise mainly for the food??!!!

    Currently plateau-ing like a professional, but I’ll stay strong!!! I know I just have to …………………………….. Keep the faith people!!!

    Day 15 Wales NFD

    Having sampled many low alcohol wines I don’t hold out much hope for the Weight Watchers variety – maybe it will be OK but as I like my wine red and richly fruity I’ll spend a few more calories on the real thing. Look forward to reading the review though.

    On the subject of wine, since reverting at the weekend to drinking it 3 days per week I no longer feel like I’m on a deprivation diet. Lesson learnt, keep 5:2 real, don’t take it to far and this WOL works great.

    Keep on keeping on everyone.

    Day 15……Florida…..NFD

    Last day of work and then a night full of packing and getting ready to board a really early morning flight. Since my flight leaves at 6:25 am, I’ve got to be there two hours before, an hour to get there. I’ll be up at 2 am getting my flying wings prepared!

    This is going to be short and sweet this morning!

    But before I go……

    @pamie…… I’m sorry that you suffered from someone else’s mouth and words, but I’m glad your back! A persons sharp words are never a reflection on you or your life but on theirs. I know those words are hard to swallow when your angry and hurt but I’m glad your strength is shining through! If you need anything, Please let me know!
    Grab my hand and will do this together!

    Oh my…..
    I hit submit to soon…..

    I do not have ducks 🦆
    I do not have rows!
    I have monkeys 🐒 and they’re running the circus!

    That Indian food was to die for.
    Vision Cruise and igloo have some cracking deals, we are always on the lookout for a good deal and nearly always go through a third party. This time we had a balcony cabin because of the deal they offered. I’m quite happy on an inside cabin after all you only wash and sleep there the rest of the time is spent in and around the the ship. Pound for pound I don’t think there’s a better value holiday if you get it from the right place with the right deals. Late 2019 is my wife’s and my 60th birthday and also our 40th wedding anniversary so I definitely want to do at least three weeks and maybe as much as five as a special holiday after all we only live once.

    @maayyaa I started on March 20th @ 106.5kg. On Monday I was 79.2kg and I think I ought to be in the 75-77kg range (21.5-22.0 BMI)

    Day 15, 2nd post
    @pamie sorry to hear that you had unpleasant experiences in this forum! Very good that you give it a second chance! 👏 I’m sure you won’t be disappointed this time…
    As I decided last night I went for a “half FD” today. It is going well so far. Just had vegetable fish soup for lunch and some coffee with milk. I hope to make it until my meeting with my friend tonight with just caloriefree drinks or maybe some brothers…
    Am at a very bad held first aid class for 8 hours 😒
    Glad to fast, otherwise I would be tempted to eat of boredom…

    Day 15 Akron OH first NFD this week.

    Typically I overindulge but my goal is a very controlled NFD with a treat or two (maybe) I want my self control back. According to my scale I have lost 4 pounds since Saturday – but I am having trouble believing it; hopefully my scale is not broken. Whatever, I intend to just keep on keeping on.

    @Stevetoon your holiday sounds absolutely heavenly, cruising is on my bucket list of things to do; I will check out the sites you suggested

    @pamie I remember you! so glad you are back. I am glad you decided to give it another go – we are here for you 🙂

    Enjoy today my friends, lets make this day awesome!!

    Day 15 – Massachusetts – FD

    Day 10 of 5:2

    I am so jealous of all the vacations you guys are taking! They sound marvelous. I love reading everyone’s posts each day. They really motivate me and keep me on track. And thanks to everyone who keeps responding to my questions! You are all very helpful and has made this a really smooth transition to this WOL.

    @jessyoursize – Congrats on losing a whole inch!!!

    @fatrabbit – That happens to me with peanut butter all the time! Peanut butter is so delicious! It’s gotten to the point where sometimes I don’t buy peanut butter just to avoid that happening. Also what Russian course are you taking?

    @anna6 – I can’t believe you didn’t have any of those blueberry muffins. Blueberry muffins are one of my favorite muffins!

    Yesterday’s interview was awful. I don’t know if you guys are familiar with post-doctoral fellowships, but that’s what I was applying for. To sum up – at the place I interviewed people get very little mentorship or direction and post-docs stay there for >7 years… (during that time there is no promotion and very little increase in pay) I definitely died a little inside when I heard that… just not for me. I can explain more if you guys are interested, but I don’t want you all to go cross-eyed reading a huge body of text.

    At least I am having success on 5:2 even if I am not having much success in my career development so far.

    Two more interviews to go!

    Day 15 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Very good FD yesterday at 425 calories. Also worked outside for over 2 hours raking leaves, cutting back dead vegetation, moving all that, tending to some spring bulbs, etc. Doing that much exercise on a FD kept me from being hungry. It was pretty cold out, but happily found a lost pair of gloves in the coat pockets!

    My new red dress to conduct our Sunday concert is quite form fitting… so I bought my first pair of Spanx waistline trimmer pantyhose to suppress any extra bulging. Being up front means all eyes are on me! Ha ha! I want to look my best!

    Hopefully I can read and catch up on posts later on. I did read about your Caribbean cruise, @steve_toon_taxi_driver and it sounded marvelous! Yes, those sandy beaches and warm water are the best.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 15, Belfast, NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well. Got a swim in on the way home too, which was nice. But, jeez, I really do think about food ALOT 😉

    @at – I’m so glad our Pocket List kept you on your B2B!

    Everyone’s doing so well…I’m only catching up on posts briefly every day but signing in to this group really helps me.

    Good luck everyone today!x

    Day 15 – USA – NFD

    Swapping a FD today as it is our “date” day…when our diabetic doggie goes for grooming, we go out to eat. Will either do a B2B tomorrow and Friday or ADF tomorrow and Saturday. We’ll see how it goes. @pamie, welcome back! I can assure you, this forum is usually always very friendly and encouraging, and I’m also glad you gave it another chance.

    Thanks for the advice on sticking with the 5:2 long term. @mjrbcd44, @at and @happy Margo

    I really enjoy all the success stories here – and the mess-ups with Peanut Butter! I agree that traditional diets can make you feel like a failure when you have just one slip-up. 5:2 feels better.

    Day 15 Canada CD

    Back to the challenge after a few weeks holiday!

    Quickly scanned the posts and so happy to see new and old fasters here, congrats to all that have lost…there are some amazing success stories. For those who are struggling, stick with it, the fast days do get easier.

    This WOL is the best thing I have done for myself in such a long time. I have learnt how much I really need to eat to be healthy and feel well. The fast days have become something I look forward to and actually miss if they are skipped.

    After 2 weeks of travel, no FD’s and lots of amazing food and wine I have only gained .5kg. All I did was skip the odd meal, limit myself to one bigish meal a day. I don’t seem to have the appetite I had before 5:2 which is good thing!

    I don’t have a set goal as far as weight loss is concerned, losing the last of the belly wobble would be nice though. Today is going to be a CD, with some much overdue exercise and drinking lots of water.

    All the best everyone, it’s great to be back!

    Day 15 – ABQ – FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    Quick drop in this morning before heading into meetings all afternoon. Yesterday’s FD went well. I even tried some things I’d never had before. Long story short I was a ridiculusly picky eater all the way into adulthood. I had the foods I liked and never branched. When I met DH he helped me branch out a bit but I still wouldn’t stray too far from my comfort zone. Well with my daughter watching every move I make now and being a little copy cat, I decided I want her to enjoy all foods and to show her how by doing it myself. Now yesterday’s branch out may sound a little silly to some of you but.. I had avocado and baked beans for the first time ever. I actually liked them both, much to my surprise and delight. I’ve actually never eaten any kind of bean before, so DH decided to start me on an easy version that worst case, if I disliked them, they were his favorite. I’m excited to try to make chili with kidney beans later this weekend too!

    @pamie – welcome back!! Never too late to join and we’re happy to have you back. The link to the spreadsheet is here:
    I’ve added you to it for your use if you would like!

    Day 15 – 🇬🇧- FD

    FD going well but may have an early night to avoid temptation 😇

    Day 15 North Wales NFD

    Luckily I managed to avoid the sickness bug, phew. FD tomorrow.

    Day 15 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    I’m going out to dinner tonight to help celebrate a friends birthday, I will do liquids only until dinner. Then I need to keep it to a low roar. 🙂

    @saffy420 – Fiji, how fun!!
    @mjrbcd44 – No worries, just push the RESET button.
    @fatrabbit – Wow, now that’s what I call a full day!!
    @steve toon taxi driver – Your cruse sounds like a trip of a lifetime, sandy beaches and swimming in the Caribbean Sea, not too shabby!!
    @bert1802 – Have a good time in NY, there is so much good food in that town. I can only imagine the temptations.

    NZ FD Thanks @jessyoursize and all of you other lovely people. At work today. I cook in a kcal community hospital and rest home and do breakfast,morning tea, lunch , afternoon tea and prepare the evening meal for approximately 65people. It’s taking an enormous amount of will power to not eat today. However I Will keep checking the forum for motivation. 😊😊

    Day 15 – SW WA USA – NFD

    So enjoying the posts but not quite caught up. So appreciate the encouragement. Appreciate the reminder @at that there’s no elevator for weight-loss. I just need to keep stepping along.

    Remember together we are stronger!

    Day 15 – Perth Western Australia – FD.= (failed on the 3rd FD). I did very well until about 8.30pm where I binged on the stuffed eggplants that I took home from mum’s. They weren’t unhealthy, just too caloric for a FD in the quantity I consumed.
    I’m aiming for a CD for Day 16.

    Day 16 Gold Coast, Aus FD

    Day 17, FD

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