Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

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  • Well, tonight I had the not so great restaurant experience many have been having lately too! Over-salted French fries fried in duck fat, roasted (which wasn’t roasted & barely cooked/hard) cauliflower with Manchego cheese, and roasted chicken (which was good) atop chunky, bland goat cheese polenta (I like it smooth/creamy, but was informed by the restaurant owner that his chef “Likes to add interest” by making it chunky?!).The dessert was a hot brownie straight from the oven with gelato on top…now that was GOOD! Just wish I didn’t (but glad I did) have to share it with three other people!

    Yes, we are all out of sorts! I think summer kind of does that to you…we are out of our normal routines, going to parties, on vacations, dinners out, etc. more. It just throws you off.

    Fast day for me tomorrow (a 4:3 week – I need it!). I agree, let’s do our best with that 20%!


    Good Morning!

    Another rough night here as my husband was up coughing much of the night. He came downstairs for a few hours so I could get some sleep, but I was restless all night. He may have to call the Dr tomorrow as this has been going on for a week now.

    Back to the golf course this morning for day 2 of the tournament. I’m doing ok, but need to be sharp today. Not counting on it since I didn’t get much sleep. Maybe I’ll surprise myself? πŸ˜‰

    Sorry for your disappointing dinner out Sherry. At least the dessert was good!

    I’ll weigh myself tomorrow morning and see what damage my weekend has done. I’ve made up my mind that I’ll do my best each day and see where I end up. It’s quite possible that I won’t make any headway in my weight loss until we’re back from our trip in September. I won’t let it ruin my trip, that’s for sure!

    Well, I need another cup of coffee if I have any chance of being awake enough to play golf in a couple hours. Have a lovely day!

    Morning everyone!

    Enjoying in sunny weather here, just back from a morning run!
    Yesterday was a total write off, as went out after work Friday for some drinks, ignored all the warning signs of course, drinking on empty stomach, hot and long day etc..suffice to say paid for my sins, by being as sick as a parrot yesterday, and confined to my “sick bed”, while most normal people were frolicking around on the beach. The only upside of this was an enforced FD, nothing passed my lips, until 8pm, and then only water…:(

    Have not been near the scales, as despite 3 FD’s this week, has been up and down hormonally, need to give myself a stern talking to. Milena, like you I’m going to try to keep my FD cals lower, more like 400 for the 3 FD’s let’s see, 7 more FD’s til holidays, the swim suit awaits.

    Sherryann, agreed about the food out, I’m so often disappointed..rarely eat out, btw there are some really nice recipes if you look online for Deliciously Ella, I’d like the try to strawberry and coconut cream tarts…

    Salma, don’t despair, we’ve all had those weeks, sure it will pick up. I’m having to “re-frame” my goal. Have another 1 stone 2 Ibs to go, but not inspired, will get there, I think going on holiday will help me, as need to re-charge batteries

    Not sure if the sleep is cos of this WOL, or just peri/menopuase. I have on and off sleep patterns, and can see on the fitbit, they are worse around PMT time. For what it’s worth, summer does seem to be worse for quality zzz’s, maybe black out curtains would be the answer! also I live by the coast hence loud and noisy seagulls form May to October. Meditation does work, but like anything else needs commitment, sometimes I’m good other times I just let it go.

    Hi to all, have a great day and happy fasting plans for the week ahead! stay strong

    Hi All,

    Sorry to be away so long, but as I’ve said, life is crazy again and if I can post on weekends I’ll be happy indeed. At any rate, all was going well and I really got my weight down by Friday morning in preparation for being taken to lunch that day. I also had chicken to use up, so had a regular dinner (as opposed to the veggies and protein drink I’d normally have when having a full lunch). As a result, Friday turned into the refeed day yesterday (Saturday) was meant to be. I think this might have been remedied had I worked out either Friday or yesterday, but in the spirit of experimentation I decided to leave it.

    Yesterday I ended up having roughly the TDEE I’d have if I was working out–which I didn’t–also in the spirit of experimentation. When you consider all that the fact that I’m still 1.5 pounds/.7 kilos/.1 stone BELOW goal is somewhat of a miracle–though not really. You see, I had a biofeedback appointment yesterday, and the practitioner noted that my large intestine seems to be not quite up to snuff (nothing horrible, but more room for improvement there than any place else). As a result, she suggested I see a local Chinese man who sells a very intense intestinal cleanser. I bought some from him, but will run it by the naturopath and nutritionist before I start using it in earnest. The biofeedback practitioner suggested I start with one scoop and ease myself in to using two. The man yesterday sold me a drink with two scoops in it, and I now know what she means. However, the good news is that my weight is probably down because of all those extra trips to the bathroom yesterday (though not really excessive–just more than usual), and after Friday’s indulgence, cleansing is in order.

    Milena, re: “Jayney, yup a US tablespoon is the same then, I checked olive oil at 119, so it must be the same.” Actually, a UK Tablespoon is slightly bigger–1 Tablespoon [US] = 1.0408427308 Tablespoon [UK]. I wonder if the label you’re reading is using US tablespoons? I know what you mean though. It took me some time to wrap my head around over half my TDEE in olive oil as well (when I was reducing), and yes non-fast days only (otherwise you’d be over your 500-calorie limit).

    Beldyboop, I’m glad the olive oil is finally making sense. I don’t eat olives either. Who needs them with 6 Tbsp of olive oil a day!

    Welcome Nicola! I hope you find support from our group. Though I’m not around as much as I used to be, I’m happy to be of help if you’d like–just let me know.

    Hey Sherry, it’s great to be back on the thread! Re: sleeplessness–I’ve sometimes experienced that, but life has been exciting at times, and I wonder if that isn’t part of the reason. I will keep an eye on it though. Also, I looked in to psyllium capsules, but they didn’t contain as much psyllium as was called for by the nutritionist, so that’s why I use powder instead. Just FYI. If you go the capsule route I’m not sure that will be enough to be very effective.

    Salma, great to hear you’re getting more regular about going to the gym–you’re much more likely to start seeing results that way. Please try the olive oil and let me know how it goes. It worked for me.

    Also, about the olive oil, I never just tried it for a week. In for a penny, in for a pound so to speak. I’m not sure what results you’ll see in a week. However, as I’ve said, even though I’m on maintenance, the amount of olive oil per day remains the same, and it’s still working. Just FYI.

    Wow ladies, it has been a very, very busy week on this thread. Just finished catching up – olive oil debates, tits leaning every which way but Sunday (just for the record, I call mine floor-gazers, long gone are the glory days when they were star-gazers and now with the weight loss they resemble rocks in socks πŸ™ ). Nicola, welcome!

    I am also very intrigued with the olive oil idea and am interested in trying it out when everyone else does – I am such a lemming. I have been scoping out psyllium as well after Janey kindly answered all my questions.

    I am in the same boat as many others on this thread – the fasting success has been kind of mehh for most of July and a bit into August. Last week was a bit better, but still didn’t manage my full-fledged 4:3 that I was aiming for – too much running around and too many late nights working for the festival. I was successful last Thursday, so hoping to push through the rest of the day today to make it at least a 5:2 week. So far so good, 1 cup of raspberries, 1 cup of blueberries and 3/4 cup of 2% greek yoghurt. Dinner is a big salad with a small crumble of feta cheese and then hopefully I can keep my tummy quiet with cups of tea for the rest of the night. For distraction, I have signed up for a couple of MOOC courses, so about to tackle week one and two of “The Modern and Post-Modern”. Have a great start to the week everyone and strength and resolve to all those fasting today or tomorrow.

    Hello Ladies!

    Well, I’m halfway through my fast day today. So far so good. Just had to have a sliver (1/16th of a 9″ pie) of a frozen peanut butter banana nut crust pie I made yesterday. It was yummy- if anyone wants the recipe, let me know! That equaled half of my 500 calories. Yes, a stupid choice on a fast day, but sometimes you just gotta have what you gotta have! Making a nice Bolognese sauce in the crockpot for tonight…1/4 cup of that and 3/4 cup quinoa/rice pasta and that will be a day.

    Lori, sorry about the lack of sleep this week. Maybe my current state of sleep deprivation is talking, but I’m not as nice as you-I’d have had the coughing hubby on the couch long before that! πŸ˜‰ Hoping he gets the cough figured out at the doc tomorrow! Where are you off to in September?

    Yay Beldy! Good job on the run. I really wish my back allowed me to run. I used to and loved the freedom of it! Especially when you’re traveling and get up early to run just as the city is waking up- One of my favorite memories is of doing that in Italy. Are you going somewhere tropical for the holidays (the awaiting swimsuit!)? Thanks for reminding me of the Deliciously Ella website. I came across it a while back and liked it but forgot to sign up for her emails. And yes, I DO need to try meditation. It’s on my list. Unfortunately, I have what they call “monkey brain” and have a hard time focusing!

    Jayney, glad to see you back and being so successful in your eating/weight. Will be interesting to see what your naturopath says about that gut cleanse. At the risk of driving you crazy, how much psyllium again each day and what brand do you use? Did you lose right away with the olive oil/psyllium regime or did it take a while for your body to adjust and start to lose?

    DJ, you’re funny! You can be a lemming with me if you want. As I said, I’m going to try the olive oil/psyllium after our Labor Day in September for a week. Of course, as Jayney says, a week might not be enough, but I’m going to see what happens!

    Hi to Salma, Milena and everyone else! Let’s all have a successful week ahead!


    Hi Sherryann,

    You’re not driving me crazy. I’m in the States and know you are too, so you should be able to get this if you want it, and possibly our Canuk friends as well, but I’m not sure about the rest of the Commonwealth folks. At any rate, here is what I use:


    If you read the dosage on the label it says 1 Tablespoon (yes, US Tablespoon) per serving, so that’s what I use. I also add one stevia packet to sweeten it up a bit, and it actually tastes OK. When I was still trimming down I had three servings per day (one before each meal). Now that I’m on maintenance that’s been reduced to two (before breakfast and dinner). Just FYI, that equates to three jars a month while you’re trimming down (because you need more than two). I trimmed off 2.9 pounds my first week and averaged between 1-2 pounds a week most weeks until I got within about ten pounds of goal. That was when I started the 4:3 to coax my body into keeping up the good work–and it worked. I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if you have any more questions, though it might be a while before I can answer them.


    Thanks so much Jayney!


    BTW Jayney, I was just thinking that it’s weird that you have any intestinal issues given all the fiber and olive oil you take in? Again, interested in what your practitioner has to say about it.


    Hiya to all, near and far..

    Okay.. Monday morning = New Start
    I am determined to overcome lapses and weaknesses (of which there were many last week). My sister decided to cancel her trip, which on one level is sad and on another gives me a chance to get my WOL back in order.

    I did try last week to get in more than two fast days, but with no real success. Not only that, but I went way overboard on NFDs too. So, this week, I have decided to go back to the basics. I have re-set my target to : Lose 1 Kg in the next 17 days, get to 83 Kg before the start of my vacation on Aug 27th. That’s all.. 2 lbs. I was supposed to be down to 80 Kg, but that ain’t happening!!. and what’s more, I am not going to beat myself up about it. Also, I am going back to a straight 5:2..plain vanilla. No extra FDs, no windows, no olive oil. Back to the basics.

    They say you can’t hurry love.. well, you can hurry it a damn sight more than weight loss. I am leaning back and taking it easy(ier) and taking the long view on this. I think a big part of why I binged and went off road is because I put too much pressure on myself to loose. I AM a bit worried about visiting the nutritionist in a couple of weeks time, but what the heck..

    Anyway.. that’s me on Monday morning..let’s see what I sound like on Friday afternoon, eh?

    Have a great week everyone.

    with you this week, Salma. Still not properly back in the groove myself. FD day today, and Im ready for it, then off to my cat sit tomorrow, outting my chin down o do 5:2 and lots of work.

    Its been a very stressful couple of week, workwise, but its over. Feeling very tired, got none of my durecell bunny about me. Knee getting better so Ill ease back into walking – at least the walks will be new and the view over in Argyll is beautiful.

    New day, new leaf, and I’ve set myself a 2 lb target to the 20th, when Im back home. We can do this Salma, and if we can do this once, we can do this 20 times. And if we can do this twenty times, we’ll be near the finishing line.

    Have a great week Salma, and everyone else.

    Good Morning!

    Sounds like we’re all ready to give this week a good go! I actually saw a loss on the scale this morning, which never happens after a weekend! I’m down a pound since August 1st. Hmmm….only took me 10 days to lose a pound! :-O Oh well…at least it’s a pound down and not up! Hoping to get a couple more off this week.

    Love the back to basics approach Salma. I’m shooting for low cal days today & Thursday. I’m off work tomorrow for a golf tournament, so that means a lunch that is out of my control as it’s provided. I’m not sure if my low cal days will stay at 500, but certainly 800 or less.

    Happy to report that we actually had a great night’s sleep last night! No coughing fits or restlessness. What a relief!

    Off to boot camp in a few minutes. Make it a good day everyone!

    Hi all
    A bit of inspiration- it has been calculated that every 1lb you are overweight knocks 36 days off your life, so keep on with this WOL. According to Israeli doctors a new way to check your weight is to measure the circumference of your neck. If it is less than 34cm (13 and a half inches)you are not overweight!!
    Ginette and NE Mum I think Swimming is so helpful. I have always swam even at my heaviest and so has my friend. No-one takes any notice and if they do that’s their problem. janeyW well done on your weight loss. Lovely to hear about success.
    Salma and Milena good idea to get back to basics. That is what works I think.
    My son came overy yesterday and spent the whole day with me. That was such a treat I can tell you. Normally he comes with his wife which is lovely but it was nice to have him to myself for once. Of course I cooked for him but I tried not to have too much.
    I am fasting today and have just managed to get through the luch hour with just a cup of camomile. Yippee.
    Keep strong everyone.

    Hi All I am posting a 1.8 loss for last week, but it is tentative as it comes from my home scale which I don’t really trust – it keeps pinning at a certain weight for days and days on end. In the past few days it has gone back to fluctuating though, so for now I will happily take it. The truth will out when I weigh in at the gym next week (I forgot to do so today). If my scales are really correct, I am only .7 lbs away from goal. Doubt I will ever leave the forum though, I love the camaraderie here, but I am getting pretty excited about coming close to maintenance. I may not end up joining in the great olive oil experiment after all, but I am going to start using Janey’s recommended psyllium powder just to ensure that the plumbing stays in order :).

    Salma love both the re-frame and reset approach. You know that you will make it in the end, you have already made great progress. Remember it is the tortoise that won the race. Topsy, I really like that bit of inspiration. Off to calculate how many days I have given back to myself! Take care everyone and strength and resolve to all who are fasting today, that includes me.

    That pound I lost? It found me (minus 0.2 lbs). And today’s weigh in was after a fast day yesterday (granted I’d gone to dinner the prior night).The ‘ol one step forward two steps back. I know I have to remember that this is a way of life and be patient, but I’m having a hard time getting any strong momentum that will propel me forward to continue with this. I’m hoping things will change for the better once life normalizes a bit in a couple of weeks when the kids are in school. Just depressing…

    No worries Sherryann. I’m sure that slight gain is just a change in how much water you’re holding. I’ll bet in a day or 2, the gain will be gone along with more!

    Keep the faith everyone!

    Hi Sherry

    Haha! Ignoring the rules, I see. Slight upwards don’t count!!!!! You could weigh yourself 3 times in a day, eat nowt, visit the loo twice and put on a pound each weigh in.

    Im deeply suspicious God is a man!

    If he was a she, this wouldnt happen.

    Come to think of it, if he was a she, there would be no war, no famine, no cruelty to animals, and we wouldn’t get fat!

    Oh well, chins tucked in everyone, I think this week is going to be a bumpy ride.

    (Thinking now -all men would understand women, look like Brad Pitt, admit we are better drivers and treat us like goddesses – babies would be found under gooseberry bushes and breasts would stay pert!)

    welldone DJ,btw.

    Hey, Sherry, I’m with you. At least you had the nerve to step on the scale. After another aborted fast day, the scale and I stared at each other and I chickened out one more time. I am fasting today, however, and so far so good.

    Summer is just a much harder time to manage things. I think we will find it much easier come September. Still, let’s keep trying to see that magic 2 on the scale by the end of the month.


    Hello girls,

    So.. FD over.. I stuck to the fast (yaaay!!) and tomorrow a proper breakfast. I think I might have had slightly over the 500 calories, but no matter.

    MM, Sherry, Milena, DJ (well done, btw).. well done to us for sticking today out. Sherry.. you have to mind Milena’s rules.. they are all set out for us (Milena, would you be kind enough to re-post for the newbies among us?).. She is so right.. rule number something says.. you NEVER register the number on the scales if it is not less than the previous one. Good rules these.. make life a lot more palatable without less chocolate cake.

    Lori.. well done on the loss too.. and TT, thanks for the perspective. wonderful!

    Feeling very virtuous, but still won’t get not he scales tomorrow as I am sure last week will have caught up with me.. I will leave it till maybe Friday (after the 2nd FD).n Yeah Yeah.. I know I am chicken, but I side with MM on this one.

    Good night one and all.


    Salma, well I was too chicken to get on the scale, but I did finally get out the tape measure. Haven’t measured myself in years. Let’s just say it wasn’t a good experience. Every measurement was about 2″ more than I was expecting, the waist about 4″. Yikes! On the other hand, guess my clothes have been telling me that . . .

    Anyway it was a great motivator to keep up the fast today. I’m thinking about trying for 4:3 these next two weeks to sort of jump start things, but then thinking back on your earlier post and Milena’s and wondering if I shouldn’t just try to do plain old 5:2, and really stick with it. Given the track record of the last two weeks I think I’ll be happy to accomplish 5:2.

    My new short term goal is to be under 130 by my birthday in September and to have lost most of those extra inches by Christmas. Time to realize this is going to take awhile. Sigh.


    MM..Truly.. if you are asking my two cents’ worth.. Stick to 5:2 for now.. let’s be gentle with ourselves.. What’s two extra months to get to where we want to get, taking into consideration where we have come from. That would be my advice.


    Good morning, all. I made it through a successful fast day yesterday of about 400 calories. Am stretching it out this morning and not really hungry. Perhaps I will make today my second of the week and have them done.

    Salma, I think you are right. Slow and steady wins the race. At my weight and TDEE I figure it will take three fast days to drop a pound. Two pounds every three weeks seems woefully slow, but there you have it. It will still get me to my goal by Christmas.

    I envy those of you who are finding clothes that are too big in your closet. Mine is unhappily full of lovely clothes that are too small.

    Good luck to all fasters today.


    Hi there everyone,

    Salma and MM, also agree with the slow but steady, we certainly all have the same vision, but all get there at different times πŸ™‚ I’d be lost without all the kind words and advice I’ve read right here.

    I’ve had to re-group, and accept that I’ll probably be wearing a swimsuit that isn’t entirely the right fit on my hols πŸ™ and will have to walk backwards towards the pool, lol! I can blame the hormones and that I’m hypothyroid but the food I choose is down to me, can’t blame anything else..

    MM am also on 2nd of back 2 back today, and 3rd FD will be thurs, good so far, hoping for about a 1 Ib, I don’t tend to lose steadily but all of a sudden it goes, yippee!

    On a good note, have no more classes (my day job) until mid sept, but lots of marking and admin, so am more relaxed, and looking forward to hols.

    A big cheer to all of us fasting or not, this week, we can get there!

    Hi Gals,

    Thank you to all for your upbeat and funny (Milena, you crack me up!) comments with regard to my gain! Yes, Milena, I need the full rules! I’m at the end of a successful fast day today and with the crazy week I have ahead, am trying to figure when I can do the next one- hopefully before I take off for the weekend with my daughter.

    MM, I haven’t done the math you have but I’m probably right there with you on the 3 lbs a month course once it’s all figured out (will have to check it out).

    Great attitude Beldy, and you’re still looking better than you would have had you not started this program! Btw, I love a sarong/pareo around the waist that you just slip down as you slip into the pool if you’re self conscious ! ;).

    Yes, patience and kindness toward ourselves is the course we should steer towards as we continue along with this WOL. It’s funny how we can be generous in this regard with others but no so much toward ourselves sometimes!


    Good Morning!

    Whirlwind day yesterday with the golf tournament etc. We were lucky that we did not get rained on & everyone had a good time. I played pretty well, with just a couple “blow-ups”! I was, however, starving all evening after I got home and ended my day with a big bowl of cereal, which I never eat. Oh well. Back on the straight and narrow today.

    I must get out the tape measure again and see where I am with the waist measurement. I know I have a way to go to get to where I should be.

    Off to boot camp in a bit. Session #400!! We have a scanner that we check in on and a website that keeps track of our attendance. Otherwise I would have no idea how often I have been there.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Way to go Salma, MM, BB and Sherry! Good work. Sherry you are correct, we need to be as kind to ourselves as we are to others. I have been beating myself up all morning about my lost contest I had last night with a pile of perogies. Count was perogies: 1, Debbie: 0. The only saving grace was that I did a ton of exercise yesterday. I managed a 5K run and also tried out a Body Pump class which is a 1 hour barbell workout. The average calorie burn for this class is supposed to be around 600. All I know is that today there are muscles in my body protesting that I never knew existed!
    Today I will be trying out a stretching class, hope that helps.

    FD for me today, to make up for the perogie pigout. So far so good, but it is only 8:15 in the morning here :-). Have a great day all and strength to everyone fasting today/tomorrow.

    Good morning all. Lori, DJ, Jayney I’m impressed by all the exercise. I managed a few hours on my treadmill desk these last two days and an eight mile cycle last night. Sherry and Salma, thanks for the encouragement. After two back to back fast days I got up the courage to face the scale. 132.4, so I lost not quite half a pound. Sigh. This is excruciatingly slow, but I tell myself that at least it is going in the right direction, however slowly. And if I don’t make it below 130 by the end of August, at least I should by the end of September.

    No more fasts this week, as I have lunch out today, tomorrow, and then company on the weekend. But maybe next Monday the Tuesday I can whittle off another half pound.

    Pierogies are tough contenders, DJ. Don’t think I could face them off either.

    Good luck to all the fasters today.


    Hi all, I’m early fifties and put stone and half on but looking to start the 5:2 to see if I can lose the weight.

    Hi everyone
    I have been reading the posts here finding them very inspiring.
    Having read the book and tried the 5-2 last year along with weight watchers etc etc etc and feeling quite discouraged , I felt inspired to try. No not try but DO the 5-2 again! I feel ready and able! My plan is to incorporate the Fuhrman plan ( plant based)
    Like some of you here I don’t weigh. The numbers. Those numbers. I go by my looks and jeans! Since my big jeans are now tight I estimate a 20 lb loss is needed !
    But even 5 lbs I would be happy
    What does a stone equal. 14 lbs? Ok 2 stone even !
    ( I’m in the U.S. )
    Hey I just got the sleep app someone mentioned! Can’t wait to try. Sleep deprivation can add to weight gain.
    Well nice to be here ! You all seem so supportive!
    Your new friend Opal

    P. S. Today 8/12/15 is my #2 FD. FROM 2 pm to 2pm So far so good…

    P. S. Today 8/12/15 is my #2 FD. FROM 2 pm to 2pm So far so good
    Ooooops duplicate

    Hi everyone! Happy Mid-Week! Welcome new ladies, Trendy and Opal Shine! As you can see we are mostly the “slow and steady” group! We will all eventually get to our goals if we just keep plugging away!

    Well, thankfully I lost the weight I gained. I’m down to 132.0 even. Since I didn’t weigh the first week I started (chicken syndrome), I’m guessing I’m down 2-3 lbs. since starting this WOL at the end of July. If I continue on the 3 lbs. a month rate I will be where I want to be by the holidays and that sounds just fine to me! πŸ™‚

    MM, I will have a difficult weekend coming up (going to the Little Italy area of San Diego, so lots of pasta and gelato may be absent mindedly flying into my mouth ;O! ) but I’m still gunning with you to get below 130 by month’s end.

    DJ, I forgot to congratulate you on being almost at your goal weight! So happy for you! Do you mind divulging how much you lost and how long it took you?

    Like MM, I’m envious of all you who can do the tough workouts (I used to be and want to be there again if I get this back issue fixed!)! Great job!


    Oh, one more thing girls, I have a recipe for you that’s especially good for those FD’s since it’s only about 84 calories (depending on type of protein powder you use):

    Vanilla Java Swappuccino
    = 1 serving, 84 cal’s each

    3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    3 Tbsp. vanilla protein powder (I like Jay Robb brand)
    1 1/2 tsp. instant coffee granules
    1/8 tsp. vanilla extract (I used 1 tsp.)
    1 no calorie sweetener packet (I used stevia)
    1 1/4 cup crushed ice

    Place all ingredients in blender & blend at high speed until smooth, stopping and stirring as needed. The longer you blend, the frothier it will get.
    Enjoy! πŸ™‚

    Sigh……stopped for an ice cream treat on my way back to work after lunch. That has probably dashed all hopes for a loss this week, but oh well, it was delicious! πŸ˜‰

    I got recognition and a little gift certificate at boot camp this morning for completion of 400 sessions. They are very good at encouraging us! I’m looking forward to my day off of exercise tomorrow. I’ll be walking the golf course Saturday and Sunday, so need tomorrow to “recharge”.

    I’m sure I didn’t lose any pounds this week, but I seem smaller some how. One of the guys I work with just said to me “You’re wasting away to nothing!” I said “Hardly!” The boot camp trainer took a picture of me this morning for my 400th and put it on his Facebook page. When I looked at it, I thought how small my shoulders look! Although I wish they would have told me to suck my gut in more! LOL!

    Hope you’re all having a good week!

    Hi girls!

    I see Lori (congrats Lori on the 400 sessions and the smaller appearance!), but where is everyone else today? Hope you’re all doing well!

    Yippee! After a normal eating day yesterday, I lost almost half a pound and I’m down to 131.6. I’m trying to do my second fast day of the week today since I will be gone all weekend on my stay-cation.

    Tonight, we are going to our local amphitheater to see “Shrek, the Musical”. You know, when you have kids you get to see very “high brow” entertainment! ;)! I had the drink concoction I listed in the recipe above for breakfast and then will have a salad with chicken in it from Panera restaurant that I’ll be packing in to the show. I will try to concentrate on the entertainment and company and not the dessert! That is my plan at least!

    Have a good afternoon all the U.S. girls and good night to my friends across the pond. Btw, are most of you in England or do we have some Scots or Irish among us too?


    Hello ladies,

    Well done Lori on your 400th. Wow.. that is quite a number.
    I also went to the gym today (now going Tuesdays and Thursdays).. Every muscle hurt. I find it difficult going up and down stairs, but all in a good cause (I hope).

    Sherry.. that drink sound filling, but I prefer proper food personally. I feel deprived enough on Fast Days (of which today was one). I managed to get through the day with so much going on and just had a salad and a cappuccino (skinny). Can’t wait for tomorrow to eat some proper food. Going to bed now to quieten the tummy grumbles.

    Good night everyone.


    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry to be away so long, but summer is probably my busiest time recording-wise. Welcome new folks! I hope you find the inspiration here that I have. For your benefit, I still post here occasionally even now that I’m on maintenance.

    Sherry: Re: “BTW Jayney, I was just thinking that it’s weird that you have any intestinal issues given all the fiber and olive oil you take in? Again, interested in what your practitioner has to say about it.”
    I thought that was weird too. I still haven’t asked either the naturopath or nutritionist about the intestinal cleanser I bought (and won’t start taking until I get feedback). However, I’ll get to that soon. I had a refeed day what is now yesterday and really went overboard. I’m afraid to weigh today (when I wake up–I still haven’t been to bed yet–it’s wee hours of the morning here). At least I feel full though! That’s something I don’t experience very often. Have a great day one and all!


    Hello All Sherry, It has taken me almost 7 months to get close to goal. The ridiculous part is that it only took a little over 3 months to lose 22 lbs, but so far almost 4 months for the last 5 or so! In reflection, it really isn’t all that ridiculous – the first months I was very strict with myself and abided by FD’s completely and was usually eating about 200 – 300 calories below TDEE (I just wasn’t hungry) and cut out all bread, pasta, and other processed carbs. That was the secret I think. However, as the weight came down I started getting complacent and became pretty careless. This week has been really discouraging in that I have had one of my bouts of severe insomnia and sleep deprivation = increased food intake, especially carbs as my body is looking for energy from somewhere else. I am back to where I began late in July at 127.5 lbs.

    Oh well, to quote Salma and several others, time to regroup and re-frame. I tried some Melatonin last night and it seemed to have helped. I also received my shipment of zero noodles I had ordered so I am well set for a good FD today. I am also starting to track my calorie intake again.

    Welcome to our new comers, please don’t let this little moan of mine put you off. I have achieved a great deal, and fit back into almost all of my clothes, so slow and steady really does win the race.

    Congrats Lori on your 400th. That is a true accomplishment! How many times a week to you go to boot camp?

    Take care everyone and I’m stealing a line from someone in another thread… May the fast be with you πŸ™‚

    It’s Sunday here, and tomorrow will be my 3rd fast day. I feel a lot more motivated this time around and all of your postings are very inspiring.
    Do you really eat normally all the other days? Or do you try to cut back those days as well. I am just so hopeful that 2 fast days and 5 of normal eating will really work, but by all accounts it should work. Overall, the weekly calorie intake should be lower because of the 2 fast days, so logically it makes sense.

    Hi DJ, this is just a setback. I know you know that, but I’m with you. Please know that you will get this done and surpass your goal in time. I believe in you.

    Welcome Opal Shine, I’m not sure what you mean by eat normally the other five days. What I (and others on this forum) did when I was reducing was to use the TDEE for my GOAL weight. That way I didn’t have to keep adjusting it as I trimmed down. A lot of people don’t count calories. Personally, I’m 4’10”, so if I DON’T count calories I turn into a human balloon. That’s just me. I’ve made up meal cards I use with my physical planner (yes, I still use one of those). I just sat down and made up a bunch of them. Now I switch them out each day, so I don’t have to think about how many calories I’m having in a day. I just eat what it says on the card for each meal. Again, this is just my system. If any part or all of this works for you, please feel free to use it.


    Hi DJ. This is just a small set back.. it will all come together when you get back to being more careful. I got stuck for over 3 weeks, bit am now beginning to get down or shall I say inch down bit by bit. This is a process .. and sometimes it will be good, other times it will be difficult. Just reset your goal and time frame, grit your teeth and get back on track.

    I have a week holiday coming up which will be a real challenge. but we can always get back to the 5:2. That is the beauty of it.

    Opal, I eat normally on non FDs.. I don’t count calories or bother with counting anything. THAT is the reason I am on 5:2!! My weight loss is rather slow, but steady. Things are going in the right direction, even if ever so slowly. It took a long time to put on the weight.. I am not bothered if I don’t metamorphesize into a nymph overnight πŸ™‚


    Hi ladies,

    Just back from a weekend away with my oldest daughter. Of course I ate “way” too much to “weigh” this week- Oh well, it (life) happens! This week the kids start back in school so my life becomes more normal and I will get some much needed “me” time back so things should get easier on the eating/exercise front.

    DJ, great job, and you will bounce back from your little set back- you’ve come so far! I’m with you on the insomnia. Thinking I should look into bio-identical hormone replacement (heard it’s the lack of progesterone as we age that causes sleeplessness). Anyone tried that?

    I’ll be fasting with you on Monday Opal! So far I’ve been just eating mindfully on non-fast days; sometimes I really don’t have much of an appetite after a day of fasting. I do want to start following my TDEE though.

    Salma, happy to hear you are getting back on track!

    Milena, you have been suspiciously silent! Where are you?

    MM, you are my “let’s get under 130 this month partner”! How are you doing? I’m sure my successes last week were undone by this weekend’s risotto and gelato (not to mention the fondue restaurant where if you’re not dipping things in cheese sauce, you’re dipping them in dark chocolate-sigh-!). I’m hoping we can re-group and get it done this month! Are you with me? :). Isn’t your conference coming up soon?

    Have a good day tomorrow all, especially all of us “fasters”!


    Hello Sherry,

    Fear not.. all will be well within a couple of weeks.
    I am writing a quick note to say that I did try the bio identical progesterone for 4 years as I was getting very heavy bleeding. It did control the bleeding but caused me all manner of other issues, not least of which was weight gain which I have found very very very difficult to shift. I would approach this with caution. Also, a gynaecologist from the States warned me of the danger of using it long term as it is causative of breast cancer (apparently protective of uterine cancer). My doctor had told me that there is no evidence of that and that it was, in fact, protective. It just goes to show you that you have to do your own research and not trust doctors completely. I have now stopped it since about 8 months or so, and the weight is beginning to come off (of course with the help of 5:2). Before that, I was having a hellish time of reducing even with dieting and exercise.

    I know that each body reacts differently, but thought to share my own experience.
    I would go with Mr. Paul McKenna to help with sleep or even with hypnotherapy which sometimes works wonders.

    I hope this helps.

    Oh dear…too many posts! A tad overwhelming…

    I’m another mid-50 person…who never had a weight problem at all until I moved from Canada to Holland for my Dutch husband about the same time I went into peri-menopause. Too much stress on the body I guess and my hormonal levels went wonky.

    On top of that, I went on Sertraline three years ago for work burnout and I ballooned. So, in a dozen years, I’ve gained about 30 kgs. I’m 5’5″ and 93.8 kg and just want to break 60.

    I’ve always had “child-bearing hips” with a teeny waist, so not having one at all has just freaked me out. Fortunately, I still have low-normal blood pressure, lots of good cholesterol and normal blood sugar levels, so for me, it’s mostly vanity.

    And the fact that I need to get back into the work force again and have to compete with those cute young things! I need all the help I can get! πŸ™‚

    So greetings to everybody! Just had my first fast day breakfast…yum (not)…lol

    Busy weekend here on the boards! Hi to all our new posters & welcome.

    I’m disappointed on what I see on the scale this morning after what I thought was a pretty good weekend. Lots of activity and not much eating on Saturday. I walked 18 holes of golf and then we went to a minor league baseball game where I only had a 1/2 sandwich for dinner. By the time I went to bed Saturday night, I had 19,000 steps on the pedometer & over 8 miles! I didn’t sleep well Saturday night and was up early to go back to the golf course. I’m hoping the slight gain is just bloat from a few beers and the heat and humidity we’re having here. Whatever, it is what it is.

    I’m off for boot camp in a little while, and then back to the office to get another week started. Hope it’s a good one for everybody!

    Also want to report that I’m back to plain old vanilla 5:2. The eating window thing just left me too tired & grumpy! I think I’ll do better with just 2 500 calorie days and 5 “normal” days. If I don’t lose, I don’t lose. I really have diet fatigue right now.

    I will focus on a healthy lifestyle and do my best to work in 2 500 calorie days a week.

    Have a great day!

    Hi all and welcome Canucky Woman.

    Yes, Sherry, I’m still with you on getting under 130, though I’ve shifted the date to my birthday, which is September 7. I think I’ll need that extra week given how reluctant the weight is to come off. Fasted on Saturday and faced down the scale yesterday. Down .2 lb. Sigh. I keep telling myself at least the scale is moving in the right direction, however reluctantly. And, maybe one of these times there will be a bigger change. Anyway, no more scale till next Sunday.

    Fasting today again, so with you Sherry and Opal. Lori, remember that we are fasting for our health as well as to lose weight and that this is a long-term thing. So vanilla 5:2 for the long haul (or at least till we get to 6:1).

    DJ and Janey, your success helps me keep going. DJ, I wonder if it just isn’t harder to shift those pounds the closer we are to our ideal weight? I’m just five pounds above your 127 and the loss is excruciatingly slow. Your saying those five took you a couple of months helps me to know I can lose them if I hang in there. Then I only have another 4 or 5 to go.

    Greetings to Salma and Milena and everyone else.


    Hi Mm and everyone else!

    Ive fallen in love, with a gorgeous boy Im sitting for, truth be told, I think he has fallen for me, or at least he has fallen for my dressing gown.

    Beautiful and quite young mackerel tabby called Alfie, his pal Sid got chucked off the bed at 2am, I was hanging out of the edge with no duvet, so chucked them all out, Sid went missing and had me up all night waiting for him to come home. Forget how much of a handful cats can be.

    Weather gorgeous, at least for Scotland, so have taken a holiday, abandoned fasting and being so far off the wagon, it may be hard to find, much less get back on!!!! Suspect no holiday next month as son’s op is on the 4th, may not be able to abandon him as his right hand will be out of action. Interesting that a few bottles of wine and missing just a couple of fast days can be disasterous – 3lbs so far, but the rest has been wonderful. Strange, but actually looking forward to, even craving, a fast day!!

    Two more days, a couple of bottles of wine, and some of the best scallops and fish you can find! Then back to the grindstone.

    Of course the 3lb gain doesn’t count, only mentioning as it seems to go on REALLY quickly,will let you know the final damage, be interesting tosee how long it takes to come off though.

    Have a great week, everyone!!!!

    A successful fast day is coming to a close. I will be well under 800 calories, which is the most I’ll allow on a boot camp day. I’ll stick to the 500 calories when I haven’t had a hard workout.

    I’ll see how this plan works.

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