March for Me – monthly challenge

This topic contains 307 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  jaifaim 10 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Easter Sunday – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD 🐣🐰

    It’s a glorious, sunny day, so the town/beaches will be mobbed. We have rain on the way for tomorrow though, so most of them will be leaving because the schools reopen on Tuesday. The Easter Bunny arrived, but it’s a FD for me, so I’m avoiding chocolate. And churches, because I’m not the least bit religious. I’m going to work on my español & wash some windows. Looking forward to tomorrow’s lunch date with a friend from out of town.

    @penz – ‘Orb spiders are really quite beautiful’ 😳 I never thought I’d see the words ‘spider’ & ‘beautiful’ in the same sentence; but then they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I can’t bear any creature with more than 4 legs. Or no legs. I’ve seen a snake here & there – Boo Boo likes to play with them – but most of ours aren’t poisonous 🕷🐛 Thanks again for being our host this month 💐

    @songbirdme – congrats on finally having a move date! I don’t envy you the stress you’re undoubtedly experiencing, but I hope it goes as smoothly as possible & that you’re all settled again soon 🏡

    @stitchincarol – Judy’s survey is irrelevant. She’s just trying to save face. I’m all for fining rule breakers after a couple of warnings, but you can’t break rules that don’t exist. And you can’t create new rules without calling a General Meeting of the Body Corporate. It’s a mission. Then they have to be approved/stamped by the Community Schemes Ombud Service. By then I’ll probably need a new gate 😂 (I’m toying with red) So it’s water off a duck’s back. She told someone that my email – the nice, sarcasm-free version – ‘wasn’t very nice’?! So much for confidentiality 🤔

    Happy Easter S🌞nday & see you all next month.

    Pocket List – Day 31 🐣

    Day 31 NFD!!! ? Hahei, Coromandel, NZ

    Happy Easter Sunday!!
    I went for a farm walk y’day with Paisley the Scottie then we caught the wee ferry across to Whangamatā and went to the weekend market (bought a huge mussel fritter, blueberries, honey and an alpine plant) then dawdled past the shops and ended up buying an intense magenta top with a split neckline gathered onto a big ribbon which ties at the front like a lush Xmas present… A bit out of my comfort zone on the fru fru front 🎀but the colour is amazing and matches all my lipsticks which match me… I would fit happily into your purple interior @funshipfreddie!
    @stitchincarol I hope you are having a beautiful Easter service.
    @songbirdme What fabulous news for you on the house front! And you can crack the whip with @funshipfreddie to get us all downwards to maintenance!!!
    @jaifaim Well done you!!! Back to maintenance😘 Enjoy your foray into Europe to meet up with your family.
    @penz😬Brown snakes… Thanks so much for hosting March. It wasn’t my best month but like you say, I too am looking forward to the fresh start with Amazing April…
    @funshipfreddie She who controls the media controls the world… why don’t you write to the editor and ask for the policies for decorating and colour schemes to be published so you all understand what you’re commenting on…
    @lilymartin Great to hear from you! I don’t envy you hauling ewes out of mud baths. Wet wool is heavy enough without adding the rest of the sheep and mud into the equation…
    @northgeorgia This is going to be your turn-around-month…
    Last night I cooked a huge lamb roast with roast spuds accompanied by a warm roast veg and a herb vinaigrette… I’m trying to eat lightly today because we are having another roast tonight this time cooked by a friend who is chef and has worked at Government House cooking for the Governor General… I went for a swim in the sea today at a lovely wee beach called Lonely Beach. It took an hour climbing along and down the face of a hill through bush to get there… It’s so great to be out the big city!!

    I hope everyone is having a great Easter weekend!
    See you all in Amazing April!!!

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Just a quick pop in to let you know I’ve set up next months challenge- Amazing April , thanks to @penz for leading us this month and for doing such a great introduction I have shamelessly just copied and pasted 💐

    I’ve let things go a bit the last few days so not getting on the scales and I’m determined to turn things around next month

    Have a great Easter Sunday all , see ya in April 👋

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. Just a quick check-in before I put the finishing touches on Easter dinner. I am hoping to do a B2B FD Monday and Tuesday, especially since I have a biometrics appointment Tuesday afternoon. The problem is all the pollen is making my congestion come back, which is what made me sick on my FDs in February. Ugghh… Maybe all will be well!

    Day 1 of April

    I tried to post a “Happy Easter” yesterday as I walked home after services, but my phone wasn’t cooperating, and once I was in the door, I was busy. So, here are my good wishes a day late…and a dollar short??????

    Se you all in April, and thanks, @penz, for hosting!

    Posted in error.

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