Low Carb and the Fast DIet

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Low Carb and the Fast DIet

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phoebe1 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I started low carb about 2 years ago. For me, it’s the way to go for life – it feels right. However, I never really lost that much weight with it – too many nuts! Anyway, recently I combined it with the Fast Diet, and it’s been amazing. I’ve dropped 30 pounds and there seems to be no end in sight. The loss has been gradual and fairly steady. Best news is the fasting seems to get easier as time progresses. Thanks Dr. Mosely!

    Hi lighter, I’ve been low carb for about a month I don’t really miss the carbs as I don’t eat sweet things etc but I am struggling to lose weight. Can you give me any tips eg are your carbs still low on your fast days? I’m hoping it will help me lose weight and then on my normal days I can relax a little without counting macros and just live a low carb lifestyle.

    Hi Phoebe, yes low carb is a way of life for me now, so on the fast days it is the same. The problem with low carb is that, contrary to popular belief, calories DO matter at a certain point. For me, the problem is nuts – no carbs, but lots of calories. So essentially my fast days are nearly the same as my regular, except no nuts, peanut butter, or any other high fat foods except a little mayo with salads. Low carb has meant for me a huge increase in fresh fruits and vegetables and also increase in meat, but really not red meat. I used to eat tons of oats, pasta, bread – that’s all history. I feel much better because of it.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks lighter is really does. I’ve always believed on snacking on protein to keep me full and no shakes after. I’m looking forward to starting. Will do some more reading first 🙂
    Many thanks

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