Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Hi Fasttrackers

    We went to a fundraiser for Alzheimer’s/dementia respite care. They offered five points to delay onset or help prevent dementia.

    1. Eat healthy foods, example fish and vegetables. No sugar. Moderate alcohol.
    2. Physical exercise each day. Example wAlking briskly.
    3. Mental challenge. Something NEW, eg, new language or music etc.
    4. Social engagement
    5. Keep blood pressure under control.

    They stressed that these five points apply to all chronic diseases, diabetes etc.

    Have a good weekend. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Thanks for the list Bay. This wol seems to encompass these, doesn’t it?
    Have a good weekend. P

    Morning all.

    I read an article a few months ago that suggested that doing the crossword or puzzles such as Sudoku every day are an excellent method of mental challenge.

    Have a good day/evening everyone 🙂

    Good morning all,

    Just off for a walk before a three course lunch with wine tasting. Yes I will have some but just a mouthful.

    Weight down another half a pound.

    Weemam, my TDEE is 2500 but I ignore it as I put on if I exceed 1200. You are very active too, do you really have a TDEE of 1200 ?

    So long as you are feeling great that is fine but I don’t want you to lose muscle as well as fat. Just being a caring friend. You know you are my heroine.

    Great photo Weemam – so happy.

    Aussie Oma, left email on today for you, I will remove it tomorrow, love to hear from you.

    Can’t wait for York trip – hoorah

    Jojo Hubby and I eat very little (much less than calculated TDEE), we LOOK very skinny,scrawny, but have definitely not lost muscle as we can do really heavy work (we built a wall today) or can run fast without tiring. Dr M states this woe uses fat not muscle. I believe he is right. My current TDEE is about 1250-1300. Wee is shorter. She is probably on the right track. 🙂 P

    Good morning everyone from a cold wet and windy Scotland ..We have been indoors the last 2 days so we are off somewhere for a wee drive and some shopping .

    Jojo I would never think you were interfering ,I appreciate that you care pal . I think my TDEE is just over 1400 But like you I like to keep it under the 1400 . On the days I have my wee treat (usually an Ice cream ) it hits the 2000 other days I am a wee bit below .

    I eat well with meat and fish and eggs and lots of green veg etc .

    It is nice to be in touch with you all . I will say again thank you as this thread makes this WOL so much easier .

    Off now will see you all later .

    Wee xx

    I wonder how many of you can read this 🙂 xx

    “Auld Glesga”

    Where is the cludgie, that cosy wee cell ,
    The string frae the cistern, I remember it well ,
    Where I sat wi’ a candle and studied the mags ,
    A win fur the ‘Gers , a defeat fur the Jags .

    Where is the tramcar that once did a ton
    Doon the Great Western Rd on the auld Yoker run …
    The conductress aye knew how to deal wi’ the nyaff ,
    “If yer gaun, weal get oan, if yer no’, jist get aff “.

    I think o’ the days o’ my tenement hame ,
    We’ve got fancy hooses noo , but they’re no’ the same ..
    I’ll swap your gisunders , flyovers and jams ,
    For a tanner return on the old Partick trams ..

    Gone is the Glasgow that I used to know ,
    Big Wullie , wee Shooie , the steamie , the Co.,
    The stupid wee bauchle , the glaikit big dreep ,
    The baw’s up the slates , an’ yer gas at a peep .

    Where is the Glasgow where I used to stay ,
    With white Wally closes done up with white clay ,
    Where ye knew every neighbour from first floor to third
    And to keep your door shut was considered absurd .

    Where are the weans that once played in the street ,
    Wi’ a jorrie , a peerie , a gird wi’ a cleek ..
    Can they still cadge a hurl, or drap aff a dyke ,
    Play hunch-cuddy-hunch. Kick-the-can an’ the like …

    Where is the wee shop where a’ used tae buy
    A quarter o’ tatties, a tuppenny pie ,
    A bag o’ broke biscuits , a wee sodie scone ,
    And the wummin aye asked “How’s yer maw gettin’ on ?”

    Where’s the tally’s that I knew so well ,
    The wee corner shoppie where they used to sell
    Hot pies, a McCallum, an’ chips in a poke ,
    Ye Kent they were tally’s the minute they spoke .

    On a cauld winter’s night when we sat roon the fire ,
    Each telt a story , not one was a liar ….
    Then in the morning, no lang efter dawn .
    Ye got handed a parcel and sent tae the pawn ..

    Those days were so rosy, but money was tight ,
    The wages hauf feenished by Seterday night .
    But still we came through it and weathered the ruts ,
    The reason is simple – our parents had guts .

    Fabulous Weemam!
    My great grandma came from just out of Auld Glegsa. I doubt I would have been able to understand much she said 🙂
    Thanks for that. P

    Hi Jojo, I saw your post re keeping email on, just not sure how I find it for you? How do I find your profile? Can you tell that I’m not so savvy on this 😀 … if someone can point me in the right direction I’d love to share with you all. Mwah, and thanks in advance … btw I’m just back in tonight and about to hit the sack but will be online very early in the morning before work.

    I’m from Indiana Weemam so that made sense to me! Loved it.

    Here are some affirmations

    My body is getting stronger, slimmer and healthier every day.
    I love the foods that make me thin.
    I can feel myself getting thinner and thinner every day.
    I look and feel lighter with each passing day.
    I am enjoying the process of becoming  healthy and thin.
    I feel empowered, alive and healthy.
    I feel thinner and thinner everyday as my clothes become looser and looser on my body.
    Every day I get closer to my ideal weight.
    Maintaining my ideal weight is doable
    I enjoy living a healthy and active life.
    I love who I am and who I will be.


    1. The mind cannot differentiate between what’s real or not
    Believe it or not, our brains don’t work with the concept of reality. That is exactly why you can feel upset by just thinking about something. It doesn’t matter whether it actually happened or not. This is why you cry at movies. And why today you still feel stupid just because your kindergarten teacher said that 30 years ago.
    So, when practicing self affirmations you are continually verbalizing & visualizing what you desire. When done with intensity and repetition, your mind will treat it as reality. You would have developed a new belief.
    When that happens, your potential will increase by many folds. Your mind will find a way to make it happen. To make what it perceives as real become a reality.

    AO, just click on Jojo’s name at the side of one of her posts and it will take you to her profile.

    Dear Fast trackers and JoJo

    Excellent summary Bayleaf, I will display that near the fridge.
    Thanks Samm as ever for your advice and Amazon too for reminding us to exercise our minds. I remember MM suggested that we do a mind test before starting the FD and then try it after a while again;
    I remind myself that this FD is partly for the regeneration of cells and hopefully of the brain cells too.

    I am intrigued by your TDEE of 2500, JoJo. Is this because you are doing a lot of sport?
    I really like exercising on FD as this means a 0 net intake of calories that day.

    After a plateau I am losing again and trying to match Samm for thanksgiving. Maybe that is possible in 6 weeks. Still 6kgs to go.
    I have lost 10 cm off my waist since I started the FD and my body fat is now at 40%, down from 50%. I used the US army calculation. So progress.
    Lovely autumn weather in the south of France. We have been collecting chestnuts to roast on the fire this evening. It is an eating day today fortunately.
    I have been wondering about the muscle/fat loss and PVE opportunely said that it is fat we lose. I am digging the garden as well as walking a lot and my muscles feel stronger. You are right, MM made the point more than once about fat not muscle loss.
    Good fasting for all the Monday fasters.
    xx KiwiWiwi


    How lucky you are to live near Kew Gardens. That is one of my most favourite places in the world.
    My travels are often to see Botanic gardens, but Kew is more than that- it’s a living museum!


    Well I am not too concerned about demensia then because my life includes all the preventative criteria. Thanks for that, good to know.

    Weemam, I admit I don’t understand much or your poem but then as we both know I am a bit short of Kelts in my family.

    Good luck with finding my profile, you won’t find one for everyone, I only just set mine up for our York plans.

    I have just been for my wine tasting lunch, wines from Languedoc( May be mis spelt, sorry) area of France. The food was good too. Ran into some old friends who all though I looked great, so feeling very happy.

    Met a young gay couple today who are hoping to adopt, bless them. After one conversation I realised that they will have a very steep learning curve in child rearing. Neither had any first hand experience. But they are a young and a devoted couple so I am sure they will cope. They both have parents to ring up for advice, just as well. They want a little boy 3 + but they were not really prepared to take a child with additional needs. I explained that a child separated from their parent will almost certainly have additional needs both emotionally and socially. I hope they get lots of counselling first, they are going to need it.

    My daughter is finally taking some time off today, first break this term. Thank goodness, and half term nearly here.

    I need to start preparing for my next trip, I hate packing.

    How is everyone doing?

    tangatawiwi, it was bay who mentioned exercising our minds, I just added a comment 🙂

    Yes I am very lucky to live near Kew, and I’m aware that it is the one as far as botanical gardens are concerned.
    I visited Kirstenbosch in Cape Town last year, and was lucky enough to be there when the King Proteas were in bloom. I’ve also been to the excellent botanical gardens in Kandy, Sri Lanka. They have an incredible orchid collection.
    Earlier this year I visited Mount Lofty botanical gardens just outside Adelaide.

    Jojo, glad you enjoyed your lunch. It is great to receive compliments isn’t it? I find it helps my motivation to continue. Someone said I looked skinny yesterday. A bit of an exaggeration but it was meant well 😆

    I’ve done nothing of any consequence today apart from watch a tennis final. I’ve no idea where the day has gone.

    Remind me where you are going next?

    I don’t mind packing. I go on a lot of tours so I’ve perfected the art of putting everything in the same place in the bag every time, so I can find things quickly without emptying it, and I’m good at not taking too much.
    Which reminds me that I’ve not made a list yet, probably because I have no idea what will fit in 4 weeks time.

    Hello all

    What an exhausting couple of days! We had OH’s 6 year old godson to stay over last night. He is the most adorable sunny-natured child and loves staying with us, but he has so much energy! We had a very unsuccessful attempt at flying a kite, then collected a basket full of conkers, before helping me make a huge batch of green tomato chutney. That was in between watching endless runs of Despicable Me and playing Candycrush and Farm Hero games on my iPad. Thank goodness it’s not a fast day today, as I desperately need wine!

    Bay and Amazon – thanks very much for the interesting info about preventing dementia and keeping the brain active. I think I am fulfilling the criteria and love crosswords, but have never got to grips with Sudoku. I’m useless with numbers, but must have another try. However, considering some of the daft things I find myself doing, I wonder if it is a tad too late

    Weemam – I love the poem – I can understand most of it if I read it with a Scottish accent!

    Samm – thanks for the suggested affirmations and explanation of visualisation. I has worked for many famous athletes and sports competitors as well as us ‘ ordinary’ people. I think I have already mentioned the book ‘Creative Vizualisation’ which I’ve had for about 20 years and can thoroughly recommend.

    Glad you had a good lunch Jojo and hope you tasted lots of wine!

    Have a good evening/morning all. Fasting tomorrow which will hopefully undo any damage done today.

    Smiffy x

    Smiffy, you deserve a glass of wine after such a full on day. I drink so much less now that I really savour every mouthful, something I may not have always done before……
    I’m having roast pork for dinner this evening and am thinking about what to do with the leftovers.
    I am also enjoying a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, and very nice it is too!

    I play card games and Mah Jong on my laptop, but don’t do anything in the way of puzzles. I am an avid reader, which IMO is more stimulating than sitting in front of the TV all day, which many folk end up doing when they become less mobile.

    I’ve just remembered that when I was in Perth we used to sit down together on the terrace and do crosswords. My friend used to collect them from newspapers and she had a huge folder full of them. If we got stuck we would pass it on to the next person. I really enjoyed it and thought I should continue when I got home, and of course I haven’t bothered.

    I would like to learn a new skill or a language but I’m not sure what I want to do.
    I know, how about sugarcraft 😆 😆 😆

    Amazon, we’re having pork too! OH is cooking, bless him. I made the apple sauce but I fear it’s my only contribution unless you count the fact that I grew most of the veg! It won’t be ready for a hour but it’s smelling wonderful!

    You’re absolutely right about wine tasting so much better when you drink less often. We were G&T and a bottle of wine a night people – sometimes two! I was SO relieved to find when I started 5.2 that I could actually go without! I now rarely drink except at weekends. Tonight we’re having a nice Rioja, and I am really looking forward to it.

    Like you, I am an avid reader, mainly on my Kindle, and I agree it is one of the best ways to keep the brain alive.

    You won’t want to hear this, though could be ok on a non- fast day, but one of my favourite ways of using up left over pork is to whizz it up with any left over apple sauce, a couple of spoons of stuffing mix and putting the mixture on circles of ready rolled puff pastry cut around a saucer, and made into pasties. Easy and absolutely scrummy!

    Enjoy your dinner x

    Pork and apple pasties sound fab!
    I’ll probably have something else tomorrow and save the pork until Tuesday. I’m doing ADF so careful planning is necessary.
    My shopping bills are so much lower it is frightening.
    When I worked I used to do the weekly shop on the way home on a Friday evening and my dinner was invariably a Waitrose pizza and a bottle of red. I would drink a bottle of wine on a Saturday, and on a Sunday a G&T or a cocktail or two, followed by more wine. I average a bottle a week now and I find that often I’m using it up in a sauce before it goes off!
    I must go as I need to adjust this halo, it’s strangling me!

    Haha – love it Amazon! I think we’ve all got Brasso on our shopping lists these days!

    It’s the only thing that is too tight 😆

    Hi Amazon, I tried that but get a little info about Jojo and the topics she has started but no email addy. Are you able to get mine and send me Jojo’s email addy and I’ll contact Jojo that way? Not sure why this is, maybe my browser is “old” or something.

    Tangatawiwi (what a great username) Jennifer Ehle is a wonderful actress – she can convey so much while apparently doing absolutely nothing. We used to sing that song very loudly and often – especially on bus trips!
    Wee mam that’s a great poem. My family come from Ayrshire and the Western Isles originally and my dad who is 80 uses a lot of old scots words and phrases. I often had to interpret for my kids’ what is papa saying? ‘ they would ask. I love to hear it and enjoy encouraging his memory these days.
    Can I ask everyone’s opinion re fruit. I am eating less than my normal amount on this woe and just a wee bit concerned re not getting enough vit c etc. My veg intake is up does that compensate? Berries seem relatively low in cals

    AO, I think everyone has removed their email address now. If you add yours to your profile information, I’ll email you with the link to all the addresses.

    Yes Tartanlass (I love YOUR handle..evokes the Highlands for me), vegetables are a better source of vit c as they contain less sugar (fructose). Fruit can give you sugar spikes, especially tropical fruit. Berries, apples and pears are a good idea, but non starchy veg are more important as your primary food source. P

    Amazon mine’s there not sure how people hide them so not sure if mines public or not. If it’s not then I’ll put in here then later, if I can edit the post or delete it somehow.

    “The reason this can work in the short term is that it imposes rules. If you go from undisciplined eating, to any diet no matter what the rules are, chances are you’ll lose some weight. But it’s not a realistic way to live.”

    When I was watching the DR Mosley video EFLL . The suggestion to do what is doable struck me well.
    It is doable to find semi fasting day foods that I enjoy enough to keep eating that way the rest of my days.
    Finding differences in 7 day menus that between 1,000 and 1,500 calorie restriction days 3 times a week is how I plan to Keep on Keepin off.
    These are some I’ve experimented with at the 250-300 calorie mark.

    Catfish chili.
    Dark chocolate oat bran w/ cherries and walnuts
    Red bean garlic hummus stuffed peppers
    Salmon, carrots skins and asparagus
    Okra,tomato,olives and cheese
    Sauerkraut ,sweet potato dark chicken
    Egg,cheese,Serrano peppers
    Broccoli , tuna casserole.
    Dark Chocolate coffee protein shake
    Veggie-Turmeric Quinoa
    Whole food taco wrap
    Strawberries & berries with yogurt.
    Hot chicken legs
    Pumpkin seed salsa
    Turnip chili with beans
    Onion broccoli soup.
    Baked kale and 1/2 jar low sugar spaghetti sauce.

    These are simply just my proven 250-300 calorie portions that I’ve eaten on 4:3 on weeks where I lost weight. As you may see I like variety , so it’s nice to have them in the freezer ready to reheat and eat in two minutes. Keeps me out of the kitchen on fast days .

    AO, you need to enter your email address immediately after the bit about working full time as that is the only section that is public.

    Amazon, done!

    PVE thank you for your quick response. Your name gives me total confidence in your advice lol

    AO, I’ve sent an email and copied you in so you can remove the info from your profile as soon as you receive it.

    Thanks Amazon, done 🙂

    Isn’t the internet a wonderful thing 🙂

    Take em or leave em.

    Acidity: Grapefruit, Coconut, Groundnut, Honey, Jaggery, Yogurt (Curd)
    Arthritis: Apple, Banana, Mango, Cucumber, Garlic
    Asthma: Garlic
    Healing foods for Cancer: Carrot, Garlic, Lime, Lemon
    Cholera: Bitter Gourd (Karela), Coconut water, Cucumber, Onions
    Cold and Cough: Garlic, Ginger, Lime, Lemon
    Constipation: Almonds, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lime, Lettuce, Banana, Beet Root (Chukandar), Corn, Cucumber, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Soyabeans, Spinach, Whole wheet (bread, pudding)
    Healing foods for Diabetes: Bengal Gram, Bitter Gourd (Karela), Fenugreek (Methi seeds), Grapefruit, Indian goosberry (Amla), Groundnuts, Jambu Fruit (Jamun), Kidneybeans (Rajmah), Lime, Lettuce, Mango leaves, Soyabeans
    Diarrhea, Dysentry: Banana, Carrot, Garlic, Groundnuts, Indian goosberry (Amla), Jambul Fruit (Rose apple, Jamun), Mango seeds, Pomegranate (Anar)
    Heart Disease: Cabbage, Carrot, Honey, Apple, Asparagus (Soot Mooli) Garlic, Onions, Oranges, Grapes, Grapefruit, Indian goosberry (Amla), Lime, Lemon, Raisins
    High Blood Pressure: Apple, Banana, Garlic, Lime, lemon, oats, Onions, psyllium husk (Isabgole)
    Foods good for High Cholesterol: Apple, Curry patta, Garlic, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, Oats, Psyllium husk, Raisins, Soya Beans, Sunflower seeds
    High Blood Sugar: Bitter melon (Karela), Fenugreek)
    Immune system : Watermelon is packed with glutathione, which helps boost immune system. It is also a source of vitamin C, potassium and lycopene – the cancer fighting oxidant.
    Inflammation : Cherries, garlic, Turmeric.
    Impotency: Almonds, Black gram (Urad Dal)
    Intestinal Worms: Carrot, Freshly ground Coconut Papya, Tomatoes, Pomegranate(Anar)
    Jaundice: Radish, Sugarcane
    Healing of Kidney Stones: Apple, Tomato(?)
    Peptic Ulcer: Lime
    Piles or hemorrhoids: The healing foods for piles or hemorrhoids are : Beet Root (Chukandar), Bitter Gourd (Karela), Figs, Jambul Fruit (Rose apple, Jamun), Onions, Radish, Lime,Pigeon Pea (Red Gram, Arhar Dal)
    The healing foods for Acne or Pimples: Cucumber Juice (apply on face), Lime, Lemon
    Teeth remedies, Gum remedies: Lime, Fresh Groundnut, Apple, Onions, Pomegranate (Anar) rind powder, Spinach
    Whooping Cough: Garlic, Onion

    Another warm day here today it’s meant to get to around 32 but it’s a little overcast so if it’s a dry heat then it’s okay but humidity can make it seem even warmer. Just hope we don’t get any idiots like last Friday evening where they decided to burn off and had to have the fire brigade out (in the next street to us I might add!!!) I could see the smoke as I was driving home (all of 6 minutes or 6km) and at one angle it looked like our house but as I got closer it looked like our neighbours across the road, but no it was their back neighbours – bloody idiots!!

    Have to run as now I’m needing to get ready to get to work (early start this morning) and need to be there within 30 mins 🙂 and still need to have shower etc 🙂 sorry if TMI 😀

    I have got myself into a right Fankle as they say here lol .

    had a long day and had to give up going back all the Emails/pictures to put Names to 5.2 names .

    So Take pity and when you all find time would you send an e-mail with a picture PLUS your 5.2 names and I will be able to do it easier .

    I am usually great with the laptop but just too much going on in my head lol .

    My Mum ,Dad , 2 Grans and 4 aunts have all had Alzheimer’s so I like to keep my mind occupied but I do TOO much sometimes . Think I am still a young thing lol :)..

    Fruit ?? I usually have strawberries but I eat lots of vegetables .

    I write poems and Ross made me a website for them years ago but it hasn’t been updated for some time . you might like this one I wrote for a favourite Aunt years before Mum and Dad were Diagnosed xx


    Please stop and think
    Because as we get old
    We don’t always remember
    The things we are told
    We remember the stories
    Of times that have passed
    And especially the good things
    As we want them to last
    But something you said at the start of the day
    Oh! What was that?
    What did you say?
    You really don’t want me
    To store every thought
    There must be some things
    Even you have forgot
    Where did I come from?
    Where did I go?
    I’m getting upset
    As my brain it’s too slow
    I was a Mum with two kids on the go
    I’m here in this home now
    Don’t know who I am
    Don’t know if my name is
    Mary or Nan
    But please do remember
    And please always care
    As the person I was
    Is still in here somewhere

    Wee xx

    Thanks Wee
    You’ve got me crying for my poor little mum who left us 3 years ago. She gradually faded away from us over the last 10 years of her life, but, as you say so beautifully in your poem, the young smiling woman was still inside the tiny, frail body with the blank face. She still responded to music and little children right to the end. So important to recognize that we humans always need social contact even when we appear incapable of reciprocating.
    Thanks Wee, P x

    Weemam – I joined PVE in a tear for my own mother who left us bit by bit over several years because of Alzheimer’s and died two years ago. It was particularly sad when she smiled at me one day and asked, “Do I know you?”

    I’ve had a long and intensive day of karate today and returned home wiped out. I had to have a snooze on the settee! However, I did find 2lb gone from the scale this morning after fasting yesterday so maybe that had an effect. I keep flirting with the maintenance thread but then life gets in the way! 🙂


    Wee mam that’s a lovely poem. It really touched me too. My dear mother in law faded out of our lives due to Alzheimer’s. She was a wonderful mother of 5 who could make a meal out of nothing, I don’t remember ever seeing her hands idle. Her 3 strapping sons eyes fill every time they speak about her. The blessing of her illness was that for the most part she was content and comfortable but it was hard for the family who missed her so much even before she was ‘gone’ .

    On Wee what a lovely poem and so true. Do let us have your website address so that we can see more. X

    Lizzy maintenance is whatever you want it to be 🙂
    Pop in any time..give us your thoughts. Everyone is embraced in this wol. 🙂 P

    Aww thank you so much all of you
    . Mam passed away 5 years ago now She was my best friend but she wanted to go . She hadn’t been able to speak much for some time and I stayed with her in the care home for over a week as she feared passing away on her own . She found the strength one day and spoke to me as I a now speaking to you .She asked if it were Ok if she could go . I sat in the bed beside her and cuddled her . Would you believer there was a pipe band arranged that day to play outside the home . The manager apologised to me but I told him mum loved the pipes . I could not believe it when they played her 2 favourite hymns . What a send off she got . This is the link but the site hasn’t been touched for over 10 years now .


    O, Weemam, thank you very much. I teared up. Before he died, my Dad left us over a period of 10 years with Alzheimer’s.

    Amazon, thanks for your suggestion. 🙂 Another recipe for my basic meat sauce. I’m making pasties today, based on my usual basic meat sauce.

    Basic meat sauce cooked and frozen. It consists of ground beef, grated carrot, celery, onion, and using Passata instead of water to simmer in. Salt, pepper to flavour. No oil needed. Just brown the meat in the heavy based pan, and add other ingredients. Simmer at least 45 minutes.

    By adding herbs and spices later, I can then use the basic meat sauce for Mexican, for chili beef, for Italian dishes.

    Thanks, SAMM, for your suggestions.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hehe Amazon. I too have a PhD in the sweet stuff. 😆

    Hermaj, is there a CD package for learning Spanish that you could recommend? I would then play the CD as I ferry my grandchildren to their Mandarin lessons. And on other trips.

    Thanks, Bay 🙂

    Bay, Duolingo is great fun for learning European languages on your phone…not for listening to in the car, though as they are interactive. Free download.
    Language cds are available in the post office shops and JB Hifi . P 🙂

    Love your poetry, Weemam!

    Anyone looking into the dementia and alzhiemers prevention may indulge, by googling
    Dr David perlmutter
    There is both simple explanation and scientific explanations, and trials to his credit. Even a line of foods.
    I’m not recommending his work just that I understand his recommendations of why not to eat wheat. And why I should either exercise and/or eat foods for DHA.

    Further it’s my understanding way out on the edge of alzhiemers Research that it may be considered diabetes type iv I the distant future , based on the damage occurring from blood sugar fluctuations during bouts with inflammation. It’s so far over my head I can’t even guess or point credibly. However, I personally and cutting out wheat, eating foods with DHA. And exercising in the hopes that I can avoid the 50/50 chance of dementia or alzhiemers when I turn 85 in 40 years. Thing is I openly admit to being ADHD. I’ve been on many Meds over the years, but when I went wheat free. My worst effects of having a ADHD mind haven’t been as obvious to others or myself. Even my mother had asked which med I was taking? Because of conversations had changed with less changes of subject. I had to grin.
    The point is the same area of ADHD , and dementia. Occur with memory issues both incur less inflammation when gluten free. So there the different angle. Rather than increase blood flow or neurotransmitters . Lessen the inflammation sensitivity . I’m not shouting from the roof tops. I’m not cured, but I and the people who have known my whole life notice the difference.

    Omega3 DHA Best from animal source like fish.
    Exercise has the same effect on hippocampus. So there are two ways to lower risk of early onset.

    I wish I could hug y’all . Thinking of you this day.

    Good morning fast-trackers.

    Weemam, sitting here at work with tears in my eyes after reading your poem. Fortunately my desk faces away from the door. My dear uncle faded away only shortly before his death at 96 but still very sad. He was my mother’s brother and the last of that generation.

    Thanks Bay for the list – do most of them except new language (must work on that) and overweight of course but working on that too 😉

    SAMM, thanks for more inspiring reading.

    Lizzy, thanks for the emails. Great work!

    Fasting as usual today and tomorrow following more disciplined non-FDs this past week.

    Keep up the good work all.

    Good morning all,
    Unfortunately I have been ill all afternoon and evening, my stomach is still gurgling. Guess something I ate or drunk at lunch did not agree with me. Still feel ghastly which is why I am still awake. I may be fasting tomorrow, not sure at the moment as I haven’t eaten since lunchtime.

    My mother has Alzheimer’s for over 10 years, she died aged 90 over 11 years ago. She always recognised me right up to the end but always remembered me slimmer and younger. Every time I visited she would say ‘you have put on so much weight, you need to diet’ wish I had been able to do it while she was alive. I miss her still, the perfect mum.

    My TDEE is so high because of my current weight and very high.level of exercise but I find it is totally irrelevant. I can’t imagine dropping to 300 cals on a fast day but I guess anything is possible now.
    Be good everyone.

    Sorry to hear you are unwell and up in the middle of the night. I hope it improves.

    Lizzie.. .did you hear from me? P

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