Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,001 through 3,050 (of 16,657 total)

  • Congratulations from me too Jojo. A great thread indeed P πŸ™‚

    Congratulations, Jojo. I look forward to reading the thread each day. Glorious sunshine here. Bay πŸ™‚

    Tartan lass and white russians
    would could possibly go wrong here πŸ˜‰
    herm yes he is a cool cool cat for sure
    done a wide range of film as you suggest
    success is getting what you want
    happiness is wanting what you get..

    Hi JoJo
    I am sending you an email.
    Then we can keep in touch over Wellington flat.

    Oh dear me- George Clooney already gobbled up. However Colin Firth still available. I will be played at the spring meeting by Jennifer Ehle and then I can see my Darcy at Pemberley.

    Tartan Lass
    In NZ in the south there are a lot of Scots and the people say birdie with the R Γ  l’Γ©cossaise. I spent a year working in Ullapool and Inverness and I found the English just beautiful. But Glaswegian is difficult to understand.
    We used to sing a song to our children:
    O ye canny shove ye granny off a bus
    Cos she’s your mammy’s mammy……
    I am partly Scottish like a lot of NZers- Fort William, Kinloch Rannoch, Ayreshire.
    Off to walk onto the highest summit around here.It’s at 1758 metres and we will see the whole line of the Alps today including Mt Blanc.
    It’s a FD for me. Have a good day , fast trackers.

    ‘Morning all, after a wild and blustery night! I had to do a quick post as I’ve just jumped on the scales and am a pound down. My lean day yesterday has paid off – very happy.

    Jojo the green jeans sound great and will definitely go with the red scarf – very festive! You MUST be wearing them by the end of November!

    3000 is fantastic – what a fun and helpful thread this is.

    Smiffy x

    PS Jojo – I tried to email but there is a problem with delivery. Has anyone else had trouble with this?

    Woah! Go Smiffy. Don’t stand sideways or you won’t be seen πŸ˜‰
    Jojo your green pants WILL fit in November πŸ™‚
    Went for a lovely drive north through the vinyards to check out a sculpture exhibition and grab a romantic lunch today. Ain’t life grand when the kids have flown?!!! P

    Thanks PVE – your day sounds lovely. We have a commercial vineyard quite near, with a very good restaurant. On OH’s birthday in March 18 months ago we were having a very unusually warm spell and had a meal outside on the terrace overlooking the vines. It was one of those memorable occasions – we could have easily been in France. Sadly British weather doesn’t allow for that sort of thing very often, but I can’t complain at the wonderful summer we have had this year. x

    Morning all.
    Another mild and bright morning.
    The scales are still stuck. I promised myself I would keep away from them but they call out “step on me” every time I go into the bedroom πŸ˜†
    FD today and I’m not in the mood but will be fine once I’ve done some exercise.

    RT has to be played by Jeff Bridges πŸ™‚

    Happy Saturday everyone.

    I agree , that exercise is better or have better consequences before eating. And putting that on my agenda to of things to research.

    My current understanding. Is that if you want to make any difference in metabolism through exercise . You must use the exercise as a way to raise body temperature . While this will mainly only equate to the calorie counting total. There’s been many articles I’ve read over the years that point to eating within two hours of exercise either before or after as the excess heat helps the metabolism thermically with stomach contents.
    What I’m hoping to find when go into researching this angle is how exercise effects uptake of foods.
    My guess is that the is a minor issue with eating then exercising. Where as I’m reading no issues with exercising then eating!

    My personal experience is that exercise increases appetite , as well as triggers hunger pangs.
    Was a work of keeping notes on how I could exercise on fast days and become stark ravenous.
    I learned to not do the intense cardio on fast days. Unless it was just before eating .
    So since in typically eat everyday at noon. If I wanted to jumprope I would do it at 11:40 for ten minutes , then the hunger pangs would bring Mr Hyde’s appetite . But I could then eat my 300 calories. I typically would eat a can of beans and be good for 3-4 hours. My target was to exercise enough on fast day to equal my intake. I did lose weight on those weeks. Even on plateau.
    But discovered from some of my nutrition classmates , that there could be health risks when ingesting certain carbs like soy, then exercising. Sorry I didn’t go find out what they were about. I just gave up soy completey , until further notice, but found enough. Low glycemic index foods not to NEED soy. I’m not avoiding soy, just don’t have a craving for it. Ever, especially since a Facebook cancer survived , told me about soy , or more to point processed soy , be processed with carcinogens. Further that exercising the soy in the body cause issues. I was dumbstruck. Rather than learn all about , right then and there simply decided to exercise. Prior. To eating. When possible . As time kept on found exercising had fewer obstacles if I just exercised on feed days.
    As I sometimes watch the documentary of micheal mosely the truth about exercise . I started peicing together a notion to make damn sure I exercise on feed days two hours before dinner and two hours after dinners. 3-4 days a week . Not what was recommended, just that with diabetes. I’m controlling my sugars much more efficiently by having cardio in between. Lunch and dinner. It hard for my to argue against mine own journal entries.
    Then I switched schedules and that daily routine was out the window. Bla bla bla πŸ™
    Now I walk so much I dont feel the need to do cardio. Just the HIIT and compound weight lifting.
    So for now I believe there is no issue with exercise then eating. So that’s what I do. But will be wanting to delve into a better understanding, because I’m coming across bits of information about nutrition uptake in low calorie diets. With is right up the 5:2 alley. How, what, or why certain foods combinations synergies . While other food combinations negate . Put the othe piece of the puzzle that some food and exercise routines may be similar in that the order may synergies or negate benefits. Rather find out . I simply just practice it.

    More of the same.

    Hi everyone,

    Well done all of us on hitting the 3000 mark. Of course, jojo deserves the lion’s share of the credit for setting up the thread in the first place and for managing to attract such a great bunch of people.

    My main reason for posting is to tell everyone who enjoys all things Welsh, especially the work of Dylan Thomas, that BBC Radio 4 is broadcasting Under Milk Wood this afternoon at 2.30 today. They have managed to insert the recording of Richard Burton as First Voice. If you are out and about this afternoon, you can catch it on i-Player. We’ll be listening on the car radio as we drive down to the Forest of Dean for the weekend.

    Hi SAMM.

    I find it much easier to exercise on an empty stomach and so I work out first thing in the morning if possible. It doesn’t make me any hungrier. I’ve read numerous posts on this forum about people feeling weak on fast days, and that has never happened to me either, and I don’t have problems exercising the morning after a fast either.
    It seems that there are so many different theories about what is best that it is difficult to know what to believe. I guess the thing to do is to go with what feels right.

    Enjoy the Forest of Dean, hermaj. It is on my bucket list.
    Home made Vietnamese spring rolls for dinner. .takes me back to our trip to Hanoi.

    I’m with you Samm…much more energy when I’m fasting. Only ever feel sluggish if I’ve eaten too much. P

    Good morning fast trackers,
    No emails received yet.
    Other junk mail coming in so should be ok. Lizzie did you get my picture?

    Now sub plot of movie, after hit by a bus I find myself in hospital being cared by a lovely doctor who looks very like Jude Law. Be still by beating heart.

    I reckon Easter or May for Glasgow, any time to avoid Wee, tattoo ? I know Edinburgh has one.

    I’ve just picked up an email from the host of the private room I’ve booked in York through Airbnb. Turns out he’s been doing 5:2 with some success. Nice coincidence.

    Thanks for email Liz, seems like email is working. Just had a thought. We should sent a before and after picture or in my case half way there picture. Just looking out a before now although I did tend to hide or be behind the camera in the past. Not a pretty site.

    Another pound off today girls so feeling good. Off to play bowls.


    I’m so sorry. I just sent you an email and got this in reply

    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

    your address deleted by hermaj for security

    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain tiscali.co.uk by mxgb1.opaltelecom.net. [].

    It’s probably me putting the fluence on it. πŸ™

    Hi Hermaj

    Have you checked that you typed the exact address, including any punctuation? My last rejected email was because I omitted the full stop between first and second name. Thus is such a lively thread. πŸ˜†

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Hermaj and Smiffy

    The email address I forwarded to you from Jojo works fine for me. It’s different from the one on her profile.


    Working a post that encompasses my whole approach and scope to. Fat loss.
    Enjoying very much the tips and experiences of this group.

    Adopting a sugar free Saturday into my menus including carbs.

    Hi Amazon

    I do wish I had your tolerence for exercise, and believe my lack of exercise is my second biggest factor in becoming obese. Overeating the the biggest factor. Β  Intermittent Fasting is helping me with weightloss mostly due to not overeating on feed days as well. Β So my calories over seven days aim at 5,000 of calorie restriction. Β Secondly in my second year of this WOL Β was to maintain my muscle mass, by doing more cardio, weight lifting, and changed jobs to increase my NEAT. Β  Reason is I believe that the more muscle mass I maintain the more calories I burn.Β 
    Β I believe it’s 6 calories per day for every pound of muscle. So while I’m Β the fat loss phase of this WOL I’m trying to increase or at least maintain my muscle mass until I get to my fat loss goal.
    How ever there is more than way to skin a cat. So I’m trying my best to not only lose fat through diet and exercise, but to raise metabolism Β as the focus. I know that Intemittent fasting is a long term way to lose fat. Β So I’m focussed on raising metabolism. Β 

    I’m gathering information and want to post a very good post about additional ways to raise metabolism. With referense and quotes. Β  One of the oddest is exercise Β for an hour throughout the day when sick with a cold. Bizarre, but the as it turns out the metabolism is raised slightly, And therefore Β a favorable time to burn fat. Β Give your digestive system a rest , but keep hydrated, eating only foods that are full of water like tomato,grape,melon,cucumber. If you get what I mean.

    My view is not one of these alone make a big difference , but many metabolism raising activities together , Β may help to keep nearer to the 2 lb a week loss Β rather than less than 1 lb.

    My formula is 1 1/4 pound – of 4,250- 5,000 calorie restriction per week. And aim for approximately 2,500 calories of exercise.

    What I’ve found in my own personal experience Β is the fast days help me as biggest calorie cutting days. And the feed days the most energy to do compound lifting and HIIT.

    In addition there are some other metabolism Tricks such as caffiene, but I choose not pills, but natural sources such as green tea.


    What to Eat:

    Almonds: Although high in calories (don’t overdo it), they contain fatty acids that raise your metabolism.
    Apples and Pears: High fiber makes you burn more calories.
    Beans: High protein + high fiber = more calories burned.
    Broccoli: Calcium and vitamin C create a metabolism-rising duo.
    Cinnamon: Add it to sugary drinks and foods to help your body better metabolize sweets.
    Coffee: Caffeine gives your mind, body and metabolism a boost. Don’t exceed 2-3 cups a day.
    Curry: Since it’s spicy, your body will work hard to metabolize it and give your calorie burning a boost.
    Grapefruit: Lowers insulin levels and burns calories by breaking down the fiber.
    Green Tea: EGCG speeds up your brain and nervous system, thus burning more calories.
    Hot Peppers and Jalapenos: For hours after you eat them, these spicy peppers will speed up your heart rate and metabolism while burning calories.
    Lean Turkey: Protein builds muscle and helps to burn calories since your body is working harder to process it.
    Low-Fat Yogurt: Breaking down the high protein level burns calories and the probiotic cultures regulate digestion.
    Oatmeal: Again high fiber means more calories are being burned while your body breaks it down.
    Spinach: Speeds up your metabolism, plus it’s high in vitamin C, antioxidants and iron.
    Unsweetened Soy Milk: Tons of calcium ups your metabolism.
    Water: Your body’s metabolic rate will increase by 30 percent by drinking 17 ounces of water.

    I have sent you an email hermajtomomi, so are we set smithy?

    How funny that Lizzie and I both have a dog called Charlie.

    I have been brave and sent out a current photo. I think it will be a better surprise if we bring our ‘before’ picture to the York meet up.

    Enjoyed a great training session on indoor bowls today, had a rather handsome and charming fellow student. He was a bit competitive but I can live with that. The tutor really helped me improve my game.

    Just had a lovely sweet chilli stir fry with prawns and zero noodles, just needed some protein after my two hours exercise. Nice beach walk this afternoon, I think, make the most of the sun.

    It’s great to put a face to a poster, adds a whole new dimention. Hey Sam and Ply, I would love to hear from you too.

    Jojo xx

    Good afternoon from Scotland all of you lovely people .

    Jojo thanks a million for starting this lovely thread .
    The posts always put a smile on my face .

    Hubby just came into the spare bedroom where I have 3 plastic boxes on the bed . he laughed and said what’s that written on them . I had..TB..TW .and OK

    For too big..too wee …ok.

    I have had so much fun ,but wee legs tired now . I didn’t realize ALL the trousers I had collected . At this moment only 2 pairs are too wee πŸ™‚ . about 8 are too big and lost count of the OK ones :). Will make life a lot easier .

    Herm I have a wee poem I recorded for a friend in America , I will send it too you . My accent is BROAD but not as broad as Glesca :).

    ..I am fasting today .Have a great day everyone and thanks a million for all the support and encouragement .

    Wee xx

    SAMM, Jojo said the other day that she is convinced spicy food makes a difference.
    I don’t work so it is easy for me to schedule exercise into my day. I have much more motivation and enthusiasm for it than when I was younger, and although there are days when I have to force myself to do something, I always enjoy it once I’ve started!

    I overate constantly and didn’t exercise for long periods of time throughout my adult life. I had a physically active job for all but thse last five years at work, when I became a manager and desk bound, and for mot of that time made the physical demands of my job the excuse for not exercising regularly. It has taken me until last year to get to grips with what I need to do and have the mental strength to do it in order to be as fit and healthy as I can for the rest of my life.
    I’ve tried every diet there is and never succeeded in keeping weight off because I did not changed my eating habits. We are learning to re-educate our stomachs and our attitudes to eating, and reaping the benefits of doing so.

    Hi Jojo, stir fried chilli prawns sounds good. I’ve made a huge veggie and chestnut casserole for dinner. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to eat it all. I’m hoping to get out for a walk later but I’m glued to the tennis at the moment.

    Jojo I have sent you an e-Mail …It just came back saying it can’t be delivered πŸ™

    Wee xx

    Look on my profile and email me. The address I have for Jojo is a good’n. We’ll need contact for the Scotland get together next year.

    Sent Lizzy and thanks πŸ™‚

    Wee xx

    Sent an email to Jojo, Lizzypop, and Hermaj, but came back for Jojo as bad address. Please add me to a reply all!

    Then congratulations are in order for you amazon. For finally putting the inactivity and weight gain connection together. I’m so chuffed to have stumbled upon micheal moseys approach of doing the doable.
    Doable diet combined with doable activity.

    My vice is finding the doable health drinks into my diet.
    Roated Dandelion root tea is as close to coffee as I can get. For liver function. As I’m adding detoxification. To my lifestyle in my third year of this woe.

    I’ll add that anyone concerned with inflammation. That can tolerate hot peppers try the Serrano pepper.
    It’s hot but unbearable. How ever it’s my understanding that it’s the most anti inflammatory natural food.
    I put in with my morning eggs with cheese. The cheese helps synergies the health benefits of eggs, but also helps coat the pain receptors with the Serrano peppers.
    But for late nite a small amount of chickpea hummus, as the chickpeas help create sleep hormone, so when I mix with Serrano peppers and a little small glass of milk to sip on. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I also add antioxidant rich dark chocolate powder to the milk.
    Do t how I put Serrano hummus and chocolate milk together but I often get that good rest mark in my food journal when I eat this combination on feed day.

    Did your doctor ever give you permission to dance again?
    If I were going to the meet up , I would like to have gone dancing with the ladies on their night out!

    Hi Samm
    Interesting list of food with their attributes.
    Broccoli is also a brain food.
    A wonder food even.

    FD for me and the green beans I ate were delicious. Even more delicious as I had read your thread.

    Emailing soon. Been out with the dog.

    I received your email Lizzie. Thanks.

    I’ve just been out for a walk. It was bliss as there was hardly anyone about. I walked down to Syon Park and through to the towpath, and along the river. I got very hot as it is so mild.

    Thanks SAMM. Life has certainly been easier since I found this thread, as everyone is so good at encouraging each other and sharing useful information.

    I need some tea.

    Hi all

    It’s mild here too. The wind is quite strong but it’s a warm wind and the sun is very warm in a clear blue sky.
    My tummy is rumbling loudly but a good dinner will put that right a bit later. My son will make chick pea curry and work out the portion size for me too. I’m fasting today because things went awry yesterday. Had the tomatoes for lunch today with just one slice of toast so it was only 180 calls give or take two or three -who’s counting? Hang on! I am:)


    Hi All, sorry to cause so many problems with my email, I cannot explain the problem. I have put another one on now. Still getting mail from the first account so I can’t explain it, maybe it’s going straight into spam? Afraid on that account it is immediately deleted. I sent myself a message, it arrived, no problem.

    I have walked until I dropped this afternoon so It’s feet up time for an hour. I may swim later, really fancy it.

    SAMM, yes my dancing is back on the cards. I love it but still a beginner. Doesn’t help if you don’t have a partner, it’s so different when in hold. Excellent exercise though.

    Just looking at the layer of dust on my trampet, must use it tomorrow.

    I wish I could skip like you, it really is the best exercise.

    Something occurred to me from a statement made by SAMM. Since I am mostly vegan( occasion fish and seafood lapses) I have started adding chickpeas, cannoli beans and quinoa to my stews and soups along with lots of chilli, I like it hot. I am sleeping really, really well, not even waking to empty my bladder. Please put this to the test guys, we may have hit on something. Seriously I used to get up three times per night, this is significant.

    Looking forward to mail guys, try new address pls

    I bought a selection of chillies in a pack yesterday. There is a Scotch bonnet. I may have to make a very hot chick pea curry and see what happens πŸ˜†

    Im going with wife to fetch our daughter whom has been aquainting herself with all relatives interested in being god parents. So were on. Three hour ride over the hills and through the woods today. Impossible to fast for me being with my wife. Well not impossible, just rather like chaining myself to an endless buffet and trying not eat. Ahhh. It’s not so bad as I make it seem. I just lose all will power around the woman. Plus I just give anything she wishes these days. SOOOO
    Ive waited till 1p. On this feed day. Or should I say BMR day.
    I had a 600 calories of oat bran ceral with dark chocolate, and intant coffee, stevia to hit the sweet mark.
    I also put 5 dried cherries, blue berries, strawberries and 3 prunes.
    It gets an OMG. In my feed day foods for health.

    I won’t eat fish again until dinner with no snacks. I really trying to find feed days of only 1,200 calories.
    Where I eat at noon and again at 5pm without being HUNGRY.

    JoJo and others. I’m not vegan , but only eat MEAT 20 times a month other than fish.
    Basically no meat for breakfast or lunch, only dinner.
    Then only five times a week. I’m guessing , from listening to interviews over the years that the meat can be harmful if overeaten. Then when I really pay attention to eat fast live longer it makes sense.
    To eat meat no more than 5:2 days a week? However this means exploring the menu to find non meat protein . This s where the 5:2. 4:3 really plays a role in going from my ideas of weightloss dieting to longevity dieting. It’s just not a great leap.
    Fish two days, fast three days, eat meat with friends two days.
    Leaving three lunch or breakfasts per week to eat meat and still be on the meat 5:2

    I don’t count chicken eggs or fish . The same as. Beef, chicken, or pork.
    Thing is with my diabetes it’s very peculiar to find ways for carbs not spike like the vegan does.
    The fish is 1% sugars, the eggs 1% sugars.
    Of beef chicken,or pork. I view dark chicken meat. healthiest . And plan to raise my own chickens when I become single again, I may only eat a steak once a week , and a chicken once a week.

    The remainder is beans, and nuts.
    Also from this list of legumes highest in protein.

    Using pumpkin seeds in hummus instead of the inflammatory sesame oil. It just makes hummuses more creamy. However I bake the seeds and put in a mixer until the woody textures are to small to even think about.
    Other health facts about pumpkin seeds
    β€’ Pumpkin seeds promote sleep and lower depression. This is due to the presence of tryptophan (in them) which when absorbed in the body becomes serotonin, a good sleep inducer.

    β€’ Pumpkin seeds contain big amount of zinc, a mineral very important in preventing osteoporosis.

    So yeah , I do love to eat hummus, I just make it with health benefit ingredients. The garlic I mash and leave standing in the open air , so it will become a cancer fighter. That’s PROVEN cancer fighter by amercican cancer society. So I put it in hummus. So ething I hated going on a diet , if I can’t have hummus I lose alit bit of what enjoy in life, so got up , looked how to make it a longevity food.
    It’s not hard. If I gave the recipe, I’m sure it would scoffed at. Especially because I have to take beano when I eat it . Or my women demand I stay in the basement. Sorta funny , but not really.

    The way I enjoy it the most is stuff it in red mini sweet peppers. This way I get nearly 100% nutrition in less tha 400 calories. Keeps me unhungry for 3-4 hours.

    8 oz red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
    8 Β oz chick peas ,Β drained and rinsed
    2 garlic clove left in open air 15 minutes
    1 -2 tablespoon lemon juice (to taste)
    1 packet iodized salt (or to taste)
    1/4 teaspoon paprika
    1/8 teaspoon cumin
    1/8 teaspoon black pepper
    1 1/2 teaspoons apricot preserves
    1 tea spoon olive oil
    2 table spoon pulverized pumpkin seeds
    1 Serrano pepper pulverized with pumpkin seeds
    1 table spoon Parmesan Β cheese

    Stuffed into red mini sweet peppers. Red has more health benefit!
    Estimate 80 calories per stuffed pepper.
    I like also to eat thes on feed days if I actually going for that “I’m full” feeling.
    By also using the healthy for us pizza toppings and stuff that stuff Into red peppers too.

    Basically bread less pizza stuffed in a sweet pepper. So the combination of the hummus stuffed peppers and pizza stuffed peppers . Are awesome!
    Looking into egg,cheese, Serrano stuffed into mini peppers. So that all styles are easy to estimate protein in grams.

    I love hummus. I might try it with pumpkin seeds. I always have them in the house as I put them in the granola I make. I also have a jar of mini sweet but hot red peppers.

    I also use almonds to create nut oil for hummus instead sesame oil.

    No special care just put the almonds in first.
    Almonds are high calorie fat though. I don’t want to make ten long long posts.
    So I’ll stop with the almonds. Basically their not unlike sugar where a little is beneficial but a lot can become harmfull. Perfect for using as an oil fir hummus. I love it!

    My new passion for things to learn about health and healing foods brings me to the detection of fat in the digestive system. Basically if you don’t eat fat, the brain doesn’t get the signal to realese enzymes to burn fat. I mean use fat in the blood that gets there from digestion.
    Theres much to learn about digestive flora. And there seems to be a connection with eating fat, the Brai. Sensing the intake of the fat, and enzymes that trigger the body to use more fat less carbohydrate .
    Not metabolic rate.

    It’s still over my head , but I’m reading .

    To go further. There are four tastes that human tongue can taste that not diminished by smell.
    Vinegar,sugar,salt, msg.
    However there articles I’m reading that say there is a fifth taste.
    FAT. That human can sense difference in over 336 variations of fats.

    So I’m guessing when I say . It may be that we have to eat fat , so our brain will help crave less carbs.
    Make sense?

    Yes SAMM it does make sense.
    After years of skimmed milk and fat free yoghurt, I’ve gone back to semi skimmed milk and full fat yoghurt. They taste so much better, and are worth the extra calories. I’ve started eating butter and cheese more often too, and when I lose one more lb will be the lightest I’ve been for 20 years πŸ˜†

    Morning fast trackers a forum question when in fast mode do you beautiful people all ensure your intake is up to the suggested 25% ? ie 500 for women and 600 for men
    Reason I ask is that I do not and I have drifted down the path of whats doable so my desk job and computer is not a 30000 step marathon as a work requirement like for SAMM so I dont need alot the water black coffee green tea black tea and the odd diet coke and a cup or 2 of miso soup is enough for me right now ok this week its AFD so happy Sunday

    Hi RT.

    There is no reason why you should eat 600 calories if you don’t feel you need to, and if you can keep it lower you’ll lose weight a bit faster. I eat 500 calories on FDs and I’m trying to cut it down but haven’t had much success, but I’m doing ADF at the moment so that might be why I’m finding it a bit tougher to do, but I’ll get there eventually.

    Enjoy your day πŸ™‚

    RT I keep under 1200 so I do under 300 ( it varies)of FD

    Wee xx

    I hope I’m not only 1 that responds.

    Things to watch out for are going low in iodine, you may get that cold feeling.
    There are some other vitamins and minerals that the body can’t create or store like zinc.
    So I usually take a multivitamin on fast days , especially back to back.

    I’m only making an assumption and a wild guess when the group that made E,F,LL .
    Gave a diet example, was that it’s unlikely to become vitamin and mineral deficient on 5:2. So it’s doable by the masses. The b2b though is possible to have longterm malnutrition issues. Is why it says this is not for children of any age. You may ask this very same question on one of simcoeluv’s threads. For a more technical answer about b2b fasting. As 5:2 is more of calorie restriction diet . And b2b calorie free fasting is absolute fasting.

    To be clear. Stay with us you’re great to talk with, But seek that particular answer on the tech thread.

    I personally have started the B2B , but still eat my full 600 calories each day. However I’m not going for igf1 reduction, rather making sure my body gets Into fat release mode at least 3-4 times a month.
    I just have too much fat still to lose to get solely focussed on igf1 trek.

    The other thing I mentioned about iodine is if you don’t et enough of some of the vitamins and mi erals to support thyroid function , the metabolism can slow. So even eat less than BMR , a body can adjust it’s BMR . That’s not good for weight loss. I practice not adding salt to everything I eat like used to do just be ause I like it. Rather I use 1 packet of iodized salt per day. Unless I’m taking a multivitamin then it’s off the table.

    Hi RT
    We did no extra exercise when we started (and were losing 1kg a week) but we regarded 25% of our TDEE as absolute maximum, usually had a lot less. And on non fast days we aimed for a low TDEE. It was only after the weight started peeling off significantly that we felt like moving more. We walk, increasing distances and increasingly briskly because we feel like it with our fitter bodies. We walk up stairs and hills, but no gym work. We know we need a lot less food than the calculated average for our height and ages. We are now both at the healthy weight we were 30 years ago and have been for 6 months. Eating this way and including normal exercise works for us. Cheers P

    Hi guys,
    300 calls wee an, no wonder you have lost so much weight so quickly, well done but don’t make yourself I’ll.

    As I am in it for the long term I do 600 on fast days but I am on ADF.

    I think I am going to get an early night.

    I assume everyone has email now so I am removing it, I already have enough spam.

    Bye for now
    Jojo xx
    P.s. Don’t use the whole of that scotch bonnet unless you are making a vat of stew. Last time I used one it was inedible until I added about a gallon of coconut milk. Not exactly good for the calorie count, tasty though.

    I’ll put it in whole and remove it after the curry is cooked. I’ve come unstuck with a Scotch Bonnet before πŸ˜†

    Early night for me too, I am sleeping for England at the moment.

    JOjo mostly I am around 300 sometimes a wee bit more on FD I thought I was supposed to do quarter of My daily usage (for want of a better word)

    I do around 1200 so 500 would be half of that and not a quarter but to be honest that is fine on FD because I CAN cope . I was trying to stick to what I thought was right , I feel good with this though :)as I have got used to it .

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee
    I think you are spot on and your results prove it. Well done. πŸ™‚ P

    Good morning fellow fasters πŸ™‚ what a day yesterday, up at 6:30am, at the club by 8:30am, steno’ing all day, home change then out to charity function 6:15pm where I was working with friends, home and in bed 11:30pm.

    Lots of water drunk but also some not so good foods, but kept to as small as possible but had to eat something.

    Wow what a lot of posts yesterday. Jojo would have loved to email you too but nevermind, maybe another time πŸ™‚ . Bright green trousers and Red scarf would go fantastically together – very Christmassy πŸ˜€ .

    Trying for a FD today to minimise even further my lapse yesterday. Another busy day today for me, but not as frantic as yesterday. I’ll try to hop in here from time to time over the day πŸ˜€

    Sorry for not mentioning everyone by name but you’re all in my thoughts πŸ™‚

    Thanks friends a fresh and frank open discussion we all adapt and apply the principles of the 5-2 WOL some are on the mon-thurs with 3 200cal meals or 2 300cal meals or just 1 meal at 600 cal some the 4-3 and others ADF

    my menu that I have if needs be is

    1 tin spc baked beans 220g
    2 wholemeal toast (no Butter)
    2 poached eggs
    1 175g Yoplait forme french vanilla yoghurt
    606 cal of yummy goodness right there but my view is that if i need it i shall have it absolutely however at this stage i dont seem to thanks SAMM I shall track down the iodine info.
    Thank-you One and All

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