Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,101 through 2,150 (of 16,657 total)

  • Good one Nicky.
    Btw Samm, I’m taking your pig joke to a dinner party tonight. Quality! P

    Thanks SAMM, I appreciate your concern and suggestions. So far I’m happy with how I’m doing this as I’m not struggling, it is, for me, quite easy so far (time will tell). I have lots of fresh veggies each day with some protein (some days more protein than others) and keeping to approx 500 cals on FDs and can almost make up to my BMR all other days (haven’t gone over yet). My BMI this week has reduced by 1.4 so will probably need to recalculate BMR and TDEE after the next 1.3kg (hopefully by next weigh day which I’m wanting to change to Fridays so will be doing b2b FDs today & tomorrow)

    Love the joke Nicky πŸ˜€ keep ’em coming πŸ™‚

    Happy FD/non-FD everyone and keep those scales down lol

    Morning all.
    Another sunny day here πŸ™‚

    Oma, well done on your good start, long may it continue.

    Nicky, as you say, new scales don’t make any difference to the amount of weight lost. I’m sticking to my standard scales that weigh in stones/lbs and kilos and don’t tell me anything else!

    PVE, As a recently retired radiographer who ran a bone density service I am going to chip in with my opinion regarding long term fasting affecting bone density. If you have no health issues that might affect bone density and are eating a balanced diet including sufficient protein, fasting twice a week until the evening should not have a detrimental effect on bone density, even if you do it for the rest of your life
    If someone has a very poor/unbalanced diet then it could make a difference.
    In my experience those who had bone density issues caused by non medical issues were either life long vegetarians, vegans or anorexic, none of whom were eating a balanced diet. They were almost always leading a very sedentary life. We used to give out questionnaires which included questions regarding diet and exercise and I was horrified to read what some people existed on, and how little exercise they did.

    I’ve lost 11lb in 6 weeks, but I’ve had to increase the number of fast days to achieve it. I’m coping well with that, and now that my back is better I’m upping the exercise gradually. Just over 8 weeks until I go to Cuba so I’m hoping for another 14-16lb loss before then. 2nd day of B2B fasts for me. I’ve got a busy day ahead which always helps.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Good morning fast trackers,
    Hello Ply, just thought I would let you know my daughter has reached the 9 lb weight loss challenge, she weighed in this morning, actually 9.5 and through a stone marker, she is now 7 lbs from goal. I would love to say it’s all down to fasting but in fact I suspect most of it is down to stress and being too busy to eat. She skips breakfast Monday to Friday and has a protein drink for lunch. She has 400 cals for dinner. Weekends she has what she wants but this does not include the sweet foods she used to adore. To be honest I am quite worried about her, she is working fro 7 am until 10 pm daily with minimum breaks. It’s insane. Luckily she is lucky to be young enough to have the energy reserves.
    Aussie Oma, if you are serious about doing a family tree some day interview all elderly relatives as soon as possible, get them to write on the back of photographs, names, dates and places before they get too old to remember. Trust me this will help so much later. Download forms so you can see what information would be helpful.
    Backup any collected data, print a summary, make sure you numer each person and link and evidence to that number. I am in the situation where all my level of relatives at my parents level are deceased. Luckily my Aunt, my cousin and myself did some research 10 years ago which now gives us a basis for data. There has been no such data collected for my husbands family so it’s a cold trail. I will get it done though, I like doing research. It’s also a good idea to give every family member a written and cyber copy of data, protect the trail. Have fun, keeps you out of the kitchen.
    Fasting again today, yesterday went well as very busy.

    Enjoy life everyone, life is not a dress rehearsal.

    Β Β Top 10 Best Pig Jokes



    What kind of pig knows karate?

    A pork chop!

    Β #9Β 

    What is the difference between swine flu and bird flu?

    For swine flu you need oinkment, and for bird flu you need tweetment!

    Β #8Β 

    Why did the pig take a bath?

    He heard the farmer yell “Hogwash!”

    Β #7Β 

    What is a pig’s favorite ballet?

    Swine Lake!

    Β #6Β 

    Why don’t thieves steal pigs?

    Because they always squeal to the police!

    Β #5Β 

    Why isn’t there a Superpig?

    It’s too hard for a pig to change clothes in a telephone booth.

    Β #4Β 

    What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with a pig?

    Jurassic Pork!

    Β #3Β 

    Why is the farmer worried about catching his runaway pig?

    He knows a little hame goes a long way!

    Β #2Β 

    Why did the pig wear yellow coveralls?

    He split a seam in his blue ones.

    Β #1Β 
    What do you call a sunburnt pig

    Excellent stuff SAMM. Keep ’em coming πŸ˜†

    Jojo, congrats to your girl on her weight loss! At least some tangible good has come from being so busy! She is certainly the big winner for this challenge! The first year of teaching is so busy and stressful. When I started I had taken the sheets off my bed the first morning of school to throw in the wash. I did not get them back on until Halloween! Every night, I would come home exhausted and fall into bed on the bare mattress and just pull the comforter up. I hope things calm down for her a bit soon, but teaching never gets easy, at least it has not for me. Rewarding and fulfilling, yes, but never a breeze!
    Xox to all, love your stories and successes, just not much for me to contribute lately.

    Good morning everyone .. Sorry I have been AWOL. There has been a lot going on . I seem to have missed some posts . Jojo I didn’t know you were going on holiday , that is brilliant . I hope you have a brilliant time .
    keep the jokes coming I love them .

    Thought you all might like to know my weight loss journey .

    Most of my adult life( I am now 72) I have tried all kinds of diets . WW ,cabbage, in fact everything I can think of . I was even a councillor at one time for the Cambridge diet ( diet bars),

    Around 5 years ago my weight went up to 16st 6 pounds and I started LOW CARB. I did really well and I lost just under 6 stone . I felt great and went from a 24 to a 12 (12 in some trousers) I felt brilliant and people passed my by and didn’t recognise me .
    I had looked after both my parents who had Alzheimers for 6 years and my weight was the only thing I could take control of .( our youngest and my hubby are disabled too ).
    They started to put on the gas fire and not light it and the same with the cooker . They both had to go into care and although I knew it had to be done I felt guilty :). Just weeks later Mam passed away and Dad got really ill a broken heart ) It was just weeks after their 70th wedding anniversary). My diet went out the window. and gradually I put 3 of the 5 stone back on .
    Dad is really settled now and we take him out most days He is almost 97 πŸ™‚

    I found Low Carb good but very restricting soooo when I found 5.2 and thought “why not” I have tried everything else . Well!! you know the rest . Took to it like a duck to water . I love it and I can still have a wee bit ice cream or whatever else I fancy as long as I count it in myfitness pal . I still try to do low carb too at the same time but mostly on fasting days .
    ..This week I am down 24 pounds . so 1 pound more and I will be 12 st something . I love love love it and I love this thread and all the encouragement we all give each other ..Yesterday I got a pair of my size 14 trousers on . There was a VPL BUT I got them on lol . So the next step for me is get them n and be comfortable .
    I hope I haven’t bored you all to tears .

    Wee xx

    Hi Weemam.

    Well done. Getting into something that was too small is such a great feeling isn’t it?

    Your personal journey is an inspiration to anyone and is far from boring.

    Aww thanks Amazon . You are doing so great too .

    Just weighed myself as yesterday was a fast and 1 pound under the stone now . I am floating on air today πŸ™‚ . LOVE 5.2 xx

    Jojo re Family Tree it’s too late for most of my rellies … my mum is about the only one left that I can talk with so will have to put what I remember down.

    Well done Weemam that’s awesome … particularly due to the issues you’ve had to deal with. It will be a while until I can say something similar but you’re just awesome!

    Well done, Weemam. That’s awesome. Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Jojo and Ply. I feel so sad for teachers after reading what you’re saying. Bay πŸ™‚

    My best friend was a teacher in London . She is now retired and I love all the stories . We met online (on a LOW CARB diet website lol ) she comes visit me . She is just back from visiting her daughter in Australia and she is going to do the 5.2 diet now :).

    I was 16st 10 lbs ( not 16st 6lbs ) as I said above and I am under 5 feet so I think I look a lot fatter . She is wee too . We have a lot in common and have so much fun when she visits .

    Wee xx

    Totally second what you are saying about teaching, Ply
    It only gets easy when you retire. Only people who live with a teacher have any idea how incredibly demanding and stressful a job it is (and I have worked in lots of other jobs, too.) Without the dedication of teachers education systems would fail completely.
    Yet we keep coming back as we love it. Crazy! P

    Thanks Amazon. I agree. Eating a well balanced diet and having a healthy lifestyle are the keys, not when you consume your food. Cheers P

    Wow, just by having 30g less mushrooms in my omelette today I’ve come in just under 500cals.

    Teachers, good ones, are becoming a rare breed and I’m thankful that they’re not extinct. Those are the teachers who DO the hard yards and have the students best interests at heart. I take my hat off to them. It’s a lot of hard work and in some cases for very little or no reward (not meaning remuneration but in respect and appreciation).

    OMGoodness I just “translated” my starting weight into Lb and I’m ashamed to say it was 248.5 Lb my current weight translates to 240.46 Lb if that makes sense (not sure I like these pounds etc as makes me feel even heavier, lol πŸ™‚ )

    Amazon, I, like PVE, agree with what you are saying it’s what you eat rather than when you eat.

    It’s not just teachers who are suffering. I retired early from the NHS after 41 years as I realised that I was heading for a breakdown and my physical health was also suffering. I was very sad to leave under such circumstances but I felt I had no choice.
    Several of my staff said that they were surprised I had stuck it out for so long.
    Needless to say I am so much happier and don’t regret my decision, but I do wish I had been able to leave when I was ready rather than having to leave to save my sanity.
    I’ve just been out shopping and I went to a wholefood shop to pick up some puffed spelt. Whilst queueing to pay I noticed some bottles of coconut water and was thinking about buying a bottle until I noticed that contained over 500 calories. Eek!!!!

    Amazon, you reminded me. I’m investigating either making gluten free sourdough bread or sourdough from beautiful stone ground wholemeal wheat flour bought from the mill in Tasmania. I have got both starters going at the moment. OH is gluten intolerant and we want to see if good homemade sourdough will be ok.
    Several people today, when I was shopping, suggested spelt as it is low in gluten. Have you, or anyone else tried it in sourdough bread? PVE

    I would add that I am surprised that anyone becomes a teacher these days, anywhere in the world, but thank goodness that so many do.

    PVE, I had a go at making sourdough earlier this year and I tried both conventional and spelt flour. In my experience it is all about the starter. It takes much longer for it to get going than any recipe tells you and making a loaf from it and getting it right takes a while to perfect. I used a mixture of spelt and wheat flour and it was very good, but then I had a major incident (as in all over the fridge) with some exploding starter and I decided that life was too short πŸ˜†
    I have been trying to give up bread in search of low carb eating but am finding it difficult, so I’m still making bread but I’ll never eat enough of it to justify keeping sourdough starter going, so in future I’ll either make ordinary bread, and I intend to investigate gluten free options as I experience a few issues if I eat too much wheat, or if I want sourdough I’ll buy some.

    Just trying to read some of the older posts I seem to have missed .
    Jojo congratulations to your daughter . she must be feeling so good and well done her that she could do it in such a stressful Job .

    PVE our eldest son has coeliac he was born with it 52 years ago . Then after being married for over 20 years his wife was diagnosed too . Now out 2 granddaughters aged 25 and 20 have it .

    When our son was little I baked everything for him and had to use fresh yeast etc. Now most of it can all be ordered through the chemist . We have just accepted it all of those years .

    Wee xx

    Very quick hello to everyone.

    jojo – hope I’ve caught you before you jet off the Southern Spain. Hope you have a wonderful relaxing time and that you don’t get caught in Cadiz’s horizontal rain, i.e. rain being blown crossways by gale-force winds.

    Purple and Nicky – I can assure that I’ve given up footling about and am determinedly dissertating – only 6 days to deadline – yikes!

    SAMM, thanks for more piggy jokes, I’ll read them at my leisure later on today.

    Aussie Oma, you are so right. As a teacher I never had a problem with the salary or the work. I now do a job I love but as it’s freelance the earnings are somewhat less and not always regular. What got me was was the lack of respect and appreciation. This came not only from pupils – being called an ‘effing slag’isn’t fun, especially when you can’t retaliate in kind – but also from a nasty headmaster who was constantly on my case, thankfully my departmental head was on MY side, assuring me the problem was the head’s not mine. But it also came from certain friends and acquantances telling me I had cushy life, knocking off at 3.45 every day plus all those holidays. Little did they realise…

    Back to beavering away…

    Hello All,
    Weeman, you turkey are an inspiration, fantastic weight loss inspiration.

    Ok so I am totally obsessed with this bloody family tree thing now, haven’t left my chair since 9.30 this morning. I have logged off and will now restrict myself to one hour each evening. I need to get my life back and the dogs need a walk.

    Just got a birthday present dropped in, cake decorating turntable and cup cake stand, oh dear!

    Fast going well today though so not all bad

    I must add that I love this thread and all it’s contributors, it’s my daily drug.

    jojo, I had to laugh when I saw what your present was. I suggest you fill the cupcake stand with tiny pots containing herbs or alpines and stick it outside the door πŸ˜‰ As for the turntable………………

    I have been busy today as I achieved all I wanted in less time than I thought so am at a loose end. It couldn’t have happened at a worse time as my stomach has just started to protest at not being fed since dinner yesterday.

    Time for some more fizzy water πŸ™‚

    I did my family tree and did really well on the paternal side, and my maternal grandmother’s side, tracing back several generations, but I was stumped by my maternal grandfather. I found records of my grandparents marriage, but could find no evidence of his birth. I know he was born in West London, and when but was unable to find anything at all. I made several attempts and then gave up.

    J0j0 we have our family tree on my husbands side . It is brilliant . Was done by hubby’s cousin who used to work in the government . I would imagine his secretary did all the searching . I will have to look it out and check just how far back it goes.

    A tip when on fasting days is drink Bovril . I love the stuff and only

    Bovril – Beef Bovril, 5 g – 1 tsp 10 cals 1carb 525 sodium

    I hate Marmite but love Bovril

    You can always give your present to a “baking friend” your gifting friend doesn’t know :).

    Wee xx

    OK fast trackers, I bought some zero noodles today. Any tips on what to do with them and especially what not to do?

    Happy to help, Amazon.

    On their own they are completely tasteless, so they are best used in fairly strongly flavoured dishes. If I remember rightly, you aren’t averse to a bit of spice πŸ™‚

    Probably they are best added to a soup or stew, in other words, something with a fair bit of liquid, so that you can stir it all together. I’ve done it with homemade minestrone and other stewy things.. This evening Himself, who is cooking while I work on my dissertation with only 6 days to go, added them to a rather wonderful smoked haddock, lentil and veggie dish from the Beeb Good Food site. They will also work in a stir-fry provided you have a reasonable amount of sauce. On the LOACA recipe thread, Purple has put up a delicious recipe for chili fish and cashew nuts which includes noodles. There are probably other good ideas on that thread.

    When you take them out of the packet, stick them in a fine-ish sieve – they tend to slip through a colander with big holes – and rinse them under cold running water. Before adding them to your dish, unless you are skilled with slippery spag, snip at them a bit with scissors while they are still in the sieve. Some people are happy to chuck them into the dish 5-10 minutes before the end. I prefer to boil them on their own for 5-10 minutes, drain them and then chuck them in right at the end. It’ up to you.

    The beauty of zero noodles is, if yoiu’ve got the same brand as I have, a whole 200g packet is only 8 cals. The usual thing is to divide the back in two, making only 4 cal each. However, if you are absolutely ravenous and want to attack the whole packet, you will have only consumed 8 cals. I find them an absolute godsend.

    BTW if you find you like them, it could be worth searching for them online to buy maybe a pack of 20. They are bound to work out cheaper than in the High Street, unless they are on special offer as they sometimes are.

    Morning/evening fast trackers
    Bl****y keyboard on this computer….one keystroke and lost a long post!!!
    Amazon, re “zero” noodles, I don’t cook them at all, just pop them in the finished dish (highly flavoured) and let them warm through for a minute. They definitely need thorough rinsing first. Hermaj’s hint to snip them is good too. The brand I buy comes in a variety of shapes, too (spaghetti, noodles, rice-like, angel hair…fancy!!)

    Great to see hermaj is not being distracted by this forum πŸ˜‰ Nearly there, girl, go for it!

    Thanks for the ideas re GF bread/ sourdough Amazon and Weemam. OH has been eating GF foods for decades. I used to always make it all…even mixing up my own “flours”. He suggested he might try sourdough so that we could both eat the same and the purchased breads are very poor. As most sourdough from shops is not really sourdough I thought I’d experiment. I am a good breadmaker, so thought I’d see if my homemade sourdough would suit his “special” digestive system. Don’t know where this fits in with a household that barely eats bread!!! I might have to give most of it to the kids/start a shop? The starters look ready, so tomorrow is baking day. I thought spelt/wholemeal was the way to go. Will let you know the results. The theory is, if you hardly eat any bread, it might as well be top quality!

    Weemam, in Aust we eat vegemite (as I’m sure you know). I’ll try making a “beeftea” with it tomorrow when I’m fasting. It’s always nice to have variety from tea/coffee.

    Cheers P

    Jojo, family trees are certainly addictive.
    We have been having a great adventure tracing OHs very interesting family (convicts etc) I think there is a book in it….
    It is a pity most people have little interest in it until the people who are holding all the oral history have passed on. My dad was passionate about family and history generally. It rubbed off on me. He would take us to towns where his family had settled and we would check out cemeteries on holidays. I still do! We have had great fun pottering around graveyards in Scotland, England, Tasmania and here in NSW.
    Have fun with your historic adventure. P

    Not Keepin up with last 10 posts ,but skimmed the one about gluten free bread.

    Here’s a link

    And a reminder that rye bread is a gluten bread, but you can add caraway seeds if you like that flavor.
    Side effects and health claims. Pregnant women should noteat caraway seeds. Is thought to help with kidney function.

    Weeman I loved Bovril as a child when living in England particularly after a visit to the baths in winter.

    PVE I’m just staying right away from bread, I have three slices per week max at the moment as I know when I eat it I feel bloated most of the time (not always though) but I have one slice when out for dinner with friends. Mind you having said three per week that’s roughly what I’ve been averaging for the past several months.

    Have to go get ready for work, will catch up with you all later … happy fast or feed day all πŸ™‚

    Thanks Samm……I do hope 64 year old OH isn’t pregnant πŸ˜‰ P
    BTW Livestrong is the group involved with Lance Armstrong, isn’t it? πŸ™

    AO, I’m experimenting with the bread because of all the issues everyone is having with modern manufactured bread. Trying to get back to real old fashioned healthy bread, including proper flours. Then we will still only have a few slices a week. P

    Hi Purple,

    Having spent the whole day working on socio-political stuff, i.e.the threat of nuclear war in the 50s, the ban the bomb movement, and the fact that not everyone was ‘having it so good’ whatever Harold Macmillan (aka Supermac) might have thought, it seemed like a good idea to do something completely different. I’ve been on a roll today and I’m just hoping it will continue.

    All this talk about family trees is making me think about doing one. Since every prof I’ve ever done an assignment for has remarked on my research skills, so maybe now is the time to think about it. I’m convinced I’m descended from loonies and criminals, may even Jack the Ripper :).

    BTW you ought to get together with my OH who has become quite and accomplished and versatile baker. We have all sorts of flour around the place.

    Just a thought about those who find bread gives them digestive problems. We have a member of the extended family who had serious problems with bread, but gluten isn’t the cause. She finally found she was allergic to baker’s yeast, so she can’t eat bread at all, apart from soda bread so we always take one freshly baked by Hismaj whenever we visit.

    Hermaj, I’m sure you’re back dissertating, but…
    I make a good soda bread, but believe proper sourdough might overcome the gut issues of yeast breads (different yeasts?)
    I had to apologize to my kids about breeding with convict stock!! P

    Most interesting posts to read today. πŸ™‚

    As I have sat on 60 kg. for 3 days, I am claiming it as my new best weight. Last time I saw this weight, I was running 5 days a week and cycling to work at age 40, almost 28 years ago. Who says we can’t have the figure of a 40 yo.

    Enjoy your day , everyone. I will. Cherrs, Bay πŸ™‚

    Well done Bay! Have a happy day πŸ™‚ P

    Good morning fasttrackers.

    Hermaj, glad to see you’re getting on well. Deadlines exert lots of pressure but the end is in sight now.

    Weemam, your story is really inspirational. I don’t have any feel for lbs nowadays so have to resort to the calculator. You’ve done so well, while coping with all the rubbish life throws up. Like you I lost quite a lot of weight in 2012 on a carb-free diet but once I stopped, I couldn’t drive myself to start again – I know, just feeble! These days I don’t have anything white on FDs but do love bread so lunch on the other days doesn’t seem right without a 1-slice sandwich. I make my own bread using flour from an artisan mill nearby, slice and freeze. A loaf lasts about a fortnight.

    Amazon, interesting comment about sourdough starters being slower than the books say. I have tried a couple of times but gave up when the flour-water mix went mouldy. Have used a starter a friend gave me with good results but bake fairly rarely now (am a glutton if it’s in the breadbox) so didn’t maintain it.

    Two good FDs under my belt and scales down by 0.5kg from yesterday morning. As usual, really enjoyed my first cafΓ© latte of the week when I started work this morning.

    Happy Wednesday all.

    Well done Bay. I agree, about realistically expecting to return to the 40-yo body.

    Sorry, forgot to say that the only ‘don’t’ about the zero (konjac) noodles I’ve discovered is DON’T FREEZE THEM! They come out like bits of tough plastic. N

    Lunch time at work so commenting via phone.

    After reading about soda bread I will look this up for possible making. I’m lucky in that I have a thermomix to help with making things like this.

    Sorry I missed your post until now samm – great information as usual from you.

    Okay time to get back to work. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to access the thread from work so happy I can catch up from here during my lunch break.

    Morning all.

    Thanks for all the zero noodle tips. I didn’t pay for mine, got them courtesy of Boots loyalty points!

    Bay, well done, I don’t think I’ve weighed 60kg since I was about 15!

    Sour dough bread is fab, and I do like it. I might try again one of these days, but maybe not just before I’m going away and need to store it in the fridge!
    PVE, in order to stop myself eating half a loaf, I slice the bread as soon as it is cold and stick it in the freezer, then get out what I need. Sourdough is really expensive here, and IMO a rip off as once the starter is going, there isn’t much more work to it than any other bread.

    I’m sitting here planning what I am going to eat today. Dinner is easy, a nice pork chop with apple sauce, kale and carrots, but I can’t decide between home made granola with fruit and home made yogurt or scrambled eggs on toast.

    I’ve just completed B2B fasts and realised last night that it is easier than one day at a time, because on the second day I don’t get as hungry during the day as I hardly ate anything the day before. Last night I was really full after dinner and didn’t get peckish again before bed as I sometimes do on fast days.

    Good job, Amazon! I haven’t ever done 2b2 fasts. I can imagine it is easier on the second day. I am in a comfortable Mon/Thurs rhythm now after 18 mths. I’ll try it next time I need to change days.
    I do the same with food…everything gets divided into portions and frozen. If I can’t eat it easily, I don’t. Trouble is I end up with lots of little bits and pieces in the freezer and have to foist them onto the adult kids if they pop in πŸ™‚ Enjoy your pork chop etc tonight. Sounds yum. We are having beef kababs (bbq’d) with a chickpea, capsicum and sweet potato salad. I got into the pool up to my knees this afternoon….pretty cool (literally), but certainly a sign summer is on the way! Yah! P

    Hi PVE.
    I’m desperate to drop another 12-14lb before I go to Cuba at the end of November so my motivation is high. I did my first B2B two weeks ago inspired by a comment Weemam made about doing it. I was almost through a fast day and thought why not? I did 3:4 last week which included 2 B2Bs and am thinking about doing that again this week, hence ensuring I eat some really nice food today so I don’t feel too deprived.
    I’m upping the exercise too and that is helping. I don’t think I’ll be able to maintain that many fast days for long but I’ll try to do it until the end of October and see how it goes.
    I love swimming but something always gets in the way of me going to one of my local pools. If I am on holiday and there is a pool I’m always the first one in, but it isn’t the same when you have to take a car ride to get there.

    Good morning fast trackers,

    Now we are talking, another pound down, new low for years but a way to go to get through stone level to join Weemam. Can’t wait, maintaining fast today and tomorrow.
    My holiday does worry me a little, fingers crossed that there is lots of salad.

    Hermajtomomi, do not start the family history until you have handed in your dissertation, like me you may get addicted. I am really enjoying it so much I am missing my usual activities, missed choir last night. Trouble is, it’s a ‘bum on seat job’ so that is not good for me. My great Aunt visited grave stones too and managed to get lots of information from local descendants. I am using an online system and ran into a tree set up by my brother last night, his research skills definitely need some work, most of his data was wrong. Only trust reliable sources that link to official records. I am listing all documents I would like to get copies of but it could get very expensive. I am thinking of asking for these for birthday and Christmas. Original gift idea at Β£10.00 each.

    Out for a coffee with my friend today( the one I persuaded to give up sugar three months ago) she is now symptom free after 25 years of irritable bowel, who could have known? Now I want to get her walking, she is so pale looking with no sparkle, I know it will help, she spends far too much time indoors.

    I rarely eat bread, it’s not an option, a red light food for me. I could never control it so it’s best if it isn’t around. It wouldn’t matter what type, I would slather it in butter and eat it six times a day given the opportunity. Let’s not even mention what ?I might put on it when in the mood. Oh a God, ecstasy, even the memory, sad am I not?

    I must do my packing today but I want to keep it light, it’s only one week. I will squeeze a walk in this morning. It was glorious on the beach with the dogs yesterday.

    Have a great day all and congrats to all losers. If you are not loosing I am sending you positive vibes and suggesting you start recording – only way to succeed sadly, evidence trail.

    Sorry Jojo…I can just see you salivating all over your luggage! !! Quite an image. πŸ˜‰

    Amazon, I’m sure you’ll look lovely on holidays. You sound as if you are well on the way! I too am first into any pool (part dolphin I believe). We put the pool in 3 years ago, my 60th birthday present. Even just sitting beside it is like going on a holiday. Can’t wait to do it in my new swimmers πŸ™‚ P

    PVE, I’m not so sure about lovely as I’ve got a long way to go to target weight, but my summer clothes will fit me!

    Jojo, well done on the new low.
    I was the same with bread but am trying to give it up, but I think that idea is doomed to fail so I’ll settle for a couple of slices once a week for now. I love packing, it is usually when I start to get really excited about my holiday.

    Time to go out. I’ve got some errands to do and I’m going to walk rather than take the car or bus.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Hi fellow shrinkers, how are you all doing? I’m just completing my first ever B2B and I’m feeling great, had two medium eggs (pre-boiled) for lunch and a 1.5 serve of quick spanish beef (recipe from school days which we love and it’s relatively low calorie), I went just a little over 500 overall having 535 calories today along with 8 to 10 glasses of water (as well as a 750ml bottle of water).

    Jojo that’s great than another lb has left home, congratulations on your new lowest that’s awesome news πŸ™‚ . Nearly holiday time, yay for you, such a wonderful time to be had.

    Amazon and Jojo I too love bread and REAL butter on a nice crunchy crust (which is why I tend to NOT make my own bread).

    Amazon, wow, Cuba … fantastic, I’ve heard they have wonderful scenery but I don’t know very much more about the country.

    Bay, well done you πŸ™‚

    Hi to Herma, Nicky, SAMM and anyone else I’ve not mentioned, hoping everyone is having a wonderful day/evening πŸ™‚

    PVE lovely to have your own pool, I can see you sitting poolside, sipping a nice icy cold glass of water, with a wedge of lemon on the rim and maybe a hint of juice in the water πŸ™‚ those days aren’t far away now here in SA πŸ™‚

    No I have a whole selection of “pool wines” and very attractive plastic wine glaases that float! Ah summer. ..bring it on! P πŸ˜‰

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