Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,651 through 1,700 (of 16,657 total)

  • I do the overhead extensions every day with 2kg in each hand as I can’t manage to do the dips.
    You’ve just reminded me that there are lots of exercises on my wii fit DVD which I had completely forgotten about……….

    I’m going to do a couple of practice runs of the kettle workout at the weekend and incorporate it into my exercise routing next week.

    I won’t have time for anything else at this rate!

    Thanks Ply,
    100 % agree with that! I will start dipping tomorrow.
    Just spoke to my daughter, great day, flowers from a new parent( how kind?) only one cryer and only for the last twenty minutes, as least they now know the non talker is capable of making noise( very loud noise apparently) they loved the steering and swords with dressing up. The teaching assistants loved the very tidy, organised classroom. Good start.
    Off to Wisley tomorrow ( taking a picnic)so chat when I get back, must charge my camera.
    Have a wonderful day everyone whether it be fasting or feeding.
    Happy days, slimming ways

    Great job on the classroom and the wheel . 10/10 all round 🙂 . have a nice picnic tomorrow .

    Wee xx

    Hey Jojo, I heard these people on the radio the other day and thought of you. The mosquito repellent is not available yet, but they are working on it.


    Hi everyone – can someone help with a technical problem. For some reason my I’m no longer getting posts sent to my email address. I’m subscribed to this forum and suddenly all my emails have stopped.
    Planning fast x3 this week tomorrow. Wish me luck people! I’m taking the chance when I’m home alone this week.
    Can many of you exercise on a fast day? I fully intended to do a class yesterday but I was so tired after work I really couldn’t face it. No headache this week and found the fast ok ,drinking lots of water is the key I think.
    Good luck everyone!

    Hi Tartan lass,
    My email link hasn’t worked for months. Most of us just post when we have time. I exercise( usually) 2 hours on fast and non fast days but it is not intensive aerobic. It might be swim, dance, yoga or walk. Glad to hear from you again.
    Jojo xx

    What a great incentive your 92 year-old friend is, Jojo! I hope we are all as active at that age. So glad your daughter had a good first day as well!i am always so pleased when smart and dynamic people join the teaching profession!
    Tartanlass, my notifications are on-again, off-again even though I have never changed any settings. When I haven’t seen any e-mails for a day or two, I know I have to go to the site to see what I’ve missed. Inexplicably, the e-mails start up again at some point.
    Just weighed myself when I got home from work, fully clothed and jeweled, and only .2 pounds over my low weight, so you KNOW I will be breaking through that barrier tomorrow morning, and will be less than 10 pounds from my goal. Woohoo!
    Grilled pork marinated with garlic, lemon, and rosemary atop arugula salad with a dressing made from the marinade for dinner. Yum!

    @amazon…agreed about time! Between food planning and prep and exercise, one’s days are full!

    “Happy days, slimming ways,” another great mantra, Jojo!

    p.s., dentist went well, I only cried once! Need some follow-up for a real fix, which will be under sedation. Had x-rays, and everything looked fine, so like Hermaj, even with professional neglect, my teeth are okay. Hoping the temporary fix lasts through the presentation sessions I have in September and October. Thanks for the good wishes and support, all!

    Hi All,
    Just had to share this event!

    Well good and bad news from me. Firstly I went out with some old friends, met them at a pub, haven’t seen them for over one year. Guess what ! they walked straight past my table where I was patiently waiting, I was on my phone at the time. Just for research I decided to sit there and see how long it would take them to recognise me. On several occasions one looked right at me then the door, no recognition at all. So I got up, walked right by them and went to the loo, still nothing. Finally I went to the bar to order a glass of water. They immediately turned to me(recognising my voice) and either screamed or were struck dumb. It was hilarious. I had been within 15 feet of them for 10 minutes – crazy. The one who had stared at me did admit later that I seemed familiar but she couldn’t place me, she actually thought I might be the local librarian. Ha ha
    Admittedly I do look very different, apart from the weight loss I now have long hair for the first time in 40 years, I was wearing a very brightly coloured floral dress( used to live in black trousers and tops). They all thought I looked 10 years younger, it has been a good night. Plus we have 2 new 5:2 recruits.

    Now for the bad news, I left my car lights on( headlights)after I returned, high from my night out and still smiling to myself. My neighbour knocked to tell me just now, totally flat battery. Lucky I am going by coach to Wisley( it’s an amazing national garden) tomorrow

    Ply your meals sound wonderful, again I wished you lived nearby, I know we would get on and have some laughs but I might eat you out of house and home. Glad your teeth are ok, stay off the Brazil nuts this week.

    Wear some glamourous outfits this weekend, see if it boosts your spirits. My next New Years Resolution is to not wear anything black for a whole year. I ordered a hot pink dress tonight(from Ebay £ 1.08) new with tags, just the job for my holiday. Wearing bright colours is new to me but i have to say it really works, the minute you put on something bright, you smile, others do too, it’s infectious. To hell with ‘chic’ go ‘hot’.

    Steps today 4875 per Doctors orders, under 5000. Don’t think I will be able to keep within limits tomorrow. I will make up for it Saturday by having a lay in. Dinner tonight was fish and chips – don ‘t panic, gave the dogs the batter and most of the chips, had 10. Fish was not that great so they had some of that too. Wasn’t really worth the bother or expense, home cooking really is best.

    Night all, sleep tight! Ply – don’t grind your teeth!

    Jojo, love, love, love the story of your friends not recognizing you!! I forgot about the hot pink, but I did wear it on the last day of August!
    Wish you and other 5:2ers were close as well, I would love to share meals. I don’t even mind being the cook all the time! My husband does not always appreciate how healthy I am keeping him!
    Have a wonderful trip!

    I log out , log back in.then re tic then notify me.

    I used to exercise on fast days, but it always made me hungyER!
    I typically exercise on feed days , so as to help with fats in the blood stream. Where fats in the blood stream arn ot probably not as high on fast days.

    So address exercise . I choose not to exercise every day.
    I choose feed days as the days best suited. To benefit from exercise.

    I went then to discover how do the body builders cut and bulk. To try understand how best to maintain muscle. While cutting/fasting- when working out. #1. Go low carb 2days in row to lower glycol storages.

    Then 1 hour prior to a compound lifting sets. Eat fruits that gush sugars into the blood stream ie the glycemic index. So to have fuel And not burn muscle as fuel.

    I also found looking up the exercises that actually burn fat like sprints to be worth the time to look up

    Morning SAMM and Ply,
    Just finished making my healthy picnic, I am so excited to be visiting this garden, sad I know but I haven’t had a proper day out in over a year. Last holiday last April 2013 and the last year has been very draining emotionally. My friend just plonked to say she is taking a trolley to carry the plants, I will have to rely on my muscles which are good and strong now.

    Thinking of you all and wishing we could all share a wonderful day out. You are with me in spirit, especially when I walk past all the franchises selling food goodies.

    Scales at all time lowest and I finally weight less than my ex, he said he has to diet now, he is not liking his new role as the fatty. He isn’t of course, just a tummy, cheese belly. I am so happy. Wearing turquoise and white today, looking good.

    My only blight is a new mosquito bite on my shoulder right under my very substantial br strap. Anti- histamine on and power through.

    Report in later, have a good day everyone, don’t work too hard it’s Friday.

    SAMM – your jobs provides most of the exercise you need honey.

    Ply- well done on losing that summer gain, let’s get going girl, I am with you all the way. 10 lb is a snip to us with our determination, drive and positive attitude. Half the battle is making a goal and accepting that you eating habits need to drastically change to get there.

    Hi Tartan Lass : Yes I exercise on a fast day. The first time I fasted I didn’t because I thought I would feel dizzy and no energy etc then I read about a woman who ran 5k and ran the best time ever. Last night I did 45 min of high impact aerobics followed by an hour of zumba. Felt great – no side effects. Go for it!!

    V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Hi Jojo – so excited about the kettlebells, I will definitely keep it up. What weight is yours? Mine is 8kg and feels really heavy but I hope over time it will get easier. I always worry in case I let go of the damned thing and it goes through the telly …..

    V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Jojo – that is the best story EVER! Now if ever there is a reason to stay on the 5:2 diet, that is definitely it. Wow – you must feel EPIC!!!! Right that’s it, caravan or not I will still keep a check on things, you have just given me inspiration.

    I was thinking the same thing would happen to me only my friends would walk past because they would be saying, “Who’s that bloater”?? Lorna is normally skinny lol xxxxxxxxxxxx

    V xxxxxxxxxxx

    Tartanlass, I exercise almost every day, whether a fast or non-fast. Most days I work out first thing in the morning, so tiredness us not an issue. On the nights when I have Pilates in the evening, I do feel tired, but I go anyway, knowing I will make it through and feel better afterward.

    Versy, have a great weekend and stay on the straight and narrow (mostly!) sounds like you have an active time planned, which is always a help.

    Jojo, have a wonderful time strutting your stuff! And thanks, as always, for the support!


    Down to 9 stones, 9 pounds, so just 9 more pounds to go!

    Hi Ply! I’m going to do my best to be good. Going to have chicken skewers instead of burgers and sausage. My weigh in is on Monday so that is enough incentive!!!!!

    V (Lorna) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Hi jojo,

    You are probably in the garden by now. When you check your post later today, I hope you will have had a lovely day – one more flower among all the others. 🙂

    I sympathise over mozzies. Like you, I’m a prime target for the little perishers. I understand it’s the females who do the daage. How very un-sisterly of them!

    Hi Jojo
    Hope you had a lovely time at Wisley – it’s such a lovely garden. Have you been to the Savil Garden nearby? It’s one of my favourites. Congratulations on your thindisguise!

    Ply, great going. I hope 9lb doesn’t take too long, that’s about how much I have left to go but it does seem to be taking me a while to get there. I think it’s because I have taken my eye off the prize, need to apply myself a bit more. Fasting today – but off for a pub lunch with my sister in law tomorrow and this particular pub seems to specialise in hearty helpings, so will need to choose wisely.

    Good afternoon all from a wet dreary Stirling .

    Jojo I love your story .You must have been so pleased lol That’s the kind of story we all need so thank you .

    Ply I am pleased the dentist wasn’t too bad and I hope it stays firmly in place for a wee while .9 st 9 wow ..well done you girl

    Cheeseplease enjoy your pub lunch tomorrow x

    very don’t let them fly too high that I can catch them in St Ninians lol and turn away from the TV 🙂

    SAMM I hope you are well pal and keeping strong xx

    I hope I haven’t left anyone out .Still feeling the effects of my over 600 mile jaunt .
    Had dad out today and he had a really bad nosebleed It was silly but it upset me as I started to worry”what would I do when he is not here ” he is almost 97 . He is ok now though .

    Got all the washing and ironing done plus Ross 🙂 so the rest of the day is mine .
    I am trying to do BTB .Yesterday was fine so we will see if today is OK is if not I will do it on Sunday . Onwards and downwards everyone

    Wee xx

    Hi Weemam, hope you and dada are fully recovered. I like hearing your stories about him! Good luck with the B2B fast. I always found them very effective, and not too hard. Sometimes the day after I would eat a lot more than normal, though. Seemed like some sort of unconscious permission because of being deprived for two days, so watch out for that!
    Cheeseplease, have a great fast day and a nice lunch tomorrow. I would probably be at goal already, that was my original plan, but I pretty much took a vacation from FD for July and August. Back on track now, and will power through these last pounds. Feels good that the number is a single digit! Jojo is available for some tough love when we need it!
    @samm, I am sitting on my exercise ball at my desk at work, and bouncing when I know no one is looking!

    Thanks Ply . I am laughing at you bouncing when nobody is looking . sounds so naughty lol .

    It was so funny ,one of the staff and Dads place were telling me another story about him . He loves to help the night shift staff set the tables for breakfast . After they had finished one of the girls went to have her snack . Dad had eaten it . Can of juice a sandwich and a packet of crisps lol . he said it wasn’t him as he genuinely believed he hadn’t eaten them lol

    Wee xx

    Weemam, great story about your dad, love it!

    Ply, I am away on holiday in our motorhome for two weeks and as we usually have quick and easy food (and wine)when we are away I don’t hold out much hope for losing in September. Still, I know I can get back on track in October :-)). Love the thought of your sneaky bouncing, how do you feel it helps?

    Afternoon all.

    I’ve just returned from a day out at Kenwood House. Beautiful house originally designed by Robert Adam, which has recently been restored. There is a fabulous art collection with works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Turner, Reynolds and Gainsborough. It is set in parkland on the edge of Hampstead Heath with views across London. We had a good look round the house and then a nice long walk. I had a roasted salmon sarnie for lunch which was really nice, and you’ll all be pleased to know I managed to ignore the enormous display of cakes, buns, meringues, scones filled with an inch thick layer of cream, and the huge ice creams that were available.

    FD3 is looming large tomorrow, wish me luck!

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    I love the story of Jojo’s friends not recognising her, if that doesn’t make all of us want to complete this journey and become fit and healthy sylphs nothing will.

    Amazon, your description of Kenwood House really makes me want to go – and that salmon sarnie. Well done ignoring all the sweet things.

    Cheeseplease, have a wonderful vacation! I will fast during September for us both!

    I think the bouncing has something to do with the vascular system…I think it came from SAMM!

    Ply, thank you for your good wishes. I might have internet access from time to time so I will try and keep up with the thread when I’m away. Thank you for doing the FD on my behalf – you will be losing the weight for me as well!

    I use a ball in Pilates class, supposed to improve your core muscles. We wave our arms and upper bodies around (that’s not the technical term for it) while trying to kept your lower half still – challenging!

    I went to South Africa last September for a three week tour. We were camping some of the time and for the first two weeks most of our meals were cooked/provided by the tour leader and his assistants. I didn’t follow the 5:2 while I was away but tried not to overeat which was very difficult during the last week when we were going out to restaurants every evening, so I tried to make wise choices. When I came home I stepped on the scales with trepidation, and I hadn’t put on any weight.
    I had three meals a day and a couple of beers, ciders or glasses of wine every evening. I didn’t indulge in snacks apart from the occasional ice cream, or some fruit but didn’t say no to anything I really wanted. It made me realise that at last I had some idea of portion control and eating when hungry rather than because it was possible to do so.

    Cheeseplease, enjoy your holiday, drink wine and eat nice food.

    Hi Amazon,

    If you were at Kenwood your weren’t too far away from chez hermaj. Sadly, may I add, we don’t live in posh and ruinously expensive Hampstead – I’d be there like a shot if I had some massive win – but more modest Hornsey.

    Isn’t great when you’ve been been allowing yourself holiday treats, but come home not a lb heavier? It happened to me last year after two weeks in Scotland, which included a few naughty things. Like a fish supper from the wonderful chippy in Perth, which even earns brownie points on TripAdvisor. Very gratifying. Hope the same will apply to you too, Cheeseplease. Have a great holiday. Where are you off to?

    Hi Amazon and Hermaj, and thank you for your good wishes. We are doing a bit of a tour. First to Snowdonia for three days or so for some walking. My son died three years ago and we scattered his ashes at the top of the Devils Kitchen (he was a chef) above Cwm Idwal which was a place he loved, so it’s an annual pilgrimage. All very emotional but good to go. Then we are off to Yorkshire to visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and some more walking and general sightseeing. We are then heading for Derbyshire to visit the Beyond Limits Sculpture exhibition at Chatsworth – another annual pilgrimage and then finally to visit my close friend in Birmingham. So lots to see and do, and a break from all the building work we have been having done at home.

    I hope that I can follow your example Amazon and return as I left – but I am not banking on it!

    Good evening all,
    It was a wonderful day out apart from the delay due to an accident on the M25 on the return trip. Luckily the driver knew a detour, long but we kept moving. Strangely the most enjoyable part for me was a tour of sculptures. 62 sculptures set up in the gardens, I photographed every single one to discuss with my son who shares my interest in art. On that note I will visit Kenwood House next month, shall I meet you there Hermajtomomi? It sounds great, just my cup of tea. We visited Wisley by coach so didn’t travel off site but next time I will go by car and visit Savil Garden. We saw some amazing flower displays and creativity of flower arrangers never ceases to amaze me. I particularly liked the flowers planted in old euphoniums.

    Amazon and Cheeseplease – ply an I use the ball not only to increase our core body strength but to increase our step count, I also use a trampoline( mini), less stressful on my hip joint. Making lots of little changes in daily routine really makes a difference over a week. SAMM skips too but he is fitter than me.

    I use 8 kg kettlebell but started with 5 lb bell to perfect swing( one month). I have never dropped a bell but I use a driving glove. I never swing in my lounge but the kitchen because my dogs are not allowed in there, I would hate to cause them injury.

    Ply that mosquito patch looks incredible, I made a donation immediately. Can’t wait for it to be mass produced. I got bitten overnight again and at the gardens. Wearing 100 Deet, it’s really irritating, through my long sleeve shirt too. Apparently it’s to do with what you breath out, carbon dioxide, not blood group preference as I thought, I am a B Pos. My family and friends never get as many bites as me, they breathe too, I hope?

    Weight gain and the holidays challenge – tough love, great results. Decide not to be your own worst enemy. Don’t treat yourself, treat your body, it needs help from your brain not weakness.

    Firstly you decide that you will lose not gain then you plan how this will happen.

    Choose fish or egg options as main course and fruit for pudding

    Do not eat breakfast, lay in and read, this is still a luxury

    Walk a minimum of 10,000 steps daily, use your pedometer

    Have one treat per day – drink or ice cream

    Swim lengths of the pool for as long as possible after lunch, ( it’s a fallacy that you should not swim after eating) I swim for one hour, vary stroke.

    Walk for 15 minutes after every hour on a sunbed.

    Fidget constantly if possible, swing legs, feet, arms when walking or sitting – all calorie burners.

    I employ these rules for every holiday and always, always lose weight on holiday between 2 – 5 lbs per week, you can too, and you really look forward to getting on those scales on your return. I will prove this as I am due to go away at the end of Sept.

    Ply we both have 9 lbs to go to the next stone marker, fancy a competition? Might add some incentive ?

    Cheeseplease – I have faith in you to take on the holiday challenge. Please don’t let this emotional journey ruin all your hard work. Make your friends on this thread proud of you, we know you can do this, set me a challenge to beat.

    Amazon, well done for not gaining on your long trip.

    If anyone comes down to the Kent South Coast please tell me, we can meet up at the Turner Gallery in Margate.

    Weemam – high blood pressure causes nose bleeds, I hope your Dada’s has been checked. 97 is a great age. My mother died at 90 over 10 years ago and I still miss her daily, she was an inspirational woman, a homemaker with incredible creative skills, undervalued in her day – gardening, knitting, cooking, drawing, sewing and educating her children – she had passion and humour, irreplaceable.

    Versy2010, making one good decision on one night will help you to start making more good decisions. Lots of baby steps definately lead to success.

    Weigh in will be positive tomorrow because I have made good decisions all week. Join me in taking control of our appetites and exercise.

    Jojo thank you for your supportive words, I truly appreciate them.

    Did you notice how long the sculptures would be at Wisley? Sadly unlikely to get to Margate, how about Pallant house gallery in Chichester?

    Until 28 th September.
    They are for sale.
    It’s my birthday soon if you want to get me one, there are several I really liked
    ( don’t panic, only joking)
    Will you be able to catch it?

    Chichester sounds good, maybe I will go for a weekend and do the cathedral too, I think I may also have a very old friend in that area. When are you going?
    I will do some research on journey and Pallant House.
    I have two holidays booked, long overdue so may not be free until mid November by which time I plan on being a size 14.

    Must get some sleep, bowls in the morning.

    I too had a better sense of portions. After being on 5:2.
    I no longer have feeling to keep indulging . More like looking at the calories . Thinking in my head. Can I divide this into two meals. Especially when im out to eat. Im making it a habit to exactly half the plate and box the rest. It helps me have confidence to stay on my guide.

    my guide is to wake up, eat and go to sleep at the same times every day.
    So when im on fasting days the meal times are the same as feed days. This routine in schedule helps me with willpower.

    Im now 222lbs . Not the numbers I was hoping for. For this months weigh in. But I very happy with being able to exercise more with less stuggling. And still losing weight if only 3 lbs from 7fast days

    @tartan lass

    I noticed increase in slight headaches when first started fasting at 500 calories days.

    I found that excedrin worked well, but also to confirm what you’re saying. Stay hydrated when fasting! I found I rarely had headache on fast days when drank a lot of fluids.

    I got hooked on lemon water, especially green tea with lemon. I tend to find what works then pair up things that double benefits. Like lemon, green, tea. Hydrates, cancer fighter, vitamin c. Zero calories.

    Add stevia. This helps with acidity if drank with meals.

    I used to wonder if no one was looking . I felt that way about skipping rope. Been too hot and humid to jump in parking lots lately. Just like stability ball basics was my goal resolution for 2012, fasting practice in 2013, 2014 is jump rope. 2015 is a year of body building, ands 2016 will be goal weight of 100lbs or more fat loss. Keep on Keepin on

    Thanks to everyone for your replies. The technical glitch continues I’m afraid. I will just have to keep checking the forum on the website but I did really enjoy the drip feed of positivity on my email thread!
    I will take on board the advice re exercise – I have not established a routine yet and I think that is key. I’m a bit lazy by nature tbh so I want to up my activity. I think I need to mix it up and do a variety of things to keep me interested. I enjoy walking and dance based classes but I’m keen to start some strengthening work too. Samm I’ve fasted 3 times this week and no headaches at all – thank you for your suggestions I love water fortunately but these alternatives are definitely worth a try.
    Fun day ahead – my younger daughter is in Australia for a couple of years. She has a habit of sending me Australians! I’m meeting the latest girl to help her settle into her new home for a 6 month student exchange. I’ve really enjoyed it I love hearing all the chat, they’ve all been great and it’s satisfying some of my maternal insincts!
    I’m so happy to have tried this woe and forum- so far I’ve lost 15 3/4 lb in 7 weeks. I had almost given up and thought I couldn’t stick to a diet. Something about this really suits me :). Best wishes to all (especially cheeseplease and Samm )

    Hello everyone

    It has been a very busy week so haven’t had chance to post, but have been following. Jojo, that’s a fantastic achievement, and what a hoot that you weren’t recognised by old fiends! Hope the teeth are now ok and glad you enjoyed your day out – I sympathise with you over those pesky mozzies. I had a particularly bad experience about a month ago and ended up in A & E. Take care.

    Ply – keep up the good work – those last few pounds will be off in no time – just keep bouncing!

    Cheeseplease – enjoy your pub lunch. Will it be al fresco? The weather should be good again today. The great thing about the 5.2 is we can enjoy these treats without feeling guilty because we know we will get rid of the effects of a little over-indulgence with a carefully controlled fast day. I had a particularly social weekend last week, despite two FDs during the week have only lost half a pound, but hey, it doesn’t matter. As Jojo had demonstrated so effectively, even the small losses add up to significant figures.

    Have a great holiday, and I’m thinking of your poignant pilgrimage to Snowdonia. I do the same thing in Dorset, where my late brother’s ashes were scattered on a cliff. We have had a family caravan there (not the same one!) for 30 years and he loved that part of the world.

    Weemam – what a lovely story about your old dad. It’s so sad to see loved ones with dementia change from the person we knew and loved, but they are usually happy in their world (we are the ones who suffer from the sidelines) and they can be very entertaining at times!

    Amazon – do you recommend the Wii-fit? I’ve been toying with the idea of getting one for several years but never quite convinced myself that I could justify the expense. Do you use it regularly. I’d love a bit of information about it.

    Good luck with the fasting Tartanlass, and Versy – I’m exhausted just reading about the amount of exercise you do. Fantastic!

    Samm – wise words as ever.

    NickF – well done on the B2Bs. How lucky you are in that pat of the world to have all that lovely fruit to look forward to. We’ve got a few apples, a very small second crop of strawberries (but more than the first!) and three blueberries!

    Hello to Hermaj and Bayleaf. I’m so glad we joined this thread.

    We’re off to the land of no wifi for a couple of weeks, though hopefully will have organised something by the time I get back. We’ve got quite a stream of friends popping down for day visits during that time, all anxious to see the area I have been raving about, so will have to carefully plan my fasting as there will no doubt be a fair bit of feasting! Thanks for the tips Jojo.

    Have a great weekend all

    Smiffy x

    Hi Smiffy,
    I am also glad we joined this thread. Have a good holiday. Lots of good ideas and much enthusiasm here.
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Good morning fast trackers,
    It’s a lovely day so I plan to make the most of it, bowls then tending my garden. I need to buy new plants for my hanging baskets, the petunias are very leggy and brown, not pretty. I saw so many wonderful flower arrangements yesterday I have been truly inspired. May squeeze a swim in tonight, my back may appreciate it after the bout of weeding.
    Scales say 1/2 pound down, but happy as yesterday was a feed day, plus I simply had to have both an ice cream and a latte whilst out for the day, to compensate I had salad for lunch. Stayed under 1200 cals so ok. Did a fair bit of walking too but that was cancelled out by almost 5 hours sitting in a coach. I never usually sit down for that long. I was swinging my legs in the coach and I noticed the man in the opposite isle began to mirror me.( how funny) I don’t think he knew he was doing it.
    My rule is keep moving, keep standing, keep fidgeting – you will live longer.

    Everyone sounds very positive and motivated – it’s great and very inspiring.

    I am thinking of doing a cruise around South America in January, has anyone got experience of these. It is very expensive, with Noble Caledonia visiting Guatemala, El Salvadore, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama( including canal) my bucket list trip for retirement. Please contribute your experiences of cruises in this area.
    Thanks Jojo
    P.s. Going on my own, will this be a problem?

    Hi Jojo, those sculptures might be a bit beyond my pennies …..yes, I may be able to catch them. The ones on display at Chatsworth are also for sale by Sotheby’s – a Damien Hurst anyone?

    Smiffy good to have you back. Yes we will be al fresco as very tiny, old fashioned pub, with masses of flowers outside, very pretty. A bit grey here in Hampshire so may need to take a cardi.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Morning all.

    I have to confess that although I managed not to gain weight in SA last year, when I went to Australia for two months in December I did come back having gained some weight. Two months is too long to stick to good habits every day and fasting was too difficult to even contemplate. The first group of friends I stayed with had a 9m swimming pool so I swam for an hour every morning, used their treadmill once I discovered they had one hidden away, and did my workout a few times, but some of the good work was undone by their very active social life which always involved vast amounts of food and a lot of alcohol, plus Christmas, NY and a family members milestone birthday. And if I said no, it was piled on my plate anyway!
    It is my decision what goes into my mouth but sometimes it can be incredibly difficult to say no as it is easy to leave food in a serving bowl, but once on the plate……………
    If I had not exercised I dread to think how much weight I would have gained.
    The second group of friends are much fitter and more active and eat a more healthy diet so there was no damage done on my final two weeks despite it being my 60th while I was there. We did something active every day, lots of walking in the park or on the beach and in the shallows which is really hard work and good for the legs, and lots of swimming.

    I also had a week in Barcelona last summer and didn’t gain any weight.

    As for the wii fit, when I first bought it (wii fit plus)I used it every day for several months and then stopped, and I’ve used it on and off since then. The fitness DVD has some things on it that I like, hula hoop and boxing in particular, and a good number of muscle strengthening exercises and some yoga, but it very much depends on personal taste and motivation whether it is worthwhile. I’ve not used the sport DVD.
    I am planning on incorporating it into my exercise routine which I am trying to build up but is going much more slowly than I would like due to a sacro iliac problem that is taking a while to get better, grrr!

    FD3 today. I’ve had my two cups of tea to get me going, so it is time for some exercise.

    Hi everyone,

    You may have noticed I’m posting a bit less lately, and when I do I keep it fairly short. The reason is that, following some good-humoured suggestions, especially from the lovely Aussie ladies on the maintainers’ thread, that I should be getting on with my MA dissertation, I’ve been doing just that. So this is a catch-up and hopefully I’ll have the will power not to do more than lurk.

    Speaking of lovely Aussies, hi, bay, I hope all is well with you.

    Amazon, I’m ashamed to say that I’ve never visited Kenwood House and didn’t realise that it was home to such a rich art collection. We used to go to a lot of concerts by the nearby lake, until they started to go down market. 🙁

    So jojo, maybe we should explore together as you suggest. It would be great if some of our other friends within relatively easy reach of North London could join us for a bit of “culcha” and some nice FD-friendly sarnies. 🙂 And what a great idea to take a cruise around Central America. An opportunity to practise your Spanish, although there will be differences between Latin-American and Peninsular Spanish. For example, in some Latin-America countries, the verb “coger”, to catch, take hold of, which is absolutely harmless in Peninsular Spanish, is very, very rude (English translation begins with F). So you have to be careful if you are telling someone you have a train or bus to catch . 🙂

    On the cruise itself I’m sure there will be no problem about travelling alone. If you get the chance, read Salley Vickers’s Dancing Backwards, which features a lady of similar vintage travelling alone across the Atlantic on a luxury liner. On shore, it might occasionally be problematic if you are completely on your tod, but no doubt you will be able to team up with a companuon or two.

    Cheeseplease, I’ll be thinking of you and your other half as you make your pilgimage to Snowdonia. It must be comforting to know that your son is resting in such a beautiful place. Do I detect a touch of gentle humour in your choice of the Devil’s Kitchen as a happy place for a chef to be?

    Smiffy, enjoy your trip to no-wifi land. Hope the mozzies leave you in peace.I thought I was bad enough when, as a kid, I had to have my arms bandaged to stop me scratching multiple bites. But I never wound up in A&E, which can’t have been much fun. Have you found a way to keep the little so-and-sos away?

    Finally, SAMM. Whereabouts in the USA are you? Would I be right in thinking somewhere in the southern half? This time two years ago, we were driving around the US and the furthest south we got was North Carolina. I remember travelling along the Blue Ridge Parkway – sadly it was too soon for fall colours – with some great Blue Grass on the car stereo and thinking it couldn’t get better than this. Then it did, as a young bear crossed the road ahead of us.

    My husband practises Tai Chi, in fact he’s now in the final stage of qualifying as an instructor. His aim was to do a sequence in as many states as possible. With the odd bit of quick state line-hopping, e.g. from Indiana into Michigan and from Kentucky into Tennessee, he managed to do it in 14 states.

    Have a good weekend, all of you. Me, I’m about to get my brain in gear for a bit more of the dissertation.

    Hi All,
    I am so cross( burst a blood vessel level), bloody men ! ( sorry SAMM you are excused from this rant , you are of course a delight).

    Bowls practise/ coaching was cancelled without prior notice because the men needed to get the greens ready for the tournament which starts tomorrow.

    Then they announced that ( the three women who turned up for practise) should leave and that there will be no practise for the next two weeks. They said we should have entered the tournament. When I pointed out we were asked( as beginners not to enter in our first year plus we were asked to volunteer behind the bar during this time) this was treated with derision.

    Just to add to the insult they said since we were here we could make a cuppa for the men. I said not bloody likely, you want it, you make it and left at a seriously fast pace with some door slamming. I am steaming but I will not ‘act’ until I have calmed down.

    Just bought some plants so some gardening should help bring me back to earth (literally) . Breath, breath, breath…..( I did warn you I have a bad temper, especially when an injustice occurs.

    Drinking a cuppa as we speak……… Fume, fume, fume

    Actually I think getting this angry burns calories, maybe I should thank them.

    Hermajtomomi, when do you finish your dissertation? I really feel for you, I did a degree ending three years ago, it was hell combined with a full time job. Viz-a-viz being distracted I haven’t touch my Spanish revision yet it has on my daily plan for weeks. I think the ‘ F’ word is commonly associated with trains and buses actually so it probably wouldn’t be a problem. The ‘F’ word does mean fast doesn’t it ? : )

    Amazon, don’t feel bad about the weight gain in Australia, when you are staying with friends your hands are tied. My daughter just returned from NZ having put on 12 lbs in one month. She was staying with friends who eat takeaways daily and snack continuously. She is back on 5:2 now and losing rapidly. Luckily she did lose quite a bit before going because she knows her friends well, their kitchen is also disgusting ( 2 guys – slobs but nice fellas) so doing her own food was difficult too.

    I am infuriated for and with you, Jojo! Rude and ridiculous. You are surely burning calories with all that emotion…channel it into positive progress in the garden! I am generally a very even-tempered gal, but there is nothing that gets my blood boiling like injustice, and I feel it should never be ignored. We can’t always rectify it, but I always at least try.

    Good for you for buckling down with your dissertation, Hermaj! I am impressed with your efforts and accomplishments!

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