Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Hello SAMM,
    I hope you mean Tabasco not tobacco sauce which may be more appetising.
    Thankyou for the information on gluten and acne.

    I have just been talking to a friend who is recovering from her second bout of chemo. She is now certain that the only way forward for her is a diet without processed foods of any description and she recommends everyone should take prevention far more seriously. She pointed out that our generation were very lucky at least in their youth to benefit from a mainly unprocessed diet. This really does not hold out much hope for the generation that followed us whose diet was not as natural. How many families have home grown organic veg now? Very few. We must protect the next generation by listening to research about processed meats, burying heads in the sand and taking short term pleasure is short sighted. There are good tasting alternatives that don’t put us at risk let’s embrace them. We stopped smoking because it damaged our health, we now know that processed meat also damages our health, what is the difference?

    We need to use our intelligence to make good decisions even if they are hard. I know this because I have made many good decisions this year to improve the quality and hopefully quantity of my life.

    I understand about freedom of choice but surely we need to promote healthy eating on this thread.

    Ooh SAMM, that is really evil. No way could I handle that in the morning or even at lunchtime, but after a hard day, I can imagine sitting in a roadside diner somewhere in the US of A, and loving it. The following day would just have to be a fast day. 🙂 And maybe even the following day.

    Amazon, obviously it was discussed in the Horizon programme, but I don’t remember how they reached that conclusion. Now I come to think about it I can’t remember if the theory was that a bacon sarnie cut one day or one hour off your life. If it was the latter, I’d stop worrying. I’ve just checked to see whether the programme was still available on BBC iPlayer, in which case you could have had a look for yourself, but sadly it’s gone.

    Do tell me what’s in a full veggie breakfast. Like SAMM’s big treat I could only handle it for dinner, so it would have to be a place that offered all-day breakfasts, but I could always make my own.

    Thanks for the IT tip, most grateful.

    Hi everyone,

    I found that if you search for “Horizon” on BBC iPlayer, Should I Eat Meat?, and the original Fast Diet documentary come up within the list of programs.
    Also, I believe a serving of bacon takes one hour off your life. Watching it was a pretty eye-opening experience!
    Hope this helps 🙂


    Hi treat89
    Yes, my OH who was a dedicated bacon eater has now switched to sausages (no sodium nitrite) and from ham to chicken or turkey sandwiches on the strength of the programme. I think the suggestion was that it substantially raised your risk of colon cancer?

    Hi Cheeseplease, I think you’re right! It was uncomfortable watching!

    One of the findings was that someone who eats a bacon sandwich every day will on average live 2 years less than someone who doesn’t.
    One bacon sandwich = 1 hour off your life, 20 cigarettes= 5 hours off your life. A combination of the two every day is scary to comprehend!

    Here is the article that Michael wrote regarding red meat for anyone who would like to read it 🙂


    Tracey x

    Thanks for the info on the programme, I’ll search for it on Horizon.

    The full veggie was two eggs cooked any way you wanted served on a toasted brioche bun, cooked spinach, spicy beans which were three types in a spicy tomato sauce, grilled tomatoes, some big meaty mushrooms,a medley of mixed veggies and some grilled halloumi. This was in Fremantle, Australia. I went to Adelaide after my stay in WA and had a veggie breakfast which was good but nowhere near as nice as the first one.
    I chose it because I can have a fry up any time at home so I thought it would be good to try something different. It is one of the best meals I’ve ever had and my companions who are Australian decided that they would be trying it next time they went out for breakfast.

    Hope it works, jojo.

    I agree with much of what you say in your post about processed foods. Thinking about the contents of our fridge-freezer and store cupboards, about 80-85% is fresh, unmessed-with meat, fish, veg and fruit, fresh or dried, and various kinds of pulses, pasta, couscous, quinoa, bulgar wheat, rice and various varieties of flour – OH is a very versatile home baker.

    The other 15% includes tinned food, mostly different types of beans. I wonder how “processed” they might be? And, yes, there is some bacon, sausages and deli meats. Some of the sausages are veggie ones. Have these apparently wholesome things also been “processed”? It’s so hard to know. Also, neither of us has eaten a ready-meal in decades. I’m guessing this is a reasonably healthy balance, but until further information is made readily available, none of us can know for sure.

    We would be happy to grow our own but we live in a 2nd-floor flat with only window sills on which to grow stuff. However, this year we have – or rather HE has – successfuly grown herbs, some beautiful little mixed salad leaves, endless chilis, and this week the very first cucumber.

    I’m sure your friend is right. The problem lies in the logistics of producing or getting hold of healthy, unadulterated products.

    Hi hermajtomomi,
    I also live in a flat but am fortunate to have a ‘yard’. It is full of my growing. You can grow most things in tubs. ( have some old tyres stacked, lined with black bin bags and compost, then painted in stripes, very successful). When you need to move them they roll on their side, it’s great. But window boxes are a bit more tricky, I like my windows open and don’t want to cut out any light. My friend grows nasturtium in her window boxes which she uses on salads and they look pretty, taste peppery. Your diet sounds to be on the right track, I still have the occasional tin of soup.

    I know it is expensive to buy organic but I do have some organic fruit and veg delivered every couple of weeks, seasonal only, £12.00 well spent in my book, I freeze anything I can’t use within a week, or give it to neighbours, it’s a very generous box, often need to chop carrots as I get too many for one person. It’s amazing how long this veg keeps in brown bags under the sink. Supermarket stuff goes off straight away if not kept in the fridge. I make soup weekly, enough for me, my daughter and a Gardner friend so I use everything up, no waste. In return she forages berries and fruit for me from her customers gardens( with permission). It’s a great barter system.

    You OH sounds a gem, growing and baking, I must get me a useful man, rare species round here.perhaps I will advertise for one. Man needed for woman with voracious appetite for the fruits of life – must clean, bake, grow fruit and veg. Sense of humour essential.

    To all fast trackers

    I am just getting into pulses, my mother used them in her cooking all the time but I am quite inexperienced. I find chickpeas and lentils can be added to any soup but I like spicy flavours best. I am trying to get the other pulses into my diet, quinoa and bulgar wheat in particular, know any good recipes?

    I am trying to build up the number of calories I eat by using low processed carb, high fibre, healthy foods only. Berries feature daily as do prunes and oranges. I aim ultimately to eat 2,000 cals as this is ideal with my active lifestyle. I really believe it’s what you eat not how much( still stuck on 1200 daily or else weight gain).

    I realise that this theory doesn’t fit with a lot of expert views but it fits with my personal experience. I read extensively about nutrition and think the Paleo and low GI approach is very healthy. I think we eat too much protein foods that are not plant based. I mainly eat fish, seafood and eggs for one meal only per day, meat is a monthly treat now, Sunday roast still a favourite but I now choose chicken not pork, lamb or beef.

    At the end of the day I will measure my success by my weight and health. Apart from my hip which has been aggravated by too much exercise I have never been healthier, no coughs, colds, sore throats, headaches for months now. I do overdo the exercise occasionally but I am leaning to respect my capabilities. Losing more excess weight can only help my efforts and fitness.

    More importantly I am trying to help others with health and weight problems, there are so many people out there living with disability and health issues that could be resolved by diet, lifestyle change. Nutritional education is vital and many Doctors would benefit from learning more about the benefits of diet change. I am currently working with a friend with fibromyalgia, she is very, very unhappy and in severe pain, she lives for pain killers, it’s very sad. We are starting by cutting wheat and gluten and recording everything. Anyone out their experienced with this? We are attending a support group together but no diet advice offered so far. I truly believe our systems get overloaded with toxins from processed food, irritants and stimulants and that flushing these out will help our body function better, heal itself. I am strongly in favour of daily walking in the fresh air regardless of the weather, it provides more than physical benefits.

    On that note I am off to walk the dogs and will leave off nagging you all.
    Happy fasting, walking and eating
    Jojo xx
    12 pounds to lose this month, ambitious but doable I think, holiday beckons.

    Hi Jojo
    Don’t know if you have access to a Kindle or Kindle for ipad which is what I use, but Amazon had a couple of recipe “books” for quinoa free recently. Also the BBC Good Food website has some recipes. Quinoa really is a wonder food, a complete protein very rare in the plant world and full of fibre, magnesium, iron etc. I also cook with pearled spelt and farro which can be substituted for rice in risottos and such like. Love my grains!

    Thanks Cheeseplease, I will get on to it today

    Hi jojo and Cheeseplease,

    Very quickly as I must stop chatting on here instead of getting on pretending to be a post-grad film historian.

    Excellent advice, Cheeseplease. There’s some very useful stuff on Beeb Good Food. Thanks for reminding me about risotto. I have some fancy dried mushroom, plus some still-decent fresh ones, to use up.


    By sheer coincidence, the cover recipe (link as above) is all about quinoa, better still at 272 cals a throw, it’s perfect for a fast day. It’s also fine for pescatarians. On the same page there are a number of links to quinoa info and more recipes.

    I also love pulses – echoes of my hippy days. The recipe below is also great for a fast day. We had it on our last FD and it was great.

    Add a bit more fluid at no extra calorie cost and you can chuck in some zero noodles. It’s still only 292 cals – or 296 if you throw in the whole packet. 🙂 If you feel iffy about smoked fish, any nice chunky white fish will do. http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1973653/smoked-haddock-with-lemon-and-dill-lentils

    Salmon also goes brilliantly with lentils. Here’s a recipe from Delia, who sadly doesn’t do calorie counts so it might be safer to make it on a non-fast day. It’s posh enough to impress guests with.


    Hope that helps.

    Have a good day 🙂

    Hi Hermaj, Cheese, Jojo and Happy

    Many thanks for all the recipe and viewing suggestions. Will have a look over the next few weeks. Totally agree that my experience bears out that it is WHAT you eat that counts. Usually, my diet is high in unprocessed foods, including fish and vegetables, and low in carbohydrates. Low fat foods are too processed for my taste.

    Cheers to all, Bay 🙂

    Here are a couple of recipes, the first for tabbouleh, usually made with bulgur, but I have substituted cooked quinoa and like it even better that way. All ingredients can be adjusted to taste. The second is a good meatless option. I think the quinoa meatballs would be great with zucchini noodles!



    Have a great Monday, everyone!

    Can someone tell me what WOE is? V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Duh I’ve worked it out now! V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Afternoon all on this wet dull Monday

    My favourite lentil recipe


    I’ve made it without the dried fruit and it works well, and it would be easy to include more veggies. There is far too much dressing for the amount of lentils IMO so I make half the amount and only use a couple of tblsps of oil.

    I have a packet of pearl barley that I bought with the intention of using it to make risotto and I keep forgetting to use it.I want to try quinoa but I’m not buying any until the couscous and the polenta are finished as I have no room in the cupboard for it.

    I’ve just looked at the Delia recipe. It looks good and it would be easy to cut calories by using a non stick pan for the salmon and cutting the amount of oil in the salsa. I’ve got some salmon in the freezer so I might try it and see how many calories I can get it down to without losing too much flavour.

    Thanks, ply and Amazon,

    Both your suggestions have been cut and pasted to the same place where I keep all the LOACA recipes.

    Between you, you have reminded me how much I like tabbouleh – what a nice idea to use quinoa – and pearl barley. For meat eaters, somewhere online is a very nice 5:2-friendly lamb stew with pearl barley which I’ll try to dig out a bit later. If you want to avoid meat you could either increase the quantities of veggies or add a couple more different ones, or even a tad more pearl barley.

    Amazon, re the Delia recipe, why not pop the salmon under the grill? That way there is no added fat. And yes, you can certainly cut down on the oil in the dressing. It would be interesting to know about the calorie count once you have worked it out.

    Hi Bay, glad you are finding the recipes helpful. If you love cooking, looking for and trying out things that will fit in with our WOE is all part of the fun.:)

    Me again,

    Sorry, I got my lines crossed, or knickers twisted, if you prefer. I conflated two recipes. This one is a veggie Highland stew. Adding smoked sausage is an option. You have to scroll down the page a bit, the lady is inclined to waffle.


    http://www.lavenderandlovage.com is good for 5:2 recipes – if you can find your way around the site. It’s very lovely to look at, but as I said above, there’s quite a lot of waffle to struggle through. And there is an allegedly 5:2-friendly pizza that looks positively evil. Well worth a try, I’d say.

    I couldn’t find the lamb and pearl barley recipe, but I did find this one. At 442 cals it’s perhaps a bit too much for a fast day, unless you only consume 58 cal for the rest of the day, but it would be brilliant for a chilly fast day.

    I don’t use oil in a non stick pan. I was thinking of brushing the salmon with some of the salsa oil to add flavour.
    The Indian soup looks good. I would use 2 tsps of oil rather than 2tblsps which would cut down the calories.

    It doesn’t say if the number of calories stated are for 4 or 6 servings. I’m guessing it is for 4.

    Hello all,
    My goodness you have been busy, all those recipes should empty my very full pulses cupboard nicely.
    Can I put out a warning about farmed salmon, you may have read it before. Basically avoid it, it’s full of toxins. While your body is dealing with toxins (that are put in the water to clean it so the fish stay healthy)it can’t do it’s job of burning calories. Buy fresh salmon when in season or sea trout. I was addicted to salmon during my weight watcher days and it really hampered my efforts. A simple switch saw me losing weight immediately. You always learn the hard way I have discovered.
    It definately is ‘What you eat’ guys.
    Finished my classroom preparation today so I am off to sit in the park and throw balls for the dogs, bless them. Actually maybe we should start retrieving rather than throwing, should burn a few calories. Teehee

    Hi Amazon, it’s not clear, is it? Good idea to brush the slamon with the salsa oil.I think you are right to count the Indian soup as 6. If you were preparing it for a non-fast day, it might not matter quite so much. It’s all good healthy stuff and most of the ingredients don’t appear to be all that calorific or high GI. But I could be wrong.

    Bad news about farmed salmon, jojo. The fresh stuff is very hard to come by. There was I thinking salmon was one of the super foods, the oily fish we are encouraged to eat. 🙁 I don’t eat it that often and then only on non-fast days as the oil makes it a bit too calorific.

    Call me cynical but I always count calories when making dishes for the first time. If I like it the recipe goes into my book along with the calorie count.

    I am feeling even more smug about the half price organic salmon I bought last week and put in the freezer.

    Fast day today and I’m getting hungry. I’m going to try to hang on until 6pm. Time for some Buttermint tea to stave off the pangs.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but they can use the label ‘organic’ on sea farmed salmon, it is however still chemically treated, seawater pools. I think the salmon season is June and July, otherwise it is not fresh. Sea trout is widely available and looks and tastes exactly the same, oily type fish. White fish is less calories though on the whole. As pescatarians we also need to ensure that we don’t get mercury build up. Best way to do this is to vary our seafood and fish. Personally I could live off prawns especially with Thai green curry but they are very high in cholesterol. Variety really is the spice of life
    Butter into tea sounds nice, who makes that? I drink honey and camomile mostly.
    Like you I record the calorie count of each menu.

    Im quite enjoying the new posters!

    Thank you for the concerns. It seems dieting had a way of being swayed by events and moods.

    free food today. Fasting off just like that. HA
    SO I fast tommorrow. Its a holiday here labor day..
    so much picnic foods. I hadnt had a hot dog in soooo long . Why not? 385 calories with cheese and bun.
    tommorrow is new day.

    Hi SAMM,

    This one isn’t about food but about music. Your mention of Labor Day reminds me that we were in Chicago over the holiday weekend two years ago. There were a whole lot of bands takig part in the music festival on the lake shore and we went along to listen to a New Orleans jazz band. Oh dear. They were so bad they were embarassing. So we moved along to where the high school bands were playing. The band we caught was from a school on the South Side well-known for the way they changed the future for disadvantaged kids.

    The band was brilliant as were all the solists, especially those on clarinet and sax. There was one boy in that section, a small African American wearing great big hornrimmed spectacles, who didn’t get to play, until the very end. We then got the picture. They were saving the best till last. The little guy was inspired, he completely mastered his instrument, pouring his soul into his playing. I still get tears in my eyes just thinking about it.

    Buttermint tea is made by Twinings. It is peppermint with vanilla that gives it a distinct taste, rather like a Murray mint but not sweet. A friend made some for me when I stayed with her recently and I liked it so much I’ve bought a 4 pack!

    Fast day almost over, I’ve kept busy and had some exciting tennis to watch this evening.

    I’m off to Hidcote tomorrow and have to be up early, so goodnight all.

    Good morning fasttrackers.

    One FD down with no trouble yesterday so hoping for the same today. Had a pig out long weekend and the scales showing it. Mr Will Power must have gone on holiday 🙁

    Time to refocus, keep off the processed carbs and apply SAMM’s 250/500C rule, although 225/450C is better for me.

    Very welcome 12mm rain yesterday and last night to settle the dust, as we say in Oz. A bit more forecast for the rest of the week which should take the worried frown off the farmers’ faces for a bit.

    Hermaj, sorry for pointing it out but aren’t you supposed to be writing wonderful things for your thesis? A gold medallist in delaying/avoiding writing reports like me can really sympathise. I’ll bet your cupboards are tidy and all your ironing done as well! 🙂

    Happy Tuesday all.

    Hi Nicky,

    At the moment, I’m managing to juggle both. But as I told Purple earlier on the Maintenance thread, she (and you) are right in asking, in the nicest possible way of course, why aren’t I getting on with it.

    The truth is that I am. It’s beginning to flow nicely and my argument advances little by little by the day. So far, both on the pre-MA conversion course and the MA itself, the assignments with which I’ve had the most fun have gained the highest marks. This one’s huge fun, so hopefully….

    However, there will soon come a moment when I shall have to put the FD forum off limits. It’s really the fault of all you lot, 🙂 lovely people with fascinating stories to tell. How can I resist?

    As for being a champion putter-offer of certain tasks, you are absolutely right (takes one to know one, I suspect, hee-hee), but under no circumstances will my cupboards ever be tidy or the ironing all done. I already hold a PhD in household slobbery, although the loo is always clean, the washing done and food supplies up to date. And I also have a lovely fella who’s a better homemaker than I’ll ever be. Have a happy day all of you Down Under. Me, I’m off to bed.

    Sleep tight Hermaj. I too have a PhD in household slobbery, which is why the most hated of jobs got done when I should have been writing.

    Glad to hear you’ve got it under control.

    Lunch and dinners walla

    I use the Pyrex ramikins with lids. Because they are so versatile I have 50 , after the lids got worn . I simply reordered new lids from Pyrex.com. I like the new lids with vents.

    Yes my switch to 250 cal and 500 portion sizes is just simp,y for the foods I like to eat over and over.
    To be honest its about keeping track of how I respond to my morning foods due to diabetes.

    It wasnt a far leap to start learning to make the carefully measured meals in large pots. Portion sizing to not even thinking about it.

    Another strategy is to dump all contents of ingredients, And count the calories as whole and divided into portions that would equal 250 or500 cals.

    Spaghetti for instance.

    250 sauce
    1700 noodles
    400 hamburger

    2350 divided 9 ways. Basically. Through in some mushrooms and spinach 2500. Ten ways put into bags and frozen.

    I don’t eat pasta that much anymore though :p

    I had the hardest time trying to cook the 250 portions, found the big pot divided ways simple.

    So I applied it as cooking a pot of food on feed days. And making freezing the leftovers that were never served. I quickly had a freezer full of stuffs. So I learned to pick 1 new go to food a week to spend time in the kitchen with.

    I’d say my most successful portion control. Was for a dark chocolate covered bran flake cereal. That stuff issuer nightmare to fix, but a wonderful dream to eat if ready to serve.

    Basically avoid having to count count count everyday , especially don’t like counting every little thing on fast and feed days both. Also this helps me stay out the kitchen on fasting days, because typically im skipping breakfast. So i open the freezer, grab two ramikins, pop one in microwave, and the dinner in a lunch bag.

    I learned and kept notes on which foods made me more hungry after eating the small portions. Pasta always made me hungrier than if I hadn’t eaten at all.


    Another strategy was what to do with those days that infact I did get TOO hungry to keep on Keepin on.

    I keep those protein mineral shakes, I simple make a dark chocolate flavor add coffee mixed with ice and some stevia. And. Keep filling the cup with ice the rest of the day. I figure I might not make the 500 cal fast ,but I still observe calories restriction by staying near 750 calories, and still have a feed day the next day. This way I can keep my fast day schedule regular as planned. I tend to like mon,wed,Fridays. Leaving weekends open for unrestricted eating with friends and family.

    Good evening all,
    I can still say that as it’s not quite midnight here. I have been buried in paperwork all evening, all stuff I have been putting off for month. I absolutely hate dealing with banks, government departments, utilities, telephone company, national health service and insurance companies. To morrow after sorting paperwork I will need to ring each of these. Some to do with my house move last March, some to do with my business closure and others to do with my retirement. I expect this to take most of the day. Thank goodness it’s not a fast day because I would never cope with starvation and beaurocracy together. Wish me luck!
    I will be cooking put lentils tomorrow too, can’t wait, thanks Ply. Are you enjoying being back at work?
    I think pulses in my diet are going to be a change that will save me calories and cash.
    I just hope there are no digestive issues.

    I am a big fan of berries, what is your favourite fruit and why? Do you know the health benefits? Keep talking, we are learning from each other. I am feeling very slender so looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow. With luck I will be down another half pound at least.

    Food today – porridge with berries( inc cherries – SAMM), home made soup(veg), mozzarella cheese mixed salad with honey and mustard dressing (649 cals) not too bad.
    Exercise – minimal – 20 mins walk around the park with the dogs.
    Stepping up the exercise this weekend as I am going crazy.

    Have you tried quorn in bolognaise instead of minced red meat, less calories and healthier. It is different in texture but with a little Parmesan on top not an issue. Have you seen Michaels programme about red meats and processed meats? It’s an eye opener.
    Jojo xx

    No haven’t seen the documentary . I will though as I do like to watch his work.

    I’m meat industry veteran meat cutter, hamburger maker. I know.

    Rather than discuss the horrors. I say what I do do.

    I buy the whole lip on ribeye. It’s from 1 animal is my point.
    I use a big deli size stainless steel slicer to cut it into perfect sizes.

    I used to grill. But now I crock pot my meats to avoid burning. I set it at 150 to cook and 180 prior to serving. I used to save the fat for roasts, but I don’t eat that way anymore. Typically now I try my. Best to dial in the size to make 200 calorie slices , cook, and store in the freezer.
    If I want a hamburger I make it from ribeye, because it’s 80/20 just as hamburger should be. Grinding my own hamburger is more fun than a chore.

    Morning SAMM,
    Sounds like a lot of work but I know rib eye is a good cut of beef. According to Michael beef, lamb is good in moderation but red meat should be a treat not a daily food. Processed food is the highest risk, one portion of bacon takes one hour off your life, now that is a sobering thought. Burgers, salami, ham, sausages, hot dogs are all in the same boat with bacon and should definately not be eaten daily. Michael likes his red meat and processed meat but has decided now to reduce it considerably. I used to eat ham daily, hotdog monthly and bacon and sausages weekly. Never really been that keen on burgers especially in a bun with chips, too much carb, very indigestible. I would have salami occasionally. But since I started fasting red meat and processed meat a rare treat. Mainly fish and seafood, plus egg, some chicken and low fat cheese and lots of fresh veg. Now I am adding more plant proteins, I find they are good if you use a good sauce, I like curry or thai sauce but not too hot.

    I will probably have bacon monthly now, I like them but not enough to lose one hour of my life weekly. I hope they don’t come up with bad press about eggs as food choices are being limited.

    I have lots of de cluttering at my old house to do, it’s really getting me down, so depressing and boring. Koko, one cupboard at a time, I know it will be great when it’s finished but I think it will take months, it’s a very big house and the double garage is full to the rafters, mostly school resources. I had a yard sale but not much was sold. I don’t really enjoy going to boot fairs at the crack of dawn. I think I need help.

    Time to walk the dogs, might cheer me up.

    Scales stayed the same, with luck they will drop tomorrow.

    Good luck fasters, anyone any good news to share?

    Good morning, fast trackers! I am up very early, ready to finally get back to school! Meetings today, kiddos tomorrow! Yay!
    Hermaj, what a great story about the music in Chicago. So much talent, largely undiscovered, out in the world!
    I haven’t seen the new meat documentary, will have to try to find it soon. We eat red meat about once a week, chicken is our main protein with seafood mixed in once or twice per week. I like shrimp (prawns), too, Jojo, and you can’t beat the versatility and convenience. My husband used to eat a lot of bacon, but we have gotten away from it, now maybe once a week for breakfast, and used as a minor ingredient for flavor other times.
    My fave fruits are berries and apples. Berries for the flavor and low calories. Apples for flavor and portability. I have been eating some delicious nectarines this summer as well. I enjoy all fruits, but tend to stay away because of the calories on fast days. In general, I would rather spend my calories on savory foods.
    Decluttering is a huge and boring job, Jojo, but it feels so good to get rid of things that are no longer needed! It is very stress-relieving for me, and I love the look of organized and sparsely-filled cupboards and closets. Somehow it seems to free up mental space as well. We have moved a lot over the years, which has made me quite unsentimental about holding on to things that I don’t need. You gain a different perspective when the question is, “Do I want to pack and move this?” Good luck with your efforts!
    Great food ideas, everyone! Like SAMM, I find that planning and prep are the keys for me to staying on the straight and narrow. Great tip about ordering just the kids, SAMM!
    Off to the gym now (back to the days of leaving the house in the dark, boo!) and then back to school! Have a wonderful day, all!

    Hey all,
    I was disappointed in the scales this morning because I was certain I had lost weight. I went back and tried again, yah down another 1/2 lb. checked three times so all good. Must have put them over a tile crease earlier. Have more faith in my own instincts in future.
    I think I will celebrate by clearing out two cupboards today
    Life doesn’t get more exciting guys.
    My son just sent me photos from Thailand, they are riding on elephants in the jungle, where did I go wrong.

    Good evening all,
    Quiet on here today!

    I have just watched the Facebook video of both my kids going through the ice bucket challenge for Mac Millan Cancer Research. Thank goodness they didn’t nominate me. I don’t mind doing my bit for charity but why do people choose unpleasant things to do. Why can’t it be something pleasant and healthy. Give up sugar for a week? I hear there is also a charity campaign to ‘Get sober for October’ (can’t help there as I am tea total) I suppose I could give up tea instead, just drink water.

    Just made a final visit to my daughters classroom, it’s taken 5 full days to organise and decorate, but looks wonderful. She has ‘water’ as the topic and has set up a 3 meter long cardboard pirate ship with sails, flags and a helm with a steering wheel. Looks amazing I am very proud of her. The ship will be the first thing the children see when they arrive Thursday. Ahoy there mateys.

    She is back after a month in New Zealand and she has just done her third fast since returning. She is looking forward to losing her holiday blubber. She said I am her inspiration both as a teacher and dieter. Nice to be appreciated. I am averaging 1/4 per day at the moment so very happy. However I have a new mosquito bite today so progress may now be halted for a few days.

    How is everyone else getting on?

    Hello everyone .Back from our weekend and tried to catch up here but had about 50 e-mails and just too tired from driving to read them all .We had a lovely weekend and have been really good . Came home the same weight I went . It was lovely to just be away from everything for a couple of nights . I hope you are all well and being good :p…

    Wee xx

    Hi, there’s a relatively new poster out there who has professional experience of dealing with osteoporosis. I do apologise for not remembering your name.

    As a pro who has engaged with this problem could I ask you a question? I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it said that, in women above a certain age, it’s desireable to be slightly overweight, i.e. up to a stone, as this offers protection against osteoporosis.

    Is this a proven fact, or is it just an excuse for an ex-fatty like me who is still finding it hard to shed those last pounds? 🙂

    I’d be genuinely interested in your reply, as I’m sure other posters would.

    Evening all.
    I’ve been to Hidcote today. Never been before but will be going again as it is such a beautiful garden. It was a nice drive from London through to the Cotswolds too. The weather was perfect.

    When we arrived I had coffee and cake, and a sandwich for lunch. I know, all those carbs, eek! and what was really annoying was that the cake was nowhere near as nice as it looked. I had a pork chop (fat trimmed off) and some veggies for dinner which included some beautiful heritage tomatoes made into a salad bought from the Hidcote kitchen garden. I also bought carrots and runner beans. Fast day tomorrow and I’m planning a warm vegetable salad using what I bought today along with what is in the fridge, topped with a poached egg.
    weemam, glad to hear you had a good weekend. It is nice to get away even if it is just for a couple of days isn’t it.
    jojo, my favourite fruits are cherries. I also like gooseberries. There aren’t any fruits I don’t like but I’ve gone off bananas for some reason. I eat a lot of blueberries as they are so good on granola, with yoghurt, in cooking or on their own as a snack.
    When I gave up work I realised after a couple of months that I was throwing fruit away. My eating habits had changed completely and despite the fact that I love fruit I was hardly eating any, so I had to work hard to get it back into my diet. I used to eat three pieces or equivalent every day and suddenly I wasn’t eating any. I’ve gone off bananas so don’t bother buying them any more. I have eaten a lot of berries this summer and also lots of peaches. I’m now eating figs and plums.
    I eat bacon once a week and I am not planning on changing that. I don’t eat meat every day, and probably eat beef 2 or 3 times a month, so no changes planned there either. I eat burgers and ham rarely, and sausages probably 3 or 4 times a year. I do eat salami, chorizo etc occasionally too, but none of these items are on my shopping list every week.

    Welcome home, wee. Glad you had a great weekend and congratulations for not having put on any extra pounds. 🙂

    I so admire people who can stay diet-conscious on holiday. I confess I have been known to blow it while away from home. Fortunately, courtesy of 5:2, it’s relatively easy to repair the damage quite quickly.

    Hi jojo and Amazon, my favourites are cherries and raspberries, peaches and nectarines. Not sure of their nutritional advantages, I’ve just grown up with the idea that fruit is “good for you” and that you can tell who the posh people are “because they have fruit on the sideboard when no one’s ill.” 🙂

    However, since becoming calorie-observant, it’s come as quite a shock to find that, with the possible exception of raspberries, these are somewhat calorific, so should be treated with respect on fast days. I don’t especially like citrus fruits but regularly use the zest and juice of oranges, lemons and limes in cooking.

    One little whinge, though. So often fruit varieties available in the UK are not nearly as sweet and juicy as their counterparts on the Congtinong. I wonder why? Answers on a postcard… 🙂

    hermaj, I used to run the local bone densitometry service as part of my job.
    Being small framed or thin increases the chances of developing osteoporosis but being overweight puts women at increased risk of so many other medical conditions such as hypertension and uterine cancer that the risks from being overweight probably outweigh the benefits.
    The best way to reduce the chance of developing osteoporosis is to eat a balanced diet, don’t drink too much alcohol, don’t smoke and get plenty of fresh air as sunlight helps with vitamin D, and do regular weight bearing exercise.
    IMHO the best advice can be found on the National Osteoporosis Society website.

    Wow, Amazon, I didn’t realise the expert was you. 🙂 I’m fairly confident that I’m not in line for OP, my nails are – well, hard as nails – and I’ve never yet broken a bone and there’s no history in the family. But of course it doesn’t do to be smug.

    Also I think I tick all the boxes when it comes to doing the right thing – it’s just the stubborn 10-14 lbs that I still have to get rid of. And now I’ve got no excuse. 🙁 Thanks for the info and advice.

    Today has been a fast day and I and Him Indoors have just put away the light moussaka contributed to the LOACA recipe thread by the lovely LUVTCOOK from the USA. Seriously tasty and definitely a modest 248 cals well spent. It does contain meat but for non meat eaters I’m sure it would work with a few more veggies instead, as it certainly would with what we in this household irreverently refer to as “cardboard mince”, i,e, soy mince.

    Good evening all,
    Hermajtomomi, your question about osteoporosis is one I have posed to my Doctor because I had my ovaries removed in my early thirties and I did not get on with HRT so stopped it after three months.
    She recommended that I stay at the top of my weight limit( for me 10 st), not one stone over(sorry). She did recommend red meat weekly and lots of oily fish plus weight bearing activities like yoga. On the plus side she recommended 8 hours sleep nightly or at least bed rest such as reading. She said supplements are not necessary if you eat a healthy diet which included fats (5%) fruit and veg(50%) carbs(20%) protein(15%). They took X-rays of my wrists to measure bone density at that stage and this has been used for comparison twice since. All good I am pleased to say. Mind you I need more tests done now on my spine, fingers crossed.
    Amazon – sounds like you have it sorted diet wise, good for you, I agree it’s about balance. How is your weight loss going?
    Well done you, no weight gain and a nice mini break. I plan on not gaining on my trips either. I simply hate losing the same weight twice, it’s so depressing. I was yoyo ing during July/August but am now in control and feel much better. We have been debating meat and processed meats. What are your feelings about the health risks?
    We have also been talking about our favourite fruits, we all like different things.

    I wouldn’t say I am an expert but I know a fair bit about osteoporosis courtesy of a fantastic course aimed at health professionals run by the NOS.
    My personal opinion is that being overweight exposes us to the risk of so many other conditions. Being overweight puts a lot of stress on joints and a significant percentage of people requiring knee replacements are overweight and have been so for some time.
    Since I started the fast diet my blood pressure has dropped significantly. I have hypertension and despite medication it was still rising steadily. After 4 months on the diet it had gone from 149/95 to 135/80. I am hoping that I’ll eventually be able to reduce or even stop the medication, but even if I have to continue taking it I know that I’m doing my best to control it.

    jojo, I weighed myself after a couple of weeks back on the diet to ensure that things had started moving in the right direction, but my plan from now on is to weigh once a month to avoid disappointment which is usually followed by shovelling cake into my mouth!

    I don’t take all of the ” new ideas ” seriously . I was born in 1942 when there was rationing and I was always told to eat what was on my plate . I was brought up by a brilliant cook and baker ( my Mam ) I make soup , stew,stovies. mince and Bolognase mince (without the spaghetti ) . Freeze them so there is always something at hand .

    if I fancy bacon I have it . if I fancy corned beef I have it .
    I think life is too short to worry about all the things we are told are good or bad for you . I have never smoked or drank alcohol . We are told one week take asprin then a few weeks later we are told not to take asprin ( just an example ). I was getting worried about all that so now I don’t take any notice .
    My dad is 96 and Mum passed away at 92 .They both have/had Alzheimers also my granny and 3 aunties .
    I believe 5.2 is so good BECAUSE we can eat what we like in moderation and still look good and more importantly feel good . We are told he might help keep Alzheimers at bay and for me that is a big plus .

    Rant over now lol .

    Wee xx

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