Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • Wow Wee…bung toes and floods…what a week! I’m sure your dad will love spending Christmas with you. He knows he’s loved deeply.
    We spent the day with Smiffy and Hermaj. Great girls and both are looking fabulous. We didn’t fast as food, drink and talk go SO well together ? P

    You are making some great memories PVE . My toe is looking much better tonight the salt water and savlon seems to be doing the job .

    Loved the picture of the 3 of you pal . I hope Hermaj comes back soon I miss her . SAMM too .

    Safe journey to wherever you are going next pal .

    Wee xx

    Hi all,

    Glad your toe is improving Wee and very glad you have not been washed away! The expression ‘messages’ must be a UK one, the only person I have heard say it here was my dear MIL, who was raised by an English father. My kids always giggled when she used to say she had some messages to do!

    Lovely reading about all the travellers adventures, what a small world it is now. I look forward to Jojo’s impressions of Perth – I have never been there, but hope to drive across the Nullabor one day to see WA.

    Just back from a lovely swim, followed by not so lovely grocery shopping, so boring! Fasting today, so of course I nearly bought the whole shop! Because we away for Xmas, we have a family lunch this Sunday, so lots of preparation happening. And I thought I was going to escape it this year!!

    I have finally realised what a difference a good drink of water can make on a fast day. Sometimes when busy I don’t drink enough and can start to feel unwell, but a good big drink of water always turns it around. Very warm here today, so drinking lots naturally!

    All the xmas lillies are flowering beautifully, their second year in and obviously happy where they are. Its so hot outside I might just have to pick some and bring them inside to enjoy the cool house and allow me to enjoy their perfume!

    Morning All,
    Nama – I can’t stand the smell of lilies indoors, too pungent, they make me sneeze and I get headache. If bought them I banish them to an unused room or my hall.
    I agree about the water, it is the only thing that has kept me going in Darwin. I have literally drunk a litre avery couple of hours. I have never sweated as much in my life, it’s horrible. But I loved my adventures there, on the whole. Another late pickup for the airport today but I didn’t fret, still here in plenty of time. I don’t board until 2 pm. We had a fire alarm here so we were prevented from going through security. Always something happening when you travel.
    I shall be sad to leave Australia, it is a very friendly and exciting country especially for wildlife and art. I haven’t really done the nightlife scene but I am sure it’s great. I have two trips planned in Perth – Pinnacles and St Margaret’s River so it will be all go. Checked the weather last night, a lovely 27 degrees, heaven.
    Nama- you must be off soon, how exciting this wedding blessing sounds, another culture to explore.
    I am hoping to be more active in New Zealand, far too much sitting on coaches and boats for my liking. My clothes are telling me I need to work harder at fasting with this sedentary lifestyle.

    Hi Jojo, hope your flight is on time at least! You have done an awful lot of travelling, so I guess the sitting around is inevitable…. tho a guy raised money for my old hospitals new childrens ward last year by walking around the perimeter of Australia, fully dressed as Darth Vader!! Maybe you could try that next time. He walked in the heat, fully dressed up, took him a year. Such a fabulous person!

    Flowers can never be too strong for me, I love anything perfumed! Lillies, (esp Ginger Lilly), Jasmine, Roses – love em all. Luckily never have hayfever!

    Your clothes may be tighter because you are retaining some of that water you are drinking… I swell in hot weather, esp humid weather. Thats why my arthritic knees were so painful in summer when I was heavier, they swelled up like balloons, but not in winter. Weird. Anyway, enjoy the relative cool of WA. I hear Margaret River is beautiful. We leave on the 20th, not long now… Gosh I wish I didn’t hate flying. Got the Kindle out to load a book or two, hopefully distract myself a bit.

    Morning/evening all,

    Hi Jojo,

    The Pinnacles is on my list of places yet to visit. I’ve stayed in the town of Margaret river. It is a very beautiful area, lots of vineyards and stunning scenery.
    While you are in Perth try to find time to visit Kings Park, it is a beautiful place to walk round and affords stunning views of the city and across the water.

    I love lilies but some of them have overpowering perfume if brought inside the house and I prefer to see them in the garden.
    Day two of B2B fasts for me. I have a lot to accomplish today and I’m going to the ballet this evening so should be able to keep on track.

    Have a good one everybody ?

    Well I’m afraid lilies are not even allowed in the garden! They are poisonous to cats… 🙁 I used to snip off and remove anther/stamen and pollen from cut flowers, but apparently all parts are toxic so it’s just not worth the risk…

    Hi Amazon,
    My transfer driver recommended Kings Park so I will definitely see it before I go, probably the day I leave as my trips are all day from 7 am for the next two days. I thought I had a day off in between but it has been changed.
    You may be right about water retention, plus I am on anti histamine and pain killers which never help my weight.
    Now I am thinking a nice film before bed.
    I am in a small hotel called Sullivans, it’s’s ‘s nice, tiny pool though. Free wifi 24 hrs- hooray

    Jo, in summer they show outdoor movies in the evenings at Kings Park and a great view of the Swan River. P

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉

    Greetings from a cool and damp SE of south Australia Efficient Fat Burners my friend the alpaca (choco) for he is a chocolate brown of course is looking mournfully across the road to another paddock at a mob of sheep as his mob has been removed as there is nil feed so he is quite depressed and sad this morning but he still has 4 horses and a few cattle to talk to so it’s not all bad but he is not the protector and carer of them ok WOW!!
    The thread is really bubbling along with everyone checking in these days I have been away for work so lots to read and catch up on. I asked yfee to write up a food diary for last week’s non fast days the 2 fast days seem to take care of themselves under 500cal and achieves a daily minimum 16-8 sometimes 18-6 what is clear from this project though is the demon carbs that are in her food list with wholemeal bread potatoes fruit juice pasta beans legumes crackers and cooked rice breakfast cereals low fat ice cream and low fat mayo and diet yogurt etc I am sure you get the picture now so we have reshaped that with LCHF this week and I will be very interested in next week’s scales this week a loss of 700 gram and she was happy with that simply because it is her doable and a total of 8kg in 7 weeks now which is very noticeable since she began really gives her some belief and happy wife happy life
    Fast trackers.
    Happy Hump Day

    “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass it’s about learning to dance in the rain”
    Peace RT

    Wow,RT, good for wifey and great for you both that happiness is abundant.
    I really think that this WOL promotes happiness and I wonder why- is it the fact we have fewer toxic products in ourselves? Is it finding a solution ourselves to a seemingly unsurmountable problem? I have to say that in spite of the ups and downs of life, a feeling of well-being persists. My OH joined me for 3 months last year in my ADF and it was a great shared experience. Well done both of you.

    Yes, JoJo, King’s park is lovely. I guess it’s hot in Perth now, but dry heat after Darwin. The coast near Margaret River is beautiful.

    I am on fast today. I can feel my pelvic bones again after so many yearrs.
    Happy Day

    XX Wiwi

    Morning all from crisp,sunny Melbourne. Thank goodness yesterdays humidity and hot north wind have gone!
    Much whooping and dancing in my garage this morning with the scales in the low 73’s! (My most accurate scales are industrial sized so need to be out there!) This time they are staying there and have not bounced for over a week. You are so right RT, its the demon carbs for sure that undo us. I have stuck with salads, fish, sensible amounts of berries and minuscule carbs for a week and it does pay off. The bonus being the sweet tooth has nicked off again. I swam 40 laps and was busy all day yesterday on just coffee and water all day, being busy certainly helps. Wiwi, you are spot on too, finding a solution OURSELVES to a seemingly insurmountable problem certainly increases the happiness index. And I am so pleased that the knee brace is working so well, you are certainly clocking up the steps!
    Happy thanks for that, I had no idea lillies were toxic! I knew Camellia flowers and Oleanders were poisonous. Fortunately no cats around here to get poisoned!
    Hope the ballet was great Amazon, what did you see?
    Have a great day all, I am off for lunch with old friends, might actually have lunch today!

    Nama, good work on the weight. I guess your imminent trip is a good incentive?

    Wiwi, congratulations on finding some long-lost bones! The only problem is banging into things without padding. Ouch!

    RT, Mrs RT is doing phenomenonly well. She has some eating habits to change, but she’s not even two months in so it’s still early days. I’ll be interested to hear how she gets on this week coming!

    Good morning,
    As you can see I am up with the larks, off to see some 3.5 million year old lime stone pillars. More sand dunes and spectacular coastline of Western Australia this time. Possibly see some more kangaroos. Definitely don’t have enough time here. Only one day to explore the city, bad planning.
    Light lunch planned today plus lots of walking and possibly some swimming in the sea. Hope there are no crocs. The pool here would just about fit the croc I saw on Monday in it, I wont be doing lengths of that, might it might be good for a dip when I get back. Hopefully English summer temperature here today, fingers crossed.
    Good luck on your fasts today, my next one if Friday.

    Wiwi, fantastic news about finding the bones. Mrs RT, great results. How lovely for both of you. My OH has always been skinny as, so no company on journey. Jojo, Endorse Kings Park and the Pinnacles and the Margaret River area. Also hope you get to the jarrah forests while down in the Margaret River area. Cheers, all. Bay ☀️☀️

    Nama, congratulations. Vietnam skinny here we come. Have fun with friends today. Cheers, Bay ??

    wow wow wow not far off the sixty somethings then Nama good for you hubby will need to be at the top of his game to keep up with you im thinking 😉

    Wow, Nama, you are inspiring me. You really are focused. I guess you leave for Vietnam soon. You would look wonderful in one of those straight Asian dresses. I always associate them with Suzie Wong (wongly or wightly?)
    I will go to the pool tomorrow to do my 2km. The worst thing about swimming is the boredom and although I have a waterproof MP3, I left the earphones in France.
    Great about your weight loss- I am now about 10 kilos above you, but 3 kgs down from when we met in Melbourne.
    A very good fast today with ratatouille, an egg and a few blueberries and yoghurt (Purple’s standby).Only 10k steps but up 30 floors.

    Happy fast days

    Thanks guys, Happy is right though, easier to be inspired when the clock is ticking! We leave on the 20th, so less than 2 weeks now. I just can’t get over the lack of desire for sweet stuff though. Shopping for gifts for future DIL’s grandparents today, found myself in a chocolate shop buying chocolate covered macadamias (made in Aus) for them. Surrounded by a previously much loved treat, I really did not need to use willpower, I just did not fancy any! Its a mystery to me how olives can replace chocolate!!

    RT not sure if I will ever get to the 60’s, its terribly slow going now and there isn’t much lard still hanging around! The last 3 kgs have taken about 3 months, but I am happy to keep fasting to see what happens!
    Wiwi I now think of swimming as a form of HIT, I go flat out for a lap or two then stop to catch my breath. I only realised I was doing this yesterday when I kept ‘lapping’ a woman in the next lane who seemed to be swimming at a steady rate! It is certainly helping the heart/lung capacity though.

    A very quick read before we head in to Rick Stein land ?…obviously seafood will be on the lunch menu.
    Congratulations Nama! Will you need to buy an even smaller wedding dress? Do I assume you don’t weigh naked if you have to streak to the shed??
    Jo, no crocs in Perth waters…the sharks scared them off. Don’t swim past the furthest person is the best advice. Stingers in the water are well known but basically harmless.?
    Frost here this morning. No swimming! P

    <<pant pant >> such a struggle to keep up with you all…

    Wi, I love the feel of my pelvic bones too – stroking them as I fall asleep is such a comfort – is that weird or what?? Are you free for afternoon tea at the usual place on Friday or Friday week?

    Are your blueberries the Fruzio brand? This brand is the one that is linked to the Hepatitis b problem, and as of tonight’s news the blueberries have been included, so I had better throw out the rest of my packet. Or not – nearly at the end, so if I am going to get ill I will incubating it by now 🙂 Que sera

    Morning/evening all,

    A beautiful frosty morning here with clear blue sky and sunshine.
    The ballet was fab. I saw Carlos Acosta who is giving up ballet and going back to Cuba to open a dance school and company. At 42 he is still a fantastic dancer as were the eight others on stage last night. They performed a selection of excerpts from ballets and short dances.
    Zenaida Yanowsky who is a French born Principal dancer with the Royal Ballet performed the Dying Swan and almost brought the house down. Watching Acosta is always a treat but she stole the show.
    It was a thoroughly enjoyable first night of only six performances so I was lucky to get hold of a ticket.
    It was my second day of B2B and I managed to save enough calories for a glass of wine before the performance, so I’m rather pleased with myself.
    Today is another matter as non FDs are still tricky, but I shall try to stick to my menu plan.
    I’ve given up weighing for the time being as I’ve been taking so many anti inflammatories and retaining water that I can’t get an accurate idea of what is happening. I figure that the worst case scenario is maintaining so am just continuing knowing that it’ll work if I stick with it.

    Well done Nama and Wiwi. When I’m swimming it is usually after a workout and I spend most of my time thinking about doing the stroke properly and stretching every muscle in order to ensure I get the most out of it.

    Jojo, I know you’ll enjoy Perth. When I was there in December 2013 it was in the high 30s so you’ll be very lucky to have English summer type weather, but it is dry heat which is much less draining than humid.

    RT, your wife has done really well in such a short time. I’ve been following this WOE for over two years and am still learning about what works and what doesn’t, still failing on a regular basis and still working on eliminating poor food choices. She’ll get there as she has you as an example, guru and chief cheer leader!

    Weighing in the 60s seems a long way off but when I think about the fact that I weighed almost 102kgs when I started it is actually very close ?

    Have a good one everybody ?

    Good evening All,
    Lively discussions on here. Fabulous news on your success Wiwi and Nama, go girls.
    I had salt and pepper squid for lunch, yummo! May have fish and salad for dinner. Really enjoyed Pinacles Tour, just me and very well informed lady in her Landrover Discovery, very comfortable. She is also taking me to Margaret River tomorrow so I am very pleased. She runs specialist ‘Wild Flower’ trip for gardeners and botanists in the Spring, I may need to return for that. I think I have made a new friend, we got on like a house on fire.
    Going to the Kings Gardens on Friday, free guided tour at 10 am, I will be on it. Not sure I will have much time to do Hop on Bus Tour I would like but I will try. Really could do with another few days here. The weather is heaven, English summer 25 degrees, bliss and no flies, happy, happy girl.
    Fasting may need to wait until Friday as free lunch again tomorrow. Anzac biscuits promised tomorrow for mid morning snack. Oh dear- do I have to smile and eat one?

    No! Smile, and say no thank you I don’t eat biscuits 🙂

    If someone offered you something disgusting or something you were allergic too you’d have no hesitation in refusing it. I don’t see why cake or biscuits are any different… Why is it so many people think it’s rude or would give offence to refuse the offer of a little packet of empty calories and poison?

    Tell them you’re diabetic! Or forego the free food altogether and tell them you’re fasting!

    Sorry, rant over, but it’s a convenient excuse for overeating that I hear all too frequently (‘it would be rude not to eat it’) 🙂

    I’m with Happy on the Anzac biscuits, and as nice as they can be there are many other Australian foodstuffs that are more delicious and better for you. The seafood and fish in Perth is easily available and fabulous and there are plenty of sushi bars which I would opt for any time over a biscuit of any description.

    What about RT’s
    “Nothing tastes as good as slim!”

    I say I can’t eat sugar without being specific about why!
    Glad the ballet was great, Amazon.
    I was heavier than you at the beginning, about 8kg more!

    I don’t buy processed carbs so if I add sugar to anything it is always with a view to how necessary it is and if so can I reduce the amount without spoiling the flavour or opening the oven to discover a failure. I have to say that I’m not as evangelical about avoiding it as some of you guys and don’t worry about naturally occurring sugars and that is an example of how this way of eating allows us to make choices that we believe in and that suit us and as a result are able to stick to.

    Once again I sat in a seat at the theatre and marvelled at the fact that I didn’t touch the sides rather than having to squeeze into it. Makes my heart sing!?

    Hi Amazon,

    I’m anything but evangelical! But I don’t automatically say yes to sweet ‘treats’ just because they’re offered. They have to be high quality and worth it, and even then I sometimes don’t fancy it.

    And I do recognize that there’s pretty much no nutritional value, and actually a lot of harm, in most ‘treats’ !

    If people want to eat biscuits that’s up to them, but let’s be honest and say ‘I want a biscuit’ rather than packaging it up as ‘I couldn’t say no without being rude’.

    And of course accept that you’ve just had x empty calories which spiked your insulin, setting back your attempts to burn fat, and which need to be mitigated somewhere else 🙂

    Point taken,
    I decided to email the organiser and ask her not to make or buy these biscuits on my account to fulfill the Aussie experience as I prefer not to eat biscuits in my diet. I really don’t want these ’empty calories’ back in my life. As for Tim Tams, yuck!
    Job done!

    There is a Perth by night tour, I may do it tomorrow night if I can get in. It will be a long day though 7 am start until 6 pm then 6.30 until 9.30 pm. I will decide in the morning.
    Ballet sounds great, sounds like you are having a great time socialising

    If I think back to when I used to buy and eat biscuits, I don’t think I ever even tasted them as I used to open a packet and eat mindlessly. I don’t even buy crackers to go with cheese any more as they were merely a vehicle for a thick layer of butter 😆

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉

    Having taken the opportunity to fiddle about with the LCHF concept I really find the notion that eating fat does not make you fat really difficult to get a grip on at the minute but I have adopted the regime and intertwined it or overlaid it with the IF of 16-8 18-6 and 19-5 plus the good DrM’s 5-2 for both of us so this is a study of two 😆 this time around a great ABC 30min catalyst doco on this is found here

    this does challenge the National Heart Foundation tick program and Diabetes Australia
    it is very very good and a worthwhile video IMO.

    or a shorter program available here 10 min
    by Prof Tim Noakes

    Dr Mercola is also a keen supporter

    I view intermittent fasting as a lifestyle, not a diet, and that includes making healthy food choices whenever you do eat. Also, proper nutrition becomes even more important when fasting, so you really want to address your food choices before you try fasting.
    This includes minimizing carbs and replacing them with healthful fats, like coconut oil, olive oil, olives, butter, eggs, avocados, and nuts. It typically takes several weeks to shift to fat burning mode, but once you do, your cravings for unhealthy foods and carbs will automatically disappear. This is because you’re now actually able to burn your stored fat and don’t have to rely on new fast-burning carbs for fuel. Unfortunately, despite mounting evidence, many health practitioners are still reluctant to prescribe fasting to their patients. According to Brad Pilon, author of Eat Stop Eat:3
    “Health care practitioners across the board are so afraid to recommend eating less because of the stigma involved in that recommendation, but we are more than happy to recommend that someone start going to the gym. If all I said was you need to get to the gym and start eating healthier, no one would have a problem with it. When the message is not only should you eat less, you could probably go without eating for 24 hours once or twice a week, suddenly it’s heresy.”
    Certainly for those of us lurking around here for 12 months or more probably really nothing new but still all very interesting or at least I found it interesting 💡

    Have a great day Efficient Fat Burners

    “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Hi all.
    Well done on the email idea Jojo, too hard to resist an anzac if its under your nose, especially if its home made – they are just a solid form of my other favourite = meusli! Too high in cals by far. Have fun today.

    Thanks for that info RT, always timely reminders. Re your point of not being quite able to grasp fat being ok to eat, or losing fat whilst eating fat: If you think of it as a simple calorie in/out equation that oversimplifies the whole thing. When thinking about calories per gram of each food type, fat is just more dense in calories, ie protein and carbs have approx 4 cals per gram and fat has 9 cals per gram. Therefore if we were just machines, this equation would be relevant. But we are learning that SATIETY comes into our equation, ie if we eat more fat, we are much less likely to overeat because we are less hungry. Add to this that fat does not spike insulin (thus making us hungrier and fatter), its really the ‘good guy’ ! We just need to remember to eat ‘healthy’ fats, not the ones that Maccas use to fry everything!

    The way I understand it, Insulin is a hormone, it enables our cells to absorb the sugar that is in our bloodstream. So the more we produce (in response to the sugar in our bloodstream), the more sugar we absorb. So far safer to eat a few more lovely fats, feel less hungry and produce less insulin.

    I hope you don’t think I am lecturing you, as you say, always good to go over this stuff for ‘revision’ and I am only saying it as you said you were having trouble getting your head around it!

    Your trip to the ballet sounds wonderful Amazon, I am going to google Carlos Acosta. I recently bought my series tickets for our 2016 season, cant wait. Its one thing I splurge on with my retirement spending, love it!

    MIss cheeky Purple, no I don’t streak to the scales in the garage! I walk calmly in a dressing gown and weigh in my nightie! I know the actual weight of all my various nighties and calculate the differences in grams! Warm weather I only have the nightie on, so have to remember not to stop to smell the roses and get the neighbours talking about that crazy woman wandering around in her night wear!

    Hi RT,

    I love the fact that butter is now considered a healthy food choice ?

    Unfortunately my cravings for bread don’t want to disappear and it has been my undoing on many occasions, however today I made some bread and managed to get it from oven to freezer for the loss of only one skinny slice which was used as a vehicle for some smoked salmon. That is a real result for me. I did have home made pizza for dinner though ?

    Hi Nama,

    I stopped buying cheese and butter because I thought I ate too much of it when it was the bread etc that was the problem. Who knew? I now always have both in the fridge but have cut out other things such as crackers, crisps etc. A little sliver of cheese does wonders and on a non FD stops me from mindless grazing when I’m not hungry.

    Carlos Acosta is a 42 year old Cuban who has been a Principal at the Royal Ballet for quite some time. He has done many other things too including choreography, acting, written a novel.
    He is a fabulously talented man and is about to give up ballet to return to Cuna and open a dance company and school.

    Cuba! 😆

    Hi Amazon, I just read all about Carlos on his website – London’s loss when he leaves!
    I am with you on the bread. Sometimes I tell myself its for husband (who does love good bread!) then manage to undo my good work by indulging. Still, if we can master keeping it to a sensible serve……
    Fasting again today, so better get busy and stop thinking about food!

    Well I succumbed to an open bag of Doritos this afternoon 🙁 I’m finding the day after my fast days challenging at the moment, I just want to eat! Mostly I just stuff up on cheese and nuts, but having been away over the weekend the cupboards were bare…except for the dregs of a bag of Doritos… Perhaps I should have opened a tin of coconut milk or had a cup of olive oil?!

    Or milked a cow and made butter you lazy woman!

    Hi RT:

    This lecture will tell you more than you want to know about cholesterol and dietary fat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsIU-3k7Y

    Who knew that the higher your total cholesterol the longer you live – and vice versa?!

    You know Nama, it has never occurred to me to just eat butter ‘naked’!

    You’re right though, I’m basically lazy! I toy at the edges of LCHF, but never fully take the plunge. And I haven’t yet got round to trying the fasting mimicking diet or RT’s 4 day water fast.

    You are not lazy Happy, just a busy girl! And why do all that other stuff if you don’t need to? We all take from 5:2 what works for us and you have achieved your weight loss and (generally) healthier eating. You will find you are more motivated to go further when you are older, a) you will have more time for yourself when you are not a slave to a boss, and b) your health will mean a lot more as you get closer to that wall we are all facing!

    Nama 🙂

    I’m doing B2B again tomorrow and Friday. I’m a glutton for punishment!
    I’ve made a really tasty veg and chick pea tagine which totalled 1500 calories and has yielded five generous servings. I had one yesterday, have one in the fridge for tomorrow and the rest in the freezer. One of the things I’ve achieved is to cut down on the amount of meat I eat. I love it but am trying to eat less and enjoy it more when I do.
    Says she with a gammon joint and a duck in the freezer with a turkey joint ordered for Christmas Smiley

    I guess the fact that fat is good means I can have a small slice of Christmas pudding with my bowl of clotted cream and a mince pie under the mountain of brandy butter.
    For leftovers I can make Thai style green turkey curry using coconut oil and coconut milk, bubble and squeak fried in butter, and turkey and ham pie using all butter puff pastry 😉

    Stop it I am fasting! Trying to pay some bills and getting distracted….

    Glad you clarified that for me Nama ??
    Well done on knocking back the empty carbs, Jo….enjoy Perth by night.
    Thanks RT and Nama for bringing in some research again. We all need to be pulled into line regularly. We wouldn’t be here if it was easy!
    I had a fabulous baked salmon ratatouille in Padstow, Cornwall, today. Perfect 5:2 non fast day feast. And the sun was shining on the colourful boats in the little port. Lovely.
    Keep strong everyone. P

    Amazon, think you forgot to mention a small slice of fruit cake with a wedge of Wensleydale 🙂

    P, your fishy Cornish trip sounds great. Did you try a pasty btw?

    Beautiful explanation thank you Nama for sharing the information highway with me and our fast team with all our own views personal experiments and experiences I think that is what keeps us all coming back here no doubting. And simcoeluv cheers for that link that what a mind opening experience wow Jason Fung authority on the subject I know that one 💡
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
    Albert Einstein


    In the interests of cultural investigation only, Happy, I purchased a “traditional” Cornish pasty from an award winning bakery, on recommendation. I threw most of it out. Incredibly dull. I used to eat them as a kid, occasionally, and had one in a Cornish town in South Aust last year…they were good. This one was your classic waste of calories. So in the bin, not on the hips. ?
    Now, if I could get some more of your gingerbread from Grassmere…..?

    Purple, in the interests of my own general knowledge, I just googled Padstow – so beautiful and looks just like Port Isaac where Doc Martin is filmed! Glad the sun is out for you, the baked salmon sounds wonderful.

    Happy, you should try butter neat, its beautiful if cold out of the fridge! I am so pleased I have stuck to my guns all these years and eaten butter instead of margarine! Husband once went to a place where marg is manufactured and reported it is grey before they put the yellow colouring in! Yuk! My instincts always told me that butter was natural so must be better….. I guess the trick is moderation!

    Morning/evening all,

    FD today, and another busy one scheduled. I’m going to have my hair cut and then into town in an attempt to finish the Christmas shopping. It is a cold and bright morning but showers are forecast. If I can avoid them it is a lovely day for a walk too.

    Thought for the day,

    If one used only a thin layer of sponge and stevia in the custard, could trifle be considered a health food Smiley

    Have a good one everybody ?

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