Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Freo Markets in Perth are my fav, Jo. Have a good fast.
    Happy and I met up today and had a great day, of course. This forum brings so much more than dietary advice. ☺ P

    Ha ha P, meeting up with a successful maintainer was certainly a good incentive to get a couple of good fasts in before we met! I can stop breathing in now 🙂

    Jo, I know it’s hot there, but the idea of melting by a pool in sunshine sure beats being permanently damp in the half-light of winter here! I’m

    Seriously cool ride
    Next time I fancy the Harley trike
    The crosswinds are viscious though, my head nearly fell off.
    Now to the pool

    Hello all you wonderful fasting friends.
    I did it, made it through a fasting day with under 300 calories. And I went to an amazing yoga class. I am so sore.
    Oh! Jo-jo I use to love riding on the back of a motorcycle. Did you drive it yourself? Also, thank you for the great information, I googled the company you mentioned and read one of their catalogs on line. My dear husband says I can go by myself, he is not an adventurous person. So I will plan some with him and without him. He would rather go camping in the mountains. I like to go any where. By the way he is also fasting from dinner each night. This wol is contagious.

    There are lots of people camping in Australia, lots of sites and mountains although New Zealand might be more temperate. As you know I am travelling alone, it’s great.
    It helps sharing my trip with you lot and my family and friends otherwise it might be a bit flat. It Spurs me on to try more adventurous stuff so I can tell people what I have been up to each time.
    Well done you 300 cals, I don’t do anything under 500 and often higher than that, sometimes I fancy something other than water, it’s just so hot here you dring all the time. Ice cream is heaven too, don’t usually bother at home but I am parched for anything cold here. Into low cal ginger beer at the moment.
    Just about to have dinner- green salad and fruit salad.

    Well done on the proper 300 cal fast, Sarah. You have mastered true 5:2 now! Australia and New Zealand are perfect for camping. You go to northern Australia in June or July and down south in March/April (we all camp at Easter) or Sept/Oct. Our long Christmas holidays are too hot for camping, except in Tasmania or NZ. You can travel all year as there is always somewhere with good temperatures and enough light. It’s a very big place.

    Happy, the sun WILL come back up here…you need to decorate all your trees with lights to cheer you up. It’s the mornings I find the most difficult in the dark, and I don’t have to go to work. I’d loved to have got up early for a walk by the lake to watch the sun rise this morning ? Ah well. I’ll come back in summer. The winter beauty has big benefits too.

    Keep sharing Jo. We are all on the trip with you. ? P

    Hi Jo,

    I wouldn’t worry too much about not fasting properly while away.
    Your 500+ calorie fasts while travelling will hopefully be helping you maintain, and I’m sure you’ll be reinvigorated by this amazing trip to get straight back into low calorie fasting on your return!

    Morning/evening all,

    I’ve been catching up with the latest photos of Joko’s trip down umder and Purple’s trip to the frozen and wet North. Lots of good times and lovely memories for all involved.

    Another FD for me today.

    Have a good one everybody ?

    How about classic English fish and chips with mushy peas opposite the pier at Blackpool today…in the rain, of course. Very English and the fish was good…very similar to home. Someone has to do this research for cultural comparisons! !! P ?

    Fish and chips in Blackpool sounds fab ?

    I’ve had vegetable chilli and a clementine, a very satisfying FD dinner on a cold grey day.
    I’ve been eating a lot of vegetarian and vegan food in the last few weeks so have bought some salmon for the weekend, and I’m going to make fruit salad with mango, blueberries and passion fruit. I love all the tropical and citrus fruits that are available at this time of year as they bring sunshine as well as flavour.

    The whole flat smells divine as I’m drying orange slices in the oven to make pot pourri. I have cinnamon, star anise, cloves and cardamom in a bowl waiting to join them ?

    I kept busy today which made fasting easy but neglected to drink as I was out and about and when I eventually got home I felt awful. I kept thinking I would stop for a drink soon and then getting side tracked. Easily remedied by a pint of water followed by coffee.

    Meeting the girls for lunch tomorrow and it’ll probably be roast turkey and all the trimmings. I’m driving so no vino until I go to a friend’s tomorrow evening.

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    After Brian proposed to Jill, his father took him to one side. “Son, when I first got married to your mother, the first thing I did when we got home was take off my pants. I gave them to your mother and told her to try them on, which she did. They were huge on her and she said that she couldn’t wear them because they were too large. I said to her, ‘Of course they are too big for you, I wear the pants in this family and I always will.’ Ever since that day, son, we have never had a single problem.” Brian took his dad’s advice and did the same thing to his wife on his wedding night. Then, Jill took off her panties and gave them to Brian. “Try these on,” she said. Brian went along with it and tried them on, but they were far too small. “What’s the point of this? I can’t get into your panties,” said Brian. “Exactly,” Jill replied, “and if you don’t change your attitude, you never will!” 😆

    Have a happy weekend all you beautiful losers 😉
    Peace RT

    Absolutely brilliant RT.
    Thanks. Mr P enjoyed it too, sitting, wine in hand, pouring rain outside, in Liverpool, with “Beatles” accents all around ?
    Your menu sounds great Amazon….when are you available? ?? P

    Haha, RT. You are indeed a rogue. All power to Mrs RT on her 5:2 journey. Cheers, Bay ??

    Good morning All,
    Thank you RT for your joke and appropriate humour which fits with current Womens Rights discussions here in Australia. There is certainly too much violence in the home here, it always seems to be in the news. Rarely hear about it in the
    UK but I don’t know whether numbers vary much.

    Can it be right that there are less women than men now, I heard it on TV last night, not sure whether it related to Australia or the world. I cannot believe that information. Wherever I have been and lived the women always out numbered the men, certainly in NZ. Must do some research of my own.

    I had another disturbed night because I was woken by a large spider falling off the ceiling on to my eye at 1 am, it was heavy and about the size of your 50 cents. I quickly knocked it in to the floor but it ran under my bed. I was in a very deep sleep so went back to sleep quickly. But the thought of it in the room kept waking me up thinking ‘has it crawled back onto the bed’ could it be a dangerous one?’ I didn’t see it in the dark so have no idea. I will report it to Reception so the cleaners know to look for it. I am treading carefully today and checking the toilet seat. If it hadn’t landed on me but landed in the bed the situation could have been worse I suppose. Still, not nice. My husband and daughter are terrified of spiders so I had best not tell them about this, they will never visit Uluru.

    Not fasting today, too disturbed. Need to check luggage and shoes for my eight legged visitor before I shut my cases. Certainly having adventures in this trip.

    Pc givineme probes. Ross is going to look at it tomorrow but if I go missing please don,t worry xx

    No problem Weeman, hope your problems get sorted. The porter found my spider it had travelled up the curtains on the French windows. I asked what type it was, he replied ‘dead type’. Ok so I don’t feel sorry for it, lost many hours sleep because of it.
    He said I probably took it in the room in my bag, if left on the floor by the pool, happens all the time, apparently. I will be hanging up my bag from now on. Why don’t they warn people?

    Hi dear losers
    I’ve been AWOl for a while as I have been travelling.
    I just love the joke RT

    I thought I would add a teacher story told at a class reunion I went to a couple of weeks ago.

    I small child at show and tell said to the class: ‘Last night my daddy got a new car’
    ‘That’s nice’ said the teacher. ‘ Yes, said the child, ‘and he spent all last night painting it and changing the licence plates.’

    Another small boy said: “I had a shower this morning”.
    “So did I” said the teacher.
    “Did you wet your bed last night too, Miss?”

    I might have been AWOL, but the 4:3 is going well. I don’t think I quite get down as far as your 300 calories, Sarah, but still quite disciplined. My jeans of aspiration
    of 6 months ago are jeans of realisation now and I need a belt to hold them up. They will become jeans of recuperation before I leave NZ again.
    I have been thinking a bit and wondering about 5:2 and all its forms.
    I am quite an obsessive person and wondering if this WOL is relatively easy since obsessively not eating is somewhat like another obsession like eating or drinking too much. Swapping one obsession for another.

    My brother who had the stroke seems now to have been brain damaged and I have spent 3 rather difficult days with him. I wanted to make a difference for him. This just back-fired and I just ended up rather damaged by his actions which though not intended to wound emotionally did so. I came home early as I could not stand the situation and feel loath to go again. The only high point was a day spent fasting and reading in a forested park ( at 0 energy point)

    Sorry to moan. In the old days I would have over eaten to compensate for the sadness, but now that doesn’t happen;
    I will now contribute more regularly. JoJo will be back soon and hopefully we can go out into our urban wilderness.

    The recent posts are so full of positive energy, I feel lifted. Thank you.
    XX Wiwi

    Hi Wi
    So sorry about your brother and the difficult time you’ve had. How dreadful for you all. ?
    I’m VERY proud of your tenacity to keep on fasting through! It is a kind of obsession, I agree. I like to tell myself that an emotional disturbance isn’t going to make me fat again. I steel myself, and it usually works.
    We overate by far yesterday, and knew it, but fasting today will be easy when I’m this guilt ridden and know my Kiwi mate is fasting too ? Wish me sunshine today, please?? P

    Morning/evening all,

    Clear blue sky and sunshine here ☀☀☀?

    Wiwi,so sorry to hear about the devastating consequences of your brother’s stroke. Thinking of you ?

    Good to hear that your fasting is going well and that the jeans are procing that it works. I’ve been going round in circles for a while but seem to be getting to grips with everything again. The proximity to the overeating season and a holiday in January have heed me to focus on what I need to be doing.

    Hi to everyone else, have a good weekend ?

    Hi Wiwi, great to hear from you, though I am sorry you have had a tough time with your brother. I believe people often have personality changes with a stroke, so try not to take it personally. I know its easier said than done. Families do get complicated don’t they? Great that you have been able to maintain fasting and that the ‘jeans of truth’ are starting to say the right words! Look forward to hearing more from you. I also agree about the obsessive bit – I am sure lots of us have swapped our addiction to sugar to an addiction of feeling in control. Its all about balance isn’t it?
    Hi Purple – you guilty? Never! You will fast well and all will be forgiven! Otherwise just say three Hail Mary’s. Just like Jojo, no point in travelling to faraway lands if you don’t at least try the local offerings, what a waste that would be. You know I am right…
    RT that was one of your best offerings this morning! Retold it to 3 female guests today, we all found it hilarious. Husband also present and kept very quiet! I am so pleased you are enjoying your coleslaw. Its a great fast food isn’t it? (if you make a big batch and add dressing last min). Sounds like you have well and truly nailed it.
    We have had a lovely few days at Jamieson. Gave the garden a good drink as we cant get back for four weeks, presently watching the birds and bunnies have their last nibble for the evening.
    Jojo I look forward to the latest instalment of the Great Jojo Adventure! Sorry but I did giggle at the spider story this morning – not a nice way to be woken. Every time we come up here in the warm weather, I always do a good spider patrol in every room – little blighters think they can move in rent free when we are not here.
    I prefer spider wrangling than watching for snakes in the garden at this time of year though.

    Hi Amazon, haveagoodweekend!

    Happy Friday, Fasttrackers! Always love reading your ups, downs, and adventures. Wiwi, sending thoughts of love & care. ?

    Hi WiWi sorry to hear you’re not at your peak this is for you I have put this up before but its timely I feel to revisit and reread Enjoy..
    As. you. are.
    Stronger than you know.
    More beautiful than you think.
    Worthier than you believe.
    More loved than you can ever imagine.
    Passionate about making a difference.
    Fiery when protecting those you love.
    Learning. Growing. Not alone.
    Warm. Giving. Generous.
    Quirky. Sexy. Funny. Smart.
    Flawed. Whole. Scared. Brave.
    And so, so, so.much.more.
    Be Strong. Be Confident. Be You
    xx RT

    Hi Wiwi, good to hear from you. So sorry to hear about your brother. Stay strong. Lots of warm wishes and sunshine coming your way. Bay

    Purple, sunshine for you. ???☀️☀️☀️ Played golf in 30 C heat today. Ready for the Nineteenth Hole by the end. Cheers, Bay ??

    Oh my…….I am arachnaphobic, so the spider would have had me in a panic. Have chills just reading about it! Glad the bugger was found and disposed of! Wishing you a spider free day today!

    Good Morning Fast Trackers,
    Wiwi- I know exactly how you are feeling. I looked after my mother for 15 years with Altziemers which definitely effected her personality. She could be quite brutal at times. You never stop loving relatives but you don’t always need to like them all the time.

    I am over the spider incident and slept most of the very dull coach ride from Uluru to Alice Springs, I would recommend flying this part of the trip, better from the air. Today I am visiting Birds of Prey and reptiles, handling both.

    This afternoon I head off to Darwin, looking forward to that! I may even squeeze in the botanical garden. It’s 41 degrees here so not ideal for walking about. Hopefully I will get a swim before I leave today, I may need it.

    Just eating apples today because I need to eat them before I fly. Wi will understand why!

    Poor spider… It inadvertently found it’s way inside (kidnapped by a human being and kept prisoner in a hostile environment) and then, when discovered, it was considered to be undesirable, was hunted down and ethnically cleansed! No trial, not even deported, just exterminated… Harsh!


    Enjoy Darwin’s wildlife. Try not to bring death to anything else 🙂

    And yes, don’t try smuggling any pests or diseases back into NZ?!

    I wouldn’t personally have killed it, captured and released is my style but it hid from me. I had no idea the porter would kill it.
    Do no harm is my philosophy except for Mosquitos which I will happily squash after all the misery they have caused me over the years.

    Happy, the apple disease problem goes the other way. Aussie apple growers have been desperately trying to stop the importation of NZ apples as they have fire blight over there. Sadly, with all this international free trade rubbish, local producers are at the mercy of politicians, who’ve probably never even seen a farm or orchard.
    Very windy today, but lots to see. P

    Dear Fasters
    Thank you all for your kind words, and wise words. I am overwhelmed! Your collective gentleness ……. hard to put the boost you give me into words.

    JoJo, the botanic gardens in Darwin are very interesting. Darwin’s drier than Brisbane and the plants a bit different.(Maybe the monsoon has arrived already)
    Lots of sympathy for the spider. But I agree too that they are useful and beautiful creatures. My limit is crocs- they are force without any warmth and I still shudder when I remember my close encounters of a croc kind in N Queensland. I’d never eat croc as you never know who they have been eating.
    Purple, your holiday sounds great, but I guess your days there are very short.

    Happy fasting!!

    With thanks to you all.
    XXX Wiwi

    Hi P,

    Well now I’m confused! I made an assumption, which was wrong, and now I don’t know why Jo is eating apples before she flies!?


    Now that’s a thought! People who eat wild crocodile meat might in fact he cannibals?! Yeuch.

    I think it’s a digestive system issue, Happy ?

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a cold, grey windy winter day here Smiley

    I had a fab day yesterday, lunch with some old friends and then spent the evening with another friend.
    The anti inflammatory diet is going well, last night I managed to consume a whole bottle of red grape juice Smiley

    I was woken up in the middle of the night (or so I thought) by someone continuously ringing my doorbell. I rushed down the stairs and it was the postman with my passport. It was 9.30am………
    I can’t decide whether to fast or not so I’ll see how it goes. I’m not hungry yet so if I can keep myself busy for another couple of hours it should work out.

    There’s a tree in my living room with twinkling lights, it must be the silly season Smiley

    Hi Everyone,
    Woke up at the perfect weight. RT- Thank you for the inspiration that I am amazing. The plan to day was to work on paper work from 6:00 am -7:00am at Mc Donalds where no one would bother me. Then go to my school and do computer work until 8:00am. Then take my mom shopping in a city 50 miles away. Well, I did get to Mc Donalds and complete my paper work. When I was leaving my car’s clutch went out. I waited for a tow truck until 9:45. So my day was messed up, but thats ok lots of other wonderful things happened. I found a spider in my closet.lol. It probably has been there the whole time, I just noticed it this morning.
    Wiwi,I also found that instead of eating when I get upset, I journal, or read these posts. Some days I like to meditate and sleep extra. I found out since I am not eating my emotions away, I need lots of alone time, which is hard when OH is not working right now and I have a son and his girlfriend at my house constantly. I have to either escape or put up boundaries. My husband speaks twice as many words in a day than I.

    Well done Sarah, sorry about the car though
    Ok so I didn’t handle being let down by tour operator who had cancelled today’s trip for tomorrow.( not bothering to contact me) I told them where to stick it, I am not getting up at 5 am tomorrow to hang around for God knows how long. Really blew my top and then had a full English breakfast. I know that I am an idiot but it felt like the right thing to do, I was very hungry. Yesterday I only had 5 apples and a small quiche on the plane. At least reception gave me a free 24 hour wifi so I could sort out a refund with agent.
    So now I am putting my washing through then I will explore Darwin. Botanical Garden first on the list, hope it isn’t too hot in an hour. Can’t hack walking around in 40 degrees, knackering.
    Promise I will be good for the rest of today, maybe a soup later.

    Hi Jojo, isn’t it so annoying when people let you down, especially not even notifying you. And you were probably not yourself anyway, with all the travelling and only five apples! I hope you enjoyed every mouthful of your breakfast! Today can still be salvaged, if you can manage to keep busy this evening. Or try Sarah’s trick and have a nap!

    Sarah its lovely to hear your positive vibes. Congratulations on your weight, thats a real achievement. I find I love my ‘alone’ time too, even just to daydream. But you are probably needing it more if you have extra people in the house at present. My husband is semi-retired, so I now get more quiet time in the swimming pool, he doesn’t like the water!! I think some people need to be with others every waking minute, while others really need their space. I definitely can think a lot more clearly when alone. I can relate to the Maccas story – when I did home visits to sick babies there was a lot of paper work and I often did it in the nearest McDonalds! Our office was way too noisy, the car was usually too hot and at Maccas I could get a coffee and tune out from the surroundings.

    Amazon how rude of your postman to wake you so early!! I am also into an anti -inflammatory food at present. I bought 2Kg of the freshest, yummiest cherries from a road side vendor on the way home from Jamieson yesterday and am having trouble resisting them. I tell myself how good they are for me!
    Just finished the last bit of xmas shopping, won’t be going to a shopping centre until January – crazy places!

    Afternoon all,
    Okay I have had enough heat and sun, it’s so humid here, your clothes are drenched within minutes of leaving the hotel. Storm! Bring it on I say! I did the open top bus trip around the city, hot but interesting.
    I really tried to walk around the Botanic Gardens but barely scraped the surface, there was no shade and it was boiling. Then I discovered there were neither buses nor taxis available so I had a hour walk back to the hotel, no shade availble. I had a litre of water but even having drunk all of that I was boiling and exhausted. Now in bed and not planning to leave it except to shower and wash hair, at least the air conditioning is on full wack. I love Darwin but I could not live here, just too humid.
    They have an experience here where you swim with crocodiles, you are in a glass tube. I don’t think it is for me. I booked a tour to feed jumping crocs on the river tomorrow. I will not be holding the food, only my camera. I think I will do the Art Gallery and museum in the morning.
    Off to Perth on the 8 th- my Australia tour nearly over, sad, it has gone so quickly.
    I will try to fast tomorrow, I will be busy so it shouldn’t be hard.
    I had barramundi and salad for late lunch, it was delicious, cooked in an Italian Restaurant recommended to me by my bus driver. They gave me a roll but I bagged it to feed the birds at the gardens. I really am strongly anti bread now but I still love pastry.

    Sorry to hear your days were mucked up Sarah and Jo. I guess it is these ‘spanners in the works’ that test our resilience. Developing strategies to cope with frustration, other than resorting to eating, is quite a skill. I’m working on it ?. I wonder why we humans do use food for comfort? Is it the equivalent of asking for the breast as littlies? ☺ Food for thought. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Comfort eating has its roots in several places methinks. Firstly the comforting physical contact involved in being fed mothers milk which is something we don’t remember at a conscious level, and the second is that food is invariably used as a reward or a treat eg “if you are good at the dentist I’ll buy you some chocolate afterwards” or “eat your cabbage and you can have some ice cream” We then spend most of our lives associating it with feeling good so use it to reward ourselves or cheer ourselves up. Eating and hunger have become disconnected for us and we are all striving to re-connect.
    Here endeth Sunday’s lesson ?

    Cold, bright and very windy today. I’m going out for a walk before tackling some chores that can no longer be put off. I might reward myself with a glass of ? ?

    Have a good one everybody ?

    Thank you Rector ☺
    I agree completely. Food is so often a reward..to comfort to congratulate etc
    As long as we understand this, we can learn to control it. P

    Another Amen from this corner! Whether it be breast or bottle, we learn as infants that food is comfort! And not that many years ago, any food that was more than basic survival was a luxury – luxuries that we eat every day now. I am rewarding myself with some beautiful, fat, sweet, juicy cherries for breakfast this morning. However, I choose them for their nutritional value as well as their flavour!

    Scales smiling broadly after a good fast yesterday, now to maintain that loss! Still a snail pace, but at least the snail can see the end of the garden path now…. Have a great monday all.

    Hi All,
    A good nights sleep after an exhausting day yesterday. Taking it easier today but hope to get in 10,000 steps in at the gallery and museum before startingg my afternoon trip the Next morning rest before travel. Looking forward to getting back to New Zealand now and it’s cooler weather. Lots of mosquito bites to deal with today, seems they like my sweat more than my repellent.
    Planning to fast today then have another early night. Packing already finished so I can relax by the pool in the morning before heading to the airport(in the shade of course).

    Ply, I hope the run was a success?
    I watched some locals on the sports ground yesterday, playing soccer. I just don’t know how they do it in that heat. It was at least 35 degrees but felt like a lot more, felt hotter than Sydney when it was 42. I would build lots of shade over the pitches, poor blighters. Even the supporters had little shade to stand in, sparse trees only, no umbrellas, crazy, must just be acclimatised.

    Hello, all! Still high from a great event this morning, the Girls on the Run 5K! We were graced with spring-like temps and bright sunshine. 500 girls ages 8-11, plus as many adult running buddies plus other supporters. Our team hosted the race, and it was just fabulous! Fun, inspiring, and heartwarming all around!
    Hope everyone has a great week! xox

    Hi Ply,
    It’s a very worthwhile cause, let’s hope more initiatives like this get started. I am quite proud of my oldies walking group too. It’s incredible how much progress can be made over time.
    I had very enjoyable visit to an Aborigini gallery and local history museum. They showed film of the devastation of the hurricane and the people air lifted to safety. Like Christchurch and its earthquake the city was decimated. It has made a good recovery and is now very modern. Interestingly the three ancient houses on stills were left un damaged.
    In contrast I went to join a bunch of children in an interactive Lego gallery. I made the heart glad to see so many happy and involved children. Their creations were as good as the adult Towers exhibit which copies famous towers in cities around the world. Every child’s contribution was unique ranging from flowers and animals to pyramids and guns. Very interesting and thought provoking.
    Fasting going well, drinking gallons of water. So hot, itchy and sweaty.

    Hi everyone, it’s not been a very good (FD wise) two weeks, although I’m managing to sort of stay the same (or only a little more) but not happy with myself, although I have had to resort to pain relief quite a bit lately, hopefully I’ll get past that sooner rather than later (I always feel I sound like I’m whinging when I say this but I’m just trying to state a fact).

    Jojo so glad you’re enjoying yourself still even with the heat and sometimes 100% humidity that is known up north around this time of year.

    Wiwi, yes we missed you, same as we miss SAMM and Hermaj who were also regular contributors.

    RT, Smiffy, Wee, Nama, Nicky and everyone else, I hope you have a wonderful reduction this week 😀

    Hi Fasters
    Thanks Aussie Oma. Yes Samm and Hermaj- where are you.
    Just finished a fast day. Had a nice meal tonight- asparagus, feta and avocado (a little) salad, and an egg on toast. We have been walking on Wellington hills today.17K steps and 100 floors.

    I am fasting quite well at present, but I find it easier to deceive myself when I am not on the forum regularly. I have calculated that I need a deficit of 60K calories to reach goal, so with 60 days of average of 1000 calories, that could do it.
    However it never seems to work like that. And Christmas….. But warm weather makes fasting easier.

    My knee is much better since I got the knee brace Nama suggested and the pain is just about non-existent.

    I am looking forward to seeing JoJo again next week. We will go and photograph a beautiful rose in the Rose garden called Amazon.

    Happy Fasting to all you Monday fasters in the northern hemisphere.

    XXXXX Wiwi

    Well done on the success of the run, Ply. Those girls must be very proud, like you!
    You’ll have to come back and visit the ‘top end’ in our winter, Jo. High humidity is dreadful. As a result of Cyclone Tracy, that completely flattened Darwin on Xmas Eve 1974, they totally changed the way they design houses and buildings in cyclone areas. They airlifted most of the population out while they rebuilt.
    Good to hear the forum keeps you on track, Wi and that your knee is allowing you to wear the footpaths of Wellington out ?
    AO, keep trying. Consider really basic 5:2. No tinkering. Just plan 2 regular, separate, days a week and stick to them, remembering “I can eat it tomorrow “. All the best. P ?

    Evening All,
    Yummy dinner of chilli salmon, tomatoes, and blue cheese for dinner. After seeing what these salt water crocs ate today I am definitely off red meat. Also their teeth were shocking, when you are only 2 feet away you can see every detail. But I really enjoyed my day and coped better with the extreme humidity and heat. Just keep guzzling very cold water. The wildlife reserves were great too. We even saw a fresh water croc calling himself by a billabong. Now for Perth.

    Good morning everyone . Just put the pictures up in the Man Den ..OOPS no .it is now “the office” Jim says it is too posh to be a Man den lol . The instep in my foot has been quite sore this week and I thought it must be all the rain etc and my RA getting worse ,I inspected it yesterday and it is bruised and I squeezed my big toe and pus squirted out yuck. I must have dropped something on it when we were worrying on the room . Quite relieved though that it isn’t the RA getting worse . have soaked foot in warm salt water last night and have savlon on it and a nice pair of warm socks .

    I am doing fine on maintenance but I am trying to loose another pound or 2 so I can enjoy Christmas day .

    So looking forward to Christmas day as we will be able to bring Dad to our house . We did 2 years ago and he broke down because he was looking for Mam . Christmas day was Mams birthday she would be 97 this year . He can’t remember her now which is really sad BUT it is better as it broke his heart every time he realized she had gone . So this year he is being more spoiled than usual ,If that is possible .
    The flooding was so bad yesterday we couldn’t get to his care home from any side . I phoned though and checked he was fine .

    Still have the curtains to put up in “The Office” but that can be done when eldest has a minute to do it . . Going to put up the decorations at the weekend after we get the groceries(messages we say) in .

    Take care and keep warm and dry all of you lovely lovely loosers xxxx

    Wee xxx

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