Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • Hello Wee,
    The sculpture was naked wrestling, slightly unusual find in the middle of a Botanical Garden. This morning we walked around a refurbished Victorian Town. All the building had craft workers inside or shops or Victoriana museums. Very interesting but so quiet, we were the only tourists walking around. Sad because the stall holders have put such a lot of effort into their shops. As I have met my baggage allowance there is no shopping for me.
    The Penguins were amazing but we were not allowed to photograph, over 100 came ashore to their ma made nests. They are only about 30 cm or one foot tall. We have just had a rather insipid potato and leek soup( which actually tasted of mushroom, curious) in Dunedin. Just about to explore before we set off for our accomodation in a holiday park which is way out of town. Town is bursting because Neil a Diamond is singing here tonight. I couldn’t get tickets sadly.
    Next stop Invercargill.
    Fasting tomorrow but finding it really difficult on this trip, it all about the holiday mindset. Drinking lots of water though and walking miles. Motels are amazing here.

    Hello all,

    Very limited wifi this weekend at Jamieson, but simply HAD to log on to check Mrs RT’s progress. I am so, so happy for you both RT, what a fabulous outcome! There may be a long journey ahead, but she has nailed week one. In my opinion week one is the most important. It may not be the hardest as there is the initial burst of enthusiasm, but it is so important to establish the belief that fasting is possible. Hooray for you both!!!

    Jojo just maintain on this trip, thats doable! Keep walking, keep eating mindfully and keep off the alcohol and lattes, you will be pleasantly surprised. You willl go home the same weight you left. Have fun!

    Hi to everyone else. Just back from a lovely one hour walk that included a very steep climb. All on a coffee and water. Still amazes me! Have a wonderful weekend. xx

    β€œit is so important to establish the belief that fasting is possible” thanks Nama your words has summed this week up succinctly and accurately this is the critical mind set and now with the experience of this successful week under the belt she to becomes a true believer the shackles are broken and the negativity put back in the box. Fantastic !!!

    Yay! RT. great news about Mrs RT. well done. Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Yes. Fantastic news RT!!

    Well done Mrs RT, excellent start. I suffered with headaches when I began fasting yet was drinking loads, suspect withdrawal from sugar based foods.
    Visited Ortago Museum in Dunedin today before heading 11 miles out to Potabello peninsular to our Resort. Tomorrow we visit Cadburys Chocolate Factory( not my idea) I will take an apple. At least tour includes an hour walk. I hope the local farmer catches the loose sheep that’s naying outside our bungalow. He got through a fence but can’t return.
    We are just chilling this evening, rest is necessary as we have been on the go daily on this road trip. Driving has been fine though, roads are very quiet by British standards.
    Scrambled egg for dinner, only a microwave to cook on here. Maybe an spple for pudding.

    Good afternoon SH and good morning NF friends.

    Long story, but at work today so stayed away from naughty snacks at home although definitely not a FD. Thanks for all your posts, good to read while the time passed slowly in the last hour before knock-off.

    RT please convey my congrats to Mrs RT – as Nama said, a good loss in the first week is less about how much on the scales but clear demonstration that we can still lose weight with calorie restriction on 2 days/week and eating normally for the remaining 5 and not die in the process.

    Happy Saturday all, whether ending or starting it. n xxx


    Great result for Mrs RT! I don’t know why we should have been nervous, we already knew it works! But now she does too.

    Morning/evening all,

    Well done Mrs RT, a great start.

    Dull and grey this morning with rain forecast later.

    I’ve made some progress this week as I’ve managed to stay under TDEE on non fast days and am hoping for a loss when I next step on the scales. Very slow progress but going in the right direction ?

    Have a good one everybody ?

    Hi Amazon,

    Dull and drizzly here, a lot of leaves off trees. Uninspiring, but I have Christmas cakes to make so an absence of nice weather doesn’t really matter…

    Good to hear you’re back on track. Maybe the improved sleep/ reduced pain is helping?

    I’ve fasted twice this week, a rarity for me, but necessary as I gained 1.8kg recently in the space of two days. With hindsight, my own fault. I’d wanted to gain a little bit, so gave myself permission to eat added sugar. Unfortunately I forgot to tell myself when to stop πŸ™

    Right, chaos in the kitchen beckons!

    Hi Happy,

    I think going for a physio assessment on Monday and being informed that they could help combined with a more comfortable bed has made the difference.

    I had an egg sandwich this morning and have been resisting the impulse to eat everything in sight ever since. I’m not sure if it is the bread, home made so no additives, or the fact that I’m home all day with not much planned. Either way I’m having a real battle but am determined to stay within my TDEE. Fortunately I bought some lovely English apples and pears yesterday which have come to my rescue.

    I love baking and I used to make six Christmas cakes every year, one for me and the others as gifts. Now down to two and they are both made and stashed away until the time for decorating them arrives. I also used to make lots of edible gifts such as truffles, biscuits, Rocky Road bars etc, but I only do it for one set of friends now. Of course there were always some for me too. I’ll miss it but my waistline won’t.
    Last year I had the cheeseboard without crackers and biscuits, no chocolates, only one pack of roasted nuts rather than all manner of savoury snacks, and I enjoyed it without gaining so I’m aiming for similar this time but will allow myself a small box of truffles or chocolates.
    I have two mini puddings from last year so I don’t need to make any.

    Enjoy your baking ?

    Hi Amazon,

    I did wonder whether there would be an element of relief, you’ve been waiting awhile for that appointment and a diagnosis.

    Striving for a healthy weight does have it’s pluses and minuses doesn’t it! Christmas, and indeed any celebration, is always ceiebrated with food. Entirely appropriate in the days when food was scarce, and a poor harvest could be catastrophic personally. Such ‘feast’ times were out of the norm. Of course now our celebratory times are just an excuse to gorge even more on the things we already eat too much of on a regular basis! Thanks Tesco….

    I didn’t make a Christmas cake for us last year, as we weren’t entertaining at home. This year we are. So two cakes, one for my Dad which he’ll just eat as a fruit cake til February, and one here which I really hope the guests wolf!

    I’ll be having Christmas cake for brunch throughout January!

    I must confess I love xmas cake. Not just because it is fruity, rich and uniquely special, when else do you eat a rich fruit cake with marzipan and icing? But mainly because I feel like it’s a strong link to my family’s history. My mother, , grandmother and great grandmother made xmas cakes. In making one I connect deeply with them. Even if I’m the only person in my family who really likes it now!!! I shall probably be eating mine in February lol!! One good thing at least it keeps well πŸ™‚ also not an easy thing to binge on!!! So I shall make one. Decorate it with joy and be mindful of the strong wonderful women who made them
    Before me πŸ™‚

    All this Christmas cooking has me salivating! I always made a pudding and cake in November before it got too hot. A nice family tradition, but we don’t ice our cakes. Just a lovely dark fruity number. Plenty of sugar in that. Also love brandy custard on the pud.
    No cooking for me this year. The weight would be too much on the plane. ?
    Off to our 4th party this weekend today. Ah, food and celebrating. …what a great tradition. ? cheers P

    Not too keen on Christmas cake . NOW!!! clootie dumpling is another matter . Not making either this year . I will buy some slice for Jim Dad and Ross . I can have … drum roll ……Ice Cream πŸ™‚ xx

    Wee, you are irrepressible! !! ?

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ but nice with it PVE LOL

    Wee xx

    Hi All,
    Ok, for Christmas I like the yeast rolls. My sister in law usually makes them, but she moved to Montana. Oh well, I use to make tons of cookies and cakes, but being a sugar addict. I am going to focus on baking healthy foods and keeping busy this Christmas season.
    Yesterday, I ate steak and eggs for breakfast, steak for lunch, and pork for dinner. Today chicken, chicken veggie soup, an avocado, green beans, and then I found a chocolate bar.
    Tomorrow, I am going to Sacramento for my nieces baby shower. Over a two hour and half drive. I am driving my mom and grandma. Leaving early, getting back late.
    Everyone have a good Sunday.

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Thank you ALL so much Nama AO Bay Purple jojo Nicky Happy Weemam Amazon and anyone else who had a positive vibe for y-fee (You All Know Who You Are) πŸ˜‰ we are humbled and grateful much. I have found my own fast way of life this week has been way more intense and accountable as we map out a structured & personalized game plan for y-fee with fail proof snacks with heightened awareness of the importance of water in our fast days and the benefits of following this well researched and structured approach.
    β€œOur objective on a fast day is to achieve as long a fasting window as possible”
    This week 2 fast days and a trial run of 16-8 for her I am running the game plan for the first month then I will take off the trainer wheels and be a consultant on FFS fee for service bases or as required. πŸ˜† when I was writing out a ledger sheet and chart for Saturday weigh in’s I see the last Sat in 2015 is boxing day well that is not ideal at all but even scarier is that is only 9 weeks away πŸ˜₯
    In my own approach I am beginning to notice or see a flatter tummy which is very rewarding personally now is it the 15000 steps a day on a empty tum tum? Or maybe the 1lt a day of homemade green tea with green leaf (no Tbag here) πŸ˜† or simply rate over time I don’t know I wish Samm was around he would know the answer but I will just have to fly the flag for the men do the doable and keep on keeping on.
    Peace RT

    Understand the rethinking your life now RT. Mr P has just retired. ..parties all weekend. Now fast days will be very different. ..he’s used to being at the office….and we can up the anti on steps. 20000? Maybe not that much ? Keep up the good nuturing with wyfee.

    Hi Sarah. Are you going to fast while you travel? I usually find it an ideal time to only drink water. Cheers P

    Good evening All,
    What a busy day today, started out with our tour of Cadburys Chocolate Factory. We got to make our own mini chocolate treat, first temptation, the sensory room. I put a little of each type of chocolate in my shot glass then added popping candy and coconut, it sure was sweet but a taste explosion( felt sick for the next hour, not tempted to eat any more chocolate). We were given 6 bars of chocolate in all, some small, most with marshmallow centre, pinkies. The information given to us was very interesting. Chocolate eaten per person per country ( we only discussed nationalities of the visiting group) lowest amount consumed Kiwis, then Australians, then Brits and finally Switzerland( highest in the world). I was very surprised. Two ladies asked questions about calorie content between white and dark chocolate. White chocolate has more less calories as lower sugar level but higher fat level. One lady( nurse) said that white chocolate must be more unhealthy for the heart. The tour leader said it is down to the consumer to choose a healthy balanced food variety and to remember chocolate is a treat and not part of a daily diet. Interesting! No brainwashing or denial from the manufacturers then, good news.
    I then went to the Settlers museum followed by the Nova Art Gallery and finally the Albatross Centre. There is a lot of work being done to promote preservation of Dolphins, sea birds and penguins in New Zealand. It’s very refreshing to see that funding earned from tourism and education of people concerning dangers to native species is being used to protect habitats and stop practices which harm them.
    Driving through more wonderful scenery on the Dunedin Penisular today and walked miles. Ready for an early night, tomorrow Invercargill.
    Writing off today food wise, chocolate, Caesar salad and finally fish and chips. tomorrow I definitely fast.

    Morning/evening all

    A fine and bright morning so I’m off for a walk soon.

    RT there is definitely a time lag between weight loss and change of body shape.

    Jojo, I’m not surprised that the Swiss eat a lot of chocolate as it is arguably the best in the world. I like chocolate but don’t eat it very often. I love Green & Blacks. I like white chocolate and the dark 70% bitter stuff and occasionally I eat milk chocolate but only if it has something in it such as almonds or dried fruit.
    The tour leader is correct, chocolate should be classed as a treat to be enjoyed occasionally, not part of a daily diet.

    My Christmas cake will be topped with almond paste and glace fruit and nuts and the present will have icing as the recipients love it that way.

    Time to go, have a good one everybody ?

    Good afternoon All,
    Today I visited Lanach Castle, the only castle in New Zealand. The gardens and views were spectacular. Strangest castle I have ever seen though, lots of glass( see photo)

    Fast going well except for the chocolate which is calling me from the fridge. I never usually have chocolate so it’s ridiculous really. Just having another cuppa before heading into Invercargill to do some food shopping and visit isite( tourist information), we want to book a trip to Stewart’s Island which is a Bird Sanctuary. Just planning salad for dinner.

    Hope you are all fasting and walking lots.

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Interesting discussion around the breakfast bar today y-fee do you achieve the same health benefits and fat burning if doing your 2 fast days B2B?? and is there any difference in doing 2x 5,000 step walks a day as against 1x 10,000 hmm well you know what I have no science to back this up with but I wouldn’t think so?
    Let’s get our fast on people.

    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Hi RT,
    I often split my walks, occasionally into 3 parts. I don’t think it makes any difference really. The more fresh air you get the better you sleep. I don’t really count indoor walking steps even though I have walked lots of galleries and museums lately.
    Saying that I am currently vegging out in front of the TV, friends is on, always used to love that programme.

    Hi RT,
    I often split my walks, occasionally into 3 parts. I don’t think it makes any difference really. The more fresh air you get the better you sleep. I don’t really count indoor walking steps even though I have walked lots of galleries and museums lately.
    Saying that I am currently vegging out in front of the TV, friends is on, always used to love that programme.


    I think the exercise question depends on what else you do. If you’re going to sit around all day except for the period of exercise then you’d be better having two walks rather than one (benefits for blood sugar control, BP, etc, although I’m not sure on weight). I think it’s the sitting around that’s killing us.

    Morning/evening all,


    The 10,000 steps idea was introduced to give people a doable target for increasing their activity. It is based on increasing the number of steps you take during normal daily life and increasing it further by finding time to go for a walk. It makes no difference if you break it up or not, but as Happy points out, better to split it than sit down for most of the day.
    I wear my pedometer all the time except in the gym and aim for 10000 on non gym days and 5000 on gym days. If I go out for walk I invariably exceed 10000 by the end of the day. There are lots of tips in the article aimed at getting those with a sedentary lifestyle moving. The one about getting off the bus a stop early and walking always makes me laugh. Since I’ve been going to the gym I’ve noticed the huge number of people who get on the bus and travel one or two stops. It is expensive too so I don’t undertand why they do it.

    RT, great to hear that your wife is already thinking about how and when she wants to fast, and how to fit some exercise into her day.

    It is a cold, bright and sunny morning in London, a FD and a gym day.

    Have a good one everybody ?

    Hi all,
    Despite cold, miserable, windy weather, I spent a lovely afternoon with the gorgeous Wiwi & her man today. We had lunch in a very hip Carlton cafe, (brief pause when Mr. Wiwi tried to pay the bill with Euros), then enjoyed a walk in the Botanical Gardens, followed by more coffee! The afternoon flew by, with no awkward silences and plenty of lovely chat! It is amazing how much in common the folk on this thread seem to have. And what interesting people you all are! I have gained so much more from 5:2 than I signed up for!!

    Hi Nama
    I’m guessing that you and the lovely Wiwi did NOT discuss the Rugby World Cup final coming up. πŸ˜‰
    Cheers, Bay

    Hi Bay, you guessed right! Ask me about AFL, but I know nothing about other codes, is there something important happening? Wink right back!

    NOW I get it, thanks Mr Google!

    Another fast day done and dusted. I lasted 23 hours without food. Lots of lovely tasting water. If you had told me a year ago that I would fast for a day without food, I’d have thought you bonkers!

    Beautiful weather here as we lead into Summer. β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ??.

    Like you, Happy, I’m hoping for some weight loss this week.
    All the best to Mrs RT for this week, after which she’ll be used to the idea that she really can fast.
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Well done on the long fast, Bay. Nama, I did discuss the Rugby with Wiwi and Mr W. Full and frank. ? Friends can do that. ☺

    It is so lovely the way we have made so many international friends and can chat about so many topics.

    Sleep well eastern folk. Morning westerners. P

    Jojo..I’m thoroughly enjoying following along with your travels! Thanks for sharing!

    I’m finally getting myself back on track with the fasting. I’ve been “off the wagon” for far too long. Luckily, I haven’t gained anything, just stayed the same.

    You all are an inspiration to me!

    Evening all,

    Another FD almost over and it flew by.
    I had a really good workout this morning. I’m trying to push myself a bit on the cardio machines and it went very well, but I ran out of gas so no swim today.

    Did anyone see the news regarding the World Health Organisation stating that eating 50g of processed meat per day can increase the risk of bowel cancer up to 18%. It has been mitigated with the comment that it is OK to eat red meat in moderation, and that the occasional bacon sarnie isn’t an issue, but those who eat a lot of processed meat might like to reduce the amount they eat.

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Hi team zero degree here first thing this morning and I had the air-con on warm last night after SA setting the hottest October since 1914 with an average of 27deg bring on summer I say πŸ˜‰ thanks for the contributions I would say I am naturally lazy a skill that has taken years to master πŸ˜† I rolled off 8028 steps and 6.55km before work and there I sit at a desk with 2 computers screens and some internal cctv monitors to look at. Home for a while then off to repeat the morning steps again now y-fee turned yesterday into a fast day with me and is following that up today and again Friday that is now the plan which was not the script that I wrote very interesting this study of one. Amazon thanks for the article all good stuff there I see couples out walking both young and old but personally I prefer to be on my own with my thoughts and mind files hey πŸ’‘ her physical activity is less than sedentary so it is an aspect of the fast tracking train juggernaut that needs to be addressed but I am just way chuffed that we now have adopted the notion of β€˜well done is better than well said’ πŸ˜†
    Have a groovy day all
    Peace RT

    Good morning All,
    The information about processed meat has been around over 10 years. I saw a film which influenced my diet hence pescatarian. I occasionally have meat, maybe once per month if I get the urge but generally avoid it. Most importantly I feel better for not eating meat, definitely healthier, less colds. Still have the hip pain most night though when not having acupuncture.
    Woke up determined to fast today. May skip Stewart Island today in favour of Queens Park.

    Hi Jojo,

    It’s hardly groundbreaking news but I find it very interesting that the WHO have seen fit to pass comment on it.
    I enjoy eating meat but don’t have it every day as I enjoy fish and vegetarian food in equal measures. I went through a phase of eating a lot of bacon, but now that I eat bread less often the bacon sarnies are few and far between.

    My hip seems to have settled down which is a blessing as I’m sleeping much better. Physio starts next Monday and apparently the exercises will be quite challenging. I’m looking forward to getting started.

    Hope your fast goes well and you enjoy your day ?

    Hi all, re the meat discussion – I woke up to this article from husband this morning – he emails me stuff he finds interesting whilst reading paper on line with breakfast!
    No its not news to us, but as you say Amazon, interesting that WHO have seen fit to comment. We don’t eat much bacon or ham these days, rarely in fact, but I love the occasional steak and also slow cooked beef in curries/casseroles. Not about to give those up. I think its important to eat a bit of most things. One day we may be told the chicken has too many hormones in it or the fish has all sorts of toxins! I don’t think its ‘head in the sand’ to keep eating widely, on the contrary I think its sensible. Our bodies need a wide range of nutrients to function properly. If we continue to fast ( to give ourselves some ‘healing’ time) and continue to exercise regularly, we are all well ahead of the pack.

    Glorious day here and have been informed the power is off most of the day – mm so is it shopping, swimming or gardening? Perhaps a bit of each! Fasting today, so good to be busy.

    Absolutely Nama. All things IN MODERATION.
    I guess the lack of power will either stop you cooking or drive you to eat everything in the fridge. Good luck. ?

    I agree about all things in moderation . I very rarely eat bread now though as I know if I start I wont stop . Don’t eat pasta either for the same reason .

    RT good luck to you and Y fee pal . It must be brilliant having you both do it together .

    I had a non food fast since 8 pm last night until tomorrow breakfast . Can’t do it often but love when I can manage it .

    had a really busy day with DIY and crochet and that made all the difference . Thinking of you all and love reading all the posts too

    Wee xx

    Hi All,
    Just reached heaven, Te Ano, it is perfect, lakeview and warm weather and not many tourists. Accomodation is the best yet, actually has armchairs, picnic table outside each chalet and table and chairs in the room, luxury.
    I am almost regretting booking a cruise tomorrow as I would just like to sit here with a good book. However I will press on, weather supposed to be good tomorrow.
    We visited the Bluff at Invercargill before we set off today so I was behind the wheel from 10 am until 2 pm. It was therefore a sucessful fast day. Off to find some fish for tea. Before I left the last room I binned the free chocolate, had to be done I’m afraid.

    Now to collect our washing from the dryer before someone pinches my knickers

    Keep fasting friends

    I have experimented this week with having my main meal on a FD at lunchtime – had baked potato and a measured amount of tinned mince – v satisfying! Felt less difficult to complete the day. I’ve been recommended (for relaxation) rose, hawthorn and lime flower teas combined all at once in a big pot – lovely! I bought a new large teapot so that I could have it handily nearby and it worked a treat for the rest of the FD!
    I felt very virtuous on Sunday – was planning to attend a rag rug making workshop from 12 midday till 5.00pm so had a brunch to keep me going and took an apple. It worked! Able to ignore a display of cakes and chocs on the work table just inches from my nose all afternoon!!

    Hi All,
    Apologies for misspelling Te Anau, just not concentrating. Went to the cinema tonight, total luxury, local man actually built the cinema to show his own film of the Fiordland, seriously! He gets my vote, great scenery and music. He tries to sell you helicopter trips at the end of the film but no chance of me going up in one of those.
    Baked fish and veg for dinner, delicious. Another early night for me in my luxury room as we have an early start tomorrow for cruise in ‘Doubtful Sound’ strange name is it not? It’s a National Park of rugged peaks, rainforest, waterfalls, twisting hidden inlets, much of the area untouched by man. There are bottle nose dolphins and fur seals, also blue and crested penguins but most importantly we get to experience silence. Won’t be fasting tomorrow as we have a packed lunch. I prefer to line my stomach before going on a catamaran too.
    Hope everyone is coping with fasting, I finally feel in control for the first time in the last month.

    Morning/evening all

    Another night of sleeping like a log ??
    No problems for me sleeping after a FD!

    I had to put my dressing gown on when I got out of bed this morning, winter is definitely on the way.
    Big walk today with a target of 15000 steps,

    Have a good one everybody ?

    Proud of you Jo! Binning the chocolate was an excellent move. I doubt anyone would nick your washing. You are in New Zealand. Very well behaved people. ☺ Enjoy Doubtful Sound. P

    Hi all,
    Its lovely to hear about your trip Jojo, hope your knickers did not get pinched! And maybe binning the chocolate was the move you needed to wrestle back the self control? Its all about believing in ourselves isn’t it? Well done!

    Glad you are sleeping so well Amazon; maybe your old mattress really needed replacing! Enjoy your walk. I had a lovely long swim on my fast day today. It still amazes me that I can swim 40 laps on just water and coffee. I had the pool to myself and the sun was shining through the big windows, it was heaven.

    Wiwi I hope you had a good flight to Wellington today and are happily back on familiar soil. Soon you will be catching up with Barata, then Jojo! Soon after Jojo will be having a meal in Sydney with Purple, then down to Melb to catch up with me -the mind boggles!!

    Hi Nama,

    The thing is you aren’t swimming 40 laps on just water and coffee you are using your body’s glycogen and fat stores which is exactly what you want to happen ?
    We have all come to believe what has been drummed into us our whole lives regarding needing a full stomach to do anything, and despite being successful fasters and opening our minds up to new possibilities, our memories are still clinging on to old ideas. Strange isn’t it?

    It proves that those who say they can’t exercise without food because they feel weak and/or dizzy are being misled by their mindset, and the majority of them would be fine if they drank more water when exercising. I see so many people in the gym running/cycling/cross training for 30 minutes at a time without taking a single sip of water. They must feel terrible and I’m surprised they don’t all faint in the shower.

    Ahem, time to put the soapbox away.
    I’m wearing a top that has been in a box for the last 15 years (or longer)It has really cheered me up as the scales haven’t moved.


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