Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,051 through 1,100 (of 16,657 total)

  • SAMM,
    Great work on thread input lately, you are a gem

    What a lovely party it will be, Jojo! I will raise a toast to you on Sunday, fellow teacher!
    Teaching in the summer is not a symptom of madness, just making hay while the sun shines! Teaching adults, which is what I do in all my part-time jobs, is quite different than teaching kids. The money is also much better! I can make 1/4 of my regular salary working the equivalent of 1 month during the summer. Lastly, I enjoy it, and I always get so much from the teachers in my class to stretch my thinking and improve my own practice. Win-win!

    Black and red is one of my favorite combinations as well!

    Ply said only 10 lbs to go. Keep On Keepin ON

    You know I will, Sammy!


    I agree anout the forbidden foods.

    sme i just want what I want.

    while obsess sometimes with meal planning. My truth is usually different from my plans.

    Like jojo I also stopped eating pasta a regular staple.
    I eat it sometimes when im out.

    I found the Invitation to explore fish while planing the menu instead of pasta .to be beneficial to others in my home. And when im eating out. I always look at the fish.

    Hello fast trackers,
    Started clearing out, oh god, so much stuff to sell or dump, it’s 18 years worth of useful clutter now useless. Let’s hope some of it sells on Sunday.
    My ex really wants his double garage back for his own use.
    I want to keep some stuff for possible Grand children as it’s very good quality wooden toys but since my grand children will be born in America and New Zealand it probably is not worth it.
    Fasting going well today as I ruined yesterday by eating cake, must try harder! Tomorrow is party food so I must be strong. I will have a soup before the party starts and keep busy when the food is about. But I don’t think I will resist the ice cream.
    Happy fasting my good friends.

    thks for the info on adf and neat jojo and samm, i can fast at work but the maths of it does get overpowering. i have saved it in my “hints” page.
    so neat is all about burning fat? and increasing your basal metabolic rate eh?
    its a good hit drinking a protein drink or water after excecise-instead of feeding yourself with hi glucose drinks-which is what ender up doing.
    it also explains y some people can have calories just running through their bodies whilst othersd store them as fat more easily

    Good on you Jo Jo for clearing out . I am a terrible hoarder . our daughter in Law is always telling me to clear thinks out especially the loft . She is brilliant and just like a daughter to us . She said I have to clear it out and not leave it to them when we die . We laughed and said ” we will be dead so we won’t know lol . Great that we can laugh about things like that .
    ICE CREAM is the reason I kept going off track on LOW Carb . I could live on ice cream on its own lol. In the last week I have had it quite a few times but I am writing everything I eat down at the moment until I can remember all the calories again . years ago I knew the calories of everything I ate :). We are off to Dr for a meds check-up for my hubby .have a great day all . I will catch up later ..Wee xx

    SAMM is the man to advise you about exercise and fat burning but I know that protein drinks after exercise do not get stored, it goes to the muscles for strength and repair.

    I am an advocate of ‘food’ equals 80 per cent of weight loss issues so there is no point exercising until you are blue in the face or worse ‘injured’. However if you can find sports that you enjoy or social activities which are active e.g. Dancing, you will make your life a great deal more pleasant and gradually increase your metabolic rate. I would so love to be able to measure it, like we do our weight, it would be so beneficial to everyone. At least then you would know what you are dealing with in terms of food intake. These averages are just what they say they are? If I followed my average based on my high level of exercise I would be able to eat in excess of 1600 cals on non fast days. In reality I cannot exceed 1200 without weight gain. I wish I knew why my limit is so low? Probably years of low calori dieting. Having a permanently low level means I can never follow 5:2 as it should be done in it’s purest sense. Therefore I am stuck with low carb and no sugar for good.

    Ply – sounds like you life is all sorted but I hope you have enough rest and relaxation. We sound like a couple of bookends in tastes and profession. Obviously the big books would need to be stored at my end since I am still the solid end.

    Have you got any nice trips planned?

    I am volunteering to work at our local Folk Festival in August, helper in the performance marqee. We have 50,000 people descend on our small town, it’s great. Why not google Broadstairs Folk Festival and you will get the flavour, Morris Men and all.

    Weemam, I understand your daughter- in- laws view point about clutter, it took me 6 months to clear my father-in- laws house. He was a compulsive hoarder, it was a very unpleasant task and very tiring to do every weekend and evening. Do a little each week for her sake, you may find something valuable? Enjoy your de clutter !

    SAMM, sounds like we are on the same page menu wise. Try making fish curry on a non fast day but don’t add three chillis, phew.

    I’ve been doing some reading on exercise. Will post a better post.
    1 exercise to release from stores – anabolic exercise
    2 exercise to keep muscle – this point is often misunderstood of weight loss. – compound lifting

    If practiced with An increased neat, and HIIT Just prior to meals.
    + Calorie restriction following low carb fast.
    You will experience fat loss.

    I found following simcoeluvs advice useful. About TDEE
    AND tried to think of it this way.
    Fast day, TDEE day, Fast day, TDEE day, fast day, weekend BMR.

    After fit it to schedule I do them without thinking , like JoJo and dancing. She enjoys it ! so it’s not a chore.

    JoJo I did know what she meant as when Both Mam and Dad went into care (They both had/have Alzheimer’s) I had looked after them for 6 years but the were getting into danger and leaving fires and cookers on)We had to clear the house . They had been married 70 years and it was hard work . So yes I am doing it slowly but surely .
    Dad is 96 now and has been in care for 5 years , he sings all day long and still know all of the family though not all by name .
    My scales need a new battery and I am so pleased ..WHY?? because I won’t be jumping on them every time I go upstairs 🙂 .
    I am loving all the hints and tips in here and sharing some parts of our life 🙂 onwards and downwards

    Wee xx

    Hi Weemam,
    From your final comment I gather you must Also be using the LOACA thread, it is great for support but so busy I could not keep up with it. I like our little but determined family.
    I know what you mean about the scales, they are like a magnet, I am seriously considering putting mine in the loft and weighing monthly elsewhere. Lots of slimmers on other threads don’t use them at all. They just use their clothes to guide them. I think that would be a disaster for me because I buy for comfort not close fit. Although lately I have risked a few shift dresses. Usually I wear leggings or trousers with long line tops. They are just so convenient when teaching little ones. I never know what I will be up to next really.
    I also have two dogs that moult continuously which is seriously un cool.
    Do you have pets?

    SAMM, I love the fact that you spend so much time doing research for us all but I really want to hear that you are going out and having some fun. I have this vision of you exposing your muscles acting out Saturday Night Fever. Do you look anything like John Travolta?

    I am sorry but what is the LOACA thread ?/ I don’t think I am using it

    Wee xx

    OOps found LOACA yes I did post in there a couple of times . think I posted in quite a few when I started last week 🙂 xx

    Weemam, it is ‘Ladies of a certain age’ started by precious boo boo – she usually signs off – onwards and downwards. I think it means 50 plus or those going through the ‘change’ which adds quite a few problems to women’s diet success.

    Time for my wee bed, lots to do tomorrow, final day of work. Hooray!

    Well John travota type I’m not.
    Yes lately I’ve been all work and no play. To keep the boat I had to use all my money, even my lunch money too. I realize I thrive in routine , so I’ve hunkered down into exercise and tv. I don’t hang out with smokers at work , and that’s where all the party invites go , but just a bunch of booze. I’m more of a sailor and eating out going to movies. Dinner and show. Guess it’s the dad in me. I need to stay away from drinkers. This just my time lose my weight . I thought the boxing gym would be fun, but I guess I just picked the wrong one.

    Plus there something very distressing happening . That I won’t talk about, staying close to home. I look st this way.. I’m skipping summer 2014. To work and get everything ready for spring 2015 . Hopefully I’ll be under 200lbs by then and the stress will have resolved itself by then. I don’t mind really as my daughter is 11 I spend a lot time with her . While I still can.

    Today I skipped lunch, and after writing this I go outside and skip with neighborhood kids. It’s alot fun playing like a big kid. I even get out the tug of war rope. So we , my daughter and I. Play for an hour, I try to start things that increase neat. Tug of war is one of those games. And frisbee. What they like to play the most is catch. I got theses enormous cups from burger place 64ounce soda cups. And I bought sponge balls. We toss them about 40 feet to eachothef and try to catch in the cups.. It’s fun for about ten ten minutes of sprinting. I turn on the energy music. . Later we play scrabble on the porch sometimes till dusk. And go in before the skeeters get us. That’s when I roll out the stability balls. And play some kind of silly game. My daughters favorite is swords and shields . We sit on stability balls and whack at each other with swim noodles and a paddle boards for shields. It’s just playin around.

    However I’m already looking forward to next spring when I can get the sailboat out for the beginning of the race season for it’s class.

    SAMM, sounds great being a Dad, I miss playing with my kids now they have grown up. We still play cards, board games occasionally.

    Sorry about the troubles, I hope they are resolved soon. Keep your pecker up( that’s not a rude saying, it means keep cheerful)
    Love and best wishes to all. My last day of teaching today, I will miss it but not the red tape and politics.

    Good evening Fast trackers,
    Great last day party, lots of kind words and cuddles. Now I am looking forward to Sunday when both old students and new meet up over English tea party in our lovely big garden. Let’s hope the weather is kind, forecast not too bad. We can’t beat today when it was amazing, bit hot for bouncing on the castle though. My assistant and I got on with the children but it was very short lived and the effects lasted several minutes.

    Afraid my diet was totally ignored today, sandwiches and ice cream but no cake. Had only soup for tea to make up for all that bread, two rounds of egg mayo.

    I needed the energy surge today, I have been on my feet since 6 am and got very little sleep last night, damn hip pain. On the bright side 32,000 steps in two days, so far. I need to get in my garden now and rescue my over heated plants.

    How is everyone else doing?

    so pleased you enjoyed your day Jojo . I hope it is nice on Sunday for you. I think you need to relax now and recharge your batteries .

    I have had my 3rd fasting day and managed fine . Its sounds a bit mad as so far (on Monday) had lost 6 lbs BUT I tried on my trousers of truth TOT today and to had no VPL ( visible panty line ). I am over the moon . I have quite a few TOT lol . I bought a wee set of kitchen scales so I can actually measure what 500gms looks like and not guess . I hope you all had a good day.

    SAMM sounds like you had good fun with the kids . I am 72 and still a kid at HEART 🙂

    Wee xx

    Hi JoJo

    Isn’t it grand to eat the good stuff on this diet within reason.
    If were me , and before learning intermittent fasting (IF) I would be a nervous eater.
    But since I’m not I’ll just eat this junk my wife leaves for me. Broccoli , chicken, cheese. Feed day so no worries. However I try keep on look out for trends in my journal . Identifying eating behaviors that led me to becoming morbidly obese.
    Eating all the leftovers before they go bad to save money. It’s hard to pass up free food and lots of it.

    So since I ate more than TDEE for breakfast. I’m getting out that jump rope and will keep on keeping on.
    I plan to go to another gym today. I’ll be looking to do my compound lifts and have only tea.

    That’s some awesome #s seems I can move the scale a bit more rapidly when restarting after a break.
    I got discouraged when I first started (IF) because I was telling friends and family what I was doing. And they would like at me odd and say ” only 1 pound a week ?.?”. You need to this or that diet instead, so it made me feel insecure . However when I saw a GP and told my (IF) results she said I was most likely to keep it off. 1-2 lbs a week was good enough for her. I never forget her giving me the blessing. Well, my numbers are much less than that. At about 1/4 a week since my very first start date. So basically what I see are weeks of losing 2-3 pounds. Reflecting fluctuations, but actually I believe my fat stores to be very slow. At least until I started walking. When I started walking , using one of those pedometers that I can wear. It’s my clothes that show the dramatic loss result I crave. Ive went from size 46 waist to size 36. And can technically squeeze into 34s zipped and buttoned. Seems a bit silly though as most of weight is around my belly and not on my waist or hips. Still I have a leather jacket I bought in 1999 I was 201 lbs then after a 56 lbs weight loss through starvation type diet in 6months. I bought it 1 size too small. And never got wear it . I’m got it out gave it some attention. And it is now my goal. I’ll have to lose another 30 lbs I believe. Maybe more since I’m lifting weights.
    My point is I’m one of those dieters that finds the scales to disappoint me . To degree that I’m far less tolerant of scale fluctuations. I was so happy when got to tell everyone I made it to the fifty mark. But today. In back at the 49 ;( My daughter put scale in bathroom when we moved and I’m practically on it everyday. Uuuugh!

    The new house has better place for stability ball. My main goal is getting my daughter to do core exercise with it so after she leave home someday. She’ll have experience with it to draw upon. As she and er mother do exactly appreciate my approach to dieting to ve what works for them. I use both exercise and calorie restriction, as well as the social aspect of when in Rome eat as Romans eat.
    http://www.historyonthenet.com/Romans/food.htm. I was surprised it wasn’t a lot of spaghetti. Rather more often fish. I can’t get my wife or daughter to eat fish, Seems like a bad soliloquy. I can Lead horses to water but they ain’t eatin the fish! Oh lord my sense of humor is soo off the wall.

    And with that I’m off to skip to van halen out on the side walk while the kids play.

    SAMM I love to see the scales go down but I go by my clothes too as I know sometimes the scales lie to me :P. I have RA so I can’t skip . I used to love to skip and having 2 granddaughters ( now aged 20 and 25) I had a brilliant excuse to be a big kid . I now have a vibration plate which I hadn’t used for some time … now slowly getting back on . .. I am just loving all the foods at the moment and I seem to be doing fine . I love a new challenge too . I love fish any kind of fish . Love it with just a squeeze of lemon juice and cooked in foil .

    Onwards and downwards ..
    Wee xx

    When I first started if , I had been in hospital bed for some time. So I feel like I’ve found a great tool to manage my weight with (IF). wether I can or cannot exercise. I may still lose pounds even if sedentary. As long as I stick to it and be patient. As JoJo put out the invite for fast track , For me it meant adding in the exercise. 1 1/4 calorie restriction + 3/4 exercise per week has my GP blessing.
    I’m so glad to be able to Keep On Keepin On.

    Adding this too. I found that my sedentary life was able to exercise in a different way than typical physical fitness routines. Where some exercise say running in place. Burns calories in short span of time.

    Where as

    I began to look at how to burn those 400 calories a day through exercise while sitting. So I stead of 40 minutes running in place. I could use kettle ball over 8 hours or combine with stability ball crunches.
    Once I had lost 33 lbs i believe including the exercise started the scale to move again. I didn’t just pick any exercise though , I chose to try to start over with just core exercise, that promote good walking muscles. So as I became strong enough to walk again , more exercise became possible. For me it was getting the stiffness out of my foot and ankle. Still suffering, but I believe as for me, I needed to get the weight off that ankle or I would remain either on the bed or a couch much the same.

    Now I have job walking more that 15 miles a day over a 10 hour period. I carefully watch my carbs as I see some of my other co workers do the same tasks , eating lots of carb energy. And they are slowly gaining fat?.? Where as I’m low carb and losing fat.

    Ok fast trackers.
    Off to go play. , and get kids to jumping rope with me in my combat boots.

    Good morning fast trackers,
    Ok so I really need to focus on my fasting but very distracted at the moment with party plans. Need to feed 150 people on Sunday. I will have soup for lunch and fish with stir fry for dinne today. Out tomorrow night( yet another buffet) I will take a salad with me.
    I plan to walk for a minimum of two hours today and tomorrow, that should help.

    Starting on Monday I am going to do a three day detox( water only), wish me luck? I feel I really need to kick start my weight for August and so far my July goal not looking achievable.

    But I know I can do it and I will do it.

    I need to push myself a little bit harder. I have time now to make it happen. My holiday is at the end of September, I really want another stone off before I go. Oh to see 12 something on the scale! ( Ok I know that seems a lot to some of you but I haven’t been there for nearly 30 years, more used to 15 plus average and up to nearly 18 at one point).

    Firstly I plan to increase water to five pints( spread to half a pint per hour)but cancel tea(standard type with milk), may still drink honey and camomile tea, my favourite.

    Secondly I plan to do 3 hours various exercise per day minimum but some not intense e.g. Walking, bowls, swimming.

    Thirdly I plan to measure foods and count every single calorie for the next two months. Has to be done, getting lazy these days.

    I am not going to eat complex carbs( bread, pasta) or processed foods except tins of vegetable soup which I use as stand bys when I haven’t made my own. Sticking with fish, seafood, veg and berries.

    I am not going to eat ice cream this summer.

    Still not drinking alcohol, now seven months – not even missing it.

    Ply how is your final 10 lb going?
    SAMM – good luck at the new gym
    Weemam- how is the sorting out coming along?

    Seems Sunday will be very busy . Is it a feed day?  A good nutrition dense feed would be great before a three day fast. Then the walking it off to metabolize it sounds great. I find focus on the achievable to be very effective, looking forward to your updates.  Hoping to hear only good news from that scale.         Have you tried the the dandelion tea?     As far as green tea with lemon goes it does have a small amount of stimulant In  it is ok , where as coffee has more and may not be ideal for an extended no calorie fast.         I’ll also make it goal of  8 lbs by mid September 🙂 as if I can lose 24lbs in 3-8lbs pushes.  To reach the 200 mark I’ll be over the moon.  Thing is my strength is up , and I’m ready to commit to a routine. For a month and see if I can stick with it.   I’ll buy new clothes only when I get to the goal.     Consider meals and exercise together.   WELL I  don’t mean at the same time.  Just it may help to metabolize your foods if execercise  raises your core temperature within two hours.  Basically working up a sweat.  And just opinion that exercise prior to eating is slightly advantaged. But only slightly, technically.     ”    – Thirdly I plan to measure foods and count every single calorie for the next two months. “.    I read this an want to give applause!        As far as complex carbs go.   I do like oat bran. If I flavor with fruit and eat early on a feed day, but strenuous weight bearing exercise.  Carbs arnt evil, I feel they just need to fit with the activity. I take my que from the weight lifting community  in the way they use carbs.   By having a carb fast  with moderate exercise. Then a specific formula  for individual to give carbs within 45 minutes of heavy lifting so they don’t burn muscle loss.     I’ll look up the specific info I posted on this thread I think around the 500 posts mark.   There were two reads.   1 about the carb fast.  And the other about carb loading when ready to cut fat.  They do that because they want their to shun their sub cantaneous fat loss to reveal the muscles under the skin.      So it’s a diet at that time More than lifting.  When I look at fasting and the way lifters cut.   Were closer together than farther apart.   Seems just a few steps further from fasting, but not miles and miles. So I trying to figure out a healthy approach , in a fat attack week. That’s starts with a carb fast. I’m with you for September goal. Anything below 210 will be.

    On a side note. Hoping we getting too 1500 posts and try to redeem myself.
    I want to write a song And find someone to sing it. About keep on keeping on.
    It’s a saying that originated in 1913. I believe it could be a powerful message for those transforming from obese to healthy weight . When were 100 lbs or more obese. Keeping on seems overwhelming in face of slowly transforming into a healthy and active person. I’m open to help on the project. As it’s just for fun.

    Sounds a fab idea. I have a friend who is a professional singer, female, she may sing it for you. Are you just writing words or music too. I am good with word but not tunes. I will think on it, poetry is my usual bag but I have written many children’s songs to help them learn information.
    Just taking a break fro clearing out, it is so boring, driving me into the kitchen, never a good thing.

    It is boiling here for these two days, not used to it.

    Speak later.

    Perhaps I can reverse engineer it.

    Basically the theme would be obesity of people 100lbs

    The song is about them losing 50lbs but have 50lbs more to go.

    Collecting work out sounds and meal sounds, With some attention to detail can be less corny and more rhythmic.

    Hopefully an inspiring message An invitation to come join us as we keep on keepin on.

    Titled KOKO or 50/50

    All tentative 🙂

    Hiya all . Jo jo the clearing out is good . Shredding lots of paperwork . The house always looks nice … it is what is in drawers and cupboards . Kitchen drawers all nice now and writing desk getting there , I need hubby to be with me doing it ot half would be put back lol .
    I love coming in here during the day and reading the posts and the tips .

    Yesterday I did 5 mins on the vibration plate and felt so saintly afterwards 🙂

    I did my 3rd ever fast yesterday and I wait and have my calories all at once . I am loving my new kitchen scales so I know exactly what I am having . I had cabbage,cottage cheese baby tomatoes and sliced ham then I had a weight watchers Yoghurt and a highlights hot chocolate .. all came in at 450 calories . I REALLY enjoyed it .Gallons of water too 🙂
    I am so loving this WOL and all the hints too.

    Wee xx

    Good morning, all! Been away from home and wifi, off routine and schedule, but all in all, pretty much stuck to fasting on Tuesday and Wednesday. A couple of days R&R now, beach today and friends over for dinner, high school reunion party tomorrow, big fun!

    Hi Ply,
    I am so fed up, a lifetime of resources to sort. I did not shred I am afraid, too much stuff and my shredder is on strike, only taking single pages. I burnt it in the incinerator, that way I know the confidential data is destroyed. Some documents I have to keep for 21 years, would you believe it? That is in the loft now. Buearocracy really is the limit.

    Glad you are enjoying the beach, presumably in a bikini?I wish I was on the beach, perfect day for it here. This party was a crazy idea, I wish I hadn’t planned it.
    Just sitting down to a prawn stir fry then home for a shower and an early night, so much to do tomorrow.

    I am out at my Choir event tomorrow night, designated driver obviously, non drinkers are popular for such duties. My new silver tango shoes arrived yesterday, they are georgeous, maybe I will wear them to the party. No time to shop for a new dress though.

    What about Sam’s latest idea? He is mad! But I love the crazy guy. Slimmers song, whatever next, a dance routine or exercise video? Tee hee.

    Weirdly one of the post popular exercise classes in this area is pole dancing, even young girls, apparently it is very good to strengthen your core stability. I don’t think I will be signing up anytime soon. How about you Weemam?

    It is just so nice getting to know you all . .
    I haven’t felt very hungry today . is that usual after a fast day?

    SAMM sounds really nice . I love the song idea .

    I used to write poems and wrote quite a few about diets . I think you would need to be Scottish to understand them lol .
    I love the idea of pole dancing BUT I don’t think I would please anybody by doing that . I think at 72 I would give people a heart attack if the saw me lol . I will just stick to the vibration plate …oops forgot to do it today .
    My DIL just phoned and said she would see to my Dad tomorrow and Sunday so Hubby and I can have a couple of days to ourselves , She is the daughter we never had . Really looking forward to some us time

    Wee xx

    I have this funny story about gardening and something naughty , but I dont want people think im crazier than I already seem.

    BTW. The titlte I suggested is KOKO not KUKU

    yes I would feel that way weemam

    but learned not to take 1 step into the kitchen. If I got hungry I simply went to bed

    No SAMM I meant I have Not been hungry today . Ate though and less than I usually do but feeling good ..Thank you . AND everyone thinks I am crazy too lol so you are in good company 🙂 xx

    I take that as a challenge? ??

    Fish dinner tonite.
    From a cracker barrel restaurant. Grilled catfish, turnip greens, fried okra, and carrot. 1300 calories for a non fast day 700 below TDEE Going to paint some wAlls. Finally got my Kureg tea/coffee maker at the other house. Looking forward to Dandelion tea. Until bed. looking forward to yoga sleep pose. 🙂

    Good morning Fast trackers,
    Hell of a thunderstorm here last night, feels a bit cooler today, thank goodness. Not much fun being very hot when there is work to be done. Starting with the hairdressers this morning before running around all day shopping and more cleaning and tidying. Need to set up some gazebos(temporary shelters) too for both shade and rain protection. Could be a long afternoon tomorrow if the weather is bad.

    The diet is not going well as I was making cakes last night, lots of tasting going on.
    I think I may need to write off this couple of days and focus on Monday, I just feel too stressed. I will at least buy some salads for main meals.

    Have a great weekend all, speak tomorrow night when it’s all over.

    Keep on keeping on!

    Ode to SAMM

    I love my food but I don’t eat pud,
    It feels so good, I knew it would,
    Controlling my urges is the game I play,
    Doing sports helps me lose each day,
    I know the my diet is healthy so I feel well,
    Fasting doesn’t feel like living hell
    One day soon I know I’ll be slim
    Wearing shorts and looking trim.

    Jojo xx

    Good night fast trackers!
    Nice JoJo.

    I was doing so well limiting carbs and counting my protien Gs . Then a pizza came flying in out of nowhere and hit me in the eye. Well at least I’m somewhere close to TDEE + – . I’m hoping for an additional 3 lbs by the time my move is over. Anymore I’m like a walking calorie calculator . I find myself wanting to tell people how many calories they -THEY are eating. On good note the strength training I started at the boxing club , seems to made a difference. Because usually I’m worn down when I move. But this move nothing is too heavy. I even carried a couch in the air above my head from the van to the steps of the landing. I’m reminding myself of my dad! :). He was a jump rope instructor.

    I’m am looking forward to getting back into a fasting routine. Just like everyone else I seem to be eating junk in place of the fasting meals. .
    Thinking of you JoJo hoping your day is as wonderful as you are. You’ve earned a break .
    Weemam. I was just being silly yesterday. I hope your finding the semi fasting doable.

    Ply it’s always good to hear from you, keep on keepin on!

    Good morning from Bonnie Scotland .
    SAMM pizza doesn’t tempt me but Ice cream just needs to wink at me and I swoon lol . the beauty of this way of life is I CAN have ice cream . I am still loving it . I just feel as if I am cheating all the time BUT I am not :).

    SAMM You think just about as daft as me lol . I will know know I can joke with you too .

    Jojo I hope the weather says good for you and you all have a fabulous time pal .

    I feel quite saintly on a fast day when I can do 400 to 500 calories as that would have been a snack for me in the past .

    Hubby and I had yesterday to ourselves and we went across to the designer village I bought a garden ornament ( a sleeping dog) it looks so real I put it in the hall and took pictures and posted them on Face Book . My friends all thought it was real and I let quite a few comment before I came clean lol . Good fun .

    What I enjoy the most about intermittent fasting is the flexibility.
    On days when I go out to eat, or my wife suddenly brings in food I refuse to buy. I don’t sweat it any more. I try not to gorge on it though. Especially if it I count the calories, or look it up online if possible.   My goal is 100 lbs and I’m teetering at the 50lbs mark. 

    Come so far,  so far to go.
    Were walkin  and workin it everyday
    We just KEEYeep On Keepin On

    Felt like workin  song the song a little.

    I let my wife do my shopping this week due to the transition from 1 home to the other.   No fish, no nuts, no vegetables. Uugh!   I’ll have to do it myself.  
    Was silly to carry that couch yesterday.  I really need to be mindful of how easy it is to get an injury.  But the big stuff is out and over to the house.

    My wife is having health issues.  She only wants to be on the first level. We scouted  single lvl homes , but it was typically only 100 more a month to to an entire second floor.   Convincing my daughter to smaller bed rooms and use the upstairs master bed room as a yoga room and stability ball.  As well as couch and tv.  She wasn’t convinced until it was all set into place .   Small room to sleep . Large room to play!

    So that brings me to my contribution of this day.  

    Television in the bedroom can lead to depression.

    No matter what is on the television.  The reason as I understand it is the light from the tv makes it so there is little separation from day and night.

    When I heard this about twenty years ago , I made the effort to remove the tv from my sleeping area.    Now it’s dark, quiet, warm and comfortable.   Only thing I’ve added is a tiny stability ball. So I can do some the poses that can be done in bed.  Basically the plank, and work the abdominal routine before my feet even hit the floor.

        I moved my tea maker into the upstairs hall.  My daughter now prefers the dandelion tea to coffee.   I asked her to pick a favorite from , all the teas,  but no sweeteners.  She took the challenge.  However we both still use stevia.
    I can’t say enough about dandelion tea.

    So you may want to read what others have to say in this quick read.


    Good morning from rainy Cape Cod! A perfect morning for coffee and a treat from the French patisserie! Back on a strict fast tomorrow!
    Hi Weemam, and thank you for your good humor! You have the attitude for success that we share and appreciate!
    I hope you wife’s health is improved in your new home, SAMM. She must appreciate your willingness to be flexible!
    Thinking of you today, Jojo! I’m sure it will be a day full of laughter and tears. Enjoy every moment!

    So nice to speak to people from all over the world . It will take me a wee while to put all the names to places etc .
    Had dinner tonight and again not too hungry after fasting Yesterday My fast is about 30 hours . I am satisfied with what I have eaten so just leave it at that . Just dropped my son of at the cinema to see Monty Python. he is 34 has CP and now has his own home and does everything for himself but I still like to do wee things for him so I drive him now and again .
    SAMM Sounds like you are working very hard at the moment:)

    Jojo have you had the party yet? how did it go ?

    I meant to say I have RA and I am really good at doing Typos so I hope you are all good at reading them lol.

    This was a poem I wrote a few years ago when we still had my lovely Mam xx


    I feel great I feel great
    Now there’s less on my plate
    Yes I’ve done it mum
    There’s less fat on my bum
    At the start it was hard
    God that’s my weight on that card
    Please don’t let anyone see
    That that weight there was me

    Good evening fast trackers,
    Well I am lounging in my comfy armchair with my swollen feet up on a stall. I cannot deny it was a long and emotional day and very hard work. The place was brimming with home made cakes. I am a New fan of Honey cake, yum. Diet definately went south today but no alcohol passed my lips, so not a total write off. Everyone said I looked amazing and the staff and I worked very hard to ensure everyone had a good time. My home is like a funeral parlour, full of flowers.
    We even had a bounce on the castle for the final time before it was collected. Felt dizzy for five minutes afterwards so not keen to try again. Steps total today only 12,358 which I find incredible.
    Ok Guys – focus – back to 2 lb per week off – back with a vengeance recording everything. Continuing to skip breakfast and only have soup for lunch as I am now used to this plan. Eggs or fish with veg for dinner. Staying with minimal carbs. Increasing exercise now I have the time, minimum two hours per day – varied types of sports, dancing, swimming, walking and yoga. Trying skipping again too plus kettlebell and trampet plyometrics. I am going to be fit and happy, this is my pledge.

    Tomorrow my detox begins – three days of water only.
    I will be happy to do this as I am really not happy about the sugar intake these last few days.

    SAMM – If your wife does not support your fasting there may be a reason, my husband used to put tempting foods in our fridge because he needed them himself and because he knew I could not resist them as comfort after a long day at work. A healthier option would have been a nice walk together. The conflict is that he now gives me lots of compliments about my success. Does your wife need to lose weight?
    I will get some dandelion tea tomorrow, I am up for a new challenge.

    Ply, are you back with me now, are we on for 2 lb per week?

    Weemam, what are your goals? Are you keen to lose quickly (2 lb per week).

    No more work for me, diddle diddle dee.

    Jojo I am glad you had a good time I don’t fancy doing 3 days with just fluid so good on you

    I don’t know what my goal is tobe honest . I only ate half my calories allowed today after my fast yesterday . I am still eating all the things I haven’t eaten in years and counting EVERY calorie. So I am just going to keep doing this until I stall then think about changing it . I would never gotten this size if I had always eaten like I have been lately . Watching “Death Wish ” at the moment until Ross phones for me to go pick him up .
    Will be 2 weeks tomorrow and really enjoying it .

    Enjoy your retirement pal .

    WEE xx

    Great job by the way, cake is good! Have you ever tried fasting over 18 hours before? I do 4/3 with 24 hour fasts but have only once done 48, never 72 hours. Weird things happen with long fasts I’ll warn you now. Your sense of smell increases, you get very light headed but oddly you think super clearly. Your whole body feels light and when you catch a sight of food you crave like a 3 day nicotine withdrawal. It’s bizarre.

    Welcome Tom
    I can relate to food sometimes feeling like a drug needed. But won’t go into any farther than that, Im a square compared to other’s standards. To take a guess, From reading, I’m thinking there’s a connection to the percentages of macro nutrients. Carbs/ fats / proteins. We eat . Say 55% carbs / 20% fats / 25% protein. My guess is we get accustomed to foods In That way, and when we change the protein to less than 20 and lower the fats to under 20%. So were eating carbs more than 60%. It may cross the line in which our bodies ever recognize out fat storages as fuel.

    I know I know. I’m a poor writer , please forgive.
    If were meeting our fuel needs with too much carbs . Then there may be a slower response to access fats storages for this first few fasts. Until our bodies recognized the need to realse fat stores we may in fact feel like a withdraw when we don’t eat enough carbs as were accustomed too. Fish. Fit that perfectly for me. I swapped my weekly spaghetti dinner for a healthy fish dinner. I hardly really really crave breads anymore . I stil eat cake or pie , but it’s got to be worth it. I mean. Heck yea. Bring on the blackberry pie, but the next day will be a low carb day for sure. This way I don’t miss out on the pie, or the great times with the neighbors that love to share it.

    Hey Guys,
    Just turning in for the night.
    Weemam, I would definately not recommend a three day detox for someone who has only been on fasting for a couple of weeks. Whereas I have been fasting 7 months and I have removed most ‘compulsive’ foods from my diet already e.g. Sugar, complex carbs, alcohol and coffee. I eat fresh food mostly, occasional tinned soup, but that is it. I planned to do this detox ages ago ( post retirement activity), planned for August but I am bringing it forward as I now have travel plans for August. Also this will follow a very diet lax period due to retirement celebrations, I may even be up a few pounds, not weighing this month so I won’t know, thank goodness.
    I have discovered two things recently – I now can’t tolerate bread or sugary foods in any quantity. The celebrations have left me feeling quite ill. Nausea, wind and bloating, very unpleasant – my system is now used to clean foods and it does not want this rubbish food to digest. I view this as a very good thing – if tempted in future I will have the merest sliver of cake- a taster only to celebrate a birthday only, otherwise avoidance completely. Bread- maximum 1/2 slice of brown bread when at a restaurant.

    I was planning water only but I may add some detox teas, I will break fast Wed night dinner as I have a reading group function at a Thai restaurant.

    Wish me luck guys

    P.s. Back on anti-histamine for insect bites, so irritating. Still taking garlic and using Deet, they still find a spot I missed, I need to bath in the stuff- arrrghhhhh. Anyone know of non chemical effective remedies? Planted citronella and lavender already.

    Friends helping friends to keep on keeping on.
    Talking the talk and  walking the walk.
     Every other day  fasting is the way.
    Eat, fast, live longer and love our waist.

    So we Keep On Keepin On.

    Scale says 51 lbs lost this week 😉

    Sweet dreams. JoJo

    Hi SAMM,
    Nice sentiments but sadly not sweet dreams, I have been tossing and turning for hours. Hip pain and queasy stomach, not conducive to sleep. Just got up to take a pain killer, last resort. I even cooked a couple of eggs to help settle my stomach. Lucky I don’t need to get up early tomorrow.

    I guess the excitement of the day is also having an effect, I don’t feel sad really but it’s still a major change and I feel some trepidation. Do I get another job? Can I pay my bills? It’s all up in the air. I really feel that I need a fresh start in a new place, leave all the memories and people behind. But I am not going to rush into anything I might regret. My friends are here and they are very supportive, I am lucky in that respect, my immediate family are there for me too, they were a great help today. I guess I am tired and emotional, I should try getting some sleep, it’s not much fun being awake in the wee small hours.

    Goodnight all. Xx

    Hi Tom nice to meet you .

    Second weigh in today and down another 3Lbs …8lbs in total . My fasting days are about 30-32 hours with between 400-500 calories .

    Love the wee poem SAMM

    Jojo I hope you are feeling a bit better today and taking it easy . You have had a busy week .

    WEE xx

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