Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,001 through 1,050 (of 16,657 total)

  • Great advice SAMM, that was a short fishing trip. I think Ply may be on one though.

    Oh how I wish I vould edit posts!

    SAMM: You can edit a post, but you have only 5 minutes to make the edits.

    Ply is on the right track
    jojo is on thr right track.

    presently I am not. A rare bout with alcohol. Ill win but shoudnt be posting . Not sure why today I fell off tbe wagon aftef so long I forgot I wad on it. But I regret it. Such a different demon than fat.
    Tbis isnt my only online family. Alcohol and I are not friends. Please forgive. Much stress and a willing co.

    I admit my life is sooooooooooooooooOOO much better witjout alcohol. But for right now. It is my most definition of my outlook Silly to say wjat I feel.

    I gave up alcohol be ause of how it hurt my first wife.
    I return to it when I feel invulnerable to it. Not. Sooooo.

    Annnoying alcohol is on my ststion in life. I k ow I can live without it. But. But but. Its ad available as water.

    Also as avaable ad water .

    High fructose syrup!

    Its the most consumed calorie on the planet. who am I to speak against it?

    Please fast and include fish and antioxidants Into everyday living.

    May alcohol be a blessing of youth!

    My apologies. I seldom drink. Im reminded why I obstain typically, because I get fall down inebriated.
    No excuses . I apologize.

    No calories except beer. 6 x180 calories

    not a fast day I was striving for. Too much moving ahead for another fast day till monday morning.

    Ill be eating oatmeal and boiled chicken breast.
    bland until I add cinnamon and paprika.


    @amy c

    I have a way of leaving open the edit page for dayz.

    but failed to do what I had planned. By referencing what I had put on the 1000th post.

    For instance. Eating the healthy fats in fish displaces the unhealthy animal fats . Which helps balance hdl and ldl cholesterol.

    Hope you are feeling better and more in control.
    I went to the cinema last night, very dull film but the music was good.
    It had Kiera Knightly as the musician about to hit the big time in New York.
    Bowls this morning and Race Night tonight. Seems we are covering the vices this weekend – drinking and betting.
    So long as it isn’t over eating next.
    Be good guys, don’t let your problems take you off track for long.
    Keep fast tracking

    Feed day today.
    I’ll try to 500 cals below BMR.
    I stepped on scale 227lbs after a fat attack week.. Only 4lbs more to get to my frivolous goal of 50lbs…
    I believe it’s more about the job I’ve taken than the diet.
    I’m just not In tight control as I want to be. I certainly embarrassed myself yesterday.

    I reminded of something a learned many years ago.
    Especially about drinking and other vices.

    If I have a dream, that I really want. I don’t need those other thing, because the dream can be more powerful than any drug.

    I really want to eat healthy, and for now eat fat loss foods. My dream is to transform into much stronger and healthier state. If this dream isn’t possible I would continue to let myself go. However I know I can make it. I found this fasting thing, and I’m starting to see it play a much bigger role in my dream. It days like yesterday that with humility , take 1 day at time and stay focused on what is doable.

    I’ll be moving for many days to come. It’s an opportunity to lose some weight. It’s very easy to lose focus and decide. That need loads of energy foods to keep me going, but that’s not the only possibility. So close to 50lbs lost.
    I’m not fasting at this time. Will start again on the last monday of the month. However I’ll be observing calorie restriction of 500 calories day 4 days a week. So my formula is 2,000 calories resrtiction and 2,000 calories exercise. Then practice my own style of a fat attack week. And try to average 5lbs a month.

    Another part of the dream is achieve my best VO2 Max. possible. Using rope skipping, Im trying to do it more than than I have been. I know that HIIT will be my best cornerstone to reaching the 100lbs mark.

    So I may start to focus on the these other portions of my strategy , for three weeks of the month, till I get the all clear from my doctor to fast as a lifestyle.

    1 strive for 1lb a week for 3 weeks eating healthy foods on CRAN+ HIIT. Lower carb intake the second Monday before the end of the month.
    2 have a ten day fat attack regimen – to ensure I don’t have long term issues. Aimed for 2lbs fat loss. To discover what works every time . 600cal fasting ADF Eating fat loss foods on CRAN + exercise
    3 keep working on ability to practice HIIT exercises and stability ball core strength. Lifting on weekends.

    Seems so lackluster of a dream, but when my belts no longer have notches that work. When I’m jumping rope longer than the kids, lifting heavier weights that get encouraging applause from supportive fellows. I see the dream becoming reality. I don’t need beer , the dream is enough.

    You are setting a very complicated routine, I could not cope with that, I like to keep it simple. ADF is going well even though I have a guest this weekend. We just had a tango lesson, it was great, I loved it. I want to do more now, bitten by the dancing bug.

    Tonight we are going to a race night, not as exciting as it sounds because the horses are wooden and you throw a large dice. Betting is integral to the fundraising evening.

    Just cooked fresh sea trout, yummy with loads of veg.

    Ply, where are you? Getting worried now, sending you good vibes honey

    It’s important to realize that growing old is a relatively new phenomenon in humans. For more than 99.9 percent of the time humans have roamed the Earth, average life expectancies have topped out at 30 or 40 years. The most dramatic leap in life expectancy occurred in the past century, with the advent of improved sanitation and medical care in developed countries. For example, in 1900, the average lifespan in the United States was 47 years, while just a century later, it had skyrocketed to 77 years.

    In contrast to the average life expectancy, the maximum human life expectancy has always hovered around 115 to 120 years. This apparent inborn maximum intrigues scientists who study aging. Does there have to be a maximum? What determines it? Why is it about 120 years?

    Studies of centenarians (people who live 100 years or more) have indicated that a positive and inquisitive outlook, healthy eating habits, moderate exercise, close ties to family and friends, and genetic factors are associated with long life. Some centenarians have their own theories. Jeanne Calment, a French woman who died at age 122, claimed olive oil, port wine, and chocolate were the keys to her long life!


    How about this?

    Mon 600
    Tues  fish and skipping
    Wed 600
    Thurs shrimp and skipping
    Fri.   600
    Sat beans  and skipping 
    Sun. 600
    Mon 600
    Tues fish  and skipping 
    Wedn 600
    Thur shrimp and skipping
    Friday 600

    Week end off

    Mon -600 BMR
    Tues fish and skipping
    Wedn -600 BMR 
    Thur fish and skipping
    Fri -600 BMR 
    Sat lifting
    Sun  buffet HIIT

    Mon  -600 BMR
    Tues fish and skipping
    Wedn  -600 BMR
    Thur fish and skipping
    Fri   -600 BMR
    Sat lifting
    Sun buffet  HIIT 

    It is a bit of a misconception that growing old is a new phenomenon. The data is heavily skewed by infant mortality rates. A US social security chart from 1900 shows that about 47% of the 1900 population survived to 60 years of age, and 15% to 80 years of age. If you made it past age 5, you had a good chance of getting to 70 or 80yrs.


    What led you to this subject?
    I think the human race will only want to live longer if they are physically and mentally fit and healthy. It’s no fun living with infirmity.

    It is the focus of health improvement.
    In Micheal Mosley’s video ” Eat, Fast, Live Longer. It begins with a centenarian running a marathon.
    While I want to lose my waist and look fit , and be strong. My true intrest in fasting is to stay active longer.
    While it’s a bit clinical to articulate into my own I do understand what’s happen. Why some people live longer than others and what seems to be the risk factors. I for one want to be in world in the next 50 years. However the same things that may me live 50 years longer , may also help me live another ten years! I need to get my obesity condition transformed into the body of an athlete. Ive had so many experiences losing 50 lbs or more and regaining it. I realize it’s more about the lifestyle to keep it off.
    I’ve did this that and the other. I dont Mosley sat down and made a master plan , but I believe he’s on to something. In his approach of intermittent fasting and individualized exercise. Also increasing N.E.A.T . It may be that striving to live longer in that way may also be the way thrive rather become sedentary.

    To be clear. The same approach to live to 100 by fasting and exercise may also lend to being active enough to run a marathon at 100 years of age.

    For me being 100lbs morbidly obese, after a vehicle accident , I became sedentary. I was noticing the sedentary condition was making me weak, that being inactive for so long 7months. I was the man I was after I got back on my feet. Watching another of Mosley’s videos ” the truth about exercise”. I realized I could do it! I could jump rope and eat better. I mean. Really. That’s it? I thought.

    After reading and reading and trying the health foods and learning the difference between diets. There’s health food, fat loss food, healing foods, and poor nutrition foods. As keep reading and keep trying things it occurred to me that it’s the risk factors that can help an individual navigate into the opportunity to become a centenarian. Avoiding accident and preventable death risk factors, and transforming my body to avoid age related diseases. But also understanding DNA repair that the body does naturally. All these things are accomplished through fasting, and eating healthy foods when not fasting. The role exercise also , and which foods help to maintain healthy tissues while dieting and exercising. What Ive found is it’s doable!
    Well my first week was felt like climbing everest!

    I keep trying to stay focussed on the longevity lifestyle. Because I need to survive the next ten years ,or the 40 after that won’t be possible. It’s my opinion that the approach is the same wether it’s getting fit for next decade or the following 75 years as far as diet and exercise are same. What has changed for me is having high confidence in the doable portions. That after a short stint of trying to do it all I realize it’s all doable actually.

    Take away smoking and poor diet is the other biggest killer. Mosley even points to that. Eat fish 2-3 times a week. You know what? If you like fish? You’re in luck!

    Most likely by fasting, eating fish when not fasting, exercising your longevity will not just be increasing age but may also help avoid becoming sedentary or demented.

    My personal opinion is that the active centenarians are also promoting their DNA repair mode more often through their diet. So understanding this normal and ever present condition of DNA. Repair environment is key to knowing what to put into the diet. Anti oxidants, and protien restriction like the 600 calorie IF. But also understanding how carbs drive aging at the cellular level.
    It’s not a bridge too far!

    Research suggests that even if your condition has the top ten risk factors. Eliminating them is nearly the same as cure.

    In addition I continue to read the the risk factors. As it there are as many ways for things to harm us as there are mice to test the risk factors on ! The air I breath, the water I bathe, the sunlight , and the foods I eat . Just a little preparation and I can eliminate the risk factors out of those too.

    My first step of getting out the bed was exercise/stability ball. I heard on a exercise show about stability ball for walkers , helps keep injury less likely to occur, especially the yoga type exercise that help with balance, because it’s falls while walking the typically lead to pain , and then no longer walks for exercise.
    BTW FYI walking is the only proven longevity increasing form of exercise. If anyone know of any other exercise that are proven. . I’m interested. I’m suspecting jump rope, due to it’s ability to aid circulation of the lymph system.

    The only other thing I could possibly point to. Is when people go from active to inactive. There may be a change in protien needs, more protein , but alotless carbs. Very easy to miss that lifestyle change.

    Kinda rambling on. Ok. Moving break over.

    Well that explains that very clearly, thanks.
    But I think you are missing the vital element in you prognosis. Your diet and healthy lifestyle must fit in to your family and social life.
    This is where the dilemma begins. For example ‘ I took a huge healthy dressed salad to a social event last night because I knew the only available food would be buffet style, sandwiches, sausage rolls, quiche, pork pie’.

    Out of 60 people only 6 tried my salad, they loved it. I made it very colourful, pepper, grapes, cherry tomatoes, lots of leaves – smelled divine with honey and mustard dressing, tasted great. At the end of the day – you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Historically buffet food is not a healthy option.

    We need to change habits and tastes, including our own and this is very difficult. When we have a tea break at lawn bowling we have a choice of cakes or biscuits, comfort food. I want to introduce fruit as an option but I need to address the committee in writing to get my suggestion discussed. Bowls is a sport, like most, steeped in tradition and the members, mostly over 60, not keen to break with tradition.

    Other traditions are in our diet culture, e.g. We must have three meals a day, we must include all food types. Well you and I both know that including bread and pasta is not necessary, far healthier options are available. Eating with friends and at restaurants becomes a minefield of risk to our diets because we are fighting our own formed habits of choosing comfort food, treat foods, after all we are out for the evening and it won’t hurt our diets for once. But actually it does because we are accepting that unhealthy options are ok as a treat, they are not a treat for our bodies. Also we don’t always want to be different from our friends, we want to let ourselves go and choose what we most desire( habit is a powerful foe).

    Does following a healthy diet most of the time help us or reinforce bad habits.

    My friends understand my desire to lose weight but they don’t like me not drinking or eating which they consider is ‘party pooping’ and therefore ‘unfairly’ thinking I am not as much fun. They think I am judging them for their own lack of control and poor eating choices, I am not, of course. Actually that is not true, a few drink far too much and behave in appropriately to their friends and family when drunk.

    What I am saying is, this is hard work, don’t underestimate the bravery required to stand alone in a sea of friends and family who eat and drink as they please with no regard to their own health.

    Sorry, bit early for a rant – tough night last night.


    Just made a fish curry for lunch but it is seriously hot, how can I tame it down a bit.
    I have added extra Greek yogurt and cream but not much help. It has three chilli peppers in it, followed a recipe on google, not used to using them. What about a tin of coconut milk?

    Any ideas

    Anything with fat in it tames too much spice.

    Thanks Amy,
    I followed a range of remedies. First I added sugar and lime, then cooked potatoes cubes in in before removing them( they should be nice fried tomorrow) then I added purée of green pepper and finally I took out half the sauce before adding coconut milk – result – delicious and not too hot. In fact my ex said it wasn’t hot enough, typical!
    I will add some coconut milk to the remainder sauce for my leftover Hake tomorrow.
    Job done.
    Calorie count horrifically high

    Back to moving today, just boxing and unboxing.

    JoJo a always appreciate your opinions . Thank you.

    In the last year,of trying to loose weight I’d have to the Internet connections have helped. However the family expectations are a hurdle. I do stand tall against co workers and friends when it comes to foods. Most of the time I find it best to not even discuss my views with them at all. I’m in a place where I’ve chosen that I will succeed or die trying. In other words it’s now or never. Of the many diets to choose from . I’m choosing the only one that effects longevity.
    To change my food habits, I stopped going to grocery and have food delivered. Mostly frozen foods.
    I learned from DR TV program that I can put precursor foods in my diet and the difficulty to learn new tastes and textures will be eased because of the ceratonin (sp). This kinda made a major impact. I’m no longer ” slave to my hunger impulses. I mean. Eating beans,vegetables , and fish, were absent, but now are staples.

    I agree that social foods must fit. But if I didn’t change my ways I felt I would not live very long and fitting in would be mute. I can look through the complicated lens and the simple satiety lens. I placed my dinner time the same as it has always been at the family table. I just a simple rule that I don’t cook on fasting days. After much discourse ,I made a stand. Very simple. I love them and want to be with them at dinner time, but they choose to eat whatever they want. If they insist on cooking me stuff I just eat it the next day. Seems odd that such a simple request could lead to so much issue. I look at like my wife has the feeling of insecurity about me losing weight, because she sees it as vain. To be honest. I see her diet as path to early grave, and I want to be there for my daughter until she’s out of school. I don’t share my opinion with my wife , but I won’t let her choose my foods anymore. I suppose it’s not unreasonable to wonder why a spouse is losing a lot of fat and transforming into an athlete. However my values and ethics, morales, and virtues if she knows them then she should be supportive instead of laying all the junk out of the cub bards . With no Intent of eating them herself.
    So with that I am in control of my fork and what’s on it , and I won’t look back. No matter what, I’m eating to loose weight and chose fasting because it’s benefits . I chose if because it has theabilty to build in poor foods. If I fail on one day I have the ability to focus on the next.

    Also when I’m out and there’s nothing good, I don’t stuff myself with it. Just a good estimate of the calories. A 350-400 bite. No need to feel guilt about it. I read statistic tha 80% of my fellow American have no idea estimate their calories.

    As I do go on!

    My opinion is if the world is looking for an answer to obesity. The public schools should make calorie counting a requirement to graduate. Bmi, BMR , TDEE, and such things. And lunch time is just right there and available. Instead of lunch being a recess 100% of the time. There could be some opportunity to educate about calorie counting all along.

    This may be bizarre , after watching the truth about exercise , I decided to ditch my sitting job to increase my NEAT. I got on into a warehouse that is 24/7-365 only hard workers remain after 30 days. If were not lifting, were moving fast. Perfect. So I thought!
    I look around the lunch room. There are a lot of skinny slim people. And I want to be in that group. However I also see fat obese people. We do the same work at the same pace. Yet they keep gaining, while I keep losing. So it’s like an experiment I get to play out in reality. I’m able to estimate their caloric requirements and their foods I see them eating at lunch, assuming their choices for other meals are similar.

    I one point I realize it. . The calories are the key to gaining or losing weight. The foods , the health foods are the keys to longevity, but in the guise that fasting one day, and eating healthy the next.

    The obese people are curious about my foods, I can’t help it I see them eating themselves into obesity at ages of 25 , I see they are putting in the neat and toil . If they counted their calories they could be losing weight eating the foods, just not as much. I digress.

    I suppose like some physicians see people practicing poor health habits and can do nothing .

    Basically it’s this.

    If you fast – it means your not putting foreign matter into your body. This gives the body opportunity to rrepair itself. The repairs are always going on , saying the fasting give the repair time a chance to rejuvenate. The common conception it 3 meals a day. After everything I’ve read, I understand it to be 2 meals of adequate nutrition, with fasting ADF the driver for longevity.
    Ok that leads me too when do I have the two meals?

    12:30pm lunch with others
    5pm dinner with family

    Wether I’m on fast day or feed day if I eat these times it fits my social agenda very well and consistently.

    So get to put in all those healthy things between 12:30 and 5pm
    7 fruits or vegetables of the rainbow
    Satiety – feelin full
    Health foods

    After the 4.5 hour window. I was suprised to find flavor without calories. In my beverages. Especially love the dandelion tea. Green tea with lemon. Also I found that after watching a health show that it’s important to distribute protien out over a 8 hour window. After considering how to imp,ement.
    I started to give a 9 am intake of supplements, chocolate calcium chew, brazil nut, 5 cherries and a fortified fiber chew. So my 9 am intake was under 65 calories .

    This schedule leaves open the exercise benefit . It known that exercise boosts metabolism of stomach contents if exercise is within 2 hours eating. Hmmmm. So if I exercise from 2:30-300. It’s boosts metabolism for both meals? I’m not sure but I’m guessing it does.

    So fast day would look like this
    9am 65 cal supplements and green tea
    12:30 300 cals with friends
    2:30-300pm exercise with friends
    5pm 235 cals with family
    9pm tea

    And a feed day would look like this
    9am 65 cal supplements and dandelion tea
    12:30 800 cals with friends
    2:30-300pm exercise with friends
    5pm 800 cals with family
    9pm tea

    Of course life wont let this happen for me, but i desire to do it this way.
    So Im trying to it for at least a week once a month and then see if I can tweak it to last longer.

    I was able to do it last year when I lost the 21st- 33rd pounds- however I was sedentary.

    I’ll be restarting my 2lb pace the 28th of July through 8th of August .

    Been doing this for almost a week I think I have been doing it wrong . I have been doing my calories by BMR and not TDEE

    BMR 1336

    TDEE 1604

    2nd fast day today and doing 400 calories ( that bit seems right )
    I feel good on that though . sooo SHOULD I KEEP DOING WHAT I AM DOING as I am managing fine .or increase my fasting days to 500 calories

    As I am feeling OK with it should I just do BMR and 500 on fasting ???

    Thank you all in advance xx

    Very good question?

    I believe to do 5:2 right.

    It’s unto 500 calories for women and upto 600 for men.

    Say you fast day is a monday .
    You sleep Sunday night , have only 500 calories if a woman for the whole day. The fast is over when wake up the next morning.

    There are other variations like 4:3 . However I would try to get used to 5:2 for at least 8 weeks . Before trying anything more than 5:2.

    You don’t have to consume the 500 calories if you don’t want to.
    I do!

    Thanks SAMM I am reading everything I can on the forum .. I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right

    I have IBS so I don’t usually eat until later in the day anyway if I have been out so my 2 fast days are working out at 36 hours each day most of the time

    I’m reading a little about IBS. It keeps coming up in the fasting literature. Some of the characteristics are similar as other issues where food restriction are present. I can’t give any advice. I can however point.

    Have you watched the video Eat, Fast, Live Longer”?

    In it there is a man that practices CRON.
    One of his foods is the peel of an apple. Not completely the skin, but not the whole inner fruit. He’s eating the skin. Where the dense nutrition exists the most, and tossing out the sugar portion. If you look at the foods you’ll see they also are eaten skins on. However things like granola are less tolerated.

    What I see is an approach to keep fiber and nutrition in his diet.
    As far as fasting having similar issue, one day we get little fiber , and the next much more. This can cause mild discomfort. Especially if practicing ADF. Like filling a garden hose with intermittent lumps. However I rarely read the vegetable eaters complain. I suspect because of their regular intake of fiber in their vegetable.

    If you have recipes we’ll always be glad to read them.

    Hello weemam,
    Welcome to our thread.
    From my own experience I would not go below 500 cals on fast days in the first two months as during this time the body goes through detoxification. I suffered headaches permanently but pushed on through. I also discovered my spectacles were too strong which probably had not helped.
    I found it difficult initially to drink 8 glasses of water so I built this up gradually. My diet has changed radically this year to a fairly strict regime now but I am happy to lose two pounds per week. This I believe is a sustainable and motivating level of loss for someone like me who had nearly 7 stone to lose. I have now lost 4 stone since this time last year. I do not eat complex carbs like bread and processed foods or any sugary foods. I do not drink alcohol and am unlikely to start drinking again. I have given up eating breakfast every day now. I have a very light lunch e.g. Soup and berries. For dinner I eat fresh fish, eggs or seafood and lots of veg. I often have zero noodles instead of potato or pasta( saves calories), they are good stir fried. I cook in butter or oil and don’t concern myself about it’s use.
    I rarely drink milk preferring fruit and green teas, no coffee.
    I am not weighing until the end of July as I am switching to less interest in scales and more towards inch loss.
    I walk between 12,000 to 20,000 steps per day.
    I play badminton, bowling, bowls and attend yoga and ballroom fitness. I swing a kettle bell and use a trampet. I start tennis lessons this week, I hope, if they have a space.
    This diet becomes a lifestyle, a positive change for your body.

    Good Luck Weemam
    We are here to support each other and answer your questions.

    Ply and SAMM,
    I had a Tango lesson yesterday, did I already tell you? Losing it at the moment, very busy organising my retirement party next week. I really loved the lesson and may book some classes, it was great. I will need to buy some really fab shoes to do it though, essential to get into the mood of the dance – very sexy.

    JoJo your career must of helped so many people. I hope it will be a feed day with no regrets.
    Plan plan away!

    Just got a notice from my neighbor about weight loss!
    🙂 glad to know it’s working no matter what the scale says!

    I still have 52lbs more to lose . So I’ll still be here for awhile as I find this site supportive and full of good cheer. Keep On Keepin On!

    Just a simple ham sandwich today and 100cal soup.
    Wasn’t planning to be a 500cal fast day. But I’ll put to bed and call it good!

    I am just fine, Jojo, no worries! For some reason I have not been getting the post notifications, so I thought everyone was avoiding being number 1,000! Been back and forth to the Cape, with no internet service, so a bit out of touch anyway. Off for a run right now, will check in longer later! Happy fasting!


    Thanks a million for all the info and encouragement . I am trying to read everything here that I can . I want to do it right . I have been low carbing for soo long . It worked and I liked it but I was craving for all the things I haven’t been able to have . I have RA and it was getting worse and I am sure that has to do with the weight creeping back on again . I have IBS and I usually don’t eat until the afternoon anyway especially the days I have my dad . he is 96 and has Alzheimers .

    Well that is fist week over and weighed in 5 lbs lighter . The fasting was much easier than I thought it was going to be . both worked out about 32 hours each . I am loving this xx

    Hello Ply, SAMM ,Weemam,
    Ply – What a relief to get home and enjoy the comfort of this thread. It really is a lifeline. I don’t get notifications either Ply so don’t rely on them. Great to have you back, I have missed you, I need your positive vibe. How are you doing now you have lots of free time?
    SAMM, how did the move go? Is it a better area and home? Garden? Good news on the neighbour noticing your new slimmer self, it really helps doesn’t it.
    Firstly well done on the 5 lbs, keep up the good work. Are you a scot by any chance? Hence your ‘handle’. Tell us some more about yourself. I am very, very interested in IBS as I am trying to help a friend who has suffered with it very severely for 20 years. I myself had it for two years after a bout of food poisoning, it was misery. I did ‘food combining’ , took a while but I was cured eventually, I think it took about 8 months.

    I have a new obsession, I am researching ‘Dance Class Holidays for singles’ I really, really want to learn to dance the Tango. I cannot imagine a better way to get exercise than dancing to Latin music.

    I had a terrific weekend. I am not looking forward to this week, it will be very sad. I am not sure how I will cope with Thursday and the party on Sunday. I know one thing, fasting is off for the next two weekends.

    I got a Doctors referral to a private clinic for my hip problem, it is likely they will do a steroid injection, fingers crossed that it works cos I am fed up with it keeping me awake.

    Ply, I am worried about this non weighing month, I don’t feel in control, not feeling slimmer yet I should be two weeks in on ADF. I wonder if I am doing something wrong? I have brought up the cals on non fast days(1600) and kept fast days at 500. I am worried that my body is not responding to this system. Still low carb and no sugar. My exercise has been down a bit because I have been too busy and had a guest staying.

    Changing the subject – have you ever visited the uk and where?
    I spent a week in New York on an Art Appreciation Holiday, doing the galleries and the sights, a little shopping too of course, loved it.


    I like these.
    #26. The best way to lose weight by walking is to take a longer, moderately paced walk (40 minutes at 60-65% maximum heart rate). Shorter, faster walks (20-25 minutes at 75%-85% maximum heart rate) are best for conditioning the heart and lungs.

    #14. Researchers note that the human backbone was not designed to work in the vertical position of walking on two legs. That is why modern humans suffer from sore backs, slipped discs, arthritis, and more.


    And this by to add to the walking lifestyle

    I also like these stability ball exercises when the weather is bad. Since I’m still getting so much walking at work. I have more time to focus on core/torso stability exercises.

    Looking at food pairings for health benefits I found this. So I share.

    I’m not fasting this week will be 600 cals under BMR mon, wend, fri, and Saturday .
    I’ll have 1400 calories to make to meals between. 12:30pm -5pm

    The 10 Healthiest Food Pairings
    Watch your good health surge as you add these potent food combinations to your diet.
    The Daily Fix, Rodale.com’s 

    Fermented Food + Anything
    The Health Benefit: Sugar cravings float away with kimchi 

    Why It Works: “I can’t say enough how wise it is to add a fermented food to any meal—no matter what you are eating,” says Gates. Superstars in the natural food world, fermented foods like kimchi are loaded with feel-good probiotics that not only improve digestion, but also help stave off sugar cravings. “They must be in a program if you are trying to lose weight,” Gates adds. “They taste sour and take away the desire for sweets.”

    Try It! Look for jarred kimchi in your supermarket or save money by doing it yourself: The Easiest Way to Ferment Vegetables.

    Steak + Rosemary
    The Health Benefit: Neutralizing of carcinogens created when meat is cooked above 325 degrees Fahrenheit 

    Why It Works: Rosemary is rich in rosmarinic and carnosic acids that stop cancer-causing heterocyclic amines from forming on cooked meat. “People have a lot of concerns about eating grilled meat,” says Dr. Ramsey, who keeps potted rosemary in his kitchen. “This combination is one way that I like to use food synergy to increase the health of a dish.”

    Try It! Snip a sprig of rosemary, remove the main stem, chop, and add to olive oil, salt, and lemon juice to create a healthy marinade. Choose grass-fed beef for healthier fat ratios and to avoid veterinary drug residues.

    Beet Greens + Chickpeas
    The Health Benefit: Natural mood boost from a much-needed mineral

    Why It Works: Magnesium is essential for low anxiety and happiness, but 70 percent of Americans don’t get enough. Beet greens are loaded with the calming mineral, and the B6 in chickpeas maximizes magnesium absorption in the body.

    Try It! Look for local, organic beet greens this spring at your farmer’s market, and soak and cook dried, organic chickpeas to avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals that can be found in canned foods.

    Fish + Broccoli
    The Health Benefit: A delicious way to stifle cancer growth 

    Why It Works: Many fish, salmon, and mackerel are rich in the thyroid-protecting, cancer-fighting mineral selenium. When paired with broccoli, a veggie rich in sulforaphane, the compounds are 13 times more effective in slowing cancer cell growth than when eaten solo.

    Try It! Avoid farmed salmon and opt for wild-caught Alaskan salmon to avoid parasites and contamination.

    Red Wine + Almonds
    The Health Benefit: A natural combo that keeps your heart happy

    Why It Works: The antioxidant resveratrol in red wine and almond’s naturally high levels of vitamin E work together to thin the blood and improve blood vessel health.

    Try It! Look for organic wine, since conventional versions have been found to harbor pesticide residues. (The same holds true for the almonds.)

    Green Tea + Lemon
    The Health Benefit: A delicious way to sip your way to natural cancer prevention while jump-starting weight loss 

    Why It Works: Vitamin C-rich lemons help to maximize your body’s ability to absorb catechins, the heroic disease-fighting antioxidant found in green tea.

    Try It! If you drink a lot of tea, consider investing in organic loose-leaf tea and a stainless steel, reusable tea infuser to reduce packaging waste. 

    Turmeric & Black Pepper
    The Health Benefit: Superstar spice combo erases inflammation and could ward off Alzheimer’s disease and cancer while combating high cholesterol and improving liver function

    Why It Works: Turmeric is one spice that everyone needs to use. Just be sure to combine it with black pepper, which helps your body absorb a thousand times more curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. 

    Pastured Pork + Sauerkraut
    The Health Benefit: Non-starchy and fermented veggies/animal protein combo will keep your gastrointestinal tract on track

    Why It Works: Steering clear of starches when eating meat will help your digestive system focus on breaking down the animal protein, boosting absorption and reducing uncomfortable bloating, heartburn, gas, and stomach pain. Fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut, bolster digestion-friendly probiotics in your body, building up your immune system in the process.

    Try It! Opt for grass-fed pork. It’s free of health-harming antibiotics and chemical preservatives and rich in thiamine, a B vitamin vital for proper nervous system functioning. As a general rule of thumb, Gates notes that animal protein meals go best with non-starchy vegetables like green beans, broccoli, kale, collards, and spinach. 

    Eggs + Cheese
    The Health Benefit: Clearer thinking, reduced PMS symptoms, weight loss

    Why It Works: Naturally occurring vitamin D in egg yolks optimizes your body’s absorption of the cheese’s bone- and heart-protecting calcium. Sufficient calcium levels also promote neurotransmitter health and stabilize hormones, which reduces PMS symptoms and weight gain.

    Try It! Look for eggs and cheese from grass-fed farm animals. Find local, sustainable sources at LocalHarvest.org. 

    Tortilla + Veggies
    The Health Benefit: A flatter belly, thanks to reduced bloating and gassiness

    Why It Works: Pairing vegetables with grains or grain-like seeds like millet or quinoa—and leaving out the meat—will reduce unpleasant bloating and gassiness, according to gut guru Gates. Starchy vegetables like artichokes, peas, potatoes, yams, and corn and non-starchy veggies like broccoli, kale, and green beans will keep your gastrointestinal tract on track. “A corn tortilla filled with stirred fried vegetables like onions, red pepper, zucchini, and broccoli and seasoned with Tex Mex seasoning is actually delicious and so much more easy to digest than a tortilla made with beef or chicken,” Gates says. 

    Try It! Top your tortilla off with a spoonful of cultured veggies to optimize digestion and reduce cravings for sugar later in the day.

    Fermented Food + Anything
    The Health Benefit: Sugar cravings float away with kimchi and other sour superfoods. 

    Why It Works: “I can’t say enough how wise it is to add a fermented food to any meal—no matter what you are eating,” says Gates. Superstars in the natural food world, fermented foods like kimchi are loaded with feel-good probiotics that not only improve digestion, but also help stave off sugar cravings. “They must be in a program if you are trying to lose weight,” Gates adds.

    Thanks SAMM
    A fantastic addition to our communal wealth of knowledge. P

    jojo58 …Yes I am a Scot . I live in beautiful Central Scotland , Have done all of my 72 years . I am married to my best friend for almost 53 years . We have 4 grandchildren and 1 new great grandson. . I am a very talkative wee granny and I love to chat and make new friend . 2 of our boys are 6 feet or over and I am under 5 feet so they call me the weemam 🙂
    I lost almost 5 stone about 5 years ago doing Low carb but the weight is creeping back up and is making my RA worse AND I have been craving the things I couldn’t have . with 5.2 I can have anything I want within reason and that I love .OOps forgot to say I have IBS too and don’t usually eat until later in the day anyway as I like to be near my own toilet :p xx

    I can almost hear your gorgeous accent, weemam!
    I’m also married to my best friend (43 years).
    Your family sound grand. I’ll bet they are proud of you.
    Cheers Purple 🙂

    Hey, Jojo, I missed you too! My “free” time is always short-lived. I am away tonight nd will be teaching a University math course for teachers for the. Next 2 weeks, then a week off, then another 2-week course. No rest for the weary,a s my mother says!
    I did not take the no-weigh challenge, but I will be away from my scale until Sunday! My official stats right now are 30 pounds lost in 18 weeks. Not quite 2pounds per week, but an average of 1 2/3 pounds per week, which I am quite happy with. Only 10 more to go!
    Why have you increased your calories on non-fast days, because of the ADF? Do you think that is the issue, or are you just feeling insecure without the reinforcement (positive or negative) of the scale? If it is causing you stress, why not hop on?no shame in switching things up to do what works!
    I am finding that I am generally satisfied with about 1100 calories on most non-fast days. I have been doing 3 days under 500, and another day about 700, so not a strict fast day. It seems that this is really becoming a way of life.a no I don’t have to do an awful lot of thinking about fasting or what to eat, as I did in the beginning. 16:8 is effective for me to limit calories. Some mornings I am hungry early, so I have an earlier breakfast. All in all, more flexibility, but still very conscious of following the plan. My cardio has slowed, even though I did over 18,000 steps today. (Btw, google “David Sedaris fitbit” for a funny story about tracking steps) I am loving Pilates!
    A dancing holiday sounds wonderful, especially the Tango! The outfits and shoes would be enough for me to join! I will say it again: I am envious of your retirement and exciting plans, and your energy level!
    I completely understand what an emotional time the next 2 weeks (and beyond) will be for you. How many students have you had over the years? Imagine how much love, joy, and learning you have bestowed on them, and they in turn have passed on…exponential influence!
    Never visited the UK, maybe someday!

    SAMM, thanks, as always, for your good info! Hope you and your family are enjoying your new place, and that it is less stressful for you.


    Stepped on the scale for no reason

    and there it was. 224lbs

    thats 50lbs weight loss

    so happy I actually cried!

    Well done! !! ******


    Absolutely no one can doubt your spirit. Or your accomplishment.

    WAY TO GO!!!!!

    Well done SAMM, crying with you.
    I feel like a proud mum
    Stepped on scale, as suspected, only 3/4 pound down. Back to 1200 cals on non fast days.
    I switched up to 1600 to increase my metabolism which is very sluggish, we don’t want to stay on 1200 long term do we?
    Try again later when the weight has gone, two weeks wasted, aaarrrggh

    Hooray for you, SAMM! Wonderful accomplishment!

    Hi All,
    Warning – be very careful if your Pilates or yoga teacher suggests you do laying scissor legs using elastic belt. I feel as if my undercarriage is going to fall out today, it’s like those bad old pms days(sorry SAMM- but living with two females I guess you are used to it). Steps will be minimum today, sorry dogs, no chance of a walk. My shoulders feel good though, they also suffered the same scissor exercise. How we suffer for out health – teehee.
    Luckily no physical plans this afternoon and I can sit at choir tonight.
    Beautiful day and heat wave on it’s way. Lush.
    Keep fasting and learning what works for you?
    Don’t forget to share, we are in this together.
    Hey SAMM is that total weightloss or fasting weightloss. Catching me up up sonny, I have lost 52 in total. If it’s fasting weight loss you are way ahead.

    Anyone else been on a Tango Holiday, I am really serious about trying this. Whether it be Buenos Aires or Bournemouth.

    jo jo cna you please explain your acronyms- i mean i knoe what hiit is but what about N E A T and ADF? it sounds you have time for a high excercise routine- not all of us do have time and others dont always benefit since it gives/justifies more cravings afterwards/after the excercise

    SAMM I am really chuffed for you (as we say here in Scotland) you must be floating on air 🙂 well done .

    JOJO58 yes they are thanks .
    It was so funny today . Our youngest granddaughter works in Tesco and do was there when I was doing my shopping today . I bought WW wraps . This is something I have never bought . She though it so funny that I was asking HER what I could put in them . I am just enjoying my food so much .
    Don’t get me wrong I did well loosing almost 5 stone on Low Carb But I was craving so much for different things . I will settle down to more protein and ” good foods” but at the moment I just want to prove to myself and everyone else that I CAN EAT WHAT I WAN’T as long as I watch my calorie intake .
    I enjoyed everything I ate last week had what people call ” forbidden foods” counted my calories and lost 5 lbs . I love this WOL and all the lovely people here already xx

    What do you mean by Fasting weight loss or total weigh loss ? xx

    I hope that you all get used me me calling everyone pal and putting 2xx at the end . the grandkids laugh but that is just me 🙂 xx

    Hi Weemam,
    Both I and SAMM were doing other diets before we started fasting, I was doing weight watchers and my own plan, started fasting in January. Not sure what SAMM was doing but vaguely remember he had been on some plan, probably his own. We love terms of endearment, it’s like family on this thread. I love low carb, personally but I have a treat when at a restaurant, bread roll or potato, not keen on pasta or rice. Miss pastry though, I love pies and pasties. Cut carbs, cut sugar – result – weight loss success. How far do you need to go? How many pounds do you hope to lose?

    Hi Davidrob,
    Yes I am very lucky to work three days only until the end of this week when I retire. I have always done a minimum of one hour exercise per day though even when working full time 7.30 to 6 pm. I just got up very early – not pleasant but effective. You need to be physically fit working with young children. So even when I weighed 17 st 9 lbs I would still run around, climb and play sports as well as swim. I exercise because I enjoy it not for weight loss – agree it can only help less than 20 per cent. I find drinking water or protein drinks stops the food craving post exercise. Also if you are losing a big amount of weight like me it is a good idea to tone on the way down.

    ADF is Alternate Day Fasting, so 4 days fasting, 3 not in 7 – I switched to this so I could boost calorie intake on non fast days – not a brilliant success – maths said yes – less calories per week but body said no. So much for the ‘it’s all about the math-theory’
    I don’t use NEAT must have been SAMM.

    Jojo58 . I lost 5 stones except for 4 lbs about 3 of them went back on slowly over the last 5 years ups and downs . At my age I wouldn’t want to be skinny ( ha! ha!) so maybe a couple of stones to go BUT time will tell . I have a vibration plate and I used it for some time last year but since my RA has got worse I haven’t used it .. This last week I have started doing it on low for only 5 mins at a time . slowly slowly catch-ee monkey ( or something like that lol ) . It is just so lovely to have a variety of things . Tomorrow I will bye cottage cheese and have it in my very first wrap . I am so looking forward to that . I hope I like it 🙂 xx

    Once I have had a go at all the things I have missed I might still do 5.2 with low carb , At the moment enjoying all my forbidden foods ( as they say).xx

    A man I see at lunch said he looked up 5:2 after I briefly discussed it , just after I started and lost 15lbs.
    Feed day today lots of shrimp. With the cocktail sauce… Shrimp is said to counter the effect of fungi long term. Like hypertension Meds side effects, the shrimp help with the Meds long term effect.

    I just like em!


    Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).
    Levine JA.
    Author information

    Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. It ranges from the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing yard work, undertaking agricultural tasks and fidgeting. Even trivial physical activities increase metabolic rate substantially and it is the cumulative impact of a multitude of exothermic actions that culminate in an individual’s daily NEAT. It is, therefore, not surprising that NEAT explains a vast majority of an individual’s non-resting energy needs. Epidemiological studies highlight the importance of culture in promoting and quashing NEAT. Agricultural and manual workers have high NEAT, whereas wealth and industrialization appear to decrease NEAT. Physiological studies demonstrate, intriguingly, that NEAT is modulated with changes in energy balance; NEAT increases with overfeeding and decreases with underfeeding. Thus, NEAT could be a critical component in how we maintain our body weight and/or develop obesity or lose weight. The mechanism that regulates NEAT is unknown. However, hypothalamic factors have been identified that specifically and directly increase NEAT in animals. By understanding how NEAT is regulated we may come to appreciate that spontaneous physical activity is not spontaneous at all but carefully programmed.

    When your sitting on your butt doing nothing. Your N.E.A.T. IS ZERO

    When decide to walk twice as fast or to hurry. You’ve increased your neat.

    JoJo I was 274 most I ever weighed, and then started 5:2. Lost 16lbs
    Then went on to 4:3 to lose 33 lbs
    Restarted 4:3 3/2014
    Took a warehouse job to increase my NEAT.
    When I was diagnosed with diabetes , I stopped fasting and still lost weight I believe because of my neat.

    However I’m not nearly as concerned with my subcantanous fat under my skin. Im concerned with my visceral fat that is more likely to cause age related disease.so I’m trying to jump rope to include H.I.I.T especially after high fat meals. I also sit on stability ball when watching tv to increase my N.E.A.T

    CRON Calorie Restriction Optimal Nutrition
    CRAN Calorie Restriction Adequate Nutrition

    BMR http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_metabolic_rate

    BMI http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_mass_index

    TDEE Total Daily Energy Expenditure

    Good evening fast trackers and slow trackers( me ! )

    I was given a home made three tier cream, fresh strawberries and vanilla sponge and a bottle of wine today, grateful parent. Wine now in the cupboard and cake distributed amongst my choir tonight, they were very appreciative. Unfortunately only the sopranos got some so the rest were a bit grumpy. Nothing new they always resent the Sopranos because we get the best parts to sing. Ate one piece which ruined my fast but I felt obliged, I really didn’t want it or enjoy it, I have gone right off sugar. Shame but it’s true.

    Feeling very tired and painfully uncomfortable tonight ( yoga stretch issue) so just having a cuppa before bed.

    I have taught over 2000 children and have up to 200 current and former parents, children and staff coming here this Sunday. This garden party will be fabulous if it doesn’t rain. Setting up gazebo’s on Saturday in preparation – wish me luck! It will be traditional English tea party – sandwiches and cake with tea. I dare say there will be a little wine but not consumed by me.

    It is the end of an era for me but I am ready for the next stage of my life. People keep saying I won’t know what to do with myself. I think you know me better than that! It will be dog walking, sport, cultural events, travel, reading, gardening, learning Spanish, woodland preservation, Indian Cookery and finally Tango lessons. Seriously I just don’t have time to work. I need to find some time to go out on dates too. Then there is lunch dates with friends and walking.

    Ply – why are you teaching in the summer break. Are you mad? Have a rest and enjoy some time with your partner. Have you thought of trying Tango? I agree that the shoes and dresses are so attractive. I have always liked black and red combinations, suits my personality.

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