Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 8,601 through 8,650 (of 16,657 total)

  • Morning Amazon and Jojo
    I totally understand the going solo issue..my ex sil started the same day as me, successful initially, but now has regained the lot. She couldn’t stay motivated alone.
    Mind you, like your ex, Jojo, Mr P needs constant watching. He would slip straight off the wagon if not hauled back constantly by me ๐Ÿ˜‰ I succeed as I know he needs to do this to keep his diabetes in control. A life threatening situation is highly motivating.
    I simply suggested abstinence as I am an utter glutten. If it is around, I’ll eat it. So I throw unsuitable food out if left here by visitors and freeze any leftovers ๐Ÿ™‚
    Bay might add some more to this when she gets back from Brisbane. She has gone cold turkey with sugar over the last 7 weeks and was amazed at the changes.
    She calls us “all or nothing” girls. A good description. Have a good Easter Monday girls. P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Weigh in day. After a week of naughtiness, which included mucho vino every non fast day, a BBQ buffet, chocolate, caramel vodka (yummy) sambucca, a big roast dinner yesterday etc, etc, ………….

    I have …… lost another pound!! And another 2 inches off my waist (6 inches altogether!!) So my fast day followed by a liquids only day last week did the trick. Hope to get back on track with a 2lb loss this week.

    This WOL rocks!

    Jojo, hope you are ok, please don’t be downhearted. You inspired me to get moving and I know it is doing me good, nowhere near in your league but I know I should join the type of clubs you go to ………… one day.

    Making spicy carrot and cauliflower soup, smells delicious! We are having that for dinner before champagne and cake with our Spanish neighbour, we couldn’t say no. Fasting tomorrow.

    Happy Fasting!

    Apple pie,
    Well done, it cheers me to read of your success, have fun tonight.

    PVE, can you move to UK to keep me on track?

    Just found out I am meeting my daughter at a Food Festival, seriously? More tempting food on offer, but I will be strong.

    Just looking into slimming soups, decided to change my usual ones for lower cal ones, may make a difference.

    Sounds good Jojo. The weather is going downhill here as yours is improving.
    Have a trip booked already next month. Maybe later in the year .. ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    PVE, don’t forget I will be off in October so try and make it before then or after January. I have got to plan my trip up to Weemam too, July is favourite so far, how does that work for you Weemam. I will see if Smiffy will join me and a few others North of Watford Gap.

    Ballroom fitness was great, my coordination improves every class but some of those step are really tricky.

    Off to the food fair now, not taking money, that should sort it. Ha ha. If I am in prison later you will know what happened.

    I love the way we all approach the same goal in different ways. I know a lot about health, physiology and a fair amount about nutrition, but I’ve learned so much reading posts on this thread. The sharing of discovereies of what works and what doesn’t are invaluable. Maybe we should get together and write a book ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The gym was no busier than usual but different faces today. There was a young lad working with a personal trainer who was a bit over enthusuastic and made himself sick. The thought made me drink more water than I usually do and I feel much better for it.

    Beautiful spring weather here but I’m saving my walk for tomorrow when the hordes are back at work. Apparently it will be 18C on Friday!
    I’m going to spend my afternoon making delicious low calorie food ๐Ÿ˜›

    Jojo I’d love a trip to Scotland but not sure if I could fit it in during the summer. I’m not sure about driving in France either – depends on the amount of traffic! I have driven in Spain so at least I’ve had some experience on the other side of the road! We’ll play it by ear.

    I’m preparing a goose for supper tonight with young godson and his parents. Prune and apple stuffing with brandy – can’t wait! OH does roast potatoes to die for and I’m making a bread and butter pudding which we are calling ‘Paddington Pudding’ because it’s made with marmalade sandwiches. We took godson to see the film at Christmas so he will definitely appreciate it. I will try and restrict my portions to very small.

    Fasting tomorrow, but entertaining again on Wednesday when a friend is bringing her grandson to spend the afternoon with godson – we’re going to see the newborn calves at Godson’s parents’ farm and some lambs nearby then back for a meal.

    I’m going to Gatwick to stay overnight on Thursday, so will use it as another opportunity to fast – I will take a salad to eat in my hotel room. Hopefully we will have lots of fish and seafood (my favourite) in France, so not too much damage – just keep me off the wine, Jojo – well, some of it, anyway!

    Hi Amazon – not a pleasant experience at the gym! Enjoy your cooking spree. I’m off to walk the dogs.

    Enjoy this glorious day, UK Fadtrackers. Hi to those elsewhere.

    Smiffy x

    Hi FTers
    Lovely weather here in the south of France too, though quite a lot of snow around still.
    Smiffy, driving in France: You need to give way on the right unless you are on a road with the yellow triangle. In the country not all roads even seemingly busy have give ways when they should. At roundabouts give way on the left. It’s always a good idea to use the outside lane as the French are good at cutting you off even if you are indicating. f you are driving a GB plate car, expect some reactions. On narrow roads in this case you need to keep to the right and this doees not necessarily feel the natural position. The French drive fast, but are not quite as risk-takers as the Italians.
    Unlike in the UK, people cross roads at any time. You have to avoid them in France as they have the right. Careful of one way roads people drive up them the wrong way. Drivers don’t respect red lights either. People pass you on both sides of the road.
    I have driven here for 25 years, but I am constantly on the watch.
    Where are you going in France?

    Happy Fasting, team
    XX Wiwi

    Hello everyone,

    I have had a wonderful four days away but have missed “chatting” to you all! Jojo this thread is invaluable to many of us, thankyou again. I haven’t been on scales so a bit nervous re tomorrow morning – lots of good food eaten over Easter. I can only hope the plentiful and strenuous walks counteracted some of it! Jamieson is magical in Autumn, many mature European trees all turning colour at a different rate. My brother has a place right in the bush and we had a wonderful campfire meal with them one night – butterflied lamb and marinated chicken cooked over the coals and eaten under the stars with our faces toasty and our backs chilly!

    Reading back over the threads, there are lots of successes and also lots of frustration! I guess we have to remember how long it took us to gain weight and form bad habits and just keep plugging away with the new ones! Jojo I know you have a goal time frame, but would it be the end of the world if you reached 60 and came to visit us in Aus, not quite there yet? If this is to be a forever way of life, getting to the magic weight will have to happen eventually. I have a son getting married later in the year and I would dearly love to be at my goal by then, even if it just means buying a flash new dress in a size I will hopefully wear again. But I fear that if I think too much about that date it will only stress me unecessarily. I think Purples guidelines are really useful and they worked well for her, but we are all different and we must all work out exactly what works for us. Just reading of the amazing losses of Purple, SAMM, Weemam and you too Jojo, is enough to keep me plugging away.

    Amazon I am sure its hard doing it solo, but sometimes I really wish I was just cooking for myself and not a family! I guess there are pros and cons for us all. Purple, lovely to have you back, you were missed! And you did have an unfair advantage in your weight loss phase – saving your husband’s life! Fear is a great motivator isnt it? (You know I am kidding!) You will be pleased to know I have a new favourite light lunch – corn on the cob, courtesy of your advice re microwaving it! I agree with Bay’s description of us being “all or nothing” girls (?) – some foods should come with a red light flashing on them and are much easier to avoid than just have a little.

    Looking forward to fasting this week!
    Cheers all xx

    Jojo, if I’m around when you plan to visit Wee, count me in!

    Hi Smiffy, Wiwi, Nama.

    I’m sure that the French adventure will be great, and I hope there is lots of seafood wherever you go, delicious and healthy.
    Smiffy, I felt sorry for the lad at the gym, as he was so embarassed but it was a good lesson for everyone not too push ourselves too hard.

    Wiwi, I think spring has arrived in Europe ๐Ÿ™‚

    Nama, sounds like a lovely family weekend.One of my best holiday memories is a campfire meal when we were camping on the beach in Mozambique. It is weird how food cooked and eaten oudoors always tastes heavenly!

    Don’t be worried about stepping on the scales, any damage can soon be remedied by a couple of FDs.

    I had planned to be at goal by the end of May, but that has now been adjusted to the end of August as I’ve been finding non FDs harder and the rate of loss has slowed down. The important thing is that it is going down so I’ll be content with that.

    I’ve always been an all or nothing girl, mostly all, and it is moderation that I’m seeking which I fear is the harder path to take. I’ll just keep on keepin on ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Amazon – like you, I have had to adjust my goal date. It was supposed to be by my birthday last week! I have about a stone to lose but life, food and wine have kept getting in the way. Hey ho – at least with this WOL we’re not piling it back on and are heartened by the fact we are slimmer and healthier than a year or so ago. Jojo – take note! Even if you never lost another pound, and I’m sure you will, you would still look fabulous

    Wiwi – I’m going to La Rochelle with Jojo and her daughter. Thanks for the advice about driving in France. If I was nervous before, I am now scared to death. I think we will be travelling everywhere by bus and train – or maybe bicycle? What do you say Jojo? The weather there looks lovely at the moment. Fingers crossed that it continues after the end of this week.

    Nama – you’re family meal sounds absolutely wonderful!

    Hello sooper dooper fasters

    Gorgeous Bank Holiday here in the UK. I’ve even caught the sun.

    Bit of monumental discipline this weekend:

    Nice lunch on Saturday then no tea to compensate
    Fast day Sunday – no Easter eggs opened
    Indian takeaway tonight – I will have chicken tikka starter as a main with salad, avoiding any creamy sauces, or carbs in the naan bread or rice. Managed with just a banana so far today so I can enjoy later.
    And 2 x 3 hour walks.

    Think I might fast tomorrow too as got a few days out later in the week.

    Very envious of your trip to France, we had a holiday in La Rochelle a few years ago, it was lovely. I have no experience of driving as I leave that to my OH. I do find it easier to eat healthier in France though. The French seem to enjoy their mealtimes with good food but don’t seem to have on offer the junk food to graze upon like we do here.

    Easter blessings to you all

    Hi Jojo. This is the first time I have posted here. I am an avid reader of this forum. I always read your posts first. You have so many followers. You are a wonderful example to all us all. You are my hero. You have done so well thus far please do not get disheartened. I envy you your energy. You have said you need surgery for loose skin in a previous post. There was a programme on ” thedoctorstv.com last week”. It is an American TV programme with 4 Doctors giving advice on a range of subjects. We are getting repeats in Ireland at the moment. Anyway they had a lady on last week who had lost a lot of weight. She was left with loose excess skin on her arms, thighs and tummy. She had surgery to remove it. They weighed the skin after the op and it amounted to 25lbs. The doctors all agreed that no matter how much she exercised or dieted she would never have been able to get rid of the skin. Perhaps that is some of your problem. Maybe you are beating yourself up about something you have no control over. I am not recommending that you have surgery but if you wear good “hold in” underwear it will do a good job for you. Be good to yourself. Lots of Love.

    Spring has definitely arrived, as I’m sitting here with no heating on and without a jumper or cardie ๐Ÿ™‚

    The shepherds pie was delish and I have 5 portions in the freezer along with all my other FD dinners.

    I didn’t get round to baking the Paleo carrot cake this weekend as there is quite enough food here already. I might bake it when due to visit friends so I can have a slice to try and leave the remainder with them.

    I’m looking forward to a FD tomorrow and am hoping this one doesn’t get derailed!

    Hi there,

    Iam new to the forum and would like to join you in the 5:2 weight loss journey.


    Morning /evening all ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy birthday for last week Smiffy! Hope you enjoyed it.
    Don’t worry about driving in Europe. It’s easy, just requires concentration. Driving with traffic around (except l’etoile in Paris) is easier than when there is no one else around. That’s when wrong side mistakes are made. Always tell myself “the left turn’s the dangerous one” constantly. ๐Ÿ™‚
    You’ll have fun!
    Glad you did the classic Easter camping thing Nama. It is almost compulsory in Aust, isn’t it?
    I managed to surf with the grandkids on the mid north coast..the water was really warm still.. and a few last swims in my pool. Painted real eggs and played lots of ball and dolly games. My eldest turned 40 and my youngest grandchild, 1, last week. Much celebration. Plenty of wine. Fasting today until early afternoon even though I am still sitting at my lowest weight. P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Watching Vera with OH and not read all the posts yet . I will read them all later BUT wanted to say . I would love to see you all ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wee xx

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA And Hello World (You know Who You) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    We had an amazing time away for Easter got onboard the houseboat at Kingston on Murray and putted up stream through lock 3 and did so enjoy doing absolutely nothing on the sun deck upstairs out the front of the boat and out the back and of course inside truly glorious wow how indulgent with the gentle rock of a wake from another boat passing by talking to kayaks paddling along and going past I am not a fisherman at all but I did enjoy some wok action with seafood combo style but time on the sun filled deck reading Dr M again and Dr Krsta Vardys work on the laptop eBook was enriching while enjoying the sunshine rainbows reflecting off the water glorious sunshine blue skies and just a whole lot of zen and awesomeness ๐Ÿ˜† the smell of fresh brewed coffee wafting through now with all this time to ponder and plan great for making new possibilities that will now include having a crack at my own sour dough I will be seeking out PVE for a guiding hand I suspect, going vegetarian for a month I have a stack of ideas to put into play for that. I like the Indian vegie curries Moroccan style vego dishes Italian Greek and french ratatouille,frittartas , Asian , Thai , Korean etc so now what else oh yes sort out a poly tunnel/glasshouse for some winter Mediterranean style yummy goodness peppers tomatoโ€™s zucchini eggplant cucumbers chili etc I live in the middle of the town but our block is 2 acres in the old or 7975m2 in the new so plenty of room and I always wanted one but really just too lazy however now I see things differently I seem to have a stack more energy I am of course reminded of AO comment of the energizer bunny some while back ๐Ÿ˜ฏ I think its still SAMM and me still the only male regular posters Smartsmart I havnt seen again.Good win by your boys Nama and the crows wow what a reborn out fit this year. I have touched on the subject only once about dead lines time frames and outcomes required jojo so will refrain from saying it again but do whats doable and keep on keeping on and be mindful of the tortoise and the hare story book.Thanks for the follow-up SAMM youโ€™re a planner and a great strategist success is inevitable my hard rockin amigo. Nama & Amazon Wow I had images of I dream of Genie nose wriggling there with the flying spoons full of peanut paste mysteriously finding its way into the mouth ๐Ÿ˜† rather like the spoons full of Milo I used to eat straight out the tin before mum got home from work what a treat how naughty but how nice ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Driving back home in the sunshine with some Elton John gently playing on the CD
    I was once again reminded that while
    I Donโ€™t have everything I want. (my own houseboat for example)
    I Do have everything I need.
    Have a great day fast friends
    Reace RT.

    Good morning fellow fasters, welcome to Tasa and willowlodge.

    RT what a wordpicture you present … as the saying goes “no flies on you” ๐Ÿ˜†

    Really wanting to make sure I’m over this dreaded lurgy am almost there but not quite, so still need to take it easy for a few days drinking lots and eating little (not hungry so not eating much at all).

    Early start at work today so only popping in to say “hi” and “bye” really … keep on keeping on one and all.

    Hello fellow-fasters everywhere:
    Emel, AO (hope you’re feeling better soon), RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy and Wee in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori and HealthCoachB in USA
    DJ in Canada;
    and those with no location in your profile: Sarah103, Daisy77 and CakeyWakey.
    Welcome Tasa and Willowlodge.
    In case Iโ€™ve missed anyone, no offence intended. As RT says: โ€œYou know who you are.โ€

    So much traffic on this thread after a lovely long Easter weekend spent with family. Scales up but who cares? It will soon disappear with a couple of FDs. I too am an ‘all or nothing’ type – extremely diligent on FDs, much less so on others, but the scales continue to decline, albeit veeerrry slowly on occasions. I haven’t set myself any long-term deadline because that would probably derail me so just keeping on doing what’s doable. Still have 20kg to first target (BMI=22) which may or may not happen by the end of the year. It’s taken me nearly 20 years to put it on so what’s a few months between friends? The important point for me is that I’m now living a much healthier way of life but still with room for occasional treats like Easter chocolate and nothing is banned, e.g. bread and other flour goods, although in moderation ๐Ÿ˜‰

    RT and Nama, sounds like you both had wonderful weekends. We had lovely fine cool weather until yesterday when the heavens opened and we have had more than 2″ of badly needed rain. The garden smells wonderful and the plants will soon perk up.

    Jojo, many rational comments after your sad post. Hope you are feeling better now. I don’t know how you NH-ers cope with long cold dark days – I think I’d need white light treatment by now.

    Amazon, like Nama, I occasionally wish I could just please myself wrt menu and food choices but there’s good and bad in every situation – we just learn to live with our particular circumstances.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xxx

    Thanks RT .
    I believe I was simply just struck by the phrase “do what’s doable” in the 5:2 video
    Eat, fast, live longer. By DR M And Varady was on that too. Was also struck at by doable portion sizes of semi fast days. So I took up 5:2 and after struggling with shopping errors and being prepared to handle damage control. On fast days I failed. I started to push towards 4:3. Mostly due to failed 5:2 weeks. Where if I aimed for 4:3. I almost always made 5:2.

    The second video iliked very much by Dr M was the truth about exercise. With much emphasis on what is the minimum we should be doing. A short discussion about vo2max. Caught my eye. Difficult, but not impossible I took to task to improve my vo2max, and doing the doable minimum exercise . Pleased with myself taking a job where I’m walking , I don’t have to find time to walk after work. Choosing jumperope because it’s so portable, but in the beginning it was more like jumping for 30-120 seconds and the doing jumping jacks until the ten minute mark. With the vo2max / out of breath being what I was trying to work on , the calories did matter, but mostly I just wanted to be able to have enough breath to jump longer, it was a simple doable approach. Just work on the vo2max as far as exercise.
    Thesecond approach to exercise May be a bit more vain on my part. And being muscular at the point of goal , as opposed to sedentary and scrawny. I lift weights and I dont go to the point of ADF. By no means am I a sexy young spring chicken, but I also don’t want to feel frail ever again , like I did after a car accident. So I’m interested to know how ADF gets around muscle loss ?
    My personal spin on me myself and I , is to do 4:3 , but also take 12 weeks off per year to specifically try to gain muscle mass. Basically 10 weeks on 4:3 fasting 2 weeks off fasting. then a holiday break from thanksgiving to new years. The planned breaks are great prompts to detox, but also gear the Intermittent Fasting into a way of life. My reading lead to info on how to extend dieting regimens, but I’m realizing for me it’s a way of marking out the seasons and planning menus to go and seek out the best foods my local farmers and farmers markets have to offer. So simple , seems like a blessing! I love it much better than buying from the grocery the way I used too.
    I know I’ll keep on keepin on with the longevity aspect of the fasting lifestyle after I reach goal. Only 27lbs more to go. I’m finding that phrase keeps me lookin ! What’s doable to increase longevity?
    Fasting, exercising, healthy foods. avoiding risks. So after two years, I’ve mastered fasting from doable to possible. I’ve increased my vo2max and can jump rope for 30 minutes throughout the day, and still walk 30,000 steps , and lift wights, on a FEED DAY. Everyday I wake reading about whole foods and vitamin and minerals, heart , and brain health , a well as detox or mussel foods. From time to time I still review the risks of death , to see if I can make an adjustment to increase my odds a little better.

    For the most part , in my opinion. , fasting is THE most prominent of those. Considering how much contact with outside world our digest system encounters. Theres a many risks that can be avoided right there on the fork. So I took up the challenge to learn about it, as much as reasonable, and fasting seems to be a very large role in longevity, as well as the healthier choices on the non fasting days. RT. My life is much different . Even though I ate myself into a food coma yesterday on all the Easter feast foods. Eating that way is just for social events. And only 5 days a year. I don’t feel the same about the binges anymore.
    Some how I finally got the FEELING. When over eating , I now realize it’s pointless. If not harmful to over eat. Fixing soups on Saturday’s , is like turning my kitchen into a sanctuary . Making the best damn soups , I can’t even buy in stores. After all that change , I like to revisit the question , what is doable now?
    I found the best answer is to do all that as quickly as possible , covering all the bases. So I can pursue everything else there is to desire. I’m still in love with my boat , and the friendships I’ve made at lakes. I feel so much better , having lost 72 lbs but also so much stronger too. Hopefully enjoy it much longer into my 80s.

    Hi SAMM, I think I understand what you mean when referring to v02max that you are describing your 02 use whilst exercising and that you are increasing it with training. But I am wondering if you are getting it measured accurately and if so, where? Just curious. I know I am improving my cardiovascular fitness with my swimming, as I am increasing the laps I swim without becoming too breathless. I am not concerned with any actual numbers, just that I consistently improve. Interesting how we all approach our activities.

    Scales did go up this morning, not surprising after all the Easter eating! But as Amazon and Nicky say, a couple of fasts and they will go down again, hopefully with interest. It still amazes me that I can swim, do housework etc and get to 4pm with nothing but water and coffee. I would not have believed it possible 6 months ago.

    So very happy this afternoon in Melbourne. An 11yr old autistic boy went missing from his families Easter camping site, not far from us at Jamieson, on Friday morning. He has been found safe and well today, after finally being spotted in the bush by a police helicopter …. after 4 nights in the open! I think the whole of Victoria sighed with relief, not the outcome we have come to expect these days.

    RT your Murray trip sounded fantastic. And the footy results so impressive! One of us has to be a loser next week when our two teams meet, I have a feeling your Crows will smash us! Sorry to all the football haters!

    Welcome Tasa and willowlodge, you have joined a great team!!
    AO I hope you are feeling much better by now.

    Cheers all.

    Sorry to hear you are ill AO. Get better quickly ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yes, Nama. Great news re the missing boy. Can’t imagine how his parents felt.
    RT….your description of your Murray houseboat holiday was very vivid. We drove along much of it last year. I kept telling Mr P we should do a houseboat holiday on it. Fabulous.
    Distinct chill in the air today. We’ve had so much rain, we are nearly washing away. Managed to buy some woollen jumpers for our trip finally today that fit. this is one of the disadvantages of being an XS ๐Ÿ˜‰ Clothes these days are made for the “fuller figure”. Can’t win!
    No fast this week as I gained nothing over Easter and don’t want to lose any more. Love this wol.
    Keep strong folks, 5:2 really works. P

    Good morning

    Fast Day today, doing them all a day early this week so will be finished tomorrow for the rest of the week.

    Stories about the houseboat RT reminded me of an idyllic narrow boat holiday 2 years ago. Our first time and we hadn’t really mastered the art of steering, locks etc. One beautiful sunny day we came through a lock into a basin, surrounded by a few pubs, full of people in inside and out enjoying the summer sun. At that moment, trying to figure out the lock and waving at my OH to go backwards as he was going to bash into the front of the lock, I manage to step backwards and fell in, watched by dozens of pub goers.

    I went completely under, bruised my back but bruised my ego more. Canal water isn’t the cleanest or the warmest either.

    Needless to say before id got out of the shower my teenage daughter had shared on Facebook, Instagram, snapchat and every other form of social media!!

    Not my finest hour. Still haven’t lived it down.

    Hi CW
    Love your narrow boat /canal swim story. Classic! That’s why I made “him” sell ours;) Sorry Samm. P

    It seems SAMM is the only decent sailor on this thread! We had a houseboat on the Hawkesbury River in NSW for our honeymoon and managed to run it aground within an hour of taking it out! The river is tidal and we had wandered into a branch without knowing. Just as we spotted the trees ahead, crunch! Heroic new husband rowed to a nearby house and phoned company for help. They just laughed and said, “you are on your honeymoon, relax. You will float off in about 6 hours! ” So embarrassing! Luckily it was a flat bottomed old tub. People were using those bike pump things getting worms for bait, walking around our boat!

    Morning/evening all on this lovely sunny spring morning in London ๐Ÿ˜›

    RT, your weekend sounds wonderful. I’ve not spent much time on houseboats, but did stay on one in Kerala which was fab, fish curry and a cold beer while cruising along at sunset ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ll be interested to hear how your vegetarian month goes. I have dabbled with vegetarianism on many occasions over the years and often catered for those on vegetarian/vegan and other more restrictive diets. Indian vegetarian food was a whole new world for me, as Indian restaurants here are meat heavy, but when I went to South India a few years ago, I was astounded by the huge variety of flesh free food on offer, and have expanded my cooking repertoire since then. I eat a lot of vegetable curries, chillies, capsicums stuffed with grains and veg etc on FDs as it is a means to a large portion of satisfying food. Stews and casseroles using beans and chick peas can be found all around the world too. Moroccan style vegetable tagine with chick peas is delicious. And then there is Asian cuisine…………….and hummus, guacamole and a host of other delicios dips for your raw veggies!

    I’m less breathless now when I’m at the gym, and my heart rate doesn’t increase so dramatically, so it is having a positive effect. It is another small improvement on the road to health and fitness. Like SAMM, I’m keen to be strong and remain so, which is why I’ve started the resistance work. I don’t want to gain much in the way of muscle mass, but would like what I’ve got to be stronger, both to keep my ability to do things and to support my body.

    I’ve overslept again and missed Pilates but as it is such a glorious day, I’m going out for a nice long walk. I am so pleased to be on a FD today, food choices already made. All I need to do is keep busy.

    Have a great day/evening everyone.

    Good Morning Fast Trackers,
    Well we did get some sunshine down here on the South Coast but it was still cold and very windy, brrrhh. I need heat, I really do.
    Welcome Tasa and Willowlodge, please share your stories, gist will do! We like to get to know our posters a little. As you will see from Nicky’s post we hail from far and near both in distance and weight loss journeys.
    I have just had a bit of a crisis due to long term lack of progress but I am trying to be philosophical about it. I really don’t want to change my long term goal but unless I do ‘boot camp’ I think I may need to consider it. I have considered liquid only for a month but I don’t think I have the willpower. I may add more soup on non fast days though, this is my problem at the moment, just not sticking to 1200 goal. My diet is very healthy and I do lots of exercise which I enjoy but it doesn’t seem to be enough to get the weight off at the moment.
    I have had a diet and physical break this weekend to recharge my batteries, let’s hope it works. Thank goodness there is no junk food in my flat.
    Everyone sounds very upbeat so all is good with the world of Fast Trackers.
    Keep active my friends, push those boundaries.
    Amazon, I have a friend keen to go to Scotland too( she has a son there) so we may share the driving, we can meet you on route somewhere, services perhaps? Pity you can’t make it Smiffy but we have France(can’t wait). I am not a nervous driver, have no fear, driven in Paris( not fun), Italy, Portugal(very scary)and Spain, just not recently.

    Weemam – we will sort out a date in July, have you got a nearby Accomodation that is reasonable? Travelodge or B&B, even University Rooms at end of July? 3 day stay likely.

    Hi Jojo,

    A weekend off has probably done you a world of good. I’m back on track this morning after the excesses of Easter. I think I ate more than I did at Christmas!

    I’ve got other friends in Glasgow who I’m planning to meet up with when we go to visit Wee, so once we have a date I can contact them and then we can organise where to meet up. I might fly to Glasgow and use public transport/taxis when I’m there.

    Hello All,
    I do not believe it, I have just been told about the French Air a Traffic control strike this week. This will affect my flight to Nantes, how irritating? Of course in turn that will effect our car park booking( no change or refund policy). Honestly!

    Anyway I am cheering myself up as I have now confirmed my big trip to NZ and Australia(93 days) who hoo.

    Ok so I now need to focus on fasting, weight to go, Jo.

    Amazon- give me some dates on Facebook so Weeman can comment, I will confirm this week I’d that suits you. I was thinking the last week of July. Good idea to fly.

    Hi every body and thanks for your worm welcome

    My first serious fast day, not very bad, a bit of headache but manageable. planning to do 5:2. and hopefully loosing 2 lb a week. I have almost three stones to loose.

    I need help with the portion size. what is it exactly 500 calories in term food. e.g. if i am planning a meal of meat balls and salads and vegs how i determine the portion?



    Meat should not exceed 4 oz cooked weight on a fast day, use my fitness pal to correctly identify the exact number of calories. Probably best to get some recipes off bbcfood.com

    I decided it was time to search the wardrobes and try a few things on. I found 3 pairs of trousers that have gone from too small to too big without being worn, so they are in the charity shop bag. I also found two pairs of tailored trousers, one navy and one black that both fit perfectly and a pair in black linen and some bright pink very wide legged linen trousers that also fit, so that is me sorted out until the new size 12s are comfortable. I also found a really nice almost ankle length black skirt that I only wore once before it became too small.
    I need somewhere to go now ๐Ÿ˜†

    Welcome Tasa this is a lovely place to be . Nice people and a lot of encouragement ๐Ÿ™‚

    Amazon I have found the same . Things that are too big and not been on . My lovely Daughter in law buys me Main from debenhams and found 2 tops now never worn . Love too like you have found things that were too small never fitted and now do . Well done you especially now the sun is shining ๐Ÿ™‚ .
    A few people have suggested I try the childrens department now because I am so wee . Soo today I went to matalan and tried aged 16 . They fitted perfect BUT they were still too long Ha! ha! .

    I love the thought of you pink ones . I used feel I was too old for bright colours BUT not any more lol .

    I was on my own shopping today and it was nice to just dawdle round the shops and try thing on and not be keeping anyone back . I am just buying cheaper things from Asda and matalan at the moment . .
    It is a glorious day here today.

    Jojo and co .I am happy with any dates that suit all of you . I can always change my days for dad with our daughter in Law and eldest son xx

    Wee xx

    Sorry JoJo about your flight cancellation tomorrow. Strikes are a real nuisance in this country. Two years ago, my daughter and I had our flight cancelled because of air traffic controller strikes. Then when we got back, my other daughter was arriving by train. The trains were on strike that day and I had to drive 250km to pick them up.
    Sometimes it’s difficult to plan life in France.
    Excellent news Amazon about the clothes. The spring has obviously got you into the organization mode.
    A new skirt arrived today. It’s a bit small, but not much.
    I too have adapted my goals. First goal now for the end of August- BMI 27, then BMI 24 by the end of October.
    Happy fasting

    Jojo, I ‘ve just seen your post. Sorry to hear about your flights. Does that mean you can’t go until Thursday?

    The end of July sounds good to me. I’m waiting to hear from my Glasgow friend to see if she is around then, and I’ll let you know on FB as soon as I can.

    Evening/morning all
    The clothes thing is tricky, isn’t it? I love the way sleeve and leg length is correct for me now that the middle is smaller ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’d suggest, if you are still on the way down, buy flowing, loose fitting dresses for summer so that they will still fit next year. Fitted clothes won’t and they never look as good when altered.

    Tasa, I allow 50gms of meat (usually fish) on fast days. I serve it with a mix of non starchy veg (lettuce, onion, tomato, carrot, capsicum, saurkraut, chilli, garlic, lime, lemon, fish sauce, lemongrass, Vietnamese mint, bok choy, spinach etc). Dessert of blueberries or strawberries with a little natural yoghurt and almonds completes the meal.

    Fasting twice a week and eating like this, we did lose 2 lb a week. It also changes your ideas of what is acceptable food on non fast days. Enjoy your 5:2 journey.
    Cheers P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Re: portion size for meat. The Horizon programme ‘Should I eat meat?’ addressed this. I’m pretty sure the recommendation was 70g (a bit under 3oz) for red meat. I remember this because I showed my OH what he should be eating… he went pale and nearly fainted ๐Ÿ™‚

    So for your current weight P, I’d say you’re probably just about spot on with 50g of protein.

    Morning one and all (evening for those up north) … still got this dreadful cold, feeling rather unwell today mind you yesterday in reflection I felt okay at this time of day but worse as the day went on.

    Using Otrivin for nasal issues which is 80% of the problem with sore throat the other 20% … unless you count cotton wool filled head with nothing between the ears, lol, so out of it … I’m considering not going in to work today … I still have a little time to decide as I really feel like I should be sleeping/resting and keeping warm and dry.

    Will decide in the next 15 mins or so.

    WOW such a lot to catch up on in 24 hours ๐Ÿ˜€ … Tasa I can’t recommend MyFitnessPal enough for counting those calories … I now am able to ascertain how much I’m consuming and keep well within my limits.

    You are “considering” not going to work AO? No! Go back to bed and get better! You need to for yourself and for everyone at work.
    Plenty of rest and fluids. Hope you feel better soon. xx P

    Decision made a couple of minutes after last post … staying home, staying warm, resting, lots of fluids to help my body heal … off to bed now … chat later (seems a bit decadent going to bed at 8am ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    Good morning everyone.

    AO, sorry to hear you are still unwell, nothing decadent about going back to bed when crook. Better for you and your co-workers if you keep your germs at home ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yesterday’s FD went OK until I got home from work, just a mug of Bovril around 2pm. At home the hunger dragon woke with a roar and it went downhill from there: a few salted cashews, then a hot cross bun (at least no butter!) followed by a small grilled lamb chop with steamed carrot, broccoli and peas for dinner. I should know better! I think (but stopped counting at the hot cross bun) I came in at about 1000 cals.

    Weight training today so officially about 1000C then another proper FD tomorrow.

    Must do better! The support from you wonderful people on this thread is what keeps me sane.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xx

    C’est la vie, Nicky ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) ๐Ÿ˜†
    A warm welcome to 11willowlodge Tasa and milena you are certainly onboard the right fast tracking train. Ok AO not good to read your feeling poorly and have decided to take the day off a good decision that hope you are better soon,CakeyWakey and PVE the houseboat life style in full on holiday mode was the bomb I am unsure whether it was just the water or the vibe but very peaceful and a relaxation extravaganza of course it was not incident free a certain someone may have of hopped into the little run about for a meander up stream through the reeds and back waters pushed off with great enthusiasm hold on y-fee I said off we go DUH only to find I have left the keys to outboard motor on breakfast bar and yes Nama like any heroic old or new husband did swim to the rescue ah gee how embarrassment ๐Ÿ˜ณ nevermind you get that on the big jobs.
    Keep on keeping on All
    Peace RT

    Morning All,
    Fast Day today but started with porridge and will have lunch too, out tonight. I too did not stop eating yesterday, all healthy but far too much, just an ‘off piste’ non fast day. I did not even count the cals, big mistake. Fasting back to back today and tomorrow. Hopefully French Air Traffic and transport strike will be sort before my flight.
    Off to play bowls then yoga today, need to get back on track

    Have a good day everyone

    Morning/evening all.

    Good decision AO, stay in bed, get some proper rest and allow your body to heal itself. Get well soon.

    Yesterday was the best FD for several weeks, and no spoonfuls of PB to get me through! I’m considering B2B but I’ll see how I feel when I get home from the gym,if I’m really hungry it’ll be a 1000 calorie day and another FD tomorrow.

    Nicky, it may have turned out to be a non FD, but 1000 calories is a good day in my book!

    It is another beautiful day today ๐Ÿ˜›

    Have a good one everybody!

    Hi All,
    Just had lunch so no more food for me today, feeling really positive today. My team, two female novice bowlers( first year) and one experienced player versus three male experienced players. Great result, none of the men expected that! Ha ha. That’s my third win on the trot, happy girl.
    AO- sounds like that virus really took you out, wifi g you well in your cosy bed.
    I am starting my packing, new lightweight cabin bag, not bothering with hold luggage for 5 days. I need to get used to travelling light.
    My big trip itinerary is booked now, details on Facebook. Now renting out my flat from the summer to get some spending money. So exciting! I will get two summers instead of summer Autumn. Well I suppose officially it will be Autralian Spring but that beats our summer usually. Not sure about NZ weather, windy Welly and all that!
    Off to walk the dogs now it is a glorious day.
    Get moving everyone

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) ๐Ÿ˜†
    Happy Fast Day EFBโ€™s put off eating for as long as you can 19/5 or 18/6 it gives more bang for your buck drink plenty of water and remember
    To be effective, in the case of daily intermittent fasting, the length of your fast must be at least 16 hours. This means eating only between the hours of 11am until 7pm, as an example. Essentially, this equates to simply skipping breakfast, and making lunch your first meal of the day instead.
    You can restrict it even further โ€” down to six, four, or even two hours if you want, but you can still reap many of these rewards by limiting your eating to an eight-hour window each day.

    This is because it takes about six to eight hours for your body to metabolize your glycogen stores; after that you start to shift to burning fat. However, if you are replenishing your glycogen by eating every eight hours (or sooner), you make it far more difficult for your body to use your fat stores as fuel.

    โ€œNo food tastes as good as being slim feelsโ€

    Peace RT

    Hi RT,

    Apart from a temporary slackening of discipline over Easter I’m following 16/8 on non FDs and it is so easy now I have the mindset that I don’t need breakfast. It is also more difficult to overeat in the space of 8 hours or less although I can still do so if I make a serious effort ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m exercising in the mornings on an empty stomach and a minimum of 14 hours after eating in the hope that I’m burning fat, and you’ve reminded me that I must be which makes me very happy ๐Ÿ˜›


    I’m just going to hide in here because I’ve got the munchies and it could all go drastically wrong.

    It’s a non fast day and I think I’m still within TDEE and trying to keep it that way. So difficult to tell when eating out.

    Lovely day out in Whitby which inevitably led to fish and chips. Although for some reason I didn’t really think about it beforehand but everyone else was keen and I didn’t want to be the only dissenting voice.

    Ordered a small portion of haddock and chips, to be fair there was only a handful of chips – more like a child’s portion. I didn’t have the bread/butter and I picked the fish out and left the batter.

    As if that wasn’t bad enough, I thought I would skip tea to compensate and ended up eating a bit of Easter Egg.

    So I’m hiding in here until the temptation passes with the promise of a cup of tea later before bed.

    It seems like there are a few of us in this thread who’ve had a few wobbly days – maybe the bank holidays have thrown normal routines out of kilter a bit.

    I’m spending the day at my MIL tomorrow, doing her housework in the morning then I’ll take her out in the afternoon. She’s virtually housebound so loves a look round the garden centre. Surely the housework and pushing a wheelchair will burn off that piece of chocolate tomorrow. Not too tempted by the cakes in the garden centre coffee shop – they don’t do it for me. They always look better than they taste and I’d rather not waste the calories. Have learnt from experience.

    Back to yoga Friday, I missed it last week as it was Good Friday.

    Hope those that are poorly, are feeling better; those that are travelling, travel safe; those full of resolve, stay motivated and those who are wobbling, don’t worry and stay happy.


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