Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 8,201 through 8,250 (of 16,657 total)

  • SAMM- I love your posts, so much fun to read. emel1962 – Billy Idol and Cheap Tricks.. I am so jelous.

    Happy Birthday to the fast track thread and thanks to all the inspiring and insightful people on it.

    My long silence confirms to me that I am by nature a lurker, not too great on the contributing end. I read as often as I can though, and always turn here when I am feeling discouraged.

    I haven’t been keeping very careful track, but I think I am just winding up my fourth week. It has been a tremendous struggle for me to get through my FDs. Out of the four weeks I only managed to successfully eat to 500 calories twice (this past Friday being one of them). The rest of the days I was usually coming in around 650 calories and battling with a lot of discouragement and disappointment in myself. In the end the saving of me has been that I have managed to eat well below my TDEE on feed days. I’ve managed to do so by cutting out all bread, rice and sigh….pasta. I have also cut back on alcohol, usually only having a drink once a week when I am out dancing.

    The great news is that despite my struggles to stick to plan, I am losing and this is making it possible for me to not give up in total discouragement with myself. I am delighted to report a total of 12 lbs lost up to now and I’ve met my first major goal (get solidly below 140 lbs). I am thrilled to have been this successful, as I have an audition tomorrow for a “Shakespeare by the Lake” company.

    The director knows me from my pre-injury weight, has seen me in my more..curvaceous state and I wanted to be able to prove to her that I can get back to my pre-injury weight well before the run. As I am auditioning for Titania, I really can’t be looking like a hippo among the fairies!

    Just wanted to report this success and to thank all of you. Following this thread and reading all the encouragement and helpful advice you give to each other keeps me going.

    Well done, DJ, and best of luck with the audition. Titania! The longer you go on this WOL the easier it becomes, and the weight loss will be giving you lots of encouragement. I have been fasting for about eighteen months, am pretty much on goal, but will continue with two FDs a week, for weight and health benefits. I don’t eat before a boiled egg for lunch on FDs, and have reduced the carbohydrates in general, but the wine stays! :-))

    Hi Bryn

    Welcome to this new way of life = WOL. I support the advice that you read the Michael Mosley 5:2 book, and the second piece of advice that you begin fasting with 5:2 until you have the routine of intermittent fasting under your belt. Only then try 4:3 otherwise you may be setting yourself up to fail. Drink lots of water, at least 2 litres per day, as well as tea, clear soup or coffee etc.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Good morning all,
    Emel1962- new clothes sound very chic.
    No Amazon I won’t be doing the marathon, not into damaging my body, far too old and unfit to even consider it. 5 or 10 K far more realistic. But I needed a new challenge to focus my weight loss, not really takin. It too seriously at present. Good luck with your gym treadmill running this week.

    I have a holiday booked in April and May so it will be great to have a change of scene and hopefully some sunshine.
    Choir rehearsal today for three hours so I need to go practise my words and moves as I have two public performances next week.
    Not fasting today but I will take it easy. Soup and salad.
    Have a great Sunday everyone

    Hi DJ,
    Congratulations, fantastic effort, good luck with the part, let your happiness shine, always more attractive than a few extra pounds. I can honestly say my weight gain has never held me back from doing and achieving what I want, only wearing what I want. It’s a state of mind, be confident.

    Hi jojo,

    I’m with you on not running marathons, but I do enjoy being able to go out for 5 or 7kms. It helps with weight maintenance and mood. What it doesn’t help with is weight loss, unless you’re also controlling calories. So use it for motivation to lose weight (running is far far easier when you are light, and puts far less stress on joints that way) but don’t expect to lose weight running 🙁 (unless you’re running marathons 🙂 )

    Morning/evening all.

    First of all, emel, so nice to hear from you. Thank goodness the car has been sorted out and you have it back. Your weight might not be changing much but you must be losing inches with all that walking, and I guess you are now fully recovered, which is also good news. Isn’t it great to buy new clothes in a smaller size. It always makes me feel wonderful!
    I can’t wait to hear all about China.

    DJ, well done and good luck with the audition.

    Jojo, I think running marathons is a crazy idea however young/old/fit and I don’t know why people put themselves through it.
    The 5K is a great idea for a new challengs as the training will be time consuming, and all those endorphins that exercise releases will make you feel great, as well as the health benefits of the exercise itself.

    I’m fasting today and that will be a regular Sunday thing now as I can’t fast on gym days, I’m just too hungry and it is a real struggle.
    I’m going to follow Bay’s example and scrub the place from top to bottom today. That’ll keep me out of the kitchen once I’ve cleaned it 😉

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    At the start of this WOL I endured the fast days and looked forward to the non fast days. 6 weeks in and I look forward to a fast day.

    I had a lovely night out and dinner with an old friend last night. I still counted the calories and had slipped in a 3rd fast day to compensate this week. And I skipped dessert.

    But am so looking forward to my FD tomorrow

    I know you don’t like links Jojo but take a look at this!


    Cakey Wakey
    If your keeping a journal of your daily foods. It may be a good idea to take notice of what was on the menu for week when you were looking forward to the fast day. It may be a keeper?

    I’ve been tracking and collecting my successful weeks, or weeks were I wasnt struggling. To see if I repeat them I get the same result.

    that’s sound advice about sticking to just the 5:2 to begin intermittent fasting.

    Develop the high confidence that fasting is a tool that can be restarted any time in adult life and it will work.

    Going back to gym then to lake then back to the gym. Trying my level best to stay off my foot, but get things done too.

    Well back from mcclarenvale , billy idol fantastic, the Angels even better but Cheap Trick need to bow out of performing. Their voices hsve gone even The DreamPolice sounded sad!
    Well to bed and FD for me
    Ciao ML

    Good morning from the frozen tundra! We may have snow on the ground until May! You just may see it, Purple!
    Glad you had a nice visit, Jojo and Wiwi! Wish I lived closer! Sounds like you have been having lots of fun, too, Amazon. Nice job on the continued losses, newbies and veterans!
    My fast day yesterday did not exactly work out, probably ended up about 800 calories, so no serious damage done. Today I am hosting a birthday party for my mom, so expecting 18 family members in a few hours. Turkey breast tenderloins stuffed with butternut squash, figs, and spinach, spicy smashed sweet potatoes, and asparagus salad with thyme vinaigrette on the pretty healthy menu! I will stay away from the bakery cake my mom loves, but will sample the strawberry-rhubarb pie! That counts as fruit, right??
    Have a great day, everyone

    I believe as long as you fast regularly , you will be able to ditch the disappointment feelings.

    I know there are more sophisticated and more accurate methods of calculating calories to match expected losses. However it’s my understanding that if you want to be 120lbs the eat 1200 calories, if 130lbs 1300 calories, 140lbs 1400 calories…
    Not saying its sound science, but it’s simple and pretty close.

    IMO this why I like the intermittent fasting approach. Say I wanted to be 120 lbs no matter what weight I am now. Taking the eventual approach . 7 days x 1200 calories = 8400 calories . However if I fast on two of those days. 5:2 that would be a different equation
    8400 cals – 1000 from the two fasting days= 7000 divided by 5= 1400 on the feed days.

    Sort of like getting used to what your TDEE will be when you reach goal.
            – 8. Develop stress-busting habits: Walk, meditate, talk to a friend or play music. Learn stress management, as it’s one of the keys to disease prevention.
            – 20. Look for blue skies: One quality most centenarians share is optimism. If you want to live a long life, your attitude counts.

    Thank you Samm!

    Speaking to both Jojo’s musings on doing couch to 5 and your excellent comments on using stress relief methods, I think doing a couch to 5 program is a great idea.

    I am a firm believer in the power of a holistic mind-body approach to health and wellness. I can’t cite any actual studies off the top of my head, but the science and research (I will track some of the studies down and post links if anyone is interested)
    proves how valuable both regular excercise and being outdoors is for mental well being

    Truth be told, I have struggled with depression and anxiety disorder for most of life. When my ex walked out in 2004 it nearly did me in. Intense anxiety attacks would end up driving me out the door and running, running as if my life depended on it (it probably did). After a few months my brain finally began processing a little more clearly and I decided to harness this crazy running energy for myself. Eight months later I ran my first 1/2 marathon. Additionally, the depression and anxiety was gone! For eight years I was completely free of them. as the long distance running was a perfect self-treatment.

    For me there are no words to describe the peace, tranquility and happiness that running brought to me. I was fortunate enough to live in a beautiful area, with the choice of lake runs, forest/trail runs and even our modest Rigaud Mountain runs. Since my injury and losing my ability to run, I began slipping back deeper and deeper into my depressive and anxious state. I was in a very bad state this past January, but after much reflection (and some grieving about the lack of running) I realized that what the running had brought to me (besides the fitness and weight control)was meditation.

    That realization led me to begin a practice of Mindful meditation (one of the tenants of this is that you don’t talk about your practice, but this is a fair exception). From the strength I began building from that, I was able to start on this program. Both the practice and the program are very new, so I realize that I have to give both the chance to really become a WOL.

    Back to Jojo, I think that following a couch to 5 program is an amazing idea and I think will bring so much more to you than just good CV fitness. My really strong advice is take it slow and easy and respect your body’s signals. My downfall came from my somewhat type A, competitive peronality – I kept pushing for speed and came to a nasty end just before running my first full marathon. The other thing, of course, is long distance running is most definitely not for all, but even a small amount of running brings huge rewards.

    Ok, sorry, I will now step off the soap box! Have a great day all.

    Hiya everyone and welcome newbies .

    I haven’t been posting as much but I look forward to reading all the posts every day . Things been going on family wise but still keeping to 5.2 .

    I have now lost 73 pounds in total and 50 pounds of that on 5.2 .

    I was doing a clear out yesterday and found the shirt I have on in my before pictures . I took a picture and I could not believe it was me

    I think other people see the change in us before we see it in ourselves .
    I am thinking about going just another 4 or 5 pounds and staying ( maintaining hopefully) there . I will still be in the overweight category but at my age I don’t want to look scrawny . I am lighter now than I have been in well over 45 years .

    I love to hear all the stories . SAMM I love all the info . RT all the jokes . Where would I be without all the support and friendship on this thread . ? I would certainly be a lot fatter . Thank you ALL OF YOU for the support and friendship

    Wee xx

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA And Hello World (You know Who You) 😉
    Happy fast day Monday you losers hey AO are you ok I haven’t seen you for a few days my fellow SA faster and you did not ask for a leave pass 😉 or did you? Ok I needed the umbrella this morning very wet and windy here I did just miss a mary poppins thing but only just 😆 keep on keeping on do the doable boom shacka lacka
    Weemam absolute star you shining bright like a diamond lightest you have been in 45 years super impressive 50lb loss you go girl..
    After a relaxing bath, Monica Lewinsky was looking at herself naked in a
    remembering her time with Bill Clinton. Her frustration over her inability
    to lose
    weight was depressing her. In an act of desperation, she decided to call on
    for help…
    “God, if you take away my love handles, I’ll devote my life to you,” she
    And just like that, her ears fell off.
    Touching story, don’t you think?
    Peace RT



    thanks pal 🙂 🙂 xx

    Good morning all … RT I think I was only AWOL for one day (didn’t get on the computer yesterday) but it may have been two days (ie the weekend). My apologies sir for not seeking permission first 😆 but seriously it’s been a hectic few days and a well deserved sleep in yesterday followed by LOTS of things to get done and well hello Monday 😆

    Gotta keep moving even this morning as have heaps more to get done before work in one hour’s time.

    I’ve been trying to keep up with the emails but some of them seem to be out of sequence so it’s been a bit confusing, lol, or maybe that’s just me 😆

    Will try to get back online later if time permits … trying to get to grandies basketball game tonight but will need to leave work pretty much “on time” tonight.

    Well RT
    I don’t hope to lose weight!
    Nor pray that some divine Intervention takes mine own work.

    I simply just deided to do the doable . Hmmm RT. I mean to say to do the diet and exercise things that I am able to do and keep on doing it! Decided I will keep on doing what it takes.
    At first to be honest . 6:1 in the first few months due to failed attempts only trying on two days. But after really sticking to it. I moved on to 4:3 fasting in the second year. No more than 8400 calories a week . I exercise twice a day everyday. Wether it’s jumprope, stability ball, walking, sprints, or lifting weights. That’s what’s doable for me after two years of really committing to the decision to go all way to goal. I no longer get hung up on what the scale says cause it’s always going down on me. Not as often as I’d like but doable non the less.

    Good morning all.

    Came across this: http://www.goodmeasures.com.au/Why_do_we_eat_foods_we_know_are_bad_for_us

    Will check in again later when I have caught up on the posts.

    Good Evening Fast Trackers,
    I am exhausted, singing nearly all day in preparation for two performances next week. At least this kept me away from food.
    Ply- your food always sounds delicious.

    My daughter and I have spent hour working on our trip to New Zealand and Oz and I think we have finalised everything. So look out Antipodeans the Brits are coming this -Autumn. What better way to start my 60 th year? Well I still have my goal to reach and will not fail, 2 lb per week is still my aim.

    Have a great week my friends.

    When are you planning to be in Wellington, Jojo? And do your revised plans mean that you might consider my spare room now?

    Ply – your food sounds so inviting 😉

    Nicky – good reading,but why do they all recommend grazing on good food as a way to ward off hunger!

    Off home today. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hello everyone, “old” and “new” alike!

    So much interesting reading on this thread, from personal insights to practical tips, to humour! Poor Monica, she got hit by the karmic bus I guess! And Amazon, that article on Gladys the 85 yr old runner, absolutely incredible! I will focus on her when I swim today. I still havent tried the Aquarobic class at my new gym, so timing my laps today to finish when a class starts and am def going to give it a try. Dont know if you dont try. Fairly sensible (food) weekend, so hoping for a kg loss this week, so far so good, we will see.

    Weemam, you are incredible. The incredible shrinking woman!!!! So happy for you, you must feel so elated. SAMM I do hope your foot has settled, is it your original injury site? I love to read about your boat races and your musings on the culture at the lake. You are so good at giving insights with just a few words. In Australia we would call you a Bush Poet.

    Jojo I wish I had just half of your energy! I have always been a “plodder”, I get there in end, but just unable to move quickly! I admire your plan to start running (be careful of that hip!) and I believe if your joints hold up, you will take to it like a duck to water! A major freeway near here was closed yesterday for an international Ironman event (bike section). Those people are incredible, so driven to push themselves so hard. I dont get it at all! I dont think there was much meditation happening!

    CW I completely agree with you, FD’s are the easy bit with 5:2, absolute certainty re what goes in the mouth. Once fasting mastered of course!

    DJ thanks for sharing your background. Dont give up on fasting, it will get easier. You obviously have a lot of self-insight and have already conquered many of the difficulties life has thrown at you. Patience is the key with 5:2 as well. And good luck with your audition! Keep reading and posting, this thread is invaluable to keep motivation.

    AO its not you, the emails are still wonky. I just delete them and read the thread on the forum. You sound like Jojo too, you dont seem to have an “off” switch! Glad you managed a sleep in on the weekend.
    RT good luck in Sin City this week. And behave! (not talking about food here). If the company is paying you can enjoy the seafood without having to sell your kids.

    Cheers all xx

    Oh the challenge of insights with few words.

    Jumping jacks on a trampoline is nearly as good for us as eating the 8 proven anti cancer foods!
    Tasty and fun!


    I have Unsubscribed from all the threads, as it’s driving me crazy, with two day delays in getting emails. Like Nana says, read it on the website instead. Cheers, all Bay 🙂

    Hi everyone,
    I find this thread entertaining and inspiring. Thank you everyone for posting. I CAN DO THIS.
    SAMM- So if I eat 1120 calories five days and 500 calories on fast days how much should I lose in a week? Thanks

    That would depend on your BMR and how much additional exercise you do.
    If the calorie restriction adds upto 3400 calories it will be very close to 1 lb. .
    However other factors like inflammation , and water retention or dehydration will effect BMR,

    If 1120is your BMR . And your sedentary.then the fast days add up to 1240 cals of restriction per week.
    Will take approx 3 weeks to lose 1lb.
    If your BMR is 1120 and fast two days a week, you’ll need to do about 450 cals of exercise per week on 5 feed days to lose 1lb a week.
    Would suggest anaerobic exercises many many times during the day. And a long walk after last meal of the day.


    But I’m just guessing .

    Well I tried! Water aerobics is NOT for me! You are so right Jojo – all that loud music and yelling, its not pleasant at all. Plus I think I get a much better work out (esp cardio) with simply swimming freestyle laps. I got to the pool 30 mins early and swam 30 laps before the class, so peaceful. I had the place to myself. Then, an “invasion” of about 25 people, the music was put on and pumped up, a sweet young girl led the class and made a good attempt at looking like she was enjoying herself….. I slunk out half way thru, couldnt bear it! Maybe I will try yoga next ….

    Hi Sarah

    It’s good to remember that this is a way of life = WOL and not a science. Just fast and eat under 500 calories for two days a week, and watch what you eat on the other days. After a few months, you will know how much your body can lose each week.

    There are no magic methods for weight loss, as all of our bodies are different. But there are general principles. Fast two days a week. Keep moving, drink lots of water, at least two litres a day, and minimise your processed food intake.

    Fasting reduces the size of all of your meals. A little protein and lots of green vegetables each meal help with nutrition.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Nama

    Well done. You never know until you try. 😉 I also am not good with loud classes. I find quiet Pilates or yoga or meditation groups enjoyable.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Good Morning Fast Trackers,

    Woke early today, feeling great.

    Nama- glad you feel the same as me about Aquarobic classes , I thought I was being an old misery. I don’t think loud pumped music and water ‘gel together’. Classical music on the other hand is devine, I have a waterproof mp3 player, Vivaldi 4 Seasons is perfect.

    Glad the swimming is going well, I certainly recommend Yoga, I go twice per week. Actually I can’t bear talkative Yoga teachers either, it is just not appropriate or necessary. Silent Yoga is a dream, I did a silent retreat for a weekend, it was bliss once you got over the embarrassment and learnt how to cope without talking. Please pass the milk is organised by pointing then holding out your hands, ha ha. I found that not talking gives you time to think and plan, also really gets the creative juices flowing, try it? it’s great.

    Barata- I would be very pleased to try out your spare room. My daughter and I are just looking for a flat to rent for two weeks starting 7 th October before going to the South Island for two weeks to nosy around. We are both going to Oz for the following two weeks then she returns to Wellington to stay with a friend until she can get permanent place. I will travel around Australia city to city by flight and see as much as possible, returning to Wellington in time to spend Christmas and New Year and see some of the North Island before I head home. It will be a busy schedule but I will be happy to meet anyone on my way around, wiwi has promised me a ‘catch up’ as she will be there again. Some of my time in Australia involves three day tours – can’t wait – so exciting. 10 years savings gone in three months but I am sure it will be worth every penny.

    I will need to get a job when I return but I have really enjoyed this early retirement gap year. I think we are all entitled to a year off after 44 years of hard graft, I started work at 15 years of age and was employed non stop after that including most of pregnancies and when children were small albeit part time then.

    The question is, what career next, I don’t want to teach again, at least not formally, can’t be doing with the paperwork. I could train as a Yoga teacher( I have 30 years experience) I could become a postwoman, I will need to find something to fund more travel. Life is just too short to stay home I want to see the world.

    I am having two lazy days to read the book I have to present this Wed night, only 300 pages to read. The P,Ayer of Games by Iain Banks. I doubt it will have been popular, my group are not keen on Science Fiction, but I love it. It’s so good to escape reality and challenge you thinking and boundaries. Gosh this is a bit much for 7 am.

    Off to walk the dogs, mild but dull day here. Enjoy your fasting Monday all. Soup and salad day for me. Don’t forget to keep moving guys. Wiwi travelling back to France today, I wish her a safe journey, it was so good to meet her in person, such a cheerful soul.

    P.s. I promise to be careful with running, I have spikes and plan to do it all on grass or sand, no pavements for me. I used to run in my early 30’s( post childbirth) not pleasant on the bladder. I got up to 10 miles then but I will be happy with 3-5 miles now, not interested in being competitive, too old and too sensible.

    Hi again FTers everywhere. Have borrowed the style of RT’s universal greeting:
    Emel AO RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama & Keirra in Victoria
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo Smiffy HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy and Wee in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Ply SAMM and Lori_PA in USA;
    In case I’ve missed anyone, “Hello World, You know Who You are.” 😉

    Nama, good to satisfy your curiosity about the aquarobics. I too prefer the almost zen-like atmosphere of a near empty pool with just the sound of my own swimming for company. You’ve done really well to now be able to swim so far.

    Bay, I obviously didn’t read the whole article on the link I posted this morning but just took in the bit about chocolate cravings being reduced by eating it when full. I don’t understand why they would recommend snacking to curb hunger. If I eat at any time the hunger dragon wakes up, especially at home. This WOL has taught me lots about hunger pangs and temporary self-denial.

    Emel, glad your car is fixed. Your new wardrobe sounds eminently sensible, comfortable and stylish for your trip. A bonus if you can wear it for a bit longer too.

    RT, loved the brother-in-law joke.

    FD1 of the week almost done and dusted. Yoga at lunchtime very invigorating and relaxing.

    Have finally convinced OH not to bother juicing the orange for me (have had a couple of leakages when it warmed up in the sealed beaker) but he is so kind I didn’t like to hurt his feelings. Today had an orange and a miso soup at 3.30pm, making a fasting window of 21.5 hours. Low-cal very low-GI burger planned for dinner (from Jennie Brand-Miller’s book ‘The low GI revolution’)with steamed veg. Total 300C for the day. Doing it again tomorrow and Thursday. Still aiming to get into the ‘overweight’ band by Easter despite apparently losing and gaining the same 1.5kg each of the past few weeks. Grandson’s 5th birthday party yesterday afternoon didn’t help of course 😉

    Nearly time for me to get dinner. Take care everyone and keep up the good work. n xxx

    Yay, Jojo, just let me know dates and I’ll throw the step-grandson out! :-() (Just joking, he’s downstairs, and will probably be gone by then anyway.)

    Oops, I read your book group reading as the P Ayers of Games – and immediately thought of Pam. 🙂

    I agree 110% about the NOISE that is considered necessary everywhere these days. Have walked out of events, won’t join a gym class, am reluctant to go to live sports events because of this. Who’s decision is it to deafen everyone? Grrrrr

    FD nearly over, just have to finish the lemon & ginger tea that is my evening staple. Take care and happy losing, dear friends.

    Jojo, what about becoming a fitness instructor? You could get paid whilst you did your workouts! I know some of the courses are quite expensive here, but there may be options. Surely someone would want a “mature aged” gym bunny as a teacher! Or maybe a tutor at U3A? Seems a shame not to utilize your teaching experience in some way.

    Or a tour guide – now that would be a cheap way to travel – if you could put up with the rude tourists!

    Morning/evening all.
    It is a cold, sunny morning in London.
    Great to read everyones news.

    I have no intention of joining the aquarobics class. It looks like my idea of hell……
    Music is OK in the right setting for instance a lively Zumba class, but it is not necessary in most classes and certainly not at such a volume that the teacher has to yell to be heard!

    I agree about FDs being easier that non FDs and when I get home from the gym I’m going to write a menu plan for the next two weeks and do my best to stick to it. Getting on the scales is like Groundhog Day and it is so annoying and I only have myself to blame. Every morning I start with good intentions but always eat just a little too much. I’m beginning to wonder if giving up bread was a good idea 🙁

    At least I know that maintenance works 😉

    Hi Amazon,

    I think planning is a great idea, a bit of effort but so worth it. Then you only need to buy/cook what you plan for and there wont be as many temptations in the house. Dont be hard on yourself, remember how far you have come!

    I tried to Aqua to see if I could ‘extend’ my fitness journey, but from what I saw it would have been a backward step! I had to laugh at some of the women there, hair all pretty and full make-up on, maybe they thought they would find a husband in the pool! They didnt even get their hair wet! I think I will definitely try Yoga next time I get an urge to improve myself!

    We had some Hake from Costco for dinner. It had been frozen so I dressed it up for the family in batter and made them nice fresh chips in the oven, plus a salad. They loved it but mine was pretty sad, dry fried with no batter. Fresh fish is so much better. At least my salad was nice. I cant believe how I have gotten used to just a bit of balsamic and now I dont even miss the creamy dressings. Amazing how tastes change if we persist!

    Hey NickyF, you missed me (story of my life) Hola from Spain! Sorry to be thick but where is ACT?
    The scales stayed the same again for me again this week. That is it now, my skin has had more than enough time to catch up, back to it with a vengance this week. Touble is my OH has embraced the Fast diet WOL a little too much and has somehow managed to end up a stone underweight! it happened so quickly, but he wants to fast for health reasons and struggles to not lose weight. I wonder if I might have that “problem” one day, I can’t see it.
    Happy fasting everyone!

    Just a quicky.
    Started my first run today around the park. The dogs thought I had lost my mind. It was bad timing though because I bumped into three people from bowls club, also in the park. I had to stop and explain my flushed condition and my attempt to prepare for my fun run in July. They groaned, not more sponsorship money, oh Yes! I replied or you could run with me and get your own sponsors, not one volunteered. Funny thing about bowlers they rarely do anything else but bowl. Too much like real exercise.

    Just bought some freshly caught lemon sole for my lunch, he fillitted out the bones then gave me a bag of fish for the dogs( half of which will be used for my favourite Goanese Fish Curry).

    Off to Ballroom a Fitness and Yoga then back for some serious reading. I must get my books audio from now on then I can listen and workout.

    Keep Fasting

    Hi Applepie from Spain. The ACT is the Australian Capital Territory, aka Canberra. We are having wonderful autumn weather to go with our beautiful trees changing colour. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Jojo

    Well done with planning your trip. Hope to see you in Sydney when you’re there.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Everybody,
    Today is my 3rd week on FD! I haven’t bought the book and its definetaly on my list. For some reason I was stuck and extra pounds and I so much appreciate the science behind it. I don’t want to call this diet… It’s a lifestyle adjustment. I am slowing releasing the weight just the way I wanted. I will let you know when I reach a very important number.

    A promise to myself was to be kinder and gentle with ME! I will be 49 years old next Friday and I can’t believe I am almost half century old.
    This week was reflecting about my past! So many good things happened and bad ones too. I miss my father! He committed suicide on a tragic way 6 years ago and I am still dealing with his loss.

    My last FD Thursday I had terrible headaches in which I never had! I thought perhaps I drank to much and eat not such the right food the night before. Last night we went out and I was very with my food and drinks. My sister in law it’s here from Europe and my routine is a little complicated.

    SAMM – thanks for the input about the calorie deficit. Are you in the US? I leave in CT but for the winter we are in FL.
    To Everyone – Sending you hugs and kisses and may this week be a blessed one to you.

    Your sailing community sounds wonderful, SAMM! How fortunate you are to be a part of it, and how fortunate they are to have you.

    I had to go to the supermarket on the way home from the gym for some milk and a couple of other items. The smell of the bakery nearly drove me mad (again) as I was so hungry. I managed to ignore it, buy the required items and catch the bus. Someone got on the bus and was eating a huge burger and fries. I am a snob where burgers are concerned,and it wasn’t the type that I would eat, but the smell…… I couldn’t wait to get off the bus!
    I’ve now had my usual granola, berries and yoghurt and a vat of coffee and am at peace with the world.

    Good evening All,
    Best laid plans of mice and men bla bla (in other words all plans today have had to be changed)
    Firstly I couldn’t get into my ballroom fitness class so I went swimming. This started up my poorly shoulder so I had a steam followed by jacuzzi( it was great, can’t think why I don’t do this every time I go to the gym). Then I bumped into a friend at Yoga and discovered I had missed her birthday so I invited her to lunch at my place, sharing my lemon sole which was truly scrummy. We also had homemade chilli squash soup, salad, potato and steamed asparagus. Dessert was fresh fruit, so all in all very healthy.
    Consequently no reading done so I am in for a long night, need to read at least 150 pages.
    Bay I will definitely be coming to Sydney but not Canberra( no tourist stuff I am told by my travel agent)and I will let you know dates later. I will also be going to other major cities around Australia.
    Are any of you Aussies and Kiwis visiting Blighty this summer?

    Hi Jojo,

    Your lunch sounds delicious.
    I am a great fan of the Jacuzzi as it pummels away at muscles that have been worked hard. I followed mine up with a sauna and it was so hot I could feel the tips of my ears burning and I had to come out and go into the saunarium.
    Sorry to hear that your shoulder is still causing problems, I hope it recovers soon.

    I am going to set two alarms tomorrow so I don’t sleep in and miss Pilates again.


    I loved your description of your journey home from the gym! I had an image of you in a game show set up (It’s a Knockout? Total Wipeout? The Hunger Games…?!), dodging opponents with food in various settings. And the winner is…AMAZON! For not succumbing to a burger made of hooves and toenails…

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