Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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  • Thanks, Amazon and Jojo! So excited for a night out with my guys tonight at Motown the Musical. Can’t go wrong with that music!

    I’m jellus. It’ll be fabulous πŸ˜›

    Happy Birthday ply ..I hope you have a wonderful day pal xxx

    Thanks, Wee, I will give it my very best effort!
    Enjoy your visit with Dad.

    The kedgeree has proved to be so filling that my dinner has gone into the freezer.

    It has nothing to do with the mince pies I ate earlier Smiley


    Congratulations on the continued weight loss. It might not be 2lbs per week, but I’d be pretty happy with that.

    Coincidentally, the Independent magazine today has a recipe for mackerel with rhubarb, which I guess has the same tartness as gooseberry. And I know I’ve got rhubarb in the freezer…

    Wee, I’m in Cumbria. Like you, main roads are clear. Lanes are a nightmare! I went to Kendal mid morning and was rallying up hills on sheet ice and snow, slipping and sliding, revs high and fingers crossed my winter tyres wouldn’t let me down. I was frankly terrified! Got home and all my OH said was ‘it’s great fun isn’t it?’. No! I nearly died! (not really, but I could have πŸ™‚ )

    Happynow we go to Cumbria . Cockermouth to a friend usually only for a couple of days . been to Kendal too .

    I can now imagine you there πŸ™‚

    Wee xx

    It’s Saturday !

    First of two 27hour fasts are over . Eating fiber veggies likes horse!

    Ok I’m reading most of what’s been posted on JoJo 2lb a week thread. So a discussion I’d like to add to is .


    After I started applying TDEE to my daily life was when I first started working in a warehouse. I found it very I trestion in the lunch room how some of the workers became fit , while others were increasing their obesity.
    Very quickly I could see two different camps of eating.
    Eating until full camp and the other group that eat only from baggies mostly apples and healthy foods.

    It something that should just be obvious, if we continue to over eat it doesn’t matter how much or how well we exercise. If we eat more than TDEE. We add to our fat Ratio!

    When I reach goal , my woe will change. I can either just look at food as hunger control and stay at TDEE.
    Or, I may choose to go on to igf1 conditioning. Taking on 3-4 days fasts and then keep on 5:2 zero calories. Further I’ll keep a very close eye on detox and immune system fasting. I want to live longer! Not maintain my beauty! Lol. Forgive me for being frank. I’m not handsome, I’ve never been handsome , and I don’t think getting older albeit more fit will help become handsome. That being said my hope is that may explain why I use the fasting to get my weight under control, because I want to live longer is my motivation.
    To simply be at a state of achievable best health!

    I started with
    ADF 19.5/4.5
    Now 4:3 two 27hour fasts Friday and sunday and 600 calorie day on Wednesday. 19/5 on all feed days.

    I don’t believe I have any evidence that this will help me live longer, except that I’m only eating beneficial foods, and exercising.
    For now my goal is on weight loss and when I reach maintenance . I’ll go on to 4 water fasting every 3 months with 4:3 in 19/5 feed window. With emphasis on detoxifying while on nutrion foods. If I’m lucky I keep finding the tastier parts of the future plan while on this waist loss journey.

    The tragedy of losing my wife and keepin on with providing for my daughter has a sobering effect on me to do my level best live longer.
    Goal one is get visceral fat to healthy level.
    Goal two become strong enough to exercise and keep exercising.
    Goal three observe the fasting as per igf1 extending longevity.
    Goal three to eliminate as much as possible the risks of premature death: smoking,drinking,poor diet, pollution, sedentary lifestyle, microbial exposer, carcinogen exposers, vitamin and mineral deficientcies.

    I was hooked on trying to loose 30lbs on dr mosely’s doable 5:2.
    I’m now trying to commit myself to full on fasting for longevity extention. Thats how me myself and I plan to keep on keepin on with maintenance.
    If anything the most empowering thing that has happened is I’ve mastered the ability to lose 2lbs a week.
    However the diabetes makes me more cautious , I not in hurry if It means i can get there safely.

    I do want to go to my 30 year reunion in October 2016 as motivation being muscular at the goal 1 lb underweight 1.

    Hi Happy,
    I saw the mackerel recipe today and intend on adding it to my recipe collection. Did you know that raw rhubarb contains only 4 calories per oz?
    My Dad always grew it and I had some when I had an allotment. I’m thinking of buying a plant and putting it in my garden as I love it.
    A friend of mine chose rhubarb crumble as dessert for her wedding meal. The haters got ice cream!

    SAMM, you are so inspiring, keep on keepin’ on, we need you Smiley

    I often buy frozen rhubarb . I cook it and add some sugar free jelly crystals . It is gorgeous with a wee drop cinnamon or ginger in it too πŸ™‚ .

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee,
    Rhubarb poached in orange juice with some of the zest and some ginger is really good. I like it cold with yoghurt, and it does go well with rich meats like lamb and duck.

    Thanks pal I will try that :)… Wee xx

    Morning fellow fasters (or evening/afternoon for wherever you are in the world πŸ˜€ )

    Another lovely day, albeit a bit on the cool side for us who’re supposed to be having summer but still heating up for next weekend (at this stage) according to the weather bureau.

    Had a good day yesterday, had ample to eat but of the right things so scales are still being nice to me today (remember I’m experimenting on myself to see how much I fluctuate during a week … so I don’t recommend this for everyone … and to confirm that Friday’s are the best day for my official weigh day which so far it IS – I’m checking for the next month then back to weekly weighs).

    Wee I hope you had a good visit with your Dad πŸ˜€

    Ply hoping your birthday was awesome.

    Wine good to hear you’re becoming one of us losers too πŸ˜† meant in the nicest way of course πŸ˜€

    Happy sounds scary as, so glad I don’t have to contend with that type of driving/roads!!

    Amazon the rhubarb in orange juice sounds lovely as does the one from Wee with the jelly crystals … but no, no desserts for me other than Friday nights, at least until I reach goal or have another very special occasion.

    I’ll check back later to read more, love all the chat we have in here with such lovely people πŸ˜€

    AO the one with the Jelly crystals is really really low cals and carbs . I love it on normal and fast days .

    Wee xx

    Wee unfortunately desserts can be too tempting for me so it’s best I limit them πŸ™‚ but I’ll certainly keep it in mind for when I’m at goal πŸ˜€ … but I’ll get there πŸ˜†

    Hi Jo jo – I am looking at this eating programme and wanting to start very soon! my daughter and husband are doing it and getting great results – i need someone to chat with and compare notes etc when i start !?

    Good morning fellow losers πŸ˜‰

    Welcome Glyn, there’s lots of experience on here and we have fun too. Good that your fasting journey can be shared with your family – much easier to rid the house of temptations and for meal planning.

    Happy birthday Ply for yesterday, although I think it’s still the 31st where you are. The Motown musical sounds right up my alley, hope you enjoy/ed it.

    Sunday morning here so washing machine and dishwasher running, OH at Landcare and we are having roast chook for lunch. As AO said, even though it’s supposed to be summer it was raining lightly earlier and it’s quite cool. Am experimenting with low-al veg patties and will post recipe on the LOACA recipe thread if and when they turn out OK.

    Bay, interesting thoughts on maintaining and motivation. Not currently an issue for me πŸ˜† but I guess if we’re not gaining then we are at least all maintaining, so something for us all to ponder.

    SAMM, excellent reflections again. As Purple has occasionally commented, how enlightening to observe the eating habits of our fellows.

    Keep up the good work everyone. N

    Hello everyone.

    Sitting on the front verandah with morning coffee and enjoying a glorious morning. Thank goodness it’s more like autumn weather in Victoria at present, I love it! This autumn feeling is heightened by the loud banging of acorns landing on our tin roof morning and evening, when the king parrots pop in for a feed. They are gorgeous and their babble is lovely, but their eating is very messy and it rains acorns the whole time they are feeding. But with the cooler weather and acorn racket, it really feels like autumn instead of mid summer!

    I am a bit stiff today as gardened for 13 hours yesterday, a record even for me! We hadn’t been to Jamieson since Xmas and everything in the garden had grown like triffids, so I managed to tidy it all up whilst having a great fast day. Felt very smug last night but couldn’t get on here to boast as problem with internet!

    Great to read about everyone’s continued success and constant mutual encouragement. A belated Happy Birthday ply, I hope it was a lovely one! My eldest son turns 35 tomorrow so we have to go home in time to cook dinner for everyone. I plan to serve Salmon as it’s a favourite with them all and will take home some fresh blackberries and raspberries for dessert. There is a raspberry farm here plus the biggest blackberry bush tucked away in a back street that all the locals refuse to poison! Previously I would have made a pie or a tart, but fortunately both son’s partners are healthy eaters, so the girls will win and we can have the berries fresh with a bit of yoghurt. Keep it simple.

    I couldn’t access internet at all yesterday and it amazes me how many posts appear in such a short time, this thread used to go quiet on the weekends!

    Cheers to everyone!

    Good middle of the night all,

    Welcome Glynn,
    You will succeed with family support and fast trackers can help guide you, they are a well informed and very successful bunch.

    Well I have just finished making a huge pillow for my sons bed. He and his girlfriend wanted something unique so it has taken me 4 hours hard labour to produce a spectacular ribboned cushion, bigger than a pillow. I will put a photo on Facebook.

    I also spent some time this afternoon learning to knit. I made a lined phone case in lime green wool. Should find my phone in my bag now. I did both plain and pearl knitting and used them to make a pattern. I also learnt to cast off.

    So all in all I have had a very busy day which started with a two hour dog walk, then a really nice lunch out with relatives (no fish on menu, potted shrimp with toast, venison sausages with mash and kale(alternatives much worse) What can I say, way over 500 cals so no pudding for me. No other food eaten before or after this although just to crown it all I had a delicious latte. Guess I have damaged my 1 kilogram loss but hey ho, quickly gained, quickly lost.

    Looking forward to a day at home tomorrow, just chilling and doing some paperwork and sorting out clothes. Possibly taking in some of my big clothes. I am also busy taking my daughters size 12’s down to size 10’s. Thank goodness I got a sewing machine for Christmas.

    You are all doing very well, give yourselves a round of applause.

    Samm- beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Intelligence and problem solving are a very sexy combination. Ladies that think tend not to rely heavily on superficial traits. I think there are still some mem out there that desire women with brains too. You are my 2 lb per week hero, keep up the good work.

    Amazon and Smithy – not long to go now – Kew had better be ready for ‘ The Three Faster – rears’ ha ha

    Glad you had a good birthday outing Ply. My next birthday will be quite special 60 years old and weighing what I did at 30. That’s the plan.

    Hi again everyone.

    Jojo, how industrious and clever you are! The pillow/cushion looks lovely and your phone case is very neat. I’ll have to lift my game, if my phone isn’t in the section of my wallet then it lives in an old sock – clean of course. πŸ˜‰

    The veg patties turned out quite tasty and stuck together OK- just. Will post on the LOACA recipe thread as promised. Came in at abt 25C each. N

    Hello Efficient Fat Burners
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    Sunday Fun Day Enjoy

    Australia Computer Terminology – Getting ready for Broadband in the bush!!

    A little bit of Aussie culcha
    LOGON: Adding wood to make the barbie hotter
    LOG OFF: Not adding any more wood to the barbie.
    MONITOR: Keeping an eye on the barbie.
    DOWNLOAD: Getting the firewood off the ute.
    HARD DRIVE: Making the trip back home without any cold tinnies.
    KEYBOARD: Where you hang the ute keys.
    WINDOWS: What you shut when the weather’s cold.
    SCREEN: What you shut in the mozzie season..
    BYTE: What mozzies do
    MEGABYTE: What Townsville mozzies do.
    CHIP: A pub snack.
    MICROCHIP: What’s left in the bag after you’ve eaten the chips.
    MODEM: What you did to the lawns.
    LAPTOP: Where the cat sleeps.
    SOFTWARE: Plastic knives and forks you get at Red Rooster.
    HARDWARE: Stainless steel knives and forks – from K-Mart.

    MOUSE: The small rodent that eats the grain in the shed.
    MAINFRAME: What holds the shed up.
    WEB: What spiders make.
    WEBSITE: Usually in the shed or under the verandah.
    SEARCH ENGINE: What you do when the ute won’t go.
    CURSOR: What you say when the ute won’t go.
    YAHOO: What you say when the ute does go.

    UPGRADE: A steep hill.
    SERVER: The person at the pub who brings out the counter lunch.
    MAIL SERVER: The bloke at the pub who brings out the counter lunch.
    USER: The neighbour who keeps borrowing things.

    NETWORK:What you do when you need to repair the fishing net.

    INTERNET: Where you want the fish to go.
    NETSCAPE: What the fish do when they discover a hole in the net.

    ONLINE: Where you hang the washing.

    OFFLINE: Where the washing ends up when the pegs aren’t strong enough.

    RT you forgot a few:

    TABLET – what the doc gives you
    BLACKBERRY – what you pick for jam or a dessert

    Obviously we are having a lazy Sunday sitting round playing word games, but I have just picked 3 kg of blackberries, got the scratches to prove it!

    Haha! RT. Thanks for the laugh. Mmm! Blackberries! Yummy! Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi all. Had a busy weekend, so little forum reading.
    Hilarious RT. I’ve sent it on to mates.
    I love the sound of the rhubarb with duck. Blow….we are having duck tonight and it’s too late to buy some.
    Cooked corn and zucchini fritters for breakfast today. 1/2 cup corn, 1/2 cup grated zucchini, one egg, mix and cook in an egg ring (or 2). Could cool it and take as a lunch, served with salad. It might be good with bacon or feta in it also. Easy, quick and no flour. Cheers Purple

    Good morning all, having a lay in today after a very late night. I love having the freedom In retirement to do as I please everyday. A friend coming later for some knitting practise. Bitch and stitch session, good for the soul.

    Just soup on the agenda today , maybe a few prawns( fresh of course)

    Only exercise will be a dog walk. Cold and windy out there. We had a little snow yesterday but it didn’t settle.

    Keep busy everyone, keeps you out if the kitchen.

    In snow storm here. Going to a boring day inside with alot of sleeping. Long winter naps. On 27 hour water fast for 12 More hours . Going to work in 13 hours.
    this begins week 5 of 10 on the winter menu.will take a planned break week 11&12.
    Heres my monthly weigh in
    start 3, 2013 274lbs
    2-1-2015 216 lbs

    was hoping for more , still very pleased with the extended aspect.

    I’m going to look into the four day water fast to Kickstart the the four restarts per year. I’ll have to be under doctors care. I didn’t want to do the four day water fasts until I made this woe my wol. Coming up on the two year mark on 3.6.2015 im going to try and get the ball rolling on that . Will need to use vacation days at work. And other details to work out.

    BROADBAND – All female music group!

    “BROADBAND – All female music group!”


    was it something I said……………………

    LOL Amazon great way to wake up … another good laugh πŸ™‚ … loving all these plays on words πŸ˜†

    Sorry about Andy, Amazon πŸ™ P

    Hi everyone

    Thanks RT, SAMM and Amazon – what better way to face a cool wet (summer!) Monday morning than with a laugh.

    Amazon, sorry about your tennis hero. He played really well then seemed to lose concentration.

    Nama, your waistline and your garden both benefitted from your industry. Well done. Blackberries ripening here too- OH and grandson picked a small bucketful yesterday.

    First FD of the week started. Have cancelled Wednesday’s weights session because of difficulties with grip with my bruised hand so planning at least two FDs, today and Wednesday, with tomorrow also very low-cal. After a fairly undisciplined refined carb weekend (by my recent standards), although not over target TDEE, I weighed more this morning than last week at the same time by 0.6kg πŸ™ I hope it’s mostly water but three disciplined days should help.

    Happy Monday all and keep up the good work. N

    Hi Purple, Nicky

    Andy didn’t play as well as he had done throughout the tournament but he tried his best, and it is no disgrace to be beaten by the world no 1. He admitted that he became distracted by his opponents apparent fitness issues which then miraculously disappeared. At least he has recovered fully from his back surgery now, and is in good form. He’ll be back to world no 4 tomorrow, which is great news πŸ˜›

    Hi again Amazon, yes … mind games possibly. That thought did cross my mind too.
    Sleep tight!

    I’m going for 4 FDs this week, and because I don’t like to fast at the weekend, I’m going to do 2 x B2B, M/Tu and Th/F.

    Sorry you are in pain Nicky. Hope it heals quickly.
    I’m also at the top end of my range, so no question about fasting today. I’ll try to go until 6.30pm, but will have a hardboiled egg ready to wrap in a lettuce leaf if I’m desperate around 2pm. Keep flexible. Plan carefully. Happy days gang. P πŸ™‚

    Morning All Efficient Fat Burners
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    Hello Forum I offer up today some random thoughts slash confessions ok here I go I talk to myself all the time 😯 even as I write this one finger wonder I am quite happily having a bit of a chat to myself about what it is I’m actually trying to say πŸ˜‰ todays thinking out loud is how does everyone feel the next day after a fast? Awesome and amazing or Starved empty hungry nauseous and already have the menu for the day planned out ?. Breakfast – morning tea – lunch – afternoon tea – dinner- supper πŸ˜† Or NOT I am in the NOT camp and not hungry at all weird despite the intoxicating thought that I can have whatever I want I don’t want to ruin yesterday’s achievement interestingly enough I actually enjoy the challenge of a fast day 😯 of 1 meal a day now dinner 500cal or zero or somewhere in between on the EOD and now I often wonder if I do this 4 days a week why not 7 days? I can do 1890cal TDEE on non-fast day a huge difference hey ? Jojo has 400cal fast day then 1100cal non fast all 19/5 and SAMM he has a 300cal lunch a 300cal dinner fast day in 19/5 then 100cal am 700cal lunch then 700cal dinner non fast day yes I am stalking you both 😈 basically double a fast day. Why is it so πŸ’‘ Ok I went to the beach Saturday down to Beachport which is about a 90min trip (plenty of silent talking) very windy and cold sadly bbrrr where’s the summer at Nama curse you πŸ˜‰ ?? How’s this the eye catching cafΓ© blackboard special item a crayfish sandwich (1) fresh cut with seafood sauce a steal at the low low price of $19 I hope it came with a twist of orange and a sprig of parsley hmm I think NOT 😯 have a happy fast day
    Life is a journey
    Time is a river
    The door is ajar
    Peace RT

    Nicky, sorry to hear that your hand is still sore, but resting it is the best medicine.

    Definitely mind games, we call it his Dying Swan act.

    I’ve bought some unsweetened almond milk to try. It has less calories than my usual cows milk so I thought I would try it, and it is OK in coffee so I’ll use it on FDs

    Thinking about your almond milk, A, I wonder how farmers manage to keep up with the changes we all make regularly in our eating these days? Who ate kale, fennel, spelt and quinoa, for example, ten years ago? It must be a nightmare when you plant something trendy and it goes out of favour before you have made a profit. Thought for the day. P πŸ™‚

    Hi Amazon,

    I use unsweetened almond milk in my morning ‘latte’ Monday to Friday. Not only is it low cal but, according to another poster who is diabetic, it does not affect blood sugar/ insulin.

    Win win! Unlike some today…

    Just found this site and it has loads of 5.2 recipes . I am going to try some of them ….


    Wee xx

    A very good morning to all and thanks so much for all the amazing info and inspiration and for the all-important laughs πŸ™‚ Must confess to feeling a little overwhelmed by so many posts in such a short time but it is good to go back and read them more slowly to be sure I don’t miss a gem – welcome to the new members too. Wishing happy fasting for the Monday fasters and happy eating if you’re not πŸ™‚

    Hi again everyone, enjoying my first ‘at work’ cup of tea.

    RT, interesting musings. Like you I’m not food focussed after FDs, although if I don’t pay attention, the days I’m not at work can easily undo the effort, like the weekend just gone.

    The most valuable thing I have learned from this WOL is that hunger pangs now hold no fear for me. I used to be scared that if I didn’t respond to them then I would lose all control and eat the contents of the fridge, followed by whatever else was around. Of course we all know firstly from Dr M and also from our own experiences that the feelings come AND GO.

    When I am paying attention it is easy to apply all the well-known distraction strategies equally well on non-FDs but I still haven’t permanently defeated the absent-minded nibbling that brought me undone in the first place. I feel so empowered by Wednesday home time that I too wonder why not 7 days/week? However, the beauty for me of this sustainable WOL is its flexibility which can accommodate social events and holidays.

    Hi comespring, have a good day.

    Thanks for the recipe link Wee.

    Keep up the good work everyone. N

    Wow Amazon you are a champion faster M/T Th/Fri that is outstanding commitment fantastic stuff

    RT, what a wonderful list of definitions! You have all bases covered. Obviously the ute has a mind of its own.

    Back from our week in Sydney with the children and grandchildren. Lovely time getting to know their wife & partner, hot until Monday, could have done without the rain. But at least we brought it back with us, have had almost 20mm on our parched land. Just hope the lawn survives, but I trust the roots will have life in them.

    Put on more in the week away than I did over the Christmas period, but it’s sliding off again, yay. Fasting today. I found it hard as I was awake very early this morning, and was falling asleep at my desk.

    Keep well, all, especially those with aches, twinges and pains.

    I must report that OH has gone off 5:2. He had a hair sample analysis a few weeks ago, and has now been prescribed a pharmacy of supplements (he’s such a fussy eater, didn’t want to know about it if it meant having to change his diet, but I know how to sneak good things in, particularly in the one-dish meals of winter). There’s no point him fasting while he’s trying to boost his calcium and rid himself of the arsenic, we wouldn’t know which was working.

    Hi Barata
    I’m glad you enjoyed your stay here and took some of the rain with you πŸ˜‰
    It’s tricky working out what brings about changes in human bodies…so many variables. At least we can sneak some extra veg into the diets of these fussy boys. I made a lasagne using miracle lasagne pasta and basically all veg and he didn’t notice.
    Good luck losing the holiday extra. I’m sure you will. Cheers P

    Thanks, P. Yes, the grams are already on the way out. And it doesn’t matter how long it takes! Love 5:2.

    I have been looking at the ideas for using cauliflower, and think I can see a way to introduce another vegie. I already blend up broccoli in soups, and as long as he can’t see it he’s happy. Your corn and zucchini fritters look yum – I do corn sometimes as a meat-free meal, with or without salad, but the zucchini are swelling nicely in the garden.

    cheers, B

    That’s why I had to come up with ways of getting rid of zucchini and filling the boy with veg. Sneaky, aren’t we? πŸ˜‰ P

    Not sneaky, P, caring. We have to do as much as we can get away with, to keep them with us for as long as possible. πŸ™‚ He grew up on meat and three vegies, with the vegies boiled from here to there, so has come a long way. B

    Yep Barata. That’s what keeps me on the straight and narrow. I intend to enjoy many more healthy years with my fella. πŸ™‚ P

    Lucky for me my OH loves veggies, it’s getting him to eat them without butter/sauce/salt that’s been the hardest, but he’s there now (well 99% of the time, let’s face it he needs a treat or to have what he really likes every now and then too πŸ˜€ )

    Just had a phone call from a friend from down the Mount, he’s up this way and has nothing that he can do until 5am so he’s coming to stay the night … with his semi I might add, lol, luckily neighbours also have semi’s come to stay the night so no issues here πŸ˜€

    Gotta run as he’ll be here any minute and will need some food as he’s been travelling all day with only liquids (no he’s not on this WOL as far as I’m aware).

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