Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • I’m afraid OH is rather unadventurous regarding Asian cuisines, so we don’t try them often. Fortunately we both enjoy Mexican, Italian – and Indian. He only survived in China when he had to travel on business by eating western food at the hotel.

    A cool 18 degrees predicted today – Wellington summer!

    Hi Jojo

    Well done with the weight. I am still keeping a lookout for the cocky. I rush out and clap my hands and he is off. He waits on the cable to see who it is. When it’s me, he leaves. πŸ˜†

    My records have taught me that I am more likely to wake up hungry if I have eaten carbs and sugars the day before.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Bay

    Poor little birdie is scared of you πŸ˜‰

    I’m going to start making notes of how hungry I am each morning. I’m sure it won’t be long before I see the same results as you πŸ™

    Hi everyone

    Welcome Wilbersnanna, as you have probably already discovered, there are several cyber mates here from the ‘other thread’. Good to hear from you.

    Bay, my money is on you for the remaining apricots. I’m always up to my ears in preserving fruit in January with jam, bottling and drying (freezing as a last resort). I love to look in the pantry at the ‘money in the bank’ – come the revolution my family will be OK, at least for fruit! πŸ˜‰

    We put out seed most mornings and get Adelaide rosellas (parrots for our NH mates), common bronzewings (pigeons) and red-browed firetails (finches) daily and the occasional visit from rainbow lorikeets and galahs. Australia is certainly the land of parrots. On the other side of the house we put out grated cheese (a trick learned from a museum ornithologist mate) for the magpies (they tap their beaks on the kitchen window and will come inside if given the chance), crows, occasional currawong and red wattlebirds. When only cheese β€˜dust’ is left the fairy wrens come, plus a very persistent blackbird which we discourage at every opportunity.

    Continuing β€˜no breakfast’ routine this week. Yesterday the fasting window was nearly 18hrs, due to circumstances. Even with no proper fast days, just keeping to about 1000C, 0.8kg gone in 7 days πŸ˜† Had very heavy weights session yesterday afternoon, temps 38C outside, abt 30C inside. I drank nearly 2L. Another session due tomorrow morning – think will stay in bed late on Saturday πŸ˜‰

    Keep up the good work everyone.


    Try watching ‘last tango in Halifax’ too, excellent programme. I should add that one of my favourite boxed sets was ‘Westwing’ bloody marvellous programme.

    I have just watched’The Jersey Boys’ absolutely loved it.

    I may need to check out the show.

    Really fancy a shopping trip but what to buy – swimsuit ? Waterproof trousers for my walks? Both items really big now.

    Just planning a weekend of walking in the countryside of East Sussex, so I guess the waterproofs are a higher priority.

    Not been my best food day today, it seems when you slip of the plan it continues to go down the swanny. Snacking on nuts and oranges this evening. Could have been worse I guess!

    My new activities start next week, I feel so excited to be doing different things ( running, Nordic walking and a Rock choir) and meeting lots of new people. It’s so sad that some people hate to try new things, it is so rejuvenating. At the moment I feel like a teenager, fortunately without the spots or parental arguments – bliss.

    Good stuff Nicky. You’ll be fading away soon. Fabulous!
    Bay, you don’t think the cockie thinks you are praising him by clapping your hands, do you? πŸ˜‰
    The talk about carbs and hunger has strenthened my resolve to not fall for that trick again. Isn’t this community of fasters such a reinforcing habit? P


    The McCormack’s are one of the legendary families of the High Country. I have a friend who is one. He was living up there when ‘The Man from Snowy River’ was filmed. He tells some great stories about it. His sister had a date with Tom Burlison during the filming. Love the bra story.


    Thanks for the info. on the Stephen Hawkins Movie. I will dependently go see it now. There is so many movies out at the moment that I want to see.

    Happy fasting everyone.

    We crossed over Jojo. It is SO annoying, isn’t it? Any food, even a couple of nuts, stimulates the appetite and dissolves the determination. I guess we’ve been conditioned to eat when food is available. Pity it is SO available these days. P

    Jojo, ‘Last Tango’ was favourite viewing, and ‘West Wing’ is the only set I have bought (apart from our local ‘Outrageous Fortune’).


    Ops just re-read my post. I meant Definitely not Dependently. Bloody spell check (lol).

    Fast day spoiled. Going to dinner with my wife a nd daughter. Fish it is.

    Not exactly frustrating, it goes like this.

    wake up its very cold. Lets go some where to eat and get warmed up.

    Heating blanket was doing just fine.

    Its nice to get out of the cabin though!

    Nicky, I’ve watched most of the birds you’ve mentioned in my Adelaide friends garden. I could watch them for hours especially as most of them are so beautifully dressed in feathers all colours of the rainbow.
    My friends in Perth had a family of fairy wrens living in their garden. Every morning mum and dad would come onto the terrace and hop around. One morning I was sitting there and they brought the 3 kids!

    Hi SAMM.

    Hello all – the most wonderful, wonderful rain is falling all over my garden and more importantly all over the fire ground of the SA fires, not far away. Such a relief after the heat and I’m sure many weary fire fighters are going home for a decent sleep today. What heroes they are.
    FD for me after a couple of days wrestling the hormone harpies who insist on ridiculous calorific intake as some sort of misguided way of making me feel better… I’m sure that’s tmi for some but I’m so easily seduced πŸ™ Okay, well, time for a coffee outside watching the rain and rejoicing. Sending out success-laden vibes to all fasters today.

    Re carbs. I meant to say processed carbs. I do not mean vegetables, or yogurt etc. 😳

    By carbs and sugars, I mean processed food, starchy foods, rice, pasta, all forms of sugar, grains, etc.

    The cocky is wary of me! I don’t believe they are scared of anyone, Amazon. πŸ™„

    I made some apricot conserve. Will see how it tastes when it cools.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    We are working our way through Foyles War. Love it. West Wing is my all time favourite series. Gotta go! πŸ˜‰ will read other posts later. B

    Foxtel did a deal with the BBC, so many of our favourite programs (like Call the Midwife) are disappearing of our free public broadcaster. πŸ™ Jolly Rupert!
    Bergan, the Danish political series, is the boxed set we love. And I’ll watch anything with Neil Oliver πŸ˜‰ Love that accent Wee!
    Enjoy the rain comespring…and the fast πŸ˜‰ P

    West Wing a favorite in our family as well. My son still watches his box set every now and again.
    Jojo, the Jersey Boys live was fabulous! Dancing in the aisles at the end!
    Hubby and I and the boys are going to Motown:The Musical on my birthday at the end of the month (Christmas gift from the boys), and I am so looking forward to it. Should be a blast!

    Morning/evening all,

    I did it!! I got up early, (for me) and went swimming for an hour from 8 til 9 this morning! And really enjoyed it too, obviously didn’t drown at the deep end! Lots of room for improvement, so I now have a challenge ahead. I love the lack of getting sweaty, plus the lack of strain on knees. And how easy to measure improvement if it’s simply in laps achieved. Jojo I did spy on some more mature folk having a water aerobics session, agree with you, definitely not my cup of tea.

    Re your dizzy spell Jojo, it would have to be low blood sugar. I think it was Happy who mentioned insulin and I agree. Your high carbs last evening would have led to a spike in insulin released to deal with them, then that insulin would have dropped your blood sugar so low that after sleeping all night, you probably left for bowls with an already too-low blood sugar. Before you even did any exercise. Lower blood sugar is far healthier, but there is a limit!

    RT should we start calling you Bear Griils? I love food too much to fast for a long time, great that you are enjoying them so much. Be careful, you will get addicted!

    Kierra that’s amazing you know a Mc Cormack! My Mums family farmed in Seymour but they were all related to the Mansfield ones. I have spoken to a lady in Mansfield who gave me a copy of their branches history, really fascinating. Our elderly neighbour in Jamieson has horses and he actually supplied some for the Snowy River movie, he has shown me his old photo albums. What luck to go out with Tom…… Spunky!

    Nicky thanks for the hint about grated cheese for Magpies, never would have tried that. Mine would come inside if I let them too! Yesterday I spoiled them with a leftover pork sausage, boy they loved that. We put out seed in Jamieson, millions of Rosellas there. But my absolute favourites are the Fairy Wrens. A whole family does a sweep of the garden morning and night. They remind me of those little birds that used to be on Easter eggs! Which reminds me, saw hot cross buns yesterday!!

    Well done one and all for all your great successes and thankyou all so much for all the enthusiasm and encouragement. I never would have gotten into the pool this morning without this thread (and 5:2 of course!) The enthusiasm here is infectious!

    Great job on the swim, Nama!

    That sounds like just what my family needs a day at the Indoor pool.
    My crawl is become uncoordinated in last few years.

    As I usually practice the energy conservation , so if I fall overboard , I can last longer.
    I did go in late august but haven’t done swimming HIIT since then. My gym doesn’t have a pool.
    The crawl is an example of compound movements. Where more than 1 muscle group is be used in aerobic exercise.
    My understanding is if there is great pain in the calf. We can carry a kettle ball on the pool and walk backwards for therapy to strengthen and reduce scar tissues in the calf. Though I do enjoy the freetime of adult swim.
    In the summer though when I get hot , I can just jump overboard and tread water like mad. So in the winter I do go to the deep end and tread water to keep those muscle groups active.
    -3f degrees here , windchill even feels even colder.

    Backatcha Amazon!

    I think you’re right about the walking backwards in the pool SAMM it seems to work really well for the injury you describe. Can I ask, do you live on a boat or work on the water? The image of you falling overboard is a little concerning to say the least :-0 Right now I’d love to be in -3f weather.
    Great effort on the swimming Nama!! Nothing like action to motivate. I’d planned to swim this morning but the thunder & lightening woke me up so I assumed the pool would enact it’s ‘thunderstorm policy’ and turf everyone out of the water, if they even opened up which is unlikely.
    I’m cooking today (as a favour for friends) but it’s a bummer on a FD as 1) it’s making me hungry and 2) I can’t taste to assess spices/herbs/seasoning balance. oh well, I’m making extra for us so will test it out tomorrow. Till then, I CAN do this FD successfully… and thanks to all of you for the company that makes it so much easier xx

    Hi Samm and comespring
    When I tore a knee ligament two years ago, the thing that helped the most was bicycling backwards in the pool. Absolutely does your head in getting the action. You have to lie back a fair way and forced yourself to do it the unnatural way. As I had to keep my injured hand dry at the same time, it was quite a challenge.
    Swam again this morning. As my pool is 2 metres deep and gets lots of leaves, diving to retrieve leaves is great lung and muscle exercise. P

    Hi there

    Another 6 kg fresh apricots picked this morning. No cocky peck marks, so think he’s a bit daunted. πŸ™„

    Sadly, I proved that I don’t like apricot jam, too sweet. Love lightly poached Moorpark (thanks, Nicky) apricots. Have frozen about 5 kg of lightly poached, no sugar. A regular supply guaranteed for months to come. πŸ˜‰

    After tasting the jam, I felt vaguely sick and craved vinegar, so just made a green salad with beetroot and Polski ogorki added in, for a late lunch. Crazy, ha!

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Not crazy at all Bay. I detoxed from the sugar/carb slipup yesterday by fasting today until after 2, then a microwaved organic corn cob, lettuce,chickpea, walnut and cauliflower salad, a couple of little veg patties, hummus, cucumber and my homemade tomato relish. Yummy vegan food. Delicious. So sustaining and totally satisfying. Now for a hot afternoon snooze …… πŸ˜‰

    Hi All, sorry to be hogging the postings today but I wanted to report on the spicy turnip soup recipe that someone suggested recently (bbc foods site if I recall). YUMMY!!! As I was cooking anyway, thought I’d have something at the end of all my efforts (apart from a craving for vegetable lasagna and insatiable hunger pangs) so I modified the recipe to exclude the oil and it was (is) so delicious. I chopped up 1.3kg of turnips, cause that’s how many I’d bought πŸ˜‰ threw in 6 cloves of garlic and sprinkled over ground cumin, coriander & chilli and a handful each of cumin seeds and coriander seeds and wet the whole lot with a good splash of vegetable stock. Roasted for an hour or so and zapped it in the food processor with lots more stock till it was the right creamy consistency. I’m just having a big bowl of it now and it feels like an indulgence its SO creamy and it’s very filling. A definite FD winner but if I cooked this much again, I’d use more water and less stock when processing it, as I find stock too salty (even the salt-reduced) and I’m watching my sodium intake. I estimated a calorie value of about 450 for the whole lot (about 2 and a half litres of it!!) based on 195cals for the turnips (1.3 kg at 15cals per 100g) 30cals for the garlic and 170cals for the stock – I don’t generally count spices but added in 55cals for those as well just to be safe. Totally recommended – thanks x

    Comespring….to overcome the salt, could you just add a lot more water and some chilli flakes now and heat it up for a little bit? Cool it and freeze in ziplock bags in fast day portions. No panic when you can’t hold back any more! P πŸ˜‰

    I am ashamed to say I have never tasted a turnip! Now I want to, esp in that soup! Parsnips are a big favourite, I gather turnips similar but not as sweet?

    Purple I like to think I can be innovative, but how on earth do you store soup in zip lock bags? Do you put the bags in a small bowl or something then pour it in? I usually buy packs of the cheap takeaway containers from the market or $2 shops and use them til they fall apart, but your system sounds interesting.

    Snap, Purple! Just what I do with all my soups, add water and chili. I don’t blend the vegetables in my soups, as I like the crunch when on a FD. Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Nama, Well done on the swim. So hot here today 34c. πŸ™„ too hot for golf this afternoon. Bay πŸ™‚

    Thanks Bay, it was really enjoyable. Hard work but relaxing too. Re soup, I often blend half of it so it’s thicker but still has chunks in it. And if you add a tin of evaporated milk you can kid yourself it has cream in it!

    Oh Nama! I’m very clever. ..Jamie Oliver’s apprentice!
    Cool the soup completely, work out the weight of one fast day serve, sit a small zip lock bag in a cup or measuring cup on your kitchen scales. Fill each one to the correct weight and, while it’s still in the cup use you fingers to squeeze most the the air out of the top and seal. Don’t forget to label with cals and date before filling.
    Once it’s sealed you could use it as a hackie sack or lie it flat on a metal baking tray in the freezer until frozen. You end up with lots of thin flat packets of soup. Take vey little room. P

    Thanks Jamie, I will certainly do that next time!

    Excellent ideas purple, I’m using the nifty ziplock bag system too (probably read it in one of your posts) but I also need something I can throw into my work bag frozen so it slowly defrosts at work so have a variety of containers in the freezer (our freezer makes us look like survivalists I’m sure). I’ve already frozen the soup but will add water when I reheat it – a portion is about 60cals and SO satisfying. I’m not a huge fan of turnips either Nama but this is so nutty and spicy and yum!! And it’s filing – it’s almost 6pm and I’m not really hungry yet and usually by now I need to be preparing dinner or I start biting heads off πŸ˜‰

    I use zip lock bags also for space saving freezing.

    Air can be nearly completed and easily removed by inserting a drinking straw into the nearly sealed bag and sucking out (my OH showed me this!). It makes a huge difference for the air content and volume of all food we freeze.

    Also to save space in the freezer, but still allow you to transport the food, you can freeze it in a bag inside a container. Once frozen, the container can then be removed. But for safe transportation simply pop the frozen bag back in the container and off you go.

    P, Re getting the hang of backward cycling. For those of us who are or have been gym bunnies, this may be an technique mastered already on an elliptical trainer…

    Morning/evening all.
    Pouring with rain here.

    Nama, well done on getting to the pool. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it and intend to continue. Exercise is addictive which is a good thing IMHO.
    I’m hoping that the fitness centre I’m visitng later is the one for me as I am really keen to get started in the gym and the pool, and get back to Pilates.

    I always cut out or greatly reduce oil in recipes to keep the calories down and/or allow the addition of more veggies. When making soup I rarely use bought stock powder/concentrate as they are invariably over seasoned, and once again, there is a calorie count. I add water and whatever herbs and spices I feel like using.

    If I buy chicken portions, any bones get put in a bag until I have enough to make stock, and if I roast a chicken the carcass gets stripped and chucked in a pan with lots of veggies, herbs and water for stock. I freeze it in plastic bags using the jug trick after cooling it and skimming off any fat. At 20 calories per 500ml it is worth the effort for the flavout it adds to anything.

    My freezer is full of small square stackable pots with 300-350 calorie portions of various curries, chillies, tagines,plus some non FD leftovers. After an incident where one of the 2 small pieces of lamb I defrosted turned out to be tuna, I have started labelling everything, and I also have a list on the door with what is inside and how many calories (I knew those tacky souvenir fridge magnets I’m addicted to buying would come in useful) so I don’t forget about anything.

    Thai style green curry with turkey for FD dinner tonight

    Amazon I love my freezer too. Got into it 40 yrs ago when we ate a lot more meat and it was much cheaper to buy a whole side of beef. Nowadays it’s more chicken but love the freezer for its convenience. Hate food shopping so I usually stock up with everything to minimise visiting shops. Have even frozen gluts of milk way back when my son had a casual job at a milk factory and used to bring it home every night! And I figure if you are going to the trouble of making something it’s much simpler to make a whole lot and freeze some for later. I love Jojo’s expression of making “Vats” of soup, sounds like she is cooking for an army!

    As I live alone the only way to enjoy any type of curry, stew etc without having to eat it for days on end is to use the freezer. I worked for the NHS and was often home very late due to emergencies arising when on call, so having somthing in the freezer that I could defrost and heat up in the microwave in a matter of minutes was a much cheaper and tastier option than any of the local takeaways, if they were still open! I also used to freeze small portions to take for lunch which was always mucg tastier than anything on offer in the canteen, and also much cheaper. Batch cooking is fun, and I’m usually making more than one thing.

    Hi all. Just been reading about the soup. Must get some out of the freezer ready for lunch!
    I am really determined to get rid of my surplus fat.All you “Jojoketeers” are so inspiring! We are the Fat Fighters!!!
    I am also keen on improving health with the benefits from fasting.
    Have a great day everyone. WN.

    Hi all.

    I’ve joined the gym Smiley

    I was shown round and had a chat with one of the managers. I can go between 9am-4pm any day and if there is a class I want to attend after 4pm, I just need to arrive before then and I can do it!
    I’m starting next Thursday with a gym instructor to show me how to use everything and work out a routine. It is very cheap in comparison to other private members only clubs. I am excited πŸ˜›

    Amazon that’s great that it met your expectations! Private eh? Hope you will still talk to us!

    That’s wonderful, Amazon! Cheers to senior discounts!

    I decided to go for it without delay as there is no joining fee at the moment, and I’ve paid for a year up front as I get 2 months free, and it is an incentive to go should I need one. It is only a couple of pounds per month more than I was paying for 4 Pilates classes, so if I make good use of the place I’m getting a really good deal.

    I wonder if Jojo has slept in? Too much exercise maybe? Just joking Jojo…..
    Also, where are you Weemam? Please tell us you are ok. I hope your back isn’t worse!

    Struggled again today with fasting but I’ve got through to dinner so I know I’ll be fine now. I had toast and cake yesterday and was starving this morning.
    I’m going to fast again tomorrow as I have several social events next week that involve eating out.

    Hiya all I am still here and just reaD ABOUT 40 POSTS . gLAD YOU ARE ALL DOING SO WELL AND LOVING THE JOKES TOO πŸ™‚
    yesterday OH helped me on with my boots and we ventured to Lidl . We needed fresh fruit and most everything else fresh . Was fine getting into the car but getting out was πŸ™ . managed with walking with the trolley OH put everything in the trolley and did all the packing .
    Got home and tripped over a paving slab getting out of the car ouch . I got a telling off from family but I am not one for sitting on my bum and I was going stir crazy .
    I am still sticking to my FD as usual but harder with being stuck in . I have butternut squash roasting at the moment Nom! Nom!.

    Please excuse all the typos . Missing you all BUT loving all the posts . Better than any novel lol xx

    Love Wee xx

    Good evening friends,
    What can I say for neglecting you all today!
    I did in fact oversleep and then dashed off to play bowls, brilliant game. Then an unplanned healthy lunch followed by a lovely afternoon with friends catching up on the good old days( well the last six months).

    I cannot believe how good I feel, it’s like a drug, I am so happy. Losing weight and having loads of energy is transforming my life.

    Amazon, I am thrilled that you have joined a gym and look forward to your posts about what you are doing.

    I cancelled going to dance class tonight in favour of some time to chill, relaxation is key to our success too. I have a long walk, lunch and party tomorrow but will try to post after weigh in.

    Remember that Saturday is nearly here so you have the opportunity for a final push. Go for it!

    I really hope this ‘high’ doesn’t end in a terrible crash, I can’t quite believe I am the same person that I was 2 years ago. I was fat, depressed and a couch potato now I am chunky(size 16/18), happy and rarely sit still for more than an hour. Losing 5 stone can transform your life, please give yourself this opportunity to find happiness. Stop looking back and placing blame, move forward and enjoy success.

    Hi Jojo,

    Great to hear that you are enjoying life so much more. I understand where you are coming from as I feel so much better about myself and I’m now keen to get out and involved inactivites and meet new people and (hopefully) make new friends.

    I am so excited about the gym, and looking forward to my first visit next Thursday. I’ve done almost nothing since my return from Cuba, but this week and next I’m doing something nearly every day.Talk about feast or famine, but I guess that fits in with my eating habits πŸ˜†
    I was going to an open evening for a group that do outdoor activites and walking, but I’ve decided I’ll get going in the gym first and attend next months meeting, as I don’t want to take on too much at once.
    I’ve also been invited to a party next weekend πŸ™‚

    Hi Wee. Have you seen the Dr yet about your poorly back? :big hug:

    Woo Hooo 1.4kg down the gurgler πŸ˜€ that’s approx 3 lb πŸ˜€ so I’m very VERY happy with that particularly as every day this week when I’ve weighed I’ve been the same then today VOILA! going down πŸ˜€

    I’ll post this then go back and read everyone’s posts πŸ˜€

    Well done AO. I’ve not been near the scales yet but I know it works so am happy to wait.

    Hi everyone, checked back through the posts since I was last on (other than my quick burst just before).

    Jojo glad to hear all’s going well and playing well too πŸ™‚ my weigh day is today, Friday, as we always go out Friday night and so there’s no way I would weigh on a Saturday, lol, IYKWIM πŸ˜€ so I hope my weighing today is okay with the group.

    I’m really feeling great regarding that loss, it’s not been an easy week as I’ve been trying to remove the sugars/sweet things but yesterdays FD was a beauty, nothing to eat until dinner where I had a porterhouse (120g cooked) and chinese cabbage (half a plateful) then afterwards (about an hour) had a medium sized hard boiled egg.

    I really believe the key is not only what/how much we eat but also the timing of when we eat.

    I’m sitting listening to a frog in our pond (happy to hear the froggie) while typing this and hearing the birds too, still looking overcast outside just hope it’s not too warm today as I don’t like the humidity, I like the heat just not when it’s humid too πŸ˜€ (yay just saw the forecast, 22oC with thunder storms).

    I’ll pop in when I can but probably only to read as short day at work followed by afternoon at a friend’s home, back home, take puppy to vet for vaccination booster, then out for dinner tonight πŸ˜€

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